HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-10-31, Page 2Ii.kailINES THAT THIEL
Some Very Ingenious Ytaoliines—
Can De Sums and Sort.
if schoolboys only knew it, there
has been in existence for o century
rind a quflrtet• past a enochinc for do-
ing suns, Viscount Mahon invented
i1; is 1775, It is about tke size of a
Metall typewriter, and does addition
and eubti•aetioa quits mcc)lanieatly.
It wilt also do multiplication nncl'di-
vision,' but by a rather lengthy pro -
Even this was not the first nt-
temPt which man has made to save
his brains, The famous French phil-
osopher•Pascal invented a rude sort
of caleulatipg maoltine'as long ago
as 1642. Ho was then a boy of 00-
ly nineteen. Tho Little machine,
which was a series of gear -wheels
with numbers on them, could add
and subtract, but was nut of much
poetical use.
.A. few years later Liobnitz, a Ger-
man mathematician, sot to work to
construct ce most wonderful machine
for working out astronomical calcu-
lations. But the more he did, the
more thero seemed to do; and, of
course, ho was notch handicapped by
the difficulty of gotting models made
in those days. The invention ended
by breaking the poor man's heart,
after he had spent oighteee, years'
work and $1.8,000 upon it.
Quite the most amazing Fnarliine
the world over saw was the invention
of Charles Babbage, and was made
lfor working out the logarithms
which are of such importance to na-
vigators. Tho idea of this machine
first occurred to Babbage when he
was a student at Cambridge Univer-
sity. He gavo up everything to the
work, and
arrived, in 1822, at such success that.
the Government's notice was attract-
ed, and the inventor was commission-
od to superintend the construction of
a trial machine,
The first difference engine, as Bab-
bege called it, was six feet high,
three broad, and one deep. It work-
ed six columns of twenty figures, and
was capable of showing all possible
differences of these. Not only this,
but onto e. calculation was begun by the strange tongue of its people, all
human brain the machine would f i onablo the trafficking to be done
isle it, and then automatically set up with a shrewdness and a Profit not
the results in type• possible under other circumstances.
So soon as the first engine was For instance, the duty on rum euter-
tlnisho& and favorably reported on ing Canada is $8.40 a gallon ; at
by a treasury commission, Bintricate St, Piorre ft is only twenty cents.
set to work on a fat more intricate Therefore it pays the Pierrois to buy
machine called the analytical engine. West India rum in bond at Halifax,
He worked at it for twenty years,
and to give some idea of the gigantic
labor involved, it may bo mentioned
that at the sod of that time no Por-
tion of the machine had yet been
cast. Only drawings had been made.
Of these, there woro over 400, bo -
sides more' than twenty volumes of
notes, rough sketches, and calcula-
tions, Seventeen thousand pounds of
Government money had been spam.
Then the Chancellor of the Exchequer
stopped supplies.
The one portion of this miracle of
machinery which was actually put
together stands in the ICeusington
Museum, a monument to such pa-
tience and ingonuity as no man ever
before put in practice.
Ligaors and Opiate Carried TO
and From Port With Impunity
The greatest smuggling cootie on
the face of the cootie to -cloy is St.
Nemo, the French colony off the
eouth coast of Newfoundland, Ib' is
the centre al an admirably organ-
ized' system of illicit trading. Qpitun
is smuggled to New York and Bos-
ton, oognae is smuggled to the
Maine seaboard, and whisky is smug
glad to Cape Breton and up the St,
Lawrence. Tito Governments of the
United Staten, Canada and Now-.
fouudiand have tried for yeas to
Munn it out,. but 11 still thrives
An idea of the exteut of the con-
traband operations conducted there'
ie supplied by the fact that its an-
nual imports aro valued at $240 per
head of the population, whereas
Newfoundland's only amounts to $40
per head. As St, Pierre is ostensi-
bly only a lishiug shelter port, and
its total of inhabitants is under 0,-
000, with uo industries save the
fisheries, it is clear that all °bis
commerce is not legitimate, and the
proof is only too abundant of what
teconles of the surplus, St. Pierre
is, strange to say, a pla.co where
smuggling is encouraged by the au-
thorities, or, at any rate, passively
acquiesced in. A British consul is
not permitted there, because his pre -
once wo.:ld bo a deterrent to the
traffic ; an American consul some
years ago. was so active a partici-
Goo for Bad Teeth
Not Bad. for Good T r1-. eth
hloz®cloartt 'ICa,ort3a.IIiawad®ir 25.e.
