HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-12-12, Page 411,xose1s %loot, "IVICTRSDAY, DEC, 12, 1901, ONTAauo made quite a sweep of prizes at Rho Live Stook Show ,M Obioago laet Week. Jatnee Snell, of l:iullett, was one of the judges on sheep, Ruinstairia it that tn... ovegleok will not be a candidate in the East Riding of Hann inO s tion t Arc ib ld • iel H en I p b a H o ppo p, the present popular X. P. P. Login DnrrJ8IN ie il1. His many well, %lettere in Oanade will be pleased to bear Of hie restoration ae well ae abet of our sturdy representative, Lard Stratboone, A mans, called the Maheude, in lodia hag been giving the British a little troth. le batbave been given a drubbing that may clear up the insurrection cloud that overcast the sky, Monnnw mode of warfare is quite differ- ent to the Wellington and Napoleon style oP elaying man by the thoneande. Jest now Lord Kitobener'e style appears to be the biook house and barbed wire fenoe. CLINTon has loaned: the Messrs. Rana- ford to Brneaele but we have been the pioneer in this reoiprooity movement in supplying them with Dr. Shaw, their ex. Mayor, Dr. Graham, Jae. Danford, Geo. Roberton, &o„ and we are quite sure no fault can be found withthesample. No person who visite the Huron House of Refuge and sees the comfort and non. tentment of 78 occupants will leave the well managed institution without thor- oughly appreciating the good work done for tbe poor and helpless in conneotion therewith. If there are still people op• posed to suchhnmane harbors of refuge they should make a visit to Clinton and satisfy themselves. Ix looks a little as if President Room. vett was rather inolined to be a friendly neighbor to the Dominion of Oanada. We stand in a very different position to that of a few years ago in the matter of reoiprooity with the 17. S. and nobody knows it better than onr Yankee cousins. Canadian trade San no longer be sneezed at and the outlook is most favorable for large increases. MR. WHITNEY was oredited with saying in reference to West Heron election, be. fore polling day, that he was willing to take the recorded expressiou of the people in that Biding as an index of how the Provincial eleotions will go in Outario next Jane. If he is still of the same opinion the outlook will not be exceeding. ly bright as there wee no uncertain soand in Garrow'e hundreds. BaussELs Board of Health are bustlers when they set about it. Those who are acquainted with its personality will be likely to doubt an oft repeated fact "that great bodies move slowly." The Board is constituted of Rev. R. Pant, Reeve Ross, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, W. Jewitt, Health Officer Dr. MoNaaghton and San. itary Inspector Mol auohlin. No light weights. Anything this body site on will never trouble anybody, except for iii burial Bona political parties without doubtgot a hustle on them in the West Huron bye. election. The 20 pounders were on the platforms of the riding, so were the pop. guns. This contest was a warming - up canter preparatory to the Spring gen- ;,oral election races. West Haronites t shoald not require very much practice in matters political as they have bad a good share of contests during the past 5 or 10 years. We would just as soon have our lot oast in the good East Riding, however, where bye elections are unknown. Tan sad drowning aooident at Ottawa in whioh Mies Blair, daughter of Hon. Mr. Blair, who wag skating with Mr. Oreelmsn, and Jr. Harper, who went to the resoae of the two who broke through the ion, lost their life in their lives in the Ottawa river, should be a warning to tbe many ventnreeeme people who are not often even reasonably careful in the seleo. tion of time and plane for this pleasant amusement. Many have been the warns- ing and admonitions bob the list of casuaities contiones to grow with every passing season. Vlirroxeter . J. N. Allen bas proved his drug store morose to the Hemphill Block, The contract for wood for the Publio school was let to 11, MoMiobsel at about $170 a oord. Mrs, A. E. Paulin, we are sorry to bear, hoe bad a severe attack of intim. mato*, rheumatism. Methodist Sunday