HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-11-14, Page 7ROUT t wing DNOLE A�• LY TRE BUSY 'YANKEE SPENDS THE DAY. tors of k?olitical and Personal Interest Gathered Frorn His 1 ecords. i$ OM:Imptea that about 8,000 n are employed in the mitten in about Cripple Creel-, 'or the hist fiscal yeas' the corn- s or Kansas eoli'victe exCceded the t of their keep by $41,000. n enpert figures the flow of the Jls in the Beaumont oil district of •xas at 5,000,000 a day, net year 000,000,000 foot of 'um - were exported from the Pacinc at, and 800,000,000 feet sent cast rail. Ivo thousand dollars have been til, in vain for poison with which 'hill prairie dogs in Western Kan - 9. he longest stato is California, 770 tea; the. widest, Texas, 780 miles. ..next in breadth is Montatla, 580 ;lea, he Carnegie Museum at Pittsburg • tved from Andrew Carnegie a ver model of -the Santa Maria, lumbus' flagship. Mr, Carnegie .. the model in Glasgow, whore ' was on exhibition. ft, cost 88, rs, J. Ff, Kimberly, of Neenah, El., has agreed to give $5,000 for endowment of the chair of do stic science at Downer College, in • waukee„ provided the State Fed - ion of Women's Clubs will raise ,000, M. Kellam and Dr. H. Murao- of ICioto, Japan, professors in University of Moto, are in the ted States studying educational dations there; they are to pursue inquiries in Germany. Dr. Ku- m is a graduate of John Hopkins 'versify, and Dr. Muraoka of the iversity of Berlin. 'ithin six months three pastors of elms situated in Fifth avenue, Pon 117th and 55th streets, Now lc, have died. They wore the . Dr. John WcsIey Brown, of St. mas' Episcopal church; the Rev. Maltbic D. Babcock, of the Brick sbytorian church, and the Rev. Purves, of the Fifth avenue rah. he largest funeral on record in tztown, Penn., was that of Dr, S. Trexler, which occurred ou urday. Before his death he pro- d. that everyone attending his oral should have a free dinner, over a thousand persons availed mseltes of his offer at the two ing hotels, 'where arrangements 1 been made to feed the multi.. le. no way and another Gen. Daniel Sickles has drawn about $300, - salary from the U.S. Govern- nt, As colonel of the Seventeenth YYork Volunteer Infantry and Forty-soe nd Regular Infantry, , sovom years, ho received $$,500 •t 'Par, or $24,100. As major -genet, "retired, for thirty-five years ho t ,received 55,625 a year,' aggro fug 5176,875. As representative Congress from New York for four or 5 000 a oar, reho received$ y Spain .000, and as Minister to p received $12,500 a year. 4 WHEN COWS WEE-. lady Burton says she has seen rsos in the Syrian desert cry from drat, a mule cry from the pain of injured foot, and camels sited Ars in streams. A cow sold by its 'stress, who had tended it from 1.11, wept bitterly, .A. young ape d to cry from vexation if Living - o didn't nurse it in his arms n it asked Min to. Wounded apos o died crying,• and apes have ,t over their young ones slain by iters. A chimpanzee trained to ry water -jugs broke oue, and fell •yiug, which proved sorrow, ugh it wouldn't mond the jug. Ls, discovering a young olt4 tuned, 4tavo been moved to tears grief. A giraffe, which a huiiLs- a's rifle had injured, began to Sea -lions weep for the loss Of ✓ young. Gordon Cumming ob trod tears trickling froth the eyes a dying elephant. And even an ng-outang, when 'deprived of its Igo, was so coxed that it took to ing. There can be little doubt, refore, that animals do weep m grief, or pain, 0r annoyance. , A SMART BOY. 'hero is a good story going the Inds .about a man who has become uccessful merchant. A few years ho was employed as en office boy d messenger for a large firm: IIe 9 sent to collect an account . from firm which. was considered very llaity," and .las told to get rho lacy at all hazards. The debtors ✓ e the lad a climate for 5250. He nut to the bank ani -once to calli it, d Wag told by the cashier that re were not enough funds to meet 'flow much short 1" asked 'tho J. Light dollars," was tho answer, t lacked but a 1111uut0 or two of time for the batik to close. Tho felt in his pockets, took out It dollars and, pushing it through window, said, "Pull that to the dit of Manic F'e Co," he cashier clic so, whereupon the preserved the cheque and got the ley. Blank A Co., failed the next , and their chagrin con bo butter lgined thnn described when they nd out the trick that had been yod upon Cheat. 