1Lo o'f a 1.it;in.id aired Pwevder - 750. ,
Alistorea or by moM fotgthe pries. Sample for the postage, 3e,
HALL A. RUO} EL.,. Montreal.
1 lc The Gloucester (Mass.) fishing the United States'fishing' schooners,
1 1 ( )o is with the American revenue seals snit
vessels are the instruments f this
traffic. They run into St. Pierre on intact on theist. hisis done by
the /toms trip, purchase stocks of removing a stave or board /rout the
opium and French winos' and per- package and emptying and filling it
fumes, end, amid the great number by that moans. With empty pack_
of ve sols entering the Now England ayes of this kind these °err
ports daily, contrive to land this costar schooners visit St. Pierre
eeer0t nd'ition to their cargoes with- 611 tho packages with liquor and oth-
a.t arousing suspicion. or goods, and, returning home with
Thomost audacious fraud of. all a cargo of fish, they uuload these
was that Carried out with tea con- deceptive packages, guaranteed by
c sun
uivanco of the United States on the unbroken seals and supposed to
cunt:.in only
ed down the seaboard to St, Pierre by whomship's stores, ,,and
t.efore mentioned, °ern spirit was
imported from Illinois, being convoy- speedily transfer them to- the dealers
- the stuff' is handled,
by schooner. The liquor was always what extent this trade is caeriod on
packed in twenty-five gallon cases, on only bo 'conjectured, but about
a handy sort of package, and the 200 United States veseols visit St.
ship's clearance showed St. Pierre 1 Torre each season, and few of them
Iftluors and
pant in it that he had to be re- as her destination. She haver en- leave without opium,
moved ; a Newfoundland agent sent tot od that port, however, but hove perfumes ih greater or less quauti-
to St. Pierre in 1891 was mobbed to on' the islet, where she unloaded ties.
and had to fly for his life from the
threats of the crowd ; and last
summer the French customs com-
mieetoner there, M. Ferry, was
b. int in effigy and was forced to
embark under an escort of gen-
darmes, because it was thought that
he had given ia£ormation to Canada
of the smugglers' doings.
How St. Pierre comes to lee aoattthprittes s1s1 octad something of Inhabztants.
thcoat France,
a centre for it merely
is wrong; and a detective was sent with
that France, regarding it zuercly as a shipment of the stuff right from ']`bore is a small community of
a fishing station, charges only tri -
tee distillery. He exposed the whole men, women and children on the
fling duties on imports. Then, Its lot, and all concerned in it had to wilds of the Cotswolds, fn Glouces-
tories,on to the midst of alien tacit decamp at once. urshi:o, England, on the very sum -
its isolated remotcnosa and mit of the rang0 of hills which here
THEY'RE FOND OF RUM. runs Letueon Cheltenham and Stroud
On a less elaborate scale, however, and half -a -dozen miles cast of the
the prattice is now being revived city of Gloucester, living under =n-
and the Newfoundland government dittos surely without a parallel in
is puesuing an active crusade against the United 1Chgdom. The colony
it. Rum is a beverage much in vogue generally counts about a scorn of
among the Newfoundland and Nova i.e:sons, though the number tluctu-
Scotian fisherfolk, and these coasts ates, A lady member of thq colony
are always easy dumping grounds eerie -lug recently to a htdy friend in
on which to unload cargoes. Last Gloucester, said for some time past
her cargo into the ancient schooners.,
wetting there for the purpose, These/
Carried the liquor up the St, Law -
renes, where it was "run" in one or
more of the many haebors of the
A youg novelist, describing tho
bef•o100 of her story, says; "She had
largo, sky-blue eyes, between Which
her fine hese rested like a tiny white
aiaud, and above which list• golden
hair hung in bewitching Little bangs
which were Nature's gift unaided by
the curling tongs. She laud a cherry'
Mouth, full of poorly teeth, and dain-
ty pink oat's. Dainty dimples gave
piquancy to en otherwise mobile
face, in which there was a oonstant
play of eanOtioits changing frog
grave to gay, And yet Sybil Ethel-
wYnd Fletherington was net beauti••
Another Writer says p1 her hero-
ins; "When she hist heard that her
false lover Was married to another
she was collapsed with grief, bat
her womanly nature soon asserted
Boole, and she began ce desperate
flirtation with another gent," while
another heroins was "widowed at
seventeen, re -married at eighteen,
widowed again at nineteen, the car-
eer of Geraldine St. Do Oourey had
boon unlike that of most girls,'•'
province of Q.uebcc. The original IT WAS FOUNDED BY AN ENG-
ce.rrier was, meanwhile, sont back LISH JOURNALIST.
