HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-11-14, Page 8HARVEY'S POWDER.,. A Baking Powder matte of the best possible ingre- dient8.9 That gives the greatest lea. vening power. That leaves no bitter taste in Oaken 0r Bi8011its. That makes food in which it is used beautifully white. 26c. per pound. WALL PAPER We have just opened out a new and oarotolly [elected • line of Wall Paper, It le oar aim to meet the people with net what they want, with pekes net so low es to satiefy everyone in every way. We have Paper, at all prioee, for every room in the bean. It will be a pleasure for ne to have. you look overour samples. Old Papers are being cleared out at and below coat, L. R. Harve DRUGGIST, BOOKSELLER, OPTICIAN, SUCCESSOR TO G. A. DEADMAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & R. Trains leave Brueeele Station, North and South, as follows: Gonne SOUTH - Goan Roams. Express Tie manI. Mail 239. pan a.m Mixed.:....... 9,46 Express 8:17 p.m Poi RTtas J¢t11S, Aohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. 10CENTSgets Tan Pose to end of 1901. R. Gnenem shipped a oar of peas on Tuesday. 'Tan little snow flurry reminds us to prepare for Winter. Reno. THOMSON shipped 28 packages or butter to the Eastern markets. Gum market ie stronger and prioee much more favorable for the farmer. A Dau of apple butter was shipped by Jno. Govenlook to Manitoba from Brae. eels. Tore week Alf. Baeker forwarded 3 oars of baled hay, a oar of oats and a oar of peas. OcoLxaT.-Wednesday, 27th inert., ie the date of T. P. Smith's next visit to Brussels. THERE is one elan of people upon whom whiskey has little or no effect - those who let it alone. Tan varione Societies are getting a hustle on them in providing entertain• ment for Winter meetioge and booming the membership. Is every oorreepondent whois receiv- ing a copy of Tan Pose would get a rip. pie on them we would be delighted and we'd spell it with a big D too. Nommen woode are bare and still, November days are clear and bright; Each noon burns up the morning's chill, The morning's snow is gone by night. Anoxia= quire of paper was added to the weekly 001.001 of Tan POST this week. Do you get this paper 7 From now to the end of 1902 for $1.00 or 10,3 for balance of the year. ONE evening last week two Brueeele young ladies bumped heads, through h an accident of 0ouee and one of them is hardly over 1t yet. It was feared her norm was broken. AT the meeting of East Huron Lioenee Commissioners, held on Tuesday, the hotel license of Joseph Weber, of Dublin, has been transferred to John Ieobnel, of the township of Logan, who monads the former. THE Gerrie paper speaking of the 5th of Nov. Oonoert there Gaye :-Tho drill given by 12 Lady Maacabeee from Bras. eels was a pleasing feature as wan the tableau given by a Degree team aleo from Brussels. A Gorrie oorreepondent writes :-A drill by the ladies of the Maccabees of Brussels was a leading feature and drew immense applause. Soars 14 bands are employed at the Enterprise Balt Works in potting on the new roof. A few more days of floe weather will complete the outside work, which has been delayed a little by rain and snow. Internal improvemeote are also on the program and Diners. Rene - ford are determined to put things in good shape. The block will be in open ation in the worse of a few weeke it ie expeoted. Aacrosxx.-We are sorry to hear that Thos. Ainlay, an employee at the piano factory, Listowel, and a well known citi- zen of former days in Brussels, met with a rather severe aooidenb. While operat• ing a rip,eaw he had the miefortune to have his left hand come in contact with, the saw, with the result that hie fore. finger was taken off, the thumb out into the bone, and two other fingers more or lees injured. He will be laid off for tome time. Oonnuoxone Cnaneo 1117178. -There were a number of changes made in the rens of Palmerston G. T. R. con er:tore, says the Reporter. The run to Toronto made vacant by the death of Conductor Janney. was given to J. Oox ; Mr. Oox's run to Kincardine wag filled by W. Halfpenny ; Mr. Halpenny'e run to Owen Sound was Dna by Mr. Frost; Mr. Frost's ran to Harrisburg was filled by A. Pennington.. OondnetorFoote goes back to his old run, being the noon train from and to South- ampton. It is understood that Mr, Half penny will be the only one who