The Brussels Post, 1901-11-28, Page 5e
Nov", 2$, 1901
14S Poi$
� �° C Q t1
hpmo. He wag a Meet entbueleetiomem,
bop of the 0, 0, F., le 0, T. M,, 0,
eleetrioity and electrical treatment, and
tato in gingery diseaoea
f' '=iG.=tiaL ' [ "-�3C = i
_ .„••_ __
0, 0: F.,, and Tues always poo tint no
epepiai work and
of the rya, ear, Anse tend Throat, They
�. it,
matter who was absent, He &temye lied
will be gone tura few weeks.
Joeepll McGrati bite returned, hone
epmetbiug to offer for the good of the
Ceder and iu maul ways endeared him
Oounoillpr O.getelen w,te on a ladder
putting on doable wiudowe, whoa dile
COmilipned from pate 4 J
Altai x x E� OR1E r
from the Northwest,
eel/ lie the members gene ally,
ladder broke in two, throwing him to the
One hip severely Injured
1 �
Robt. Ottnnini7hanl had. the miefortune.
lo weld 000 Of hie feet.
- Par'vv0041,.
ground. wee 00
that be may be nnoble to leave hie room
important Part of the ohuroh were the
i r
Wm, H, Gregg has had n windmill
created on his harm )net 009- the al-
Jas. McLaughlin 10 putting a Page
wire lenge around hie sore of land is the
Stnth end of the village,
11100, Edgar, our hardware merghant,
Fnnceeded in bringing ctbwn two deer
H g
while on hie hinting tome,
It was dsuided at 111° moeting bald in'
thewas ohar011 to lipid their minuet
Sabbath Sohoul entertainment in' the
Town Ball on Deeember 20th,
17r,MA Oouoorx.--Tho municipal council
of the township of Blank mat in the eget,
cultural hall, A.twppd, on Nov. 111 mem.
berg all proem; ; minutest of last meeting
ri ed and signed. Moved by Mr, Wherry
and Me. smith,, that the eontragt of the
completion of the 0011 balder drain ,be
dad toPeter N (Woolson a° J,Regan
away e 1 , n d ga
for sum of $7;616, including highway
oulvertr provided temerity le sa4lefaotory
onlverol to be dem laded on. or before 1hg
16th of December. -Carried. Moved by
Mr. Comes Mr. Rothwell, that p,
110 tWn 0r 111109 weeks' •
A uot)n Obteh0lm reeotved by poet 1110
bare fortheSouth AA[rieau•.oamip
Which he took Part as a member of the
Royol ()netball Regiment 01 Infantry.
There are four hare, 00 each one Of w111gh
is the name of the battle or portion of ilia
campaign for whrob it 1e Tyra, Hamel
Ca Ool i1 Paardeber g Drielonle b,
pe q y, g, 1 ,
Johannesburg, only 900 of the 1200
members, of the Canadian regiment are.
entitled to four bare.
1,!O110 value of the S. S. Convention"
wag the ieet paper for tag afternoon ace•
Bion and was presented by Mies Simpson
in a very timely paper, She thought
everybody nbould make nee of what is
presented, One 'purpose Of the WWnven•
lion ie tq en000ea a workers. $areule
;Mould not be slow to de their their part,
Stimulate the teaehere in their fidelity
and zeal in their labors. Improved
metbode are desired. Each one should
enter heart and soul into the diecuieione,
Exchange of thougbt
Again we And ouraeivee 40e
to face with the Christmas
+t9aaOq and elerybOdy is attar
thentce0tsifIs for theirfriends.
Now 04 can et one dozen
Phatoe for 6ogsnd
7 OP, W9
have a moa assortment 01
Photo, Monate and in Photo•
graphing we pride oureelvoe
in tieing second to none.
T, f (: ' '�- — —
l Lpaign,
` - Ladies Cloth - and.
