The Brussels Post, 1901-11-28, Page 8.17
li, lttr POST
A Baking Powder made of
the hest possible ingre-
dients.; dients.
That gives the greatest lea-
vening power.
That leaves no bitter taste
in Cake or Biscuits.
That makes food in which it
is used, beautifully white.
25c, per pound.
We have jnet opened out a
sew and carefully selected
line of Wall Paper,
It le our aim to meet the
people with jaot What they
want, with Priem just so
low as to satisfy everyoue in
every way.
W. have Paper, at all
priests, for every room in
the house.
It will be a pleasure for
us to have you ,look over our
Old Papers are being cleared
out at and below,00st.
L. R. Harve
000TRERN ExToNoION W. a. & R.
Trains leave Brueeele Station, North
and South, as followe :
Express 7:18 a.mI Mail 2:10 p.m
Mixed 9:45 a.m Express 8:17 p.m.
gz:ra1 et tems ,
A obiel'8 among ye takin' note8,
An' fatth he'll prent it.
BAB colds are prevalent.
W2EELINo hae been good.
Dm yon eee our clubbing offer 7
HOLIDAY paeeeoger traffic ie,lively.
Horton Fair Thursday of next week.
Ooonom meeting next Monday evening.
Co. 000x022 opens next Tuesday at 3
p. m.
Fours weeks from next Wednesday will
be Christmas.
Ant. BARKER shipped 3 oars of oats and
8 care of baled bay :this week.
W. H. MOCRAOHEN Shipped a oar of po•
tatoe9 to Toronto on Wednesday.
SEVERAL oars of coal for Bennetts Salt
Works are being delivered this weak.
Forma Division Court will be held in
Brussels on Wednesday of next week.
Tare week Robt. Thomson shipped 28
paokages of butter to the Eastern mar.
J. B. BTRETTON has a quantity of cord-
wood and etovewood for sale. See his
A ma of peas and another of oats were
forwarded by R. Graham from bis store.
PAm of woollen mitts found. Owner
may have them by paying for this notice.
THREE inahee of foe on Wednesday
morning and the river frozen over in dif-
ferent places.
Ova flouring mine have been having a
buoy season, especially in ohopping feed
for stook owners.
Tex OoI.n oTOR HALLIDAY has already
taken in over $2,000 in taxes. 5% will be
added after December 14.
THROVGa the kindness of R. Mainprize
oar bousehald bad a oholoe supply of
venison during the pest week.
GEORGE R CHARDSON hae pUrObaeed the
Alex, Ellie property on Albert street,
paying $225 therefor. M. Richardson and
family will make their Home there.
IT is stated that Philip Ament has
pnrohaeed an interest in a valuable tim-
ber limit in Northern Ontario. He will
onatinne to be a resident of Brussels
AT the Division Court here next week
Dr. MaNaugbtoo, Mediae! Health Offioer,
is ening the town for 973.00 for medical
attendances to Alex, Forsyth and family
when ill with typhoid fever.
Snow balling on the main street should
be promptly stopped. Last Sabbath
evening, after church, people were pelted
with snow balls by a company of young
men who should have bad better Sense.
Direolnre of East Huron Farmers' Inati.
tote wi.l meet in Brussels on Taeeday,
December 316, next, at 1.30 p. m., to
make arrangements for the forthcoming
meetings of send Institute in January and
February, 1902. Geo. Hood is the Sect -
M288 JENNIE HOWE has been engaged
ae seoond teacher in Ethel Public 801oo1
for 1902. The Principal is Geo. Dobson
who has rendered faithful and efficient
service for a number of years. Ethelitee
and the ratepayers of the looslity gener-
ally will find Mise Howe a young lady
worthy of their confidence and esteem and
an aotive worker both in and out of
8ohool in advancing the pablio good.
A, HEWITT will probably go to Riooar.
dine next week to take charge of the
boarding and sale etablee he hes parches.
ed from the well known Jno, Gentlee.
The Kincardine people will find ItIr.
Hewitt "all right" and we hope be will
make the Same 820088s of the bneinese
hie predecessor did. Mr, Hewitt is no
novice at the work he is undertaking.
Tam Poem will be sorry to see Mr, and
Mre. Hewitt and family leave town bat
hope they will find many wenn friends'
in the lakeside town.