will have to move away from Palmerston. Tan Stratford Herald eels of Fred. Struthers, a former Brueselite, son of the late A. L, Struthers, one time mer. chant here :-Fred, Btrathere, of St. Michaele, AIaella, formerly of Stratford, bas written to hie mother, Mre. A. L. Struthers, Oborob street, announcing hie 'marriage to Mies Ella R. Garrett, daagh• ter of a reeident• of Dawson City. Mise Garrett ie a California girl. The wed. ding took plane Sept. 11613 at the home of the manager of the Northern Navigation Oo., St. Michaele, with which company compnny Fred. ie employed ae head book keeper, He is doing well, bat does not epeak of returning to Stratford as yet. Torrid. was well known here and hie friends will extend oongratula'tioni, W. F. STEWART & San sent a oar of ex- port flour via New York this week.. War, JEwxrT Shipped a oar of hogs to Palmerston on Thursday of this week. One 200 pails of choice apple -batter was maoufaotared by Geo. Edwards' factory this Fall. It has bean bought and shipped by Jno. Govenlook to Mani. toba, A. R. SUITE'S advt. Dame to hand too late to be changed this week. He ie booming hate, cape, mantles, clothing, underwear, &o, Watch out for it next issue.. THREE Dare of coal for N. F. Gerry and a oar for Wilton & Tarnb:ll arrived this week and made lively handling for a few days in getting it into the varione Winter quarters. Tummies/von RAILWAY RATEe.-The G. T. R. will ieene single fare return tickets for Tliahkegiviog,good going on Wednee• day and Thursday, 27th and 28th, and returning on Monday, Deo. 2nd, A LOAD of enthusiastic Soots from Wroxeter drove through town to Sea. torth last Monday to attend a Scotch Concert. Tbeyretnrned home after the entertainment but as the distance is only. 26 miles nothing epeoiel may be said about that. DIED.-Mre. Noble Oluff, of Seatorth, paid Nature's debt last Saturday, aged 44 years. The funeral took place on Mon day. Deceased was a daughter of the late John N. Kneohtel, formerly of Brae. eels, and was a fine woman. She had beer, in poor health for 00010 time. WEDNESDAY, DEO. 4. -The date of the byeelection in West Huron for the Leg- islature has been fixed. Nominations will be held on November 27th, and the election on Deo. 4th. It is expeoted that Hon. 3. T. Garrow will be the Liberal, and Jooepb Beok the Conservative Sandi. date. LAST Monday evening the comic opera "Said Pasha" was presented in the Town Hall here. The weather was very die. agreeable O0 doubt ioterfering with the atteudanoe. Ttiere are 9 or 10 people in the troupe of which Miss Florence Glover and E. Mg oOrnmieh are the leading vooal• entertainment is toreeat- iete. The berepeat- ed this (Thursday) evening in the Hai. TUESDAY the Building Committee ap pointed by the 0o. Connell, eonaieting of Warden Holt, J. Connolly and W. H. Kerr me t at Goderib and after ceefn i examination took over thenew atone re i dance ereoted for Jailer Griffin from Oen. traotor Buchanan. It is a very oomplete, well appointed, modern home, with elate roof, bath room, fine basement, &o., and built at what is considered a low pride, Mr. Buchanan was only about three weeke behind the date set for its comple- tion -Something worthy of note. Jailer Griffin and family are now in possession of the new premises. HYMENaAL.-Mieeee Mary and Maggie. Beattie, accompanied by their brother John, were at Wingham on Tuesday attending the wedding of their brother, Bolaud, to Biles Charlotte Louise, laugh. ter of ex -Mayor McKenzie. Rev. D. Perris tied the matrimonial bow at the home of the bride at 1 o'olook in the preeenoe of a large number of guests. The bride wore a most becoming oostnme of cream Bilk, with train, watered eilk each, boguet, &o. Elegant and well eeleoted wedding gifts were made in abundance. After a splendid dinner Mr. and Mre. Beattie took the afternoon train for a wedding tour to New York. They commence married life with the beet wishes of a large °hole of friends. THE LATE MRS. liNE0nTEL.