to the United States with a fraudu- 1 - -
lent certificate to the effect that her; It Is In The Wilds of the Cots-
cargo had been duly landed at St. 1 welds and Sas A Stora
Pierre. After a while the American � Only.
bring it to St. Pierre and pay the
duty of twenty cents a gallon, and year 85,000 gallons of rum were the only food they had to live up
thou transfer it to light, handy kegs, brought into St. Pierre from Nati on was, a few ears of corn--some-
which are smuggled into every cove tax• That meant an annual con- times roasted, at other times boiled)
along met Lawrence ec foreshore. sumption of sevca gallons of it to And yet it is a fact that one of the
The most Profitable smuggling, n- every human in St. Pierre, if it was men who -has voluntarily subjected
tains such great value in such sinall course, is done in opium, which con- all consumed there, besides which /rimae 1 to Chase Privations has only
there was the champagne, wines, to signify his consent "to lift," as
brandies, whiskies, liqueurs, and a Scotchman would say, 80,0001,
other beverages to be considered, and an active share in a big London
However, ft is weft known where the business.
stud goes. When some smugglers WHEN COLONY WAS FORMED.
were ought red-handed a few years
•--- ago, one of them admitted having The Whiteway colony was founded
CAN SECURE RENEWED brought 4,200 gallons of rum into sumo
two 01
Samuel V. er, three
eears ago,ung when
HEALTH ARID STRENGTH the colony in a twelvemonth with-
_ out peeringa cent of duty. It is es- co tor journalist and Quaker, migrat-
The Rich, Rad Blood Made by Dr.
ifmated that Canada loses $250,000 cd witha number of other "discon-
yearly by tho whisky smuggling up tents-" from a Communistic colon,
Williams'Pink Pills Gives New the St. Lawrence, and St. Pierre is at Burleigh, in Essex, tho pa ty es -
is the bugbear of those who, like
ticket -sellers, have to hand out their
goods at lightning speed. Machines
for change -making have lately come
into use, and the most recent pat-
ent of the kind is a nraivollously in-
genious one. Itt a row on the top
aro representations of all the coins
in common use.
Supposing you are the cashier in
charge o! it, and a purchaser buys
something worth fourteen cents and
bands you a twenty-five cent piece.
All you need to do is to put the
twenty-five cents in its proper place
on the top of the machine, and touch
e, ifey marked with the number "14"
The twenty -Sive cent piece falls into
its compartment, and from another
little till out tumble eleven cents in-
to a tray ready to receive them.
Whether the coin is anent or a fifty
cent piece makes no difference to the
machine, which never makes a blun-
der, and gives up two cents or one
dollar with equal readiness.
.Another almost equally ingenious
machine is coming into extensive use
M big shops- Itis designed for sort -
the small money. A peck or two of
different -sized coins are thrown in,
and a moment or two later the ma -
01110e gives 1,1e1ta all up, neatly sort -
5e(1 in little stacks, into their proper
Dry for Over Ten Years, it Sas
Now Resumed Existence.
Consumptive People.
Sue declares that she is single
(porn choice, said Mess ICittish.
"But did she say whose choice ?
askod Miss Frocks,
Strength to Every Nerve, Fibre
and Organ of the Body.
From the Budget, Shelburne, N. S.
Among the young ladies of Shel-
burne, there is none to -day who more
fully bears tho impress of perfect
health than Miss Lilian Duero. Un-
fortunately this was not always the
ease, an a few years ago Aiiss Bur -
fee became ill, and her friends feared
that sho was going into decline. A
doctor was called in and prescribed,
but his medicines did not have the
desired etTect. Her strength gradu-
ally left her, her appetite failed, she
had. frequent headaches, was very
pale, and finally grew so weak that
a walk of a few rods would com-
pletely fatigue her. The young
Lady's family sorrowfully observed
that sho was steadily failing, and
feared that consumption would claim
her as a victim. One day a friend
urged that she should give Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills a trial, but the
idea at firstnot favorably wasy en-
tertained; it seemed hopeless to ex-
pect that any medicine would help
her after the doctor's treatment had
failed. however, this good friend
still urged, and finally prevailed.
By the time rho' third box was used,
there was an unmistakable improve -
meat in Miss Durfee's condition.
