HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-11-21, Page 1Vol. 80. No 19 etd BRTJSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901 W.F.KERR, Prop. New Advertisements. The township Qounafl met here ou Wgdueeday of thin week with About the. Thursday of last week an despite all tial' aonld be dope he James Armstrong, 19th con., was away to Muskoka on a Igamare trip, part of which was devoted to bunting. Game is Y g reported not at plentiful as usual. During the pees week EI6pn, son Qt Charles R°eeil, 10th pop,, wee quite ill with inflammation of the lungs, but le improving niaely pow we are pleased to abate and with the geed sate he 'e r w g ei anew lap will soon be as well as guar.. Miss Hattie Downing,of Bruseeta, who is now attending --the GedsrtOh Model &MOW, has been engaged as teacher of Haden S. 5, No.12, Grey and Msb{illo p' for the coming year. Mies ROWS, the present teacher, bee decided to further prol ee ite her studies if her health will permit. Death has removed another of the old residents of the neighborhood, Samuel McGeorge, /et son., having passed away on Sunda Nov, loth, in his 79th eaF• y' y rhe deceased was a well•knowo, progres• sive and Boomers' farmer, and a man who took a deep interest in everything pertaining t0 his calling. lie was treae- near of the Molesworth Cheese & Batter Co, for a nprobernt ears; and Wm one of its principal promoters and P P P patrons. In polities he wae a staunch Tabora). He leaves a grownup family, oom[ortablq eireometaneed. The funeral took place on Wednesday Marnoon to the old °erne• tory and was largely attended. Qamie Shortreea, S ea erq introducing p k i g topiga are requested not to exceed i$ minutes, 5 to. G to b 1 m u ee for dts°assilas, The peek Oonveatiope have beau tall of interest and this one will no doubt oom. pare faverawl with these of Other Y years.Y -�.- Will And still d nowwith a' l fi tie 9G ready e inti, ien s. tones tp reset our ever welcome friends. g ng have our sinoerost thanks fpr honor• fag MI with oar °Om an tone ht. During the seething iia y g mune i gi style hErs. m iq was rendered in fine st" 1 byAire. Rev.Bringers' s (Bev.) Ballarat Mise senses uitea eommo io a ton • sen era es tit°y •t shah r nowugttl e° 01, 6 d , sites bb1e1 til tie entre day to i iii Now to egttleigi• to Ott, but 1 YoaT histo a I1 u this at't°+noon as he sea i be ]ittlePor nut eo tough. Inthis Bind I umuot distn oinb Tosca J.130 in surpt Ong all baric pas. join. It ie ssei on n hew well we 0 - T,00al—F, Aflame, • Local—A. Ceasloy. Ladies.—A: R. Smith, Local—Robe^ Thomson, Tlpoal—Hugh William, Wood wau'ted-R. Ross• Girl wanted—MM. Lead for sale -James Gray.etob, New;goods—M°Kinnon & Co, $mss season—H, R. Brewer, 73nrOn'Oounty OonaOil—W. Lan°. WUsp eeging is painful—Mre. I loGohar. . usual amount of Minima on hand for this rumen of the year; Favorable r°• res far oE Vole ep tied in connection with . the drainage oontraete, g Rey, O. V. Lake will deliver a Temper. anoe address in the Methodist :Cbureb next sabbath evening, The enbjoot Will be "They sold a girl for Wipe,'! The members of the Sons of Temperance are asked to attend In a body, meeting at the ledge rgom prior to the hoop of service in the ohurop, We polios in the distribution of medals, aacdtlmbsd as staked above, Deasased wag a worth Elder in . e . Knox Mum* Qranbrook, and enjoyed the good will of the community, bgtb old and young, Mrs, Melolosb pre•aeoea5ed her hngband some 12 years and is survived by a son and daughter (Mtge Lizzie anti John)who aro both on the homestead. Mr. liiglutosh was in his 72nd year and had been gradually failing in health f o t g for q me ittte time before the Dail came. .'here is room for many of the lite and character of the de°eaeed. The son and daughter are wWeir Wedding Anniversary.. ne, ge Stella Rabb, alai. ,tial: aeainto creamier the ac ton of the r ytl it day coin aril WititthoIIest d vas to fou , of Mltaho Aela d fpavore and .A21, P uy n. two On 00,0'., Mrs. Qo elapd favored the gopi. boa can get usp o an thio g t r OUgl g older Aude an tdbeused to anything tinea •h thee. !lied t • 7S iltid Airs. 8rccusietes. Aloiesi0ovf4, Oeta4reto. with a solo.p deck 7.80 and to at 8 party o ek of tau of A profusion of beautiful and scatty sil. °cloak, A number of rho paesengorsare.en- Ver ifta made 411, Maslen all the more .en - Jiving then:wolves with muni° and singing, gbut this has no ohatm tor mo thio ?aadec WemOrable and the married .. pair now Wednesday, I8.