^� yt {; tt (�[ �i
` Fur
4l ^ �^" ^T •
We hare done a large reads in Ladies bol l atld. Fur Ooate this
season, Our eteelt got pretty badly broken n , but fast weak we sorted u r
) the ,i1es that Were +told netand added e p P
dd d hvsrai new Imes, which onto our
stook i0 ;od shape. 11 tat wants Fur or ()loth JaokOt you. ehpuid see
` our afoot now, when 1t rs at Its beet,
Ladies' Coate, in navy, mid brown, velvet collar,' double
01u1, -Goo Barber, one of the •beet
known ultimo in the town, passed away
to hie long home on Tneed,y forenoon,
19th inet , at the aye of 56 years, The
deoeaaed bad been aitiug off and on lately
but ii. wan evident to hie' man friends
that thio siukasae was likely to be We
last, although knowing+ this it wee a
shook ana$ear that Ur,Barberwas dead.
Be was not only popular With the town's
folk in general but In the lodge room he
will be most missed outside of hie own
Pigeon be paid $57, butanes in fill for
cleaning Hume 'Boland drain,-Onrrfed,
Moved by Mr, Wherry and 671.' Coates,
that J. Roger, 0. L, S., be paid $878 for
report, p 08, epeoi$aatione, c., in Clara.
holder drpin-Carried. Moves byMr,
Rothwell and Mr. Coutes; that the Bonn•
oil give it grant of $25 in aid of the Elmo'
agricultural soointy 6 Carried. 0ldere
were issued for a number of amounts,
after whiah the pounoil Adjourned until
Doo, 2, at 10 a. m.
` a'oxucer-
Tlios, Hemphill ie having Ale afore
remodelled for the drug store,'
Mise mile Hardt' 1e regovering from
a severe attpOk of £aobab arnlyste.
(tette a number o£ If in tax vioin.
ity are balm;, straw whteh is a 809008
thing 10 findeGhia year.,
M1° lrsoni who resides with her
eon, F, V, Diokoo01 on Hy reoelek street,
celebrated her 82nd birthday recently.
Thomas Wella this Summer round the
gives a more Som•
prebeneivo ides of the rubjeot. By at.
tending these gatherings we often work
with a new sense of reeponeibilit , We
ehoeld uee all the binte, oa eetione and
methods iR they improve our work.
yeoretary Neal read the report of the
Norminabing Oommittee which Was adop•
ted by the convention and the officers for
the Durrant year will be :-Rev. A. W.
Dever, President W. G. Neal, Score,
tory ; 17eo. Gxigg, Treaa til
Mier the °oleration was lilted and the
annonnoementa for the evening session
the days are abort 00 coma in
the fore part of the day. The
advening° in getting Phatoe,
taken now ie that we can; have
them ready before the Lime
Wishing yon one and all the
compliments of the season,
breasBeevted, 6
b eaten, fancy buttenv, $3.96.
Ladies Cheviot Coate, in fawn end black, velvet miler, double breast.
ed. memorized lining, $5.
iladiea Venetian Jaokete, in black end .fawo, fly Trout, carved pearl
bnetona, very stylish, 37 50.
Fine Kersey Coate, in fawn, bleak and pearl, inlaid velvet oollar and
notate; rows otetitobio for trimming, g
P g g, ay trout, eatiu linin 312 50.
Ladiea'Aetrnoban Coats, m great variety, 24,'26; 80 and 34,inahee long,
allllsizes, at $15, $20, $22.50, $25, up to $40, every garment guar. v
Our shook °f Boots, Shoes and Rnbbere
A Liberal Offer.
Sunday was elle reaey day in the
Methodnet oleurch.
works of' an old watch in the Maitland
work an was match in th over
100 years ago: England
Thos. J. Gibsou, who hae been in
were made thio interesting gathering was
dismissed by Rev. Mr. MaoNab offering
u pp
H. il, 444 ���rrr. ■
ie now complete in all linea
at rook bottom'
prices. Lumbexmen'e Rubbers in the bestg0alfyy,Ladiea,
Aliases and Onildre0'e Fine Robbers and Cardigaue, in all sizes, Men'e
Heavy and Light Sboee of all kinds. Ladiee' Misses and Children's Shoes,
in the be sE lowest
Thie is an opportunity for those not
Wm. Cameron; of Oak Lake, Mani.
tobe, is visiting [riende in Lueknow.