Cheered by this, the pills were con-
tinued, and in the course of a few
woks the former invalid, whose
strength was taxed by the slightest
exertion, With almost restored to
health. The 1.180 of the pills woe
still continued and a few weeks more
For over ten years the Pool of
Siloam has boon only a name. Visit-
d this
who visite
to Palestine
f and that
of late
ears o
famous spoty
Iry healing waters had vanished.
This was a great Blow to the initab-
it ants, but recently the waters of
Siloam have been made to flow once
111:0111, and there has been groat re-
joicing in tho holy land. It appears
that Jerusalem has been especially
short of water of late, and it oce
curved to some of the inhabitants of
(Siloam to try to fled out whether
the spring which used 1,0 supply the
pool was really dry. Tons of accu-
mulated rubbish woe :iocoed y,
Tied utter aboub la month's work the
,,Pring was found. The excavators
discovered behind some fallen rocks
n0 old aqueduct' running away into
the 'valley of the ICedron, and into
this aqueduct the beautiful, cool,
clear water had run and been wast -
i135' Inc year's.
In 171111 it tools O tons of coal to
Blake n, ton of pig -iron; now it only
takes' two ions.
known to possess four millionaires it es ng
and three almost millionaires, whose on about forty acres of arable and
fortunes have been amassed in this pasture land purchased with money
contraband traffic. I found by Braicher. There were ori -
The St. Lao -repo branch of the' ginelly some half-dozoa mon, three
enterlutise is conducted with worn- ladies, and three 05 four children,
out ,t some of obere were housed in two
schooners which would fetch lit-
tle. or nothing if seized by the Cana- 01' three laborers' cottagos, and the
others int rude and rough makeshifts
Utah coast guards and sold under
writ of confiscation. These craft are of corrugated iron and woos. For
supplied with suits at sails of differ -:a tfmo the colony prospered, but
ant x01015, which are changed at in.
;leiter the peace of the Communists
throats, so that the vessel may not' and of the neighborhood was dIs-
be so easily detected. The liquor is turbed by a disposition on the Tart
usually hidden behind false bulk- of certain of the members to advo-
fis in the skin of the vessel, Cato the equality of the sexes, and
heads caned up in fish casks in the hold or to bar -
denounce the begat Dinning con -
buried amid the salt for curing the tract in mooring-0.ilraicher said his
confidence had been betrayed, and as
he wished to sever .his connection
with the colony ho asked them to
surrender the land. This they refus-
Wbefi you have esud all thltt Ten you note Wive, get 111 11518095 0
. - - ..,.. er air . a✓
Yz will find 'it e doliphtful, change. Int Laat1. Piloka64s, 2s
POULTRY PotatoOSi Ubo$lllllte
,_ and other Producer
f ou hoe. 111yowo ,41m41l0h rrn
P0( 1"
h deception. Dr. hrisnan
P1.0,4 nMbhig UUEtSi With, It'ea me It reltst per
•1!1 tar Chrl Ilan In inttvd Wit I U Ited aloc0
7ldsiencl0000orutlfet no N 4 ep tan. p
N lndtooesle
¢¢ 0e'd111
1 is 1 Couch hdnu
va9clvelour*, o or
0t nyF
nalaUl0p handsomely
deeorot, Jyyqman 1bi
''5 1001980 ilinnor 0110 res. Sat ❑ S 14 1 Nr fupJl ue6 bra 414B4 Lrud6
OHaw al)WcM111 Il 1951 for yea50002 aI s work psrf01 y,i feroill,g1 .
0ianhtxo wi'ile rri11 04 for years and do ac's work p tion. I ,11 Stowe 800
Ohrheanm 1 d,ol nu.. e, nr, 50151100611. Ever lxwntt known I;I
squareowl nsexes dean andherrllyrotolt t;v0ryh Det loose for
tbeweekonly MUnsexes ist Impure conditions d11206 of tea oWtninOn ock lmlremed,Por
tb002101 de imlynrnroad(.Ione o(esinblood. back,
nand bo hoe,mit•
noiws,0leo�2on01029oli 810 800002011120160 x ti'llfr oolvo i li 95000/10015
toe5nuro Mb? beanllmiSewsly Machine orthb conch and loOpleco blesser Sok
with a' Too Sul, pistols he wilt send n, yea Poo, for salliesth le h6xn o(rllie.