—Up 7.88 deck. '— Gammezans—Lo Na,_.In-iitonkton on Nov,- „ "•1Gtk1878, by Bsv, Mx, Pitph, Mt. D. 1, afa enedes, of M°kton, to Mtse Rel Long. of they, A noteworthy and verypleasing evoob Y P g� took place al the residence of E. T. and Mrs. Greenaides, Molesworth, ou the evening of Friday last, lath inst„ on which oocaeion Mr. and Mrs, Greeneides celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage by a Silver wedding. In re. sponse to neatly printed invitations a large number of guests assembled at the g g home about 8 o'clock, doming from differ- ent points, viz 7?almeraton $es alar, P ' P Mitchell, Monkt(n, $tassels, Trowbxfdg°, at and on A p adds .man- Souvenirs Of tie Silver 877,, ren°ga, sap prevails. Avory enjoyable igeaale , lbs companybroke ti be, niornt b fa le en�• Dimam 11.45 neatly every g�p passenger in attendance, 13 o'a{ock examen- tween one and two 0 gleok after enjoying Mama by domtor fore meelnation, upturn to an6 evening marked by supreme pleasure desk to Daae more en'o the rafroshing and heartfelt joyousness which wall make , 7 ybreezes a from lie. What a bplei sent bttealveg- ye impression on the memory width aeons.. Th% boat is tossing baokwar(l and years cannot efface. Y°rwardinaheav sea. Tea at 4.80. Alla - Mr, and Mre. Grensides have now set parentlypartakalrearbily oda well provided out On the small la in the matrimonial mral. on doer agam. 'Tie blowing very $ °old this evening and th° sea is somewhat century run and their many. friends. hope roti� 1. A. gale is also threat nine. s. 0 Year that as the ears roll b there will oom, we akallbe up hers bob a very short time. to them and years bbs attendant Comforts We go to our berths tide evening at an early and Messina of this life with an o or. hour. g P Thnredap,l4.—IIs ,at 7.15; ou k at 7,90. tunny of enjoying the 50th, or golden, Oh dear, what a glorious Sart. The sky looks anniversary With them, like agreat ball of lire. Sonia sight Iittvo y never in my life seen before. We go down to breakfast at 8 o'clock. They tell ��rpf goas, � �� Behelarehips and prizes in oonnettion With Viotoria University, Toronto, that two young men well known in this local•' deeply sympathised with in their bereave• went. j yAU r it were amongthe winners. 0. Engler Y g took S. H. Janes' Morr�rr' Jatxperatown, is Hall The prayer meeting fp addressed On Fridayeveningwas v hof gaei h dressed by Rev. RObt McKay, of Ethel, will oondggtthe- eervfoe in Victoria Hall lest Sabbath Silver Medal' for 2nd in Matbematioa. and IZev. J. La. Stewart was awarded R. J. Sanford a Gold Medal for being 1st In Phrlosephy. These awards Dome as a reward Inc hard, patient study and we congratulate the recipients on their emcees. • a➢MMiss Carrie South ie home from Tor. several from this township will attend the winter Fair this Guelph Des, 10th to 18th p Owing to a sprained limb W, Hunter, 7th line, has been dela the thin evening. Mr. MoBay is a fluent speaker, .Rev. Mr. Walhalla of Seaforth, a former pastor, preached at Johpelop'e arch last„sanday: Hle old parishion. ere we to see • P havedwithr.aeons- more the well known and popular Young Switchman: Wra Brydon. He has spent the Summer in the west and will remain here until chill winter is past, Last Sabbath evening Rev. R. Paul was the preacher at the Hall in this plane and preached a good sermon to a large and attentive audience. Bta teat was 28Griffin Ez. re and 22, "Behold Z send an angel before you, • &o:" Some of the main divisions of the anbject were (1) God bee re ared a lace for His prepared p people ; (2)' Re bas promised to preterit them by the Way ; (S) The Divine adpaonition ; (4) The era le aregemenns. The reverend gentleman ie a ready speaker, pleat in Me present°- tionth tion of the F 0111 and speaks from a wide Wii lham. Both Hon. G. W. Roes and Opposition Leader Whitney are expeotgd is address welt Huron meetings hereconnection with y Fixa.—About 4 o'clock on Tuesday morning fire was 00 Js erect in Setae• lien's barber shop on Josephine Street. The fire' brigade was soon on the scene, but before the lames were got ander control- the barber shop and Clarke% tailor shop In the alma building were completely destroyed, with their aonteptt• 'e lar ' large grocery building adjoining was very badly burned also. Part of his stook was removed, but his loss. wag con•. largep glassi siderable. The tate windows 'n the stores of Malodor', Doaglaaa and D. M. Gordon across the road Buffered several y All losses are partly (severed by insurance. The (Ouse of the fire is unknown. - g P act but we hope be will soon, be as well se ever. Amon Morrie boys borne from the g y 'pest are Jas. Douglas, Ed. Bryatle and W. J. MaMarray, Some of them may try it again. Jae, Petah, formerly at the 8th ” ling, offeree either bush or Cleared farm for Bale in this week's issue of Tan Pow. He is a resident of Manitoba in Gbe mean- time, We ars sorry to. report that Miss Amnia Currie's health is not as vi oroas g as her many Mends *mad desire to eye it but we hope a change for the better may speedily ansae, A Christmas school entertainment to take place i° the Anderson school house, , -3rd Line; is already announced, the date being Friday, Deo, 20. Nothing •"like „ , taking time by the fetlock,' as Mrs, Partington remarks. Tax Collector Jn°. Mooney has bis Molesworth and Elmwood, while a num her of letters of regret were teemed from those who, on meant of absence from "home of previous engagements, found it impossible to be present. The evening us we may probably -sight Cape Race today. What a Trip Across The Atlantic. •treat it will be to sight laud once more, and only to si8ht it but to tread on it will _ _ not oral plum et Alm. Taws. B1oemnold, now in wealltattend. agreeaWe spent the