HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-10-17, Page 3470 TJ"
Oo 1 i)vk'4
)Osell to
ni; the s1,
Jeri, howl
Proves ti:
r•, by under
� the natlo
lotion or
+ willing tc
� adlan Ila
Ilea beer
I agent in
has sery
r • plotting
• wealth ai
forbid wA
the Foal
p ies.
the d vol
." v dustries,.
!military '
surance t
. pointed r
1 To mal.
rose Is a
ander coi
ly north
, � Calgary
ports the
barron 1,u
as an ear
Send acre
first. In
section It
of course
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' Itirdly p,
keep this
and the s
- company
P. R. for
Ping tacit
to the co
precise of
`,i L., I3osidcs
n,ent this
1 eonsiderir
il J0 fishing a
{y`i ;Vancouve
1 }lave end
.,4".L trade reel,
Cer wilt
V i saft a nt
I• r
a 0
port on 1
A.A. � prise is d
afforts, an
Ci's to till
r the imme.
Asia, wit
the Possfi
'i .r
Those 1,c
II I coininorcu
make a s'
duties lev:
t , .I ,
� ea conimc
Monts, tilt
- Acid for (
I It now a
people w
tills state
produce a
urely, W
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`- ,obtain it,
[ Asia we I
_0,,,1, "t Y even the
outing -1
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An Eng
tole) a to
which m
,,,am snot.
was aston
to insinun
the story.
tale. IT(
^ which he ;
in alono, :
at last NY
It was t
, Silence :
Ing which
left the t;
After ro
.. 1 SOotchtnnr
my friend.
I dins
" Yes, .Yet
fish story,
Well, sa,
with the ;
tell feet of
11 I cart do
I It.
..T a LII
Pat Mur
t, for some i
i' in m'soara
V ment Pat
�.�,,ggling filial
Chia life of
tvorso that
d 1. I All wont
- ranks for -
Cams ill) t'
ph,y, throe
-y Can'tt
_.._:_w .
n are popularly sup-
sed I did not invite You down into
a esilar,bu't up on a throne; not in-
to the graveyard, to which nil mar
ua of eta say11%.!0010
ng a% Jacob's wives,
„Now, thsll, wltat90gg'o God flat]!
said unto thee, do,'" (qc», xxxi, 14),
rfI 11 q j1p 1,7 �T (� p1 1 �(I �l
�r (� p �7p (� ORMUZ
I CAM AND J.j.,�-�(�UU,f:i'1
to monsters, devour-
6 8�
terialfsm AS destined, 1)ut into agar^
Also of file A%ary
,,. _
don all A-bloazn with
Saying' a% to the
U9CanOo'af the people, of-
avert my re-
iirwnbraneo. Thk frown of lily Aran
seT'vata at rho math un in Cana,
'•1Vhateaovkr IIe anith lata you,; da
ver, private oatorpriso Am-
3 condlOozr of the Mawes
text has become the kiss of the secs•
and text, Annihilation has become
It" (John 11, 5), Our great and, on.
ly question .eoucernilig kite thing's
Stamps That Support Govern-
,� ,
Conclsns kd P4rag't4plis of Interesl
aldlig somo worlt Lo which
coronation, 'flee writ}ging kande of
Whioir are .eternal, the things of the
xmvnts-Taxes in
to 40th Military and oivil-
, thinkingit arisk s ecii-
y P
y o
Heavenl Satisfaci�tion
. �
Yn Eves' Goo
hands ureat agoyt laagreaat NOO yk tile Tile
be,far e ]bus the
v1, doiyUtttll Policy,:ie un-
commit itself, Tho Can-
Thing You
Earth, I
pin re-
g g y e,
cluiem wiCll tvhielt wo bsga.n'lrns ties
coma the grand march with which
Lord s okonl fai IIe onl has the
bread of iiia and all must Oomo 1,a.
On alicaneo costing fiftaolr enlists
Lard Roberts,by$having rocired, or
subaellbed by 800 time -expired, guar
" Q LiGal + p
We The tsar
who would have life- Not and Y
you call shalt as :man 111casants
y l
of 10telrener's Horse has v t <
a given h.
