The Brussels Post, 1901-12-12, Page 1Vola 30, NO, 22 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1901 e�nr New Lvoal G. rentale-T, Xmas trade Xmas 00 g d6 Corti of E an A with meq Di hther p 1902-Lestgwel Exeutor'0 Christmas Xenia C Iloliday preeente-J. Extended Stanfield 11-,-M0$ierme • ... •.. Adv�rtlsements lilts, W and Mrs. week called 1 am laet weok ow'n a d to RP Ina 1,6. the eerione illness of their mother, MoAll e ; , tstr. Rey, W. J. West. will crash for next bat Maxwell, at ItheougrB batbi peaseyyently the 6buvoJ will ii ro to vhs . D held m the con, when the afternoon, .when. Rev. Mr. Balton• tyue, of Molesworth, will preach. " ... were g t0 Mre. Rev. ab: be re in • s, a t travel• eoma to be y . should heavy an.. Arch• by new all Fall, • McPherson d . Ph n ha a Anna, and Saturday. wood tier on Saturday, The boys g06 about 20 horde out and split, We hear no more about the e1eotrio railroad. Xs it knogked in the Bead ? It is a popular sehome and if carried .out, p, p would be ab00R to this part no we are ectal in need of a better freight and Y risen ax accommodation. 1141.. Editor p gg informed of n. develop, please keep us any eY op menta, Wae oars of our .ioneere, an -enter rteing - p p bualne6s man, nu pprigttt elbizen, frosted and reeproted by all, and will be greatly mieeed in Rpgial and buemese armies bore, He leave a Widow, two daughters, father and mother, seven bretho a and a either, all of whiten excepting one brattier live p g in thio neighborhood." furs. Gray ie a sister to W. T. Pollard, of Walton, Resolutions of sympathy were paeaed by the Quarterly Conference of the Page M. E. °burgb, of which Mr. Gray woe • a trnate°, and the Woman's Foreign Mie elonar y Society - of the Dame church to y y Mra. Gray A. O. 0, W, GPRrun.-Tbe pyster aad fowl super given by the A. 0. ;U. W, p here feet week was u brilliant success, Supper wee given in the lower flat of toe Gall and was served bot in the very beet style, At 8,30 the upper half was arewded to its utmo11t capacity, when Charles Hamilton, of Blyth, oalted the meeting to order and gave a short and Pithy • address on the Order, - The following program was given :-Song, "Hw1 Ha I Ha ! " W, McLeod • violin i Mire Ainley , solo, Brian O , Home,'' Bong; 'dialoggree of Home, W. Mo• Leod ; dialogue, "The Mysterious Ple"; violin solo, Jas. Johnston ; song, "She bas no papa,11 W._ 44oLeod ; violin nolo, Brian .O'Hara 1 "A Trip toBnfalo Exhibition," W M0Lepd ; dialogue, "The. Sompmakere I chorus, "Bay a Broom" ; violin solo, James Johnston ; "The bah 'e name' W. MnLeod ; violin solo, Brian O'Hara. The meeting was closed by the National Anthem end the midi• thee die •highly pleased with the evening's entertainment. _� ragas, Petoh,.ivho bars been In Manitoba, ie beta en a visit.. There's a .possibility that the Patch family may return to Morrie a6 they own two forme here, H. Miller has been engaged. as aaooes• nor to W. E. Breams in the Johnston eohool, let nue,. He is to„reeiye 9300: Mr Mfller'a home is in Turnbery town- ehip but be has been attending the Model taboo' this term. AN OLD RE6JAENT . DRTAnTiso,-Last Friday morning, at 9 q'otcok, the spirit Men old and well known resident of the 8rd line of Morrie, in the person of 'Jobe. Bowman, passed away, He was in his 85th year and had been to failing health for eoma little time, largely attributable to the increase of years. Deceased woe born in Belfaet, Ireland, and lived at Caledonia, Ont„ before loathing in this township 44 years age. Mrs. Bowman pre-deneaeed' her husband by over 4 yearn, She bad attained to 78 years. Her maiden. name was Berets geroagb•tn. They were a wonderfully flue couple end enjoyed the high esteem of a largo afrole of friends. Mr. Bowg g %s men was a home man in every orsa of the term and neither nought for nor de. aired offiue. His industry and thrifty management, oonpled with a hard work• iug family of boys, put them in very nom• fortable circumstances. The enbjeet this notice was a Presbyterian in Jr-r ligion, Co°eervative in polities and was also an Orangeman. He is survived by four eons, John, of woodstook, James and William, of Morrie, on the homestead farms, and Joseph, of Grey township. The Patient!, on Monday afternoon,: was very largely attended, about 100 0041• vayaa°es befog in the prooeeeion that left the residence. Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A„ °emanated the funeral service, Six of the old neighbors; Jas. Ireland; Rioh. Arm- Rich. Mitchell, Quintin Ander. eon, John Mason and William Cochrane, son, bore the remains of their old 00000iate t0 hie last resting pleas in Brussels thine. tory. The ranks of the pioneers ie brio g rapidlyresenta- ve thinned and a Mr. Bowman paidN6ture a debt. AN INTERESTING REQ K -A short tittle ago workmen were engaged ed tearin down and tebat)diag the atone foundation nn- der the baro on the farmofW. M. Soeotmt, lot 7, eon. 9, Morrie, who a o• bedded in the wan was dfacovexed. The bottle was found to contain a ince of P rom the paper, anacwh oh raveao w d to be e ithd awnfat mnoh interest, as it recalled thegood old da a one by. 001 one side of lie paper was written the 006 Totvnehi bf Morrie lac 7, son, 9. gT11fe ie to show some facts to those who may come after _ John S Laidlaw and Agnes Laidlaw and their $ L William, Jessie, Mer Scott, amity - e Waldie and Jobb Ed ward Blake Laidlaw, first occupants of this lot' of land,. taken up the 25th day of September in the year 1881. Repro• sentatives of the first seven inhabitants of Morris laid the foundation of Ole barn on the 22nd day of April, 1874, in the 44th year of John S. Laidlaw'e life, who was married by Rev. Jno. Roes, of Bruce- field, on the 15th day of March, 1855, on the -farm, lot 7, con. 10, opposite this lot, then all bu+b. Agnes Waldie, the bride, acme from 13ewiok, Roaboro'ahire,� and John 8 Laidlaw, the groom, from gin• tail, Rcas•ehira, both Lowland Sootoh to the backbone. The builder of this wall is a cousin, Walter Booth, from Gelm. eoleug11 Selkirksbire." Ou the opposite aide of the paper is written the follow• ing :-"There is a Reform parliament now of over 100 majority. Hon. Alex. Mankenzie is Prime Minister, Hon. J. A. Macdonald having been defeated for a pacific scandal and other eine. Trete ie a contemplated onion 0f the Canada Presbyterian church at Blyth ; placed there November 6th, 1866, and is beloved of all men. W. T. Hays, registrar at Blyth; D. B. MoSinnon, postmaster at Blyth ; Patrick Kelly, miller and saw mills at Blyth ; Dr. Wm. Sloan, of Blyth, aspirant to parliament and worthy of the seat.in 'sae of T. Farrow, of Blue. vale, i0 my estimation ; Thomas Gibson, member at Toronto in the local perils• ment. The oon13oil of Morrie is Patrick Kelly, reeve ; Donald Scott, deputy reeve ; John Bo0rae, John Miller and Wm, James Johnston, Councillors. hag erose aueepted the call ; day morning last Rev: J. T, the First Methodist allure recipient of a telegram id that he had been invited by One vete of the effiotal board Methodist Epieoopat ohuro Mich., to Noose pastor of Japkson ie a beautiful city of 000 iuhabitente, situated f fertile part of the great. that gen., and the ohuroh being one of the pity it of re a. br, neef())nese.: The invitation most flattering compliment Gear, I•Ie has net, however °idea to accept it, as his rel bis ohuxch here are of the and pleaeant ammeter, and wieb to le.tu0 it adage hie p properly supplied." E• Icing, Fletehem -W Linea,:p -J. ,.Jo es, G p -T, A. OuLoo: -T, M.'Mol,Ood. a Retnpd-.Jas. Fox. ` y Business college. sale -G• K. Matheson,. buying -D. M. M0B0eth• eente-F. 13. Hurele & Co, Ferguson Co, -W. H, Humphries & SoP. & CO. • - T.deadlbuirY. DennisOa' the Vet r n t rasher c a h cleaned cult the last barn On Friday last week.Trowbridge,tot Quite a millibar of enthueiaetio Scottie to u attended the Jessie Mplraphlan concert in Seaforth. Alex. Brotliereon commercial ler,' ie laid up these days with intestinal ourmurring. A moving picture eliow is billed held in School bougie No. 9, on Saturda If we can go by their advertising it be all right, to J. Denni sold a team of horses J. Dennison. He has horses purchase$ another team from Jae. 