The Brussels Post, 1901-11-21, Page 3EEDS COME BACK
Resolve to Do What Good You can
in This World.
'A despatch from Washingten says : Tinto tbe pyramide, If men 131..ort
, -Rev. Br, Talmage preached from lived can afford to wok so elowly
the following text, fralth l, 22, as that, crimiet God in the building
It is he that eittoth upon the circle Q1 eteruities afford to wait ?
the earth," 1 What though God should take 10, -
While yet people thought that tho 000 years to draw a eireie Shell
world was -flat end thousands of we take our little watch which we
gears before they found out that it have to wind up every night lest it
was round Isainh, in my toxt, in -tie run down and hold it up beside the
• Mated this shape o it-Ged sitting clock of eternal ages ? If, according
Upon the circle of the earth. The to the Bible, a thousand years aro
000E4 beautiful figuru in all geometry in God's eight as one day, then, ace
es the circle, God merle the oniverse ,eording to that calculation the 0, -
On a Plan of the circle, .000 years of tho world's existence
Thera are iii the eat -Weal world has been only to God as from
stroight linos, angles, parallel-.
egrams, diagonals, quadrangles,' but
tingle evidently aro not God's favor- Put what Is true of the good Is
ites. Almost everywhere where you just as true of the bad. You utter
lied him emometriang you find tho a slender against, your neighbor. it
;circle dominant, and if not the circle has gone forth from your teeth. You
'then the curve, which is et. that have done the man all the mischief
riled ;young. 11 it had lived long you ean, You rejoice to see him
enough it would have been a full wince. You say, "Didn't I give It to
orb, a periphery. Ax, eclipse is a cir- hitnl." That word has gone out,
cle pressed only a little too hard at that elanderous word, on it p0i50n-
0(113 and blasted way. You think it
will never do you any harm. But I
am watching that word, ono sue it
beginning to curve, and It curves
around and 11 is aiming at your
heart. You had better (lodge it. You
cannot dodge It. It rolls Into your
bosom, and after it rolls in a word
of an old book rolls in after it, say-
ing, "With what measure ye mete it
shall bo measured to you again."
Oh, I would like to see Paul, the
invalid ' missionary, at the moment
when his influence comes to full el'h
-his influence rolling out through
Antioch, through Cyprus, through
Lystra, through Corinth, through
Athens, through Asia, through Eu-
rope, through America, through the
test eentin•y, through five centuries,
through twenty centuries, through
earth, through heaven, and ,at last
the wave of influence, having made
full circuit, strikes his soul. Oh,
then I would like to see him! • No
the sides.
The history of the world goes in a
circle, Why is It that the shipping
en our day is improving so rapidly 7
A scientific shipbuilder says it is be-
cause enon aro imitating in some re-
enacts what the email wits deride,
hhe old model of Noah's ark, not as
WO see it in old Lime pictures, but as
it 'really was according to the tic -
'count given. Great ships have we
pow, but where is the ship on the
sea to -day that could outride a de-
11.1ge in which the heaver tied the
earth were wrecked, landing all the
pessengers in safety, two of each
kind of living cicatures, hundreds of
thousands of species
Pomology will. go on with its ach-
ievements until after many centuries
the world will balm plums and peare
equal to the pm adisaieal.
wilt grow for ccuturiee, and after
the Downings and Mitehells of the one can tell the wide sweep of the
timed have clone their best in the circle of Paul's influence save the
for future the art of gardening will one who is seated on tho circle of
:mine up to the arborescence. of the the earth. .
