HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-11-7, Page 3G EAT INHERITANCE. THE S. S. LESSON.
Th0E0 sylio aro llot the children of
make a Way Of eflealk that we OMY
God often proeper in this world and
be able to bear it (1 Oar. x., 10).
have cOmporatively few trials. "nese
nvTgiu,TATIoN,A4, xx$SON; Aro the Ungodly who proepor In the
olid. Toy i401.00.130 in 40204
One That Will Declare Dividends ,,,,, not in trouble os other men;
1 they
neither are tbeY. plagued Bice other
Text of the LoSson, 'ZA • 1,1 14 ' 11100" (1'S, IXXill, 15, 1:4), When sve
Golden Mext, Exall., 24. turn. our hasece on the Prince Of this
1, ,,Now otos, lir, tho Immo, of tho world then ho will ralek to make us
(Eillsrsil sasysllng to /SQL of Lbe VorlIsmenS Of"come," It will take all eteso
,_ atiairou of israci which atm into know bis hatred, and we shall lind
, OsisidS, 10 LSo year Oss %thousand 2410 this. Egypt," Ile led them into Egypt, the contention WI th the, worl d, the
tho Dopsrlolosuf Alo
4 ilrtaLlIlO, °asps.)
,Irss ale Oish Sy 1171111ms risily, of liron10, at 1 20d out the ntunber of business inen
who have been strongtheued by the knowing that it woUlti he for them a. flesa and the devil often very sieves*,
promises of God and the peoPle who house of boodage, an iron furnace It will seem a bard bondage, end
A despatch from WashingtOo says I our lives may be snack very bitter,
a -ROY, Dr. Talmage preached from have been fed by the SaVellS 'when (Delda iv, 20; vi, 12). Ile foresaw
and. the everything and told Abraham that Mit He will deliver in Iris Wise and
the following texts, Genesis vi, 18, , °that' resalaTee awl° ant his ow shoui6 bo 6,mistod in, a meanwhile give lla grace. :
'Tomo '" 1.10,7016.tion xxiiso, ., , men and women svlaa, going into tide
"'' I battle armed Only with needie or strange land (Con. xv, 18, 14) and
Imperiat, tender and an perwa... I eaw or asp er yardstick er pen or that afterward He would briog them
, per -
Sive is the word "come." Six hula tYPe or shovel or 121200-1082.,out with great substanceIle
oe-last, 'lave
dred and Royce -ay -eight times is it gained a victory that made the hem- Inits leis people to be tried that He
1117137 be glorified iii thorn and that He ........-•
VOUS resound. With all the reoources
found In the Seripsures. lt steads , .
of Cod promised for every exigency maY show Ills mighty powee, that
.,_new the hand 01 the The Most isaiptersrtgillognc7.addle-Roora
at the front gate of the Bible, as In people may I
My first text, inviting antediluvians ; no one need be bit in the birch, , 1
into Notth's ark and it ;stands a . Da 4120 word. "cease" applied to Lord that it is iniffiltY and May re -
those who need solace will amount verepee Him (Joshua iv, 24; a alany wia be interested, especial's,
the other gate o'f the Bible, an Iii
my second text, inviting the post -'to nothing =lees it be uttered by giage viii, 42, 43; II Kings xix, 19), all lovers of horses, to bear oS the
diluvians of all later ageo. into the HOMO one who has experienced that `I he record of names throughout the treasures in'the saddle -room in the
ark of a Saviour's mercy. "Come" 1 sehiee' That sPveads the resPeasi- BOAC snakes ns think of our Lord's /loyal stables at Sandringham, in
is only a word of four lottors, but May of giving this ffoollel Cali am- words to the 70 in Luke X, 20, that Norfolk, England. Everything is
a great Many, Those who hove they should' rejoice rather that their kept In the most .splendid condition.