'bald, of peefoxth. James Mowbray, who was employed theSawyer•Maeee •, Co: darting oatfite in the Wes this" , t is home on a visit, _ Trovvbrldxe, ! Frangie Coates, of Werth, has nought the 100 sore farm owned byJ.• Tu pea, , con. 4 ma for the f' e a m is s * $ ors, Th farm hue one and fine one and !n f13 14 good locality, Dor. Goatee owns 200 Gores now,100 in Grey and the other in Rima. Frank is a ,hustler and we Wish him 6000066. ' 7�pi t .' ,y �''4��•. + t{J LLCtl ��ls Blilejvctle• A great many are laid up with very bad reside. Mise Mary Harris; of Wtoweek. visited Mrs. George McDonald last weals, A. shed has been built over -the weigh scala at the station to protect them from the Winter weather. annual ,meeting of the B)oevale The an g will heldthreshingy Cheese Maqufaoturing Co, w be to the Foresters' Hall on Deo; 23ra. a (;,yr ai tilhottlt, A wedding ie hinted at, gghool alone on L'rfday, 7•,118 sl0i9hi0g livened thing6 u0. Skating on the river. lest S0turd03'O'Hara R6v.. Mr. Lake will preach 111 the t ohuroh in this village next 8a6huihs g ' d ostia effusi n - Tan.Po61' has receive a p o in reply to poetry in laza week ° issue on hew the o poetry gals k160 It will appear next week. A shooting match for turkeys, geese and. ducks will be held at J. Long e.hotel •• on Thursday of next week, oommenaing at 10 o'clock. Separate targets for rifles, allot gone, mfr gene and revolvers. A4iEealoa•bit M. Y. M°Lean wee in Go week, at county Council. ek, storekeepers , are ettin clay appearance on their store baeutees is commencing to bo gnomon CoaonnT,-"Will y bank TOHgin ?" is what ma41yab mak was disposed to, oy P aelaohlan, Scottish vocalist, excellent entertainment given Hall, on Tntert a night of y g Mies Maglaohlan was - scoo James Fax and it is needless the nigh reputation olboth as was fully.sustained. The hal mad to the doors and many °way, much to their afar Ir ie reported that the 'inky brought them here cleared Thia ehonld be a renomme entertainere to all others. A welcome Mies Maclaohla again makes her mppaaranae i Cnvso ANNIVDngARY.-The services in oonnsation-with ' diet Ohuxoh were held on Monday last. Rev. Dr. Dan ricb, took the services on S delivered two excellent disc doctor is a fluent and elogn On Mondayand his reaming Dr. Da ed a leoture on "The °wing Century,' which was pratti five and amusing. He was with rapt ettemtion. Exo was furnished by the °hob Pickard rendered a beautiful was mnoh sppre0ialed. Rev kin and F. Rogers, also mad marks. A vote of thanks wa Dr. Daciel, for his excellent meeting was brought to a 01 National Anthem and Bemedi were fair audiences, both on Monday, but the onfavora kept many away. Financial wise the anniversary meati s0a0ees, despite the unfavore, stances. .. - - .., "a -- ��- Jallleigitown- See Walter Lulea' Xmas. advt. Rev. Mr. Swann, of Bleevale, took charge of the prayer mooting in Vfatoria Hall last Friday evening. It is expected'that Barrister Blair, of Brume's, will address the meeting In Victoria Hall next Sabbath evening. Tuesdayxt g in flee Hall to receivethereport 01 Ibe Committee in oon41eotion with the build. ing. An unpaid subscriptions are asked for. A big time ie being looked forward to in oonneotion with the naion nblio p o the be held here on Thnreentertainment aye evening Thoreday evening of nest week. Prepay- atione are being made for a firat•018ee program. ENTEn7 AaCNENT,-041 the avenin of Tuesday, Jan. 7th, a grand Muslim' and Literary entertainment will be held in the Hall, Jamestown, under the anepioes of the Philanthrope° Society, prooeede to be devoted to one of the most deserving of pnbtio oheriEiea, viz,, the Sick -0hil• deem? Hospital. otbsl. Iou'll min it if you make any other engagement for Jan. 7th. Last Sabbath evening a good audience assembled in the Hall to hear addressee- along tbe line of Bible Society work, Thos. Strachan took charge of the meeting and in addition to oondaatibg the opening and 0100109 exerofaes gave a brief, timely talk. He was followed by W. H. Herr and he in torn by G. F. •Blair who dwelt on the wonderful char- eater of the Bible. The collection, whieb was devoted to the Smithy's work, amounted to 83,00. Lash Monday evening, Deo. 9th, two buggy loads from the backwoods, bent on e MaoleaohlinQueen hearing blies Jessie , of Scottish song, arrived in Wingham and after providing for their horses made haste to procure tickets for the concert whish is.to take plaee on Jan. 9th. Parties anxious about their whereabouts will fled them 000npyingthe front seats in the Town Hall, Wrogbam, where they will remain till the evening of Jan. 9th, 1902, for the concert as a mistake of th, days in the dabs is nothing. E3elg•rave.. Postmaster Booth bas- been a little the weather. 