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The Brussels Post, 1901-11-28, Page 2
WORLD'S MONEY MARKET• SOME TRXk'LT'aS THAT SOME MILLIONAIRES. ' The Maley Simple Ways in Which Ponies are Started. -En - martens Lessee, The King, or rather Prince of Wales, .esus cut shooting a few years ago, and while ilring into the oye of the wind At driven birds, tt grain or two of burnt powder was blown BACK INTO BLS EYES, as often happens when shooting ;met windy .day. This news was wired up to London in the middle of the afternoon, and caught the money locket in an idle and irritable mo- ment. • The rojkort was exaggerated, end it sounded as though tho Prince was likely to lose his eyesight: Now, It was the time of the commercial treaty wf: h Germany, which was duo to receive the signatures of the Sovereign and the Heir Apparent next day, a formality which didn't make any great difference to the power of the treaty, but was neves- nary to wind things up. Tho treaty bad been settled in every other way, and the markets and Stock Ex- changes of both countries hod count- ed on it, and were waiting for the moment of the signature. Then they would ding millions to right and left, and juggle with thousands of tons of produce,' and gamble joyously in shares ; but the news of that grain of powder, which really ONLY MAD)! THE XIN'G rub his eyes for a moment, scared t11em, into thinking the treaty would be delayed for want of his signature, and there was a frantic panic. With- in twenty minutes most stocks had dropped like lead, and $5,000,000 `went under" in half an hour. Nine big' firms were "hammered" as a re- sult. Although the German Emperor has done more good to commerce and finance than any monarch no record, Ile was twelve days on the exredl- )le often tries the Stock Exchanges tion, living the last four days on ✓ ery badly, and they are afraid of raw snaffles only. him. One of the quickest Haid most thorough panics on the list was caused because a small boy once threw a ball of paper at him, in a crowd, while he was driving to Pots dam: IThy this appalling incident should cause a slump in British se- MORE TO BE DREADED THAN' curities seems a poser, but within a AN OUTB)ZEAK OF SMALL - mi ulte of the arrival of the Wows in London, elderly financiers, with mil -1 PDX. lions at their backs, were sputtering — about like rabbits in a copse, and No Epidemic in the Last Quarter shouted breathlessly that they would j e yof a Century Has Carried Off as� sell this and that as cheaply a as Many People as Annually Falb you pleased. This was the famous Victims to Consumption. "Basket" slump, and one of the most pointless panics on record, for Throughout Canada much alarm it is hard to see how the ball of has been felt during the past few paper could have been supposed to months at the outbreak of smallpox be dangerous, though the. cablegram and. has occurred in various local's was not very clear. But it was in ties and thousands of dollars have gonia mysterious way supposed to ,beta expended -and rightly so -in sup - have endangered =tires, and ver- pressing it. And yet year in and tninly the itaiser's death just then l Year out this country suffers from a would have thrown a large ,rection of plague that claims more victims an- enance into confusion, for it was the ;nuttily than have been carried oil by period of the loan negotiations with any epidermic during the past quarter China. There was hardly a British of a century. Consumption -the or foreign stock that d111 not siuinp. ; great white plague of the north -is ('i:usols felt in value by 811,600,000: more to be dreaued than any epi -1 in a few inonlents, and abort n demic. Its victims throughout Can- eeore of men were ruined. That arta are numbered by the thousands piece of paper was, as a matter of ennuplly, and through Its ravages fart, a crumpled -up petition which a bright a oung lives in every quarter l,lir, 1 man got his sun to throw into are brought to an untimely end. the Kaiser's car ringe as he passed. Whys There are two reasons, the in - Influenza has given the "House" sidlous character of the disease, and some of fps biggest shocks, and