it is tho queen of words, end nearly sag No State harness Is kept there, but
lost proPurtY and been consoled by Mums were written in heaven than
the entire nation of English vocabe
ulary bows to its scepter. It is all religion M that trial are the ones In being able to work wonders. The onlY at Windsor or Buckingham ',al-
to invite those who have failed in Biblo contains the names of bad rts ace; bowever, some of the harness
Mall 11140 which.empties ten thous- at
and rivers of Meaning. Other words business. Those who have lost their well as good people, but the Lamb's S'andringhtun is very line. The
drive, but this beckaes. Alt moods health and been consoledby religion book of life has only the naolos of net usee when the King and QUO011
&strive at Wolferton Station Is solid
are the ones to invite those who are those redeemed by •His blood (Rev,
of feeling hath that word "coma" •
P001' health. Those who have aai, 27; aa, le; aio, 8), nappy silver, engraved with the Royalot-
Sometimes it weeps and sometimes ; ill 4 pe„ of arms. Another set, sellich the
i t laughs. Sometimes it prays, : had bereavements and been consoled are all who hear Him say:
sometimes it tempts, and 5011104101012es 121 those bereavements aro the ones not, for I have redeemed thee. I Queen uses when Her Majesty gees
it destroys, It sounds from the to sympathize with those who have have caned thee by thy mune. Thou out in tbe pretty little carriage
door of the 0121112011 12.11(1 from the se- lost father or mother or companion art. Mille•" (Ise.. allii, 1). dieiwn by four most charming
ponies, has exquisite gold fittings,
or child or friend. What multitudes 2-4. Thew are tho names of tho 11
ragllos of sin, from the gates of
1100v000 300 the gates of hell. It is of us are alive to -day and in good sons, besides Joseph, Whin cod all bearing the Royal arms.
Altogether there are •over sixty
health and buoyant in this journey gave to Jacob. The order in svhich
confluent and =crescent of all pow -
sots of the most elaborate harness,
cr. It is the heiress of most of the of life who would have broken down these imams are given varies greatly.
past and the almoner of most of the or died long ago but for the sus- Here the Mat six are Leall's song, and many persons are specially kept
"Como I" You may Pro- tabling and cheering help of our Bentlainin with Joseph were given to to constantly clean it. The collee-
mounce it so thatth
all e heavens hW
holy religion 2 So O say, "Como!" Rachel,V
Tho lost 8001. CE0 given to Lion of saddles is quite unique, as
will be hoard in its cadences or p10-: THE WELL IS NOT DRY. Bilbah and Zilpah, the maids of Ra-
it comprises saddles from nearly esa
flounce it so that all the W008 of The buckets are not empty. The 121101ery country in Europe, including ael end Loa. We must recognize
time and eternity shall reverberate supply is not exhausted. There is Israel everywhere in Scripture either ,very p0001102.' Russian one, which has
in its one syllable. It is on the just as much mercy and condolence as Jacob personally or the (knee-
gold fittings, with jewels let into it.
lip of saint and profligate. It 18 4110 and soothing sower In God as before dents of Jacob through these sons. Ole 51110(1105ddles used by the Queen are
mightiest of all solicitants either the first grave was dug, or the first No others have any right to the unique, as they are made with the
for i tear started, or the first heart Ureic- mune. A very high honor yet awaits ponunels fixed on just the reverse
GOOD OR flal). en. or the iirst accident happened, or them inasmuch as their 11011108 are side to the ordinary lady's Saddle.
You must remember that In many 'the first fortune vanished. Those of to be written on the 12 gates of Both the Ring nod Queen, Princess
cases our "come" has a mightier us who !moo felt the consolatory pearl of the New JerusaleM (Rev. Victoria, and other Royal members
power of religion have a right to loli , 12, 21), not by the virtue 01 of the Household, all have their
"come" to conquer before it has any
effect at all. Just give MO the ac-
r w
speak out of ouon experiences any merit in them, MI t only by the special saddles, which are hung up
curate census, the statistics of how 011(1011(1 say,
" Come i " blood of Christ, in whom alone is in handsome glass -covered
many are do' in fraud, in drunk -What dismal work of condolence salvation. The significance of these MAHOGANY CASES.
enness, in gembling, 111 impurity or the world makes when it attempts llamas ace,ording to the margin of SOME1 splendid pictures of horses
in vice of ana
y sort, nd 1 will give to condole 2 The plaster they Gen xand dogs by Turner and other cete-
xix and xxx Is -Reuben, see a Mated animal painters adorn the
you the accurate census or statistics spread does not 861021. The broken son; Simeon hearing; Levi, joined;
bones under their bandage do walls of the Royal SELdElle-TO OM.
not Judah, praise; Israchar, hire; Zebulun
of how many have been slain by
the weed "001110." "Come and knit. A. farmer was lost in a snow- dwelling; Benjamin, 5021 of thThere are also several very comice right and clever sketches from 'Vanity
click wineglasses with me at this storm on a prairie of the far west. hand (xxxv, 18); Dan, judging; Naph- Fair' and 'Punch' of the ICing on a
ivory bar." "Come and see what Night coming on and after lie was tali, wrestling; Gad, a troop; Asher,
ahnost fralltie fE01.11 not knosving ha•OOF, ! racecourse and out heating, svhich
we can win at this gambling ta- which, parephrased, might
bk." "Come, enter with me this
wbich way to go, his sleigh struck read, thinking of Cluist and our re-
we were told His Majesty was high -
doubtful speculation." "Come with the rut of another sleigh, and be lation to Him. ly amused at.
said, " I will follow this rut,and it . On the many tables axe the hoofs
1110 and read those infidel tracts on 5. "Seven* souls." Compare Deut.