'will East wawana�h gays a gaga account of itnelf in the Garrow-Beck election as We predicted. Thursday of this week Will, Whaley, a popular young man, and Mtge Nellie Wilkinson, one of Belgrave's estimable daggbters, were united m matrimony. May their joys be many. Three erbitretore soh appointed anon 1•0 oonneotion with the op q this looelity by the Connty Connell last week. Theyare Mr. Houston, of Exeter; 'Mr. Erratt, of Btaoley 1 ane Mr. Molter- ober, of Wroxeter. They will meet shortly. A delegation Prom here went to Goderioh Thursday of last week, -Last Sunday the great Reaper, Death, called away three old and well known people from this locality. B. Wray, aged 87 years; father of our villager, Wm. Wray ;Mre. Jas. Owens, 77 years infl of age ; and Dnocaa Anderson; who inflict. ed a ooh on his throat a abort time ago. The funeral of the latter took place on Tuesday, Mr. Wray on Wednesday and Mrs. Owens on Thursday, a�A®-�- • thing - req �+ i'h6• Yeo] 1 M td� 18 Yrsunder Yi 41 �f� Stock J y' - and Long and y at . In all linea consisting of Ladies' Gents' Gold and Silver'Watches, Ladies' Chains and Chain Bracelets, Gents' Chains Lockets. Large stock of Rings, Opal Goode, Pipes, Walnut and Iron Clocks, Silverware, in fact every- that is to be. found in anup-to-date Jewelry S tore. A large .stock of 'the famon8 B. Lawrence Spectacles in Gold and Gold Filled Frames p about one-half the price you pay elsewhere, WATCH JElder S@EUiAL15T AG..Jones ' & OPTIUTAN, M�rrttr- Chsmageable weather. . pennon meeting on the 16th.. Ngmivation on the 30th at the Hall.. : J. Agen had a wood bee on Saturday last. Mies Lizzie Maunders is home from her millinery position at Zurich. public eohoole will aloes on Friday of next week to reopen on the 3rd of Jan. Farmers ars takimg advantage of the early sleighing to do a lot of light team- tug, The big snow alarm of Sunday 0000 disappeared but Monday put it right again, A. T. Cole baa purchased a well bred Tamworth bog from Reid of Co. near the city of Ottawa. gohoal entertainment .103 Anderson's school ;made on Friday evening of next week, 20th coat,• Snnebine Ourietmss Tree Entertain. ment next Tuesday evening. They al- ways have a good time. Co. Councillor Bowman was called home from Goderioh on Thursday of last week owing to the eerione illness, result. in in the deoeaae of his father.pwas g S. S. No. 5 was represented at the Co. Council last week by Trustee Johnston in the application for an arbitration. Mr. Johnston was opposed to it and had his ease well in hand. Arbitrators were appointed, however, in the belief thst it would be the better way of settling the difference of opinion. West Haran was a big surprise owing to the big majority for the Hon. J. T. Garrow.' Not even Mr. Foy could carry the riding though he boasts of having so much ginger. It moat have loot its ' flavor. Whitney, Matheson and Foy,' but the greatest of these is Fay.. Friday evening of next week the an• °nal sohool entertainment will be held in Button's school house. In addition to a varied program by tonal talent consist• ing of literary and masiaal eeleotiona, Mr. MoLeod, a comic) vocalist, will take part. The proceeds will be applied o improvements in and about the eohool hoose. The following has references to Mitre Alfas Winter, a nmae of R. McMurray, 4th line, Morris. The young lady it will be remembered spent several weeks visit- ung at her naele's a year ago :-At high noon, 0o Wednesday, 4th inst., a very pleasant . event took place at the residences of David and Misr Winter, yhmond, when their only dhnghter, Mary Aline,. .was united in matrimony to Andrew 'Penny, ofRiobmohd. The