+DON'T SEND ANY HONEY. writoto Dr,Chrlgtfanto•dn nd win fond, 116 pal b,r t rn,>t61, 0he,r
n0mpl,enxy tee offer bestees to everyone ny a dr0h,r 01 Cut monarmonv
and Glasgo .go Sowing 00the Coat:ouwmp:YLndrhotoe
p100e inn root 111 10anl to oltubsgn0o218 , 000 anent
the Nowa,0111 soding 0rI6i01 terwat602 asdrrsts0004Dl0n0raxtwit0l. lowiy'.est 111me1,fre2 Dr, x11004
ks1nufathoronght r1L U1q na4w11{g,luriateo Wna., pl0snutsasHtl, as rspreaeuted• ns. wishes to fu4ratluea hie nod nloOA..
l0 hdo elwry am0, snda0 lr6rrlln ih8in Mime
rule •qv. ty 1oaooento
•DB. CNRI.SfIAN MEDICINE CO., Bnxeba, Toronto, Ont, •
'mroivrAi1T, wheowrltl0S,00to 0001620 youprlaroiOEnwlna11ar1uuoalbngorth5Cnnch and Dlonergetcembinad,
W,000nrfrelghsa4dr0µ, nn altrletlan0Va661041,50 1411u0,0000h0neatagept01a0awil mw,u,.ow0lk.i oars.'
WHICH snows THE UN- Mrs• Oldun—"lIad the influenza,?"
DO'UBT'ED PERMANENCY Mrs.7fciuneun-"Wiry oP course wo
OF CURES BY DODD'S have, dear. Wo had it when it first
KIDNEY PILLS. cams out—when kers. Million' had it
and all that set, you know."
Hrs. Edward Patterson, of Con- aiiytard's Llillill�nt et' Collis, ete.
boyville, • the Writer.—Ser Sigh
Opinion of Dodd's Kidney Pi11s--
Her Advice to Others.
Consumption causes one-seventh of
all the deaths in the world,
ConboyveIlo. Ont„ Oct. 31.-(Sge-
tial),—Afrs. Iklwnld Patterson, of Deafness Gannet' be Cured
this town,' is one of those who can •lip loco apkltontiene ne they efinaotroaoh tea
testify to• the lasting nature of cures dieaa8iit portion nt the ear, Thole ieoniy ono
by Dodd's Kidney Pills, rho great vyaq to euro d0ainoss, and hnt is by canstttu•
of the Ifidncvs inflamed condi ionotthemucouslining
Mrs. Edward Patterson, according
Eustachian Tube. Whon this tube to ins
R limned yoe hli2 a rumblinig sound Or l on.
to her own statement, is to -clay in
teat heari01151:1.
g, nod 11001,00it rt enb rely olesed
splendid healtht. Her rheumatism has deafness L•, the result, and unlose the indene
rnntion can be tak••n out and this tube reautrad
to ns formal caaditi n, hearing will be de'
ettoye9 forever• nine rases out of ton art
o+used by O'•tarrh, %Odell le nothing but tin in.
flamed condition of the mucous suraee•.
We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any,
ensuof`Deaimise (caused by cat rrh) that can
for obs oared
y Ha11's Catarrh Cure. Seuil.
F. J. O1IENISY & 00, Toledo 0.
sold by Drurgl0t0. ?6c.
Haire Fam ,y Pills -ar- a -tee best.
Canadian remedy for all onetime,. Uinta! remedies, Diu fries modest
eausol nt tete
left her, and although it °s ten
years since. thou, it has never re-
turned beyond a slight touch in colcf
weather, which a Dodd's I idnev PIII
or two immedlcttety droves away.
This proves what has always been
claimed—that Dodd's Kidney Pills
cure permanently. '!heir effects aro
1nsting•-In fact they do not merol,y
relieve—they cure. Nero is Mrs. Pat-
terson's Jotter :—
"It is many years, perhaps ten or
twelve, since I started taking Dodd's
Kidney Pills, and then it was not
for Rheumatism that I took them,
7 was feeling nrlserablo, did not
know what ailed me, and while read-
ng a paper 1 saw the testimony of
cod, of which the craft as ostensibly
in ciuost.
The death -rate is 176 per 10,000
M England, 181 in Ireland, and 184
hi Scotland.
tii111110111 urs ono In COWS:
VV tor vsabhome. Wo furnish yarn end
foe partioutnarl Standard BUSS O., Send tame
Toronto, Ont.
