HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-11-7, Page 8"Aa
When you are compelled to
hold the newspaper "away
off " know that your eyesight
is "away off " and glasses
should be procured at once. ,
Consultation free.
Satisfaction guaranteed,,
We bave., ;mit Opened oat 8
new and carefully eeleoted
One of Wall Paper,
It le one aim to meet the
people with just what they
want, with prisma jest 40
low AO to satisfy overyouo 14
every way.
We have Paper, at all
prises, for every room in
the house,
It will be a pleasure for
as to have yon look over oar
Old Papers ere being eleered
out at and below coat,
800Tn0RN =TENSION W. O. & B.
Trains leave Brnaeele Station, North
and Song], asfoilow8:
11zpre S 7 18 a.m 1 Mail ,.. «....2:1Qp,m
Mixed.m ll980 axpree's ...,., 8:1713,m
rota Nes teats.
A ohiel'a amang ye tekin' notea,
An' faith he'll prent it.
AWNING amnion ie over.
Selma Board Friday evening of this
Geo, Been forwarded a oar of Doge on
R. GRARAti shipped a oar of oats East-
ward this, week.
ALmm. Baena shipped a oar of baled hay
and 8 oars of oats from Brussels this
1, D. RONALD le away to Sbewenigan
Falls, Qaebeo Province, on Fire Engine
Tag Said Pasha Comic Opera will be
presented next Monday evening in Brea -
eels Town Hall.
AN addition has been built to Walter
Wilbee'e stable on his property on Turn.
berry street, North.
Bean Rev. Woks' foreoaet of November
weather on page 4 of THx POST. He has
hit it fairly good in the past.
JNo. BEATTIE took 3rd money in the
open peeing race in Wingham on Friday
of last week with bis horse, "Lamont"
Tam town Fire Engine wae taken to
tbe river on Tneedeyafternoon and sub.
jeoted to the usual teats to ascertain it it
were all right.
CORDWOOD, dry or green, will be bought
ai the Enterprise Salt Works, Brunette
An advt. to this effect may be read else-
wbere in Tae POST,
Games Ben, drover, bas diopoeed of
his fine bay driving horse to John Scott,
the well known cattle buyer ot Listowel.
He was an extra good roadster.
Tonna morning Wm, Jewitt shipped
a oar of hogs to Palmerston factory.
The price paid was $5 60. Tbere will
likely be a drop to a lower figare in the
next shipment.
Tax Southerly plate glees window in J,
H. Kerley's grocery bee a bad oraok in it
amused by somebody throwing a stone or
other mieele at it Tuesday night. A new
plate will have to be pat in.
A NDuaaa of the members of Court
Princess A'asendria, 0. 0. F., Brussels,
eseiated by others got up a wood bee for
W. Benda Thursday of last week and
out op a Winter's; supply of wood. It
was a thoughtful deed.
A news=R of the members of Brussels
1Sowling Club attended at Artist Brewer's
gallery on Monday and ware photo.
l:rapbed.before the removal to Forest of
the Seoretilry.Treasurer, J. N. Gordon.
The latter gentleman la the central
Agora in the group. -
THANRamvxao Day will be held on
Thursday, Nov. 28,
SATannaY-the King's Birthday -will
be a publio holiday. The Bank will be
Ir is stated that Jas. Cooper has par -
abased the Stitt property, Stratton Street,
the pries being $260.
TRH apple business ie fairly wall wound
up for tbia season, W. Jewibt ubipped a
oar this week from oar station.
Geordie EnwARns drilled wells for M.
Doll and Geo. Lowry during the past
week. Well drilling bee developed fnbo
quite a business in the last year.
Strome from thio locality attended
the funeral of the late Henry Smith, at
Wroxeter last Saturday afternoon.
IN incoming freight this week was a
ear of coal for Wilton & Turnbull and a
oar for Robt. Mainprize. The household
effects of F. Gray, the new banker, also
arrived from Brantford.
THREE Brussels young damsels were
out driving the other evening bat their
equine would get into the ditch es a good
Samaritan loaned them a lantern to
iliominete the darkness so as to enable
them to reach their destination.
CART. SaaaaaOR and wife are moving
this week from their old home on the
bank of the Maitland to the property
parobased some time ago on Tnrnberry
street, known in former dive RS the
Revere Hoose. We wish them many
happy yeare there in their old age.
Messes. RAl1er0RD bave a gang of oar-
pentere at work this week in making
repairs to the Enterprise Salt Works.
In seoaring the services ot Gordon
Mooney Rs foreman of the salt basineee
they made no mistake as he works like a
"horse" and bee been in this line of work
so many yeare that be thoroughly under.
stands it.