--The Fer• gds Record of last week Gaye of the late Mre. Wm, Kneohtel, formerly of Bros. eels :-There died in Pergne on Monday, November 4th, Dorothy Reefer, beloved wife of William Koeohtel, of Wingham, after a severe attack of pneumonia. The deceased bad been living with her &nigh. ter, Mre. W. A. Rona, for the pest three years, fr002 whose reeidenoe the funeral took plane to Beleyde Cemetery on Wed. needay afternoon. She was a native of Germany, having been born on Jelly 13113, 1829, at Micklenbnrg, In company with her first haeband, August Penal, she came to Canada fifty-two year, ago. The latter departed tbie life at Preston, Oct„ in 1859, and in 1862 ebe wag married to William Kneohtel, who survives her, They moved from Preston to Brueeele, where they resided for nearly thirty years. Becoming old and feeble with no one at borne to take care of them, three years ago they broke up houeekeepiog, Mr. Koeehtel going to reside with a eon in Wingham, while the deceased came to Fergus. By her first marriage ebe hal Ave children, two of whom are living, one eon and one daughter ; and to her aeoond husband three daughters, all of whom survive her. Her illness was of short dur- ation' and although everything that medi• nal skill could do was done, Mies Annie Roes, trained nurse and dieter of Mr, Ross, being in attendeoce all the time, her feeble oonetitutioo could not with/deed the effeote of the'dieeaee, Among those from a dietanae who werein attendance at the funeral were her hneband and eon from Wingham, a daughter, Mre. Jobe Baker, of Greenville, Miele,two grand• daughter& Pinion Dora aol .1yrtle Nett, of Chicago, 111., and Urbana, 0., reaped ivey. The beareaved relativee bave the sympathy of all In their affliction, doro GOO bee opened up a neve tied cooteetionery eland in the portion of file poatofiice building formerly ocoupled by 3. A., Qreighbon. D, 0. Acne has an indestrioue ben that baa batched out a "olutgh" el gMokene, Good dare will need to be taken of the Watered bable9, A. Naw time card went into effect on the G. T. R. last week. There are ne gbangee in the 0009ieg of seine oa the Northern divisions. Etienne Drosses has been engaged by George Robb to take charge of the stage route, Brueeele to Wroxeter. He will look carefully after the various duties, Qouoo eeoi; HeeeninoN hag been partially disabled Chia week with e job's) comforter !coated on hie left heed near the wrist joint. It bas bean very gore, 10 emcee, In advance, gets Tan Poo to 6130 end of 1901. A Wel trip no one should mien, If paper le continued for 1902 the dime will be minted on the subscription. Barone leaving Brantford the o0ioe staff presented P. H. Grey, now of the Bbandard Beek in Brueeele, with a Ane umbrella ineompanied with their beet wiebee for the future of bimeelf and family, it IT is said that Albert Hew t, the well known horse dealer, of Brueeele, will re. move to Kincardine where he will sun coed Jim, Gentles, Dir. Hewitt ilas a well established boeineee here which Doo. Moore, hie brother in-law, will oontione. MONTHLY Hones Farce, -The regular series of Montbiy Horse Fairs which have run eo euooessfnly for years at Brussels Will be reeumed muse more the first be- ing billed for Thnreday, Deo. 5 Thry will bo held ae usual thereafter on the Thnreday before the first Friday in eaoh month. Local and outside buyers will be notified of the dates so as to inenre. their attendance. No better Horse Fair market is to be found than Brueeele and both buyers and sellers prove this to be true by their preeenoe and large number of good sales, made. Keep the date of the Drat Fair; in mind, Thureday, Deo. 5th. SUPPORT THE LOCAL .Menthe. -Now and then as occasion may demand or a favor. able market present iteelf there ie a scramble by outside partiee to enter the field and pnrchaee a commodity moth as apples, poultry or grain, make their ehip- ment and away they go. No pertioular fault can be found with these buyers ae they are in for the money there is to be made bat the farming community should look a little further than this viz. to the local market and the purchasers of pro- duce and grain to be found there the year round and often handling these proluote with declining markets and big losses. If the regular market did not compare favorably with those in other places there. might be good osoee for complaint but with keen oompetition the beet prioee are eeoally paid by every market, hence for all practical purposes, and on the prinei• ple that business oonneotione with peed. bilitiee of maintaining them for yeare are worth more than an oaoaeiocal "catch," the looal market can justifiably claim the. enpport of the dietriot it eervee, Mese Lenexa HOLMES returned forgood