501110 ono who had been cured by
Tom --"I confess I'd prefer riches to
feeli Dodd's just
a Pills, who had been love A kiss, for instance, may be
Kidney sweet; but it isn't worth anything,"
feeling just as I was, t got a box Jim—"Well, it's always worth its
and found they helped me. I found face value•"
niso that my ,,for Rheumatism was not
nearly as bad,,1or I had suffered for To alpu
many years especially in cold weath-
er. 1 have used dozens of bottles
of medicines and ointments, but it
always returned 011111 I used Dodd's LCY^„I passed your house yoster-
EL toucht' Pills, and now 1 steldom have
day ” Ethelssed td you? so y Her-
a of i t. I occasionally get a
box, perhaps two a year. I never 01 You.
hear anyone complain of Rheumatism 1
The fogs which prevail along our ed 1.0 do, and the original founder
south coast the t the
1o smugglers St. ricultlatral°,pursuite d is n Australiow a ag
greatly in making l
Piero to their own (tombs, and in HAVE NO MONEY THERE.
the countless sheltered harbors are
1 - over ras n
thec n any
in no
wh o Nobody J
c er
1 places 1
landing eontr ban 6 g P
contraband goods can be stored. ' money, a state of things which some-.
Not atone liquors and the like are tines proves as awkward to the col
brought, but tobacco, sugar and anises as it does to the ordinary 110 -
provisions of various kinds. The recunious person. For exempla, the
peopto think it not wrong to smug- co onlsts leave tht•fco been summoned
gee, though they would shrink from Leeero the local magistrates by the
other offenses; but they Have a curt- rural overseers for non-payment of
taus sort of idea that it is not wrong poor -rates cluergeablo upoll. the land
to cheat the government, the work they occupy. Each time the plea
of their own hands, Hence it is was advanced that they had no
that ovary fishing craft passing St, money and that they Ublecr00 to its
Pierre takes an board some smuggled use. Twice they were sawed from
goods, and that in every fisherman's the ignominy of jail by friends, The
cdttaga are to 1.18 found liquors, to- third time 11r. Eilvert and Sodbury
E A 0e15.0 IN ONE DAT.
Take. l,exntive Bromo Quinlso Tablets. A01
druggists refund the money If it tails to cure.
D. IV. Grove's signature is on each box. 230.
but I advise them to try Dodd s
Kidney /'ills."
Miss Giddygirl: "Oh, girls, what
do you think ? When I was out toe
day I saw a strange man who look-
ed lust its if he was going to kiss
me, I never ran so fast in my life."
Chorus: "Did youcatchhim ?"
step. the (Cough
and works an the Cord.
Laxative Tablets
oda . use, Pr16cent
Don't you miss your husband vary
much now that he is away?"
"Oh, no I at breakfast I just stand
a newspaper up in front of his plate,
and half the time I really forget he
isn't there."
For Over Platy Years
Shut W,NsrAw's 900rn ENO 9580400 has been used by
hilarodeosthe gems allays pule acres
bee rem
Sold by druggists ,'0L5 ghost the world. Ito sure and
ask Per Mae, WINSLOw'0900'r6(NO 8rnar,^
Whoa a hill grown man robs a
bird's nest, he is not in the same cat
egory as the shall boy. He is aliud-
od to as an ornithologist.
linens of =them for. their children while teet111og,
taoathce the 0
bowels, 0101 to the
aom whau
ad haw a
xis. Lho t
nom t
triad t
v cents 0 botch.
- e
wont II
Is:•rhrca, 7• Y
t remedy
found Mien Durfee again enjoying b r•o tea sugar and other articles .Protheroe had seveial days in ja
To reporter who iisler i ed her,
she said;—"I believe that Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills saveu my fife, and
T earnestly recommend thein to all
who fear that consumllbio0 has laid
its grasp upon thoni."