OBIT. -Sunday morning Jno. Grieve,
well known in tbie locality, passed away
at the home of his brother, Hugh, in
Tookeremith, aged 61 years. The im•
mediate cause of death Wee an absoess
on tbe thigh, He Was d Presbyterian in
charohrelatioao and aLiberal in politica.
The funeral took plane on Monday after.
Poen, intermentbeing made at Harper -
hey cemetery. Rev. Mr. Larkin, of
Seafortb, oondnoted an appropriate am-
ebae. Mre- Grieve, 2 sone and 2 dangle
tete enrvive.
MRS. Wnf, ENzoHTaL DEAD. -Monday
morning of this week Mre. William
Kneobtel, a well known former highly
esteemed resident of Brussels, passed
away from time at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. W. A. Ross, of Fergus,
with whom ebe bad been living for a
time. She is survived by her husband, a
son and four daughters. Deceased was a
kindly diepoeitioned old 1ady, a firet-close
neighbor, induotriona and respected by
all wbo knew her. The funeral took
place et Fergus on Wednesday afternoon,
Lanese Cotnixsexougno.-Last Friday
East Huron Linen Commioaioners met
at the Central Hotel, Brussels. The
members of the Board are ;-Geo. For-
tune (Obairmat), Geo. Murdie and Ino.
Littlejohn. luepeotor Miller is Semotary.
Signing lieeneee in exchenge for the
Government permits, &o„ was the burli-
ness. The Board will meet again on
Tuesday of next week, at the American
Hotel when statements are to be made
op and distribution of earplug License
Fund made.
A MxTORSLL oorreepondent writes :-A
dire started at the residence of Dr,
Anderson bat the blaze was lnokiiy
noticed by Adam Koenig tylia went into
the hoose and threw the burning material
oat of the window, tbe damage proving
to be alight, These small fires which
oonstantly 000nr at a oonaiderable die.
tame from a hydrant Mould prove an
iaoentive to the powers that be-ot are
to be -to advocate en extension of onr
water works system even if only gradual-
ly. The outlay might prove to be well
HILL-Bxr,Lxan. - On Tuesday, Oat.
22nd, the marriage tookplaoe at Letb.
bridge, N. W. T„ of Mies Minnie Hillier,
daughter of John Hillier, of Goderiob,
and Edward Hii1, of Moyle, B. 0. The
ceremony took pleas) at the residence of
the groom's brother, Edgar Hill, in the
preeeoee ot aboutthirty verde, The
bride's bruthere, Will. and John, a000m•
panied bet toLethbtidge, and were pros.
ant et the oeremony. Mr. Hili was
formerly of Brunets and a few years ago
wag 0student of the Goderioh Coilegiete
Inatitate, afterwards attending Trinity
Medical College, Toronto, Be ie now in
a meroantile business at Moyle, one of
Britisb Colombia's tieing forme. On the
Wednesday evening following the wed.
ding Mt. nod Mrs. Hinton fortbeir borne
at Moyle, and Will, and John Hillier
tattooed Last to Calgary, where they are
employed. Many friends: in Goderioh
01,0, Bata attended division Coen
at Blyth on Theredey Qt tide weak,
T. P. Sa12Ttf, the eye epe8ieliot, will be
in Bruaaela olr bis regular visit en MOs -
01 7, 2G 11 Met. IIruddaartera at Jae.
FotOO dreg 00000,
W, F. STAwAliT 41400 hey° received a
new preemie oboppee this week,, wltioh
will enable them t0 compete with the
beet mine in Ontario,
Steam: fare rendre tioltete will be image
00 the reilreade for the l0Ing'o birthday,
It linty pot have been an ,Melded Peeeii
Berme that sent le raint:40 m on Bellow•'
e'tiu thereby ehatting eff a large glare of
the silly pxanite that are eaten played by
bpya and gide.
Ili*, MA, TOONNl, t7114pr0lteh84 In
Melville.0harph the pest firewater duritle
lith, Molten' vaoatto0, boo pnrobaeed
the Arthur dant°r rlae it la eeld
willdav hie eer,ise aoegjoarne
doubt hs o *vlo
do well
and have no
Yams, Wn lah moons
well in Arthur,
Geed going on Friday tofterneen and Att Oran PAPRR.-I0 movfne to town;
returning 00 Monday. I last week Edward Garvin palm 000000
089 old newepaper-The New Xork Tier.
old --,dated April 11th, 1866, It opatalns
a portrait and graphic leeoription of the
esaasstneti0n of Preeideat Lincoln, Por
a newspaper in its 37th year ie was not
in very had repair.