romainderr which itrussuia. • the day till tea time Brat on the (leek. Tea at 4,80. On dealt again. What a glorious pasead pleasantly' byand the time sped swiftly while music end eon lilted the rooms of the brightly il• laminated home 5hfle in anirnmted aon- versaticn many renewed eld inieedeUipe, talked of former times and made touch- ing enquiries concerning absent -friends. At 8.30 o'clock supper was announced and the tables which. groaned beneath. their lavish a rad were antro Ended b h P y appy gtesbe who enjoyed the pleasure of 4be "caw°n ena,.rhe happiness of the , hour. After After dofn ample 'aeric tob g P ] a the supper, Were offered and a number of speeches were made, Rev. Mr. Ballantyne; of Molesworth, opening the enjoyable program with a most appropriate speech. He was followed, by Wm. Merryfield, of Moakton, , F, f Mole, of Trowbridge, Jn°:d Meiklej(shn, of Molesworth, Jno. IL field,. °f Palmerston, A. Copeland, of Minto; Councillor Wilton and Philipcontented Amea6, of Brussels, and I. Rabb, of merston, who. In well ahoseh, compli• mentary, humorous and congratulatory 1°°reds • espreasad theroeelvea concerning the genial host and his amiable spouse. Some of the addresses were noted for their brevity but we reproduce that of Mr. Rabb. He said :—When a couple lived together for 25 years they certainly should know eomathing of qny: we are not forgetful Of the fad that cent that yon have turned a quarter of s been our privilege to know your house- been ou in wedded life. For years it se- P • g y walks of neighborly and somal intercourse iyalke genial f orgy anfpandl i the course where you have contributed abundantly Y a pleasant W the circle in which you have y u v moved. We do not forget that when the' laugh was merrossb g g your happy presence added pleasure to the scene and. when Borrow visited our homes your words of consolation and 9 m atil minds the sorrow lighter y P Y g er Reeolleoting the pleasant years made agreeable bhrongb your aoquernEanoe, we ,are here tonight to celebrate your silver wedding. Itwoaldbealmost impossible to Brad a happier looking couple time Dere friends with whom even time has dealt gently Inc their hair is bub slightly silver ed and their faces so lightly gbGly toaahed by his fingers that we Den s°aroely realize a °anter of a sentare has elapsed. MayWertheim q y p their future be as bright and unsullied me the valuable shining gi•fts that loving hands have laded before them thisrib P night. May they adorn your table in the future and may the refreshing beverage from We arrived at the Liverpool landing stage lust before 11 a. in. of Mov:7th and found the Parisian; tie boat upon which we ware y, embark, eying at anchor in rho Meisoy, Alongside the landing stage was a tender whim was to oonveyintending passengers on board its cos pian. Many were the amusing n ents tonnectod with the wait on the landing stage before out embarkation, Men stood there and dressed in of all peculiar dressed.in most pepuhar gat bs. Some Oven accompanied with tboir dogs and Yowl. After h ndin • ou board the Engel w s• IT,ei paed al y James Turner, 1, were ter lackedth aver tie ship and were well maenad with the condition of things we were to particinnata in for the nest B or 0 drys We kept our friend out of sight us much as pos• sibple so he could remain with us. as long as heposaiblycould. However about 1 o'°tock se was n°ttowlandtherefore compelled togo aboard the tender to be conveyed to the handing stage, We lay out in the river until 5 P. m. tvkeu we then drew along shore. We 'moved 4bdingGood-bye outward bound °canine journey h and friends so dear: However we telt quite after about an •hoar. IL was a glorious eight. Miele was greatly indulged m by the foreigners and dancing galore. The modus operandi of dancing struck one to be very vulgar compered with the English manner. Nevertheless it passed on the IItst eight pleasantly. Retired to ked abouts, Friday, B6h.-8p at 7.80 a, m. Asubatanti5l breakfast provided inwhieh nearly all par- Retired to the deck. For the first time we see, the sweet shores of dear Erin. It wasa picturesque eight along the banks of Derry. Arrives at iflovitle. Tom went ashore for two hours, accompanied byas °tier 4 gentlemen, and brought back with him some little mementoes of his visit, fore tart our6outward on board we once sea is beautifully stain sad passeager seem et a stara°ur outward voyage again. The cone the Saturday, or their night's voyage ,first sign of Rose about 7ha. t death the tarso sign oY sea aeknes0 what a terrible 'Aroionl However, 'tis ni use oY giving tvay, mustreally be breve and endeavor t° gore to be seen no doubt 'all ettin path 6 getting r sins of the effects of the briny ocean. B rings at 7;80 for breakfast, articular noticeable asthe absence of passengers, not more than 20. persons accepting the repast of beef, breeaa]loSasbread., retire deck nand omake ourselves comfortable by spreading a rug on deck and then. sit downeeeting rather shaky but yet thoroughly enjoying the delightful breeze from the ocean. How pretty the waves look with their feathery white foam