Christianity." "Come with me to Neill take me out to safety." He x, 22, also Gen. xlvi, 26, .27, where of various old favorite horses, beau -
11 place of bad amusement." "Come hastened on =tit he heard the bells Jacob' and Joseph and his two 00115 tifully mounted in gold and silver,
With me in a gay bout through the of the preceding 1101808s ; but, com- added to the 66s make up the 70. and each bearing the name and pax -
underground life of the city." if ia ing up, he found that that man was We are reminded of the 70 nations of titulars of tho animal. The Xing
this city there rito twenty thousand also lost and, as is the tendency of Gem sc, among whom the earth was never forgets his old favorites. It
who aro down in moral character, those who are thus confused in the divided according to the number of interesting to note that when Her
back my husband." And the bar- north star. which was peering trial and much patient waiting, so
reading of a wife whose 112151202,0110(1ner of the one lost sleigh was fol- the Lord sent forth (Luke x, 1) in -
and silo went to the saloon where he
was ruined, and she said, "Give Inc occurred to them to look at the Jacob and Joseph passed through
Jim, Wake up, Here's your wife oi this world in trine of perpleSity brethren and. all that generation.'S
power of the word "come."
tender, Pointing to a maudlin and through tha night, and by the di- must all Israel, and so must every
of 11 bar -room,
come for you." And the woman are in a fearful round, for it is one
said : "Do you can that my hus- bewileered soul following another
then twenty t11021511110 fell under the
been overthrown by strong drink.
battered man drowsing in the eorner rection of that star they got borne disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
said : '"Ishere he is, again. Those Nvlio follow the advice 6. "And Joseph died and all his
1 „as both moaing in a circle, 0.12C1 t,110 run -
forest or on the moors, they were tho children of Israel (Deut. xxxii,
lowiog the 1111111,21' of the other lost to every city and place whither He
sleigh round and round. At last it
All who died as Joseph did with a
would come. As Abraham, Isaac,
firm faith in God and reliance upon
8), and also of the other 70 svhom
done so as to give greater security,
attract much attention. This is
nese given to Prince Edward by bis
extra pair of reins, which are placed
in case of any sudden accident,
should the horse take fright.
devoted grandfather, the King, will
beautifully ina.de, and has silver fit-
tings, with the initials of our fixture
over the front of the carriage and
secured by a silver clasp. This is
Probably tbe splendid set of her -
Majesty is out driving there are an
band 8 What have you bean doing bewildered soul, and only those who the great sacrifice for sin, gained by Ruler upon it. The line set of sleigh
with him ? Is that the manly brow, have in such time got their eye 011 4110112 dying, and a greater gain harness, which is only in use during
is that the clear eye, is that the the 1110111111g SEALE of our Christi= awetts them at the resurrection of a very severe winter, was given by
noble heart, that I married ? What faith Can find their way out or bo the just "(Phil. i, 21, 28; Luke xiv, the Czar. It. is very beautifully
vile drug have you given alin that strong enough to lead others With an 14; Rev. xx. 6). To a child of God carved in rich silver, and is covered
hes turned him into a fiend ? Take ell-persunsive invitation, absent from the body means present with different sized silver bells.
your tig.er claws on of him, Uncoil ; As the one svord "come" has \rah the Lord, and there is no Muer- The tiny saddle of the late Fred
those serpent folds of evil habit 801110t1112105 brought many souls to al or grave for the redeemed, Archer, which only weighs a few
that _ aro crushieg him Give me Christ, I will try the experiment of 7. "And the children of Israel were ounces, is an interesting relic of
back my husband, the ono with Piling up into a mountain and an
then fruitful d increased abundantly and past racing days. Photographs of
'whom I stood at the altar ten years ' send clown in multiplied and waxed exceeding eelebrated jockeys and trainers, in -
ago. Give him back to me." Vie- 1 AN AVALANCHE OF POWER, eluding one of the Ring's own train
ti -
m. was lie, as millions of others ansany or these gospel "comes." them Clod had said to Jacob wither, Diele Marsh, adore the Avails.