Togaoax evening Br: emelt Maooe-bee
Tent prettented two well planned tableauX
repreeetaie6 "Peepetiem" and "needing
and the ladies of the Hive gave
a Fanoy Drill with their euotomary grace
At Goma Magoaboe 0900080. They were
royalty entertained by the Gorrietee and
enjoyed their visit very rxinoh,
Jettme*Aa Rime Aesocx8Tlo*•.•The fol'
lowing is the more of the membere of
Brunie Rifts Ase00iation, R0 fee as, the
sbooting ie completed at range target
praotioe, names being arranged in order
of poi0t0 moored :-
W. &f, 8joeltir
J. T. Ross
P, Hogg
D. 0. Roes
Fred, Hayoroft
D, M. Scott
Dr, MobTaaghton
George Irwin
James Irwin
Dales Bowman
H. L, Jackson..• 102
Rev, Jno. Roes 101
J. H. Hewitt
R. D. Denbow
Jobe Wynn
W. Crioh
Dr. Toole
A. Strachan
N. F. Gerry
J, G. Jones
A. Ooueley
Allam Speir
R. N. Barrett
R. Williamson
R. Leatherdale
Joseph Smith
R. Mainprize
Robb. Tbomeon
Geo. MoLauohlin
Those who have to yet complete their
shooting are Ino, Beattie, Frank Bootie,
LorneDanford, Jno. Ferguson, Geo,
Thomson, Ohm. Beam and W. H. Kerr.
As far as the letter is oonosrned he did
the target little damage in tbe rapid fir.
ing competition -7 ehote in a minute- •
and there were others. Charles Meadows
was in charge of the targets and attend.
ed to his duties with neatness and die.
patoh. The p1t at the foot of the target
forbade any injury to the Scorers al•
thougb now and again they were livened
op by a new gravel stones being booted
la upon them by a low gauge bullet.
W. M. Sinolalr, who is the Captain of
the 01013, bas worked very energetically
and eonetantly in carrying out the out-
lined plan and the enooeselal issue is
largely dee to him. With the good start
tide Fall the future of the Association
should be an assured 0000008.
A oAn of "Irish Pills" was shipped to
Loudon last Friday by W. Et, *o0ra0k,
en, Mao, le right at home in dealing in
thin line that ha as an old band et the
x. M. Tuoatraow, of the l!ergue Record,
loin town viotting his parents. Be stud
hie sister, Minn Fannin, were oh Tepewater
On Wedoeeday abteuding the marriage of
their cousin, Miss Lon Thompeop, tied
Wm. Rose, of Lapgelde. Mr, Thompson
did not may eta bat we dou't doubt he was
taking lemma for future use,
A Honxpex,-Saturday will be observed
ata publio balidey as 8rule although the
faot of th10 being the first comma of
the King's Birthday and it °taming en a
Saturday makes it rather an uncertain
matter among Bona people as to know
what is beet to do. Tke publio should do
their trading mad buoinase on Friday or
owe shunt it over to Monday of next week.
Ma. DVIMAGN, proprietor of the Albion
Hotel, Gerrie, formerly of the Bruns -
wide House, of :Wingbam, died quite sad•
dealy on Sunday. Ho was 70, yeare of
age. Buriat was made at Wingbam on
Monday, the reaming being taken there
by O. P. R. Be was a member of the A,
0. U. W. Mr. Dalmage wile in the hotel
businesofor 40 yeare and was a very
decent, law abiding citizen,
HXttaNEat. - George' Donaldson, of
Miles Oity, Montana, was with hie
mother and sister at Saltford recently
for a visit of a week or so. Before re.
turning West he went to Toronto and
Marrieda young lady of that oity, Miss
Isabella Grant. The clergyman who per.
formed the ceremony was Rev. 3. A.
Turoball, formerly peeler of Saox
°huroh, Goderioh. Ofr, and Mrs. Don-
aldson spent a week in Chicago and tben
proceeded to their home at Miles Oity.
Councillor Doaaldeon, of Brussels, is a
brother to the happy groom, The
Yellowstone Journal, of Miles Oity, Mon-
tana, of Ootobar 9th, trays :-George Don.
eldeon, the North eide wool grower, wbo
has long withstood the allurements of the
Hymeneal altar, has at last enae0mbed
to the inevitable. He went Fast to ln•
Bulge in alittle trip and returns with a
bride whom he acquired at Toronto, Can.
ado, whose maiden name was Miss Bella
Grant. They were married Ootober let
and took in Niagara, the Pau -American
and other planes of interest on their way
to Miles Oity. They will leave this after-
noon for their ranch.
HAPPILY WEDDED. -The Henault Ob.
server refers to the marriage of P. Mo.
Martin and Miss MaoDonald, of Fingal,
mentioned by THE Pon meetly, as fol-
lows 3-00 Wedaeeday last a very pleas•
ant event marred et the home of Donald
MacDonald, of Fingal, when his yoangeeb
daughter, Miea Celia, was united in
marriage to Peter MOMartin, of Hensel!.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Mr. McFadden, of Fingal, ander an arob
of evergreens and snowdrops in 013e tares.
sees of fifty guests. The bride was at-
tired in a dress of dove colored ladies
cloth, trimmed with white satin, end
carried a bog0et of obryeantbemnme.
