HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-11-21, Page 5I 0 s isTo.v. 21, 1001 a CLS POST mon. nmpption, A Liberal Offer, o,t, �q yY � l 4� y li?atbea0n , Treasurer, Sepretar , IZ. w. Thee, n, SAM; (: a , Chap aha, O. IL t , The date of the 40411mM/so le Weet Hurkn has been fitted, Nominalinns will /"� �^'l...„5„,,,.,..,,,,..,„,,,,,,,,,„,„,_,,,„,..„,_" O C:iC�3� k , G. Owen ; tion 0outninos, ,7, G, Muritppll .be held on Werinerday, N• v. 'd7th, andli \.14 V i, Phla IR an a 4a'tanity fon those not pp now Babaoribors OTu41'48T. Oknto. now until January 1st; 1908, fifteen full months, w8 will rend Tan Poor` t0 any pale= not new a subaerlbor,,e0ndap0 their name aud.uddress,aoaampanied by $1:OOr xa'rer(lvviel►, The Fhrdw,eh Bowed le 0 •ease old and lo' a tidy little new@paper; J Aay. Mr, Dobsop exohapged ui ate last p I suaduy with tbv 1Zev. Mr, gam8rou, oR mid \'Y, Alltu ; Club fikip~,, W. A,Ilin, Jas. $ryah, J, G• Murdodi and A. Mot her• eon i Managing Cominittoo, ,( e0, 4, Sid, dell,. !P•: 3', Cain and G. II, Lawrongo• 'Phe Trpaaurer'o report Showed that ,the &ub wee an sfiret•olass fnanotal osition, p the eteotign on Deo. 41b, Vtatorie at., obureb, was re opened onirs Sunday, It bas been painted inside and, pat; all tbelwalle kaleowtned, a metal/° ceiling placed an the basement and oleo, Inc light added, The floor and pulpit R p P• t ted. anted. eti DA � (�/� # t �Y . ' t Clio prion Of one yoar'a 3ubsari Efop, p Harrteton• 'This hi the Treueurer having on band agood g Runde Rr4m lust have been near) all re -carpeted, eted, and the y p fixed The undersigned g d Etre pr@par• .. —� a remarkably liberal offer Messrs, Sobaofer & MaLanghlin sbippad and ought to add largely to our suboorap• two Inge oarloade of a.00k to Toronto Op tion Het. If your neighbor doea'not take Mgnday last surplus c( your. It was %Tau: tp hold a grand bonspall in the no here during January, ter wbiah eerie re and vsrntshed, eo that the ahuroh looks ae well, and ie more nom• tortable than when it was handed over to ed to pay cash for all kinds of Cordwood, both dry "'- • of weep, !.'nn Pons Chow this nottoe to him and There 18 a rept demand far dwellin perhaps it will induce him to become a houooe in the village at preaenl but Choreplaced anbaciibor. all the clams to the Ciao oeuntiee would bo invited, the trnateee bythe builder, A new organ has also boon in it, It is an open that the is and green, g ' deliyeref1 at 1110 Salt Werke, Apply to GORDON ItIOONE,Y l,i1 r • We aro reenviug new gooda.almost every day in some of our ie not an empty houeo to be land, We have ale° made -epeeist' arrange. hire,. L. G. Hooeyhas left for.Ardtrea menta tliepublfehersof the Montreal 'alio Vt'Ilrld4;e, eearet organ, valued at $000, a presoot from trustee Geo, Green• Foreman Brussels Salt WOrkS ' ) many departments in Chia stare, which keeps our shook fully as. eerted• At this Naomi of the year wholesale lagged are anxious with where rhe will remain a few weeks be. Daily Herald, whereby we can supply t118 fore going to New Ontario to join her Daily Herald With inn POST at the ex- husnand, oeptionally low rate of $1 80 for the two Mr. Gibson pas during the past week papers, Phar will enable yet] to have one shipped four thousand bushels of wheat of the leading daily papers in the Domin• and all the oats and a oarload of peas lou together T,io for lees . B, Medormiok is oe the Oak list, Hie many Mende hereabouts hope for hie speedy rt povery, Tim, Clark, our village blaokemith, has been down with typhoid fever for 1110 paste two or three weeks. Mre. Clark hits Grorr=ie,, Found Bros, are selling out, giving up busineee: Geo, W. Barber who luta been serionsl ill for some time, is still very low. y ■ •Rfans ord, mums P. 0. ' FROPRIF1rORQ. 17 e f to °.oar Out big lipee at reduced pride for gash and knowingas they do that we are in a position to beadle these lines we ala s Ret the It that ohenoe and