HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-11-7, Page 6BUSINESS CARDS, ONRY TO LOAN AT 5 PER Gout, 0,8. aQQTT, 13rusoel8. xpoatoxEN— Y Y , 2ouu4r 01 Marrlago Monne. 01. tico at Orov8ry, Turnborry Street, BlueSals, N• "RA.REETT— a. s Teneer/al Artist,ahW •-'Next door North el the Itaudard „Bank. pLadicee and Children's hair cutting a epeolelty, M. MORRISON" Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL..TON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -TEACHER 0E - PIANO -- AND P. ORGAN, 0BM,T.TS6E,T..S, QN'T. ROBERT OUNNINGHAM• niepaANaa, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. Wellington Mutual vire "neurone Co. }i0TABLIemtD 1840 Insurance taken on the cash and premium note system atom:ront rates. Before insur- ing elsewhere call on the undersigned. A gent' of the Company. GEORGE ROGERS. Breseele. M1S8 SARAN LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M., Aoademio graduate of London Conserva- tory of Kuehl, also Member of the Assooiated Mueioieno of Ontario, le prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for. the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Mucic. Brussels, Ontario:. A LEX. HUNTER— .c-a. Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Pubho, Land, Loan,+and Insurance Agent ; Aueticn- ser. Funds invested and to -loan, Oollee- tione made. Mice in Graham'elBlock,Brue- eels. AUCTIONEERS; 141 S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- •BBB. will eel] for better prices, to better men, do less time and lees obargee thea any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't oharge anything.. Dates and orders can always be arranged at thin ogle° or by pareonal application. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK - 0.1 • Honor Gralua.e of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all Ca- nso of domesticated animals :in a oompet- ant manner. Partinular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turnborry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. WM . SINCLAIR— Barrister, Solicitor, i0oaveyancer, Notary Public, &o. Office -8 tewart'e Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, F. Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Bolioitor for Village of Bru%eele. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., C. M., Trinity 'University, Follow Trinity Medical College,Member College of Physicians and Surgeons Ont. Licentiateof the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery, Edinburgh. KS—Telephone No.14, Residence -Mill street, Brueeele, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental. Surgeons of Ontario and Firot•alaes Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuivereity. Office pest to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. Spectacles -OF ALL BINDS - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND-- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planta Atills Alec Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Fornisbed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. ANENT, Yours 1Vlan do you want value for your money 2 I1 se take a 0eurse at Me biotowol Buota0a0 0o11eg0, either' isle Oomtnpreial or Snort -band course. Stn4euts 10110' 011101 01 7 any Limo, Terme reasonable—send for Qoliese Journiti, 0. A. F4EMING, A, L. mcorrrhlIt, 1'realdent, Secretary. tstrut .ebur, W ixtgl/tarn. Wingham pub on her festive olothee on Tuesday to give a royal welcome home to that magnificent little pacer,, Herold H., after hie very ouooeeeful season am tog the world's fastest pacers. At the G. T. R station he Wae presented with a beau tiful Dollar of flowers. A prooeseion then formed and headed by the Lnoknow bean band, he was escortedto hie Winter quarters. Hundreds of people from Wingham, Lnknow, Blyth; Gorrie, Wroxeter and surrounding towns lined the route of the prone:don, and cheered euthneiastioaliy for the fastest horse that was ever bred or owned in this oonntry, On Friday evening a banquet was given in hie honor, J. A, Swartz and Driver Al Prootor, when they and Han ol,i'a groom were presented withilookete suitably ineoribed. Mr, Sweets promisee to repeat next year Harold's winnings, and he hae also two or three green nee that our Yankee °oueine want to look out for next season. On Friday a matinee was given by Wiughnm Turf 'Dinh, when Harold H. paced to beat the Canadian record for a !legma le traok but did not do it. !E3 t v tor. The gate receipts at Blyth Fair thio year were $987 87. Rev. 0 L, Mills, of