The bride wee attended by Mies, Reggie
Campbell, of Fingal, while the groom
was supported by his brother, Hugh bio•
Martin, of Henaall. After the ceremony
and congratulations were over, all sat
down to a sumptuous dinner. The
happy ample left on the afternoon train
for Hensel' amid showers of rice and
good vermeil of their many friends. They
will in fatare reside in Exeter.
Farm Inaao.-A letter from D. A. Pilo.
Millan, who went to Idaho, from this
locality teat Spring says, among other
things, that he bee moved from Oarey to
Gooding, where he is still in the employ
of F. R. Gooding. The ranch covers
over 1,500 mores. There are sometimes
as enemy se from 40 to 60 leu on the
ranob including sheep men and ehearere.
At Oarey we were 8 ranee from the
railway station and 40 miles from town,
but at Gooding we are within a mile of
the railway although 20 miles from town.
We oan go and oome soy day us there are
plenty of trains running each way:. About
a month ago they had a rabbit drive on
the rearm when aboat 1,500 rabbite were
°aught. They fence the ranches with
rabbit wire so that there are not many of
them get in after fence is up. Occasion-
ally they borrow ander the fence. Mr.
Gooding bas about 4,000 sores under
cultivation and his sheep are estimated
at about 90,000. This is an excellent
oonnty for sheep and molars. I think
Canada is all right bat ft can't dome up
to this for wages as I get $45 per month
and board. We bave fine weather here
aa the wet season has not met in yet. I6
is abont a mile from here to where J. 1,
Goatee is. He ie employed with T. Good.
ing, a No. 1 man, THE POST o0mea like
a letter from home and we could nob do
without 10.
FALL Aoaxzas.-This week the Fall
Assize Court was bald in Goderioh before
Judge Meredith. Among other GEMS
were the two following in wbiob G. F.
Blair, of Brnaeele, appeared for .the
plaintiffs and'Meoere. Proudfoot & Hays
for the defendants :-Young vs. Holm.
steed, an action to recover money said to
be negligently loaned by a Solioitor.
Verdict by ooneent for plaintiff for $750,
without poets. The other cage wae Smith
vs. Powell, an aotioo to recover the price
of grain delivered to defendant's store.
house on the underetandiog of payment
at market price when demanded. Store.
bouee was destroyed by fire before de.
mead was made. Judgment for, plain-
tiff for value of grain without meal
-A unique and pleasing Beene was wit.
neeeed on the streets of Wingbam one
day last week, when Mr, Swartz'B cele-
brated racer, Harold H., returned home,
the triumphant winner, of great races in
the United Statee. One of our heroes,
Doming home after fighting the treaoher-
eaa Boers, could hardly be received with
greater enthusiasm or honor. Over two
baodred of our 31019 ns,, men, )tidies and
ohildreo, repaired to the railway station,
to see him arrive. When he Came
off the oars be was deoorated with a gor•
geone array of costly flowers, valued, I
am told, at almost 320. The large crowd
then formed into procession, and beaded
ley a Brass Band marohed down the prin-
cipal attest with the beantifal horse, the
Band playing "See the conquering hero
oomea," The horse was admired by
every one. A11 were proud of him, Mr,
Swartz, eepeoially, bas good reason to
feel pride at being the owner of mob a
noble animal, and deserves yeah credit
for so euoceeefully developing the rare
good qualities which this horde possessed,
end wbiob may still oapeble of further
delopment. Ido not knowmmoob about
horses, but I think a handeomer or more
intereetbeg looking horse Meld hardly be
found. He looked almost intelligent, and
it to hard to look at bine without admir•
ing him. I do not know what the latter
E.sign iflee in hie name-perheps Holmen,
for in his earlier earner this remarkahte
borne, which bas now a oontieentel fame,
belonging to Dr, Holmes, .of Brtienoln,
who admired him greatly and woe rally
People We Know.
Mise Maggie MoNaughton will visit in
Toronto for a few daye.
hire. John Walker was visiting at the
Pan-American last week,
Mrs. S. B. Scale was on the eiok list
last week bat is better again.
Mies Georgie Howe is home from a
visit of three weeks to Toronto.
Mies Lyla Bartliff is able to bo about
the house and is getting along splendidly.
John Varooe, wbo liven to Hallett, was
renewing old friendships in town this
8. H. Jackson was away to Lindsay
Ann*Ees AND PRao*NTATxoN.-Wedneo•
day evening of tbie week a number of
members of Braeaela Bowling Club as-
sembled in the apartments of J. N.