110 DESTRUCTION IN FRANCE, 'hero is no doubt that the destruc- 11 of hires in France has predated estrous effects upon agriculture, 'Lioulturc and thegrape industry, the Department of Tlerault alone, ilia been calculated, the destruc- t of blade n.CCSStolnCtl to feed up- insocts Oeste e. loss of fibro than 00,000 gallons of wino ovory 0, Some birds consume about 1 111seete each daily, and a single cct oaLiug species, M. Levet esti- lee, u,�j be the 1nea119 of saving 00 grs':ns of wheat. and 1,180 ��T YOUNG GIRLS, t FIQW TIE MAY GAIN BRIGHT EYES AND ILOSY CTIE3Its, The Story of a Young Girl Who Suffered from -Headaches, Dlazi- ness and Yaintin Spells—Her Health Became so Bad That She Was forced to Give up School. Miss Cathel'ine McLellan is a young lady well known in Charlotte- town, P,PI•I•, and greatly esteemed among her acquaintances. Like so many other young .people throughout tho land, Miss McLellan fell a vic- tim to anaemia, or poorness of blood, and although several. medi- cines wove Axle, she found nettling to hole her until she began using Dr, Williams' Piitic Pills for Pale People. . Miss McLellan tette the story of her illness, as follows ;—"I am now eighteen years of age, and for a considerable time suffered much from anaemia, lily blood had al- most turned to water, and I was very weak and pale . in fact could not undergo the least exertion, My appetite failed Ino ; I suffered from hoadachee ; if I stopped 11would be- come dizzy, (rad frequently I suffered from fainting spells. I tried several kinds of modicino and doctors pre- scribed for me, but instead of get- ting better I was gradually grow- ing weaker, and eventually 'had. to discontinue going to school. About tlits•thne I read the testimonial of a girl whose condition was silnilltr- to mine, who had. Seen cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I then decided to try these pills and have every reason to be gratified that T did so, as they have completely restored my health, Every one of the symptoms that had made my life so miserable have disappeared, and I am now en- joying as good health as any girl of my ago could wish, and I shall al- ways have a good word to say for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Miss McLellan further stated that while she was not desirous of public - city in matters of this kind, ;.he 1everthelplIs felt that her experience,. if known might be the means of brirging health to some other suf- ferer, and it is this very praisewor- thy :-motive that has induced her to give the above statement for publi- Cation. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills make rich, red blood, and give tone to the nerves. It is because of this that they bring bright eyes, rosy cheeks and light footsteps to girls who have been weary, pale and listless and had begun to feel that life was a burden,: Pale and anaemic girls everywhere should give these pills a fair trial, as they are certain to restore health and strength. bee that t140 full mule '1)r. Williams' Pini: Pills for Pale People," is on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid at 50e. a box, or six ,boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Jt. Williams Med- icine Co., Brockville, Ont. HE irnotTGFIT IT., A guardian of tho Law was relat- ing to a small audience how, after arresting a msdemeanant, he •w as obstructed by another person, where- upon he also arrested the obstruc- tionist. "What would you have done ?" queried a bystander, "If, instead of actually interfering, he had simply spoken 1118 mind, and called you an impertinent, olllcloos, loafing scoun- drel, who only loitered around and laid violent hands on his betters adding that tie considered you a vag- abond and a blackguard 5". "O11," replied the policeman, " I would have arrested him all the sn.mo for inciting others to commit a broach of tho peace," But," continued the quartet, "suppose be said nothing, but just thought so 7" "Well," was the reply, "I can't arrest a man for thinking. He can think what 110 likes." "Then," said the quorist, "I think so.' FRAIL LITTLM ONES. Their Hold 'Upon Life is Slight, and Mothers Have a Great Responefbility. Every baby—every litho one—re- quires constant caro and watchful- noss, and