HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-10-17, Page 2Ovent ef
4K,410)Mil..4e.)1(ViliCii+YeWifhtliirl,W.3:0)1;<K40%.,3i(eig..34A aharlain6. ta IPQ"tharatan' T° "
this one wee eeMpelled to turn her the great man determine to lift hien-
'OP 196%9ZZZeit% cup butter, and beat Well together. EIJIOINE FOR THE RINI.]
• , The . "Donna.," said Coestantia present, eleecis that, though he censumed tin-
eeneelally cold mutton, And be de- HOUSEHOLD. Add. 1. WM any land .p.t pin (black-
:ert:yopiegonpredieovrecr: kt:::::D040:tri,
Cetno31,1%,erlell: laSd"P gt r:gdtV41111 01 4! 4 "Ix7.401'w ,11;SfslIuS,x,a,01,,:n13.4.4$
lodging accompanying it, thnt Man
' Or , ehoulder even Varies/ which Also Self etheYe those Minor worrieSse
rineeterticilef 2'0%1)1310 flgtrlr'ilMee9ere 97 1°1•Siltle' Sense . Seerete That nave NeVer I
pelted bee,
I WOGing ly, lettaIng' toWards her, "clo you Winingly &split two "Sega" a week
Red Witell - ?,.
Instantia' ) know tbeet Mr, Strong° is going to in those daye, cold Metton has been
iuvite us all some evening to. thet a stranger to hint Willie his first
wonderful stronghold of his, lnelle tote% of effluenee ; and he rejoices. tqii2R,M. 196,9401Y0 Milk. POW Into large greased tin, Before Appeared in. Rria.t• '
,),K+A(.**A.We)1(*)K40.43K+14)144,?1WWW4.3:4,4tWAWASK4PW.M.4 "Now, what a nappy lvti 1150' u g 11°1 triltst. pgivenlGfao tr I I bbe°1Tell' si n, ge nwd°aftittlels bSern TIrleIxo'sutairoltit'is,t,rostr)18,V10aVolvaateit:am eiobligvafieclejet,Yoaeebellieu'et'prPfeehloa'ci.eaerfie'fivill'ell:16;:igcl_g11.14ot,tiulic.aN:n111)41b::::::1b:flar:::°t:dQt, 8es:sties;:z:eitslo otiriffel:sttl elytli:li.yllotalti:eb:et,tili:°: enie:Ofrodwlivtioor sniltidezo:licittetiiinsote I
not let the 'some e- 'ng ' be too cerriecl out thoroughly, as all ftni-
, irone?" '
"All, sol" weedOne of the best et all reesone A aftiop DINNEN, TO -DAY,
"Yes, do," said Oonstantia, whicb he said,
of course deelded the geestion. But Ito got no answer beyond a
to .me at the end of next week, and once came upon a mob of urchille 10 To repair to tile kitchen. to -day,
because I have some people coining "Patin]. king" was At, school he And I long, with burrying feet, ever the fire' 10 a custerd ketttliem; pensors,
whea it boils stir M 2 eggs
have peen beeten with t elm sugur of iriew,,, says 000 of the love, cile. i
CHAPTER X. berries. "Early for *one, isn't it?" d°
. soon, I ' entreat you, mt. Stronge; mal lovers know., When the great way ;
to be eafeguarcis, Theee . are not at
all intereeting from a layeacul'a Point
"You lehall have Your dance, ,your groan that went up from Constantin,
it will be a commen charity to bele a brick/end ortuely 111,using a eat. So I put pens and Mit away, 1
Chinese lanterns, even Your and Barry, all at once. The me to entertain them." and 1 toaepeeit corestareh. When
add , the Juice Tr= halt a lemon.
X hone, Altes Norah v* said Stam•oonogiel',. 1G1;ran°1.5Qm' outdo:led by Lord Venice, waa "Let us say the week .a,fter next, The horror-stricken young Gatimelle Arid go to the kitchen to -day.
it thickens remove from the ilre and .
• "To begin with, the very greatest ,
answering the child rather than the a speelally favorite one with Mrs.
then," returned Stronge, agreeably, Plunged into the midst of them and
thin slices, place care is taken that everything used I
ehihre ;genre thotigh the latter was O'Flannigan Limn her colleagues. They if rather Mdigerentiv. ,' , put them to flight, rescuing the cat; What's the use to be always de- out striae cake in
In a fruit' dish, cover the eate with is of the highest state of purity, In
to hire More precious than rubies: sang it so slowly that it sounded "Donna.," said Featherston. A and, the incident made such all Me- pending .
the dispensing of all Medicines for,
deed pause followed his utterance of to strive hard for wealth, to ghee When there'd be enjoyment unend-
Pressler). on hen that be determieen
veil t On those who are working' for Pelf, sum ot banana, pour over 1 cup
of the use of His Majesty and the other
members of the Royal Family the I
,er. His back was •hardly tamed, tiers of 'the "blow" always resulted We, Dundee's Chrietinn name, and him the Dower of helping* to pre- ing, Custard, then alternate layers
eake and banana- Pour over this
precautions taken are kio Perfect that
0 He left them a minute or twcr late like a luneral dirge, and the termina-
in o a gay were very nearly irreverent, and gave
-Coustantia with open astonishment $o I send Irish Nora away, .