School will hold their annual entertainment in the Town Hall here on'I bnreday evening, Deo, 19, The Ladies' Aid of the Wroxeter Free. byterian abnrob will bold a social and sale of work on Friday evening, Dee. 18th, in the basement of the thumb. Mise Agnes Black and cousin, Ella MoLennan, of Loudon, were visiting here. Miss Blank spent her holidays at home and returned to school Monday of laet week, At a meeting of the School Board on Tuesday evening of lash week the matter of engaging a teaober,to take the plane of Mies Gibson was considered. Out of over 20 applications Mies F. Purser, of Port Hope, was accepted at a salary of 9250. Ike /-HURON 00, COUNCIL, (Contiunod krona loot week.) Letter trent Dr, Whitley mated the Donnell 60 allow him .t0 withdraw hie ap plication fpr the position of jail gargeen. —Granted, 110pport of Speoial Committee was pre tented, Ml'. Lockhart 000upied thechair in Committee. Report passed both in Committee and Council. Report of House of Refuge Committee was taken up with Mr. Make in the Chair and was passed. Finance Committee's report was taken ap, Me, Cbambers in the chair. Report was adopted, Messrs Mitchell and Allan addressed the Counoil in the interests of the Poultry and Pet Stook Aseo, of Huron 00. Commit adjourned to. Friday int 10 o'olook on : motion of Messrs. Kerr and Molts. num nontuNG. All the members were present except Mc. Bowman who was oalled home owing to his father's illness. After minutes were read application was made by Walton . Public Library for the usual grant of 915.00. Referred to Estimative Committee. Report of Education Committee was read, Mr. Kerr in the ohair in Commit. tee. Report adopted. Report of Building Committee on Jailer's residence was presented ; Mr. Cantelon in the chair in Committee of the whole and was passed in Committee and Council. Motion of Messrs. Miller and Hays the Co. Commissioner was authorized to see that proper notions were placed on Co. bridges relative to trotting over bridges. Connell adjourned to meet at 8 p. m. FRIDAY AFTERNOON BESRiON. Council resumed at 8 p. m. Warden in the ohair. Supplementary Report of Finance Committee was presented, with Mr. Chambers in the ohair. Report was adopted. Executive Committee's report was read and in Committee Mr. Miller was chairman. Report accepted and adopted. Co. Property report was con sidered, A delegation from Colborne and Gode- rioh townships relative to a new bridge over the river Maitland was received. Council was addressed by Reeve Johne and Messrs. Barns, Hill, Jewel, Leath. weite, R. Holmes, M. P., Major Beck, Flick and Commissioner Ansley. In the election of Jail Physician the vote stood as follows : Dr. Taylor— Messrs. Cantelon, Connolly, Chambers, Ferguson, Hays, Lockhart, Patterson, Speakman and Torrance Total, 9. For Dr. Hunter—Messrs. Hicks, Kerr, Lam tint, Miller, McLean and Warden Holt. Total, 6. Dr. Taylor was declared elect. ed and he will assume the office on Jan. 1st, 1902. Council then adjourned. Fames E0ENING. At the evening session the report of the Road and Bridge Committee was present- ed and Mr. Patterson was asked to take the chair. Report was passed with the amending of the last clause, which dealt with the Colborne and Goderioh town- ships proposed bridge. By laws Nos. 6 and 7, dealing with the appointment of jail surgeon at 9120 per anoum, and the school arbitration, were read and passed. • On notion of Messrs. Kerr and Obam- bere, supported by Mr. Hays, a standing vote of thanks was passed to Warden Holt for the ability, courtesy and fair minded manner in which he had per- formed bis duties in the chair. "He's a jolly good fellow," was sung after which the Warden made a suitable reply. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Torrance, that this Council do now ad. ourn to the 4th Tuesday in Jannary.