iflp Railroad, for lmstltuav,
cla9a, of sa013OSS that
ro)lod down our check has struck the
a]I l
Egypt had to elms .to Joseph,
but all countries (57), and, we shall
as you 111Oaso in trent Britain. But
bOtOre you can put a bullet
$niff to Ilia Z'.nsC-Lolydon Urall°It at
a active
010 making of Canada. It
A despatch t-.-Qm Washington says :
prosonce of those whose breath AS in
lips an which sits the laughter of
see An the next lesson, all Tsraol, too;
into a
einglo wild antmal in Britain's now
"Soldiers" and Sailors' Assoo1w
d good ) r ase i ex-
a g ac 1 u P ll
Tike, 7)l,, Talmage praaabed from
the %ollowin texts, xxiv, 20,
their nostrils, what aro uliread bis-
ra hies • in it ale s f ei
g P t 0 ove o A ty
eternal tritnnph, :
`^ ^"¢-
and tine Botts of Israel found l
a l o rid tint
their benefactor teas their brother,
Soul rl s province,
a a v p a ince, Ia PaytitknC of
$1x25 is nocossary, The ,S1.3G will
0']ta loath tcaolc place vary recantlY
be ].'skiff° aloe with its
1°nib and timber, the
-' }io shall be no more remembered,'
and Psa h exit, 0; "'The righteous
library, compared with the
p'��{''1d ti/p '�'{
$$��jj g�`�,`�� ��I
Israel shall. yae ave that theh' doliv-
Orel, Js. tho same one whom they cr•u-
.antitlo tha'sPortsman to shoot Sour
buli'aloos; two olopitants, one
at near Aldershot, Niagiaud,
of C.oi. William Banks, who served
rat-t)olds of Mandtoba and
shall be in everlasting remembrance,"
� 11
clffecT and to ITim shall all flesh eomo,
six tri PP°POtaml, and two rhinoceri,
With the ,9th Foot in the Crlmaa,
and 'received Ina 'commission for -
[ter . ,r
res of till y, -tai -nee sity
Of'oblivJon and its defeats I spoalt
to -day. There is an : oId rnonstar
You have made ill the illumined mem,
sties of those to whom you did such
Ali who now receive flim shall
learn oz may ]earn in their export-
besides succi small game as antelope'
and buck, , But there are additional
eu us' b
spl ° ravery .in connection With
d d :�
And v having ai a a-
Ai nottil,
I nL sw 1 d everything, ' t
slows awl, eve. t .[
t Y 1,f
i ,
kindnesses t ase 1'
O a? Forgot til Th
i them 7 e
g Y
c 0.
Oct, 2
once 'l o 1,r r t
n ill t s moat in M s
g of arias. ori
a utout
p S f
Y o 0 on eels l
$ I oI tat
capture of• a batter of livaslan
, Y
1pnyptit.of our national fit-
crunches iltdlvidnnls, laminas, ooim-
cannot forget thozii., Natwithstnna-
- _
d 1
an T1 lraim Tor 1,l
p od will rnaita
ltillvd,, $JO on each giralPo, $S on
g uns.
the C,. P. It. sennet, ass
munites, states, nations, Ooutinents„
Ing all their •. mi *ht and splendor,
b I
Text of the es on Gen. xli.' 8.4
Lesson, n 4
forgot their toil, and will ntake
hfppos, $25 on rhlnocori and 80 on
Trio death has occurred at Iktiil-
(ghway, for a perpetual in-
licu',isptt°res,: .worlds, Iia dint is
made up of years, of centuries, of
there lw•e some ' things the glariflad
of :heaven cannot do, and this Is one
ji ,$
Gordon Text T, Sam,. 1,1, 30,
, ' '
them fruitful where that have been
alHteted (verses 51, 52), The field,
buffalo. So the linin who loll] s lila
limit will be called upon to anrich
burgh .of Col, Noll Campbell, Into of
the 741,11 Queen's own Cameron High -
tat Canada shall always be
ages, of cyelps, of millenniums, of
at them; They cannot target an
Patiently continuing in well doing
which is the World, in which we are
the J�hartoulm TrOatisur b no less
y y
lenders, n voteran officer who saw
d ori the ma r'of the world,.
call?, That Monster, is called by
Oarth)y kbidnoss done. The 'kind-
in ilia prison )Ifs, the time came when
now the reapers, belongs to our Boaz
than ,$8;35,
muob lighting in the Indian Mil'Llny,
. Noah Webster and allthe other
messes ,you do to others will stand
'Ile should be delivered, God's time,
and in: tho morning of our ,marriage
Every Finance Xinistor in the
being, present at the asige arid cap-.
dictlonarlea "Oblivion," It is n
as long in 1,h° appi•aeiatfon of others
and therefore the best. The lying Of
to Him the whoIQ field will Uk ours,
Norld 1,v^clay is humin for Same-
tune of Lu.cknow, *To retired train
steep down vd1joh everything roils.
as Lira gains of heaven Will Stand, as
dreamed two dreams, or a
and We will thon, if not before, for-
trying an which it will be possible
tine army In 1880,
3 tiro desert blossom as, a
It is a conflagratlort. in which every-�
filo "heuse of many mansions" will
'dr'eam that was doubled to him in a
get our toll ,and see. the true mean-
to plaster a fresh tax or slut s
Orders have been given that: arta
tnsk which title Cl, P. R. lifts
thing is consumed. It is a • dir o
Stand, as long as the throne of God
littla dlfToreut form, but noire of ilia
Ing of fruitfulness (Rom. vill,, 18;,
as to pay for that now ship ewer
reserve men discharged from the
sldciation at present, An
which all urahastras:Play and: a
will stand,
Magi inns or wise mail could Inter-
Ise. xxvii, 6). Being redeemed, let u9
guns, or the National Debc
South African Oon,tabular before
on irrigation has been in-
period at which everything stops,
Another defeat of oblivion will. be
pret for him the dream. Zloty like
be willing and obedient.