the the all too prevalent belief that report of those who inherit weak lungs are A WAVE OF 17 torodoorueci to en early death and su•uagiing over the country generaity that the most that can be clone is to sends prices down, especially if roy- give the loved ones temporary relief airy or any statesman gets it. The money market knows the habits and state of health of every powerful blalesman in Europe : and it is a stage, is curable. But better still, it tact that, when Alr, Chamberlain s ge, 15 ora Sufferers b from wenn ✓ une to the Commons one day with- out lila orchid, late, and looking lungs who will clothe themselves pro - tired, everything slumped like lead party, who will keep the blood rich among financiers, anti there was Over and red, nut only need not dread con - t5,000,000 difference fn prices next s(imptlon, but will ultimately be - day. That was put down mainly to come heuithy, robust people. Among the orchid, and, although half in those upon wham consumption had lest, it was really due to nothing fastcued ,its fangs, and who have proved is' curable, t0 ld the disease is c conic, 111 Mr. .i For t11 ranother instance, there a e t c was a big scare because of a railway ac- iluege St George, of Set. Jerome, cidcnt at Crowe, not long ago, in tSue. Itis. story as related to a re- which a good many people were kill- porter of L'Avenir du Nord, will be i Eel and injured. Lord Salisbury was of interest to similar sulierers, 111r. reported to have started for Baia- tit. George sats: "Up 1,o the ago of ourgh in that train, and so in truth f1fteeh years I had always enjoyed :le should have, but he altered his the best of health, but at tilat age I 11111)3 at the last moment. That became greatly run down. I lost shook up the funds pretty badly, and color, suffered constantly from head - kept a hatless anxious crowd of aches and pains in the sides; my ap- rinauelers striving• for their finaneial petite left ate and I became very lives in the rainy street, long after weak. For upwards of three years business hours, and sent over See.. though I was having medical treat- I 500,000 of money out of bngland. ment--the trouble went on. Then I Nothing in was attacked by a cough, and was' THE WAY OF DEATHS, told that 1 was in consumption, Then the doctor who was attending 1u0 or - by the way, would motto so much dosed me to the Laurent.ian lUoun- difference to the money market as tains in the hope that the change of Lord Salisbury's sudden decease. air would benefit in I remained It.is largely the money market's there for some time, but dict not im- bubit: of counting on things before prove, and returned - home feeling they come off, and staking millions that I had not much longer to live. on them, that lets it u1 for these It was then that my parents decided panics; and a report some time ago that I should use Dr. Williams' Pink that the Teutonic" was overdue- Pills, and 1 began taking them. Af- nothing very extraordinary -throw ter using several boxes my appetite' the whole market into confusion, and began to return, and this seemed tot depreciated live -sevenths of all stocks mark the change which brought, about 1,). Duet 800,000,000, This was be- my recovery, for with the improved cause Ever Gordon, the United appetite came gradual but surely in- creasing strength, I continued 111e, echo on the 'Teutonic" after his use 01 the pills, and daily felt the! t utl a:ea with the 'British 0.1100 t'., weakness that had threatened to end to ratify the tariff contract as soon my life disappear, until finally 1 was tie . he arrived. Now that contract, again enjoying good health, and now, III, US soon as the date was mown, was as those who know 1ne can see, 1 gambied upon to the extent of over $150,000,000 by British "money 'men," and the terror that the ''1'c•utonic" alight be at the bottom, nu 1 tile satisfying of the treaty de - TILE SCOUT IN SOTJTFI AFRICA, Eetperionee of 14fajor Burnham, the American Scout, At 7an(1 13leer Major I'. It, Burn - Lean, the Amcrioun s00111, spent an afternoon inside it Kaffir hut, while 011 a bench outsirlo wore ranged , a x,umbel• of Boer officers erateh111g the