yeer 1. lf the makers of colored I should , not like to see the (*tin
glees go on Immuring, they maY 'n tonal. e of Voltaire when hie lane-
eeme centuries be able to make sono- OTle, comes to full 'orb. When the
thing equal to the east window of falai hemot•rhage seized him at
orkminster, which was built in the eightyneme years of age, his influ
:1T0.1' 32110. We are six centuries be- once did not cease. '1 1i most brit -
hind those tweets. But the world °see man of his century, he had
must keep on toiling natl.'. Multi used 011
his faculties for a.ssaultieg
make the complete circuit and come Christianity, his bad influence wicl-
up 1,0 .1.150 skill of those very men. ening through France, wicleaing out
If the world coutinues to improve through
Germany, widening all
in masonry, we shall have after through Europe, widening through
awhile, perhaps inter the advonee of America, widening through the 128
tei.Luries, mortar equal to that'which yeaes that have gone stnee he died,
1 eew in the wall of an eehtnued widening through earth, widen ing
leeglish city built in the time of the through the great future, until tat
'Romans 1,600 years ago, that mor- last the accumulutecl induenee of his
tar to -day as good as the day in baleful teachings and dissolute lire
which it was made, having outlasted will eeat agaqut his dismayed spir-
the btrek and the 'stone. I say, cif- it, and at that moment it will be
e'er hundreds of years masonry loaf enough to make the black hair of
0E11,03100 to that point, eternal darkness
Well, nOW, What iS true in the ma-
terial universe is true in God's moral TURN WHITE WITH HORROR.
government nr,r1 spiritual arrange- No one can tell how that •bad man's
"ment. That is the meaning of Eze- intlimece girdled the earth save the
Itiel's wheel. All commentators egree one who Is seated on the circle of
dn saying that the wheel mesas God's the earth -the lewd Almighty.
providence. 1311 a wheel is of no "Wel, now," say some, this, in
fuse unless it turns, and if it turns it some reapeets, is a very glad theory
-turns around, and if it turns around and in others a very sad on,. We
it moves in a, circle. What then? Are would like to have the good we
we parts of a great iron machine have done came back to us, but the
whirled around end around whether thought that all the sins we have
we will or not, the victims of inexor- 0 or counaiited will ecithe back to
able fate ? No I So far from that us fills us with agrighte" lily bre-
LI shall show you that we ourselves them I hove .to tell you tiod can
start tiler circle of good or bad 110- break that circle and will do so at
'Lions and that it will surely come your call. I can bring twenty pas -
Around again to us unless by divine sages of scripture to prove that
:intervention it is hindered. Those when God, for Christ's sake, for -
'bad Or good actions may make the gives a men the sins of his past
eireuit of many yew's, but COI/10 WO never come bask, The wheel
back to us they will as certainly as may roll on and on, but, you take
that Cod sits on the circle of the your position behind the cross, and tho wheel strikes the cross and is
Jezebel, the worst woman of eine shattered forever. • The sing tly olT
Bible - Shakespeare copying his f rom the circle and fall at r /eh e
"Lady Mocbeth" from her picture- angles with complete oblivion. For-
, slew Naboth because she wanted his Mien! leorgivenr The meanest
vineyard. While the dogs were eat- thing a man can do is. after some
ing the body of Naboth ElijaIi the difficulty haa been settled to bring it
prophet put down his compass and up again, and God will not do any -
marked a elect° fro111 these clogs dicer thing like that. Oeci'd memory is
around to the dogs that should ea,t, mighty enough to holdallthe events
the body of Jezebel. , of the ages, but there is one thing
VHS me)RDEtteo..s, that is sure ,to slip Ills memory, one
"Iinposeible!" the people said. "That thing Tio is sun to forgni' ad tinttt
will never happen." Who ze • that ts puteor,aoetiedtransproveressiomi ,;tohoio
being flung out1' V of tho palace Win- 4. 7 xwill
dow ? Jezebel, A kW hours after sins and the]. inigiiitles will I ie -
they came around, hoping to bury member no more.
her. They find only the palms of But du not make the mistake of
the heads and the skull.. '11-10 dogs :thinking that thie doctrine of the
that difyoured Jezebel end the dogs circle stops with this life. It rolls
that devoured Naboth. Oh, what a on through heaven. You might
swift, what an awful circuit I quote in opposition to me what SO,.
But it is sometimes the ease • that John Says about the city or heaven.
tide Meek sweeps through 0 century Ile ' says it "Loth four equate),"
or through merry centuries, The That does seem tu militate against
world started with a theocracy for this idea of n, e4re1e. Ilut• do you
government -that Is, God was the not know there is many a square
president and emperor of the world, house that has a family eir010 4fac-
People got tired of a theocracy. They ing each other and in a eirede mov-
said: "We don't want God directly ing, and I can prove that this is' SO
interfering With the affairs of the IN REGARD Ti) HEAVEN.
world. Give us a monarchy," The
St. John says, "1 hefted the voice of
world had a monarchy. Prom a mon- many angels round about the throne
(trolly it is going to have a, limited and the beasts and the netteee." And
monarchy. After awhile the limited he says, ei
..eretrind about
monarchy will be givea up and the the throne four and totelf0 scats."
republican forth 01 government will And again he says, "There was a
be everywhere- dominant and recog- rainbow round about the throne."
nized. Then the world will get tired
7.'he two former imply a circle; the
Of the yenulelicati form Of govern -
last eitner a circle or a semi -circle.