In getting, that, dinner yourself '2
the remaining etietard„ Serve very
cold with whipped cream. it would be absolutely impossible for
when George, the irrepreesible, burst in a series of "I10, ho, hos," that everybody looked at him enquiringly
"I do think that a fellow in love," occasicin for unlimited mirth, or bad -
and a qui& flush, \eerie), with a BRUTALiTY TO DU11,113 CREA- While I get a good dinner to-claY. Chopped Mixed Piekle.-Two dozen' any , mistake, accidental or other- '
Stronge, now, is as admirable a Donna was looking lovely, radiant. unmoved; and, after all; it apPea,red Unlike most‘riortEliSos.e early pro- And by a good dinner I mean 7tutpop'obsee,rafoald•einstance, that some
designing hater of Royalty should go
sight than can be offered 000. positions of the hearees led them. e,
genvraellbjleir alantd" osn.:0 tdwo°zede.c!z:nliellairognce0su;
said he, "'is the most remarkable i suppressed indignation, as the dig -
frown. Featherston, howevet, was
She was picking out, in a dainty fa, he was not addressing her -was inev- feels:, this one did not. 'fade away It shall wholesome be, by all odds; 000 large cabman six roots celery;
so far as to Study dispensing, to
shims, the biggest strawberries from For 'there's plenty of fruit end
six green Peppers; one dozen large
qualify as a dispenser, e,nd to get
specimen of the really deep dye as ely giving sound to her name, which nhen seccess Mine ; and Cathorne
one could desire. eudrew Strongel" had puzzled hint. 01 hear it is Ma- sell" devotes most of the enormoun inioes. Chop each and put in a jar
he went 00 meditatively, "I say, the dish before her, and was ev creem
with one handful of salt. Let stand into the position of Royal .Dispenser
ly enjoying' them. She bad said no donee in reality; but—lou will par- 'income which is said to be the To make food flt for the gods 1
one hour and drain in colander. To
Connie, have you considered the nu- to the tea, and yes to the champagne don me, Mrs. Dandies.," he said in his "hardest -won fortune in England" And it's music to stir awny,
-do you know what evil he could
lies in that nem° alone. You will and was enjoying* that, too, quite has beea such a cause of speculation ing. White mixing tho dinner to -day.
. boil a,11. in this twenty less in the dispensary as though he
morons 'afterwards' 9 One of them low, musical voice, "but your name to doing away with animal suffer. ono quart of vinegar add one quart do ? None. He would be as harm -
of \vetoer and
' have to call him Andy. Andrew will thereughlen though drinking t
1 out' has
me. It is one so strange, so full 'The vertous societies that help to And oh, it makes everyone smile,
minetes. Drain. Boil four quarts of were miles away. You will easily
do very Weil for state occasions ; of a tumbler.
When the Blue Ribbon cre.ze over -I
I of meaning. Is it your real name, protect animals in Britain and all AL sight of so much good cheer, vinegar three pounds brown sugar; perceive this when I have told you
or a trip to the moou, it will have adauted to—" duo td him ; and he has spent over That I think I will try it awhile, -
seed, three tablespoonfuls 'cinnamon
but when you want a new bonnet, took old Miss McGillicuddy, she had l or one assumed as being peculiarly over, the Continent are most of them one-fourth pound white mustard what happens %ellen the medielnes
. to be Andy. It is homely, no doubt, falleu foul of wine -glasses, and had 1
consigned them to the lowest depths, "To me?" asked Mrs. Dundas. She $4,000,000 in all in this work, at Perhaps for a whole long.year.
and one tablespoon each of cloves are required. .
' "The prescription is brought in .
(and there is a great charm in that) in other words, the underground cel- seemed amused. "It was assumed," which he toils daily now ,that 1113 For I think the smiles repay,
090 01.• . throe utinutes.
and allspice. A.cicl piekle and •boil by Royal, Messenger.' Immedfately ,
but it is .seareely poetical." Jar, Wine-glassesl vile immoral; a
she said; "in so 1 at your guess was fortune is soeure. He keeps 300 When you get a good dinner each
day. .