That the facts related' above are
not in any way exaggerated, is
born out by the following statement,
from Robt, G, Irwin, Esq., the well
known stipendary inagisLrate for the
municipality, who says:—"I distiuce-
ly remember tho pale face of Miss
Lflea.r� Durfee and the regrets of
friends' as they expressed their con-
viction that she would soon be com-
pelled to say farewell to earth. Miss
Dut•fee, however, carries the tinmis-
takable credentials of good .hoalti,
and frequently expresses her indebt-
edness to ler, Williams' Pink Pills,"
Pale and anaemic girls, or young
p00Plo with consumptive tendenefos,
will find renewed he:0th and bodily
vigor through the imo of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pil1e, These P1119 are
an unfailing cure for tall diseases due
to a watery condition of the blood,
or shattered nerves, Sold by all
dealor;o in znedieine oe sent postpaid
on receipt of 60c a box, or 32,50 Canada and Now England.eethise
Inc six boxes, by addressing the Ile. The tvmuggting of liquor into ,ph3te'rCn.th 11Lu frirgi oeopiyou i1 e 1 pre -
Williams' •Medicine Co„ Brockville, Maine ie done by means of melts and mo Y
athee receptacles brought' along by diction aloes not come true,"
Not that deceit is a born instinct,
hitt some babies must be two-faced
in .the create, 011, that's not pool -
hie, I don't Ininw. I know a, child
that looks like its rich aunt when
she comes on a visit, and is the ex-
act image of its :Joh uncle when he
happens to be there.
which en
paid the king any before ro
their friends ds
paid the
duty, while frequently they and their In tis matter t1Ccolonistsare
families are clothed in the some hardly consistent. i`Ihey object to
fashion. A few years ago an inquiry the use of money, but they allow
in the assembly elicited the fact their friends to use it in their be -
that in, one largo southern district, , half. Long before tots toy would
with a population of 10,000 souls, have been starved out of the cnlolt,ol
the total of custom duties collected had it trot been for gifts of clouting
for a year wage but $680, while 52,- and food. Everything about the co
500 was expehided in maintaining a oily is of the most primitive
char -
stale to keep down smuggling. It is other. The land is all tilled by
needless to say tact the outcome of hatul. At ono timethewhole forty
this oxpoanre was a "shake-up" in acres was cultivated in common,
the said sta1i; and to. revenue cruiser . now each colonist has his own allot -
19010 put on, a vigorous crusade woe :meat and is supposed to live upon
set ageing, and now some 316,000 , what he can get crit of it. ',they
is collected auneette, in this district, ;have no stock, of course, as all aro
even though there is stilt consider-'veaetn.rinns. Their houses and the
able smuggling dons, Ilut it is int-, furnishings thereof, are as primitive
possible to eradicate it altogether, rag possible. They contain nothing
for as long as St, I ierlO remains a. but the barest necessaries.
French possession there will always
ONTO. Twelve Teachers, floe equip•
moot, eighty typewriting- machines, modern
courses, thorough work. lavitee correspond.
0110e from alt interested parties. Address.
W. D. Shaw, Irrinolpal.
Catarrh Cure
Dear Sirs, -'I have groat faith in
MINARit'S LINIMENT, as last' year
I cured a 110r90 of Iting-bons, with
five bottles.
It blistered the horse, but in a
•-b t>+a .and
was do
riu o
r there s
month to
Four Falls, N. 13.,
be the temptation for daring coast -
ors to venture in there tend ship a
caste of liquor or a stock of tobacco,
not to mention smaller matters.
'From reliable estimates it is 0a1Cn-•
fated that the colony still lows
300,000 (1. year through this cause,
but that is small beside the loss to
"Mamma, why have you got ita-
pa's hair bit a beeket?" "To 1.010111(1
me that he 01110 had same, Tommy."
"On the whole,," .said the aged
weather profit, "I have found that
the safest eonrso le to .prodiat had
w1•eather;" "Why?" asked the nen-
Thousands 01 tap pie tell us Japanese
Q ntrl,Ootho l,og), sat most bo trump Nowowe
waur, overt sufferer from catarrh ie Ameri-
eatniamwluet1cmgood Japans.. Catarrh
Cat la, ant 111 01411.10 115,00 eouotnelvely
the wane of 1111, melody and o m non Monte
In it 000 0001 sand a trial damnify, st a.
abaft lernearly two wed.o treatrucnt, free,
Peed, call uti of
druggist''s for n lregular
50 cent bottle, or wo will be please; to
mall It to yen divot. Estoloao0,ent mama
for postIgc, uta. oil ramplo and: It will bo
sent 1.0 you by return mail MOW= any
Omits >. hoover, Memnon this Paper.
d cess,. Thhe Grath.,
Towne, Ca it M401505oou u0.•
taet•eoltlnal ai
gds that, give yua 00005
Ire f 120 g4'. 31, Ea a Co., 112yV101001a etc ob
AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR NEWHooks, "Life of William McKinley, The
artyred President,' also our new ovon.
Ales," Family B.btes, Albums,, tc. Our prices
are low and our terms extra liberal. A free
prospectus if you moan business, or write for
=sealers and tome, IA llliam Briggs. Mcbho.
dist Book and Publishing Rouse, Toronto, Ont.