/tient, and it will have an arietreehee The scats facing each other, the
which is no government at all. And angels facing each other, t
, he mon.
then all notions, finding out Cent facing each other, IT.eaven ail am -
man is not capable of righteously,
phitheatre of glory. Circumference
governing man, will cry out again of pittriareh and prophet anti
for theenl'aaY and say "Let' 'aml apostle, Ciecumforence of Scotch
tome Intel: cold conduet the affairs of Covenanters and Theban legion and
the world." Every step -monarchy,
SiAlbigensee, Circumference of the
reited monarchy, republicanism, an- oeed 01 all ages, .1,001)11°1,y 01
archy-only 11111050111 steps between ""
gPlOnd ItailllagillOCI and hulescrib-
crthe first theocrecy and the last thee -
Ile A I'd I A circlet
aey or segments of the great
bet every cireumfetenee must have
,clo of the eauth on which God sits.
But do not become impatielit be- e centre, and What ie the etintre of
calls° You cennot see the curve of tide licavonlY clecumference? Christ.
His all the glory; His all the prcelee;
events and theeerore conclude thatt
leire all the crowns, All heaven
Godqi government is going to brad
dews, msteey tens us that in the .....lVi'eethellaikila0t0161, oncia
Metking Of elm,
te pyramids it took 2,- ru
from Hit 1001 end behold tho ecor of
000 lima two ueare to drag one great
stone frodico Lift the coronet of d0-
nt the Minn,. and lent it 1t, 19 '
minlOre from Ills broW and 050 wbere
was the laceration of the briers.
Ooene cloeer, all heaven, Narrow
the Oreo areund Hie great heart, 0
Christ, the Saylor! 0 Christ, the
man! 0 elerlift, the Godl Keep
thy throne for over, seated op the
circle of the earth, seated on the
circle of beaven.
Late Dreamer Empress of Ger-
many as a Girl.
Tho We Dowager Empress of Ger-
many was tor me newly years Pro-
fninent, figure in the world'e gallery
of unhappy women that it Is not
easy to think of her .ae a little,
laughing, golden -haired girt with 0,
Merry tongue that often got, her in,
to tvouble with her august mother,
Queen Victoria; yet (.bat is the pie -
tore of her which Vanity Fair pre-
The late Queen, who brought up
her children as wisely as any mother
in all England, insistedmenong other
things that they should treat, all
members of the household with res-
pect, and address each member by
hie -or her correct title.
The little PrilTeeSS Royal frequently
broke this rule, her most serious of-
fense being a determination, which
no amount of punishment cheeked,
to call .the physician -in -ordinary by.
his last name only-"Drowo." I
The Queen, finding all other pena.1-1
ties futile, had finally threatened to
send the Princess Royal to bed at
the next onense, no matter at what
time in the day it should occur.
Walicing with her mother one morn-
ing along the corridor in the palace,
the little Victoria met the physician.
"Good morning, Brown I" she
cried, saucily. Looking up, she met
the sorrowful and diepleased eyes of
her mother, and inunediately added,
"And good -night, Brown, for I'm go-
ing to bed I"
Then, with a courtesy to the
Queen and the barest nod to the
physician, the Princess Royal daneeci
off to the. nursery. As soon as she
was inside the room she said, with
a defiant toss of her golden, curly
head I
"Please, somebody,. putmoto bed, 1,
I've been dis'pectful to Brown
1.7, margin), They MY, "VVhere
le the promiee of }lie 00Miog 7" All
Melee centielee cie they wore. /30.