OBANGI8 os BueI3n88.-1t, R. Harvey,
druggist, who bought out the business of
G. A. Deadman last Summer, has taken
a partner itt the person of B. Huntley,
of St. Thomas, who will take charge of,
the Brueeele afore. MI. Harvey, after
pursuing a course in Optica at Toronto,
will enter into partnership with his
heather, E. 0, Harvey, of St. Thomas,
and will manage two branch stoma lo
oated at Rodney and West Lorne, Elgin
County, making the former his head.
908rter9. Daring Mr.. Harvey's short
Stay in B108eele be has made a large Mr.
ole of !elands who will be Sorry to 120089
of bis decision. He will Malta 000altional
tripe in commotion with hie bad.
nese interests. We with him the and.
aces he desirie and at the same time ex-
tend a wel0ome to Druggist Huntley in
becoming a resident of Brussel&
10086AY night was the e0ldeet yet.
10 CENTS pay for TRB Po8T 80 Jan. let,
WEDIIEBDLY of next week is the date for
Weet Hume bye election for the Logia.
A CAR of cattle was shipped to Toronto
on Monday by 388818. Dames and Mo.
RonT, TRonrsax will kill and plunk sev-
eral thousand =keys early next week for
Sono young lade were testing their
(Mateo upon the ice skirting the banks of
the Maitland,
008 nutter and sleigh dealers are hop-
ing for 2 good fall of snow so as to give
the Salo of their fine Winter outfits a
good send off.
W. F. Soon and A. 0. Dames are
away in queer, so it is stated, of speedy
horseflesh. The former is at Chicago
and the latter at New York.
WILTON & Tullman= have now their
supply of X out eawe and axes to hand.
A11 saws fitted up ready for ase. Priues
right and quality good. Call and see
them before baying.
FINGER DI;LOOATED. — Last Saturday
Edward Garvin, who recently beoama a
resident of Brussels, bad the misfortune
to dislocate the second finger of his right
band while Desisting in batoberiug hogs
at W. Ellie'. He will be temporarily
handioapped for a time tie far se aotive
work is concerned.
ODR readers should watch out for the
Christmas and holiday advertisements of
the business men. It may save many 8
dollar to be guided by these invitations.
The money epe01 in advertising is not
paid for the unalloyed love felt for the
Editor but because of bargains the rner-
ohaot knows he hae for the pablio eon•
stagnantly every advt. should be carefully
LITERARY EVENING.—On the evening of
Thankegiving Day the Epworth League
in connection with Brueeele Methodist
church will give a Musical and Literary
program. Chief among 1138 attractions
will be an address by Dr. Thornton, of
Chatham, a well known League worker
in 000neotion with the London Confer
enoe. A cordial welcome is extended to
all, both old and young.
Homan BY A0omlox. Tbareday after-
s= of next week Albert Hewitt, the
well known horse buyer, will bold an
anation sale at hie stables, John street,
Brunets, of Olyde colts and Western
ranch horses ae be is removing from town.
There are 16 roach horses, from 4 to 7
years old, and weighing from 1,000 to
1,400 owt., broken to harness. 10 months
oredit on approved joint notes. Sale at
2 o'olook with F. S. Scott as auctioneer.
Liao BRo8EN.—Jae. 13. Stratton, of the
Queen's Hotel, Brueeele, had hie right leg
broken at the ankle kat Monday in a very
simple manner. He bad taken the team
and wagon and gone out to the 14th eon, of
Grey for a load of etovewood. He jump-
ed off the load to the ground and in Some
manner twisted the limb doing the damage
stated above. L. MoNeil brought him
to town and a physician oared for the
broken member. The aooideot will lay
Mr. Stratton op for some weeks and he
will take this. as partioalar punishment
on aoaount of hie aotive habits and will.
ingneee to work, We hope he will Boon
be able to get about.
EXPERIMENTAL Ux2mm. — The 23rd.
annual meeting of the Ontario Agrioal•
tura! and Experimental Union will be
held at the Agrionitnral College, Guelph,
Ontario, on the 9th and 10th of Deoem•
bar, oommencing at 1.90 o'olook Monday
afternoon. The program for the annual
meeting =me that there were over 3,000
ao•operative experiments ooaduoted along
agricultural flues throughout Ontario
this year. The most important results of
these tests will be reported and dieoueaed
at the meetioge, to whioh all interested
persona are weloome. Some very im.
portant subjects are to be taken up lhie
year, Dr. H. W. Wiley, Washington, D.
0., U. S. A., is to give an illustrated ad -
dregs on "The Growing of Sugar Beets
and the Manufacture of Beet Sugar."