-- it is received the date, the time to
"Better 'Andy' than 'Garry,' at word! Out of her sight with therm i
i correct one. It was bestowed up- -pensioned" horses -old hacks that . Squash Fie -Two-thirds cup white the very minute, and the initials . of
all events," broke in Nornh, flashing
. miserable reminders as they were of i cia..y
on me a long time ago as being see- are past work -on his estate at
n suited to my features; a naive Staveley, England, and also runs it SACRIFICED TO VARIETY. sugar; two tablespoons. flour; a little the person to whom it is given are
I see Mr. Barry, all I can think of would have broken the unending. suggestive of goodness only shoe cattuy ' ca f I" es and Variety ' in foods is a very diner- salt; one teaspoon cinnamon, or one
"It is then, passed inte. the Royal .
an indignant glance at hum demore.lizang pagan ot gies
• placed upon it.
is 'Garry Owen l' I'd .hate a. hus- glasses but for the frugal spirit with -I -.le
belong to a face of the same type." the best-equipped:veterinary hospital able thing, but it isn't the most de- tiablespeon rosewatee; two eggs; ono
be glanced at him from under her in the country. siralle-that is, not if you take cup sifted sqeash; ono pint of rich.
Dispensary. This is a eotien which,
band with a name like that." in her, and failing courage to mud-, milk. Place the pie in a hot oven of course, is used 'for no other par-.
This was distinctly ungrateful of bilate what had cost good money.; long lashes; it was a glance provoca- ()no of tee strangest reasons for 'variety to mean a raultiplying of
pose than dispensing these Medi -
her, Barry being quite 4 devotee of she squared matters with her eon-.
1 tive and full of quick mischief. I
"- amassing wealth was that of Baines, dishes, as is generally the case. That to set the crust -quicidy. Withdraw
the heat so the open will cool rapid- eines. All around its walls are
hers: but she still stood feithful to science by consigning them to leribo• t calmly:
; was never christened." She went en the "eopper millionaire To Mut variety in flavor does not depend
Stronge, who had her first love. A limbo inaceessible, considering the i Mary."
"but when a baby they called money means snakes ; and, apart solely upon this can be proved by a ly and the pie bake slowly. ranged. cupboards with gleess panels
through which. the drugs can be
"I call Garry better than Andy, key of it was always in her own;
"Madonna beney!" exclaimed Mrs. from his wealth he is one of the simple course of diet at the average Pumpkin Pie -One-half cup. of sug-
ar, one tablespoonful of cinnamon,
seen. Every cupboard is invariably
any day," said George, who found po ket.. there they would never see! Blake lifting her beows. Never to greatest authorities on them, and boardingLhouse table, where every-
thing ie eound after a little to taste one-half teaspoonful each, or ginger,
kept locked
'great joy in a skirmish with Norah,
who was a veritable firebrand, the light of day, or tempt tho trans-
gressor to a persistence in his folly..
I be christened! There certainly was1
something odd about the woman be- has the finest collection of
LIVE SERPENTS IN EUROPE. remarkably like everything else. and one-half teaspoonf al salt, One WREN NOT IN USE.
"Each xuember of the Royal '
"And 1 call Andy better than Gar- "Well, you see it was business, hind her excessive beauty -something,
. Hu has never been without snakes How ever the idea got started that
the public demands a large number sweet milk. Line a deep pie tin
egg, one cup sifted, pumpkin, ono pint
ily has his or her prescription book.
Fane -
r)," persisters she. brought. me, said or r was it heathenish? with a rieh Paste • pour in the cue -
'If I wet,- Jou," said George, art- mealy; "or emit we say it kept me?" I i since he was at echool, and his pad-
sion for the study of these creatural; of dishes and prefees them even
tard and bake quickly at first to set These books are provided with nia.ss
lessly, "1 nould not argue -with a. llere he looked at Donna. "I should I "When Mrs. Dundee was quite a es when indifTerently cooked, to one or sive brase locks, and. are always
na little girl," expl mined Constantia, i en expensive hobby-linpelled him the crust and afterwards very .slow -
smut upe o the extreme tip f
'3- Ynnr have presented myself eaxlier, „,,, to make a. large enough fortune to two good dishes well cooked, is a
mystery, but it is an idea. that by until the custard rises in the kept . securely fastened except when
nose." doubt, but for Mrs. Cerlanitgan's re-' aravelY. is required to be made.
This put an end to all conversation iterated iniunctions; but I .assure,
i so struck by bier likeness to a Mauro -
"an °Id artist in rt°ine w''''' command any pace and. any trouble,
- - Now, as most people know, he ovine seems to be fairly well rooted by crust, but do not allow it to boil. nn ontrY
Pumpkin should be stewed very dry The keys axe stored in special recep-
tor the time being. you I ran all the way here, once Ii there of the Virgin that he named this time. The facts are that many tacles, which are sealed with stamps
her 'The Modern Madonna.' The pie- $1.5.000,000, made out of copper, persons who undertake to make a or cut in halves and baked.