ceremony wag performed by Rev. D. Balfour, fn the presence of about 80 guests, relatives of the bride and groom, The . bride, who looked charming, wore 00 handsome gown of white organdie, trimmed with lane and lineation. Mies Emma Penny, sister of ilie•groom, who anted as bridesmaid, also wore a handsome gown of white organdie. Thomas I, Winter, cousin Of the bride, assisted the groom, in a very pleasing manner. Mise Carrie Winter played the Wedding Marob very graoelally. Atter the oaremonyand usual congratulations, the company repaired to the dining room where an elaborate weddi41Qbreaktaetbad been prepared. The happy' couple left amid showers of rine and beet withers for the evening train going to Tweed, where they will spend a short time vietting friends, Man °antl and ugefol ' raeente w re ..ee orad in th., lie+�a- p Gres'' Last week Eons Crich, oeived oiroulara from New him to engage in the bogus nese but they fished in the w that time for suckers. Don't forget the enation ee laude in Grey, belonging to eon estate, on Friday, 27 list of the properties to be off, found in another column, to other partionlare. Next Sabbath the pastor w ed at Roe's and the 12th 800. Rev. Mr. Dever, of Walton, a distributed for Connexions,' a will be taken up. Mr. Dev bbneiaetic worker. Mrs. champ and daughter been visiting relatives and Ibis locality, left for their bo South Dakota, this week. and Mrs. Champ are sister We will be pleased to see her SOboot was oloeed part of S. S• No. 3, as the teaober, M laid upwith toneilitie. ported that it was dipbtberi the family of Jas. Elliott, teaober beards, was oar q such, we are pithead to say, case. The addition to John Mo of 22x40 feet is now templet stabling he has put oement fi the other modern improve MoLean did the oarpenter wo a good job. The building is feet with stone et,bling throe 1vfoNair lives an lot 22, con. been there for the past 46 ye one of the pioneers. ENTERTAINMENT.- The an . bainment given by the Sab held in Smith's school hone Friday evening, 6th inst., w seooeee Miss Belts Smith a man, convenors of the must say o0mmtttene, reepeotiv6ly, the high en0ouiams given f lent program presented, s creditable manner in which ealeotione were recurred. was interesting, but spsoin doe the "Flag Drill" by eigl "Military Discipline" by officered by Robb. MoKiun Lamont, the halter mono soldiers admirably. The y developed in "Sheet Muei hearty applauee-this must appreciated. Program was °peeing chorus, pupils oM ere, primary class ; k,od rg and chorus, olass 4 ; reoit Bite," Maggie Reid ; Min "Little Girl Blue, classes 4 teflon, ''Mather'e Errand Oleeke ; "The Voice of th boyo of oboe 6 ; solo, Mire Arthur ; flag drill, stars pupils ; "Plea of the Natio mint cry discipline, 019.808 ; Comes, olas6 4 ; eolo, Mise bosh ; "Sheet Musk," myet mond competition, 5 young tresbmonta and. tea were lifter which a well filled Tee ed of its pleasing variety of report read by Sec., i7d, T the names 041 the roll as 70 • ?iii, 53 ; general cake 61 Missionary oontrirati . I -I ANDKEROI- -Pius -White -Whitt Whi -Fanny Oar aeeortment found priaea,1 COLDV -Ong • - .e can -Also -gas -Also Ladies Extra Jackets. and • UND RUBBERS /N II Lawn, 100,-16o, Silk Fanoy te Silk Bilk .colored FANCY Boys'i will give Men's our Wool our value $98 ' GROCERIES • Beleote Candied candied • 0 111 X M 11 g Edge pretty it. most very and Coats left, Coon, at oloe0 Nate Rolled 1 i T.' • -price 511, range of Toys and use• We oan 511 complete warm, and 600, in No. 1 . Wombab; prose: • ' i in' Lut6d' shape as'• 'w'e - Cereal, Wheat, � ` 7 I S COMING - ANDLJ W '.. *HAVE 7 VV • R R . PA R E. D FOR PREPARED a , ` Wel cern, James Mowbray has returned from the West. Mies Molntoeh, of McKillop, was visit. ing Miss Ainlay last week, Ib in rumored that wedding• belle will mingle their chimes with the Ohristmae belle in this vicinity. An entertainment, consisting of mov- ing piotnrea, mule, eta., •will be given in the A. 0. U. W. Hall Friday evening of this week. Owing to `unfavorable weather the Missionary eerviaee in connection with the Methodist church annonuoed for last Sunday have been postponed