The Argentin Republic has put a
the completion of their army ongage-
he barran lands Immediate -It
It is the cemetery of the human race,
Lound in tile character of those
the story In Dam. it., 10-27; iv, 7; v,
13; for the wisdom this world is
f ,.
tax Of fifty cents a month on all
Monts, for any cause which would not
)f the railway link between
is the domain of forgetfulness,
Oblivion i At times it throws a
whom we rescue, uplift, or save,
Characteris eternal. Sup a
utterly at fault In the things of ,God;
bachelors, to be paid monthly so
long as they shall remain unmaar-
afetal! their discharge from the army',
shall be called out on permanent ser-
ail Medicine Iiat and here-
shadow over all of us, and I would
right influence we aid in transform-
;only the Spir'lt of God can toll us the
thins of God (I. Cor.,11, 11-11), The
Full of Secret Retreats for HAM
vice, and forthwith Join such corps
n Is .nothing 1,p revent;,tho
g P
ti°t Pronounce it to -day if I did not
come armed in the strength of the
Ing a dad man into a man, n
dolorous man into a happy
PPY man, a
chief bailor, learning of the King's
Who Hourly Seeks Assassins-
.Siberia has followed the example
of the Soudan in the matterofre°tad,
of the rs ul
regular forces as may be di-
irrigation of three milrior
eternal a•ad on your behalf to at
disheartened elan into a courageous
to lgulty, rc ilia
to Elis
game lieonces; and it now costs $25
The Sollowhlg amendment has been
, It fs understood that
tacit it, to tout It, to demolish it.
man, every Stroke of that work done
n fried
prison friend, and told the
d told
Icing how Joseph
The Yildiz palace at Constantinople
to shoot one of the long -furred, taw-
made in tllo Klu 's regulations for
lrrment•fhrea hundred thou-
In some old family recprd a tie-
will be immortalized... There may,
had interpreted
their areauts in the
is a monument to fear. It is assas-
JOY tigers, which haunt the Southern
the army -"Warrant officers are per -
s only will be irrigated at
scoytdant studying up the ancestral
.never be so much as one line In It
prison, Joss li,
the dun P
sin -proof, bomb -proof, earthquake-
Siberian mountains,
mitted to wear plain clothes under
this district every alternate
)ilia may spell our name and from
the faded ink with rent effort find
newspaper regarding it or no mor-
tal ton
tongue aver whisper it into
young was hastily sent
tot; giving God all the glory, (verse
proof, fire -proof, microbe -proof. Ar-
chitoets and engineers
gineers are building
To pay foil her tussle with Spain
the United States char ges ray a year
the conditions laid down for officers;
Permission to dress in plain clothes
longs to the company; so,
that some person by our name was
human ear„ but wherever that soul
I'd)' interpreted the dream, assuring
Pharaoh God
and rebuilding incessantly. Solve
for every billiard,txble in Icer limits,
tartan on furlough or Pass may be
it Is actin in its own An-
born somewhere in the nineteenth
shall o
g your work on will go,
that had by those
dratme shown him I -Te
new secret retreat is always raider
$10 for a bowling -alley, while eir-
given to non-commissioned °liieers,
making till land fettle -slid
- century, but they Will know no more
about about us than we know about the
wherever that soul rises your
work on it will rise,
what was
.about to do, that the events would
way. The entire domain is surround-
ed by an immense wall, thirty feet
Buses must pay $100 for each separ-
ate State they visit,
and to men of good character, .pro -
vided they wear uniform on leaving
At the game time it Is
color of a child's eyes bm or
so long as that sou) will last
suroly come to pass and that Phar-
"oh do
high, and the choicest troops of the
Certain members of the American
and returning to their stations. Such
obable that it intends to
land forever to its own use
last night in a village in Tata-
born last night in a dlllage in.Pata -
Your work on it will last. Do you,
suppose there will poor coma such an
would wall to profit by the
revelation lata (verses
n v e. 83
( 7)
Empire stand guard around it. An
inner wa]I,'twelve Yeet thick, with
Congress are trying hard to put a
affil tax on the dowries of those
permission will be entered on the
furlough, form or pass, and initialled
:ttler who buys it from the
soma. Tell me something' about your
idiotic' lapse An- the history of that
-38' (Can: we find such a one as:
gates of iron, Anchises the private re-
heiresses who are unpatriotic enough
by 1,h° officer granting it."
will to trait k trio O.
1l have
Vl nt-grandfather. What didhe don
1, E year w s b n? 1 hat year
a he a
sou) in heaven that It shall forgot
t you ig
Y o him.m
to Chri t
th s, a. )man In whom the Spirit Of
God is Thus '
sake the.
p Kin t' his
silence itself. The walls of the Sul-
tan's dwell are filled witharmour
Names of military heroes of South
combined fertility and slilp-
did he 'ie ? And your great -grand-
You, by prayer or gospel word, turn-
s ry n s iRR1
when he heard the words of
plate, in cask of projectiles, It is
AL•ic nm Such
�n f o s c1, as Lord Roberta
an Col. Baden-PvwoB, loom to be in
ties. 1BcaeAt will accrue
mother . Will you describe the style
ed him round from tie. wrong .way
,rose h.
p The man tvhp could inter-
said that a mysterious passage Cory-
The latter -in France and German 3'
favor for autumn flowers to judgo, by
intyy at large from the in_
of ilia haat she ware, and how did
she'and your great-grandfather get
to the right way ? No such insanity
will ever smite a heaven! citizen
Prot such and give Such aa-
vice must be the man for the lees-
nects with ten secret bed chambers,
forming an Intricate labyrinth, No
at least-tlhreaten to become expen^
sive luxuries. Out of Italy's 400, -
those seen at the Royal Horticultur-
Society's Little
its fool-nroauatn area.
on in each, other's companionship ?