Mr. Barry came, and so did Mrs. had got rid of her, so as to be in I in such a manner that It would be
Blake, the doctor's wife, Donna was timaio I ture was beautiful, I often heard -so awl more different kinds of snakes
than all the zoos in Europe. His business of furnishing board under- impossible to tamper with them
in the very gayest spirits. After a nIn time for what!" asked Norah,1 good so godly, so full of holy
I light!" chief collection is at Atherley Edge, stand neither the needs of their vrithout leaving evidence of the deed,
little while, however, her gayety de- boarders nor the art of cookery. As "The prescription having arrived,
.creasecl in a measure, and Constantio, sharply.
"To see you," replied Varley, 1 ' 'That was old Garde" said Donna. I Engl and, comprising some hundreds
of species, from a moccasin to an a eaSe in point, ono .might call at- BURIED IN A BALLOON.
the all-important work of dispensing
detected lice in the act of stifling a laughing. "Haven't I just told you i
all tl e way?" "Yes; he ueed to say I had a face anaconda ; and he also has everY tention to many of the cheap lunch -
yawn. She knew that Constantia ' like an angel." She burst out . . , eon. places. The other day, a woman people Who scorn the conunen is done by two men.
hook written on the subject, ana es "First of all the particular pres-
"An Direction of the jaws, Con," remarked Mrs. Dundas dryly. "Your "You must have been a very dear wrillug one romsen-a woilt of eigi- .
went into a luncheon-roora that is
pationized solely by woinon. cription book require() is brought
said she. "Don't be uneasy about it. anxiety to be with. your beloved has'
, little girl," said Featherston in teen years -that will be the ICoran insenu sounded rather pretentious, Mr. Wilson Everett, who died last out and unlocked. The senior cils-
had detected her, and she laughed. "you don't seem over fatigued," 1 lailahlna. .
It comes and. goes, and is never ser- not taken much out of you. You' quite a kind, brotherly sort of way. , of ell. snake students when it ap- coneidering • the Price, and included year, was probably the only man penser copies the prescription into
bees." look pretty cool, considering!" 1
" expect I was," returned she. '
i always hunting for him in different appl„a„,a,
pears. He bits six expert collectors sauy, beef, potatoee, beets, squash, who ever climbed m hundred different it. This done, the other man goes
"Time for tea," thought Connie; "Do you doubt me?" asked he, Bis "Dear at any price." apple shortcake and mountains of over twelve thousand through the copy word by word in
and as Mr. Stronge arrived at this tone was in a Measure jesting, yet, a coaee. Surely out of that number feet in height. MIs total climbing order to see that it is coreeetly en -
opportune moment she forthwith ca there WaS au undercurrent of serious something that nobody could hear. .•
Variey bent towards her, and said Parts of the world, each deawileg
spends' six months of each year
I ',. of $1 000 e year • and lie of viands one should be able to eat- .amounted to over 600 inileS in ver- tered.
ried them all oft Otto the tiny dining- meaning in it, that betrayed itself to Nobody wanted to hoar it, except. its al height. It was always his wish "Next the requisite cupboards are
room, where really everything looked Stronge. it appeared, Featherston, who caught enake-hauting himself, mostly in isfy a. not inordinate appetite. How- tic
ever, the soup proved to be a watery to end his daye on One 01 ids favor- opened. One of the dispensers weighs
wonderfully pretty -considering It
' Mrs. Dundas smiled and dropped a last word and made it public. i South America. s Mild ; the beef was tough ; the per ite peaks, but he died of pleurisy at oie measures . out each ingredient,
her eyes. She helped herself to alt- ge" • 'cl tome "were] To Shaw Hardy, the great ship- tatoes were plain boiled and had not Hempstead, Englend. while the other carefully checks the
were thrown wide open to catch any you talking ot riding, Mrs. Dundee? owner, money means swiftness ; and the saving grace of warmth ; the When his will was read, it wee weights, drug, quantities, and in
was very Warm, and the windows I I'
passing breeze. Gonsta.ntia was That bay mare of yours is hardly up he declares that from first to last beets were underdone ; and some- found that ho had left directiOns /or feet, everything that can be check -
crushing it into the thick, sweet . ed. Even the water used has to
busy with the Queen Anne tea-pot to the marks I should say. This he craved for wealth mainly hi order thing ailed. the squash ; and, in his body to be cremated, and the
other large strawberry, and leisurely
and the importance of the hour, but morning before breakfast, when I to be rible to command speed, - and short, from the whole list there was ashes buried above the snow -line on pass through the stune delicate
Picked off its stem. with a view to
"I never doubt,"' she said slowly, checking process. Before being die-
Norah's brein was free to watch and saw you and Lord Varley down by the saving of time. He s ca e , nothing appetizing and kood to be Orizaba, a South American peak
wonder. She had noticed that Donne,
was not pleased when Mr. Stronge "I always know!" Itingrone, it occurred to me it was and calls IiimselL "the most restless selected. The great majority of per- which he had been ono of the first to
somewhat imprudent of you -to von- onan in F.,ngland," and with perfect sons would prefer two Mused, every drug is
cream upon her plate.