Fleeherlon, was visiting among hie old parishioners in Blyth. John A. Jackson, B. A., of.'Seaforth, will open a law ofloe. His office will be located over George Powell's store in the Pretoria blook. A ball in honor of Dr. Cooke was given in Pretoria hall on Monday evening of Inst week, About 75 of his friends from Blytb and vicinity wore present. Dr. Cooke, who hae coodnoted a dental praotioe in Blyth for the past three years and n half, hag sold out to Dr. Jerome,' of Wingham, and will remove to Toronto. Mise Zella Carder left on Tuesday morning of last week, to take in the aloe- ing 9oenee at the Pan-American rapid - tion. From Buffalo she goes to New York, where ebe will spend two months vieitiog with relatives. 0. A. and Mre. Howe, who have resid- ed on the Taylor farm in Morrie, near Blyth, for the paet three years, have moved into Blyth, and are naming the bona on Dioeley street, reoently vacated by Joseph and Mrs. Carter. Jamee Hill, of the Boyle, ea.h and door factory, has been awarded the entreat for the rebuilding of the Blyth flour mill. The contract price is $1350. A large staff of men is already at work and it is expected that the building willbeready to receive the machinery within a month, a The directors of Blyth fair met on Monday evening of last week, and dealt with the protest entered by 111.H, Harri- son against John Barr. The latter was °barged with showing thoroughbred cattle in the grade class. Several witoeesee were examined and the decision was given in favor of Mr. Barr. From the St. Thomas Journal we take the following reference to a former popu- lar citizen of Blyth ; "Dr. N. J. Tait, son of D. M. Tait, of thie pity, wbo die - posed of hie praotioe in Blyth about a year ago in order to spend some time abroad, hae formed a partnerehip with Dr. J. M. Rogers, one of the leading physicians of Ingersoll, and who hae a large praotioe. Dr, Tait reoently return- ed from a stay of several months in the London (England) hospital, where he paid special attention to dtseaeee of the eye, ear, nose and throat, and two years ago he took a poet graduate course in New York. A thoroughly equipped p11. vats hospital in Iogereoll will also be noder the control of Dte. Rogers and Tait. Dr. and Mre. Tait go to Ingersoll about Novemder let." i5eafor tot. Grand Scottish (Sonnet on the llth of Nov. io Oardoo's Hall. The large water tank in the rear of the town hall bas been re painted. John A. Jackson bas decided to hang out his legal shingle in Blyth instead of Port Perry. Dr. Roes, who has just returned from the Old Country, hag entered into part. nership with Dr. Bethune. Mre. Wm. Boyd left on Monday of last week for San Francisco, Oa1., where she intends to reside in future. Melvin Scott left thie week for Bow- manville, where he bee eeoured a position as toner in the piano factory. The street committee have had the granolithio crossing between the Royal hotel and Learoyd'o store lowered. Wm. H. Beattie, who has been in the Government employ in Dawson City, Yukon, for the past two years, has re. turned home. Mrs, M. B. Smith was in Stratford dart week attending the Provincial meet- ing of the W. 0. T. U. 800iety, she being a delegate from Seaforth. The medal presented by Mr. Minty, manager of the Bank of Commerce here, and won by Mr. Snell, for the beat pen of sheep, is a particularly handeome one and is a trophy well worthy of preserve. tion. T. F. Coleman hae taken over the properties at Seaforth, Brussels, Gods. rioh, Dublin and St. Marys, and will start the Works at Seaforth and Brn000le as soon ab he oan get things in running' shape. The property was offered for sale on Wedneeday. The ofdoe building and warehouse at the station were Bold to a ecrap iron dealer. The house at present 000apred by Adam McKay was purchased by Mr. McKay for $845. A quantity of chattels were also diepoeed of. The 25th annual meeting of the Sea - forth Oorlieg Club was held. The olnb hae a Large membership and the prospects e fnl mean are exon tionall for a eacc es p y bright. Officers eleoted as follows: - Patron, Jae. MoMiebael ; Chaplain, Rev. F. H, Larkin i' Honorary Members, M, Morris, J. 0. Laidlaw, R. Logan, J. Aird, 3. E. Lyons and T. G. WIlliambon l President, F. C. G. Minty i Vioe Pt'esi. dont, Alex, Wilson ; BonreteryTrettatlrer, R. S, Hnve I 00mmittee of Manage, Ment, W. R, Pearoo, Dr. 1', 2. ldurrowe, Jelin Weir, W. Ammnt Mal W. D. Bright I Representative itiembere,'1', G. William. an and J.111, ityona,• Skips, W. Amsilt, E. 0. Coleman, A. Young, W, Pickard, Vii, el, Haye, J. A, Wiiene, W MoDeagell, John Weir, Alex. Wil000, W. K. Poaruo, T. Riollarieon;T. X+', Oolemau, D. 