It is not half as well on earth
si°n. God had been all the while
one but his nt knows
-000 titled Persons, less these hall
k h Howe a.
ward of York has also a flower, a
Was it March weather or June ?
Oblivion ! Taat mountain surge
known that Christopher wren plan-
P p
rice and built St, Paul's
Preparing � Joseph for tots occasion
and this occasion for Joseph, FIo
Where the Sultan may sleep lectrleave
an ma sleep during
any Flo has
any claim at all to the titles
the asstmte. So the Government
splendid starlet and rose sweet pea
aiding our interJor develop-
as it will
be known in all heaven that you
were the instrumentality
purposes in himself that which He
works out according to the counsel of
Particular night. electric
lights and telephones in his own a-
Proposes that each shall pay in aF
cordance, with his rank. Princes will
named actor him, A curiosity in
fruit was a Japanese honey berry, a
energetic company is en-
Even the pyramids are dying. Not a
day passes but there is chiseled off a
of building
His own will I' h. i, 0-11 and leap-
(',P ),
PY ate those wbo are in His will.
stautinople.b Tplerlonestyni Might rove
p g p
be assessed at $500 a year, dukes
small scarlet fruit not unlike a
strawberry, Some of the finest fruit
to assist the expansion of
trade, Its directors aye
piece of that granite,
We teach a Sabbath class or
$4, 40. "Ont in the throng will I
handy for conspirators, and he ba-
lleves that a dynamite cartridge
at $1:00 a Maar, and so on to
barons at $100.
was shown by a lady exhibitor, auil
the fsnsibillty of estab-
Why, there is only a crust between
us and the fm:naces inside raging to
put a
Christian tract in the hand of a
be greater than thou." From a
prison to a throne, and so sudden!
could be sent over a wire into the
The Australian Federal delegates
might have home the
1,h° fact that it was grown in Re
g ettt's Park Road, within two miles
line of steamers between
get out. Oblivion 1 The world it=
Passer-by, or testify for Christ in a
Prayer meeting or preach a sermon
and what wonderful words from
Palace. lie tiara electric explosions,
ftp Constantinople still gets plan g
privilege of writing Ti.C.M.G, after
of CharingCross, speaks volumes for
the Londo
and Vladivostock. TItkY
to. ascertain the
roll 0 easily as e
s° l o in it as c i
t y
self of
school -boy's iridin rubber ball rolls
and go home discouraged as though
nothing had been accomplished, when
lx al, sail t 1
sl n t be over i
° n Y
unto till word
house, and accebe
with gas light, FTc hates the word
dynamo, because )See dyna-
fully decline But they very resp n'1,
fully declined Clic honor. T don't
Brevet Lieut. -Colonel the Aon, Fa,
irements at Russia, to dis-:
down a lyill, anct when our world
goes it is so intayrocked b the law
we had ,been characternobuilding with
material that
shall, my people be ruled," the second
t°let• An all Lgypt, and because God
r tabusounds
mite. Balloons aro tabooed, )est one
should him long
a title," said one of
want t° When
theist. W'hon the Commonwealth
J. Monson Stuart -Wortley, O.M.G.,
D.S.O., ??.S.1,.., the tato Vnloaisb
t field there was open to
of gravitation with other worlds
a no frost or earth-
ttJ o or rolling
a n of ]
q tile centuries
g o ,t tea carr
had spoken through him. According
pause over enough
to drop chunk of explosive,
P a ex nsldi As to
is into full swing, he will -
a tto s n i i rob
g o, Y p
candidate for HoImferth, :England,
r d it it N sa
commerce, an
to will oto and o Sar
that 1,l n a s
Y g
from haven our memory per a
g A
d m �'
a o r
o grin • do
g S Wn.
to tN T
ode text, G
a n o t ed it nor s-
g o ad Jo
eph because Joseph had honored IZim.
t e re a) yuxui w of thO Yilai t
g z, hat
u t x ' t
ab) t o a on Ltt es."