came in, and this slight to her favor- At this instant the door was ture abroad so early, on so sorry an truth. Since bis boyhood slowness In fact, there is a growing desire for the 'solid rock, and a great Atone
good dishes. scale. The grave was blasted out of
ile hardened her heart the more thrown open, and Minnie, who was a animal. Dundas should see to it." in transit, whether by trains or simplicity in diet, and.the woman "The process is not yet complete.
against her red-haired guest. She person of impulse, almost peccipitat- Donna's eyes took a darker hue. horses or bicycles, drove him Iran- who is forced to take her luncheon rolled over it. Mr. Everitt's remains The names and quantities of every
had also noticed the decline of Don- ed two men into the room. "Would that sorry animal have tic, and so also did people who away from home would be entirely other 'lumen being's.
lie at a' greater height than any ingredient contained in each bottle
"Mr. Featherston, Mr. 0 Grady, been safer in the afternoon?" she "took it easy." Ever since ho had contented, nine times out of ten, or box dispensed are placed upon it,
na'e gayety', and now she became
cried she at the top of a fresh, jubi- asked, smiling. Captain Crohan, whose death tool( together with full directions
lighted with this addition to bliss sensale both in
hint voice. She was evidently de- place in Liverpool last November,
Latin and English. Whcin this has
aware of something else. the money to coramand speed he has with a cup of good coffee or tea and
All in a second, as it were, Don- "No, of course not; whet non- rushed about at the very highest ono well -seasoned, well -cooked dish used to declare that from the time
na's color had deepened, and her cried young George McGini-Igalt ; and It is he, and not Edgar besides. There should bo money in I ii t *ant to sett in 1368, he had been done the medicines are subjectConnie's party. "The more the trier- cuddy, taking her side' with a gener- Phillips, who is known to railway such catering. ed to yet another checking process -
great eyes had taken an additional rier" was a motto of hers, when ous ardor, though altogether un- eons as tea ''Speciel-Train Man." crossed the Atlantic three hundred
the final ono -before being wrapped
increase of light. "the more" meant men. aware of the undernmaning of the His wealth enables Iiirn.,,,t.o talEe —_- end twenty times, Bis chief desire
There was a. step upou the gravel Constantin. started visibly and. was that he should. not be buried OF'
outside, a hesitation such as might words spoken. special trains whenever he likes, asid FOR THE INVALID. "When properly packed and scale&
blushed crimson. She had not had - ashore. 171s brother, a. wealthy man,
the courage to invite Featherston, will," said Featherston, shrugging ,all niers, though, in general, a horse respected this wish, mid hired the the medicines, which I will suppose
gar, and then a man stepped lightly mad new he had eamel Dia all the I 's shoulders "Mitts as a rule fall is tea slow for him ; end he has hang some pockets whose sunplacity steam -yacht "Malta" to talco the ere for the Ring, are placed in a
arise from the flinging away of a ci- Well, disregard my hint, if you lie generally (lees, sese bosses are Just at the head of the bed may
Op to the open window and looked world know of this simple affair of through. But, I can assure you there over thirty motor -cars, getting every of make render them none the less dead man's body out to boa. letter case, which is then securely
ente the roont, a little uncertainty at hors? If so, there would be a reek- is no safety in the path you are now new fast cnr as it comes out, besides convenient. They are simply broad was intended to stbam out of sight locked. This case has two !toys, one
first until his eyes mot Donna's, oning when Aunt Drielget came home. r • suin That bay mr- are is thoowning a tiny steam -yacht, on tor- ribbons hemmed at each end, while of land, and thee commit the body of which is kept athe dispensary,
There they stayed. She was so prettily, so softly confus- mighty unsound, and liable to come pm/a-boat lines, which is the fastest one end is turned up four or five to the deep with the usual common- Ilia Majesty retaining possession of
eel that Featherston could not fall to grief at any moment. pleasure craft in this country. He inches and the edges overseamed to- tat used et sea. But hardly had the the other. Until the medicines aro
answered the unspoken question on to mark it, and it was apparent al- hasn't a leg to stand on. O'Grady, gether so as to form a fiat poeket. "Malta" cleared the 'Mersey, when locked up, the two dispensers have
Donna's face --which had a good deal loved her. spends at least A GALE CAME IJF them in sight, as they do not leave
so to those other two who who saw her and you, this morning. The other end is put over the rod
It was Lord Varley! When he had Why, she
--. Strong•e, noticing that quick, bright agrees with me in warning you to- ' of the headboard and held in place them for a single iustant during the
end addressed himself to Constautia. from the southwest, and blew so
; flush, paled coneiderabiy, and Barry "I tog your pardon." interrupted on "rapid tra.nsit." by' a safety pin, 9The pocket falls
hard that the yacht, whose engines process of manufacture.