until a later date.' Annonneemsote will be given. A meeting in connection with the Walton Public Library was bola on Mom day evening. Evenything was moving satisfactorily and it ie expected that the Library will be opened shortly. A grant of 916.00 was made by the Co. Connell last week. - The anneal meeting of the Managing Committee of Walton Methodist Sunday' 6ahooi was held on Monday evening, Dec, h residence of Wm. Neal. The at the following staff of officers and teachers following were elected ;-Supt„ Geo. C. Barrows ; Asst, Supt., Geo. Grigg ; Seo., Will. Stafford ; Aset, Seo, Jae. Dennison ; Teethe, Miss Dora Kinney ; orgnniet, W. Gr Neal ; teachers, Geo. Grigg, Mrs. Berry, Miss Grigg, W. G. Neal ;asst. Mrs: Neal and Mrs. Dever. A roommibtee was appointed to make ar. `rangemente for a Ohildren'6 day and Sunday ; 5i.BohoolTtally to be held on Sun- jd, ,Jan; 5i. 19A. • The Page Record of North Dakota, of ,Nov. 15th says ;-"About 5 o'olook lent ,Wednesday evening Charlea,D• Gray, one jot our pioneer settlers and a member of %the firof Gray & Smith, palmed to his 'flnal rest after a lingering illness, having been in failing health for a number of wears. The funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 8 o'clooh in the M. E. Church, and were conciliated by Rev, W. L. Holly. The asremoniee were very .im reseie and were ander the charge of the Masotti° Lodge of which he was a 32 .degree member and also:a member of the g �M aria Shrine.' The body was interred Y in the Page cemetery. Mr. Gray was the eon of Joseph and Emillne Gray, and was bore at Boaeobel, Wis„ 000. 19th, 1860, He name to Notth Dakota ie 1880 and settled on afared in Barnes County. he m0v9d to Pae and started in/886d g the hardware bu6tdas of wrier he wag h f -hi d t1 H D u C e I r S` • We are showing a large range of very pretty Handkerohiefe. t b d and Fine Lawn Fano Embroidered Hem Bti o e 9 20e, 25o and 35o. in Hem Stitob at 25o, 50o and 750; r ilk t 250 50e and 750. Colored S a with Fancy Initial at 26o and 600. with Bilk Mufflers at 60o, 72o and $100. CHINA-. TOYS of Fancy China will be We are also ebowing a good complete and. at very close ' and many other very fel artioles for Xmas. P.tbi e I. Miss Aline Davies wee visiting old friends at Brussels this week, A oar of cattle was shipped to Toronto on Monday by John McDermott. Five oars of oats were shipped to New York this week and two loads of flour to Blyth by H. F. McAllister. The townsbtp Connell will bold its Statutory meeting on'Monday of next week to close up the year's bnsieess. Rev. A. W. Dever, of Walton, will preaob rare next Sabbath evening in the Methodist chetah. Attention will be directed to oonnexional funds. A Christmas Tree entertainment under .the anepirite of the Methodist Sabbath school will be held on the evening of Deo. 24th. Beep the date in mind. Wellington Fogel shipped a car of hogs to Palmerston on Monday. Be also for- warded a consignment of turkey° to cold storage. The birds were delivered alive and es Kate hare. Mise hate Campbell, etnrned fvlisei0n• cry from Inde, will give 0 public, address in. the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening of next week, at 7.80. It ie to be roped there will be a large attendance at this meeting tq.hear of Mise Campbell's work in. India, A liberal collection is asked for to thee Gage the funds of the W F. M. S. Joseph Querrin,.a well known resident of this locality, has disposed of his 60 etre farm, West of Ethel, to Mr. Dane, of Howlett ,township, for the sum of 93,- 300. Mr. Querrm will hold an emotion sale on Friday afternoon of nest week, with F. S. Scott as aaotione0r. We have not Married what Mr, Qaerrin in. tends doing but the bops he won't go far away, The following, from the Galena (Ill. j Daily Gazette of Nov. 4, will be read with interest and pieseure by the many de 01 the informed mia� „n �� u. Weare informed trot. he that he WEATHER Y .CIATHER Yes 1 We bere and oncertainly Y your wants to your entire eatiefaction and uptodate. Black and Grey'0091 Caps are a o good wear. you Men's TweedOape, with laok Curl Caps,_at 500 and Hose in wide beau rib at Ho Y