the other fellows never hear of them till 4+ ) they are displayed on our o0unters. Here are a few items that may 'Menet you : with Poa1' than from the elevator here, the prase p£ two weekly papers, In ad. The laoterin of the nese Presb tartan dition t receiving the two pantos, a hand. p R y o i g • t p per, .hand, churn), as programing rapidly end if the some pioture of Hing Edward VII is weather remains favorable, will be open• ovular rube ri them. tioll £ 6ezefAailthHeraldplated ip the near future• regular g p y , ben Wade hae purohesed a new stook alone 16 $0 a year will give you an idea of of Dente, shoes, rubbers, eta„ and expecte the exceptional liberality of this offer. to open up for business in the store which We also offer Prix POST and the Weekly has been 000npied by M. G, Harris, Globe, with two handsome pictures, for else oontraoted the fever,' and both are oonflned bother beds, The affiioted house. hold has stirred the sympathise of their neighbors and Mende, who are motive in tending esateknnoe tie far as possible, That Mr, and Kra. Clark may Boon be restored to health ie the wish of all, Thanksgiving 88091008 will be held in the Methodist obnroh here on Sunday, 24th met at 10.80 m. and 7 Omit Dayreturned bone from Mani. tuba on Wednesday 0vepmg of Peet week. Wednesday Dr, Williams, of Lisle, will dimmenoe practice, in Gorrle about the middle t p January, The young eon of ileo, A, B. Varney had the misfortune to fall and break one of hie arms• Albert Bowyer commenoed on Tuesday membene, • It was derided' to plane tike memberehap fee at $2. Collectors : — Ward 1�W, H. Hale ; 2— , Griffin ••8-. N a, V. demon. tnan ; 4-Meesre, Dingley and Alderson, Noma/a, Inge Woaxs.—T e A ati says :—A meeting of the creditors of the National Iron Works was held in the Grog Flannel, in light and dark shades, worth 1Gs for I2: c, } Grey Flannelette Sheeting, wide width, soft and warm, regular prion 4 80o, for 260 per yard, / Fine White Saxony Flannel, special Ida and 608, J Americium Grey Cotton, yard wide, good value et 8e, our special pride, 5o, Mens Home-made Doable Mitts, heavy and worat 25o. ` ml Men's Top Shirts, in grey' and blue flannel and heavy knit goods, at 25o, 50o, 750 and 95o. _ $1,60 for a year, and new subscribers will tltwood. receive the balanoe of the year free to J. �, M°Bain and grandson prig both papers. We have epeolal rates with g , several other a 'err, wblob in con•unp• were visiting relatives at Mildmay. p p ] tion with tTox Pon, will furnish you with Win• Harris, of Brueeele, was En town ali.the best reedingmatter obtainable at loading batter for Batten yne & Non.in A, Jo nt, of Sealorth exceptionally low d urea. Leh ue add y was in town en- yourY delivering to eetablieh an ash em °slum name to the longlist of °diose who g p , a. p, m., eon- ducted by the pastor, Rev, 0. W. Bristol, A thank•offering will be made at eaoh service, which no doubt will be in keep. P tug with the bountiful blessings wbiah the Almighty lies vouohsefed Hie people this 'thauko section during the past year, e. thankegivisg service will be 0eldp at Moles. worth the same day, at 2.80 morning on the Vidette staff, and will learn the art of printing, The eohool trustees have engaged D, Saodareon to level np the school grounds and get it in shape (or fenoing, While working at the reaidenoe of T. g Vittie on Monday of lash week, John Adame got a 'bed fall by the scaffold on office of the Company on Tuesday. It was decided to allow the Direotoreythirt daye to raise sufficient funds to 'lase the Pa baeiness on a eoumd flaaaoial basis. The creditors decided t0 aooept fifty per oent of their claims. In the meantime the e Directors undertake that the company shall remain intact. It wee also under• Ladies' Caperines, oombination Sable and Persian Lamb, satin lined ' high storm Dollar, two heads and 10 tails, very etylieb at $19 60. Ladiee' Oaperinast in Eft 417 seal, high