dashing itpand dowainfantastic styles and makes one wonder how it is possible some people eau say'There is no Gori." Only look at the Sea and live on the sea for sometime makes one think what a wonderful God we Lotac rhea at o'clock, Good soup, boat, pot Very pudding attend oupieelvee inoludded. on deck and provide ourselves with some lunch at a later hour. Tea at se vMime, rided.a' Supper' at 8 po r dge. Very few partake. Previous to this evening thenereiguers have revelled in dewing and singing, l p its ale b5ooe nearlynoticeable vin bSes ' g starry night] Thp first quarter of the moon is to be seen. We remain on desk until B bo bedkwhen wepartake of coffee and retire t° bed torthe night. beein g greatly rofrethod at the thought of it -bang tale last n! ht on board. Auseont quite excited atthetaou h" of to -morrow's landing: g t ]fenoty•; iujoIIs at 7.80 and on desk. All n -, patently, enjoy the well prepared breakfast. All retire to deck agam, itis most amusing queries regarding the to hoar the voyage. Sud of our voya8e. riowever it is pleasant to think all aro leaving the j'aritkin" in s state °Y good health. We will sty be bid - dmgfarewell 'gall old steainskip and I must eaY we cannot look bask wick any to- y•ret at having taken our passage on her. The mindere of the passengers has been web attended to, good meals and in abundance provided, and the civility of the employees is noticeable. .In. conclusion. I wish Good Luck" to the old S. S. Ihopeshe may battle manyastorm. I wouldadviseany intending passengers.for the Old Country totake their booking onher; they will meet with ever luck at aill tim e I am and wishing will be, °a contented passenger on S. S. always ' Bloomfield. g ' E'" At 12 o'clock p. m., Nov. 15 we landed at Halifax and were ordered to make our way to the Emigration shed. Arrived there we find a most commodious building in which all kinds of provisions could be bought for pas - stingers with a long journa before them, and bedrooms and batkrootns tree of charge for all who had not to catch night tram. It was amusing, also creditable to Canada, to And all passengers were on equal , so tp differentton+•nglana. It struck me that follow out in Canada the old saying Tack is good as his master.' Persons who had travelled saloon, &•o., were all hustled in. with. ID dign ere to share tas same as they war g IDdidwa kite tat es and g eme of the ow - lash welberL a ladies and gentlemen but how - but to ooatent evor they had eel? themselves with the thought tliat the pre• veiling feeling in d equality is to longoone they all with respect and equahtq se s. ting proved themselves worthy perons. We left Halifax at4 a, m., Nov. 10th, for arrived there 7n. a °f Nov. eved Put P n at n Hotel and amply. sabered for. Went to sea the prinoipalattractions bof the cit and was agreeably surprised with its e iiuespeoious atresia and public btiildinga. Took train at 10 o'clock p. m, and ..arrived at Torontothee - ugh to am e m.w on ourr loth, hipline lugs. g lvw ed with out long joutneyider- However we strolledroaedthe city c°naider- ably and was welt pleased to linden& dine streets buildings and shops. It struck me (bqusoonglish,muchmeresothan Montreal. Une could. imagine they were in London or Manchester. We took teaiafor Brussels at 4 p. m, and arrived there atiout8 vary kindly waiting. pto and found We thank them heartilyfor their chivalry through this paper and we send this account those whoh d been 50 kgtndin thinking would please' °E'm and meeting us to read an aecouut of our doings singe we left the "Old Country," We make ourselveks° creditable •Bruseele and hope to and agreeable le residents of the town. We are, Tours truly, TIIalrAa AND Mauna= aHT13 BLOOlII n7LD. — • Seelortat. .Mre. Tate; of Bt. Thome,, is the pest of -her sister, Mrs. Ed. MoFaul. g Rev, r D ut A, a ale, of Goderioh, preach- ed (t both' services vices in the Metbodiat church Iasi Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Wallwin officiated in Blaevale. . The young - y g bachetore of Sestortb area Completing arrangements for an informal hop to bsgiven in Oardno's opera bonne on Thanksgiving night, TheBrown'so s k g g oreheetra will supply the music. The Radio' Aid Society of the Pres- Warier' Dinesh have asked two large P g bales of Mobbing to send to Dr. Reid,- medicalmiesiotlary'to bbs "DOnkhobare- and ical mens in the Northwest, There died in Stanley on Friday Mrs. John Avery aged 46 years. The deceased Waea daughter of Robt. Turnbull, of this town, and has been in poor health for a long time, but her demise was a shook to het many friends. The funeral took lace on Sande afternoon, p y The funeral of the late Robert A. MoEI: toy, who died at his borne in MaXillo P on Friday after a short Mimes, took plata) on Sunday afternoon to the Maitland?tfeipeted, bank cemetery. The deceased was 47 years old and leaves an aged father, a widow and five children to mourn his -lose. Chief Justice Faloonbrid a on Satter. day gave judgment at Oe ood° Hall, Tor- onto, dismiesin g g with Costa the Bait brought by the Firm Natchez Bank;" Of Natchez, Mies., against E. 