comae they will ewe believe Ged they
ere willingly ignorant of what heel
been and What will be (IL Peter Ili,
ile7) These are net drunken with
nine, but with their °Wet Pride and
self-ceneeet and uebelief,
20, 21, VViee argl prudent in their
own eyes, not knowing that they are
deceived by the wicked ono, thOY,
Jiko Eve, think that to be good
tthich God has said they watt not
eat, and they count it desirable,
Thoee are the people Vein whom Otn'
11 ord said that the things are hidden
Maith, xi, 2,5). It is writteri in
ProV, xxvi, 12, "Scot thou a man
wise in his 01511 C011C01t, there in
more hope of a fool then of hint"
The word of God can be received
only by the meek, the teachable
(Jam i, 21 ; Zech. ev, 18, 14),
22, 28. Wine and strong drink
nafddle men's braille and blur their
vision and wake up all the evil in
them and make them to care only
Still the PORPlo BeliaVe tb4
Teachings Neverthelese-G004
Meetinge, As tingle meetinge are
held at two eeeleek in the afternoon
and them; participating are sUppeeed
to have fasted Melee the previoue
midnight, they are often in an excite.
ed end overwrought condition. Some
little time ago, at Mee of these
nt OardetoU, Et YOOng ATOnnOla /Pt
A new t01711 is rapidly growing in. Up to recite her experiences. She
to existence ort the rich irrigation Wes in a very overwrought conditioo
lands of southern Alberta, eays the end citned for a minute or 00 gasping
Calgory Irerald. It is named Ilay. for the utterance that would not
mond, io honor of the sou of Jeese come, Then all at 01100 she began
Knight, rich Mormon capitalist, to speak freely in an utterly
Who has taken great ineereet M the lenoWn tongue, gesticulating freely.
Mormon ifettleMente of southern Al- She continued like this for about a
bean, This town is to be the centre quarter of an hour, then subsided
of a beet growing dietrict. into hee `seat the picture of mental
Mormon settlers in Alberta, sowed The
A few years ago, a number of the and physical exhaustion,
n up l'OSO th0 old Mormon
some auger. emote and had them sent bishop, as if frothing out of the way
away to Utah for the puspose of had happened, mid said: "The Lord
testing them. They were found to has given our sister the gift of tone
contain a remarkable quantity of the gues, wipe is there wipe can inter-.
saccharine essential for sugar mak- pret?" Severn' People jumped up
ing purposes. In some cases they at once, but an elderly woman, th0
for their own preempt reward, no were found to contain _fifty per cent. wife of a dignitary of the church,
m ,ther who may suffer thereby. more of this matter than the beets caught the eye ef the bishop first,
Children reseed not parents nor ear- OeieWn in the State of Minnesota. aud he retotioued her to proceed She
min their children. Tbe husband Mr.
Knight, who makes his heacl- declared that the lariguag'0 ,just
th nes not of his wife, nor quarters at Salt, Lake Oity, took an heard was ancient Syriac and that
the wife of her husband. i interest in the matter, further tests being interpreted, it was a, messa,80
All is lost sight of in the 'were instituted, end the results were of the Lord to bereaved parents who
craving for drink when once this all that could be desired. Ur. had recently lost their children,
haeit hes obtained control. But Knight hes accordingly purchased a After this there was a perfect epi -
thee ore mane who never 1,00111 large tract of land in the vicinity of demi° of speaking in "tongues,"
strong drink yet are so (Irene= with : the big irrigation canal, and is al- which continued until a high CillIr011
their own intense selfishness that 'lowing settlers to take up holdings dignitm.y front Utah arrived in
they cannot think of aught but how on his property under certain condi- Cardston and put a stop to it,
they may he pleased and how some I tin". . i BRIGHAM YOUNG'S DAUGHTER.
one else may add to their comfort. NO LIQUOR CAN BE SOI.,1). One of the most conepicuous figures
O4, 25. A sudden end shall come to Ono of the conditions is that at. among the Mormons in Alberta, is
all their glory, and they shall find !least twelve acres of finer beets Mrs. fjord, the wife of Charles Ora
themselves in trouble reem which ; should be grown every year; another Card, who is tbe head of the Mor -
there is no deliverer:6, "because they 'condition is that no liquor estate. mon Church in Canada. This lady
have cast away the law of the Lord lislunent should ever be operated on is a daughter of Brigham, Young, the
of Hosts, and despised the word of the land. A site has already been famous Mormon leader. She is a
the Holy One of 'Israel." According :located for 11 refinery, and mans woman of great natural shrewdness,
to chapter. viii, 20, margin and R. 1 drawn, and within the next month and being possessed of great force of
t ere is no morning for such
people -that is, the morning of joy.
of His coming, of the Kingdom will
mewl nothing to them (Ps. xlix, 14; n101) and hi very popular with the
bkIlding operations will be 00111- character, exerts a gt•eat influence
nieuced. upon the whole community.