Gordon, over the Standard Beek, to plane
on record their appreciation of hie aer-
vioee 00 l3eoretary.Treasnrer of the
Bowling Club before hie removal to
Forest and et the same time to testify ae
to the general eatisfaotion a000rded the
publio by him in the management of
bank affeire daring his inoumbenoy,
Barrister Blair gave an informal address
and R. Leatherdale presented Mr. Gor.
don with a nicely framed photo platters
ot the bowlers and a handsome boggy
Mt, in the name of the olab. A meet
appropriate reply was made by the
recipient expressive of the good fellow.
ehip and cordiality alwaye exhibited
both on the green and in °peneotion with
business. Be wag leaving Brueoelo with
florae regrets bat wished his 00ocesor as
good a time se he bad enjoyed during hie
May, Impromptu seemliest were given
by J. H. Cameron, A, C. Dames, W. M.
Sinolalr, le. Gray, R. Leatherdale, 3.
Irwin and others, all voicing the prelim
of Mr. Gordon and wishing him all
possible good in bis new home. A
fioaooial statement was presented ebony.
ing a balance of 316.00 on baud with no
oatetanding debts. 3. Irwin was chosen
Sea, -Trees. tie suooesoor to Ido. Gordon.
Braeeele and locality will wigb the newly aware of hie peculiarly good qualities, The Forest people will tied INF, Gordon a
wedded apo ile bon voyage met the sea of but had relaotantly to Bei) '1101, as not 1ratclass, agreeable gentleman and will
life. Jao. Bill, Queen street, Brussels, being quite suitable for a dootor.-A be to sorry to am bite move as hi0 many
be tether to the groom. Wnlaaanxooa. Brawls fiend o are.
82'LXD4RD .13e1X4 O,4' /. X4D4,
=e0z'. 4z,zs xQ= p eeap.
0AP1`4AL PAID UP ,(One Mi1li.0tl DONN 31,000,000
ltl',S'1' - _ , 3700,000
490000 fn «It prinstpul iroirtt8 fn Ontario, quebep, 4$anito1a, 17fiytod States .teOnplana,
A. General Nanking Bnafn(4a Traneaatod, Farmers" Nutans Dieoounted,
Drafts Darted and Qolleotione made pn all points,
Interest allowed ou deposito of 31,00 and upwards and eoroponaded half yearly,'
Srxauux; ATToaxoog arvael oo TUE CoraraoTroN 01 1! a*oe00' $Aro NOVO,.
"Ivory tactility afforded Ouetomere living at a disarmer),
gaol, Ore.,.
payable at any bank issued Under 310.... 8a, $20 to 360 .,12o
�MIDI at the lonowing rates 1- 310 to 020, ,..10e. 80 to 40....14o
J. N, GORDON, Manx,
last week owing to tbe illoess of a
Will. Ainiay, of Listowel, was home CM
vieit this week. He purposes atodying
for a profession.
Nies Laidlaw, of Seadorth, ie visiting
Mies Florence Glover, at the Queen's
Hotel, Brassie.
Jas. MoOraoken and wife, of Goderioh,
are visitors with their sun and family,
King street, Braeeele.
The Stratford Beacon earl Leslie Kerr
Bang a solo at the Y. M. 0. 'A.'servioe
last Sabbath afternoon.
Mise Annie Lowry is making favor-
able progress toward oouvalesoeooe after
the resent mediae" operation we are
pleased to state.
Will. E. Ooaeley is in town. He bee
been aasfatiug•at aheeae making in Silver
Ooraers factory. He intends taking a
course at the Dairy Sobool at Btrathroy
daring the Winter.
Mies Ida Williams left for Montana on
Thursday where she will likely emend
the Winter. She will visit friends at
Chioag° while en•ronte. We wish her an
enjoyable time.
Mies Jennie }Iowa is on the sink list
this week and is taking enforeed holidays
from her Sohool in Grey townehip, wbiah
is consequently temporarily &°sed. We
hope she will soon be all right o0oe more,
J. N. Gordon expecte to leave for
Forest on Saturday tie Mr. Gray, the
new agent, arrived on Wednesday. Mrs.
Gray aid children name to town on
Thursday. THE POST welcomes Mr, and
Mrs. Gray and family to Brussels.
The Minton Era refire to a former
resident of Brussels Re follows:-Dt. R.
J. Gibson, of the Soo, (eon of Mrs. Me.
Lennan) °pent a fete daye with hie old
friends here last week, having just re-
turned from a live weeks' visit to New
York. The doctor looke well and has
nourished with the marvellous develop.
moat of the Canadian Soo. He be even
Somewhat of a politician, hie name ,hay
ing been mentioned se a possible candi-
date for the Local before the raoent
Liberal Convention which brought out
Mr. McKay.