J. A. Roddick, so well and favorably
known throughout Oanada, is to speak on
"Oar Dairy Iodnetry with Hints and
Snggeetione aa to Needed Improve.
motile." "The Re Organization and Im-
provement of oar Agriaultaral Exhibi-
tions" will be disouesed,by F. W.
Henson, Live Stook Commissioner, Prof.
G. E. Day and Sept, G. O. Oreelman.
"The Growing of Fruit of High Quality"
and "The Packing of Fruit for the Best
Results" will be handled by W. N. Hutt,
of the Niagara District, and by Elmer
Lick, an extensive fruit grower in the
Lake Ontario Dietriot. The Ladies' Sea-
eion on Monday afternoon will be ad.
dressed by Mies Watson, Principal. of the
Ontario Normal Sobool of Domestic
Solemn, Hamilton, and 11180, Joy, Prin.
oipal of the Domestio Science Depart.
merit, Toronto Teohnical Sobool All the
missions of the Union ebould prove .both
interesting and profitable. The Ontario
railroads will grant 880001ion rated to
Guelph for thea attending the Raper!.
meatal Union stud the Provincial Winter
Show. Par a program and for faller par,
tionlere regarding the exonreion rates,
apply to 0, A. Zavilz, Agrioulturel Col-
lege, Guelph, Ontario.
it ,L. AOH4AN
Th8 well known Saotob Vooaliot,'
will give en entertainment iti
1Thsluksgving Day
(NOV. 28)
Under the 80epieee of the
Stine of Sootland.
A LAROE assortment of mania heavy
rubbers and aux at I. 0. Riobarde',
SEVERAL Braeeelilee attended the
teams' Guild entertainment at Walton
on Taeeday evening.
C. 0. F. -The initial open meeting in
oonneotion with Court Princess Alexan.
aria, 0. 0, F,, No. 24, Brueeele, was held
on Tuesday evenieg, with Dr. 0, A, Toole
in the - chair. Maeioal eeleet1ons were
given byL. n II Jackson and the Misaeo
cooper ; a reading by John Sherrie and
impromptu epeeehes by W. Miller, Jus,
Sburrie, Oboe. Ritchie, Walter Smith,
Geo. Tbo2On and others, closing with
"Auld Leng Syne." A nomber of the
members will vieit Court Maitland,
Wingham, on Friday evening if roads
and weather are favorable. High Chief
Ranger Elliott ie to be there. During
the 10 months of 1901 $228,125 have been
added to the 0. 0. F. insurance earplug,
the total now reeding 91,110,155, Tbere
ie (lea a earpine of $6,252 in the Siok and
Funeral Department.
IN NEN QUARTERS.—The Atwood Bee,
of which R. S. Pelton, formerly of THE
POST staff, is the hustling Editor and
proprietor, has moved into a brand new
red brink hive. The building is a 2 etory,
22x50 feet. Part of the down etaire will
be rented to Jeweller Johnston and the
uptake will be devoted to office use to
any person desiring snob apartments.
"The Bee" flew into the Atwood flower
garden about twelve years ago and by
'hard work and etioking everlastingly at it,
the energetic proprietor hae added to hie
pile, a fine briok residence, new office,.
household effects, &o., being in the oonot.
He went there a lonely bachelor and now
has a dutiful wife to care for hie home
and two interesting olive branches t0 oall
him "Daddy." All these things are Der.
fainly encouraging to the embryotio
journalist and nobody will begrudge Mr.
Pelton and family the comforts that have
come to them ae the years have
rolled by. Tam Poem congratulates the
Bee and hopes that all the sweetness char
aoterietio of its industrious namesake,
minus the sting, will accumulate me the
Summers go past.
Sobool Board of Brussels, met on Thurs.
day evening, Nov. 21st, with all the mem
bare present. Iospeotor Robb was also
In atteodanoe and reported verbally that
he bad visited the eoboole and found the
three upper rooms full and the primary
room very mach orowded, there being 78
names on the roll and nearly that nam.
ber of pupils present. He aleo palled the
attention of the Board to the foot that
there 818.8 no urban eohool in East
H0ro0 with so high an average attend-
ance for the number of teachers. Last
year the average attendaaoe per teacher
was 2e follows :—
Clinton 48 pupils per teacher.
Wingham 44 "
Seaforth 41 "
Wroxeter89 ,.