Mauitobn for some time, hae returned
home.. He expecte to go Week again in a
EVENING 00001010.P
The church well filled for the
quality at rices.
now subsoribere ofTnE Poem. From now
Thaukegivieg eervioe will be held in
couple of monthe,
Rev. Mr.
mea j le- ., c
until January let, 1908, fifteen full
will sand Tan Pose to any,
thePreebyborian °buroh on Thureday.
The Bruce County
Wm. Sanderson shipped over 2000
evening seeeion. Jerrow °pee-����.,
ed the service by announcing the hymn,
months, we
',Orion nob now a subscriber, sending their'
name and address aoggmpauiod by $100;
the price of one year's subsoripeion.
This fs a remarkably liberal offer
and ought to add largely to our subsorlp•
tion list.- If our Aei hb0r dose not take
y g
Tan Poso show this notice t0 him and
perhaps it will induce him to become a
we haves also made special arrange•.
manta with the publiabere of the Montreal
DailyHerald, whereb we can supply the
y pp Y
Daily Herald with Tan Pose at the ex-
next meeting 01 the
Oounoil will be held at Walkerton on
Tuesday, Deo. 10th.
Mies May Harding hae left for Silver
Cliff, Nipiseing, to accept a lucrative
p.,eioion as stenographer for the Canadian
Copper Company of that plaits,
R -v,. Mr, Dunn, of Whiteoburoh,
preached in Lnoknow Presbyterian-
church laet Sabbath mo,n ng; while Bev.
A MoIIuy preoahed in IIi0loueb:
P. McDevitt was charged by the Licensem.
L"e rotor before Ma ietrateo Rebt. Gra'
I g
hem, Thoe. Lewronee, Reeve Attie and
turkeys from the 0. P. R. station here on
Monday of last week. There were over
100 teams the depot with fowl.
Mrs. Thos. Malloy, who lives near town
in Howlett, recently celebrated her 100th
birthday and be quite motive with her
fi era, .Last week aha carried and spun
g P
on a low wheel, about 8 Ibe. of.. yarn.
. Tbe amnia! meeting of the Wroxeter
branch of the U, C Bible So°fat will
be held in the Presbyterian Church, on
Tuesday evening Deo. 3 d: Rev. Q, W.
W 'tab, of Shelburne, will be preeeutaud
"Jesus death all Ebinge well," atter
which Geo: Grigg was asked to offer
After singing "Work for the nightie.
coming,' Rev. Mr, Jarrow made a few
remarks and introduced Rev, A. W.
Dever, the President elect, who returned
thanks for the honor done -him.
The onion choir gevo a flea eeleation
entitled"Tinto a happytidings."
"The S. S. ; its 4femberehip and
Management;" was the timely enbj of of`_
Ray. Mr. Dever, The S. 8 is a place
c Q r a o o a
• • anted.
The undersigned are pre ar-
1 p
ed to pay cash for all kinds of
Cordwood both dryand green,
delivered the Salt Works.
�' ,... ^•
1K ..
e r + 11
�fy ui it rf
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'' ` �
/`":" 'a "3a, rr
r � ' '. w4 ''
y Y C \
, �_
% int
°optionally low rate of $1 80 for the two Pear Murray with netting liquor on Son
papers. This will enable you to have one day, th'a 10 h inet„ and a fine of $20 and
of the leadingdaily papers in the Domin. costa was im ooed.
y P P P
Pose for less than Many of our readers will regret to hear
Too together withweekly
the•pripe of two weekly papers In ad that litre. J. St. Clara Walker, of Minto,
ninon to receiving the two papers, a hand• Manitoba, hae bean eerionely 411 with
some picture of King Edward VII is stomach troubles at the reaidenoe of her
given with them. The fact that the father, Edwin Gaunt; of West Wawa
regular subooription of the Daily Herald nosh, for the past 'few 'weeks, Mr:
deliver an address.
The Coanotl mot on Tuesday eveningof
lacy week. A'1 members present but 0.Foreman
Smith. M100488 of former meeting read.