'J.'. Ilapbpro and W. D. aright. Tt''r't>+�ttllls Chief Bullard eaya bloyole riding on the eldewalke mu90 be etoppeti. litre. Rose has recovered from her et, tack of fever snffioiout to be able to go around the bonen, James Bonthron, of the 2nd eon, Hey, bite about seven tope of : sugar beete off half an acre of ground. Lloyd, eon of S. A, Moffatt, of Verne, was tnjered by his gun being aooideat. ally discharged and the ball injuring hie thumb. Nese. R'ohvrt reoeivod'a telegram offer- ing him a eitn,tion faa drug store at $40 a month. He left Lir Mourobead, Melon,, last week. R. 3, Carlisle who left London for Owen Sound in the Spring ie now men, anioal manager of an extensive laundry in that plane. Ae Sam. Dilling was nutting wood a stick flew up striking bim on the nose, ieflioting a very painful hurt requiring medical attention. Some boys who broke into a barrel of apples at the station have come to the ooualnsion that while stolen fruit may be the sweetest it is also the nt et expert. sive. McDonnell Broa. hnve moved their tin shop to the rear of the etm•e on the lint flet and are firing up the room upeteire and the one adjoiaiag as alarge luruiture chow room. Marden r Go,, who have the °entreat for our cement walks seem to have diffi oulty in getting a supply of cement asfast as it is Deeded. Tbis is owing to a great demand for oemeot throughout Canada and the United States. The members and officers of Zariob Lodge A. F. and A. M. presented Rev, W. J. Doherty, their ohaplain, who Is leaving for Thorodele, with a Master Mason's Apron of very fine quality. The Ladiee' Auxiliary, land Gleaners' Union of St. Paul's Church, presented the same rev. gentlemen,f the retiring pastor, witb a handeome easy chair. Hie bible olaes also gave him a fine f000taiu pen.. CI in ton. Mre. W. 0. Searleis delayed in the west by the illoeee of her father, Roger Lee. J. ROSS, late of town, has bought out the olook basinees, of 0. Ooatee, Chicago, a former Oliotonian. A. Taylor hae contributed a nice gum of money for the fitting op of a room in the hospital. It will be called the Andrew Taylor ward. Recently the little daughter of Wm. Routledge, obout two years of age, fell while at play and broke her right arm. Just a year ago the little girl broke her left erne. Mise Mary C. Lough was last week eleoted by the lady students of Varsity as curator of the Fending Club. Mise Lough bolds some half dozen positions in the verio0e sooietiee oonneoted with the University. The Bell Telephone Go. ie now intro - clueing the metallic wire system from Goderiah to Stratford, the line East of Seaforth being completed. The line from London to Wingham, via Clinton, was made metallic a while ago. The central office here is now fitted up with all the latest improvemente the company clan get. Previous to hie joining the benedictine ranks, a number of young people took the occasion to give Capt. M. D. MoTag- gart a royal Bend off, and on Monday evening of last week, mat in W. D. Fair's parlor. The table was set for ten and a few hoore of jollity and speech -making were whiled away. The occasion of the gather. ing was specially to make a presentation of a valuable piece of out glass to the captain as a remembrance of happy days spent with his comrades. This explosive set of young bachelors, at one time oon- siating 0f about a dozen, has gradually faded away into benediote and only one now remains cot of the original crowd, A private letter to the New Era office, from one of the earlieet settlers in Huron, and one of the moat highly respected of its residents contained the following re. marks ;-"When I name to North Huron there were very few settlers in East Wa• wanoeh, Morrie, Grey or Turnborry. But they came rapidly, mostly Irish and Highland Sootth, and were undoubtedly a fine class of people. Coming in as they did, one after another, I got to know most of them for we gladly galled anyone a neighbor wbo lived within five or ten miles of rte. 