last week from Listowel where she has been attending the High School. It ap• pears that Luella had taken Part I in the mid.Summer Departmental examination and on going to Lietowel was placed in Form III where she was allowed to re. main until the middle of the term wben suddenly the PrInoipal discovers that ebe and others from the country schools, tie he ie pleased to pall all eahoole outeide of Listowel, needs further grounding in the subjects on which' they have taken their standing end sothey ' n are turned- book to Form IT. Ia tete form the only new studies they are allowed to porene are the 'languages and eight epaoee a week are lost altogether eo far ae any direct work is oonoeroed. Some of the pupils restated the in1' were allowed to aeti tie and remain. The truth seams to be that the Principal's room ie crowded and that outside pupils mast be put book to make room for more favored ogee. To have adopted this canine in the middle of the term ie manifestly unfair. Luella Holmes we understand ie going to Seaforth. WILLIAM BURTON DEAD. -Last June William Burton wee eeot up to Goderich jail from Brueeele on aocoent of hie be. ing of unsound mind 000aeioned it is said, by the death of his daughter, Mrs. Austin, who was burned so badly that she died a few hours after. It was intended to Bend Mr. Barton on to London Asylum but hie health failed so rapidly that it was not thought beet to move nim. Thurs- day morning of last week death relieved him of all earthly cares. Dr. Holmes held an inquest on the body of Mr. Bur- ton, in the County jail Thursday morn• ing, The following jury was sworn, the first named being chosen as foreman :- E. Downing, D. C. McKay, S. Sloan, P. T. Halle, Jae. straughau, Thee. Warner, P. McCarthy, Jas. Wilson, Chas. Mein. ford, Geo. C. Black, Geo. Williams and Jno. Parker. Sheriff Reynolds, who was present, recorded the evidence. R. Hen. dereoo, turnkey, the first witness, stated that deceased had been admitted to jail in June, on committal es a lunatic, and that during his oonflnement he had had proper treatment. Dr. Hunter, acting jail surgeon, said he had attended' de- ceased the past few weeke and had treat- ed him for ulcerous eoree on the leg, general debility and other complaints, and that the poab mortem examination showed a little enlargement of the heart, indications of Bright's disease, and that death was .caused by natural causes. The dootor aleo stated that deceased had had the beet of attention, daring his til• nese. The jury, in acoordanoe with the evidence, rendered a verdict of death from natural causes. The remaino were brought to Brussels to his former borne end on Sabbath afternoon were interred in the cemetery here, Rev. Jno, Holmes being the offtoiating miuieter. Deceaeed was a hard worker and in hie earlier years lived in Tuokeremjth but sojourned in New York State for some time before coming to Brueeele. He ie eurvived by his wife and two ohfldren. .4 I b 8 I. ROST 3 W4e000e,1141f trunk, almost an good 'lee teew, I hoe 2e and 2 8 look tires, Will be sold et a bargain to make room for cutters, A bergaln for someone to get at Ew41 ee Oo., llrneeelo, Business Locals. Mo=Ey to loan on farm eeoarity,. Apply at Ton Porn. WeeTnn. •-- Bright dried apples, 8e. Orders direct' from Germany, Aleo roll butter, fowl and raw fere: G. E. KING, Wingham. T. MOGREoon has a targe quantity of first olaee urges• 301 saws for sale and ready for work, Timber' enbtere should See them for they are fast and easy out. tees. You'll for eawa, T. McGregor, Brueeele Baw and Tuol Co,, Brnesels, Oatarlo, People We Talk About. 'Afro, Bobt, Fox woe, vieiting at Wrox•. titer thle week, H. W. Farrow, mall olerk, wag is town pa Sunday, Alex. Bird, of Wingltatn, is visiting is) Bruesele tine week, Bgrrister Sinolair wag in Toronto en bnelnese this week. Reg. Piketon vielted relatives in Lank. now during the pest week. Lesiie Herr was home from Stratford for Saturday end Sondny, Mre, F. Baines and Mies Brook were visiting at Blyth on Saturday, Mies May Duncan, of the American Soo, le visiting Mies' Lizzie Bird. Mies Annie Meiklojobn, Of Wingham, [pent oefew days at Mre, A, Goode, W. J. Good rusticated in Wingham at his uncles's, W, F. Vnnotone, for a few days, George MoKay, familiarly known ne "Doti," wee here from Stratford for a short visit, Mrs. John Sinolair, Princess street, has gone to Stratford where she will likely spend the Winter. Robt, Malpine, of Toronto, celebrated the King's Birthday .in town. He's a loyal eon of Caneda. Mien Jeeeie Roes, of Guelph, was the guest of bei eouein, Mies Mary Rose, William street, for few days, Cleve. Booker made a holiday call to the old home here. He is employed in the Pork Packing House in Stratford. "• Mrs. Hall and eon, George, of Fort Erie, are visiting at Barrister Blair's. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Blair are sisters. Minn E. Moser and May Hinoke, of Blyth, were visitors with Brueeele friends for a few days daring the past week. Mies Libbie Ball, of Wingham, was visiting Mre. John Tait and other old friends in Brussels during the past week, R. W. Matheson, the beetling boot and ehoe mac of Luoknow, was in town over Saturday and Sunday. The climate here appears to suit Rad. Mise Strong, who hes 000npied a poet• tion in 3. Ferguson de Co'e store, nae gone to Milverton and Mise Mary Roberton, of town, has succeeded bar. Mrs. N, S. McLaocblin and children, of Silver Corners. are visiting at John Ooueley'e. Mre, MoLaoohlin is a daugh- ter of Mr. and Mre, Qoneley. • Mies Hattie Downing took a ren down from Goderioh Model Schoot for Satur- day and Sunday. Mise Downing .will blossom into a eohool teaoher in a few weeke and should make a good one. G. A. Deadman is back from en extend. ed trip to Manitoba and the Northwest. He bad an enjoyable stay ae he met with many old Mende. The boat trip to Owen Sound was both oold and rough. Mise Maggie MoNanghton has taken a position in a tailoring establishment in Toronto. She will be missed- especially in the Methodist Sabbath Soboot where ebe bad a large claw of young men. J. N. Gordon did not get away from town for his hew appointment at Forest until Monday afternoon. He will be kindly remembered by the people of this looelity for bis civility an gentlemanly bearing toward everybody. Mieees Dora and Myrtle Nott, Chicago and Urbana, Ohio, respectively, were re. newing oli friendships in Brueeele. They attended the funeral of Mre. Wm. Kneohtel, their grandmother, at Fergus. Their many young friends here were lad to welcome them. Mise Mina Norton, of Listowel, former- ly of Brueeele, has tendered her resigna- tion ea teaoher in the pubiio school, to take effect at close of this year, so as to ttend the Normal ohool for the next a N S term. Mise Norton ieaood_student oe and a eocasful teaoher. She ie a daughter of W. J. and Mre. Norton. Brinscle Solna Board, The regular monthly meeting of the Brussels Public School Board was 'held in the Board room on Friday evening last. Members preeeot, J. G. Skene, A. Coneley, D. 0. Ross and W. M. Sinclair. Moved by 3, G. Skene, emended by A. Ooueley, that D. 0. hoes be chairman, pro•tem,-Carried. The minutes of the last regular meet- ing were read and passed. Moved by J. G. Skene, attended by A. Gormley that the Board advertise for tenders for 70 oorde of good, sound green hard wood, maple and beech, 22 inches long, tenders to be received by the Secre- tary until Deo. 18th, 1901. Wood to be delivered at the school before March let, 1902. -Carried. Attendance for October wag reported as follows : n0011 No, ON ROLL. AV. ATT. AOM. ATT. 1 44 41 946 2 65 55 .1256 3 57 48 1221 4 72 67 1589 Board then adjourned. Brakemen Jae. Smith, of Brookville, was run over and killed at Delta. Thomas E. Bailey, of St. Thomas, broke bis oeok by falling downetaire. el J. H. Glendining, of Sunderland, lost his life in Lake Sougog while dook shoot. lin.everal incendiary Dreg have token plane at Portsmouth, a suburb of King- ston. The Quebec Conservatives will banquet F. D. Monk, M. P., at Menthol next week. LAIOLAw.-In-. Morrie, on NoV, 1, to Mr. and Mre. Wm. Laidlaw, a Bon. MARR=351b. BEATy1E-MoKENztn.-In Wingham, on Nova 12, by Rev, D. Petrie, Mr. Roland Beattie to Mise Charlotte Loulee, daughter of Mr. George Mo. Reuele, :ex.Mteyor, all of Wingham. Souxen-RAttse',-In Grey, at the home of the bride, on N av, 12, by Rev, A, ModNab, M. A„ Mr, Alex, Soutar to Ttliss Jabot E. Ramsay, of Grey:. YocrtO-MmLER,-On Sept. 26, at St. Andrew's Menge, Winnipeg, Mane 101r. Thug, Young, of Carman, to Miee 011ie E, Miller, eldest daughter; of Mre: Geo. Miller, Of Gerrie, soslss. fiLno' , -.In Seaforth, on Nev. 11, Mre, Noble Olaff, aged 44 yeare. Gneleir0n. In "Wingham, on Nov, 7, Chas. Gillespie, aged 44 yeare and 3 months. 