Mr. Knight ie a very devout Moe-
xxe, 5 . cxxx, 6), for they will bare people of that religion settled in QUI.TS !
y as ness of drekness for- Canada. The Mormons have al-
e, or We do not know that the rich ways been good settlers, being pro -
man of Luke 851 WAS ever given to ,gressive and up to date In agricul-
strong drink, but he was theinken tural operations. The whole of
with his own thoughts and posses- Southern Alberta. contiguous to the
sinns, end he died and found himself !boundary line is given over to them
n torment.
26. 86 This is a look onward to country into a perfect a fl Al)
and they have transformed wlld
g r en.
the gathering of all nations that He, sorts of crops grow well, a,ncl tiering
may ey them hureiliate Tsreel and the fourteen years which the Mor -
then judge the nations encl deliver ions have been in the country there
THE S. S. LESSON,, ealsth2,
1 5r-9177 P; are2e7hr.rilzi"i,Y 8-J27:1 Isysouucealk jaw (.1103041500josnu?of
Isrnel and establish His kingdom on s uot been one single crop failure, 10111 3,77
NOV. 24.
Text of the Lesson, Isa. v., 8-8
Golden Text, Ise. v 22
also Ise. iv, 2-6 ; vi, 8, margin : reward of the good behavior of the
(immunity. They believe that Pro-
. 9
heth purposed it to stain the pride vidence rewards thent according to
of ell glory and to bring into eon- their deserts.
temot all the honorable of the Although a great many of the Allier-
°. earth" xxiii. 9). The kingdom ta Mormons aro polygamists, they
will come, but the unrighteous shall don't practice polygamy In Canada.
rot Ace it. No drunkard nor sinner Nest of the older men have a, wile
• of any other kind, continuing in sin in the States and, one in Canada,
and cleing in the same. can ever in-
• herit the kinedore, but every drunk-
iii -12 . TiI
e Loid• of Frosts c
Since the serpent persuaded rna
to felieve that he was wiser tha
God the majority of people hay
walked in that way -that is, in thei
oun wisdom, in their own way, th
way of selfishness, self-seeking, self
righteousness, self -glorification an
renunciation of God. It is no
strame that the world, lying in th
15101 011 one (1. John v, 19, RV.)
stould do this, but it does seem
strenge that the pi•efessing people o
Cod, who are galled in this chapter
Ilis vineyard and• His people (verse
1, 7, 18, 25.), should so dishonor
God. Those who would lind only a
so called temperance leseon in this
chepter are something like those who
f nci nothing in all the Bible but how
to be saved, The book is called
"1 lio 51 .1011 of Isaiah concerning Ju-
dah :zed Jerusalem" (chapter i, 1),
and therefore the firet application of
ha words must be to them. The
summit of the whole book is seen
in such passages as verse 16 of our
lesson, chapter if, 11, 17,. arid simi-
lar passages, "The Lord alone shall
be exa 1 ed."
ord.. liar inn rclerer or ordinary sin- A. peculiar incident I •
✓ , , occurrec recent-
, nee who with true penitence turns ly which shows the desire of the
,,J10l13 his sin to the only savior oi Mormons to live within 010 letter of
d sinnere. the Lord ,Tess Christ, shall the hew. A prominent resident of
t in newise he cast out, but shall he .Cardsten, the little Mormon inetron-
„ wrslied, sanctified, histined, by the elis here, had brought one wife 15101
`', i oreelons biood of Christ and by that him from Utah, while wife munher
, greatest snerirce over henrd of in the -two remained in the States. With
r universe; made fit for the presence him in Canada was his little son, the
, of God end made a joint heir with child of his absent wife. The little
Christ Fireself (John vi, 87; L boy became very ill, and his mother
Cor. vi 9-11; Rev. v. 9. 10). wes scut. rm. 'Phe sane train that
brought. her into Canada carried
away the father, n,s he would not re-
main in the country with both his
ODDS AND ENDS. wives. The child recovered and his
1-7. This passage shows His spe-
cie] care of Israel and how instead
of good fruit to Ills glory they gave
Pilo only wild grapes ancl untied.-
enustmes instead or righteousness.