1, PANT 10 selling stocks aid debentures
drawing good rates of ibterest and taking do
twits; these upportlinh.les Inc investment ar
unequalled; reit.blo agents are wanted.
Wrhe to the Company's nddroa,, Toronto
IP , r as looal or travellingagents. either on
whole or part time. Liberateras on salary
Or 1irn.zpongrApp710w8705&WFLLuinoY;
Canada's Greatest Nurseries;Toronto.
Dept. 4.
V r tlomon 1 r ladies -not to canvas, bu
to employ agents; pogltton poraanent;
per year and exponeos; relleb•e dim • baa
O KEIL6E, address 080 Troth OiUeo Toronto
our *oil known epecialUes. We ori
one of Tho oldest and most reliable firm, . to
Canada, Salary or commission. lexc'asivo
territory. Oudibtreo. Pelham Nursery Co.,
Toronto, Ono.
A.NCD 00. invito,tpplleattotls foramour
innisWet, 010rO,sut uaro pre^anted; several
valuable torrito lot are mailable Go suitable
npplloanta'; experience not indlsponsebee..
Apply superintendent of Atencl05, 0 Ming
Street 111 est, Toronto.
tooRoEu RY THE
•icatl Journal
Dr 11 l , Wilson, of the knee!
of areailh, Now To k 1110 1.1 a='Japhest oso
Dotard. orb OurO has sedt wit eOCOS highest the
dor, oreratLl the ver Will Mach ends for the
only 00at010 that ev06 wino such 1ais re meat,
itsdi+tinct and proven value. rious f is really a
speoaflo for oatarrh In its various forma"
Japanese CatarrhCureis sold by all -drug-
gists. 60 00nt4.
Tommy (on a visit) --"Do Your
specs magnify, grandma?" Cramr
ma—"Xaa, Tommy," Tommmy—"Do
you mind tc.lcing diem 017 while you,
cut my calve?".
Ea S
To -morrow does not worry me --
Through all its tricks of hope I see;
Vain, too, its effort to dismay—
'Twill be just this old to -day,
Ninar'd's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Teacher --"fn what battle was Gni»
tavus Adolphus killed?" Pupil—"I'm
not sure, but I think it was his last
1Iinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Reginald—There is one word in the
English, langutage that is always
spelled wrong. Reginald's Chum—
What is that?., Reginald—Wrong!'
"When.rAIrs. Parvenu was poor I rChant—"What's the mattertvitll
they used t0 say sho was a great your writing this morning—nary
talker', but since she became Eich it „
t." "Indeed) What do they Pott? Book -keeper --"No sir." 'Now
is differ en tole?" "No, sit. ' What, theft?
say now?" "They stay sho is a brit -ink?"
t list,
Haat conversationa
out b luno your wits adrlue, boo bring hot 1iOmo a packet of
Don't, start o Y B g ew
When you write to an =worthier ten 15160 that
you saw hie advertisement Its this paper. 11 Ie to
your interest t0 d0 sotae Our peeks aro treated
honestly and nerved with the best
For ail shin ailnlante,
W 0. Calvert & 00., Manchester, England
made n
Suite In
Clo 0,Velvet, 91111
anIn p
o lovas lr g g
p ob the I r t
Bum and or l
to egoist it It Bono by Lho
SWIMS10* 911881110011 07Oiti5 CO., Montreal,
DominionLino Stearnallips .
tdontteal to Liverpool,. Porton to. Urn,
pool, Portland to 1.lrer0boi. Via Querns•
tatY'ua and Veit 9tenmab0Ps, Superior n000mmodatlo0
for of alulb•'e of 06.11M0010. Halberts . all ' Statement*
fro %e ndabler', Speaks) attention has boon given to rho
eeontl Saloon and ll113111041 10coommo0a0317 Fat,
rata of peonage ami all parnolliars, apply to any steal
td the O mpnny, or b. Torry n & Oe,.
Uidbarde,11111s 8.001 Terrorless
if Meta St.. Boston Montreal and rertiand
Ina trim ante, Drums, Uni'Formo, E30,
Lowest prises over qquottul, Pine meterilime('
600111eItrelleheonoiledNoe. Wel teIli foe any
thing In Music nr 0(1041r1t1 Yuatrnlhnrtt'..
WHALEY R0Y0E & CO,, Lhnito[,
Toronto,0nk, and Wittniyo8,'Slay