Blyth 84
Braaeele 52- " " "
He was of the opinion that it would be
an absolute neoeaeity to engage auother
teaober at Easter as about 20 new mile
would enter Mies Ritchie's room in the
Spring and ae all the rooms were now
fall none could be removed from her room,
and this would give her an enrolled at.
tendanoe of about 98 pupils, He oleo
pointed out that the ,Sobool Board was
not complying with the requirements' of
the School Law and Regulations in con-
ducting the school with leas. than five
teachere, and that the eohool was liable
to lose the Legislative grants wbioh
amounted to about $850 per annum, viz.
the usual Government Grant according to
population of about $151 and the Oen.
tinuation Claes Grant of $200. After a
long discussion it was seen that but two
0001088 were open to the Board : First,
to continue as at present and engage at
Easter another teacher for intermediate
work between Miee Ritchie and Mee
Downey ; or, second, to engage for the
new year a teacher of higher literary
qualiflaatione capable of teaohing Latin
and French, who would also take about
20 pupils from one of the lower roome in
addition to teaching these languages.
The first course would neither extend the
present work of the:Sabool nor bring in
any revenue to meet the iooreaeed onblay
of at Ieaet $300 per annum. The second
course would enable the School to take up
the fall work of the Junior Leaving, (the
literary qualification for second olaee
Public Sobool teaober'e Oertifloate) Junior
Matriculation to the Univereity, and of
Matriculation in Law, Medicine, Dentist.
ry, Pharmacy, &o. In feet give the town
the full benefit 01 a High School with but
little if any expense to the ratepayers, as
the pupils taking up this work would pay
fees which mast its time more than meet
the inor888ed met of the room, although
these fees would be lower than now clam.
ed at the various High Scheele wbioh the
pupil, from Brueeele attend. The eetab.
liebment of such a eohool would aloe
bring in many pupils from the vicinity of
Braaeele and much trade and money now
left in Listowel, Kinoardine and Beeforth
would be attracted to Brueeele, It would
save at least 9125 per annum to every
parent having a pupil attending any High
Sobool. From the minutes of the Board:
it will be aeon that the eeoond oonre0 Was
Mre. White, of Gliowortb, and Mre.
Jarmain, of Fullerton, aro twine who are
in their 88rd year. The resemblance be.
!ween the old ladies ie to great that they
have frequently been mieteken for moll
A new union has been formed in St.
Marys. The delivery boye have got to.
geth08 for purposes of mutual interee1,
One objeotthey have is view le to avoid
running around With parcels early Sun.
day morning.
William Merrylee8, formerly of North
Hasthope, the 20 year old eon of Jae. and
Mre. Merry'cee, of the 18th line Gordon
town,hlp, Manitoulin, died at the home
of hie parents recently, He was Wee,
ed during baying by the falling•of a bay'
kirk pole, and partial 981837088 entitled,
fluidly vomiting In death.
'liminess Locals.
9103127 to lean on limn eecu1ity.
Apply at Ted Po8T,
13owo & Go. have received a new stook
of name, Call and eee them.
Bn000011 POSir Wonue.—Saw gumming
a 8peoialty, Satiefaotion guaranteed.
P.' Anima, Miil Onset,
retie WANTEO,—A. Ooasley is amino!)
Of purohaeing a large quantity of any
kind of furs, Highest oaeh prior, paid,
WANTED, — Bright dried apples, So,
Orders direot from Germany. Also roll
butter, fowl and raw fare,
G. E. IiIN2, Wingbom,
TVngEYe WeNmnn: —I will pay 6so live.
and?ho with !Bathers off, for any quantity
of turkeys. Call and see me for metre°,
tions. RooT. Townie/, Brussels.
SAW Fiemci,—The undersigned ie pre.
pared to attend to all saw filing in a
workmanlike manner, after long exper.
ieuoe, Setiefaotion guaranteed. ••
T. MOGnEooa hae a lage qantity of
first class eroee-out eawe for sale and
ready for work. Timber cutters should
see them for they ere fast and easy out.
fere. Yonre for saws, T. McGregor,
Brueeele Saw and Tool Co„ Brgeecle,
People We Talk About.
Miee Roddick is visiting at Loudon.
John F. MoOrae hae located in Toren.
Mise McDermott has gone to Miohigan
to viait.
Mre. F, 8. Scottisvisiting friends in
London thi8 week,
T. A. Hawkine ie spending a few days
in Toronto this week.
D. M. and Mre. Scott are spending a
few days in Rockwood.
D. Henderson ie visiting hie brother,
Councillor Henderson,
Angus Kerr will go to Kincardine in
the employ of A. Hewitt.