— Carried. MANCE COtItII'rTEE'6 REPORT. A number of acoounta were submitted to this Committee and after due examin• ation were ordered to be paid. JAB. Bowttart, Chairman. ii'ECIAL COtitnTTEE. Ia reference to motion of Messrs. Mil- ler and Kerr relative to the closing of the Finanoial year at the House of Refuge on Deo, 1st instead of Jan. let, so as to have report presented to the December sessions of the Co. Council, we recom- mend that the motion be acted upon. Regarding the question of better proteo• tion at railway crossing as to the cattle guards, &o., we recommend that Warden and Clerk be instructed to sign petition bearing on same and forward it to House of Commons. W. H. Kase, Chairman. REPORT OF 0000 PROPERTY OOBtttITTEE. We visited the Jailer's residence and found the building now occupied by the Jailer and his family, and apparently everything is well spited for the purpose. The Building Committee saw fit to make some slight changes with te few extras and after careful examination we think they were justified in Bo doing. The old kitchen stove in Jailer's residence has been replaced by a new range the account of which will appear in theFinanoe Com. mitten's report. We have also visited the jail and found the inmates to cor- respond with the Jailer's report. Found everything satisfactory. We would ad- vise the enlargement of the jail kitchen by the removal of a partition as requested by Jailer Griffin; that the door and frame from jail to residence be covered with galvanized iron so as to reduce insuranoe ; that ate electric, bell be put between the Jailer's residence and the turnkey's office and a bell put on front door ; that the Jailer's request for 6 pair of pants for prisoners be granted, We recommend that a telephone be not put in the turn. key's residence. We examined the Registry office and Conn House and found everything in good order. We frecommend that Jailer's report be pub. lished in the minutes. D. CArrrELON, Chairman. EXECCTIVE 001taf1TTEE' REPORT. We redommend that a grant of 925 be made to Huron Co. Poultry Association for the approaobing fair in Jan. 1902. Have examined tenders for wood for jail and find that lowest was accepted at 98.84 per cord. Examined four applieatione for position of jail surgeon mad we be - Hove each of the applicants qualified to fill the duties, In regard to regneeb of A. A. Doupe, merchant, of Gorrie, for an aubtioneer's license for 8 month's to sell store goods, we recommend no action. Recommend that the request of Co. `treasurer re securities be granted. We N Tn 011r Opening Sale we have met with gratifying 8000088, and we have deoided that Until JAN JA Y; ll, 1902* We will continue.10 offe goo.lo at Slaughter Priers to give all a ohanoe of seeming seine of the bar, Baine we bays to show, The following are a few 01 Our Spots) Bargains in DISHES DINNER EMITS—Regular 97 00 to 99.00 for 95 90 t 97 9! TEA SETS -Regular 92.75 to 686 for 92 85 to 90.50, BED ROOM SETS—Reg, 91 85 to 96 00 for 9135 to 95.10. FANOY D18H17S of all binds. GLASS WARE, Eta., Eto. We are enlarging and improving our stook by the beat and most up.to date geode we San procure, tad are prepared to satisfy our onetpmers in all lines, W. H. HUMPHRIES W A1_1r.Ir0N. elm1, recommend that this Go. pay for the maintenance of Florence Kelly, of Ash• field, and A. Broom, of MoKillop, 92 a week, in the St. John's and Viotorta'Is- dustrial Homes, as per Statute, the boys being oommitted by Police Magietra'es Seager, of Goderioh, and Beabtie, of Sea• forth, respectively. We recommend that a grant of 915 be made to Walton Public Library. JAI Go ntotLY, Chairman. REPORT 01 JAILER GRIFFIN. I herewith submit my report of the 9 prisoners now in custody in jail :-Jno. Weir, Walkerton ; Jno. Johnston, Cavan townshipp, and Jas Flynn, West Waive. nosh, all insane ; Robb. Wallace, Tacker - smith, Dr. W. Henderson, Detroit, Jno, Parker, Mitchell, and Arthur Style, Morris township, for vagrancy ; Robb. Kelly, 'Wyoming, drunk and disorderly; Robt. Casey, London, awaiting trial for vagranoy, I ask that 6 pairs of petits be procured for prisoners. JOSEPH Giuvrno, Jailer. EDIIOATION OOtMSIITTEE. • A petition was presented from Frank Wheeler and nine other ratepayers of the village of Belgrave made up of parts of Morrie and East Wawanosh Maps. asking that arbitrations be appointed to adjadi• sate on the formation of a new school section, comprising parts of the aforesaid townships. A counter ,petition from L. Williams and 46 others of S. S. No. 5, Morris, objecting to an arbitration (the latter only coming into the bands of the Committee to•day). Your Committee, after carefully considering the matter, un• animously recommended that the follow• ing persons be appointed by the Council to arbitrate in this matter viz :-73. E. Houston; of Exeter ; W. S. lieKerober, of Wroxeter ; and Dusan Errata, 01 Varna. Rona. MILLER, Chairman, sinews 00 CO. OOBt➢nesIONEit ANSLEY. All of the oonbraob5 awarded during present year have been satisfactorily nom• pleted. Examined Aux Sable river at boundary of Counties of . Huron, Lambton and Middlesex. Several persona were present from Huron and Lambton but none from Middlesex. Had letter from Commissionerof latter Co. stating that bridge had not been brought before their Coun.pil therefore he would not attend. I am of opinion that a bridge should be built end 'the three Countries ,contribute equally to cost whioh for wooden supersbrucbtve would cost 91,500. Owing to deepening of river bed several thousand acres of land are be- ing reolaimed whioh will be very pro. duotive and require both road and bridge. Met Co. Clerk, several Councillors and others at proposed site for bridge Col. borne and Goderioh townships. 'A bridge would require to be 860 feet long, 20 feet high and 16 feet wide, with three spans of 120 feet each. A high Pratt truss steel bridge on concrete abutments and piers, including approaches, would oost about 99,000. Bed of river is limestone which would affordgood foundation. River bank is very high, said to be 100 feet and would be an expensive plane to make a good road. A great many wooden bridges in the Co. have been in use for a good many years and will require to be rebuilt soon. I think it would be well to have tenders ready for two of them at your neat meeting. One is called the Stanley bridge, situated miles West of Clinton, over Bayfield river. This bridge should Merry Xmas to Everybody. T. FEET BR'S J Ti VT _b_111L STORE IS full of the most beautiful goods. A dazzling display of Holi day and. Xmas Gifts. We have the,largest stock ever opened out in Brussels. Our goods are Cheap and guaranteed to Wear. We'buy direct from the Manufacturer for cash, and can give our Customers close Bargains. Our long experience in the Jewellery business enables us to be a good judge ofallkindsinour line, such -as Watches, Rings, Chains, Clocks, Bracelets, Etc , Etc. We are confident that we can meet every want most satisfactorily. and at the Lowest pol:sible Price. We make a Specialty* of Welobes, Wedding Ringo, Ladies' Gold end Gold Filled Watches, Gents' Gold Filled Watabes, Boys' Watobes, Long Chains, Braoe• lets, Gem Rings, Genre' Garnet Rings, Opal and Diamond Rings, the latest in Ecamel Breathes, Lookers, Charms, Purses, Oumbe, Mirrors, Pipes, Gold Spectacles ; Mantle Eight Day, Alarm and Lovely Gilt Panay Clothe. ..Yon should see our Bleck Mantle Clocks for presents. aj WATCHES AND RINGS A SPECIALTY A Beautiful Silver Display Of Berry Dishes, Seger and Cream, Cake Baskets, Pinkies, Batters, Bisooit Jars, Bon Bon Dishes, TeaPote, Berry Spoons, Cake Forks, Cake Knives, Pie Knives, Sugar Shells, Batter :Knives, Teaspoone, Knives and Forks, Eto., all these are 1847 Rogers' A. 1 Goods. S017VENIR GOODS, Fanny Collar and Cuff Boxes, Shaving Bone, Photo. Holders, Albums, Picture Frainee, Manicure Sets, Trays, Glove and Handlterobief Boxes, Month Orgene, Viulios, Violin Sundries, Autoharps, ata., eta. Grar>.d Display of Fancy China. Eyes Tested Free. A nice Present for Mother or Pallier is a pair of GOLD GLASSES. Will test their eyes atter Xmas if Glasses are not right. tas'We wilt be happy to have you look through our stook—will not ask you to buy—the time will be well spent. Watohea and all repairs promptly attendtd to. T 1•"' L ETC H E R 9 ssuer of NXtirringe Tiicensee, The Close Price Jeweller. 110, t<1201 be 110 feet long and 10 fent wide, The other is wooden f 000ted, on North bt'enOh of Maitland river between tipper and Lower Wongham. Bridge should be one apav,140.feet, with roadway 10 feet wide and a 9 fool sidewalk. Both should be steel bridges with oouorete abuttnenbe and should be rebuilt during 1902, Total amount of Orders keened since June re• pomrotu, nts a stotatetne$2,801nb .07; "of which ie given, a Jon ANSLEY, Go. Commissioner. 