"Whetl holding high revelry?". cried grew stormy as a, thundercloud. almost to the pillow and is in easy
were old end oak, was. in great "An old and trusted servant now
of angry impatience in it -he turned $9.50,000 A YEAR
he, a whole tone of reproach in his There was little love lost between O'Grady, gently but coldly. "1 Art does not often inspire wealth, reach of the weak hand which wants
should not presume to offer advice danger of going ashore. The body, conveys the precious case to the
air "Oh, Cormie!" When he was him and Featherston at any time, Mrs. 'lunches on so very- short an ac- corn -factor, points to his famous pencil, the eyeglasses, the scent bot -
to but Meynell Reid, the millionaire to stow away the watch, the lea.d
sown in canvas, had to be shot over- Ring. Before the medicines are. ad.,
only Frederic Grande there was a but now' 13arry'e thoughts grew mur- tputintence.'' ministered the Royal Physician
young McGillieuddys. an intimacy ever, almost at once, and matters Valley, who was rather pale, now the pole -star that drew him to tie things we all need. Several of vessel turned back to harbor, which checks all the particulars entered
greet intimacy bete.= him un tee derous. He recovered 'unwell, low- "Bernice 'Madonna," of Raphael, as tle, small change or the various lit- board in, a terrible hurry, and the
that had 0001101ml ever since "Why went on smoothly. turned to Featherston,
"lf advice is necessary," he said, magnificent picture
wealth. Me fell in love with the these little pockets aro better than _,,y.
she only reached with great dial-
/ upon the bottles or boxes, but this -
was 1 not bidden? Why was I the Featherston, after a swift, simples- nit aaroy comes better from an old ahortly after leaving college, and it Ject is is apart from the work at tbe die -
only one excluded? All the county, ed glance at those already in wMle in Italy, ono big ono in which the desired ob- el"
always at the bottom. Cremation has become so %Mini as pensary, where there is a locking
as it seems to me, is at your festive (he room, had looked at Consta.ntio. friend. An entire stranger should,
in my opinion, be the last to offer was not for sale -no price would buy It is rather strange to discover to excite little remark. But the ells-
Posal of the minable of Ernest Mer- and a Sealing so that ell may be in
board, and I alone, your oldest with a certain sense of injury in his it. You see I agree with Mr. 0'- it. in any case he had no money ; how few home nurses know of the
rin, the inventor of the liquid -air readiness for the next proscription.
1 riend, 1011 out." glance. 31 everyone else was here, Grady in this." He smiled supercile but he determined to make a fortune draw-sheet, which is so universally
furnace, was peculiar. His body was "You can see there is no precast -
tad which human ingenui-
Constantin, laughed. why had lie been ignored? Lord Var- that would buy the "Betake Ma.- nsed by the trained nurse. Ali or- ,
donna," and some other works of reauced to ashes in one of his own tion neglee
"Well, better late than never. Come ley even! She understood the Mute iously. "1 know the bay mare well,
al which you speak. It was, 1 be-dinary sheet, no matter how old, will
patent furnaces. Even steel-filIngs ty can devise. The result is that it
ta now, at all events." said she. reproach, and was sorely stricken by art, serve tbe purpose. Fold it by the
will blaze furiously in liquid air, is impossible for any evilly -disposed
"I have half a mind to refuse so its, but how could she explain to him Have, bought ort your estate, through
your steward." 11 took him seventeen years, and hem twice so as to have four thick -
owing to the great amount of oxy- parson to tamper with the Royal
that orthodox spark of pride, so here asked herself, and that Varley had soulless affair 00 a horse!" said Mrs. great picture was always before him. greatest length. Tuck one end se -
Mr. Merrin's body was 430 complete- medicines...
room and approached the table. ITe Featherston, after that one swift by boy!" said she, addressing Varley when finally Reid had 'amassed his line with the patient's hips, pees the
pint, in the usual process of creme- .+---
late a tall. But I was born without ail things then, and that Donna had "Tut what a. worry about such a throughout nis hardest struggles, in nesses with the selvedges as the
Australia and the Argentine, the gen available to Morose the Dame.