The same story of base ingrantiltoof is set forth 111 in our Lord's parb
the wicked litemndman 10i Matth.
Xlti, 88-16.
8-10 That which is here set forth
as joining bonne to house and field
to Peld that they may be in some
sense the only people an earth is
511'Y manifest to -day in the so-ealled
"trusts" whiq have recoreci so pro-
minent in last days. 11, would
ho eel] if none who bear the name
of Christ were mixed up with these
things. The Lord of hosts hears ancl
seee it all, and His complaint hi
Hag. I, 0, is still the Ennio. 'rile roe
medrie in Matth. vi. 88. '
11-12. From morehig until night
it is 'naught but seif-indulgence, and
In chapter xemlii, 7, il, is written
thtit the priest, and tho prophet,
those who should be wholly for man
before God and for God before man,
have erred through strong drink and
are swellowed up of wine. Our vers-
e.: soy that they regard not the work
of the Lc) cl, neither consider the op-
eration of His hands. The same
statement is found in Pe, xxviii, 5,
and • the result stated "Ile shall des-
troy them and not build them up."
It the adversary elm only turn men
from the word of God rind thus from
God Himeolf, he has accomplished
much in his line.
18-11. A worse bondege than that
of Egypt and a worse fnenine then
that, W11 1011 EX00t5 Only the body
0011105 1111011 th0111, "not a faraine of
bread noe a thirst for water, but of
hooriog the -words of the Lbrd "
(Amos Yin, (.14 12). A terrible nu -
initiation inust -come,for the Lord
of hosts shall be exalted in Judg-
ment Mid the Holy God be sanntifle
al in righteousness (verso 16, mite -
gin), Tile kingdom of God shall
come, ancl all iniquity shall be put
away (Dan, ix, 24) not only in 1e -
reel, but in all .the world, HAPPY
are all who bave 11, roretnete 0! the
kingdom 411 their hearte and Ilene
18, 10. Iniquity takes such a
streng hold upon some that they nc-
tuolly mock God and dare Him to
do Hie utmost Against them. Like
the antediluvians they say "What
cloth Clod know 7 What can the Al-
iniglity do to there 7" (Job xxii,
mother took him back to lertah with
For every 110 civilians, 880 sol- Ler. This Mormon is very much at-
diers conutalt suicide in Great Brit,- lathed to both his wives.. and regu-
laxly visits wife number two in th
A record pine leg, 91 feet long, 19 States for a period each year.
e 1
inches square and perfectly straight, Although the Mormons don't proe-
m 41.1, t ecently landed at Leith. tire pelywainy ln Canada, there is no
Italy and Spain have fewer houses doubt that they still believe in it,
in proportion to population than nud they will defend it vigorously 111
Fitly other. country, The Argentine argument. Vico are very rebgious
Republic has most. and the old men are especially de- ,
Since 1.840 European towns have vout. The younger ones are at times :
increased 470 per cent. in popula.- inclined to kick ageinst restrictions'
tion, while in the country districts, ',imposed by the cburch, tun. they us -
'wealthy foreigner, intent upon a
day's outing, wanted to him a deal-
er's beet horse and trap, but not
knowbm his man the dealer demurred
at trusting them in his hands. De-
teimined to have his drive, the
geneleman proposed paying for the
horse and tho vehicle, promising to
sell there beck at the same price
when he retuined. To that the other
saw no objection, so his customer's
:etnaa's irero supplied, t. in'euealatthe
stables, his inoney reimbursed, and
lie teemed to go.
'ellold on I" exelaimed the deoler,
"you have forgotten to pay for the
"At EleEtr Fir," Was the cool re-
ply, "them wee no hieing in the
ease I have been driving' my own
horse and trap all day."
And he left the deuler to his sor-
rowlul reflections.