The. 0eua1 ben' were passed. A
nI itiun wall ale° passed forbidding the
throwing of ashes on the streets.
- The members of the Curling Club met
in J. E. Bleak'e entre when the following
Where men, women and children meet to
study the Word of Clod. In olden days
the Jewish synagogue took the lace of
the S. 6. Al r 6 years o d were
scholars among the Jews. Roby, Raikes'
idea was s school for poor children but
the modern S. S. is much broader, taking
1n both young and old. The young oho•
pie may be retained in the e l by build.
ins up a olase of older people between
Brusseh? Salt Works.
i ' V Bamford,
8 i Is ready for Fall and Winter weather
with a splendid stock of
Ito � d
alone ie 88 a year will give you an idea of Walker arrived here [rum Msaitoba on
the exceptional liberality of this offer. Friday, 15th inet., bringingwith him
We also offer Tea Pons and the Weekly several very See wild duoka. ,
Globe, with two handsome pictures, for -
Officers were aimed :-President, 30130
Bray ; Vioe•Preeldent, R. Blaok ; See..
Trees., J. E. Black • Managers, R. Black,
J. E. Black, Thos. Rae ; ,Rink Commit.
them and the door. Every S. S. should
be under control of some church -where
it is poeeible, and the eharoh elioiitd hsve
' taught 4 We most learn our lesson and
get the exact meaning of the words. A
English dictionary is
g �!1 '° ` P:J+ a n
k k r.
Horse ''
. _
81.60. ter a year, and new subscribers will Fordwieie.
re,ceive the balance of the year free to - Iaaso Wada has his now boot and rhos
bock papers. we have epactal rates with store open for bueinees.
several other papers, which. ie 0onjune- p
Iron with Tat Pon, furnish yon with A. McCurdy ie still . oondned to the.
all the boat readingmatter obtainable at hoose with a eeverestta0kof rhenmaEism,
exceptionally low figures. het as add Robert Mee, coo. 9, tae one to Wing•
your name to the long list of others who ham 10 take a eituatioa in the chair fac•
now enjoy the weekly visite of Tse Pon, 1007-
whetheryou wish an of the other papers A S. Strome shipped two art ads of
y P P inmbet on Monday of last week to Mr..
or not. L•ivtun of Harrison.
Geo. Johnston family hada
lee, 11 Black, John Bray, Tboa. Rae.
Babt, Miller, County Commiesionee,
got a nasty fall whioh might easily have
been a very e001008 matter. Re was in
Rutherford & Munro'e store and with
a lighted lamp in hand abetted to go to
the office, but instead stepped into the
cellar way and fell down some 7 or 8 feet.
Strange to say the lamp or glass were not
broken but Mr. Miller of a few budges
and 'Wretches, but beyond %little soreness
of hie book he was all right in a few days.
a directing influence in the teaching of
the 1088008. The nhurob should support
- the eollool both morally and financially
Hymn No. 280 was shoe by oboir and
eongrej ation-
W. $, Kerr,of Brussels, gave a talk
on "Banners and Battles."
Choir Bang "Onward" with a heartiness
that was a reoiabed.
"The Tenoher'e E n; menti" was the
p• q p
topic of Rev. Mr. MacNab, M. A. The
purpose of the S. S ;e to teach how beet
to love (Tod sad love man. Beet equip•
good a go id bell,.N
mate, A Bible diotionery should not be
wanting, also have a0onoordanoe. Study
the ooatext and strive to nnderetand the
prfnoiplee underlying the Leeson. The
legitimate applications of Scripture
Pp P
should be applied. Next the teacher
meet cense the scholar to know. The
Lord was a model teacher and the apes.
flee were possessed of a good dee! of
OAriet'a personality g,
p y and teaohin Know
the saholare as to their inteileotuel
standing anal their spiritual necessities.
�'�' Pial
Which have only to be seen to be admired. Sold at
veryreasonableprices. Also keep
p in stock, Halters,
Bells, Curry Combs, Brushes and all other articles in
q4y our line.
b Trunks, Valises and Satchels.