nbov0meats of 'the British in the tanee, The scoot, with his eye at a hole in the thin laud plaster wall, an inch from the head of the nearest :floor, was likewise watehhrg the Pro- ceedings. There was only ono room in the slut, and when some of the Deere decided to 00(110'anti sit inside the spout had to jump for 'a pile of skins in 'ciao 00rne1• and 11e Motion- less underneath e110 of thein for two hours, white ono of the Boors sat so close that he could have touched Burnham -:without rising 1l'oin his seat. Tho incident illustrates olio of Major Burnhnm's maxims. "Invisi- bility," he stays, '9s immobility but," ho adds, 'it is not easy to re- main motionless unless you keep an eye on the man you wish to avoid. When you logo sight of hint your im- agination is likely to get the upper hand of your judgment -and ,your nerves have to be in good condition then." At another time he lay two days and two nights in an ant -beau' hole, just big enough to keep hint conceal- ed from a neighboring commando. He was accompanied by one black boy laden with oxpiosivas, tulle also had to use the same hind of shelter. The diet and tho !lard travelling were too melt for the black boy, who had open chosen for his great strength and endurance. So Burn - hem took the guncotton with which his companion was Roan and went on alone, while the boy struggled back to the British linos. When the l3ocr,, moved on, Burn- 1:ant blew ftp the railroad between I'retoria and Johannesburg, enabling the British to capture a number of engines arta cars at Johannesburg. A MODERN SCOURGE, Good for Bad T, -et ~ Nir" , � for Good d Teeth S,Otessiiont a •, 9.3'c. $oxode ,t Zrooth 1povvdaer 25c. L,a+rgpe Liquid atsdi Pat,vvcler - 75c. All stores or by matt for.the price. Sample for the postage, 3c. - HALL. at IRUOKEEl.., Montreal, car _. CROW'S NEST COAL MINES AN ABUNDANCE 0s' COAL FOR ALL TIME, A Prosperous and Tlwiving Town Sustained by a Growing Industry. In Eastern Canada there is n0 conception of tho great and rapid de- velopment o-velopnieut of the coal mining indus- try in this district, says a letter from Perak, 13.0. Blore we have a prosperous and thriving town, con- nected with what is virtually an- other town up at the Coal Creek mines, and making in all about 4,- 000 people within a distance of live miles. Two other mining towns, 'v1Ll constantly increasing popula- tion, have been brought into exist- ence by the Crow's Nest Coal Com- pany at Michel and Morrissey Creek. The necessary works are under way and almost complete for the great coal output that nfust ultimately force its way foto the American mar - bet ea 5(1(111 as the completion of the (r0lv's Nest Southern Railway puts the Canadian producers in a more advantageous position. FOR A QTC1ANTIC OUTPTJT. I The scale on which operations aero carried on effectually allays all fear of a coal or coke famine in the west Ion Dither strip of the pane; ia fact, makes all timidity on that score quite ridiculous. The Canadian de- mand is now about 4(10 toles of coal I per day, and as an aggressive en -1 tianco into the market must wait on the completion of the Crow's Nest Southern Railway, the most exten- sive operations having been in de- velopment work. Much of the coal is now shipped in box cars, the load- ing of which is slow and unproRt- able, Coal cars such as aro supplied by the railways in other bituminous coal districts will probably be fur- tislhed, at an early date, which will greatly contribute to more easy and advantageous operations. Although the company can only reach the American market by the present cir- cuitous route, it has already been able to secure a trade south of the line, amounting to a greater tonnage than the Canadian consumption, but its efforts have been naturally manl- y directed towards development or preparatory work on the inmlens0 deposits that will provide a gigantic output in the immediate future. MONEY DISTItUIIITION. I in the journey towards the grave. This is a great Mistake. aledicat 0010100 now knows tint consumption, waren it has not reached an acute During the present year the outlay Oil construction and development work has