I Darwin found the earth adhering
1 -to the feet of a plover three differ -
1era. kinds of seeds. the mud stick -
1119 to the feet of ducks and geese
Isnot in Engine:A he detected the
'seeds of plants peeellur to the Vic-
toria Nyanza, in central Africa. In
the soil clinging to the feet of a
Tuxes steer the seeds of five differ-
ent kinds of weeds anti grasses com-
mon in Texas were discovered in New
York by the aid of a microscope.
WHEN uonsEs sr,Eur.
Horses always point one ear for -
weird when they sleep. Examly why
this is clove no human being can
tell, but the probability is that the
practice is a relic of the time wben
they were wild ancl obliged to lie
on their guarcl even when asleep.
Cattle, on the ether hand, are ap-
parently indifferene ns to the posi-
tion of their ears while eleeping. but
110 matter what position they are
in, both are always pointed
increase has been but 70 per cent. tinily find tliat it is to their admit- SUBMARINE CABLE REPAIRS.
Britain digs carittls more cheaply tage to stand In well with their ec-1,The submerine cables of the world
than other countries. The average clesiastical loaders. Ono Sunday in
mile, against an0,000 Vrane0
a ` are kept. in repair by 137 steruners
cost of English canals being 4:9,600 each mouth Oise have testimony
Potatoes have ceased to. be the equipped for the work.
and 4215,600 5,600 In Canada.
principal •root woe of Ireland, if
they are to be compared with
turnips by weight or yield -last year,
for example, only about 1,54 0,000
tons, against 4,426,000 tons of
The tusks of Congo. elepharits are
as a rule very large and weigh on an
average GO pounds. Some of them
are of extraordinary size. At the
Brussels exhibition a pair of tusks
were en show each of which weighed
156 pounds.
With the $125,000 demanded by
the Turkish brigands for the release
of Miss Stone, the American mis-
zionary, it is Interesting to compere
the prices which earlier banditti
have set on the heads of their cap-
tives. The record belongs to the
Spanish brigands who captured lir.
Arthur liaseldin in the Sierra Mo-
rena, in 1874. Tbey demanded 2200,-
000, though they accepted 880,000
when they found that they could
got no more. When Colonel Synge
caul Mr. and Mrs. Setae were captux-
ad by Greek brigands the former was
ransomed for 6116,000 and the latter
for 870,000, the money being ad-
vanced by the British Government.
Another notable case is that of Lord
and Lady Muneaster, Mr, Herbert,
Mr. Vyner, nnd Mr. aml Mrs. Lloyd,
tvlio were taken within a dozen ntilee
of Ahees in 1870. Tho brig:Inds
first, denerincled 8250,000, but after-
wards offered to take 8125,000 and
a free pardon. When even the roduc-
ed amount woe riot forthcoming they
murdered tho mom though they lot
the women go.
Mother -"So you enjoyed yottr
walk, Eatm, Disl yea go all that die -
tuned alone 7" Daughter --"011, yes,
nitunnut, tptite Moue I" Beastly
Brother-"'Phien how ts it, Mt, you
took an umbrella out end brought
home 0. Walkiog eticic
-fm= ce:= 1,—,..tstsess'emet0
Chinunie--"We're gin' ter have acomin'-out paetY at MS, h0Use on de
foist, day o' nox' relent'. "
Reginald (on a mission of charity with Ids numunit)-"Ie your elder
sister to make her debet?"
Chlemille--"NoW, she gain' tee nialte dot. Me 01' mon ts 50511111
Ont ea der pentelishry dat day,'
BRIT/SH ARM zroax,
Tonmy WU1 igrcAr oar; en Hie
Head, Not His Ear.
The st1) Jlttie Orem-ehaped forage
sap ethical hue hitherto been Worn by
the British gUardemen is -GO be
placed In in the main to the Meth gap
Of the man-of-warsione, e(1378 the
London Telegraph. Tine aneuernme-
ntea win doubtless be received with
deo' regret by Continental 'carice-
Wrists, who invariably depict Tom-
my Atkies as a man with the tiniest
of hats aiul the biggest of protrud-
Ing teeth, and their sorrow will be
shnred by those pantomime artiste
who generally rely upon the soldier's
head appal, worn at an ethane'
angle, as a stooding means of excit-
ing the merriment of their audiemee.