Miss Maggie Bargees hae gone to Sault
Ste. Marie on a bueineee trip,
Mre. Beaker, of Zurich, is the guest of
her daughter, Mre. Geo. Beefier.
0. H. and Mre. Bartliff were vieiting
at Seafortb for a few ''days this week.
Mre. (Dr.) Snider, of Port Dover, is the
gueet of Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes, Brueeele.
Milton McGuire ie back from atrip to
Manitoba. He looks the better of hie
Mrs. J. H. Grimoldby and obildren, of
Owen Sound, are visiting frienda in
0. P. Croce, of the Standard Bank, ie
enjoying a few days at Toronto and
Mre. G. A. Deadman and Gertrude are
away to Woodetouk for Thanksgiving
with relatives.
W. and Mre. Ellie are visiting their
daughter at Ingersoll during the Thanke•
giving holiday.
Miee Aggie Herbert and Miee Belle
Burgess, of Blnevale, were visiting friends
in town Iaet week.
Wm. and Mre. Johnston, of Galt, visit-
ed the former's dieter, Mre. Habkirk, a
few days last week.
Andrew Burgess, of Boieeevain, Man.,
is hare on a holiday visit.. He is a broth-
er to James Burgeee.
Mise Mary Morrie, of Heapeler, is the
gnat of Mies Mary Howe daring the
Thanksgiving holidays.
Mise Bessie Beattie ie recovering quite
nicely from her attack of fever and will
Boon be o"nvaleeaent we hope.
Mies Annie Riohardson has been ill
with eppendiaitie but is making fair pro-
greee toward 0omplete restoration.
Mise Emma Greenway is visiting at
the Methodist Parsonage. She is a
daughter of Hen. Thos Greenway and a
neige of Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes.
Last week we omitted the name of Mre.
Jae. Turnbull in epeaking of Bruseelltes
who attended the Silver Wedding of E.
T. and Mre. Greeneidee at Molesworth.
Reginald Fleteher, who oame home
eeveo weeks ago to reornit hie health, has
improved so well that he .,will return to
Chicago on Friday to resume hie position.
Mre. A. J. Lowry and children are away
to Loudon and St. Thomas for Thanke•
giving with relatives. Mre. Jae. Sharp,
Mre. Lowry'( mother, of Morrie, amens.ponied the above mentioned trio.
Wanted Bogus Money.
A case of more than usual interest
came up before Magistrate Saunders at
Guelph Monday afternoon. Homer R.
Harris, a young farmer of 1Ciuloae town-
ship, was arrested at Palmerston Monday
morning by Provincial Detective J. E.
Ragere and William Greer, charged with
offering to buy counterfeit money. It
appeared from the evidence given by
Detective Rogue that a letter had been
reoeived by that official from Harris on
July 81 last, inquiring "whathis business
terms were 0" He replied, telling the.
correspondent to say exaotly what was
wanted and he would give him his best
terms. Mr. Rogan finally sent samples
of the bills, which were produced in court,
along with the oorreepoadenae. Prisoner
asked for terms in flues and tens, which
were given as 9260 for $1,000. A meeting
was arranged for at Ripley, the prisoner
agreeing to take $500 worth of bills at
$126. The prisoner asked that his lettere
be addressed to his brother Frank, who,
he explained to the detectives later, was,
in Michigan, the pri8oner getting Prank'e
mail. The meeting at Ripley, however,
fell through from some misunderstanding,
and another meeting was asked for at
Oain's Hotel, Luoknow. Then the cor-
respondence broke off for a month. On
November 18 the prisoner wrote again,
asking for -a meeting at the Queen'eHotel,
Palmerston, not later than Monday,
November 25. The meeting tookplace
there Monday morning and the prisoner.
was arrested with $126 on hie person,
which he had brought to purchase the
counterfeit money.
The prisoner, when asked by elle date°•
tivee for hie reasons dor purobaeing the
"green goods," acid that he intended to
pale it off and make enough money to
take a course in singing, .11e did not like
farming, but wanted to prepare himoolf
for the stage. He leads oho of the choirs
in hie dietriot. He added that he pre -
fervid fives and tette 90 one8 and twos,
because when he paeeod them ho got a
quicker return,
hadprisoner told the detectives how ho
ad 0Cme to write for the"money In
eeep0n80 60 a olroular adi'ortieing''green
AS"T4HD4.i0. 234 N.f.C" OF 04X4D4,
HS6r',H.dsT,Tm8T. 1.972.