Our Single and Double Harness are A 1 and take
the Red Ticket wherever shown.
and moved
into their new reeidenoe, which ie cue <,£
ppn �- Q the finest in the village.
Spectacles UacIGS Time: Walker, 4th o0n., has arrived
home from Menitnba where he had been
It Wae a good thing the lamp globe did
not get broken, as the spot where he fell
was a, dangerous one had afire got started.
mantp'leeible is desired. The naoeeaary
equipment is Acquired and Personal.
The first thing is to enquire what 10 to be
The acme medicine will nut Dare all.
diseases and the teachers' bueioeoe should
be to prescribe for their pupils' neoesei-
diagnose each Base if
tire. Weshouldhebp
•• �'1p w'
O J .
` ° a��,,�s
7 4 bd
spending the peat two months.
G. and familyme have mored,
we are to help in the ro0re, Attention of
the °lase is of prime neceeeity in'teach-
cakoo�y c
to Haucver he intends running a
ing. Results will prove the value of tbe
i boot and shoe and music, atom,easonable
The WillingWorkers r, pose giving
4 an "At Home" and Lecture nder thei
d. 'ameet
evening, Deo. 11th.
auspices. The first is to take place onGo o T
There willber pre 0001MMarch inn service Y.
- -OF ALL KINDS- in the Presbyterian (March on Thanks
Day, Nov, 28th, at 2 o'olook.
effort. The greater part in moat teachers
has been acquired. Spiritual life mast
be cure if our teaching to a tnopeee. We
be a epiribnal vital force. A pare
a moat visioneof God
We used a fresh vision of God for every
lesson. . Heat heart is al s0 a prime
necese. Heat 19 diffusive so fa Love
The � � ® �
General era torte
giving ned111111111=1111.
Fitted to Correct all Communion service will be held tbe Sab
and by these we influence our pupils.
Entire devotion meet be a leading
Failures of Eyesight, Eol
flee lecture will be delivered at 2 �l �a�,
and your Eyes tested FREE by o'olook in the Foresters' Hall, Fordwieh, ...7710 �W V e rL ��t6itir.
latest Option) methods at. on Tbureday, Nov. 28th. The meeting
Will be addressed by W. A. Campbell, Scmeas.
Division ' Court Office, Oommieeioner. of Highways: - Boots (.Xr Shoes
R bt, liibaon, assistant bla0kemith l
BRUSSELS with A. O. Hutchinson, is unable to work 'p y, p�
- - ----• - at present from the effeots`of a sore ear.' Rtubbers (Xi Overshoes
n� @ n R,bert haat bad ear ttonbia for a long p"
Ile Brussels Post. ep1 vO time and the dcolor-0H3 not expect he S u1�iS C7Ci Overcoats,
:116 Montreal WAlek a able to resume work for a few f
William Dulmage, of Newbridge,' f
A11 Sizes
All Ages
All Prices
feature, Oonoentration of mind will
tend 0000800. o paeeion for route is
m essentialRe pert Remember
a "God giveth thuip.
Remember •the f0•
orhaee.". ,
Hymn, ' He Leedebh Ma," was joined
in Little Mies Carrie Shortreed sang in
excellent voice "Papa come tbie way"
and not a few will be glad to bear her
"The pastor in relation to the S. S.,"
was the °losing theme introdnoed by Rev,
Mr. Jarrow. The S. S. should be organ-
ized ' with the pastor in one Trust to
� i� i'�
/� ,��/
It is now a little over one year since we opened up business
in Jamestown and it is pleasing and satisfactory to note the increase
in trade which speaks volumes for a go-ahead business. We thank
ou the road with the Peddling Wagon and also at the (store and bi-
station to Buffalo on Wednesday of last
And to Splendid Piatni'0 of week, and Sobaefer & McLaughlin a
King off WS61'(� Y �T. 50 double deck of Iambs to Buffalo and a GENTS' ri U� COATS.