0. Coleman manufacturer, of Seaforth', on a $2;000 promissory note alleged to have been given by.Mr. Coleman, to the Bedallia Lumber Company. P y' ]lilueva,le. roll for 1901 on which be Ands 29,408.73- kahtil. A wedding is said to be on the teals in this locality. y The Trustees of our school found it necessary to advertise a second time in order to get a teacher. A rifle in the bands of a young 'men was asgidentmlly discharged in the hotel one evening last Week. H, F. McAllister continues t° ship out quite a quantity of flour from his mill here. He does quite a business. Cheery news Comae from Colorado Spriggs }tom Postmaster Spence std" great things are eape°ted of that climate in building up bis health. Revival services are still in progress in the Methodiet °hureh here. Nest Bab bath bath evening Rev. M. Lake has a e eeial dimourse ail will be anxious to hear. , The new residence for Robert Barr, near the cheese faotery, is under con- struotion but lbs weather ' has been somewhat against outdoor carpentering, Mesa Annie Swann has gone to visit' relatives at Fergus for a month, Mire Barbara Ttr nne'haegone to visit y her sister, Mrs. Gerry Ray, at Comber. Rev. Frank Swann, preached iii the Seaforth Methodist church on Sunday. last, Charles Ooultes is home from Moles. worth where be has been working during the past Summer. . Mies Jean Davidson, of Wroxeter, visited her Meter, Mrs, Obristopher Moffatt this week. , Wm. and ]tires. Dimetlt, •of New Ham• bar are viektinhave gr g the tormer's brother, John Dimwit, are., in the village. The Miens Treaeaven and Kilpatrick, of Dungannon, are the bright yonug guests o[ Miss S. J. Johnston, of Morrie. Mrs. Daniel Lewis went to London on Saturday to visit her neioe, Mims Walker, who was dangerously g rously ill and who died that day. _ On Sabbath last the Rev. J. B. Wall. win, B. A, of Seafortb, preached very for collection. As he bas often gone over the ground before he knows all the crooks and tune and also bow to gather in the oath to the last dollar possible. • P We are pleased to hear " that J, H. Sharpe, eon of Jae. Sharpe, 6th line, hue purCbased the grooery of his brotber•in• law; h Kingswood, of St. Thome, in which he has been an em to ee for the employee pest few years. They do a large b°sinees.. Mr. 7Singswood has taken a situation as " traveller but will continue to make his home in St. Thomas. Mr. Sharpe's old •friends bare wish him ever subbase and yt expect be will do well. . The Elsie (Michigan) newspaper makes .mention of the fgllowing freak of nature : :-"A freak of the veriest kind hire been on exbibition at Dr.. J. Russell's office this week in., •t�e galea -of a dela born absolutely inside' oat, with all organa fully developed and exposed. It was the r ffepring of a Holstein heifer owned by Chas. Peck; living 2k miles Southwest of ,Elsie, mnd had two hearts and ave lege." Dr. Russell is a son of Thos, Russell, a practice' and helpful sermons to large 0ongregationsin the Methodist °0. robes well known resident of the 6th line of Morris township. ' Elsie. is a village 32 - W alb Con. Joh° A. McDonald has returned from the West. We are glad to see him bath. :IS is rumored that a wedding is oh the °sada, for which Walton is to supply the bride. James Ward, of Wingbam has engaged se blacksmith with W. H."Ham hriee & P. Son. Alex. Christopher is home from the went where he assisted an taking ware of a portion of the big wheat atop. A oar of cheese was 'hipped aped during the past' week from Welton fernery. I4 was loaded at Brussels Grand Trunk yard, Tuesday Rev. A. MacNab, M. A, and , Elder Ales. Gardiner attended the meet. nig o[ Meat an Presbytery at Wingbam. Seams.—•Tbe A. 0. U. W. of this pieta are arranging to hold an Oyster and Fowl Supper here on Wednesday even- ing, Dees 4th. (leo: and Mrs: Muldoon are bask from an enjoyable visit with relatives' and friends in Manitoba. They report a great wbeat crop, lovely weather and work'well advanced when they left." . We are pleased to welcome" James -fol s (llbe and den m Biter beak to this locality : after an extended visit with relatives and friends in Mmnitoba and the Northwest. Mr. Smillie'¢ health has beet ooneidar• ably improved by his outing. The Ladies' Guild o[ St. George's abteroh will hold their annual naieaonar y entertainment in the A, 0. II. W. Hall on Tuesday, 28th inst. A good program of local and foreign talent is being pre. pared mod luncheon will be served, At the last meeting of Walton Mebbo- dist church Official Board the fallowing stewards were re-elected :—Watton, G. Grigg, George Barrows and W. Pollard ; Bethel, John Dundee and Fletcher Roe ; Providence. S. Godkin and John C. Mon. rison. • Wm, Pollard was re•eleoted Recording Steward. Mrs, (Dr.) Arm- ; strong, Mr, Neal and W. Pollard were eleoted Sabbath' School represenbativea. - SAsakra Sonoor Oosyawrxog —Ths 11th annual meeting of the Walton Union to Sabbath School AseooiatiOti will be bed is Duff's chetah, Walton, on. Friday afternoon and evening of this week when the following well ohosen program will be presented :—First session, commencing at 1 