been very large, and in 'lddltion to this an expenditure in actual mining operations., and in ne- cessary attendant industries, making an aggregate distribution of cash since January 1 last of 81,2611,000. These figures have been. obtained actin officials of the company, and aro thoroughly reliable. This ex- penditure independent of the rail-; way construction, which is being pushed forward rapidly, and in con-: necli0n with which some. 2,000 men are employed at the present time. THE WORK ACCOAIPLJSIDED. i But a glance OM' the development work already accomplished shows that the money has been carefully ex- tended. At Michel and Morrissey I Creel[ operations have been confined I exclusively to construction and de- I velopinent Work. The company's; efforts at these points have not been! directed toward the mining of coal+ for shipment, but tower(' complete: and extensive preparatory work ford an immealse output as soon as better ! transportation facilities bring wider! markets profitably within reach.' Buil (Bugg, tipples and other perman- ent plaut providing for a capacity of from 12,000 to 16,000 tons per day at the three mining points -Coal Creek, Michel end Morrissey' Creek- are ahno81 completed. 11 may be well to point out the difference be- tween capacity and output, for the actual production of coal can be in- creased only ,Is markets aro opened. P710S111.CTIVE AIAIITt.ETS. The Atnerirnn demand is estimated to reach 1.0,000 tons per day within five years, and there is no reason why a market of the extent should lot bo seemed, The Crow's Nest Pass Coal Company w111 have abund- ant capacity for supplying it, and also for supplying eery possible in- crease in the Canadian clomanta through railway, mining and smelt- ing development. THE COAL AII;ASURES. I1stilnates based on actual surveys, under competent ,geologists, and al- lowing the widest margins for errors show no trace of the iljness I passed through. I believe Dr.' Williams' Pink Pills saved ray life, and I !tope my statement will induce similar sufferers to try them." la}t•rl, made even mutt 1 -Millionaires 1)r, Williams' Pink Pills make now, tremblf" rich, red blood. With every dose the blond is strengthened, the quentity POINTED PARA01 ArIT1. increased, unci thus the: patient is en- Whon a merrier] (001111111 sits fora abled not only to resist the further portrait her kasha nil has to stand inroad of disease but is seen re- f • e -for it, stored to active health and strength, 7'lir older a main gets the harder it If you at•o ill, or weak, or suffering is for him to feel sorry for it woman ,from any disease duo to poor blood whose pug dog has just died, or weals neves, take, Dr. Williaons' Deeds ranter than words prove an Pink Pills at 01110 and they Wi11 soon olid main's love for a girl, especially make you We11. These pills arc sold (lends for real estate. by nil dealers in medicines, or will Some men would getalong better be sent postpaid ea 60 cents a box alt tlm journey el life if they didn't or six bona for 82.010 by addressing consult so manly conirttdietory the I)1'. : WWiltiant's Medicine Co., guide ba01tt1. Brockville, Ott. G comecesmoinemersieto and mistakes, place the coal in the measures in the Crow's Nest Pass at tho incalculable quantity of 20,000,- 000,000 tons, That wlyuld provide for a daily output of 10,000 tons for about 6,000 years. The Crow's Nest Pass Coal Company has shown great enterprise in prep:ulna for an output commensurate with the extent of these coal measures, and more than equal to the demands of every avail- able and prospective market. There aro now 6:30 coke ovens completed, 424 at this place and 206 at Michel, the total capacity .being 1,260 tons of coke per day. Preparations have been made for t110 building of 200 additional ovens at Morrissey Creek. About half a million dollars have been expended by tho contpnny for• machinery and supplies during the past year, chiefly in Montreal, To- ronto, 'Hamilton, London, Winnipeg, Victoria, 'Vancouver, and other Can- adian business centres. Alberta is. also a large contributor of foods supplies and horses for the mines. This does not include the ordinary supplying trade of this town, which is in the hands of merchants not connected with the company. Great and rapid as the development has been it will be far exceeded when the completion of the Crow's Nest Southern Railway brings needed markets within reach. 