EdwardVII. carload of mixed stock to Toronto on
the day.
set aside all that 0990808 the cause of
Christ. This will be the backbone of
the pastor's work. The eobool will open
home to the work of the pastor. We
speak a continuance of the same. the second f ear we will
p During y
endeavor to cater to your wants with a larger assortment of goods
in ever department. Our Fall and Winter stock is about all in
y p
same VERT
Styles in Cape.iinesl
must be humble in our work. interest•
and you are cordially invited to inspect our goods and compare
Total $4 50Newest 0f3EAP.
Godes lolr.
AL Fon $1.•x0 Over 300 care eent East ie the record December Fashion Sheets and
ALLedify o[ the G. T. R. station fot the ant week,
Patterns' to hand.
ing andpraotiosl illaetratione were given
of the work in other places.
"Launch Out" was a cheery eeleotion
nicely rung bq the choir.
prices. We quote a few prices below just samples of value to be
found throughout the stock :—
The Deoember session Of the County
'fills i0 the greatest -combination oder Council will commune° on Tueeday,
war any banaaran iomnal, and we December 9rd.tbie
ire fortunate in securing the excllyusive Wye Mise Mildred Campbell will a0t tem• Evelythin Cheap. A
ing ofO undoistrant ppeonnally Rabiboeeerily as organist in Viotoria streetNO Panay r1Ces.�.�
n 1808,14 has long been the loading Liberal-ethpdist church, - -
:nor of pastern Canada: It ie now a great J. W. Broderick has returned to town
l �o 81" 0
colleotione, after expenses were
dednoted, amounted to about $5,00 and
will be forwarded. to the Sick
Chfldene' Iosgital, Torouta.
A,hearty vote of thanks was pureed to
the ttnioii choir for their appropriate and
well rendered m0aio, whic was. probably
-Ladies' Veath from 30 25 to 30 60
-Ladies' Black Wool Hose 23 -
-Ladies' Oaehmoe Hose q7 -
-Largest Size White Blankets 3 25
-Flannelette Blankets. 75
-White Lace Curtains 1 00
tinily newspaper, each day giving full news and hae opened up a stook in H. j. Hon -
world, and also devoting much allure ton's old stand on the S neer.
0 matters of peculiar Interest to the tam- q
ly. ate commented intelligence is emulate The knitting factory staff ie working
ed notable, on repast orders, which are coming in `r H GREAT c A s H s-ro
OnTundlwt Ism the
at ever. more freely than. they did- this time last
the beet yet at these Conventions. Mies
Sbortreed wee included in the resolution.
Ou motion of Rev. Mr. MacNab and
Rev. Mr. Jerrow, W. H.%err wee thank.
ed for his address.
-Flannelettes from 06 14
-Prints from 05 lOt
-Men's Plough Boole from 1 00 2 00
-.Men's Long Boots,.. 1 75
-Boys' Long Boots 90
arae addition to the walls EA any library. Pax,+Binet
tis produced by anew prooee0, and is not The ladies of North street Methodist
no olthe timely colored portrafte so 0001• church are arranging for a grand Thanks•
Ion. giving gripperand concert on Thursday, ew moods
AB filo regular price of Tho ]ibrald.fe 318,00 gy, t/.. -
year, 4110 nb0rnlitq et our offer 18 sells Nov. 28111. ,
vidout. Andreas all 010008 to Jas. Stewart, of Lioderioh, hag Bold bis.
W. alt KERR, 5 more otruer lot near the Dunlop proper. Having just received another large consignment of Dry
rower,,,„ ty to Alex. Henderson, of Saltford, for Goods which we bought at a bargain from the..Manufac-
the sum of -$500. turers, it places us, in a position to offer to the public
be thetie that binds" Was the fit.
ting °losing hymn for the Convention and
Rev. pfr, Jerrow pronounced the Bens.
There wasn't a poor paper' given.
Walton hospitality was ae overflowing
as ever,
livery speaker was on hand to take...