when a trace of illness is 11 ticoable, the . remedy' should bo Promptly applied, The little ones are frail. Their hold upon- lifo is slight., The slightest symptom of trouble should bo met 1.1y the proper. corrective *Medicine, Baby's Own Tablets have a record surpassing all other mgdicines for the cure of oltil- dren's ailments. They aro purely vegetable and guaranteed to contain no opiate or poisonous drugs such as form the baso of most, so-called '`Soothing" -- 114013101505. For sour stomach, collo, simple fever, consti- Patton, all troubles, tho irri- tation -accompanying the cutting of teeth, sleeplessness and similar symptoms, these Tablets are with- out an equal, They act directly upon the organs which cause the troubles, and gently but effectively remove 111e cause itnd bring back the condition of perfect, hearty health. Every mother who leas used these Tablets for 11e' littlo ones praises th0ni, which is the best evidence of their great worth. Mrs. David Duf- field, P.Qusonby, Ont., says: -"Baby's Own Tablets aro a wonderful medi- cine. I think they saved my baby't life, and I gratefully recommend them to all mothers." Ask your druggist for ;Baby's Own Tablets. If ho does not peep them, send 20 mints climb to us and we Will for- ward a box prepaid. Wo have u valuable 1111.10 booklet on the cage of children • and holy to treat their minor ailments; w1410h wo will seta' Irco' of charge to any mother who asks for it, Tho Dr. Williams Med- icine Co., Brockville, Ont. Only 24: per cent. of doctors reach 70 years, but 42 pee cont. of clergy - Men do so Theodore. Theepl*-•"thllt, Inv dear fellow, 11.1 pity so tulle." 'Peter 1!'lirlt „I Iprof,r 7, yt money.-' zN flERT OLD ENGLAND AND1 NEWS DY 37AIL ABOUT J0717 BULL AND HIS PEOPLE, Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- 'nlorcial, World• The widening of Louden Bridge is estimated to cost 51100,000,. The present growth of London's population is about 2,500 a month. The population of Great Britain has doubled within the last 58 Years. An American desk factory is about to commence operations in London. Great Britain's wealth ittcreaSee about £4:50,000 a day—that is 8d. a head a day. There are in the United IOipgdom Over 122,752 ptaceS licensed to 9011 Intoxicating liquors. Westminster Abbey is to bo closed for the preparation for the corona- tion service early in April, The Londd,ppn fire brigade uses 17,- 000,000 gallons of water a year, against 32,900,000 ht Now York, It is said that, for the first time, Lerman steel ship -plates have boon bought by a .Tyltesido shipbuilder. The 'Duke of Argyll is said to be ono of the most fluent and aecurate speakers of french in tho United Iningdonl, A new Children's Infirmary is pro- posed for Liverpool which wIli cost over £50,000, The present institu- tion is condemned. ' .For an army of 30,Q00 men and 10,000 horses for throo months it is estimated that 11,000 tons of food and forage aro necessary. The I9nglish Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Children se- cured the conviction and punishment of nearly 3,000 culprits last year. In Lincolnshire t11e-magistrates are impressing upon holders of public - house licenses the legal obligation to supply tea and coffee to cyclists and tourists,.. An advance party of Benedictine monks from France has already ar- rived at APpuldurcombo Park, in the Isle of Wight. They aro busily en- gaged in preparing the now quarters for the main body. They aro bring- ing over a magnificent library of NW' . thousand volumes. Twenty tons of books have already arrived,. and there are thirty-two tons more to follow. A little girl named Catherine Me - cock, residing at. the Woodlands, ".hale . End, Chingford, camp by her death in a singular manner. She and some companions wore Playing on the banks of the River Leawhen greyhound canto along. They stroked and patted the dog, and then It playfully jumped up. In doing so it knocked the girl backward into the water, and she was drowned. Al. Douglas, Christopher Yilliams, r of who belon ed to 16 years c sg y ago, t las from and came to Dot Liverpool,g tomo as an errand boy, lost his life under sad circumstances, Seeing a puppy kicked- into the. harbor by a man 11e told his companions 11e would. save it. They trim to dissuade him but ho stripped himself, and crying out "Hero