Tuesday evening Robt. W., eon of Wm.'
Roes, Willxitm street, arrived home for a
holiday visit after an absence of 8 yeare.
IIe is a steamship engineer and inhie
voyages has got a gllmpee of all the
dontinents. Before going to the East'
he was menthe on the Paella() meat and
up in the Yukon aountry. Mr. Ross has
Molted up a number of interestingsou.
vo0ir0 and oan tell gore very enoyable
stories of sights and mean he hag wit.
nestled. Be will likely be bore for 2 et 8
menthe, On hie way: to Bressels he
called 00 hie brotbee Alex.,at Ottawa,
and visited bio aster, Mies 30,, at To.
Jobe 0. Halliday, of London, was a
weI tame visitor in Braeeele for a few
Jaya during the past week.
Ws regret to hear then Bessie, daagh.
ter of Jas. and Mee. Beattie, is 11I with
typhoid fever, Her malty young -friends
bops for speedy oouvalesoe0oe.
W. Brydges mad 3. P. Brown, of Gode-
rioh, were enooeeefal in their appeals tp
the Edaoatioo Department in connection
with the mid -Sommer examinations, Mr.
Brydges having been granted a senior
leaving and Mr, Brown a junior leaving
aertiflpate, Mr. Brydges Was a one time
pupil of Brussels Pabiio Sohool.
The Goderioh Signal of last week ease:
-The members of she bowling club will
be interested in the announcement that
J. N. Gordon, who bas been manager of
the Standard Bank at Brunette, is being
traneferred to Forest. Mr. Gordon hes
played on the Goderioh green and le
recognized here as a very strong player.
UN1)it011 C11111iJ1S.
Maitland Presbytery will meet at
Wingham on Tuesday, 19th inst. •
Service was held in the R, 0, dhuroh
last Sabbath morning,Rev. Fr. Oorooren
Epworth League meeting Friday even-
ing of this week in the Methodist ohuroh
school room.
Rev. J. Roes, 13. A., of Braeeele, will
preach anniversaryservices at North
Eaethope (Oameroo's) Presbyterian
aboroh on Sunday, Nov. 17, Ou Monday
following he will deliver a lecture in the
ahurob on "John Bunyan.'
Next Sabbath evening a union Bible
Society meeting will be held in Melville.
obarob, oommeooing at 7. o'olook. Ad.
dresses will be given 1y Endo. Masora.
Roes and Bolmea. Rev. Mr, Paul will
preolde. The regular preaobing service
and Epworth League meeting in the
Methodist March will be withdrawn for
the evening.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Holmes
preaohed a fine discourse on "I know
whom I have believed." The dootrioe of
Ansuranoe was set out. Communion fol.
lowed Rev. R. Paul asaiating the pastor'
in its administration. 'In the evening
"Motherhood" was the subject of Mr,
Holmes' address in which was summed
up many words of counsel, reproof and
At the Official Board meeting of Brea -
Bele Methodist Oburoh, held last Monday
evening, the following Stewards were
chosen for the oomioglyear :-T. Fatah.
er, J. J. Gilpin, A. Darnley, W. F.
Stewart, R. Leatherdale, H. R. Brewer
and W. H. Kerr, The latter was elected
Recording Steward. A Committee, con.
Silting of T. Farrow, T. Fletcher and W.
B. Herr, was appointed to take into oon•
sideration the question of a pastar for
the next term and to report- at a later
date to the Board. Rev. J. Hoimes o0n•
eludes hie three yeare' pastorate next
June. Evangelistic serving may be held
in the month of January.
Business Locals.
mown to loan on farm eeourity,
Apply et Tse POST,
WANTED. - Bright dried apples, 80.
Orders direct from Germany. Also roll
butter, fowl and raw fore.
G. E. Km, Wingbam.
T. MoGRemme bas a large quantity of
first class oross•oat Saws for sale and
ready for work. Timber cutters should
see them for they are fast and easy out.
ten. Yonre for Saws, T. MpGregor,
Brussels Saw and Tool Co„ Brants,
Brussels Council.
Gwox'i -At Strabholair, Mae., On Oot.
22, Hugh George, eon of Heil and
Mrs. Grant, aged 9 months.
Moklr1LAB,-In Hanebt, on Oot, 81, John.
MaMfllan, aged 77 years, 4 menthe
and 12 days.
Settee, -In Wroxeter, on Oot. 81, Henry,
eon of Oliver and Dire, Smith, aged
21 years and 24 days;
WATT. --Io Hallett, on Oot. 18, Mary'
Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Jae:
and Mrs. Watt, aged 9 menthe and 2
.e,.•G'cwsco'S.403 791.
THOR9DAY, Nov. 14, -Farm stook, im.
ploments, &c, Lot 14, Oen. 10, Grey
(Blind line). Sale unreserved, at. 1
o'olook. D. MaDoegall, • Prop ;
!emit, Aao.