..e.ese SIMLLAS
goes." De vaulted lightly into the not been asked at all? Dundee, with. a charming moue. "Sil- Count Ample owned the picture, and curely under the mattrees just on a
.y consumed that the ashes -about a 4-77fTreerSe ron
shook hands quite affectionately with glance, had found a. chair and seated with a half lenient, half coquettish presbnt great fortune, he found that other end under the hips and iraw
time -did not amount to a cupful ;
Connie, and politely with Mrs. Dun- himeelf at the corner of the table air that gave her at oriee another $75,000, the valued price, would not it through till the sheet is taut.
While the time wee recluced to 1-00. Ahl
dos; to tbe others he nodded general- next to her, and therefore ilext to Then tuck in the free end, and the
The very latest in funerals is to be It:
hotly. buy the picture. Ile was not to be
refused, however, a,nd finally an- bed is changed and. freshened with
buried in a. balloon. This is the Ju-
ly, There was a slight movement Donee, who drew her skirts aside charm.
"But—" began Valley eomewhat
amongst them all, and Donna, draw- vntlt that indescribable little gesture the mininiura of abet on the part of
vention of Lieutenant James O'Nel-
ing ctside her lace skirts, he sank of hem, that WaS so full of fascina- To be Continued, quired it for $110,000, though there both nurse and patient. The use of
is a law In Italy forbidding the ley, formerly an officer in the Brit -
down into the seat by her side. tion because eo full of welcome, and this simple contrivance so thorough-
ish navy. Ifil makes a special bal-
you know Connie had ask- had given him a smile that. was daz- --+ EXPORTING OF OLD WORKS by protects the bed that the lower
loon of silk, which he calls a "na-
ed Donna to tee?" asked Norah in- Sling. of art, which Reitl, with Ills vast sheet need nois be changed more than
von" This has sufficient power to
quisitively, lea.ning forward, a straw- O'Grady, who Nona coMparatively a DROVE MEN TO WEALTH fortune and - influence, managed to once or twice a week, and yet the
lift the body and coffin. The latter "That is my umbrella you have
steer.. Constantia, SON the smile, and won- _
Must have spent $200,000 before the
overcome in this case. sufferer will enjoy the great luxury
of perfect, cleanliness. When it is lined with wax, and so is
"No," said Varley, very emphati- dared about several things. CECIL ItliODES' SUCCESS DUE treasere finally became his own, and comes to sitting up, the suggestion VERY INFLAMMABLE. there sir,"
cally. "Mr. O'Grady, tem ,,roti rind a TO coLI) MITTTON. it now has the plane of honor in his Is made that there should always be When all is ready, the body Is plac., 'Perha.ps it is. I bought it yes -
berry between her lips, to get the an- stranger, and who was standing neae Altogether he
"Then what brought you?" went chair?" said Connie, timidly, but private gallery at Stanley Mouse. wrappers of three different weights -
ed in the casket, the latter is filled terday at a pawnbroker's sale."
ing determination to run the cities- traveller. "George get a chair for woricl, gives One wor (wed pittleern ; one ia heavier ging- mains as the balloon rises. Mean- Fill a, glass vessel with lanm blacks
Mon to earth written upon her brow, Me. O'Grady. I con (envy," she went Causes Stephen Gathorne to of his fight for the S0,000,000 a hani or .cotton cheviot,- toad e, third time a simple ineTlianism lights' a eolored silk dr worsted. Focus the
Brutality .. to Durab Animals Rockefeller, the richest man in the
d as the reason ono of dimity or lawn in n. well cov- with an aeid, which dissolves the re-
els the hospitable Norah, an unflinch- graciously. She lilted the tall, lean —
"Alas, Newell!" said Lord Varley, on gravely, because of a little end- Strive for Riches. year he possesses-"commancl." Bo ie Ceylon or French flannel. This fire at the lower end of the tollin, rityr. of the sun in a lens, that is,
"It is then forbidderi me to come 0- dolling she telt on account of that ie one or those who must rule his provides for the hottest, the coldest and Consumes it 1 min the bettom hold a magnifying glass so that the
elllY to 'pay my addresses to you! reproachful glance of Fthe
earston's, It, is only a, few monthe ago that
„ fellow -men, and haVe thent in hand, and the medium toznperatures of our upwards. At the same 11o, the rays pass through it ' before they
"llubbishl" Gimlet/fled Norah, with near to me; and will you haVe 503110 to auntie's wealth and peweewalk," and durieg thirty years of
actor always made' him "cock of the 0 001) nECirts.
of four to nye thousand feet.