Y p
b w inil]tar air
1, h is to a the ne
v o Y
tache fn Paris, is to be succeeded as
promising establish the
ed by the monument of Abcrd
in this world there is
There is another and a ,more cam-
Prete defeat for oblivion, and that
Promotion cometh neither from the
is a matter of course. The domain
world in itself. Five
is a and
You may be a cripple or invalid,
but that, Switzerland, does not
second in command of the 4th King's
and thereby encourage
commerce w
granite no
d lit h of our strongest tel
world 1 sight S e,
g g
A h h
n e al,
t heart of God
o himself.
of You
st nor Brom h
t o west r
no from 1,h o
South; h•
1, t b G
but Cod is the 'ud
judge. P
a put-
thousand n people
h 5a d po a 1Sve Ni hi
t n the outer
P_ o o
Noll, not 1,t
Ur exemption from r
p onfr
bring ex m t on om niilita Ber-
a I Y
R Rifle Re t. at Cork b no
Royal o
Y RogY
c well-known In Yat •kshirp--llSa-
officer a
7ladivostock is the comingand
scope that will he a sure pediment
seen a sailor roll u his sleeve
show you Alis arm tatooed With
tech down one and sotteth up anotli-
7,00 army of
workmen and the 7,000 imperial
vice. You aro absolutely the
able of service, You must pay the
jar and Brevet Lieut. Colonel C.R,.R,
Pacific. Russian enter-
or of'
for any stab of commemoration lived
the flet that we ever lived or died
the figure of a fortress where he
el," (48 "An I P
41, 43. Ana I Pharaoh said unto
guardsmen. There are shops, factor-
nrilitary exemption tax v1, $20 a
And if to
McGfirst ger, al,, a, who served by the
first Boer War, and in the Egyptfand
walloping it with strenuous
aL all. Our earth is struck .Kith
death. The
was garrisoned, or till Earp of a
dead genera) under whom he fought.
Joseph, Seo I have set then over all
arsena.Is, stables, a museum pie-
ture gallery, theatre and even a men-
year. you neglect settle
your tax -bill, you are absolutely
Soudan, and Suakin campaigns, and,
i o Canadian steam -
I n line frations
axlotroe of the constel-
will break and let down 1,h°
You have seen inlay`s hand tatooed
the land of E t," in e
gYA confirmed
it by transferring the ring upon his
agerte.. The monarch loves trees, but
he keeps their branches
prohibited from entering any beer
itko Major Wortley, won his breve rn
the present tear. ITS was formerly'
t plate Would oo Russ with
so districts of Russia in
populations o1' other worlds. Stoi
las, lunar, solar, mortality. Ubiiv-
With the face is o loved one before
kr after mania e
g This custom of
baud to Joseph's hand, by the oes-
tures and the old
P well lopped
off, so that ha can see to the further-
garden or place of public entertain-
merit until you have done so.
Deputy -Assistant Adjutant -General
for Yorkshire Derbyshire,
their millions of people;
ion I It call swallow and will swarf-
tatooing is almost as old as the
g chain and a place
In the second chariot in the land. It
most earner of his park.
$terries may be taxed An England
A court of inquiry was held at Do -
low whole galaxies of words as
easily as a crocodile takes down a
world. It is some colored liquid
punctured into tit° flesh so indelibly
scented to Pharaoh that he did it,
but it was the Lord's
i -�-
next year. In France till Have
been so for three years past. The
ver recently by the -arbor a,uthorr
that nothing can wash it out. It
doing. � He
permitted Pharaoh do it thus
two most unpleasant French tales
ties respecting serious damage sus-
Yet oblivion does not remove or
may have been there fifty years but
when the man into his
Plt s
accomplish FIts Pleasure. Netuchad-
- r
na•e the door -rind -window tax and
twined by the Italian torpedo
Freccia when entering the harbor in
swallow everything that had better
rYt r
not be removed or swallowed, The
goes cofhn
that picture will go with ]rim on
nezzar protrably thought that he tools
Jehaiakim Captive, to human
= ��,a
charge of a first-class Trinity pilot,
to advocate extending our
[ relations with Russia
old motstar is welcc,mo to Itis mer.}
This world would long ago have been
(land w• arm, NOW, God says that
Ile has tatooed us upon his hands.
he did, but 1t was trio Lord
t u^
�. e?,
IIy the former you pay sixty cents
a year on coley door and window
The vessel was being carried 1,y a
strong tido on to the north pier at
tong point of the heavy
overcrowded if not for this merciful
removal of and
Thele carr be no other meaning of
Isaiah, where God says, "Behold, I
gave into his hand
(Dalt. S, 1, 2).
, 11
,$" �
in your house, while the letter is
devised to catch people who live in
the harbor mouth, when the pilot
had liar brought sharps around,
od against art United Stat
lities, excepting mining
nations genura,it,ns,
What if all the books had lived that
wore ever written and printed and
have r
g aven thee upon the Palms of
my hands I" It was as much as to
44; 15, "Joseph went out over all
the land of Egypt," No on° might
yl `
flats or apartments. Everyone who
owns so much as a table lied chair
with the result that she collided vio-
lently with the opposite pier. The
°std agricultural Ample-
published ? The libraries would by is�
their immensity ]faro obstructed in-
"I cannot °
Y : pen My hand to
tele, but I tiniltic of you. I Cannot
do aught without him; as in the
prison so naw An all the land it
, I 1'
is liable,
Franco succeeds An raisityg 5140,-
bow of the Froceia was twisted, and
a considerable portion of her mac -in-
s leavingopen an inlmenso
telligence and made all research Sm-
spread abroad Dir ]rands to bless,
might be said of hien, "Whatsoever
�/' , a t
000,000 a year out of strmp duties,
eiy was seriously Injured. The cap-
nnadian eutpiprfso. It is
possible. The fatal epidemic of
they there h° was the doer of ibe-
{chapter xxxix 22). There is be
hotel bill comes to you with a.
stamp. on it. Every cheque drawn
twin of the Freccia estimated the
damage to Itis ship at £1,000, and
question whether Ott"
luld take aclvantago of
M books was a merciful epidemic.