FUMY, Nov. 15. -Farm stook; do. Lot
26, Oon. 8, Grey, Sale, unreserved, at 1
p. m. Jae. Miller, Prop. ; F. 8, Scott,
TmE;DAY, Nov. 19, -Farm stook, imple.
menta, &o. Lot 9, Oen, 2, Grey. Sale,
unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Elijah Jaekliu,
Prop. ; F. B. Soott, ,Amo.
The monthly meeting of Brneaele
Coaocil was bald last Monday evening
with the Reeve and Councillors, Wilton,
Henderson and Donaldson present,
Minutes of last regular and epeeist
meetings read and passed,
An amount from AIex,MoLanobtio, for
month's salary, 325,00, was ordered to be
Wm. MoFadzean, 9th eon., Grey, ad.
dressed the 0000011 00 to Ibe loss of e
heifer from what he thinks wee poison
deposited in the dump ground on the
farm of which he ie a tenant. Same die -
minion ensued but no action was taken.
Council then adjourned.
132'070101 ]2,.01 areepe e oceerxties,
Fall Wheat 68
Peas 62
Oats' 82
Butter, tills and rolle ., 14
Eggs per dozen 14
Flour per owl 4 00
Potatoes (per bus.) 80
Apples (per bus) 40
Sheep ekiue,eaoh 25
Lamb skim; eaoh 26
Salt per bbl,,- retail 1 00
Hay per toe . 6 00
Bide; trimmed .. 6
Hides rough 5
Hoge, Live.. .....,6 00
Wool- , 12.
aoa le.
Anxx.-In Brussels, on Nov. 2, to Rev.
and Mrs, Geo. Z. Abey, a son.
DouoLae.-ln Grey, on Oot, 16, to Mr.
and Mrs, R. M. Doagiae, a daughter.
FEuanaoxe -In Stratford, on not. 81, to
end Mrs. Dungan Ferguson, a
KLuaxr.-In Atwood, on not. 29, to Mr.
and Mrs, J. A. Slump, je., a daugh-
Bloo EY. -In Brussels, on Nov. 2, to Mr,
and Mrs. Harry Mooney, a eon.
lkfao*0*aoe.-In Obiaago, 0n Oot. 24, to
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mao/Kenzie, (nee
Mies Christen% McElroy) a eon.
Wrerasereot.-Io tremolo, an Nov. 2, to
Mr. and Mee. R. Williamson, e.
5 00
6 50
5 00
A NDEm9R of 2 and 8•year.otd steers
for sale. Apply teTHO8.M00RE,Brunets,
Two good Shearling Rams, for gale.
Apply on Lot 6, Oon.0, Grey. THOS. PEP-
PER, Brussels P. 0. ' 17.2
0onoeosaxxon look, fire proof safe for
sale or tp exchange. Pane' measurements
81 x 88, For price, do., see or write
B. GERRY, Brussels.
Two young cows for Bate, will calve
about Deo.lst. • Aleo 22 steers rising 8 year9
old. 3110. LOWE, Lot 10,don,6, Grey,
14.tf Brussels `P. 0,
Rulon loot between Frederiok street
and the village -one plain gold ring and one
engraved with initials and motto inside.
Finder will greatly oblige by leaving them
at Tan Pos8,
s&.A.1 xxTml77,
Blamer; - JoONoxoe. -- At the Manse,
B1yth, ori Oot. 26, by Rev. A. Me.
Lean, Mr. John MOLean to Mee,
Maria Johnotan, both of Walkerton.
Gitravio -In Toolteremibb, on Nov, 8,
John Grieve, aged 61 years.
Ileacs EL -In Fergus, on Nov. 4, dire.
Wm. Kneabtel, formerly of Weae°ls,
be or 73rd year,
oY'e 7„ 1001...
1 4 Shearling and nine Ram Leioeater
Lambe for sale, Some eligible for registra-
tion. - - D. MILNE, Ethel,
Sheep of botb sexes and various ages,
also Bronze Turkeys and Embden Geeeo.
JOHN SMITH, Lot 8, Oon. 8, Grey.
, BALE. -Tho undersigned often annm-
ber Of pure bred Oxford dowb Bbearlinge
10 llettt, Ln WASHERe,t1Harlook P.O 914 18,
The Great
For Sale at"
'Lit • Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes,
Apply to 8300, BEST, Brussels,
17f Turnberry street, Brueeelo,for Bale et .
a bargain,, Apply to
THOS. 13AL1ANTYN10, Bruepele,
ligphted and convenient roomette let in
the Leok(0 block over G. A. Deaden ane =lain(
Mre, Began' stores, Apply to P. 8 80018*', ,,•,,
$15.00 to $18.00 a Week
RR undersigned wilt keep
for 9ervloon
18,00n. 4, Grey, a there -broil Tamworth
Hog. Pedigree maybe seen on application,
Terms, $1.00,00 belted at time of service.
with privilege returning
salary for an intelligent man or -woman in
amok town. Permanent position. 90 cent;
per hour tor spare time, idanufaoturer,
Bo* 78, Pbiladelphla. 10.