'remember the first arrivals with pleasure ; their honesty, kindness and helpfulness. Most of those grand old time settlers have passed or 010 rapidly peeling away. Olinlan was. UM the market pine for manly all time Northern townships, J ase what these tawnahipo are 00w, and think the obange le truly wonderful. When a; fleet caw Wingbum it wee nothing but a cliental burn, alive with wf'ii nolo; anis pigeon, no! It ie a fairly nice town:" E, VanEgtnend, of the iIarotl Road, is p00aibly, the most notive man of hie yore in the polity, De lislprd In the harvest, doing an ordinary melee work, and Ihinite nothing of walking to town Sad bank home again, a matter at nearly 5 miles, which le pretty and for a man in in 90th year. D. Canteloa, the well known apple shipper, reoently booghb the orchard af. A, 0, Attwood, of Evergreen Hill Fruit Farm, one London. Before buying, Mr. Ceetelan satimeted the fruit on the trees at 626 Image, 111'x, Attwood, previous to picking, estimated them at 540 barrels. The result after packing was 633 barrels, The nontreat for the glass in the Rat. tenbury street Methodist °hornb, inslud- ing the oolored windows and skylights hes been let to the Hobbs Hardware Co,, of London, who undertake to furnish and put in all the glass needed, except base. meat, for 9900. It ie expeoted that the new oburoh will be ready for 000upation early in February. Not only the members of Rattenbury St. churn, but many others who have listened with profit and pleasure to his exoellent germane, will regret to know that Rev. Mr. Rowson is likely to move at the endofthe ourrent Conference year. At a meeting of the official board the members thereof were enxioag to ex- tend to him an invitation to remain for bis fourth year, bat he stated tbat al- though hie relations with the Board and eongregatiou had been meet harmonione from firet to last, be thought 'it would be better for him to move„next year being the preferable conference year in which to move for ministers who have been 3 years on (limits, and the Board reluc- tantly yielded. A unanimous invitation was extended to Rev. Henry 15. Man. ping, who is in big fourth year at Bramp- ton, and Mr. Manning has aooepted the same, sabjeot to ratification by the Stationing Committee. The Newe•Record trays :-The apple dealers who bought in balk this year heartily wish they hadn't for they have been badly bitten. In not one orchard did the output come up .to expectations but, instead, if the fall pries of contract' had been paid, the cost per barrel to the dealer would have run from four to ten dollars. We have been told of a boyer. who paid in the neighborhood of $500. for 55 barrels. A. M. Polley, the veteran liveryman, gold his orohard for $45 and it only yielded 5 barrels, but as •look would have it he only received $10, the purchaser, it ie eo alleged, telling him to go to a hotter place for the balance. Mr. Polley ie still in the county town. The are a few Goderioh farmers who sold in bulk ;.-john Porter oontrnoted for 9400, yield 133 barrels ; John Young sold for o01d 98 barrels eldfr $800, yield 86 barrels;; tsaao Salk made content for $300, had 98 barrels ; Henry Steep, jr, got $45 for 10 barrels. In nearly every ease the farmer gave a at reb e. The Hewson 10 Colborne Hewe 0 was bought at $300 but as it only yielded 86 barrels Mr. Hewson threw off 9100. A quiet bat pretty wedding was agile. brated in town on Thursday, of last week, at the beautiful residence of G. D. Mo - Taggart, High Street, at 2 o'olook. The oo0traotiog parties were Malcolm D. Mo - Taggart, the popular captain of No. 5 (Brunets) Go. of the 38rd Regiment, and alias Edith Broder, sister of Mrs. G. D. McTaggart, whose home is at Morrieburg. The ceremony was performed in the presence of only the immediate relatives, by Rev. A. Stewart, pastor of the Willie Presbyterian churob, of which both were regular attendants. After the lanoheon which followed the ceremony, and con. gratulation, the happy couple left by the 4.15 train on en extended trip to New YorkandWashington, and will go to Point Comfort on the coast, as well as other Amerioao cities. On retorning they will reside"on Shipleystreet in the pretty home of colonial style recently built by Mr. MoTaggart. The bride is a highly esteemed young lady, and the captain, wbo has always lived here, is well known to Clintoniane as a gentle. man whom it is a pleasure to meet The outside relatives present were the bride's. mother, Mrs. Broder, and niter, Mies Eleanor, of Morrieburg ; ber brother Fred. of Varsity, and W. MoTaggart, of Toronto. Luolknow. C. B. Bryan has left for Calgary. The Masons are making extensive elm provements in their Hall on Havelook street. The furniture factory ie working over time in order to keep up with their orders. The Quarterly services of the Aebfleld Circuit were held in Zion oharob, Nov. 8rd, at 10.30 