-Boys' Tweed Suite 2 00
-Boys' Pants 75
-Men'e Pante from 90 1 50
-Men's Snits, regular $7 00, now - 5 00
-Men's Tweed Vesta - 75
-Men's Waterproof Jackets 25
-141en'e Underwear et all prfoee
-Yarns of all kinds
`�'�� �'J� 7
111 CLE0.1) IOL/
N e. r yy
�N om 1c� 0 + Oi
=Ann creta -
or Impure, Weak add Impoveriohed
100d, Dyspepsia, 8leopltosnteo, Palpita,
0n of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neut.
Loth of Memory, lrouohitie,'Con.'
Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney
nd Urinary Dineen', St. Vitus' Danae, -•
emote Irregulatibiee and General De.
Mts. Colin Campbell, of town, has been better value than ever in
placed on the romp" list of epeakera for
the Women's Instituted in various poi,
Hone of the Province. DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY,
Rev. De, Daniel Will preach in the Sea•
Eartli Methodiat ahnroh on Sandaq, De' UNDERWEAR AND BLANKETS.
°ember 8th, when the anniversary 800910ee
Df the ober° will be field.
The hocks club baa secured the I a _
y y _
Dell noncest Dom n for an entertaln• Our Boot and Shoo Department is loaded with teat
went in Viotoria Opera House on thehappy
evening of Thanksgiving Day. Values. Over •100 sire of Boots Shoes and Rullber'''• est
Inspector Tom states that there were p + J
uo lane than 25 ihangee of nowhere in bis passed into stock.
inspectorate at mid.Semnier, and he . • •
looks for a much target number at the �j+� �-+.�
13010 year, � anus_
A union meeting of the Presbyterian
and Methodist Sabbath Reboots was held Ill this Department,we have some snaps. See oar Raisins
in Victoria arrest olsaroh last Sunday they are the best in the market. Just the thing for your
afternoon., Temperance was the topic
XMAS cake.
their plum on the program. -
Valuable service Wile rendered at the We also have a large afoot of Ladies' and Gants' oboes, and a well selected stook of
organ by Mise Annie Fergueoo. Rubbers of all kinds.
A number of plants and flowers were in OnrGroceries are Always fresh and up -to date.
evidence by way of decoration. We have only one Dinner Set of Dfthea left and whoever comes will get a soap on
Revco. Masers. Jarrow and Dever made them -97 pieooe in alt.
very competent oocupante of the Presi• We also keep Hardware and 0110 of all kinds ; American and Canadian Coal Oil-
dent's chair, beet ;Holtby in Brook.
Tbe sending of the ear lug collections
to the Sik Childrene' Hospital 10100 a i 'We take Butter and Eggs in trade or oast. When the weather
A Domm,ttae of puttee and enperin• gots a little cooler we will handle all kinds of Poultry and
tendenta was appointed to eequit° into ship them ourselves so that you may depend on the highest
Normal class worts for Sabbath echoed
teaehere. price available for your Produce.
The union choir did their part splen= r
didly at bah,eee0ione and no ono oouid. OALTa AND SEE TTS.
tell by their singing which denomination
they were oonneoted with, _
Few Oonveutions have the hearty Co.
operation of all . pasture concerned at •ysa
of the alternoon,
ABORATORY OQDI"RICrd OIVTt Dr, J, L. Turnbull; and bis old oollege
1 t Whom, DY. 1taEbertord, of Listowel, left
MoLEOD, on Tuesday of last week for their annual e "'�' %�
Walton 11,41 the four pastors of the respect. 7
five eburahee were present and took an s/
native art in the roceeath e. Post Office ttare
• t
J, M. e I g/l V LI �.r� / i I p
Wirth of study at the large hospitals.
Plop, end Menbfaotbrer, Thit year they went t° Obfeage whereI
.00i.v :10l.ltnT.l►rndatet. llretaele they lntthd t0 finial their worm on PRETORIA. BLOCK; r---T_
� ,_
Jae, Nagle, of St. Marys,; one of the
Sontb Perth 'Lioenee 0oS
mmisaiouer0, ie Money Orders issued in eon- T ^�(
in very n0Or ho;tlth. - ,-,...t:.... -.Att. T],. -i -en..... .C11t.L tJ JI_ V V -