collar, two heads and eight tails aahena linedg , at $7 95. ; Girls Ruffs, in brown and bleak; at 600, eek old $L ,t 14 Cases. Boole and Shoes received this week at rook bottom prices. p e a Ladies' and Mimes' Rubbers in great variety. r .r , ' ' r�E enjoy the visite 01 Tua Priam, bars• m„ at which be was standinggivingaway,stood that the shareholders would sur. .e '� now weekly whether you wish any of, the other papers Mr. and Mrs. Boohanan are endeavor• whish a thaok•nffaria will be made. ' The Ladies Aid of the Metbpdiet render 50 per aeat.aE their to the 1} , , or nota ing to organize a Uonnoil of the Royal Template of TempeiAnne in town. Hamilton, Ransil. Go(lleriofa. ebgrpb have parehaeed a modern heater Treasury of the Company ;alto Meeere. from Found Bros. for the parsonage. Galt & Bnllook to surrender all the 00113• They will baits the pipe organ encased mon stook they hold in their ','-inTi's Will. eon of Walter ton, 8th oou., hae been appointed turnkey (.6 ,t] of the Perth county jail, at a salary of year.g $460 per He left for Stratford on Tneaday of last week to commence his duties m oonneotion with the appoint. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, ,Want, whioh was effeoted largely through g Y gg 1902. the kindly intercession of Warden Diok• The undersigned will receive- tenders up eon. to noon on � MONDAY,25th INET, for aoyi= A number of land sales have recently of butchers' want, been Fred. Holmes has won bio .appeal rime against the town for coal, H. I. Strang, B, A., attended the meet- in of the Senate of Toronto Univnrstt y G. F. Emerson hae moved to Stratford,28, and the premises vacated will he eon. vested into a photograph slier P k e gallery. It ie proposed to have a golf tonna• meat for feminine members of the Gode• rich Golf Club, if the weather tarns floe. own names also. or other names, or in trust, except $Icy A tree lecture will ba delivered at 2 shares each. The assets 0onefet of build. o alook in the afternoon in the Foresters inga, machinery, merchandise and nn• hall, kin thoh, Thuraday, the . res er's paid stook, and amount to about $80; un- to be' addressed by W. A. Campbell, Under the arrangement made on Tues. Commissioner of Highways, Mr. Camp. ray, Cha liabilities now amount to about bell will also address a meeting on the $81,000 including the town mortgage of evening of the same day in the Town $17,000, and it is hoped and expected that Hall Gerrie, oommenoin at 7 o'olosk. the enemeae men of town will assist the ' g Direatore, 00 that the btieinees �-, ;rf� k , t tIt'�;,•�s' �� y' I,' -I ) ;1 1��% 4 ��j ., 'ye ` y ,, \ F- sfa s t 1 �,'� ✓' b� \ mo kr- '' ✓ ,,; r '' ^...1 F iy," Ready Ready q� 14 P plies creamery patter, effected in Milverton vicinity. Jas. flour, oatmeal potatoes oordwoud .oto,, eta g, Holmes purchased John Illmau'e 50 Oa Wednesday 04 last week Wm. Shar- mem, era, celebrated the 94 _ may be Windham. a good Footing .and eoou be in - __ for o for the following institutions during tba year 1002, viz.: • - aures in Elmo, for $1,900. John Iilman At the A eylams for the insane in Toronto, bought Slriokard a 100 acres, the old aeein of P g veara of his life and bis entrance an the 96th. operation ropernEion again. 3, J. Elliott shipped a carload of bored. - - - - ` JOHN DQNALDSQN a� cq London, Rini eton, Hamilton, Mimics), Co. Cleaver farm on the 18th Elms for 34,. ho tion a ookviile and Orillia ; the Central ' Rrieon and Dferoer Rofmmateiyp, Tcroato ; 950 ; Wet. MoOlory purchased John tbe. Reformatory for Boys, Penetengnt•. Hamilton's 100 aorea on the nth Elma shone 1 the lnetitntionoforpoef and Dumb, for $4,000 • Miohael Upper purchased B Exception -Tend sacro notnrequiredfor John G. ]iuep(ar'a. farm, • 3rd line, the supply of meat to the Atylume in To- Mornington, for $8,000. route, London, Kingston Hamilton and A, Saunders manager of the Goderiob ' g Organ Co., attended the meeting