3 BABY'S HEALTH. • The Most Precious thing in the World to a Mother. -How to Care For Little Ones. No price would be too great. to pay for the preservation of tine per- fect, rosy, sturdy health of a baby. No price would be too groat ; but, as a natter of fact, the price is very small -simply precaution and the ex- orcise of good judgment. 31 is not good judgment to give the tender, little infant; remedies containing opiates, mid the so-called "soothing" medicines, always con- tain opiates they do not cure, they only drug and Itupify the little ones. Baby's Own Tablets are guar- anteed to contain no opiates and no harmful drugs. It is the best medi- cine for the little ones, because it is promptly effective and absolutely harmless. 1'or nervousness, sleep- lessness, constipation, colic, stl,xunch troubles, the irritation accompany- ing the cutting Of teeth and other in- fantile troubles, Baby's Own Tablets is beyond question the best medicine in the world. The Tablets are sweet and pleasant to take, end dissolved in water can be given with absolute safety to the young;est infant. Moth- ers who have used this medicine for their little ones, speak of it in the most enthusiastic terms -that is the bust proof of its efficacy. iS's. Alone° li'elLmato, Whitehead, N.S.,. says "In my opinion Baby's Own Tablets are unequalled for children. They take it readily, and it regulates the bowels, cures them of peevish- ness, and is a great helperr la teeth- ing. 1 would not think of being without the Tablets." Sold by drug- gists or sant postpaid on receipt of price, 25 cents a box, by addressing the Di•. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville. o lit.. i) nt. ► NOTABLE SPARROW -TAMER• Many visitors to Paris are familiar wft11 t1, sparrow -tamer ill the Tuiln- ries Gardens. On most days, at some hour or other, may be seen this devotee of the gamins de Paris, as these pert and much -potted little creatures are called, dozens of them Uttering around 111111, some perch - Ing on. the rim of Itis hat, others on his shoulder, others again on his finger-tips. But the amateur bird - tamer has done more than merely tome his sparrows. ITe has accorded names to a few of the most, intelli- gent. 'Thus you may see "Marie" or "Jeanne" hopping when called to- wards their friend, and the prcltv sight acclaimed by onlookers ; for no sooner does the well-known figure take his stand than a little crowd gathers round him, old and young. for the 5tlZOL1L9NT TEETH 25o ARTIFICIAL HONEY, The bee and honoy- raisers of North Germany ny are leaving a hard time. They feel the competition of the arti- ficial honey factories very muah. The artificial product contains often no more i.hal1 ten per cent. of natural honey, 1)lioa average temperature of the whole globe is 50 degrees, or eigh- teen degrees above freezing point., "Thanks, dear Mrs, Grundy, for your advice about'40•oont CI My Innovate n w saq -tltab broakf tit 10 0o and ng 10 iodic forwum,tldoc'oua. A GALLANT Z'ISIIEllM4N, In a long list of awards issued by the Royal 1lunlane Society the silver medal fs awal'dod to ,Tames liloDon- ald, llshe'mlin, Malian;', Inverness- shire, Scotland, for an ant of greet bravely in 1tallaig Dal, Returning from a sail with three ladies on board, his boat svgs capsized in 80 feet of water flfteon ,yards frown a small rocky island, McDonald got all three 0n the keel of tho boat, and tlron, swirrnnimg to the island, on which a heavy swell was break- ing, 1,e removed his boots and heavy clothing and, going out, succeeded alter tremOildon$ exertion in lan4ag then, one at a time on the island, After his lest trip McDonald was so exhausted that he could barely. stand. Among able-bodied men the yearly deaths are 10 per 1,000 for civilians, but only 6 per 1,000 for soldiers, and 8 per 1,000 for sailors in tho navy: s®ZOLLOt1T Tooth Powder 2&0 IiiasuriANOT OP.;PIIE