OAP1TAL PAID UP (one Million. Dollars) $1000 Q00
,AST 9700,000
Apenvies in ail principal points in Ontario, Quebed, Manitoba, United States (t Enp{and,
A Gaperel Banking Buoineoe Traneaoted.. Partnere' Notes Dieoonnted,
Drafts Issued and Qolleetione made on ell pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 anis upwards and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a dielanoe,
payable at any bank issued Under 910.. . , 87, 920 to 950....120
Gfl9� OTI at thefolloWin( rates:— $10 to 020 ..10o. 80 to 40.,.,14o
p'. 13. GRAY, AMINO Adm.
goods," he wrote to a New York man,
who wanted $50 before he would Bend
anything. This Harris refused to send,
whereh on the e. York 1
P New k deo er referred
Harris to "J. E. Rogers, Game Warden,
Toronto," as a man who would do heel -
nears with him. The New York dealer,
by the bye, had put in two years in prison
for this bueineee, the Provinoial police
having nipped 1310 at Niagara Palls. As
"3. E. Rogers, Game Warden, Toronto,"
was none other than Joseph E. Rogers of
the Provincial detectives, the motive of
the New York man may be surmised.
The prisoner pleaded guilty and was
committed for trial. Subsequently before
the County Judge be again pleaded guilty
and was remanded for sentence,
lllrueeele School Hoard.
A special meeting of the Public Sohool
$pard was called by the Chairman Thurs-
day evening of last week to make arrange-
ments to extend the work of the school
so as to include Junior Leaving and
Matrioulation work. Members present,
Jae. Turnbull, J. G. Skene, D. 0. Ross,
A. Coueley and W. M. Sinclair.
Moved by W. M. Sinclair, seconded by
D. C. Rose that an assistant teacher be
engaged to enable the 801oo1 to extend
the present Continuation Class work so
as to include all the subjects of Junior
Leaving and Matriculation examinations.
Moved by A. Coueley, seconded by J.
G. Skene that the Property Committee
be instructed to have a room properly
fitted up to be used in carrying on the
above mentioned work.—Carried.
Moved by D. 0. Ross, . seconded by A.
Coueley that the village pupils taking
Latin with Part I Junior Leaving work
be charged a fes of 50 Dents per month
and pupils taking Part II Junior Leaving
work be oharged $1.00 per month.—Oar
Board then adjourned.
The Hravenbarst Free Hospital For
To the Editor of Tun Po82
Sir,—The main building of the Graven.
huret Free Hospital for Consumptives is
nearly completed and only a small amount
of money has been received for furnishing.
By the rate appeals are coming in we
must double the number of bed., without.
delay. ' Certainly this free hospital ie the
country's most pressing need. Nearly
every mail brings distressing requests for
help from olergymen, miseion ,workers
and from the consumptive poor. A poor
widow wants to be cured for the sake of
her little boy ; a laborer's wife pleads for
her young daughter, her boy and her 2
year 0191 baby ; a father with .a large
family of little children wants to be cured
for hie family's Bake ; a mechanic and
hie wife are to -day oonenmptwee, and nn.
less help Domes soon six children will be
orphans and homeless ; a young heroio
girl, struggling to earn a living for her
mother and herself, is now a consumptive
and destitute ; a young man giving his
life to support an invalid mother and
sister finds himself a victim of this terrible
scourge. These are only a few of the
heart•breakiog appeals for help. We are
dependent absolutely upon the generosity
of benevolent people to provide for these
sufferers. We ask the substantial a8ei8t•
enoe of your readers in this hour of
need. Yours sincerely,
WALTER 3111105 "Mown,
National Sanitarium Association,.
157 Bay St., Toronto.
Subscriptions, money orders,
ohequee, &o , for this urgent charity may,
be sent to the National Trust Company
Limited, Treasurer, 22 King St., East,
Toronto ; to Walter James Brown, or to
the Editor of this paper.
Morris Council Meeting.
The. Council met pursuant to adjourn.
ment in the Council' Room on Nov. 18012.
Members all present, the Reeve in the
chair. Minutes of last meeting read and
passed. The Reeve presented a oeminun.