o'clocktion ' P• resDevotional exerotaes ; It President's address ; 'Tie Reflex 1," 1, It once of Teacher's pork on _Himself," J• slaty Dennison ; "I°ffuenoe of Teacher on Scholar outside n[ the B. B. ° Mrg. A. pleasure Gardiner; "The Superintendent and his p „ P Work, Rev, G. J. Abet' •,"The1II. S ease bbl Home on the S. S., Will. Short• arisen, ; "The Indoen°e of the S. S. on the eenfldenee aMre. Dever • The Value1has a s. S. Oonvantiou,” Miss A. Sims= has 1 oolleotion ; closing exercises, Seo, gree , Session, commencing at 7 o alien of eat m,—Opening exetoieee ; introduction of ant elect ; The. Fie. rte member• loVabe " and management," Rev, A• W. tate; ;'address, Banners and Battles, with " W, II: lierr ; "Teachers' Equi meat " kind „, P MoNab, M. A. ; Cie li,: s., and Present and Future,' Rev. M. G. the ;Doli°°tion. The colleoticcs will. that devoted to the Hospital for Sick We at Tertnto. Stttable mask by repay rte - )79. ------J !♦/�� W When Seeing ` 1S Pailrffui- of theBimevale- afrnft... The Thanksgiving Supper and enter. Gainmeatheld in tie Methtdtd Ohurah, an Monday evening, wags, decided anaoaee melee Southeast of Saginaw and is a.greak dairying section. D. Russett is"there three year0. i If after .corking, awhile roar eras sting and burn, immediate rentals by our perfectly 4t, pe�f �a, aajuated connuliaecon +rum ��` atlsmceton W' �ua,- ,,tcerl. '1 �'7 in quer y, y We The weather was favor. able ; the sapper good . the addressee sptendidand'tbemusic beautiful• Rev, Frank Sween , pastor of the Church, occupied the chair, and introduced a program of unusual interest, atter the opetlfng anthem" by the choir, -which was. a fine eeleotiou, prayer ruse offered by ' G* ev. Council met on Wednesday of. this week. " Oliver Smith, 8th oon., is back from the west. He enjoyed his visit. Mr. and Mrs Hamilton, of Listowel, are renewing old' friendships in Ethel \`.I i x Rev. R. Hobbs, OY Wingham. The Rat- •delighted just now, ] Y 1�r y >* F• • •3rd,. " e,'net; r "Wallwingmve \� ; � 5 d r'l Itofa nein' ` `� �y �� i 8 tea Quartette tie aadie°°e again and again through the evening and won ver heart encores. The Orchestra, y y composed of Mr. Rattan, Mr. Carillon and the Miens Hughes, gave same °holds numbers, Mrs. Rattan and Mrs. J. Ginn- Ming as accompanists. Rev, I. B. a fine address on' The ail- vantages and disadvantages of society and Solitude."' Rev. A. I. MoKelvis, of Wroxeter, spoke on "The importance of youth as a training time ; Rev. Mr. Hobbs made a tkarastariebia speech on Mneio" ; and T3ev. W. J. CVeet, M., A, the PreebyterianOhter°h, Mise Mary Leishman, of. Balgrave; has been visiting Mies Maggie Brown for :the past two weeks. John and Mrs." Rwandan, 10th con., arrived home last ,week from, t visit to relatives in Clinton. • Michael Mc]iee is removing to Rose bare He takes with bim the best wish. neo[ hie neighbors and friends. " litre. Winger, "of Michigan, is visiting at the parental home, 7th con. She is a danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Kerney. Mies Lillian and Harry Robinson, of Moorefield; have been visiting Miss Ming.: gee and James Brown; 9thoon., for the you shall sip these silver goblets be Imola as will aid in prolonging your lives to the time when at your golden weddingk. as we will be looking at these gifts be minded of the, scene that Gook plane 25 years before. On this delightful ooaasion whish we celebrate to•nigbb, our heart• felt waste is that the nest 25 years of Wedded life will bees sunny and peace. as the 25 that have just passed. When 2 look around tibia generous hoard mnd see so many friendly aces, my heath warms, end there comes bobbling ap the desire that these Umppy 15001008 might be more frequent. But while I feel with you that the hour have been a triumph enjoyment, of social en'o mint, we should indeed be guiltyif we forgot those to whose thought- fol oar° and hospibalitywe are indebted for it. Certainly we have each of ns, fully appreciated the generosity and good taste that provided this delightful ban- quer, and I therefore bave no hestibation in asking you to pledge to them our warmest regards, while I propose the health of our excellent host and hostess.' It tame now Mr. Greeosides turn bo have his say and he rose to the oaoasion all right and bis response was as fol• lows:—Dsett Fznurns,—It is at such a time as this that words fail to express the feelings of the heart end I feel unable do justice to you for the gratifying words and nano aubstautial araolee y you, have hrongh6 to•niglit but never perhaps has our unworthiness been made more manifest by the bestowment Of kindness upon 00. My wife and I aro thankful for the day. s true have been mingled is ECUs we have mitlgled Ite your so- for years but While in Our humble way we may have contributed some to those about us we have ever been the roar b n d . continual clot sajty- nes at your bands. When clouds have as in all lives, the sunshine of and affection has driVon all away and that our married de. been been a ltappy one is in no 'little de. Owing to the ekoellent. esampiee to a5 by many p the maples pres• with us on this happy atoneion Wliose P " •" trails we have endeavored to rmi• We moo these gifts tberefote p of deep, obligation to biose Meade by'whom the are rssented they P We will nae and Oharish them an All Plate to Mame with the earnest hope at like eanlversat festal abbl tin g j' g may have frequent opportunities t0 the kfudmess whi°U you now be. ,, _ tired pothole. berths. Sunday,lOtk.