HORSID A horse cau exist 2G days by drink- ing as much water as it desires ; 17 days without Dating or drinking ; and only five days when limited to solid food without writer. Miliard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, Maid -"If ye plaza, ma'am, Mr. Dudleigh is at the telephone an', wants to spalco wid ,you." Mrs. Bloomer-"Thatawfully swell -Mr, Dudleiglti Jane, just hold the wire till I put on my newest tea -gown. That man notices everything." TO, (TRI:'A COLO IN O5l1 DAV.. Take Laxative Bcomo Quinine Tablets.. A'1 drugglats refund the money' It 11 fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on (incl[ box. 230.. First Student -"What makes you loots so xnelanc11o17 ?" Second Stu dent -"I have been fooled. I asked my father to sond 1110'twonty-ilvo dol- lars to pay my .tailor, and a • few days Iater I received the receipted tailor's bill i" Iilinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria., Wheat, rye, turnips and Rax are decreasing crops in (Groat Britain. Barley, oats, potatoes and small fruits aro on the increase, THE CORONATIOaT 131BLE. The King has already ordered the Coronation. Bible front tho British and Foreign Bible Society, to be used in Wostminsser Abbey next Juno, It will very probably bo sim- ilar to the ono° used by Queen Vic- toria, which was a . large quarto volume boundin reel morocco, with gold clasps, and stamped with the royal arms. There aro sure to be many claims for this book at the close of the ceremony, but it will probably become 1110 property of the bishop who administers the Corona- tion. oaths. ASTHMA FOR SIXTEEN YEA113. A wall -Known Orangovllle Farmer Spout Hundreds of Dollara In SeAroh of a euro. At last Cured by Olarko's Rola Oompound, It seems foolish to pay several hundred do:inrs for something which twodollaro will buy, don't 111 Yet that is just what thousands of asthmatics are doing ovary year, beeldoe looter/ their health. They are trying cv got filo from she tortures of asthma, but vob as they take Clarke's Kola Compound they will keep on trying. 11 is the only permanent cure. Mr, Arian Faulkner, ono of the best known farmers in llulrerin.Co, writes: "For sixteen long years I have boon almost constant muri1r to asthma. Only an asthmatic oould realize what I have suffered. Many days and'woeke I could 'not leave the house, and night atter night could not Ile down. I spent many hundred dol. lard In`soareh of a cure and tried talar." o11 our local doo:ore and (Immo in Toronto. but became worse each year. My druggist, Mr. Stevenson, of Orangeville recommended Clark -'e Kola Compound about two years ago. I tool[, in all, eighteen bottles or thisrand medicine durine tune months ; each week 1 gradually improved and am now completely cured. 1G is now over s •co in i andh not bad a ra cobs n cured 1 have y s sh. le'lbme otroce nun have we at. N. ado of my ol001' o r anything and could No amount value money nor.anythi[tgolsa could estimate ing value to me." c (Signed) ALLAN FAULTKNBII. S !talo for years been personally acquainted with Mr, Faulkner and can certify totheabso• lute truth of ths above statements, (Signed) THOS. S'lEV0NOUN, Druggist, Orangeville. Olarkres Kola Lompound is sold by OhomlOLA everywhere. S.,00 per bottle, throe for 55 CO or. from tboo.Grffnt' s dt Macpherson Co., Limit. ed, Toronto, Canada. 100010:o Go in stamps for free sample, The steady increase la the solos of ELIA EYLO fi proves the fact of its increasing popularity, You 11 like its purity in Load Paella rip, 28, 80, 40, so, 000 and fragrance, We need large quantities for ioSrtl and ' export orders and can pay the top market ['ripe for any quantity of well fatted and well dressed Turkeys, amp, masa and Chioserte during next 2 months The Dawson Commission Co.., Lil'0'lited, Toronto, 15'e islet nond 41P G1:S, ONIONS, B10A0S, IIONI 0,.I1ATI'Eft, EGOS, 6u, 117011 LIt'S dPa1110. 10L1141 RECIPES, 1000aacdAGENT WANTEp. 