4, 1901, 8T4ND4, D B. NKS' 07 C4X4D . Bette T,A.Des:GS{3f'9Z? 3.872, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO QAPITAL PAID '171.' (One Million Dollare) . $1,000,000 REST • . - .. 3700,000 Age/oriel in an principal pointe to ontarfo, Quebec, dfaniioba,•United Stater /ORagland. 2' dv''Q9tS°,5'1l ika liscvart. A General Banking Beelines 'rangaoted, Farmers' Nettie Drafts Limned and 0olleotione made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Internet allowed ou depoeite of $1,00 and gpwarde pod eompognded halt yearly. Breaux, ATTntT13N Glynn TO Ton Carmine= 07/ FAntlnne' SAr,e NOTES, Every fiyoility afforded Qaetomere living at a distance,' Disooanted, NODDYpayable et any bank issued Under 310., ,. Sc, $20 to $30, ...12o Orders at the following rates :- $10 to 320....10c. 30 to 40,, , ,14e 0, H, GRAY, Aintree AGENT. as. KERNEL In. Morrie, on Now '8, James Kerney, aged 64 yeare, 1 month and 15 Jaye. YOUNG: Ab. St Jose h'S hospital, Lon- don, on Nov. 5, Mre. John oug, formerly of Blyth, aged 47 years. A-grCTSO 0• G.A.xeasi. FRIDAY, Nov. 15, -Farm stools, &o. Lot 25, Con. 8, Grey, Sale, unreserved, at 1 p, m. Jno. Miller, Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Ano. TueoeoaY, Nov. 19, -Farm etook, ireple• menta, &0. Lot 9, Con. 2, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Elijah Jaaklin, Prop. F. S, Scott, Ago. BRTJ'SSF7..£', :6.6.A.376 =:4 -Z61, Fall Wheat Barley Peas • .. Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen ........ Flour per cwt Potatoes (per bus.) Apples (per bue.) Sheep skins, each Lamb skins eaoh Salt per bbl., retail Hay per ton Hides trimmed Hides rough Hoge, Live.... Wool 64 43 64 87 14 14 4 00 30 40 25 25 1 00 6 00 6 5 b 00 12 66 45 65 40 16 15 5 00 80 50 25 80 70 '7 00 6e 5 5 25 18 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. siva GENERAL servant wanted. Apply to MRS. W. M. SIN CLAIBrueeelrl. A WUMRER of 2 and 8.year old steers for sale. Apply to THOS.MOORE,Bruasels. Two good Bhearling Rams for sale. Apply on Lot a Oon.9, Grey, THOS. PEP- PER, Brussels i'. 0. 17.2 Ooamni'Tloe lock, fire proof safe for Bale or to exchange. Fede measurements 81 x 88, For price, den., see or write B. GERRY, Brussels. Two young oowe for sale, will oalve about Dee, lab. Also 22 steers rising. 8 years old. JN0 O. LOWE, Lot 10,0011.6, Grey, 14 -ti Brueeele. P. 0. DR. 0. AMBROSE TOOL.E, RESIDENCE. AND OFFICE- • MILL ST, EAST, BRUSSELS. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. LAMBS FOR SALE. - ONE Shouting and nine Ram Leicester Lambe for ea10, Some eligible dor registra- tion. D.MILNE, Ethel. L SHROPSHIRE VOR SALE. - HAZE S S 1'Shsze of both sexes and varioua ages, also .Br .10 Turkeys SM,IT , L t 8, Oon G, se. JOHN SMITH, Lot 8, Oon, 6, Grey. 0V00D YEAR OLD STEERS f Wanted, editable for ranch purposes. Apply to GEO. BEST, Brussels. GOOD HOUSE AND LOT ON. Turnberry street, Brueeele, for sale at a bargain. •Apply to THOS. BALLANTYNE, Bruspele. COMFORTABLE, WELL 4lighted and oonveaieut rooms to let in the Leckie block over G. A. Deluder au's and Mrs. Rogers' stores. Apply to P.S. 80OTT. OXFORD DOWN RAMS FOIL SALE.-Tbe undersigned offers a num- ber of pure bred Oxford down Sheailinga and RUM Lambe for sale. Lob 8, Con. 18, Mullett. L. TA8ICER, Matlock P,0, 14.4 BOA.R FOR SERNIOE.-THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 16, Con. 4, Grey, atboro •bred Tamworth Hog. Pedigree maybe seen on application, Terme, 01.00, to be paid- at time of aervloe with privilege of returning If necessary. 17.2 W.J. JAOIILIN, Proprietor. A.UOTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND SEED GRAIN.- Mr. Robert Armstrong has in - denoted Mr. Thomas Brown to sell' by Pub - lie Auction on Lot 1, Con. 7, Mullett, one Mlle East of Cooetanee,. on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20E2,1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., the fol. lowing property, namely Horses - one draueht brood mare in foal to Midlothian, 1 mare 6 years old in foal to Mount Boys, 1 mare 4 years old in 'foal to Midlothian, 2 fillies 8 years old, 2 fillies 2 years old, 2 qeld- ingsl year old, 1 filly 1 year Old, - 1 driviu gelding 1 year old, 2 driving lltltea 1 year old got by Bldueer, 1 heavy draught Spring colt. Cattle -Six miloh cows eupporod to be In calf to a bit oro' -bred bull,. 