goes," jumped into the orator. Ho was drowned, ttebody not being recovered Lill throe hours later. While the vicar, the Rev. R. bac- ed. Cleverly, was in the pulpit of St. . A CUNNING DP,G'GAR1 Sydney, AUatr1lie, reports m' now scheme worked by e shrewd beggar in that city. Dressed in a respect- able suit of clothes, he has saunter- ed throug/a the streets, explaining to passol'P-by that 11e has accident- ally left his tobaeco-poheh et nettle, and would be obliged for a "fill" for his pipe. Colonials are I10 opew handed with their property that in a day's work lie has collected a val- uable stock, 49111011 be has "classed" at night and sold, to tobacconists. He was lately shown up by stopping the Same man with the Pmmo start' 4944 hie own forgetfulness within a quarter of an hour. It to mm in- torti<wting legal point whether he earl be punished, If so, one may be lir able to be arrested for asking e stranger for a 'snatch; Although no one has ever seen that bill the story olings to the doctor's frameto tide day, Of the tell leading cities In the world, the 'United States has three— Now York. Chicago, and Plilladel- phia. 3150TH STARTLING OTTAWAA CASE, ] MR S. A. CA IDX A LETTER SRO CASSIDY, Following The Report of G. E. Kent's Cure of Bright's Disease By Dodd's Kidney Pills, An Ottawa Paper Calls Attention To Another Remarkable Cure. From the A representative of the Citizen, re- cently learned of'a remarkable cure of a well-known resident of Ottawa who has suffered for years with a terrible affliction. The wolf -known re- sident is Mr, S. A. Cassidy, and the affliction was etono in the kidneys. Tho Citizen representative called on. Mr. Cassidy to verify the reports Of his recovery and found them to bo true. Tie is the proprietor of the Bijou Hotel, Metcalfe Street. He Is known by almost everybody and Mr. Cassidy feels so elated over and is liked as generally as he is his release' from the excruciating sof- known. His hostolry,is between 1110 feriug that lie has given the follow - main entrance to Parliament Build- ing statement over his own signs= Ings and the principal thoroughfare ture to a 'well-known Ottawa news - of the city, and it is not to bo won- paper man, dered at that he leas more than a Ottawa, Aug. 8, 1901. , nodding acquaintance with the gen Dear Sir,—I want you to publish demon who hold the destiny of this for the benefit of others who aro suf.- country uf-country in their hands. Tering as have suffered for years When old residents of Ottawa aro about how I was cured of Stone in in a reminiscent mood and talk of the Kidneys.. - My friends all know the good old sporting days, they al- that I have been a martyr to -this ways associate tate name of Sam disease for years. They know that Cassidy, who took au active part in besides consulting the best physi- sport 20 years ago. ate was a fast clans in the city and trying every runner and jumper of local renown, kind ;of, remedy I could think of, I and took an active part in all lines was unable to get better., Some of sport. To -day he is forty years time ago a friend of mine told me 1 old, and tips the scales at 250 that Dodd's Kidney Pills i"vould cure 1 pounds. mo. As a last resort I tried them 1 The intimate friends of this robust and they have cured me. This is the man have known that for the past first year in a great many that I ten years he has bean a sufferer from have not been confined to my bed a disease that baffled medical skill, with the disease. I could not im- and that he has lingered between life agino more severe suffering than one and death on many occasions since endures who is afflicted with Stone he was first attacked. At the ini- in the Kidney, and I feel the great - tial stage of the disease he was ink- est gratitude to Dodd's KidneyPills, en with violent cramps in the left for they have cured mo. Anyone side of his stomach, and the best who has suffered need suffer no more. ( skilled physicians could afford him i S. A-'CASSTDY very little relief. The attacks were of about two weeks' duration, and Ottawa Citizen. when he loft hisbed ho was reduced in flesh and was almost a physical wreck. Some years ago an eminent physician diagnosed his disease as Stone in the Kidney," but oven af- ter the diagnosis the physicians were unable to effect a permanent euro, To -day ho is a woll man. . He has fowld a remedy that has banished tho di3oaso—a remedy that has cured where muodical aid was ineffectual, The remedy is Dodd's Kidney Pills, Ottawa, Canada. X-RAYS AND THE HEART. Of 1,000 British girls there r , e arc :138 Marys. 