1111-1/0 12,2011, of
THE WORD "COME." I " Come thou end all thy house into when be was leaving Canaan, "Fear +
the ark ; " "Come unto me all ye not to go down to Egypt, foe I will
Now, WO want ati the svorld over ' who labor and aro heavy laden, and there make of thee a great nation"
to harness this word for good as I will give you rest ; ''"Come, for (Gan xlvi, 8). 812J
all tsis promisee
and the seas between them -. yea, it "Coins and see ; ""Tho Spirit and 16). The blessing of the Lord was
and It will Ell'all7 4110 five continentS with us, and we will do you good;" or, literally, the God Anson (Tsa. lxv
Remarkable • Figures as to the
others have harnessed it for evil, all things are 1102V 1.01.1tly 1 " "Come are sure, for He is the Gott of Truth
will draw the whole earth back, to , tho b;itle say ' come,' and let him upon them, end that was everything The consuniptioat Of beer in the
Cie God from whom it bas wander-, that hoorah say memo,' and let bins for toil without, that accomplishes United Kingdom last year amounted
mi. It is the wooing and permits- that is athirst come." The stroke nothings but that without toil mak- to 31..7 gallons per head of the Pols-
sive word that Will lead 111011 to of one bell in a tower may be sweet, eth rich indeed (Prov. x, 22, It VS) ulation, says 0 London newspaper.
give up their sins. Was skepticism but a score of bells well 2.11110[1 end 8-11. ''Nov there itrose up a new In Germany and the United States
I ever brought into the love of truth rightly lifted and skilfully swung ill
by , an ebullition of hot words one great chime fill the heavens with king over Egypt, which knew not the consumption (in 1899) Was 27.5
against inlidelity ? Wcts ever the music almost celestial. And 110 one Joseph:" Neither did lie 11212021 the and 18.5 gallons respectively. In
s blasphemer stopped in his oaths by who has heard the mighty chimes in Lorcl of Joseph, for he talked about France it 21110 only 6.2 gallons.
IP denunciation of blasphemy ? Was the towers of Amsterdam or Ghent dealing. wisely with Israel so that Nevertheless, Great Britain does
ever a drunkard weaned ' from bis or Copenhagen can forget them. they nsight not multiply and He did not, according to a Government
1 cups by the temperance lecturetos Now, it seems to me that ill 2.1118 his best, by taskmasters who afflicted Paper on alcoholic beverages just
them with heavy burdens to keep issued, hold the premier position ELS
mimicry of steahezing steps and hic- Sabbath hour all heaven is thiming, them from multiplying, but 'the coon- a beer-cirinking country. In 1899 the
a cough ? No. It was, 'Tome with and the voices of departea friends sel of the Lord stare:loth forever, the Bavarians thank 5a gallons per head,
1110 to church to -day and hear our and kindred ring down the sky say- thoughts of His heart to all genera -
With 1110 into associations that am yea, all the towers of heaven, tow- 11112110411 the devices of the people of land it is only 0.39,
tions. The Lord bringeth the coun-
sel of the beathen to naught. Ile per head is 25.6 gallons. In Eag-
and the Belgians 47 gallons.
in Franco the consiunption of wine
in tho United
i singing;" "Come and Iet sae intro- ing, "Come ! ' The angels who
you will be sure to admire." "Come tlu.ones, ate chanting, " Come f "
duce yOu to a 01212182.1112, man whom never. fell, bending' from sapphire
01.10ellul. and good and inspiring," or of martyre, tower of proplieLs, none effect (Ps. xxxiii, 10, 11). States 0.83, and in Germany 1.4.5
12. "But, the more they afflicted gall ens.
"Como with nie into joy such as you tower of apostles, tower of evangel- them the more they multiplied and No Jess than 86 pea cent of the
never before experienced." ists, towee of the temple of the
10 I
1Y With that word which has done 740 Lord God and the Lamb are eldin- revenue of
grew, mid they were grieved because this country is raised by
all, and peace for all, and heaven for purpose of the Lora shall be per -
of the children of Ssrael." Every
the tinned States the percentage is
duties on alcoholic beveroges. In
i 11111011 for others I approach you to-. ing, "Come I COMO !" Pardon for
day. Are you all right with (rod ?