a. m. Rev, Mr. Keine, of Bethel Cironit, officiated at the services. i Cutters Cutters 7. A lot of new Cutters now ready for delivery. Another lot will be ready in a few days. If you want a Cutter call early and got a pick from our fine new stock. Sleighs are now being manufactured of all sizes. We can supply your wants no matter what they are in this line, Some. good Second Hand Buggies and Carts will be solei out very cheap, Balance of new Buggies at Cost to clear out. wani Go. HEAL ESTATfi • "WARMS FOR SALE --T'J,IE TJN• Dntulron0D bee several good J7arnte 1.or Sale mad to rout, oney forme !n 'Towuslril18 O f tlorg'le and Grey. 0 B. 5GQTT, SBrueoi lu l ABWW FOR SALE,—, 1000,0o Noll buy Got No, 00 in the 5911) loouoes• Sion of the Township p1 Grey, oontalpiug 04 acres Time is about 30 aere8 ober or tom• bel', 9'110 rest in bush, For $oitber fafor= manse lit 1.l ' to Q. If. Glair, Solicitor, Rime. eels, (1 001) VARA/ OF 142.1 ACRES.. ,..A • for sale, being Lot 00 0011, 7, Geey, Houeo suitable for two families If requiress_, School • 14thel ons pachurch t ofthe p . Applt of y to JOliri 00.014E,A R, thol Carriage Werke. 04- A few goad Steer% for sale, rifling A years. SACRIPXOE IN REAL ES- "Ano,–$0000.00 will buy the MoCau. (OM Block in tbo Village of Brussels. These two flue stores meet be sold to close out the Mooaugbey Estate, Intending purchasers. SCO7.Ti or O. rf t]1L4IRR, once. Apply Ont.. F. a,. FARM FOR SALE, -THE TJN• dereigued offers his 100 acre farm fog sale, being Lot 11, Con. 11, Grey, There aro 00 acres cleared and 10 notes bush. Good Louse ; band barn, aea02 feet, with stone stabling ; good orobard; farm well fenced and drained, Artesian well with wind mill and tack. 'Convenient to school, church and market, 10 notes of „'all wheat and 15 none plowed, balance seeded to arose. Ap- ply on the premises or Walton P. 0. . 01.11 EMUS (RICH, Walton. The Whiteohuroh Creamery building is progressing mealy and will be ready for the machinery this week. John Wbinnie was badly hart by a bag of apples falling upon him one day at the apple a evaporator in this village. Mrs. Jae, Bryan and Mise Edith Smith were attending the Provincial W. 0, T, U. convention at Stratford last week. Ae addrese, accompanied by a well filled puree, was presented to Mre, Bren- nan by the oongregation of St, Peter's Episcopal ohnroh, previous to her de- parture for Berlin. A number of boys in the village, who are old enough to know better, have been annoying several residents of the village lately by ringing door belle, eto., and it they find themselves called upon to appear before the magistrate theywill have only themeelvee to blame. Peter Corrigan, one of the oldest and beat known reeidente of the township of 'Vetoes, together with Mrs. Corrigan and their daughter, Miss.Aggie,. have moved to Lnoknow where they will in future make their home, Mr. Corrigan bas for nearly 40 years been identified with the municipal affairs of Kidloso se thein township' treasurer and both he and his family will be greatly missed from Holy - rood. A Word To Yon. Whether you leave your own home or a house where yon have been a guest, never negleot to send bank immediately the tidings of the safe oonolusion of your journey. In these day m pp e of mysterious diaa earanoee and 'ac- cidents a departing visitor is a amine of more or lees anxiety till a safe haven is known to have been reaobed. It is a small eanrteey, but a very important one to relieve any such fears, and it algid gives an opportunity to express again the ap- preciation of hospitality, wbioh it is difficult to speak of at parting. People wbo "ought to know better” are some- times guilty of great negleot in this mat- ter, and even noder circumstanoee which aggravate the annoyance, leave a host and hostesein a very disagreeable state of pertubration. Why T11ev Often Fail. Young men often fail to get on in the world because they negleot small. oppor- tunities. Not being faithful in little things, they are not promoted to the oharge of greater things. .8 young man wbo gets a subordinate situation some. times thinks it is not neoeseary for him to give it mnoh attention. He will wait ten gots a plane of responsibility, awl then he will show people what be can do. This is a very great mistake. Whatever his situation may be, be should master it in all its details, and perform all its duties faithfully. The habit of doing his work thoroughly and ooneoientionely is what hi moat likely to enable a young man to