So far tho' 141513. Guarder 010110 are In
possession of the now cap, wbich
they wear with a bead of green, but
the entire brigade will shortly be
furnished with similar headgear, with
the exception that the band of the
Ooldstreamers will be white, the
Grenadiers red, and the Scats a small
cheek of red ancl white. This pattern
tvliIch will shortly be familiar to
every Londoner, has been borrowed -
like the recent army order about the
training of troops -from the German
army, aud it remains to be seen
wbether the rank and Ole will take
kindly to a departure which is in
striking contrast to some of their
It will seem rather extraordinary
to the lay reader that tine new for' -
age Limp, which may possibly 1)0
issued to all troops besides the
Guards at, an early date, has formed
the subject of long and anxioue dis-
cussion on, the part of the uniform
authorities at the War Office: Every
one has recognized (.bat the head-
gear failed to protect the soldier
either from excessive heat, wet, or
cold, and the object of the clothing
experts was to find some pattern
which should possess all these acl-
vantages. The styles worn ,by every
European ormy were carefully studied
and tested, and ultimately, the pre-.
sent cap, which in shape and ma-
terial and manufacture is Similar to
the article worn by the Britiela
bluejacket, was resolved upon. Tn
the metier of uniforni, however, the
personal equation comits very large-
ly. The authorities know eerfectly
well that re smart uniform ha - at-
tractedathonsands of Men to the re-
cruiting depot, cuicl the old forage
cap, despite its lidiculots propor-
tions and uselessness, considered from
the point of view of n protection for
the head, was undoubtedly well be-
loved of Thomas Atkins. Will the
new forage cap, worn upon the crown
of the head and not over the right
ear, enjoy the same popularity'?
The authorities aro plainly in doubt
On tho point, and the present distri-
bution to the brigade of Guurds is
undoioasakesen chiefly for experimental
Those Trish warriors who have
been consulted im the absorbing topic
of the new forage tap have not hesi-
tated to declare in favor of the old
type. The chief edvantages to which
the army authorities lay claim is
that the new pattern really estab-
lishes a uniform style for soldiers
and handymea alike, and that the
fornter will not 110 encumlered, As
previously, with the transport of
two caps, the old forage and field
service types, which it is desired
she.11be di_+splaced by the new pat-
Most curious are the sewing or
tailor -birds of India -little yellow
things not much larger than one's
thumb. To escape falling a prey to
snakes end monkeys the tailor -bird
picks up a dead leaf and flies up in-
to a tree, and with a fibre f01'
thread and its bill for a needle sews
the leaf to a green one banging from
the tree; the sides are sewed up, an
opereag to the nest thus formed be-
ing left at the top. That a nest is
swinging in the tree no snake ' or
monkey or even man would suspect.
rnstor-"What did I any in my
sermon yesterday that yoe objected
to 7"
Mr, Do Good --"You surprise nee,
my dear sir. I did not object to
anything." "
Pastor -"But I heard you give a
very audible snort at somethiog I
Mr. Ile Clood-"Oh, no ; no indeed.
That was only a snore,"
Tho Baluchistan (Asia) Railwny is
an exrunple of rapid construction.
Ninety-five miles were completed in
ibout two months and the last
twenty miles were made at the rate
of 81 milee per day. The grauicnts
were aboet 1 in 2,000 on a dry, bar-
ren, treeless, hoeseless plain, rising
all the way. The demort was abet),
lutely smooth and plain.
It is a panful revelation to learn,
on the strength of a Locni Govern-
ment Boned return, that during 1000
there were no fewer than fifty-three
cases in which coroners' juries 1'0-
1'etur11ed verdicts of "Deuth front
starvation" in the various dietriets
within the City of London.
The comedian boarder resumed his
sect, tncircinrilasiitcliiiclad:y
should got her steak
a wtt7'
itoiba4e ai‘;ar8111P.c;t'
'icriedthe sweet
singer, with erue etage comedy
"Repelling boardees I" -
In leritish textile ftretories 386,000
horse -power is used for 'cotton, 122,-
000 foie woollen, 711,000 for linen,
"I wish you to tell ine candidly
whether you want to marry My
daughtet. for her money " "Certain-
ly not," answered the titleci young
gentlemen, "I Acorn evispicione
As I onderstend the situation, your
cloughter hasn't much eneeey, any-
how. Wu are 010 one We are h0al-