"110," you say, "I think not. I ton all who come. formed, end He gays, "I will work, 29, in Franco 10, and in Germany
end who shall let or hinder it?" 18. The United States, however,
8022102.11)1012 alarmed when I think when itusgir, 1322)5 in one ei 1201'
/Jar. la 20; Isa. xliii, 13.) The draws o. larger sum from this source
of him. X fear I will not be ready great wars, the suffering of the spi-
el., to meet him on the last dadiers had
y. been long arid bitter, ad Lord of Hosts hath sworn, searing, than wo do, In 1899-1900 the
*is s heart ia not right with God." Como, they 'were waiting for the end of the Surely as I have thonght tto shall it amount was L89,068,000, as con-
.. them tincl have it sonde right. strife,. One day a messenger in ocinie to pass, and as I have mem:deed pared \Mtn 1037,870,000 in the
1,'' Through tho Christ who died to great excitement inn among the so shall it stand (Isa. xis-, 24). The Unitoil Kingdom, 1022,081,000 in
'S. save you, como I What is the use in .tents of the army shouting, "Pettee 2 enemies of God luny associate them- France, and t613,717,000 in Ger-
as waiting ? The loagor you wait the selves and gird themselves end take mansa
Peace I " The sentinel on guard
* larther off you aim and the deeper asked, "Who says 'p01100? , ,, AndIn England spirit -drinking Was
counsel together, but it shall come to
.I. you aro down, Strikout for hoe- tile siesoldier turned on his heel- naught, and they shall be broken in
steadily lecreased from exactly ono
tot Mattress and
! von 1 You remember that a few 112.0120(1, 'Who says Pl12100111 (ism gallon per he viii, 6, 10). 11011(1 10 1805 to 1,12 gai-
t m
seems ago ea:licenser called the Plan- 'peat° ? ' " And all up and down 18, 11. Made to serve with rigor, Ions last year. In Franco the in-
case Alice, with a crowd of oxcur- the encampment of tho Russia:11s made bitter with hard bondage-- crease lias boon from 1.78 to 2.02
a. slonists on board, stink in the wont the questiou, ''Who saYs these are statements concerning tho gallons, in Germany 110112-1.80 to
Thames, and there was an awful '1)002.0 ?' " Then the '1105001151110500115421' re1011- 1ife svhich the Egyptiaas ceased the 1.04, and iu America fro0.84 to
Bearlike of life. A boatman from 1.06,
Israelites to live, yet solder a life
misled, " The Czar says 'poem' "
lhe shore put out for tho rescue, and That WAS enough, That ineant go- like that they prospered, for God,
he lincl a big boat, and he got it so ing home. That meant the war was WEIS with them True prosperity ._. -...a.
a full it Would not hold another per- over. No mOro wounds mid no more does not cousiSt of freedom from
.s, son, 9 Ild Le Mid hol 11 of the oars loag marches, 1$9 to -day, as ono trial, but of God's preseaeo and MISNOMERS,
to mill for the shore, leaving' li 1 blessing in the trial. David,. perse- The two fleas that had been travel-
' n-1» Of the Lord's messengers, I move
+ drods helpless and droWning, he ,, aided and fleeing for his life froth ing with the Menagerie were coal -
cried oat, "011,. that I 'hod a, bigger inrougb these encempmente of smile
Staiii, sees truly prosperous, but Saul
arid ery : " Peaee between Muth :Ind parting notes.
.4. boat 2" Thank God I ani not thus heaven I Peace betWeen God and was not. Daaiel and his bleeds "I can't see why they call that =-
limited and that I etin promise room In= I Peace between yarn.. repenting Prospered ia the lions' den and In inial the meek ox," mid oto of the
4: for all in this 5081101 boat. Rooln Will ciad n pardoning Lord'i "If tho nory furnace, but; theia entreiee two, "Ile doesn't smell a bit like
X ' in the heart of a pardoning God
/Vett ' ask MO, Who says peace ? '4 . , did not 1)12051)01'.Hse
oever mu
severe sk,"
.fs ROOM IN HEAVEN I answer, " °hetet, oer Ithig, de- our trials may be, here hall no trial "Neither eau I insclastand," said
r 44 din0r1 in life or holf Way betaveen,' is God is faithfal who Will elle other, "Why ilsey call thatt
'What V70 E111 need, whether tlp or Clercs it :" " My peat° I give unto tattoo iss but that which is cornmon
you I " " FOLIC° of God that pees- to man, anti animal in tho liesst cage a cinnamon
italic lufinite solace of the Christi= re- eth all Miderstanding I '.'- Everlailt- not stiffer Us to be tried abovo that boar, He doesn't taste at all like
,, tiglen, Ana 00 we °Simlay the word leg peace 1 Wo are able, but will with the trial 011111a131011."