8 stoore 2 years old, 8 yearling heifers, 8 yearling ethers, 4 Spring calves, Sheep and Pigs -24 well bred Leleeoter ewes, 80 store Mese menthe old, 8 broad Bowe, about 00 hens. Implements -1 Massey -Harris binder, 1 Sylvester mower, 1 Maxwell mower, 1 Talton pea harvester, 1 lumber wagon, 1 loww trunk farm wagon, 1 seed drill, 1 new horse rake, 1 new gang plow, 1 two -furrow plow, 1 Bingle plow, 2 eoufllere, 1 pair bob•elelgbe nearly new, ] set platform eagles, 1 poet hole digger, 1 root pulper, 2 set double karneee, 1 setplow bar• nebe,1 set diamond barruwe, 1 fanning mill, nearly new, 1 oat box, a number of gates, 1 new water tank, 1 hay fork with lope and pulleys complete, 1 horse power, 1 agrionl• three furnace, 1 eubtor, 1 crowbar, 1 wood rack, 40 cedar poste 0 feet long, a quantity of hemlock lumber,1 double carriage with pole and shafts, I ohurn,1 parlor coal Stove near- ly new,- 2 cook stoves and numerous email anions.. Seed Grain -1,000 buoheli of Son, nation oats, 400 buahole Now fluttery oats, about 100 bueltels of Ligowaw data, 100 bus - bele of bailey, Theeo are all new varieties and are kigbly recommended by the grower; alto a quantity of oat Otreayee. The retook 18 1s all well bred and in good condition, and the fitly lateente aro all In good rotate. The whole will positively be gold 118 Otto propri- oter has rented his farm. Lunch will be 001700 from 11 o'oloak 111112, and pbrehaa10MM from a dietau0e can be aeoominodated 1111 the following day, ''cane -All seine of 06 awl under, comb; over that. amount 11 moa,' credit will begiven 00 approved Mat dote0, A discount of5 cents on the dollar Will be allowed for dash on credit amounts, ROOT, ARMSTRONG, Proprietor 1 Tl1Os, BROWN, Auctioneer, $15.00 to $18,00 a Week salary for an intelligent man or woman in sh town. own. Porroa e t position 80 centsper 8for spare time. Manufacturer,ox 78, PUiladolphla• 10 PAPER HANGING, DECOR ATaro and na tee Paiotisg done in Workmanlike manner and on abort nonce. Have had :three years' experience In city work. Terme reasonable. GIve me a call. 29 W, a. JOHNSTON, Walton. FARM TO. RENT. -AS THE season baa advaoaed and Ihave not. sold my farm .yet, I -will rent at ones. Thera are 100 acres in ffarm, good buildinge, or- abard, &m. For further particulars as to terms, &e„ apply to WALTER TREES, Pro. prletor,Jameotown, or F. S. SCOTT, Brus- sels. 10 - TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1902. The undersigned will receive tenders up to noon on MONDAY,. 20111 JEST , forsup- plies of bntohers' meat, oreamery butter, flour, oatmeal, potatoes, cordwood, ote„ ate. for i'he following institutions during' the. year 1902, viz,; At the A 'whims for the Insane in Toronto, London, Hinteton, Hamilton, Mlmtoo, Co bonrg, Brookville and Orillte ; the Central Pried n and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto; the Reformatory for Boys, Penetangni- ehane ; the Institutions for Deaf and Dumb, Belleville and the Blind at Brantford. Exception -Tenders are not required for the supply of meat to the Asylums in To- ronto, London, Iliageton Hamilton and Brookville, nor the Central Prison and Mor- oar Reformatory, Toronto, A marked check for ave per cent, of the estimated amount of the contract, payable to the order of the Honorable the Provincial Secretary, must be furniebod by each ten- dereras a guarantee o1 his bona fides. Two soGOient sureties will be required for the due fulfillment of eaoh oontrnet, and s11nnld any tender bo withdrawn before the eon- traot is awarded, or should the tenderer fail to furnieb such security, the amount of the deposit will be forfeited. had Speciifcations and forme of tender may be Pp oatto to the Department of the Provllnoial Secretary, Toronto, or to 1110 Bursars of the reepective iuetituttons. The lowest or any tender not necessarily' accepted. Newspapers inserting this advertisement withoutauthority from the Department will not be paid for it. J. R. STRATTON, Provincial Secretary. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, November 1101., 1901. 