of the Canadian Manufaotarere' Association in Montreal. Nelson Pierson, of Chia town ie. going into the hotel business in Port Albert, having to Thesealon. The Jolly Palls were holding forth in (Hinton. Y g the town hall last week. Donlan ORGANS BURNED, — Sunday An attempt ie being made to 'organize night at 11 o'eloolf fire broke out in nue a:Ro al Tem lace lode in town. - of the larged Our Pnblio eohool_ received a grant o! Organ Company, see It den pOhvetq. $200 this year for Continuation Claes serious lose. The building contained the o Is readyfor Fall and Winter weather with a splendid stock of �p d1 b b ¢¢ • - Ba tokvll]e, nor 038 Central Prison and Mor- ser Reformatory, Toronto. 131 Y the A marked obaok for five per cent, atlas Giles Jenkins has returned from hie a 6iiaeatederot the ofcontract,payable P p ovinaee. tri to the Western r Secretary , must be furnished by each ten. John S. McKinnon, of Toronto, visited Maserdarer as a guarantee of his bona fides. Two at the home of his parents here. nt sureties will be required for too David me o ll, who spent the ret three due fulfillment sureties contract, and forshould440 P p any tender be withdrawn before the eon- montbs in Manitoba, has returned home.. treat is awarded, or should the tenderer fail W. W. Taman and D. D. Crittenden, to furnish mph security, Ole amount of the of Exeter; were visiting with Blyth deposit and fo,ms of tender maybe friends, Specifications Aoatloation to the Departmenor During the past season 88,160 pounds tend the Provincial secretary, Toronto, or to Cha of evaporated stook were manafaotared BuThe rsars of the respective inatltntione. at the Blyth evaporator. or any tender not neoeeearny purchased the Delong hone at the Port. - Beek & Goldthorpe recently shipped two oar loads of green apples to Winni• Deg and doe ear of angle waste to Rutter• - PP . dam, Holland. - - The Woman's Auxiliary, of St. George's ohuroh, completed the puking g of then Albertal , ale for Emanuel College, Prinoe Albert, N. W. T., on Wednesday of last week. The G. T. R. is rebuilding the bridge over the railway at the approach to the Maitland bridge. The new etrooture. will and flniehin0 work. machine, Daae, keydepart.Robes, G. china left on Monday of last week manta, and with the exception of a few to scoeph a position in Guelph ina hard• machines, all is a total lore, Some rix or ware store. eight hundred. organs in' the oouree of Clegg has Bold his hoose on Min• oonstrnot(on were destroyed. The nom Jno. OleHorse nie attest opposite the Methodist church pray parried heavy ineuraeoe, but the parsonage to H. O. Bell. interruption to trade and the loss to the Jae, Carr had the misfortune to drive employees mod the town oannot be esti. hie hand at the chair mated. With their. usual enterprise, the a chisel through1will factory. It will Isy him off work for company will lose no time in repairing some time. He mat with the same the damage. The engine roma, dry kiln aooident a few months ago. . and other large buildings and lumber The resignation of Mise Yaoetone, aa yards were not affected by the fire. teacher, weepresentedat the last meet. �,. and � � � '; Blankets V Which have only to be seen to be admired. Sold at very reasonable prices. .Also keep in stock, Halters, pl Bells, Curry Combs, Brushes and all other articles in OUP' line. Trunks, Valises and Satchels. Our Single Double. Harness ""• ° accepted.Charles Charles MoGee, who hae been absent Newspapers inserting this advertisement from Blyth for two years, has returned without aathorlty from the Department to town and aooe ted a situation in the will not be paid t STRATTON, fax mill, Provincial Heoretary. . Mise Lottie Bentley hae been engaged Parliament Bulldioge, Toronto, November to tench is the new oohed at U, S. No. nth, 1001. 