Until the End of Time.
0 -
Consumption of Alcohol.
13a3bettee on English Croft $aid
to gays sup.% six Inched " TWENTY.TWO IN Paz ToAST
The report that the Implacable's
barbettes gunk six inchee or Suieide Recor(2 of a Conneeticut
80 18 a, :very serious olio, Ma; mbile Fanaly That Ras Nearly
it 10 an esror to minimize 1.110, Mat, ;
ter, '910111111g 10 gained by exaggerat- WiPect
1115 14, 811315 2.110.1aow.ioa 1211511100*'.Edger Jay Briggs, who 110215011
We etill hope that' a good deal of "hneelf en 121a farrn 11) Sharninns
exaggeration Will be fOund to exist °awl° a heW d"e e2111e81
le the mut, reperte, se as .we the lost 51lEViVi1117; member of a oncE
e11111 gather Irons • tile vague Para- Meh and infleential Oonuecttcut foam
graphs going around in the day11y, w.ttelexlioteanSeentb.ayalcuaiellycie.Thobeenw
press, the thing that has happenedo
is not altogether without precedent. tc".;Y, sell -destruction in the Briggs
rIth'waltoesyb:ticog itorha.sgunoci=ta.g with "'ciao falnilY, as it (Mlle tO be
of kriowil in that part of Coanecticut,
Nvhich the essence ie itemenee °Steads "ex' " Pe'hal :01 mere than
lilty Yeors and in that 2.11110 12.2. least
base at the -bottom 'of the alp. The
weight SuPPorted on a very mall
tweaty-two of the 'deseendants of
Eclgar Briggs, the original Briggs
Painelple is,' aoUghlY, that of an in-
verted cone, and has beeused in a suicide, liave taken their awn lives.
Lying in suicides' graves hi the ya-
nk:it very dissimilar form by the
French for a good ten years. Ili bas laK° 00111.01017 wile(%) Jay Edgar
Briggs teas buried un Wedoesday, aro
ametain great advantages, but, like
his great-grandfather, graudfather,
most advantages, there are counter -
in lather, Orother owl two sisters. The
balaocing foetal's. If anything
suicide of Edgar elny Briggs was not
the ship's construction is' faulty, the
a surprise to the 'village 11012 to those
whole mounting is likely to 511111,
awho had been Meg acquainted with
nd the fault may be created by the
the family for lie baci said for years
strain of docking, This actually oce
that he expected to die as his rela,
curred with the :Japanese battleship
'Lives had died and that it wo`uld be
Shilcisima, and it would puzzle cloy
one where to lay the blame. useless to try to prevent 111m. from
So far as we can gather her bar- earrYlog ollt his purpose,
Like many of the others he chose
beLte guns were moved in dock, and
an unusual way of ending his life.
the ship did not happen to he fully
supported directly underneath tho Ho had been watched for several days
barbette. A sinking resulted, and by his friends because they saw that
the suicidal mania was upon him.
it WELD remedied by cutting off some
of the base of the cope Now It was III?, ELUDED THEM
obviously impossible for either build- and going by a circuitous route into
era or guamakers to anticipate an the dense Nvouds, threw a halter that
incident of this sort, Probably, we he had taken from his barn over a
should say, the Implacable trouble stout sapling and, making a noose by
is on all fours with that of the Shi- fastening the snap into the ring of
kislroa. 'Pim Glory started for Chi- the halter, he bent his feet beneath
na with a defective barbette: this, hini and with his toes touching the
so far as we can ascertain, was the ground, strangled to death, He was
direct result of rushing things, parts found after a two days' search,
destined for 'various other ships being The record of suicide in the Briags
crowcled into her so as to complete family does not appear to be confined
ber in a hurry. It would be inter- strictly to blood relations, for soon
esting to learn whether any Peters after the death of Edgar Briggs,
were robbed to pay the implacable hall a century ago, his stepmother,
Paul. In any case, however, bad as Mrs. Henry Briggs, hanged herself,
the accident may be, there is no Thirty-four years ago Charles Briggs,
reason for the shriek that a certain grandfather of the latest suicide,
class of people love to raise directly tied a rope about his neck and juinp-
anything goes wrong. Any number ed from a beam in his hay barn.