1toAD 4ND norm 0etttnl'9'Ite. Wooxamined the Go, Commissioner's report and recommend that it berinb d In the minutes, We advise that hie rSetcaonmlemenriddagteinbeaa5dototed aWnihthmt tannd- Sera be naked for owl laid before this Council at the January (Masten; Re the Aux Sable bridge recommend that Engi• Heel's report be aooepted and that he be insbruoted to report to the Councils of Lambbon and Middlesex, In referenoe to Colborne and Goderioh townships pro•. posed bridge we reoummend tbst the Co. °outwit visit the nits next 'June and report. Hoerr C114nzmnts, Chairman. Hoban Or 00100E Optttnissin, Your Committee met twice since June session of Council. On Sept.'Ib' we visit, ed the House:and made a thorough in. speotion of the premises and found every. thing satisfactory. Book yard is now divided with close beard Zenon and a good water closet for the females has been built. Both have been built by Manager with labor of inmates, the Co. supplying the lumber, nails, ..to. As direoted by yon we purchased obapsl eased organ 'for 956 00, } the regular price of the instru. meat. On Deo. 8rd' we met again and examined accounts commencing with No. 810 and ending with 855 and find that total expense ohargeable to House for year to date of audit is 98,802-97. The water supply for the 'House is running short and we ask power of the Council tQ take aotion in the matter. We also re- oommend that a fanning mill be parches. ed under direotion of Committee, Mr. Frenoh.reports great difficulty is,experi. enoed in drying the clothes in Winter after wash days and asks that a dryer be purchased which would cost about 9200. We recommend that the Clerk make enquiry ae to best dryer, oust, &c,, and report at January session. There were 78 inmates in the House when we were there. Tons. E, HAYS, Ohairman. JAILER') REBWENtE ntnTDINO. - cooinr bTiE. In pursuance of the motion made at the special meeting of the Council in July 1901, yonr Committee entered into a.00n- tract with Buchanan - & Lawson, of Goderioh, to erect a residence at the jail according to the plans and speoifioations which had been 'submitted to the .Ooun- oil, at the price or sum of 92,800 inolud ing hot•water heating ; the centred price. to be reduced by the sum of $188 if your Committee deoided upon' hot air heating,, Your Committee, however, deoided to' adopt the bot.water plan of heating and thin left the contract at 92800: -The non braotors receiving in addition to the said sum of 92800 the stone in the walls which your Committee sold to the oontraotore at the sum of 9200, so that the contract for the building really was, as your mo- tion recommended, 93,000. The building was to be completed by the 15th of Oot. 1901, and it not then completed a penalty of $7.00 a day was to have been inflicted. We are glad to say, however, that the building was practically completed at .the time specified. Your committee also provided in the contract that anp prison laboremployed should be allowed by the contractors and this amounted to 97.80. Your Committee have paid the contrac- tors $2238 and there is still due them on. der the contract 9562, and in addition thereto there are extras amounting to 949. 35, making the total still due, after de- ducting the above amount of 97 80- 9608.55. Your Committee thought it wise to engage E. Sharman to superin. tend the stone work at an expense of 957 00, and this sum has already been. paid. Your Committee met during the progress of the work, four times. It became necessary on several 000asioos to consult the arohibeot in reference to oerbaiu matters in ammo - tion with the building, his charges for. whioh amount to $6 00, and this we re- commend be paid. There is some point- ing to be done on the wing walls, which is to be done in the early, Spring, and a sum sufficient to cover this work will be retained out of the sum payable to the contractors. PitoI1 Hour, Chairman. tAt.ato w Oi. J. R. Grant has sold