4c0lQeta3orteololenSoa,nhnm, LatsborIforyt, 'Leek not, worth efnd gondlot back your annoy will be refunded. Pis is u good '1 William Briggs,l;099, Toronto, OOtario,Methodist stook e. p'V'W' AIRTI01)-S3 PER DAY 01.11110-G10N• tlomon cr Iadtoo-not to canvas, bah to employ opiate; position 110010.4100410; 11000 ,nor year and expenses; relletio firm' boot .rotereneos; experience unheceseary, M, A, 0101010F11, address 130 Truth Office, Toronto. t4t['ENT5. WT 114.7111010 FAKE SALARY offers to make, but Iva can put any on earindustrious plan or woman in the way of ning $100 between now and Ohrletmne, pyrite us tonight, MCDOrtuld Se Logan,,Dee't D, Loudon, Ont. EDUCATIONAL. C,ryIENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Tea• 4.l 0141'0. Twelve Teachers, Ono atluip• mont, e151113 typewriting machines, modern ooursos, thorough worlc, invites correspond- e nce from all iatoem.tod parties. Address 10. D. Shaw, Principal. VETERINARY COURSE. oRmERS' SONS WANTED -To take a yL short, practical courseon veterinary work; three months' studyduring apnea time at home will qualify to pies an examination; 000peaaftll students w1 I be offered permanen position at 11000 a year in our various branches; splendid opportunity for young mon to secure a thorough Veterinary Course and good posi- tion ; write at once for full particulars. Ad. dress -Road Office, Veterinary Science Aeso- 010110n. London, Oct. Tho first civic knight in. England, was Sir William Walworth, Lord Mayor of London. who was knighted for killing Wat Tyler. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury as mercurywillBarely destroy the sense' of smell end completely dorongo the whole system when entering it through tho mucous surface.), Sneh articles ohould aevor bo weed except en damage they will do ie enbtold to th,, good fou can possibly derive from them. IID 3'a Catarrh Oure, manufactured by 103. Cheney & Co To lade, O., oontains no meromq, and is taken in. tonally, acting directly upon rho blood and muooa' sur1wca of the system. In buying flail's Oatitrrhtlure be 04101000 get, the 0011 1110. Itis tnkon intornally,and made In Te ado Ohio, by P.. d. Cheney & Co, Testimonials trso. 80111 by3Drugglats. prion 730 per bottle, Hall's Family Palls oro the boot, 4 "This is our latest novelty," said the manufacturer, proudly. "Good work, isn't it?" "Not bad, replied, the visitor, "but you can't hold 'a candle to " the goods we make." "Obi are you in this Iino, too?" "No. We make gunpowder." For Ovsr I'b!ty years SIs. wrxotoyr'a Booriuxo sxrnr boo been toed 83 • tonne! mnt1 arS faTT their children plane teothl50 tcoothea the child, (0Etens tho eomo, allayspoin our., 'age ragu1alee the vrpmoch and inhale anti ie tit Saltremedy!or a threxo, Tweutr•dre 003fa a 30 (61,. Sold by drugglato Wrourhoot the nond. lie aura' ea14 ask tor "Mus. wtn0LOw•6 Somalia brae?," The cheques which pass through the London Clearing House in six are m ro than equal weeks r o al i amount l q n anion to all the coin in the world. Minard's Liniment Carey Distemper. The register which an undergradu- ate signs on first entering his college does not provide much scope for humor, conscious or otherwise. Ito has only to give his name and ad- dress and the name and status of his father, But there is a story told of a, more than usually guileless fresh- man who' inserted in the column headed, "Description .of father," the terse and vivid sentence, "Old man with white whiskers." THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. GRATEFUL -COM FORTING. AS i BREAKFAST -SUPPER. "Can you give ole no hope?" he wildly =led. "Yes," sweetly szniled the young girl, "If you go out quietly- the bulldog may not izonr yell," Stena t1Ae Vungl[ and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine 'tablets cure a read 4n ono day. No cure, No Pay, Price ¢6 oea la The Alps 00v01, a space of 90,000 square miles, In them rivers have their source, Rowing into the North 500, Black Sea, and Mediterranean,, , r�laard s LiMBO! Garos NMI in cows. Since the foundation of the Alpine Olub the death. „•ate from mountain accidents has averaged less than 4 per cont. a year out of 500 members, I believe MINARD'S LINIMENT? will cure every case of Diphtheria, MRS R1:UBI1IN BAKER. Riverdale. I believe A'IINARD'S LINIMENT .will produce growth of hair, MRS. 01JAS,, AND1i1RS ON, Stanley, P. Ill. I. I. believe MINARD'S LINIIIJNT is the best household remedy on earth. MATTHIAS FOLEY. ' Oil City, Ont, "I'm sorry you don't like the n0N nurse,'" she said to her husband. "Si'b'S so good about singing to baby and keeping him quiet." 