5o0flufecrehlagto meaectcidseimints17
George Briggl, father of Edgar Jay
foreigners, however, are never in a morning thirty-two years ago and
Tohre Briggs, went out from his home one
hurry to advertise the fact.
til he was suffocated. Soon after -
held his face in, a shallow brook un -
wards, Royal, his oldest son, hanged
himself in the barn. Victor Briggs,
A WOMANLY QUEEN. 0 cousin of Edgar Jay, withdrew the
charge of shot from a gun and sub-
- stitoted 11 6-11201) iron bolt, which he
S omefired into his head. That happened
Characteristics of Queen.
Alexandra. twenty years ago.
The womanliness reflected in the
Mrs. Smith Knapp, wife of a busi-
face of Queen Alexandra is radiated
ness Mall in Danbury, Conn.. went
by her life. During the nearly forty
to her childhood home oil the shore
years that she has spent in England
or Ball's Poucl and. walking into the
her generosity, sympathy, (11111114),
water until it was over her head,
and thoughtfulness have never failed. •
drowned herself. A few years niter,
As Princess of Wales she has been
her sister. Mrs. Charles Havilroul,
instrumental, directly or indirectly,
arose from bed and procured a rifle
in obtaining. subscriptions to philan-
thropic and charitable work to the and, returning, placed the muzzle at
her head and pulled the trigger Nvith
extent of two hundred and fifty mil -
her foot. Both were sisters of Ed -
lion clonal's. She regularly visited
gar jay Briggs.
the hospitals, and the poor told tit -
Andrew Briggs, a Nvealthy farmer
pressed have ever been her special
' in New Fairfield, Conn., went to a
charge. She is religious, and what
mill -pond near his ferns and careful -
is perhaps exceptional in a woman in 3,.
erected an upright stick with a
any rank Of life, she is careful and 1
crosspieeo pointing' toward the pond
gentle in judgment, rarely expressing
Fke an arrow. Leaving a note by
criticism or condemnation of anyone.
To illustrate her kindness of heart a the side of the stick saying that The locomotive builders in Great
I searchers after his body would save
story may be quoted:
decic/cd increase in trade. In midi-
' themselves trouble by following the Britain are at present experiencing 11
In one of Ring Christian's Weekly
' direction indicated by the pointer,
letters to his daughter lie wrote tliat
motives that are under construction
he buckled' a dog collar almond his tion to the large numbers of loco-
= elderly lady in waiting to her
neck and tied a large stone to it.
mother, the late Queen of Denmark,
was dying and that her one wish was
waded into the pond, keeping in just entered into contracts with the
firms for the supply of 75
Carrying the stone in his arms he for the home railways, Natal has
to speak again to her "clear Princess
range of the pointer, and permitted 1°ading
the Moue to drag Ids head beneath locomotives, GOO freight and 54, pas -
At that time it wits impossible for 0011501' cars.
Alexandra to leave England, but shc ' tame awnayteor 1.
tho suicides happened so Many of Dr. Barnardo's boys have
spoke a long, tender message of love
and hope and remembrance into a long ago that they have passed out turned out remarkably well, but one
phonograph, and sent it by special of the recollection of the present gen- of the most conspicuous examples or
=Tier Copenhagen. It 011211/0(1eration and there is no accurate re- 82101088 NVO» by merit is notified from
only a short time before the aged cord of them. They include cousins. Australia. The hero of the story is
uncles and aunts of the original a gentleman who has just been 'iglus,
lady's death, but it made her last ing in the reception to the Dukand e
Briggs suicide.
hours scren_ely_t_1017. ,
Page, one of Queensland's represen-
Duchess of Cornwall -namely, Mr, J.
CLEANSING LINEN, tatives in the new Federal Paella.-
ESKIMO WRESTLING. Mani: of the Austrelian Common-
IN 1rillRr OLD 11VGLANDt
WMAT OMN' 131.1114 AND gIS
Q0MirrenCeS in. the Lem% Thai
Reigns Supreme in the 09)11..
2210304111 World,
It costs almost exactly a nada
it piece to print Danh of 14ng-
10110 notes,
atpTlie,esboanntl:ing power of the United
Kingdom has incrn
eased from 182 dl.
lions in 1840 to over 1,000 ;Milieus
The Duchess of Buccleuell, who hl
now Mistress of the Robes for the
fourth time, was the close personal
frierid of Queen Victoria,.
Charles Noble; cashier to 4 London
firm of solicitors for thirty years boa
beep. sentenced to ?Ivo years' penal
servitude for embezzling 1019,558.