122 Elzas, 72 Sarahs, Doctors state that by means of • and 66 'Anises. the X-rays is la possible to deter- mine beyond ileum :'whether heart t in an r -is not reran disease iso P S n at- ing rays the whole outline c der the penetrat- ing 'cola- ase.. Un aa P a tt P i e of the n heart can be discerned and anything abnormal in its size or shape detect- AT Pel'manen#Iji Cured. Toronto Physician said he would not (got better and advised a change of Climate. CLARKE'S KOLA COMPOUND CURED. Many of the old-sohool physicians will tell you asthma is incurable, At ono time it was thought so, but thanks to Dr. Ciarko's wonder. fel discovery,there is now a. core and a permanent ono, within the reach of every sufferer from asthma or bronchitis. You will not be din ippointed if you try Olarke'e Sola' Compound. Mr. H. Salmon. the well known merchant, 033 Yongo Street, Toronto, writes :—• For tome years I had boon a groat sufferer from asthma and bronchitis. Toe attacks 'bocama to severe and coughing spells lasted so long. hatI became much alarmed, I had consulted many Tor oto physicians but their modio iml only gave mo a little temporary relief. I was becoming thinner and weaker all the Mine, fl no of the loading physicians told mo I wan threatened with oonanmptioa and advised a hang() of climate. I heard of a Toronto lady who bad boon cured of Asthma by Clarke's Sola Compound, so decided to try it. The first net dire. ed tandpbefore much, had Ant lied the fourth bottle I- was completely cured. Thin was over a year ago and I have sinal ;alined nearly t'veoty pounds 01113'1°d weight. 1 cannot praise this remedy too highly, as It has restored me again to perfect health, which 9 had long, since dispatrcd of over rofatniOKK Dr. Clarks'o 1tola. Compound is sold by all Ohomists, 01.00 per bottle, three for 95,34, or sent an receipt of price by The Gridlthe & Goo n% for Cad Teeth Not ad for Good Teeth Sozodoast ]Liquid 25c. Lasdp) Liquid asci' Powder 75e. At all stores or by mall. Sample of the Liquid for the postage, 3a HALL & RUCKEL, Montreal, c Six nautical miles, or knots, 'aro Chad's, Stafford, the wife of alocal 'roughly equal to seven English. publican was seized with a fit of ro-, --- iivard's iinintent Cures DiplltIi'ria. ligious mania and shouted that she was a prophet and that the world was coming to an cad' on the fol- lowing Saturday: She was • carried To pay' and board a British soldier from 111e . church, but clung to tho costs the government 5207 a year, gates outside, whore she' remained for twenty minutes. Eventually the TO (•1IRE A COLD IN ONE OAT. unfortunate woman was removed to -Take Laxative tram Quinine Tablets. All all asylum. - druggists refund the money if. it Pada to ogre. ti novol lire alarm has been fitted E. 1w. 0,0805 signature As en each box. 230. up in tho big recreation. room of tho The man who foveated eerie ought London fire brigade headquarters. It takes - the form of a 4.7 shell, which to haro.finislled.±1. has been converted into an electric alarm signal for ti, general turnout in the ovont of fire. The shell was sent to Comniatlder Wells as a souvenir Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applioatlona as they cannot reach the dlseesed portion of ilio oar, there Is only one from South Africa, mid the chief of- 61 aft xomodienTn tont id,ttitiY c,by onstltu. Wattled condillon 02the mu00118lining of 1.110 Eustachian Tubo, When this tubo is in.. dentedyou have artimbling� sound or impar foci, hearing,and white lt'is oat rely closed deafness is the rosuit, and unless the iuflam, motion can bo taken nut and this tubo restored to its normal omndltlen, hearing will be do' etroyod forever; nano cases out of ton are atoned by oatnrrh, which in nothing but an in. flamed condition of the mucou0 surface,. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any PP of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sand for circulars, free, F;.1. °Immix & CO„ Toledo, O. (icor• . has had it converted to this hovel purpose. It makes a resonant fire Signal. Nearly 4,000 persons aro acci- dentally drowned every year in Eng- land. Of these only 150 are skating accidents, and 200 from bathing, Twenty-nine oat of every 100 Eng- lish people live in cities of 100,000 or over. In Russia only 0 out of 100 NO s0.. Sold by Drvgggivts, 73c. Ha11'eFamily Pelle aro Lilo hest. AMV1OE TO A Bitl061. Don't take any ohano0s at tho oute,t of your married lifo. Give him C97fl'Y'LO1'T T72 &. Did it Over occur to you that bulk Tea without any weal 4etined name Or bread may easily vary in quality 'P Ludella Ce ion Tea is packed in air -tight lead packages, and its unvarying fine flavor is the result of skill in blending, Lead packages, 25, 3o, 4o, 50 and Go.. ADPL We want thousands of barrelft to supply our ces:omerp. Ship yours to us and we will get you all they are worth, The Dawson, Commission Co. Limited Toronto AGENTS WANTED. AG30NTS-I0' YOU WAN'- A LAMB OF l fast•solliag geode that 5170 You over hat profit, and sell to every home, write us, The A. E, Sara Co„ 132 Victoria strecb, Toronto, rAV30 YOU 8303015 ITt WHAT? LSE'S J1. Priceless Recipes, 3000 seore5 for the omo, Farm, Laboratory, Workshop, and every department of human endeavor, with full index to contents • 968 pages, bound in cloth. Send 26 ovate for a copy, and If you think, the book is not worth the money send It balk and your money will be refunded, This la a good alde•itno tor -canvassers. Nil. Ilam Briggs, Methodist Book Room, Toronto, Ontario, TU01 SUN SAVINGS AND LOAN 00M2 PANY installing stocks and debentures drawing Rood rates of interest and tatting de, posits ; theseuppportunities tar investment are unequalled; rellable agents aro wanted Write to the Company's address, Toronto 17[7ANTHID-nALI61'tL30 MEN TO 807 8r as local or travelling agents, either on whole or part time. Liberal terms on salary or commission, with expenses guaranteed, Apply now. STOWS & WELLINGTON, Canada's Greatest Nurseries, Toronto. Dept. A. EXTANTED-38 PER DAY SURA!—GEN, 1 V Homan ,'r ladies—not to aanvae, but to employ' agents; position pore anent; 9800 per year and expenses; relixb'o firm; bell references; experience unneee.sary. 0'1830308'30, address 480 Truth OOloe, Toronto. ANTED—GOOD MEN ONLY TO SELL d F" our well known 0p50101 sae. We art once% the oldest and most reliable firms in Canada, Salary' or commission, Exclusive territory. Outfit free. Pelham Nursery Oo., Toronto, Ont, AG30NTS, WIG HAVE NO FAZE SALARY -offers to make, but we can put any hon. et, industrious man or woman fn the way of earning 6100 between now and Christmas. Write us to -night, MoDermid & Logan, DWI D, London, Ont. HELP WANTED. ANTED—PARTIES TO DO KNITTING for no at home. We furnish yarn and machine. Easy work. Go 'd pay. Send tam for particulars. Standard Hose Co., Dept; 3, Toronto, Ont. EDUCATIONAL. CIDNTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, TOR- lJ ONTO. Twelve Toaehers, -fine equip• ment, eighty typewriting machines, modern courses, thorough work. invites correspond- ence tram all ie.erssted parties. Address Sir. D. Shaw, Principal. The Cape exports the feathers of 40,000 ostriches yearly,. lallaurd'8 L11IIDB01 WM Gar el In GOWS. TImere are 810,000 marriages year- ly in the United Kingdom, and 718,- 000 deaths, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper, Greenwich Observatory was found- ed in 1675, Paris in 1677, Leyden Observatory is the oldest in Europe. Por Over Pitty Years teas. Wraetow'a 5oorn1lta erntrr bee boon used by millions of a,othere for thole children while teething, gtgoothee the child, soften. the game, allay. pain. owes lend oolle, regulate. the etomoch and bowels end tp tbo beet remedy fur Diarrhoea Twenty -aro cents o bottle. eefbit meiNoopre and k or"MaWIgiw'SSoouo8sP, The massed navies of the world in-. elude 360 battleships, 471 cruisers, 1,255 gunboats, and 1,600 torpedo - boats. VETERINARY COURSE. '71�dRNERS' SONS WANTED -To talcs a P short, praalloel eourao on• veterinary work; thr•o mo atba study during spare time at creme will quality to 331100 as examination; 1 successful ntoronye wi 1 ho offered pbrmanen; branches; has• r cue r a year our vary positionato por u sty a oto secure or young me opportunity f andid o y 6 nl P y P a on; writ Veterinary100030, full and good - s- tr es ; - Head at onto for Tui parts cense.' �Ad- wrC14I101 CALVE RT'S 0,,i,,R r,OLIO CENTIME T. For REI skin