18'2 at be somewhat heavier than the old one, but it is esi.d to be fear Leet lees in width. J. B. Laing, Provincial municipal midi. tor, bee been in town during the past week examining the hooka of the county, the town of Godan•al] aad of other muni- in the ing of the school Board. term. take effect at l emlerCh- the °lore of the present Those interceded in the game of Oar -ladfee of the Methodietohdrob will have ling met in the Firemee's room to organ- have their annual. supper En the cherish, ize for the season. The following officers oh the evening 04 Theeheg(ving Day: were elected :—President, Thos. Bell ;, All the debentures for the grapolithio ave laid down before and are A. 1 and take the Red Ticket wherever shown. o J 1 O . D O A L ®S O tl 71 ■ B 12, Hallett and Morrie, 1902. She Q1p¢lities county. So for as Mr. LiinR's inspection has proceeded be hae this Vioe•Preeident, E. L. Dickinson •P year now Managing Committee, Meeere. Griffin; have now beau, disposed -of by the town X XXX C TP will receive a salary of $300: At relative ale meeting of. the Blyth 'Twin" foaud the books in satisfaotory shape. Vaunorman, Kneehtel, McAlpine and R. aathoritiee. eohool board on evening•cit last Genui a Buli11Q Sdu ationMondaygranted 1 Beattieouhas been week a resolution was passed asking the THE RIOD OUR STUDENTS RECEIVE present staff of teaohere to hand in their reeign oto ,e CENTRAL Rev, A. McLean boa entered upon his rforth a use granted the ase of the Office 1 be used _ as a police magistrate's office to be need THE - GREAT CASH STORE. by him when required. The anniversary services of the Sea. Methodist Ohnroh will be held on /�� The jam a stn !'�}�y� �/ j� J86th USREQ, '� i a LL ,1;:: -1. -health, r year ae pastor of At. Andrew's oharob, Blyth, he having been inducted on November 6th, 1866, The reverend / gentleman is in the enjoyment oC good ie popular and highly esteemed as large ne..1of Goderiob, will r Is showingsome splendid Bar- preach. yBanda Deoember8th Rav Dr Daalele,qp������®��® p Mise Jennie Goveolook, daughter of t gains for November esp ec- E p Robert ofneGarenlook,,who has been mulling, 1tally in eohool near Wiarton for the past year, p •• 1�, a '(!1 r a peatorby a and appreciative con- a neater b � �J® l li has been re-engaged for the clewing year, byf at an increase of $GO in salary. _ ICREA ���f t lJ J ©� , (f Many ]ending Business Colleges employ Uretelt•, our graduates as teaohere. Surely this is Councillor Evans left Monday of last proof of superiority. All our graduates get week on a trip to the West.:'. situations. Write for catalogue. Russell sonthoott hae entered J. G. WV. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Stanbnry'e law office as stenographer. Sixty-nine bushel for .1 1 Were ret to learn of the death of Mrs. f' leis Fur Coats 86 Caps George Trott, an old and worthy resident % r„ !. of Seafortb. She died at Hensel!, on - - q and Saturday, Nov.Lith where she had been • •"'y'- � Ladies' Fur 'Coats for some time Nov.61staying with eres a hadGeorge. Joseph Sproat has returned home from - New Ontario, be '. I\Y/ INCREASING SING ■ ■ TRADE cents a was paid 1 ¢ wheat on the Exeter market last week. l lie Brussels Post ey� 00 Thos. Handford shipped another oar._ load of horses to the West an Monday of fico Montreal last week. Hon. Thor. acaenwa , of Crystal oily, Daily Herald 3 00 Man., was in tows vfeitingy, with hie brother-in-law, Dr. Rollins. Anda Splendid Picture of While attending to her household duties the other day Mrs. Thos: Prior stillg Edward. VII. 50 met with the misfortune of burning one of herarmson the ebnve. i..aS 4 ,'•�'„ , and where hae been a:'' �,,�tt� �Iy! 