line of Worsted Hose at 300, 85t, Fur Jackets ` ' Astrachan le Ladies' Prices $25, $26.50, $81,50 50. c ERW.EAR. A complete range of Underwear Union and in Pure Wogl:.. C AND Onr stook of Rubbers and Sox OAR give yon the different makes .. i isd Curr, • Ohokin P Currants, (looking Shredded Pals, S must be prepared for as oar stock is • No. 1 value as they are draw rands at25o, 86° 75e.., 26o extra value: 40u, 458 and 500," t Mens Fur A few Men's Fur Coate quality; Canadian Swamp Wallaby, all ` - Por Man and Boye in Fleece SOX for Men and Boys is in good at reasonable priee6. Grape Prnaes, p ,' Postern teat Bieomte, Molina Wheat W • V ��� � atm �O F. �� � e.d,.,f,n +� +GaAs 4 ■ - 4116 Bead at e time o \ s Amii.1. .- a p e W. H.KER.R, Prop, The door resipto amounted to 911,80, a fair 8001 ouueideriug the foot that all 8. b, was the S: pupile and their pareyt8 regeived 8001• hito tiokete. FARM BALNa.-The One 100 Gore farm of Eueae Oriob, cot 11, con, 17, baa 11,011 8010 40 Jas. Fulton for the sum 01 95,000. P08000eion will be given on Metall 15. Mr. Orlob has been a reeident of Grey for about 21 years and Iiia mauy friends hope he will 004 move far from this 10 oality, 130' may take a trip to Washing. ton Territory to visit relatives. Mr. Fulton, ebe purgitater, lia6 diiop e.ed of hie 75 setae, lot 12, non, 18, to L. Wil• Hamm for 98,700. People are wonder- ing what Mr. Williamson will do for a housekeeper bat be will probably soon settle the 130eeti0n. Saloon Resowr.-The following ie the report of 8.B. No. 4,. Grey, far the month ' of November, The names are in order of merit ;-Olaee V -F. Fraser, A. Mo - Donald. Sr. IV -J: Lynn, L. McAllie. ter, E, Bryaos, L. Mullin, L. King, M. g the heli- Smith, M, Johnston, D. MauDonald, B. e a e and MaoQuarrie. Jr, IV -J. Frain, T. Mo- ngolia, Donald, H. Jaolclin, A. Jaoklin, R. Mo• om, Donald. III -I. F,aiu, W. Mollie, M. e nd come Lake, G. Frasier, A. Mogelvsy, H. Maa- raw Hlelan• `Donald. Sr. II -T. Wilson, 0. Hayden, MPee Jeaei6 E. McAllister, 3. MaoDonald, A. 900.alter the Donald, M, Johnston, 8. Johnston, Jr. 141 Oerdvo a II -Mina Smith, M. Hayden, J. McAI• last week, lister, B, Mullin, 0. Lake, A. Molielvey, ponied by T. Smith, G, Oatt and M. Carr equal, to say that J. Hayden, N. MacDonald, J. Living. entertainers stone. Pb. 1I -h. Ring. F. Won, I was am. were tueoed 1'eaoher. ppointme0t. °bap° who over -$140. ndf for the fall 110060 n if she ever n Seaforth, anniversary the Metho• Sunday and fel, 01 Gode nnday, and curses. The L k ant speaker on enjoyed. Dar deliver• of the 20th cal, instruct- hstened to Dent music r and Bine Bolo, whioh F. H. Lar• e a few re - e passed to leoture. The B.A. ; Pres., Miss Lizzie Boos ; Vioe the by the Pres., Milia Jean Forbes ; Reo'd Sea., oW. °tion. There Sunday and convenor of Moe sal Com., 1P. A. Haw- bite weather Financial: and other• kine ; colleotore, Dan. Glassier and Percy cgs were a Richards ; Prayer Meeting Com., Miss ble arum- Mary Roes, Miss Ritchie and G. F. Blair ; Look -Out Com„ 3. H. Cameron, and Misses Mary Roberton and Jean Mo• Nair ; Missionary Com., Misses Annie Roes, Sarah MaLaaohlin and Belle Hab. 0013. 17, re- kirk ; Saoial Com., Miaeee Belle Irwin, York asking Jennie Habkirk, Lyda Crooke and D. money hued. Moore, L. Danford and F. Smith. 'Phe Tong stream weekly meeting ie held sear Sabbath evening at the conclusion of the regular le of farm thumb service. the Mattie- NOTES ON FOREIGN MI6nIONo.-The t11 inet. A powers have practically withdrawn from axed may. be China, tint the interest in China bas not to; • with enbeided. Every intelligent man, who ill be assist. longe for the betterment of the world mast oontinne to fix bis attention upon a churches by country that contains one quarter of the nd envelopes world's population. The latest and most 0ntributions enaonraging news is that the Empress is ar is an en, quietly enacting the very laws she so violentlyenppressed a few months ego. , who have Tha report ie trot trete ie to be in every friends in Proviooial capital a College of Western me in Tripp, Education. The Reformers before the Mr. Rands ont.break were advocating this