aiiments. i. 0. Calvert A Co., Mtnoheater, England REM CLEANING, For made op Goode Snit. to 010111, Velvet, Silk or Pun UtWI f done valuable home Hsngingo, 0,11,1,4 8817181) AMERICAN 08011)0 CO., Montreal, lDefi1liiii011 Line steamships Montre01 to Liverpool Boston to Liver- pool. Portland to Liverpool Via Queens- town. Large and x0100 0005003 a. So ries accommodation for all class,* o1 pa,oentora Saloom end Stateroom; are amidoh00 Special attention bee been given to the tecond Saloon and Tbu3.Olnse a000mmodatloa- Fos totes of passage and all paAtoulan, apply to : ny no.0 otthe eemPRear, ad, Biotarda Mille a 00, D. Torrance l: oo.. 77311,0083., Boetoa Montreal and Portion& TAILORING O Ad- dress—Head Office, veterinary Science 00' dation; London, oat. Married women live on an average two years longer than single ones. Stn s the Cough and '54 Rkq 07 the Ccld. Laxative Bromo-Qalniue Tnhlots cure a cold in ane day. No.. are, No 11'.1.1 ay. Prlos S cents. r Men-of-war cost 5244 a ton to build in British dock yards ; but in- cluding gums, etc.,the total cost is raised to 5400 a ton. Dear Sirs,—I was for seven years a sufferer from Bronchial trouble, and would be so hoarse at times that 7 could scarcely speak above ai whisper. I got no .relief from any- thing till I tried your MINARD'S HONEY BALSAM. Two bottles gave relief and six bottles made a complete croe. I would heartily re , BREAKFAST -SUPPER. commend it to any 0410 suffering - from throat or lung trouble. 3. 'r. VANDUSI4IRN, Fredericton. 7 Wellington St. Wast, Toronto, Canada's Largest Tailors Will make clothes to order inCanada at for every elan 0 LOWER PRICES than any other firm, and DELIVER AT YOUR NEAREST EX-. I PRESS STATION. Drop a card for their I FASHION PAMPHLET, SAMPLES OF CLOTH, ANO MEASUREMENT FORM3. 1 THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. 5 GRATEFUL -CONI FORTING. A There are 20,000 engine -drivers in Inatrumentalibehmiia,• Uniforms, Etc, EVERY TOWN CRI11 NAVE A BAND '50 a the British Isles, and those average Lowest prices ever quoted. Floe catalogue g 0 illustrations, mailed free. Writeus'or any 40,000 miles' travellinga year, ; thing in Music or Musical lnatrunrrut,. MacRor • h son Co.,'Limited 'foronto Canada 1WHALEY ROYCE 85 CO Limited has asthma, Eneloee Co 1n stamps or p P eetago, d t A free sample wl be sent to any 11omitwho Xinard's Liniment Cures Colds to. Toronto, Ont, and Winnipeg, Mau 1 1 13 1 so,d Mows and itifonsKall Width Hook Pairrss, D '1 i' s n- tess'nn, Nerve Weakness, indigestion, Co ns5t`apodion, Liver, Kidney or Bladder Ts°oe7A,5ea My Electric Belt has restored healtli and strength to, thousands of nervous, debilitated, and pain -worn -men and women. You also can be cured if you ',pill gtasp the opportunity I offer. Read what the cured say. Electricity) as furnished by my Belt, cures by giving back to the weakened nerves, muscles and organs the vitality they have lost, reducing inflammation, developing the full vigor of health and removing the effects of overwork, exposure to weather, and long continued sickness. art x hrJ d. ,¢ :.: �, �•ara. ,�'�'i' To those who have trusted and been betrayed by seductive promises ; to those who have swallowed pailfuls of pills and liquid medicines tvithout result except a damaged stomach and increased pain and weakness, and to those who have worn so-called electric belts, which either burned and blistered the body or gave no electricity, I offer a positive cure by means of my Electric Belt. It gives a. stronger current than any other, and is guaranteed not to burn no0,blister. DR. Mei. UOITILI FFERI am not giving Belts away. I am offering to cure first and be paid after you are cured, I have an Electric Belt which DOES CUi^.E, sad any honest person who will secure me can have my Belt and pay me when cured. Can anything be fairer than that? EPEQIAL 0107101—Tf'y a have an old belt'wittoh has blistered you or gave no electricity, I wit/ allow you in exchange half tho price et mine, CALL 70-DAV—Oonsuitatiou and test FREE. Man ? SIOQK—If you pan't oall, write for uty beautifully illustrated SO-pago book and letters Crone the cured, sent sealed, free. Ash -tress, enclosing thi>rad., LfficeMuts9a.ai,le8.50p.m. WE. M. W. "�:CLAUGHLIN, 1311 YEflge 3t.-, Tftionto i' >alatWoVidar‘r,tad +ihi\A`1r9F+A6vvrtf' oN AISrtwiAAMtetrVVt'V3f 1 f