Many of the state and national 1[C-
Wherever T go up and down the lies-
liever who may not be so yielded to
Christ that
f, i Z
L Stam across
bears an extra receipt
p P•
dauma o to Llie extant of £100 was
of affairs, and endeavor to
sties to -say are only Waiting, . ill
Which dead books aro waiting for
vans, I take these two pictures of
you tciti Mo. They aro so Anwrouglit
what is done In or
through them I3o will be the doer of
'''�j � �^
which the drawer must write
Hume. Theatre tickets must be
done to the pier.
The new War Office in London is ba•
ticies required An IZussia•
some one to eomo and recognize •into
Illy being• that I cannot lose
it; as Paul said concerning !himself,
I Iy
stantlted....Even the very bilis posted
gun. The huge pit opposite the
ill native Canadian ' get
Visna, what if all, the People that i
them. As lung as My hands last the
,'I live, yet not I, but Christ, 13veth
n n e (Gal„ it, 21)). Since our
^ ; ''
on the hoardings are i tamp°d; elle
value varying with the size of the
Noise Guards, which has been soi-
tling for the few months
" if we once managed to
had been born were still alive 7 lye
would have been elbowed by out, an-
memory you will. last. Not on the
back of my bands, as though to an-
-Lord Jesus has said, A)4titout me
�� •� ;•
poster. To show hvty strictly this
past after
its thick inlay of generate, is now in
conrulcrcial foothold in
ould not rest content till
castors of ten .centuries ago, and
people who ought to have snicl their .palms
nouitce you to others, but or the
of my -suds for mysp]# 1,p
ya can do nothing"
g" (Jahn xv, 5).,
should we think of doing any-
(1 / i �
into is onfo•cod, a country advertiser
was foolish enough to Put on One of
possession of the first batch of build-
are who are preparing to lay the
ouservativo Chinaman was
last word 8,000 years ago would
look at and study and love. Though
I hold the winces in MY fist, no cy-
ng apart from T3iny, because how-
aver it may look acceptable in the
� � 1,
lits public advertisemor is n amp
worth six cents instead of ano worth
foundations. Scaffolding and cranes
are springing up out of the coiiarete
i rice with maple chop-
snarl at us; saying
shall uproot the inscriptiondl
oyes of others, it is "nothing" unless
a cent only. This breach of law
depths and All many other was there
There would have been no room ' to
et y ' 1•
of your name and °
t u1, far 1
Y e, and Y
ttnongll I Rola the ogcan In rte illi-
He does It?
Ills new ria mo signifies, according
s him -v fine.
cost n S
I ice countries are also
Towns, t
indications of the beginning f
-ale I3 1 t gy g
the first of Clic two new -Government
turn around. Same of the Past gar
foil,' of MY hand, its billows s]iall
to the margin, 'revealer of secrets,"
r( t.
driven to all sorts of expedients to
buildings, which promise to add so
orations mal were not worn-
not Nash out the teras of my re-
end he receives as his wife the daugh-
im of tlye On; here
rafso money for municipal expenses.
';very morsel of rood, drink, and
much to the dignity of Whitehall.
remembering.The first useful thin g
membrance. I have graven
priest of again
The walls and bed of concrote which
[slnnau at a dinner ones
that rnanv people aid was to did,
Their cradle a misfortune and their
thee an the palms of my hands I"
What joy, what honor, can there
wo have a two -fora suggestion of our
Lard Jesus, for 1To is rho great re-
% h
Enol which latera into any French
town pays a frac. Paris, hist mouth,
were firer constructed, making the
cleared area -look liken gigantic
g g
a of a tiger had shot
twenty-four feel
gravo a been. This world was hard-
be comparable to that of being re-
realer of secrets, staking known to
,� L
put ten cents a bottle extra all
swimming bath waiting to be filled,
salted y-
t to tail -tin. Lrvoryono
ly a comfortable Pima to live An be-
memUered by Che mightiest arid
1,s the great mystery of godliness,
and o4 the church, and of Israel's
y ' ;
spirits, esPcraall English 1,v -iso
Silo has also taxed land-
were necessitated 1,y the unstable soil
s[ted, galeal one ventured
lore the middle of the eighteenth
most affectionato Doing in the
blindness, and of the kingdom, for
• t ,
stye gin.
lords 2t cent„ and tenants 1 per
of the rival,
;a a doubt of the truth of,
century. So many things have come
Into the world that tecta not fit to
versa ? .Chink of it, to hold art ov-
erlasting place to Lha. heart of God !