Make the will of the late janala
Tolman, ef London, 8250,000 is be-
queathed to charity, and the °nem'
tors have an absolutely free band in
its distribution,
A statue Of Lord Salisbury es a.
Christian warrior appears in one :of
the niches of the interesting and
beautiful reredos in the chapel csf All
Souls' College, Oxford.
The chapel in West street, Seven
Dials, Loudon, whose pulpit was fitt-
ed by John Wesley on the 00111111012130-
1110114 of his ministry there in 1743,
is the eve of demolition,
Some of the great main roads out
of Landoll are factious for their
beauty, and are lined with some of
the most charming villas and coun-
try mansions in England or the
Ttramways, omnibusses and un-
derground railways 111 and around
London, within a radius of five miles
carry each year, it is calculated,
about 453 millions of passengers.
The New Zealand Government are
urging upon Mr. Chamberlaht the es-
tablishment of a National Technical
University for London, as a memor-
ial to the late Queen Victoria.
Gipsies in England are, it is stated
desirous of special representation at
the coronation. They claim that the
modern van -dweller, by good behav-
ior and honesty, has lived down the
evil reputation of former days.
Besides Kirkstall Abbey and
Boundatty, Leeds has it park or re-
creation ground attached to practa-
catty every township in the city.
There are a score of such places al-
together, ranging from 10 to 76 ac-.
res in extent.
King Edwerd is a bibliophile in the
true sense of being a. lover of books,
and his Majesty is devoting atten-
tion to the royal libraries. The li-
brary at Windsor was begun by
Henry Pm., and now contains
about 100,000 volumes.
The lato Lord Morris, in defining
to a jury the meaning of "prima fac,;-
ie evidence," satch-"If you saw a
man 'coming out of a public house
wiPing his mouth, that would be
prima facie evidence that he had been
having a drink."
By comparing the statistics of Eng-
lish mud Scotch Universities in a
given year, it was found that Scot-
land, with a population of 3,725,-
000, had 6,500 university students,
while Engla,nd had only 6,000 stu-
dents out of a population about six
times as great.
Next to gambliag the Eskimo men
like to wrestle. The usual way of
doing this is a test rather of
strength than skill. The wrestlers
sit down on tbe floor, or in any con-
venient place, side by side, and fac-
ing in opposite directions, say with
right elbows touching. Time they
lock arras, and each strives to
straighten out the other's arm.
A laundrymen of Paris has discov-
ered a method of cleansing fine linen
and other fragile textures without
using soap or other chemicals. In-
stead of these lie uses boiled pota-
toes, which he rubs into the goods
mut then rinses out, It is said Cult
this method will make soiled linen,
silk or cotton much whiter and purer
than wattling in the ordinary way.
itunrilv-telov7taTirigernT, rail'8tritligatt'ff ter good behavior.
In the near future a number of den-
tists will be included in the estab-
lishment of the Royal Army Medical
Corps. Recently some temporary ..p-
pointments without military rank
were made in London and Aldershet,
111 order that the teeth of the return-
ed wounded \eight be looked after by
eaperts. It has 11021/ been decided to
increase the number of dentists in
the Cape hospitals, and four of them
will be given the rank of captain,
with pay at the rate of a pound per
day, with servant and field al-
"Oh, Mr, Johns;" exclaimed Arise
Gush, "I heard you talkieg to pa
about plants. and I do so want to
talk to yoa ; for, you Ictuov, 1 run
very interested in botany. I like nil
kinds of plants and flowers, as, of
course, you do, too, Mr. Jaime ; but
what varieties of plants are you par-
ticularly interested in 0"
"The plants which I um most in-
terested in," replied 11.0'. Johns, "are
machinery plants."
Miss Gush loolced myetified for a
moment, but soon brightened uo, re-
marking :
"I haven't goL so far atS that
800 people die daily from acct. -
dents in Europe. .
The average weight of ts torso le
1 ,0001b.
Scotland's 901)11111110n is 15,411
greater than that of Ireland, altie is
flISO 110ar1y twice as rich,
French people eat cm an average
105 eggs a year apiece, English 85,
Italians oilly 48.
"Well, nape, whet are all those
big flags made of 7" asked the boy.
"Some of them are matte of silk,
Clarence ; but by for the greater
nomber eve inade of bunting," "Alai,
pima 8" "Well, Clarence 7" "Are
the liLtle flogs made of baby bunt -
lag '