'Yes" was the calm reply, "but I would ra- timer hear the baby cry." w I 1103 CAL 1Y ERT'S CARBOLIC - OINTMENT. Far all akin aliments, 1. c. ;cavort a Co., Fturlohoetcr, England GUI1' "'a DINE Tho Sovereign Healer, Is a Ballo of Gilead (-int. meat. It h^als Ulcers, Cuts, Bruises, Stuns and Sores, long standing or Unto. I. is un-' equalled for inflamed or weak eyes. Once tried always used, The hest testimonial is a. trial sample Ivrea on receipt of 3o in stamps. Addroes, CILEAIIINE CO., box 564, Toronto, ant. Gents' Snots Cleaned or Dyed; also Ladles' Wear of all kinds. and house Ilsogines of every dosoripLlon. GOLD MEDALIST DYIIBS. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING O0'Y Miontreal,Toronto, Ottawa g Quebec,. Dominion Bine Stealnsinip3 Montreal to LirerpooL Boston to Liver- pool. Portland to Liverpool vie Queen town. Large and Faiteteamrbipa Superior' acoommodatlno for ell clwxm of ppoobal ore. Saloons end Stateroom, fire amidships. Spacial attention has been dgi�vas . thl Second Saloon iud Thlyd•Otoss imamate atlouPo calmer passage and all parLioulare, apply to any 0¢0111 et rho Company, or aiotards, Mills 11 Co, D. Torrnoar I3Oo., TT testa LW, Boston. • hlantroaiead Potties,*' rassVia, yt�l, 1��i v ;a d instrumento, Drums, Uniform°, Etc, EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Lowoab prices ever quoted, Flee catalogue 500t1lusttations, mailed tree. Write us for any thing In Music et Musical Instrument,. WHALEY ROYOE It 00., Limited, Toronto, Ona, and Winnipeg, Man • HAVE always given proof of anything that I claimed for my Electric L Belt, because I know that there are people who claim a great deal more for their remedies than tbo truth would justify. If you want a remedy which will cure you, it seeing wise for you to take tine one that has cured others. I have published thousands of testimonials from. cured patients, and I.wi11 pay $r,000 in gold for evidence showing that I have ever used a testimonial which was not true and honest, Dr. MYleLaughlin's Electric Belt Cures Rheumatism, pun., bago, Pains and Aches in any part of the Body, Weakness In any pax't of the Body, Tired Feelings, Sleeplessness, Prem- ature Old Age, Weak Stomach, Weak Kidneys, Loss of Vim, Ambition and Youthful Fire. don't ask any man to buy my appliance on a speculation. I know tiff It will cure these troubles and I tvali1 my: pay only when the cure is complete. I don't ask you to try it onemomth, nor two months, but long enough to cure you, and when I have cured you you can hay me, If I fail'0'mytask it's my loss, not g you, yours. All you lose is your time, and if my Belt fails to cure ,you you will have the satisfaction' of knowing that the best, strongest,and finest electric body appliance'in the. with 50,000 cares to its credit -- has failed, and that there IS do cure for you 1n electricity. Remember, Thy terms are I have just; completed any beautiful Illustrated Book telling clow it cures filo wooknees of 11100 anis 1000100, It's worth reading, I will r'i FREE BOOK send ft closely sealed 0 11101 neon i'egtlost. Call, if possible, and li JI( FREE 1 T ill explain lvhat knelt Will do, Gall or Write to -day, l 1 will i my ©©AU 0r 10I\i' ' Bo aro of coneorno ofl'aring a thin ['peon of felt as a substitute fee pay cushion olootrotlee, Those ob1nall POMPOMS aro • 1(50 only t ells tdso Melo Leto .metal bleat:ring oloctror4es, 'They have to be goosed) re water, w nein quickly dt'iea And loaves them without burroti. lay eta ton olnctrndos am my exclusive itt�ventlen and eatrnnt bo imitated, If you 1 ave oho of those ole style, blistering belle 1 wiil take it in trade for oro nL uund. Ido ibis oat int the old bolt is of any use, fpr ido nett,, but to etutbllsh the 1'01110 of my goods with people who hate beet 111111nd by the false elm= Of 0011104113 selling a ola:ea worth. boss article, am, flours--0eau to6,s0k,m. OR. M. 0,©LAUD 111LIN5 130 Voti ,e St.„ Teton% j 0o1