102t1on from G. F. Blair, of.Brueeel',
Maiming on behalf of Wm. Riley,.pf Grey,
the sum of $105.00 for injuries to a mare
caused by an earth fast atone on the 5th
line of Morrie.. The Reeve also reported.
having examined the locality where the
accident 000urred. After hearing eafd
report it was moved by. Code, seconded
by Shaw that in case any further action
is taken in the matter the Reeve be in.
structed to defend the interests of the
municipality—Carried. The Reeve re.
ported that the Treasurer had received a
communication from the Provinoial
Auditor requesting him to be at Goderioh
on the 14th inst. and produce all neces-
sary books and mere In oonneotion with
his office for inepe0tlon and on the advice
of the Reeve the Treasurer had done as
requeeted, the result being that every.
thing was found satisfactory, On motion
of Taylor and Jackeon the following
Deputy Returning Officers were appoint-
ed in 0288 a pollbe required at the coming
municipal elections :—No, 1, A, Laidlaw
No, 2, R. Bewley ; No. 8, Chas, Moarea ;
No. 4, Tina. Miller, jr. ; No. 5, Wm.
Eleton No, 0, 3, Robb, On motion of
Shaw and Code the Reeve and Treasurer
were authorized to borrow 0200,00 00 meet
aliment expellees. Bylaw No. 9, 1901,
was duly read and passed. A000unte
were ordered to be paid as followe :—Jae,
H, Brandon, drawing tile and patting in
culvert, $9.00 Ira Etcher, gravel, $1.75 ,
Wm. Bryan, tile, $2 04 ; T, S Brandon,
expenses re Provincial Audit, $5.00; Win.
Turvoy, gravel, 35.16 .1 G. W, Prootor,
gravel, $8.00 ; Howlett Inouranoe Co.,
instalment on hall, $1.20 ; Geo, Grigg,
drawing tile and' putting id culvert on
MoKillop boundary, $3.00 ; Albert Oak-
ley, gravelling on East bouudary, 986.07
Jae. Bolger, Inepeoting on East bound-
ary, $7 50; R. McDonald, repairing bridge
and gleaning ditoh, $9.00 ; Wm. Phelan,
supplying material and .building culvert
and gravelling approaohes,'$14.00 ; James
Scott, lumber and repairing four culverts,
$16.00; M• Healey, ditch, 05,00; M.
Kelly, tile and digging ditoh, $3.00 ; Jas.
Smith, lumber, 31 00 ; D. O'Connor, re.
pairing culvert, $1,00 ; Geo. Readman,
underbruehing and building bridge,
$14 00 ; Wm. Gannet, fenoewire on North
Boundary, $16.45 ; S. Shine, burying
heifer, 91.00 ; 3. McCaughey, cleaning
ditch, 500; D.Farquhareon, gravel, 31.47;
M. Watson, gravel, 45o 1 Wm. Oakley,
gravel, $2,10 ; Thos. Russell, repairing
two oulverte, $3.00; Jae. Sheddan, gravel.
ling and repairing culverts, $2,00 ; Jae.
Russell, cleaning ditch, 50o. On motion
of Shaw and Jackson the Council then
adjourned to meet again on the 18th day
of December next. W. CLARK, Clerk.
Mr. B8lfonr is Buffering from an attack
of influenza and has been obliged to rota -
eel all his engagements for the present.
Glneott.—In Howiek, on Nov. 17013, 1901,
to Mr. and Mre. James Gibson, a
- daughter.
JollusTON.—In -
East WawBnoeh, on Nov
ember 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Johnston, a eon,
Tuogea.—In Morris, on November 17th,
to Mr. and Mre. Hugh Tacker, a
GILL—OARNocuAN.—In Grey, on Nov. 20,
by Rev. D. 13. Mattes, Mr. William
Gill to Mise Mary J. Oarnoohan, all
of Grey.
Hunan—Hoene —In Wingham, on Nov,
20th, by Bev. R. Hobbs, aeeieted by
Rev. Wm. McDonagh, Mr. H. V.
Hatton, of Brantford, to Mies Jennie
M. Hobbs.
0AMrssIL: Io MoKillop, on Nov. 24,
Catherine McDonald, beloved wife of
James Campbell, aged 47 years.
DuLMAOE: In Elowiek, on Nov. 17th, 1901,
Christiana Wright, relict of the late
Jonathan Dulmege, aged 85 years, 10
months and 19 days.
TuuBeDAY, Deo. S.—Clyde colts and
Western ranch boreea, broken to harneee,
at the Sale Stables of undersigned, Bros
eels, Sole unreserved, at 2 o'clock. A.
Hewitt,'Propt.. F. S. Scott, Ano.
Pall Sl heat
Barley 45 48
Peas 86 68
Oats 40 42
Butter, tribe and robe 14 16
Eggs Per Arleen . ... 14 15
Flour' per OWL ........ 4 00 '. 5 00
Potatoes (per bag) 46 46
Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 8 00
Sheen 'trine, each .. 25 25
Lomb (kine eaoh 25 80
Salt. 1 er bbl., retail1 00 70.