ATxNe and House Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and on abort notice.
Have had three years" experience in city
Work. Terme reasonable. Give me a°all.
20 W. J. JOHNSTON, Walton.
season has advanced and I bave not
sold my farm yet,T wilt rent at Duos. There
awes ale 100 in farm, good buildings, or- •
chard, &e. For further Dartlonlare as to
terms, &e„ apply to WALTER 1NNES, Pro-
prietor,Jamoetown, or F. 8. 80OTT, Brus-
sels. - 10 -
One eleven months old and One seven
months embracing snob noted sires se
Royal Sailor" (imp.) and "Sultan Salim,"
(imp.) 4129. f.wtll also sell some pure broil
mammoth Bronze Turkeys,
P. ROBERTSON, Lot e, Oon. 9, Grey,
Brnseels P.O. 164
BRnee0Lo.-Tho nnderai ned offers for
ante Lots 79 unit 74, Ann street, and Leta 76
and 70, on Mary, street, in the village of
Brussels, oo0taiirng one noxa, very deslrab=
ly looated. Om the promises is a house,
stable and well. Will be sold at a bargain.
For further particulars as to price and term;
apply to - JOHN 110130102,
14.00 - - Brussels.
Auction Sale
The following Saw M111 Machinery will be
offered for sate by publio auction, on LOT
20, 00N. 16, TWA. OP 6180X, county ot
Enron. on
FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1901,
commencing at 1 a'olook1-1 beavy saw ear-
rlgge with 9 patent blooke and Barr frame,2
lumber trucks, 1 log truok,, 1 water tank 710
with 6 inob bands ; ono 62 Mon 73u11 Wheel,
V friction and 7/10 obain; 1 nigger and at-
tachments . well pump with attsehmente ;
1 friction wheel, 301hobee, 41 inch !goo ; 1
mud drum,. 181nobee by 12 feet 1 1 steam
druoi 24 inobes by 81 feet ; 1 flue boiler 4 ft
4 ins. by 17 ft, 2 ins. ; 1 do., 8 ft. 11 I n a by 10
10.2 ins.; 1 do„ 8 10.11 ins, by 10 it. 2 ins, ; 1
do„ 8ft11ins. by 1018.5 ins.,.with usual
fittings, smoke box and furnace grates, ugh
pit, doors, &c ; smoke stook, plate and 9133'
rode ; 1 lath mill, bolter, &o ; 8 saws,40 the.
and 48 Ins ; saw -dust yy carriers, sprocket
tie, 40 inch bare; p shafting,°wood pullech
boxes, &0 1 1 four -ply 12 inch robber bolt, 47
Soot ; 20 inch leather belt, 60 feet; 1 set
gangway lathing table irons, stop -cooks,:
pipe and pipe fittings; lfiro-yyroof sato;
stove • offloe turn pure ; 'quantity of White
Aeh, dberry, Cedar Poets &o; also a Oar-
nage Sorsa,12 yeare old, Poets, ltanlanIC ; 1
set of Buggy Harness; a quantity of hard
burnt brick and fire brlok. The lauds wlli
be offeredforsale 00 to later date, Terme--
!'Entre-All sums of 210 and under Dash • over that
amount 8 mouths' orodit will be glyse on
furnishing approved joint notes; .for the
boilers and saw oumlagge, half oath,balance
in 8 mout110, secured by note. per sent.
por anuum discount for cash on credit
amounts, G. L MATHESON, Proprietor -
JAttas JONIs8, A=61011000 for Perth an,l
The undersigned having purchased the CARRIAGE
SHOP and business of JOHN WYNN, Brussels, begs
leave to intimate that he is ready to do business with the
'public at the old stand.
A'fine range of the best and most stylish make of Cutters,
Sleighs, .e., kept in stock anfl sold at reasonable prices.
to all Bands of repairs in Woo
Special attention given � d
Wook, Blacksmithing, Painting' or Trimming.
Have engaged Mr, Wynn as foreman so the public will
linowtywill be well served.
Don't buy before y ou see my stock and get my prices.
CARD OF Ti3ANIf.S.. -Having disposed of my Carriage Shop
and Business to Mr. Sporain I desire to tender my best thanks to
the public for their generous patronage during the past 40 years
r g " d c successor who will prove himself
and ask that it be continued t my 9
worthy of public confidence, 3NO. WYNN,