—This morning we are feeling •eakOndealtlista reinn d D Wu •re• the go with theinteuti°u °f enjoying a wall provided inset, ,Abettor attendanaeis at the Labteth s morning sad ell look uetroai•. Di- husband anaIiawed do go 10'a Eula eh°his we are lounging on dsekenjuying the delightful breezes from the broad Atlantic. It is a glorious morning. 21te spa is quite hot and Leeson looks as calm as a river. All eeem to bo enjoying it, It fa nowl0.il0 dna we go to church, The Presbyterian form oY worship faand utne came out fasting better and AOte dinner we retire io the soot weentered.sn enjoy a snooze and.the 3 or 4 of us sing hymns so as to pass the time more pleasantly away. Tea v retirelt largo dealt again to after o tithe sweet and bracing. air. '120 bed at B enjoy Dicer feebag very mu°hbettsrfor our voyage but of tliBLj aitallay. ngih0 t° 505 t0 the other end. Monday, lith, Rese at 7 a. m., and went on sleek until 8 o'clock, then down to. a assn aett�nom,kfasb lit tvl8ich nearly all tyiteb Qn s more the glieberiuskwav a° ass they seek backwards and forwards. livery =undue nnhtl d mpo pOieo may be seen g p t a d is a votyplansput break m the monotony whilst writing this the sun is shining gloriously and the sea is vary calm. Dinner 11,48, A good assembly p o GtliaekditGrasdgiu ll con la°inisoreoiui"non with anopia not used cap it mutest like, .After dinner w° retire to deck to wat°bon°e more the movameabsod tie glorious waters and ho pretty rased toils fl to ue hear and yw prw n trey look flapping tern snotvywlilcoWinga across the broad waters. 1.tis remprkabe what qutakuese of sight that'ie ov r Ae soon ae earn° victuals aro alongsideoftoludu� very squickly bilioa- of their n p 6 time '-e° ou the daolctvnbaii g° all Low; dere oY nature ltlid makes one aeo tbits 0E the Giver man Good who has lavished snob, Wonder -Sul things upon ea kin toI fella theses medium in thinking aE Rim+ Tea at 8p• si Rg, genies ie deolx. Morale Is regaled et also singing, by pleasantly' pan ly' untie and b passes but 8 eutug by elak down until ked limo. Aiout B o'clee%Rrpk down with tip engines• Boat stopped about ,4 Lour. H°tvevel does not seemll mostly ehe pas• wager ms nig they all mostly retired Go . !led tor the nigkb. is Tuesday .12whaIIs glmis s s and (look atm goodo 1 what n glotlnin ase. Thelma eofus roles a deal this mornivgbntnont of us aeon to -feel the effects; Breakfast at 8 o'e1o°ee which we thorou hl sit° olt tharalltu f o g y enjoyed le justice to it. Wearomasiioat ttin `l'°u deck watnhing the restless yet nit moi°bouaue their Rater. ptieln • at lL4S, It is sur rising wkorethetpaese g eels aEqual y of noticeable is before the paseaagei'a. Equally noticenUlo fe 01001'0,10y of the employees who seemed to lay themselves out to satisfy' even the meat ty 'person. U on deck. What 6 ;halms t r g, imamatou mowitaias des obp alae downs di Ido 51iii°is 3_ .- N Justios Britton was banquebted by the Hamilton Bar. • The royal train will be on exhibition itl Totoato on Msnday and Tuesday earse A son Of Wesley Portia, near. Little Britai°, died from being kiohed 1° the Uead by a horse. It is reported at Winnipeg that the Grand Truck is forming au alliance with the Canadian Northern and a coapts of American recede, with the object of eeonr- tag a share of the Manitoba grata trade. klevera[ Winnipeg gxaiu dealers Uays stopped baying wheat at outside points owing to elevators being full. There is a great •soarotty •of oars, brat the railways are doIug all in their power to relieve the eituatiou. At the Fall nos jury sittings at Strut. ford on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 0Uief Justice Meredith disposed of all the (MEIN, in about two hours. Wm. Thomae et al v. John 0mlder et al, Smith and steels for plaintiff, Idipgton and Robertson for 'de. feudante. Tilts was snit on amortgage. Jud meet Was reserved, Robe. Hanna g es al v. Township of Ellice et al, Mabee and Marius for plaintiff, MoPhereon and Davidson for defendant, Plaintiff ansa to 1800Y01 an assessment levied by the township in order to pay ousts of certain" drainage suits in wbith that township failed. The case received a third adjourn 7 meat Taeedpy, being laid over to the next atttings. Louis Barnbaoh v, Haney J. stiefslme er et al, Mabee and• Matins for plaintiff, Gibbons and Harper f P p sr defendant. This wae an nation under the oovenent of a mortgage. Judgment Was entered for the plaintiff for redena- tion or sale. Martha A• Alexander p v. Matthew Alexander, Mabee and Matins for damages, This case is foe e08 ds fen. of damages, Plaintiff iff is wife of dston• dant, who formerly lived in Mgrnin ton and reed with her to sellpart g . agreed at prop. arty eland pray faille e minute. de. dima, is