Hay per ton 7 00 7 60
Hidoeitrimmed - 6 6i
Hidee„ rough 6
Hoge, Live
5 60 5 50
12 13
GENERAL servant wanted. Apply to
MRS, W. M. SINCLAIR, Brnasals.
A outrun of 2 and 3-year•old steers
for sale. Apply to TH0 S. MOORS, Broglels.
COMBINATION look,, fire proof eafe for
gale or to exchange. Face moaeureeiOnte
81 x 88. For price, &e., Flee or write
B. GERRY, Brussels.
Nov. 28 , 1001
Have you tried it ? If
you want your Calves and
young Colts to come out
neat Spring with a nice,
sleek, glossy hair Herbs,
geum will do,it. ,A tea-
spoonful in their feed each
morning and night, cost-
ing only 2i Dents a week,
is all that's required..
4 Ib. bag 50c, at
Fox's Druz Store.
Wanted, enitable for raneh purposes,
Apply to 8700. BE81, Brueeele,
8110901 ng and nine Ram Leioeetor
Lambs for sale. Some eligible for regletra.
Mon,. D, MILNE, Ethel,'
A. Sheep of both sexes and various ogee,
also Bronze Turkeys and Embden Geese..
JOHN SMITH, Lot 8, eon. A, Grey,
Turnberry street, Brueeele, for sale at
a bargain. Apply to
11808.'BALLANTYNE, Brussels,
lighted and convenient rooms to :let In
the Leokie block over G. A. Doadm an's and
Mre. Rogers' stores. Apply to 8', 8. SCOTT.
$15.00 to $18.00 a Week
salary for an intelligent man or woman in
each town. Permanent position. 80 cents,' •
par hour for spare time. Mauuiaoturet4 f
Box 78, Philadelphia. 10
r�- l
of s, etin Brueeele. Eligibly situated, 5 aorta.,. ./
land, 9ble. well, cellar and other eon -t tl
venienoes. For price and tering applyto h,
M188 DARK, Oranbrook P. O., or Tan 1oem
Publishing House, Brussels. . 19 -ti
aTme and Hoose. Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and on short notice..
Have had three 90210' oxper10008 in 0itr.y
work. Terme reaeorable, Give me a call..
28 • W. J, JOHNSTON, Walton.
.Hard Wood for Sale.
The underelgned offers for sale a quantity
Of either cordwood or stove wood. will de-
liver it to partioe in town. For further par -
Maniere as to price, &0apply to
Queen's. Hotel, Brussels.
Timber Land for Sale.
For sale the South Half of Lot 20, Con, 7.
In the Township; of Morrie, or the timber
will be Bold without the land. Will oleo sell
the South Half of Lot 27, Oen.0, Morrie, all
cleared. For further particulars apply to
19.4 JAMES ?ETCH, Deloraln°, Man.
Huron County Council.
The Council of tem County of Enron- w01
meet in the Connell Chamber in the town
of 0oderieb on Tuesday, Srd day of Decem-
ber next, at 9 o'clock p, m.
Dated at Goderleb this 20th day of Nov-
ember 1001.
1 .2
W. LANE, Clerk.
Wood Wanted.
Tenders will be reoeived' until December
19th for the delivery of 70 cordo of good,•
sound, green. hardwood, 22 Mabee long to he
delivered at Dramatis Public School School before
the First day ofMarob, 1002,'
R. 81088,
19.2 8 eoretary Pnblio School Board.
season 1290 advanoeel and I have not
cold my cres in t I will rent at once, There
are 100 acres in raum, good buildings, Gorr!
chard, &o. For further particulars as to
terms, &o., apply to WALTER INNE8, Pro-
prietor,Jameetown, or F. S. SCOTT, Brus-
sels. 10.
E20te8Ls.—The nuderalgnod offers for
Salo Lots 79 end 74, Ann street, and Lot; 75
and 75,. on Mary street, in the village of
Brussel;, containing 000 2008, very deeirab-
ly looeted. On the premises 1; a bouee,
stable and well. Will beeold at a bargain.
For further partieulare as to pride and 00708
apply to JOHN RODDIO3,
14-tt - Brueeele.
& Turnbull
C�. Saw
and Axes.
au Saws Fitted zap .Ready
fin' Use.
Prices r cos Ri
ht and
Quality Good.
'xtt r
& Turnbull