HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-10-17, Page 1, " Vol, 80. No. 14 -
clew Advertisements.
Rams for sate -L Tasker,
O tioaI-
Mra, T. 1letahor,
Cows for sale -John ,Lowe,
Antigen sale --J. P. :Nodal!.
Cough Balm -L. R. Harvey.
Cloth ooate-D, M, Mo8c'atb,
• Auotion sale -James Campbell.
We do ne we say. -A, R, Smith.
Teaober wanted -Alex. Stewart,
Property for sale -John Roddiok,
About opt silks -3, Ferguson Or Co,
Vi$frx.tt beaus,
attire egrtowpm .
Last Sabbath Thos, 'Strachan took
charge of the meeting in Victoria Hall.
There will be meek'e as usual ,next Sale.
bath evening.
The first coat of plaster is on George
Bokmder's enlarged reeidenoe. Mr.
Simpson's new bonne is lathed, Both
will be very comfortable homes when
Saturday evening the Beet•ring held a i
meeting. The books were audited and,
everything found very satisfactory, The
same oonree will be pursued nest year
with the difference that age of animals
will be changed from 5 to 4 years, weigbt
not to exceed 450 pounds. S. $hine will
continue to do the butchering.
greeta eel.
Township Comae! met here on Wed•
R. McLeod hue the brim in readiness
to veneer big dwelling this Fall.
Oar beef dogceased operatione tbie
week. It has given (splendid eatiefaobion.
The nootiou sale of Joo. Brown, on the
Lake farm, will be held on Tuesday, 29th
The brick work of Mr, Earle new home
ie completed and oontreotor Long ie pueb•
` ing hie part along rapidly.
Having attended the beet Optioel
College 1n. Obioogo I am in e
better position than ever to et -
tend to my o0etomere. My aim
is Co reach the highest point in
my profession and give the publio
the benefit. Shall be planned to
see you. Eyes tested FREE.
Consultation FREE,
Mrs, T. Fletcher,
Cradeato Optician,
Evaneeliet'e eery/Dee will be 09019000•
Ceti in the Methodist ghurob bene short y,
Rev. Mr, Lake Will aesiet the Refer,
,F of
bete h
ir n
avese. prod
the melees ea a
e '
0 o the EOkdardt Family to.
give a concert in the'1'ownohip Hall .on
the evening of Oot, 8011).
Alex. MaAllintee, of tbia locality, half
bonght the 100 sore farm of Jno, R.
Savage, lot 19, con. 4, Grey, paying $8,900
for it. We will be sorry to loge Mr. Mc-
Allister and family from Ethel,
Cern rlbr ealc,
It ie reported that Donald MoDougall
Ilea Bold his 20 gore plot of land to Her-
vey Hunter, This looks like baeineae.
Mr, and Mre. MoDoogail may move to
With very deep regret we learn of the
midden demise of Mee, Hugh Ramsay,
daughter of D. MoDoogall, of this place.
The funeral will take pieties op Friday
afternoon to Brussels) cemetery at 2'
o'clock, Service at 1,80,
Bible Society meeting`wih be held in
Knox Mineola Cranbrook, an Sabbath
evening, 27th inet„ aom,nenoing at 7
o'clock. Addressee are expeoted by Rev,
R. Paul and A. M. McKay, of Brueeole,
and Rev. D. B. MoRae, A collection in
behalf of the Society will be taken.
W al ton,
The Workmen have had a new pian
walk and steps pleoed at the aide of the
new Hail.
Rev. and •Mrs. Dever have retorne
from a two weeks' visit to friends a
Teeewater and vicinity.
Lust week Mrs. Sage was calling o
old iriende here. She has bought reei
donee at Windsor and will move there a
A11 will be sorry to bear of the sodde
death of etre. Hugh Ramsay, which 00
carred Wednesday morning. Purism
on Friday afternoon.
A number from here attended the en
tertninmeut given by the Jubilee Singers
In Brussels on Tuesday evening. They
report having had it good time.
Was Elle Ainlay attended the marriage
of her eo0ein, -Min Minnie Israel, and
Mr. Oadmore, of Seafortb, on Wednesday.
There's nothing like taking lessons.
Jonathan Moore received a visit last
week from his brotber, Nelson Moore,
and hie Deice and nephew, Mies Jennie
and John Moore, from the vioinity of
'W. H. Humphries Be Son bave pareses.
ad the stook of gods from W. M. Smith.