make his way. With this habit a person of only ordinary abilitiee would outstrip one of greater talents who is in the habit of slighting subordinate matters. Bob, after all, the adoption, by a young man, of this great essential rale of 0000088 shows him to be possessed of onperior abilities. Cnnilatltan .N e vv Fe. Prairie fires 111 a lot of damage about 20 miles West of Winnipeg. R. Pickard, of Hamilton, was killed on the railway in Algoma disbriot, Robert Bickerdike, M. P., Montreal, broke hie leg while hunting in Pontiac. The Dominion Cotton Company dirm tore have decided to pass the quarterly dividend. John Palk was sentenced at Winnipeg to three years in penitentiary for robbing the mails. The election petitionagainet the return of Mr. Ganong, M. P. for Charlotte, has been diomiased. Mre. Mary Freeman, a sewing woman, aged about 50, was killed by it street oar on Craig etreet, Montreal, Dufferin Conservatives (will meet at Shelburne on Nov. 15, to nominate a candidate for the Legislature. Boob Lrse in the past two weeks have overrun about 300 acres in Tasoarora Township on the Indian reserve. Czolgosz, the meanie of President Moxioley, was killed by eleotrioity at Auburn prieon Tuesday morning of last week. Michael Hagerty was found dead on the road beside hie wagon near Brunner Station. ' It is thought he was killed by it fall. James Grant, Treasurer of the London Mutual Fire Ineuranoe Company, and for 27 years Clerk of London Township, is dead. A special course of ioetruotion for cavalry ofiltere will be aommeneed at Stanley Barreeko, Toronto, on the llth of November and continue Mr six days. The return received by the Canadian Pacific Railway show that nearly nine million bushels of wheat have been marketed eo far this year, against 1,500,- 000 during the earn period laeb year. •clubbin° Rates Below are givers very liberal rates for News papers—Select what you want and send in your orders to THE VosT Publishing House. BALANCE OF 1901 FREE In the following „tet by eubsorlbing for the year 1902, you get .in eaoh cnoe the Wane of 1(110 year free.. The Post and the Weekly Globe, together with really good pictures of the Duke and Duchess of York, and a tine pic- ture of two farm horses "The Farm Pets," all for $1 60 The Post and Montreal Weekly Witness 1 65 The Post and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 75 The Post and London Advertiser 1 55 The Post and Montreal Weekly Star 1 80 The Post and Toronto Weekly Sun 1 80 Where Premiume,;are given with any of these pppere they will be included et above rates, We eau also give you very close Clubbing. Rates with Daily Papers, The figures below include Tan Poet till Deo. 51, 1002, and the Daily for one year from date of subscription. The Post and Daily. Globe The Post and Toronto Daily Star (Star sent to Poet .ORoe.only at this rate, A splendid picture of King Edward VII isgiven with this oombleation and bothpapers free for balance of 1901.) The Post and Montreal Daily Elerald With a picture of King Edward VII The Post and Toronto Daily News The Post and Toronto Daily World , The Post and Toronto Daily Mail $4 50 2 25 1 80 2 25 2 80 4 50 If you want any other combination let ne know and wewill give you oloae olab- bing rates. Do not delay taking advantage of these very liberal offing. Address- .... THE POST Bre aels.. Ethel Saw Mills. I have a good supply of Hemlock loge on hand. Gan oat out to suit easterners. Dressed Maple, suitable for granaries, at 910 per M. Ali kinds of Dragged Lumber kept on hand from 910 per M up. A large stook of culled Film and Ash at 97 per M. Shingles and Lath always on hand. t&"'A good farm on 13th con. of Grey for sale. A content of 20 aoreo of logging to let. For particulars a 1 to apply S. S. OOLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL. The London Daily News PRINT8 1.10RE AND LATER NEWS than any other London or Toronto paper oiroulated :in this County. BALANCE OF, THZ8 YEAR FREE on receipt of 91.50 for 1902. Address all communioatione to The. News Ptg. and Pub. Co., London. iltonTurnbull & Have Just Received a Ton of... 73.APMEI =RZ From the Factor- - Y Customers can be sup- plied while it lasts. Wilton & Turnbull Ready for tLollg Eveniligs I At THE POST BOOKSTORE may be found a range of Games for the house- hold, comprising— Crohinole, Checkers, Dominoes, Whirlpool, Over -the -Garden -Wall, Fanners at the Pair, authors, For a, small sung many .anenjoyable evening may be provided for. -+art► s_ "THE POST" BOOKSTORE.