'I yl �V most of the Summer. He says that ' 1 p" l w CaperineSe lumbering and mining are boomig and i``• `� u w Y• 2 vcr districts whioh a few years ago •� were a 7 '• 'f barren wilderness are now hives of indar- }try, where thousands of workman of n' ' " If you are needing anything in v rious kinds are employed. \" that %4 line it Pill mean a saving of ,Mrs, Jamas Logan, of Stanley, with mone•y ° you to call and see them. her two eons, spent a very pleasant after - noon and and evening here on Monday, v! e, Another Paige assortment of al ihaanan oak, with Robert and Mre. '�/�1� ? A a We may explain that Blush It is now a little over one year since we Opened upbusiness in Jamestown and it is pleasing and satisfactory to note the increase in trade which speaks volumes for a go-ahead business. We thank our numerous customers and friends for their patronage to us while on the road with the Peddling Wagon and also at the lstore and be- speak a continuance of the same. During the eeoond year we will endeavor to cater to your wants with a larger assortment of goods in every department. Our Fall and Winter stock is about all in invited to inspect TotalAlbert Pm bla0kemitb was married' $4 . 50 10LDee Harris, uea tier of Wm. 10 Miese gG of Workman, of Workman, N. W. T. formerly of Hay ALL PO �a . Y h�w. Underwear & Hosieryanon is the married name of Mies Jessie /it i 1% rf � !f%r Niven McLachlan, the famous Scottish Just St ReQeI Ved, entertain who delighted on o many at the entertainment here on Monday evening. She is and you are cordially our goods and. compare Prices' We quote a few prices below—just samples of value to be p j found throughout the stook t— Vo p, .Mr. Pym returned with hie bride and will make Exeter hie future This IS the greatest combination offer home. mar made by any Canadian Journal, and we Ohm, Box, of Stephen, who suffered. so fortunate in securing the exclusive riv man w lege for this dietriet, The Daily Herald iii y Woke from the effeela of blood me of Canada's groat papers. Betabllahod poisoning recently, the result of a slight' a 1808,it hes long been the leading Liberal wound, was suddenly taken 111 again from aper of Eastern,eaeh d It is now a great something of the same nature breaking amity newspaper, each day giving full news g g t the world, and also devoting much spade ont in. one of hie great toes.- The path is g g—Prints o matters of peculiar interest to the space See OUP J{leiz's Long Boots and Heavy Rubberwere s, schoolgidestogether,in ofandghaan d na• b aeon I 5z✓ B—Ladies' - each other for over twenty years. Being . _ unable to spend more than the night in : p D.M Mc 1B.EA T H this ark, Mrs. Buchanan had sent for M. Mrs. Logan to meet her here, and.it would be diffioalt to say which enjoyed PRETORIA -BLOCK ]5 _, y T H- the pleasure of the meeting the. moat. f - p g—Flannelettes r._ -- Mr. Baehaoe.0 travels with his talented -. being Vests from $0 25 to $0 60 —Ladies' Blank Wool Hoee 28 —Ladies' Oaehmere Hose 47 —Largest Size White Blankets 3 2G —Flannelette Blankets 76 —White Laoe Curtains 1 00 from OG 14 from 05 10} very ed that ib may ly, ,Ice commercial lotelliganoo ip complete nd reliiable. resulteeer o sly, t is ear KING'S -here - - - --- wife, and an accomplished menet, plays her accompaniments. They left on Tuesday morning of last week Men's Plough Boots from 1 00 2 00 g —Men's Long Boots 1 7b TH111 PORTRAIT is the best ever •ubliabedin Canada. and will make a hand. cmc adduced btoy a o walla of anylibrary, .) L B no o, .. t ie moaned bya-now preemie, and is not Mrs. (Rev.) I. B. Walwin, of Beaforth, no of the flashy colored• portraits so nom- wag visiting her many Lnoknow friends As the regular prim of The Herald is 38,00 last week• year, the liberality of our offer ie soft- Mre. 7. D. NiooL and rohildren, of yident. Address all Were to Prederiekton, New Brunswick, are visit- W. H. KERR, log friends in Luoknow. -for Petrolia. They left Scotland on Sept. 19, and have engagements omenta to keep them FJ R ASI EJ P -"FO -DATE. g g p in Oo(ario until the lath of January. Atter that they make a tour of the Unit- ed States and will then return to Canada p p S1"(LISH ovERC0ATand finish n the other rovinees, when they will go to Australia and Naw Zee- land and return home bywa of the y. —Boys' Long Boots 90 .