18.2. COMING I COMING T. P. Smith, EYE SPECIALIST, Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and Toronto Optioel Ogllagee, will be et Fox's Drug Store BRUSSELS, ONE DAY ONL.Y, %bas ay, Nov. 27th, Call early and avail yourself of , hie e valuable a rvi e, b e 4 EXAMINATION FREE, PItOPERTY FOR SALE IN BRvoeaLo,-The undersigned offers for sale Lots 78 end 74, Ann street, and Lots 75 and 70, on Mary street, 10 the village of Brussels, containing one mare, very desirab- ly located. On the premises 1s a house, stable and well, Will be 00111 at a bargain. For further particulars as to primo and term[ apply to - . JOHN RODDIO1, 14-tf Brueeele. Auction Sade -0F BOILERS. HEAVY SAW CARRIAGE, &c. The following Saw Mill Machinery will be offered for Bale by public euotion, on LOT 28, CON, 10, TWP, OF GREY, County of Huron, on FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1901, aommenoing at 1 O'olook l-1 beavy saw oar- rlage with 8 patent blooko and aaw frame,2 lumber trucks, 1 log finch, 1 water tack 700 with 68 inch bands • one 8 inch Bull Wheel. V friction and 7/10 chain ; 1 nigger and at- tachments t- taebmonts; well pump with inchattachments; inch 1 friction wheel, 80 100000, 49 - faro ; 1 mud drum, ie inahee by 12, set; 1 atom drum 2A Inches by 84 foaa6b..;.'' 1 line boiler 4 it 4 ins by 17 ft. 2the, ; 1dip 8 ft. 11 its. by 16 1 0. 2 ina,; 1 do„ 8 ft, 11 ins 'by '16 ft. 2ins. ; 1 dc„ 8 ft. 11 ins. ' by 10 01.6 ins., with usual fittings, smoke box and furnaOe. grates, ash pit, loos, &o smoke estamr, plate and guy rade; 1 lath mi 11, bolter,&0; 8eawa,461"9, and 48 loo ; saw -dust carriers, epronoet wheels. &o ; 1 iron pulley, 84 lnohee, 20 (nob faoe s, dco ;1 bore; shafting, rubber, b hays. boxes, &e ; 1 four -ply 12 inch rubber belt, 47 foot ; 2010c11 leather bolt, 60 feet; loot gangway turning table Irons, stop-o0oirs, pipe. and pipe fitting;; uantproof Gare; Ash, Cherry, omoefurdlture; a quantity el White. As11, Horse,Cedar Poet,, &o ; also a Car- riage Horse, l2 years 010, from Renton II ; 1 set of Buggy Hereese; a quantttyof hard burnt brick and fire brick. The laode will. be offered for sale at a later date. Taaue- 8116ums of 010 and under cash • over that. amount 8 mouths' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes; for the boilers and aaw carriage, hall cash,balance in menthe, eeonred by note. 6 percent.. per annum discount for sash on credit amounts, 8. H. MATHESON, Proprietor JAMES J0NEE, Auctioneer for Perth and Huron. 2,000 LIVE TURKEYS is WHAT WE WANT. It will probably pay you before disposing of your Turkeys to 'Call .and get Our Prices. Having bought a number of pairs of Ladiea' Carpet Slippere at lees than regular pride, eizee 3 to 7, quality No. 1, regular pride 25a, they will sell on Saturday of this week and Monday and Teeeday of next week t;+ at per pair Note we are going to give you No, 1 quality. The values we are showing in Hosiery ie worthy of yonriattention, our Ribbed: Wool Hose Is the best value ever offered by we at per pair.... .25 Weare showing a full line of Ladies' Underwear, pine tiange20feromto 1 OO Also a fall range of Men'k and Boys' Underwear in all eine, in Uniene, Pure Wool and iu Cotton or Wool Fleece. We will alert offer for sale on Monday and Tueelay of next week, 200 yds. only Pure Linen Crash Toweling, regular price 100, to clear at per yd. We are showing a full range of Grey Flannels in Pure Wool, _ oleo in 35 'Colons, at from, per yard 12eo to Our 86o Flannel' ie extra good quality of very fine wool. We can supply you with Flannelette Blankets, size 104 or 11/4, in Grey or in White, with fancy border. We oan also give you Wool Blankets from 02,50 per pair op. We will be pleaeed to ehow gee our b'ore OA we oan give yougood value. In Ladies' Jackets we are allowing the different lengtke at front $25.00 to 440,00, We 00011 sell you cheaper garmente but we oonsider it profitable foryou to get good Fur. In Men'e Fur Coate we can give yon No. 1 quality of Canadian Coon, Swamp, Wallaby, Wombat, Bulgarian Lamb and Bear. Itou rewire a Robe we recommend the Genuine einskatehewan Buffalo Robe aa one of he beet Robed on the market. We have the Agency for thie ],lobe and we are prepared t0 guarantee ever one of them to give entie Batiste:tion 'nod if the. prove otherwise we ask yon to return the Robe and we will refund yoar'money. y We are willing at any time to show you anything we have in stook, and we will be very math pleased be have the opportunity of doing so A7 McAIIiters, 1?. p,--Oouotry Produce taken in 9xdbange for goodd.