very and brother. thing. They wanted the old heathen - back again. temples converted into schools and pel- met week in leges eetabllsbed, i❑ we Ohioa eocld r, Eastman, be eo edaoated ae to be able to stand be• It was re• side civilized nations, The proposal a and that startled and aroused conservative opposi- where the tion and hence the fearful havoc of last antined brit year. China has been taught by affiic-' was not the tion. Now it teems the schools are to be established by Imperial deoree. Who Nair', barn, are to be the teaohere in .these Eobools 7 e. Iu the Cbioa cannot for some years furnish Dore and all them herself, The Miseionariee will be menta. A. asked, indeed have already been asked rkand made to take charge of China's education. now 40a80 But the Missionaries oanuot turn aside - shoat. Mr. from their own work. What remains 14 and has but that they ehonld ask the Home are. He is Ohnroh to send out more men ? And they Waal enter- will. Probably never before has nob an beth oboe' opportunity and responsibility come to the °horah. If we oan supply Ohrishieu e, No. 3, on teachers who can take the control and ae a decided give a Christian complexion to the edu• nd Mr. East- nation of Obina for some yeare, who oan music -We • liter- well the recruits ? The Missionaries well deserve who were driven out of China have now or the excel• nearly all returned, and have been kindly at the very received by the Chinese. The native the various Christiane rallied about them as might Every item be expected. These native Christiane 1 mention ie have gone through the furnace, and by tit girls, and the disoiplina of aflliotian will be barber eight boys, and more oon6eorated men, and more un and Alex, eflioient workers amongst their own peo- anvrfng hie pie. In that respect the Mission will be nnigae idea mare prosperous because of .what bas Dinar won very napper ad. From Central India word be seen to be Domes that rains have again failed, sa follows t- Only sixteen inches of rain fell instead of Mil n. Work, o W the ninety rnohes usual in that. Provfooe: rten exercise As a result the crop has not been sown, lion, "Che and there will be no orop in 114anoh. Mink • dialogue, There is fear of both bread and water and 5 1 recd. famine. It may be appeals will oome Girl," Kabbs again for help, and no doubt Oanadiaos e Night+'' 8 out of a splendid barveet will respond as - 6 May Mo- generously as they did last year. liven 4 ; chortle, so dreadful a oaiamity has been over ns," olaee 2 ; ruled to the oonveraion of many scale. 'How Santa Many thousands of children gathered Ella Main- during the het famine are under Chris. arioas ; rail• tian enebrnotion. They aro also taught men. Re industrial art, by which: they 01001 sup. I • served, port themeelvee. Specimens, of beautiful Tee, wee reliev rags of oriental pattern woven by these fruit, The children prove them to be first class. emlin, gave They find a large market in Englund for average at. such work.' A11 things are working to atione, 915.. werde the world's np•lif,'S,nd evangelize. oma, 918,00, tion, "On Battu'. LeGear, .of ruling ito a nnanim• of the First b, Jackson, tbat cherub. nearly 90,. n the . most e of Mlohl• the leading cad field' of is indeed a for Mr, Le, as yet de. atione with moat oordial he doe, not lace can be (1 3011011 CHIMES - Rev. R. Paul will prosab on Walton - oiruuit next Sabbath. Regular monthly service in the R. C. ohurab, next Sabbath morning. - The Sunday schools in Melville and St. John's ohurobee were withdrawn last Sabbath. Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. McKay, of Lnoknow, 000mpied the pulpit in Melville church and gave two tine addressee. Rev. Mr. Rose was 10 Luoknow. Sabbath morning lest Rev, A. H. Brown, B. D., of Belgrave, preached in Brussels Methodist ohuroh, his text being "Trust in the Lord and do good." It wen a well prepared sermon. The paetor'e theme in the evening was "Home." Next Sabbath evening 110 will have"Heaven" as his subject. Now OBFmnRe.-The following are the officers for the Durrant term in manse - tion with Melville church Christian Endeavor :-Hon. Pres., Rev. Jno. Bose,