claimed, be faded t0 (1°, Tie damages were assessed at 81,400 and plaintiff w P was granted aceta, Nicholme stoeokte et al v, Andrew M. Feerater. Tplaintiffs, . , bi nPebr Ni(sholas and Mre.. , entre live in Fetors. Barg, the dbfendau. aen t r, s lssle , throng h suhutora,, MoPhorson and David. son ! inv d ' I a tiit took eei0n for $798,49," with interest from IJeaem her 7,1898 far,•, alleged breach of contrast. Th arm te. trouble °Ver the sale of a hotel en. lab SI., 10, Tallies. judgment given for the p Iaintiff tor Wad p o t $980 and �" • TbSo's,, e iFl etcher �oi�n3ilio seed �. faaa oar. ew palattata " pastor of Blme• , wale, took the "Minister a friends' as bis subject, All agree that the gathering wae aveey happy one. Prooeeds between $50 00 and $80 00: P est weak. , Mrs, Wm. Smith, who bas been 01516. • ing at the old hbmeetead, 1GEh Dau., re turned to Toronto on Thareday morning of this week. BRUSSELS L ,...*---4i., . Crarub>t coli. Fox ox banters are meeting with oonsid• erable moons in these parts this Fall. A Thanksgiving nervine will be bald in the Methodist ohnrob, Moleatvorth on Sunday, Nov, 24, at 2,80 p. m., at .which a tbaok•offering will be. Mise Dark, who bail been sojourning' at made." During the past week" William Blake, Chatham for some time; arrived here an old and well known resident of the last week, She will likely make icer home in 14th nom, hae been on the sink list, His m� • r e Again we to g a foe with ssbWeednn and gifts Now you Photos. for have a nice Photo. Moabite S p g in beingsecond The days are the tore part P advantage taltan new is them read- y rush. WishingYou y °oaf liments P H. Ay+ �+B Brussels, Cas ^'� as n flu d osreelves face the Chnatmas everybody is after for their frionde, their oan get one dozen - 758. end up, We assortment of sou. and in Photo• this we pride ourselvea afternoon. to none: paetoq home short so come in the day. The said y in getting Photos. that we oan have same- before the Xmas locating Perth • 1868 one and all h resided theaontinu(sally of the sermon, and Uiroe Mr in of •R or Ws knocking he down with friends Shia locality. Miss Maggie Calder hue been engaged teacher of the and Department of our teaohinsaliaaol faith next yam. she is now g E I is an Mammal o00UCC0nOB tlihave two aiBteCa pB teachers in the a e sante school. " Both have good recordsLast .was the 5t h anniversary of Rev. R. F• Cameron's pastorate in North Easthope. Rev. Mr. Rose, of Brussels, preached on that occasion. Mr, Cameron a many old friends here wish hint and Mrs. Cameron every sasses in church work, 0m uAns,—The [anew' of tbslate John' McIntosh, who died at his home, lot 21, 12, Grey, on Tuesday morning of in week, took plata° here on Thursday Mev.D.B.Molise, deceased's took charge of the service at She and cemetery.. In the..demise of em Mr. McIntosh it may veryproperly be "Agood moo has u 50 r gone o his rest. He was born in Peethebire, Scotland, and owing to Canada when 24 ears of ago,g in h yl and g North Epatbope Sownshfp, gteiokeand. 0o. Coming to Grey township in be bought' the farm Upon which he i P go They for the peat 85 years good byindteetr and frugality made for le and family a comfortable diffloalt t y able home. Mole osh wee of a (Piet turn et ," h y. Roe its lite lived the faithfal Obrrotianylife m5U01n5 ao much wortii G°.a oominunit Isar y' taken Ave make prior to lois death he had will lag broken near the• ankle by a Dolt Kerr, a bar agains•t it lint was able be will about on crutches when lis wae taken Speolal With hemofrbage of the bowels on brake ailment is rheumatism or sciatica. We hope he will soon be restored ta'his usual vigor.Publio An (motion gale' will be" held on . the farm of the late Hugh McNeil, lot 28, oon, 8, onWednesdayo[ next week. Mrs, MoNeil intends leaving the farm and. moving to Ethel and her son will take the place, James Brown bas sold a horse near Toronto and hag goneto deliver, it this week. We expect he will be stopping for awhile as hie brother, Robert, is in Tor- onto but we don't know whether it ie him , be is going to see or not. ' W. J. Muslim, son of Jas. Houston, 16th con., bas taken a position in Dania . Mae., i a e P P n , nab reg of the business s of the Northern Lumber Oo, and will ao doubt do well as be 15 Industrious, intelligent, and will presti°ally prove his vales to leis to ars b close attention to busineds. P Y 9 we wen him sndoese, The dredge was off work [ora few days of to the breaking of a wig in a wheel reed gCongregation,"„ treadle a shaft while working in of Necessary repairs have been of made and work resumed on lot 8, con. 4. Son are working Westward and doing a and job although gatokeand Use mails watt for the caotraotore at tames. President A Bible SOoi°ty meeting Will be held in ship 'a church sort sabbath evening, dom. Dever at 7 o'slook, The their will bo Gy Thos; stradhaa and add+°ease R°v.,A. be given by G.F. Blair and W. 11. Peat, of Brnsecle, Musical ecleatione Jarrow be rendered by the choir and a be collection will be taken in the in. Children et the 14°eiety. rr v. ct"av ruwuwut txvtuntt Y The el ttznge then °°bind°d.