tl•e Father loveth the Son and show-
-- --$-----
a Scotchman told his
atay in we ought to be glad they
were put out. The waters of Lethe,
The heart of God 7 The most beau,
tiful palace in ilio universe. Let the
Sill Ilim all things that Himself do-
1 g
eth (John v, ' 0),
Every housewife likes to see her
maid neatly and appropriately dyes-
To best preserve autumn leaves,
had once caught a fish
1,h° Fountain oP forgetfulness, aro a
archangel build a palace as grand
46. And Joseph was 80 years old
sed, and malar careful housekeepers
the gatherer should immediate) 1
g Y ay;
aid he was unable to pull
healthful draft. The history Wo have
as Ire can and than you enter this
"lien lie stood before Pharaoh, Irving
find it wise to provide the aprons
This is Beira, on tie coast of Por-
them flat between two sheets of new
tanaging only to land it
th the aid of sit friends.
of tlhe world in ages past is always
onc aiacct Hutt cannot be appended on,
palace of archangarle construction
surf sed how poor a Isalace it is
of Egtpt. Our Lord was 80 years
old when I3o bagel' Ills public mii-
and cape which they protor. Tha
tasteful apron spawn is correct in
tuguesp East Africa. Every utensil
is made of It. If you were to break
blotting paper spread upon a table
top and cover over by a stactc o1,-
sk and ca r d two
oto, ve o t
History is flatIpn illustrated by a
compared with Lt° greater palace
i r 1• ti w
s1, ,y (Lu Lei 3 ; so likewise was
Query way and has the merit of be.
your leg, you would be taken to the
heavy books. It is essential that
)]lowed this recital, dur-
few straggling facts,
W*o friar build this "everlasting
telt some of you have already found
ii the heart of a laving and par-
John the Baptist and Ezekiel and
tills was this age when the priests
Ing becoming to the wearer at the
gamic time that it is satisfactory to
hospital on a stretcher made of rhic,
and when you ArrIved at the zinc
all moisture should be pressed out
of them. BY this sfmP)e process
the offended Englishman
g,anminbryneta" as my text styles it,
dcning Cod and Into which all the
Legnn their mhtlsLry (I zolt. i, 1;
Num, Av Jos°
tial mistress, and that it conforms to
building, you would be laid an bed-
they should be dry within three or
b] . The host followed.
c I
tto Lha su et•t al existence of Lhasa
t t
J p
music and all Ch prayers
c p yo s and all
3 . It began to
e an elle
p g
1' •
the requirements o ni t P
° a en s o cod form.
1 g
zinc train t ark. A
' s in g on n zr °
ail 1e t
g 6
fur hours. So treated til,. will ta-
o u v
urning, lie said to the
Sir, insulted
to whom the da kindnesses in this,
the sermonic considerations oTi this
at the age of 90, but our Lord bo-
I -Its humiliation,
To out this apron for a woman of
dead uinn lying An a zinc eofItu, till
taiu their beautiful colors for years
:, you have
world. You must remember that
day aro trying to introduce yon
gan public for while
Iia doing
medium size 11,
,yards of material $0
latter resting on settias of the sumo
provided the are not exposed to
You must apologize.
this inarin and 'treacherous faculty
through the blood of
event about good, annotnt-
incites wide will be required when
metal, is not an extraordinary sight,
the direct glare of Old Sot, If not
him, s id the Scot,
nsoait t a
which we now Cali memory is in the
a with the Ilol Ghost, it was t be
d y t va °
sash is used, 5i, yards without, with
The body is carried to Ills zinc
thoroughly deprived of their nor -
did, with your two -nor°
You must apologize,
future stato to be complete and per-
feet "Everlasting remembrance 1 "
Oh, where is oblivion now ? From
despised and rejected and crucified as
Oil evil^doer, and no still Waits for
L yards each of edging and inset-
tion to trim as illustrated.
church, and it trial rest in o zinc-
lhtecl grave, It the relatives so do-
mall largo pstriletn e of water,
y g g
'they will soon nssumo a dirty brown
3 the offender, slowly,
it of and making a great
Nothingwill Slip the stout grip :01
P 13' I
that celestial faculty. n1d you holp
the dark and oversliftdowltig word
that it seemed when I began it has
I3fa kingdom.
47, 40. "And Josoph gathered corn
sire and are willing to pay ! Zinc
58e1n9 1,v be ilio only cheap material
tint. Vow of us raalizo Lirttt rho
Weight of groan loaves is clue almost
toll him if rte will take
that tiger I will see what
a widow pay Iyer rent ? Did you
And for that roan released Train pris-
become something which no lean or
woman or child Who loves the Lord
as the sands of the sea, very
until ho lett numbering; far it was
that will withstand for a reasonable
h effects of the h -
lengtho f time the elle u
entirely to their water content. It,
for example, we put u. hundred
riLh the s
•c 4 )idpounds
o a place t° et honest work Iansa
ti aP
pick u a child fallen on 1,h°
ria d over feel,.
p e al, Oblivion deices
t ted,
Ion cited.
without t'
W t tout Sl s he did a yr-
trig the seven years, 1,°r
interest t i felt i England
t° s s e t n En an m
1 to and it is accordingly
id. Glyn a g
f letCn a leaves, fit a.