pears in smoke and name at a, height volve in the light between the lens
fall on the glass vessel. Then re -
Must business, cold and bald, alone "1 ate sorry there is riot more room a lady admirer of the groat C
-ec."' , with strings to pull at his pleasure. heat generated drives the balloon up
permit tny presence? So be it, ier everybody, but— May 1 ask Rhodes asked him I "What was the • Even at school hie strength of char- din:late,
--- with terrific speed, until lt. disap-
. illimitable disdain, returntng to her strawberries? or some of this take? longing for distinetion and the handl-' fighting Popper Relish -One peck green
Turning dead bodies into perfect and 'the vessel, a thee with an open-
transfiguved her quaint, sharp young duce you to Donna, do you knave 'No, madame," replied Rhodes : tions went down before thi solitary qt. onions, all chopped' fine. Put all statues of their living selves is Um itig or slit hi it, so that the light is
then," you to try and squeeze in here, just great influence that first inspired you
jam . „ Mr. O'Grady?" ' "it was cold mutton 1 I was so 1 giant. Ile Is kind to the 'conquered, together in colander, and sprinkle 1 invention of Dr, Rtiolt, Colonel '.
IlookwootPs body, which was inter- passes through the slit, but there
alternately falling on the s•essel and
"Businese brotight me, indeed," "Yes. We have met," tont Donna, dosed With it as a boy, and loathed .but never stops until he wins. In
the "land of the free" he has over teacup salt over all. Let stand over
rod recently in Barieley Cemetery, will be silence when it is Out out.
you will hear a noise when the light
being shut out, Now listen, and
fruit with a little moue that quite I read° it myself, And shall 1 intro- ing of men. ?" all men and &I combine: tomatoes, 2 qts green pepper and 1
our respeeted orgamist,, old Mrs, O'Grady. It Was full of faeolnation, affluent. eo that I could avoid it for
and !the millions of the Drifted States flit 1 teaspoon each of 'ground cloves
, have to COMe to hlin tor their oll, et the eoffin is .glase fronted, and
the head can be seen by a visitor to You mast place ;your ear cloee to.
' went on 'Valley, speaking to Con- leaning far back on her chain so as 4
A se Much, that I determined above ' night to drain and in the morning
stantia now. "I met in the *village to turn Up a lovely, smiling face to ell things to become wealthy ,., ,20,000 people limier hie thumb ; end take • ono teacup granulated auger, England, was so treated. The top
O'Flanagan, and she desired me to but O'Grady, aftee the coldeet recoge ever." And this was not merely : a good part of Europe. Ho allspice, 1 tablespoon ground rens-
.inutge, in oilver, of tho living Mat.
the vienit. It Demure 'like all exceEt the 31(1.55 holding . the 311 (1 ot. . 01(101'
hymn for 'next Sunday would be that and devoted himself to his hostess. practieally lived on old mutton itt tuimied 1,18 wish,
01139(103doee not eare for money, but he hem mix these in well, put on stove with
The body Was eMbalined, then laid in substance, Anather experiment is to
deaf' old favorite of ours: 'Blow ye He thought her a sweet little girl, School, and in his early impeounions enough good eider vinegar to Cover
a bath .01 pure carbolic tinier; and lase a prTsra instead of an ordinary
the trumpet, blow ho-ho-tio-hol" and did full Justice to the honesty of, well, and 'let 'scale about half an
afterwards plated with nitrite of lens ;, this =keg ,0 rainbow, and as
the rays 'pais throegh the slit it le
. tell you, if I saw you, that the nest anion al ns, omits, turned aside, joke, hut perfectly true. Rhodes tnrd, and 1 teaspoon black Pepper'
ing this hymn. in the parish church no, followed his movemehts medita- DISTASTEFULNESS OF BEING go unkied tO, me. Master -Tut -tau
boy. 110Y-13ecestse the rnistrees Was An lexecilent. Oake.-For en excel -
the, ' method of tteating a "epoon
, the solar specteum-es 11 is called-,
pcissiblo to tell that eome parts ot
Ile insitated the usual mode of Sing- the elear'eyes and the firm lips. Don. It nnrtner Wa8 Still e°11t"rited by ils Vaster -Why did you roil away, my hour.
was he discenstfoit and ---.4.---- .
silver, in exently fibrillar fashion to peones° a wane:,a they hull on tho
.. . .
glass vowed, while, °Orel, parts have
no 00001,
With 0, Wieners air and then stopped tively. She shook off hee momentary leet eake, one which. many prefer to
which is to be electro -plated,
*hart 'and fell bank upon i?he Straws cintgrin anti prepared Le mike herself "but Up, ated the diet, end the That ie no mecum Do 7 itin ctsVeSn fruit oak, .take 1 cep snipe' and I