oat his hardware stook to'7]dt Moffatt and S. Tatham. Christ.Oharoh Sunday School: is pre.: paring s Cantata for the Christmas en. tertainment, Sidney McCallum has returned to town from Neepawa, Man., and is again with Thompson Bros. High School pupils pnrpoee giving an entertainment in McDonald's hall before the Christmas holidays. The two companies of youthful soldiers which have been organized in town were out for drill on Thanksgiving day, Dr. W. 1. Rothwell; of Hugo, Colorado, ie spending a few days in 'town and vicinity. Dr. Rothwell ie a nephew of B. Bothwell, of town. Between 16 and 20 members of Listo- wel lodge I. 0. 0. F. drove out to Atwood and participated is the AtHome'held by the Atwood brethren, The Arlington hotel has been greatly improved by its new briok front and haudeome baleoniee, the latter being sup. ported by substantial pillars. The roof of the new ohair factory is on and the windows are in, The gravel for the dement floor has been hauled and the building will soon be ready for the ma0binery. Listowel orobeetra has been re-organiz. ed and will be composed as follows : F. S. Bowe, manager and cornet player ; B. Rayner, first violinist ; W. Bowden, trombone ; and Prof, Kellar, pianist. T. E. Hay and 11. T. Kemp, were in Strafford last week attending the boom. bar session of the County Connell. Both of tbeee gentlemen took a strong stand against ped tare and proposed a prohibitory license, ranging from $100 for two bones to 950 for foot packers. Alex, Oreelman, of the Imperial Bank, Ottawa, who narrowly eeeaped,drowning in the Ottawa River on Friday, wail.. formerly of the Imperial Bank eafl, Lie• towel. His friends here aougratuiabe him on his escape and trust that he will soon mover from the injuries he reeei0. ed. • Miss Adelaide Tait was thrown out of a wagon near Winnipeg and fatally in. Pared. JAM TOWN R GENERAL IS NOW READY FOR TON 0.. XMAS TRADE! simposimmowe Just arrived a Fresh Stock of Goods Suitable for the occasion Such as Raisins, Currants, Figs, Lemons, Oranges, Lemon pool, Orange Peel, Citron Peel, Shelled .A:lmoncie, Whole Almonds, Wal- nuts, Candies of all kinds. Everything you need for Xmas Baking.. 20 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00 It 22 lbs. Best Brown Sugar for 1,00' Our TEAS cannot be surpassed in quality and price. People aro taking note of the quality and buying in large quantities. DRY HOODS We do a large trade as our „prices are down lower than the aver- age. We mark everything at the lowest margin. BOOTS & SHOES We have Fleece Lined in Boys', Girls' and Women's sizes, very suitable for cold weather. NECKWEAR We have just in a new lot from one of tbe leading houses in the city, such as Johnston :& Sword, Toronto. • RUBBERS In this line we are selling a large quantity aswe have just the. thing for Winter weather, fleece linecl and others in all sizes. Also Leggings and Sox. HORSE BLANKETS We handle the heaviest and most comfortable' for the ,least money. They seem to go well. CHINAWARE We are getting in a full line of Chinaware for Xmas, suitable for Presents. IVENS' AND BOYS' SUITS The very low prices are making them go fast. We areoin out of room Clothing as' we haven't enough roofor a full line. yr. Iikrissi-mal Post Office Store, Money Orders issued in con -1 neotion with Pesti:ace. JAME S' O vY LV . ssLiO THE 9) N -D oBoys' ScVool Clolhilla Once a Customer, Always a Customer. J RIES the boys so they can go. out and enjoy the glorious air, Dress them so they will not be afraid to roll and tumble sill over the ground. We have clothes' made on purpose for these busterswon't show dirt, won't look shabbyin week's a wee� s wear, and will always stand the rough and tumble wear of the boy. lively bPants have double knees and double seats, lined with heavy white cotton, sewed with linen thread, seams double sewn and taped, buttons put on to stop on ; all this you get when you ask for the "Lion" Brand of Boys' Clothing. The cut and make of these suits are not' equalledby anything an thin 'on the market. We are sole agents for this famous make. D. C. ROSS., CLOTHIER pr AND c FURNISHER, .lB R l,J S S J L f`~ '.'0 c