p C t rasa
riled thus sgncexe nil. tiro moisture
- ^ o-
curbstone anti b, a Stick of cancl
v Y
But be soon rd onhrptl•
But I anise not be so Bard on that
1,h° earth brought forth by handfuls,
the Lloua fuel gas, which wade
from the cheapast Class o4 small c°lr4
employed in every possible way,
out, we obtain fie pounds of water
Put in ]tis hand step 1,h° hurt on ilia
devouring monsto,, far into its 1
g gave
and Joseph diligently made proof'
and dust, known as bituminous
Dir. Bridal (n1, luncheon) : Is this
and have only tion pounds Of green
rill had been Out of
business Tutee ? Did lot} the s1, a
business roan Swamped by the sthat
g o all our Sins when the Lord for
Christ's salco hes forgiven them,
sion for the time to °oma when there
would be great The phrase
allele." This g q, which is intended
for furnaces Ines, ost It
the best salmon you could get? Ytfrs,
vegetable matter 1pIC.
me, and Was a few weeks
g o ey that
,V mibe
of tl1a. er
Just blow a rpstu`rection trumpet
"as the sand of the spa,"' al,, as it is
gi g
fs Claimed;• supplied n1, a COSI oT
e s lied
d 1: ccs• ilio grocer showed me
131-idal: g
kinds, but I tock this 1111.
- p•
With his paylnanta. t0 Iles
a. be
butes would after n. while Uo totter 7
over them tvAen once oblivion has
sometSyuas, the dust of tine
four cants or thousand cubic feet,
•• • ,; this W as till
DIt. IIttdal• Did 11,°
The bones of a main's skeleton
Finding no -other bmploy-
determined to enlist, con-
Dict' yeti lead a ilio dalon of tine
atteot fixed a ruidni lit nlisslau,
snapped them down. Not one of
them rises., IIION again. Not a stir
earth, is a, tlgur'e signifying that
which cannot be counted. Sea T.
It is not a lighting gas, as it burns
boat he had? Mrs. Bridal: No; but
Weigle on an average 201b., of a too-
;eif lei It the ttgygh,t: 4�
tvliord, Lina ;tni;8 sa{cT to hart hMeI
aririd all the pardoned iniquities of
Icings lit, fl; iv, 20-29; IT Ghron, t,
17; Judg.
with a pale blue fiftmc, and its Hent-
a Is lower
Ing Valuethan that of it -
prettiest label,
it file 1,h° p e
The in
mail 151b.
)4Tathar: 1V1tei'O have Ureic Jahn-
n. solder, would, not be;
bein In lot!giri s,
do I coudOluil tiled, Go and sin
a lifatilvo. Titoty again, Not lits
tile"', ill the ocp trench-
4; then sea also cilli. xxfi,
vii, 12; I, Sam, xtti, G; Ps. lxxviif'
in its grantor
luminat g gas, but g a tot thlui
Taflaz•: postai services is a
condition. IPrfaud: Never
Johnny: Down 1,h' oto mil,
g 6
no more ?" Did you toll a man
moves grave
that f most other reducer as-
a g
Welt, T have. ?leering
well till 1'.a'L• was in the
oloar discouru od in his wayward-
OS, But to this POWarless m•esurreo-
27, 11OW groat is our God that TIO
„ t
eel, Irl the process at manufacture
noticed it,
wa a moat paint a picture,
117111, Whets the set• 'etlllt
Mass and hopeless sari plotting .tui-
tion trumpet a voice responds, half
can multiply tt)nga and people atter
a vcrY large Pr'G9?artintt of the nitro-
last ivanih I sent ono-undlrod and
lktothor : Dicht'C loft bother hila?
ria called out, Hors, Mur-
Ill CIO, ill for bim Was noar b a
human, half divine, and it must be
tills fashion?
gen of the oral is recovered in the
eighty statements of account, With
Johnny: No! lie, secnletl Lo bo ,very
ant ,your chest,.
laver• In which ho lulght wash, and
part' roan and part God, saying,
,o. :fry duo time the fnmine nnisio•
t f r u neo i
form Of al1]pl lL0 a lit n a, Worth
requests for invnectiato payment,
interastea, in ino. ]ktothrr: 1\'irn.t did
t•,. I can't,. replied Pat. '
a gOr'Ullet at atel'itnl b1eSaCdne55 :lie
"Thele' ulna. 6na their iniquities 'will.
Than all ir'ilypt cried to i''hat•iloh,
nearly tto° dollars for ovary Loa of
arid, an tai• as gait 10n1'n, r1Ot wal'8
Ile 5iy Yr ? Jnhitl.y:' Il'e Sl SkC,l Ihlp iI I
Vlt ?
1 -night wear 7 what are e itn hs 'ill
I romeniber no mot's," Thank God
and he said, unto Jnsapli; what
that, two of my customers rocoived
didn't think it was diruter time and
-1,v landlady has ;t,'6rit%
Jrrn.tlavrirda.-iwha.i'. nrO CnlOal•unlq Jn';far
this blessed oblivion. So you lie
:m Ah_. to vola *do." This.ratunds
alaCli ga91(lOd+
their 1pttors.
You'd llli:ss me.