—Boye' Tweed Suite 2 00 y r —Boys Pante 76 _Men's Pants from 90 1 60 —Men's Spite, regular $7.OQ now 6 00 -Men's Tweed Vesta 76 —Men's Waterproof apr 26 —Men's Underwear at all prices p —Yarns kinds RRUS810L8. Oaplein Natuna, of the Dungannon oompanyyiagat Woleelp Barnette, Lon, Cape, if the South African war to closed of all don, stud in for a oa Cain's tertifltate,psecure /� '�/'� ! Y The Mimeo Annie and saidte Boyd re - `f'i�1J41 � The tamed ko Loaknow last weak from a =lithe' viait to Frede0. This18 the lace to S by that time. They are both delighted it at the right price. with whit they have seen Of Ontario thus and with the reoeption,a000rded them We have them at $5.00 that will surprise you, wherever Ehey have appeared. considering the quality and Low Price, others �---- We alae have a large noels of Ladish' and Gents' Shoes, and a well selected, steak of Rubbers of all kinds. date, Oar Groceries are always ereah and ee �.ty h {,three ii p Yalu 110�„V�%i�r l40 is The anniversary oe v°salt ton mention with the Luoknow Methodist church will r `AND Mull-- lie held on Sunday, Nov. 24th. Rev. 'P: ^i r ti R. McNair, of. Dungannon, will preach TESTED REMEDIES DIES m rni and at evening. inof the Luoknow meetingThe • Branch and theUpper ,PEGIFIC AND ANTIDOTE ppP was Bala Religious or Impute, Weak and Impoverished day evening in the Church of England at food, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pelona. 8 o cloek. The Rev. Dr. Moffatt, of 1n of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Near• Toronto; addressed the audience on gip, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, co„, the stilled, "Helping the man who la Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney down." Id IIrin r plumed, St,Vitus' Dance, An enthaeiaetle meeting of the mem• Miele Xnoeglilaoitietl and (Almeria De. bars °Cite Luck!'"' Oliriing dub was at $6.00, $7'.00, $8,00 and $10.00 are equally Dr. Orton, formerly M. P. for Centre value and probably' more like whatyou Wallington, died al Winnipeg. goodp YAnew sawmill to to be built at Otte. would be wishing for yourself wa with a capacity of 40,000,000 or 60,. 000,00 feetla y are A. 3. Also Suits for Boys, Young Men and Old Men y y Irwin, of Port by g nod —all qualities and prices—Up-to-date Styles at again Se werelwin �i recover. eating tin Up=to-date 'Pri• ces, P P Y Thomas J. Retailer, formerly of Camp. y Dia Bald, was burned tlt o death in a fire in Call and see how well we Baan. Please hi The Canadian nP00410 hae absorbed the ZJOZG. Kingston & Pembroke Railway, and moral of ito officials have become direo• .. _ tore on the re•organi8ed board.I We have only one Dinner Set of Dishes left and whoever comae will get a snap 011 lel them -97 piecea'in all: We also keep Hardware and Oils of all kinds ; Amotioall and Canadian Coal Oil— beet quality in stook: t We take Butter and Eggs in trade or cash. When the weather gets a little cooler we will handle all kinds of Poultry and' ship them ourselves so that you may depend on the highest price available for your Produce. ()ALL AND SEE 118. ]Nlis WI' MI a bilis y 4i3D0A7 D tt, eLHOD5 ONT. •r �*y� 3,, m„ Md7]EObi Prop. and Maaataotar0r, bold in Wm: Allin'e office eb Monday of last week when the following offitera were elected for the current r thous ;— renew sae Mre, B: E, Truax; Hon. Preetdent, John Talmo M. E. Hon. V� e•Pree, PCes.i bra J• nB. Tennant ; P.G.Mur- �.. .., v Frank Lee, an Englishman who went from Toronto to work on the farm of F. sphodel township, was gored irdaall, in Al. A�Il trachanA . The Ontario Rugby Union etiepended theLondon Clubplayers for la ill a w i 10n1te..,e I•., l,n«' professional, and awarded , the hinter. c MI .,o ho,. t�inef,l r; shoo+e a �,_„ _._....._ ... pit ,POST Office Store, Money Orders ieSued. In con- S % V V LV ,,. • •`••" ... L.••. r,...•L' ° •' v , ( LLVLie1V805 IYLULL 1 VOBYM000.