The latter will retire from business and.
the new owners will carry on the Basi.
nese in their new More.
Au old landmark, in the Leedbary
Hotel, has dieappeared for all time, fire
destroying it early Tuesday• morning.
_,Phe large Realties wee saved. There was
a small inearanne. License was_ refpeed
to this bowie last May as it was thought
to be unneoeseary now. Thos. Jones,
formerly of. Walton,' vas the proprietor.
Do as we
We do ae we say -That i9 one reason why we are going to "
work' up a rapid bueineae in Wingham. Last week we
advertised Blaok and Colored pverekirte and Uoderskirte,
Belling theoiat Regular Wholeeale Prioee. We got those
Traaudvellerthat's Samples
mann why A ve ucan SELL THE31 AT
This week we have Ladiee' and Children's Mantles,
Neve Styles, at Low Prime, else- Ladies'' Bealette Oaree
direct from New York -paid the duby-they are here-
Beantiee-cad Prices Bight.
While in the city last week we gdt some bargains in
Men s, Youths and Boys' 00800 at9, Stylish Goode at
Low Priam. SPECIAL= -Our 95.00 and 910.00 Overoate.
Arrived Ode week from the Peterboro' Mfg, Co. one
ease of pure Fleeoe'Lined Underwear at unbeatable primer.
We held your trade for twenty years by giving you
good value, and still we can do better than ever.
Remember we have Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes bat make a specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's
Ready-to.wear Garments. Call and see 0e -corner store,
opposite Swartz' Hotel, Wingbam,
A. R
iYllt%, inTing ham,..
Something Very New
and Stylish in
•o-- Coats
In Ladies' Cloth Capes and
Tailor'.made Suits
We have some excellent value,
61 DRESS.. Gft7bbS-►.
Aro the bed M�,IZx�,®ry' bet value in the mal`ket.
We have the
Latest Styles and Materials arriving
D.. /�
I�I�\ T
Mee, Jenee wag absent from home when
the fire took place. This hetet had been
in business for possibly .50 years and
Many it
traveller warmed, hie shine ifnoGhnR
more, under its roof, particularly
in the early Jaye betote rada
itroa' and
marmite were as plentifnl ars now
Taeeday afternoon, interMen1 being
made at Bruesele eentetery, Wide spread
a m th
Y pa Y s
accorded t h
paten a.
The Sunday eohoot of te. S. No, 8, held
' utter-
er) theeghtfally prepared papere
its regular gaerterly review, when
en the varioog 80bjeot8 were given by the
PeeeeD Aw.o,•--With Minimal regret following membeee, viz.ee Sadie
We chronicle the unexpected demise of Lemont, Mee Ellie Smith, Mee S, M. Ease.
Annie McDongall, beloved wife of Ifagh mini Edw, Terme
Ran#say, 17th eon„ (trey, whi0b sad Mtee JamieElliott, !l118 Maga a Rona,
event took plane on Wedneeda p MRs Mbar a Riley,
y 00 this Alex. Lamont, Graeme Ieboto 009 and
weak at 11 a. m. A baby boy.. was .born P, A. McArthur, The choir Rang two
et 7 o'clock the earns morning. Deaeae, appropriate choristers and Mies Smith a
e5 wag the 4013 danghtor of D, McDougall, beautiful Bolo.
of Cranbrook, arid became Mr, Rameay's Rama o)r H. McOARTN&r•-0n t
wife about 8 ears ago. he Bra
y g She was beloved of October there cussed away, after a
by many and her sudden death will be a long Meese, Hugh Mo0artrey, in the
aoproe of grief to the community who $let year of hie age. Deceased a
will deeply sympathize with Mr, Ramsay, native of T'uakeremith, being born on the
The funeral will take place from the 1311111 road in 1840, sod was a son of
bome, lot 5, 0°0,17, on Friday atternoon the late Robert M0Oartuey, Deoeased
at 2 o'olook, aervioe at 1.90. Interment marded Miss Margaret Walker, daughter
Will be made at Brussels cemetery. Mrs, of tiie late Geo, Walker, of the Mill road,
Remeay was 84 years of age. The baby and dieter of John Walker, the present BRUSSELS
is alive and doing well. occupant of the old ` bomeetead. The
young rumple went eater their marriage,
Monist lop. to what wars then known as the Queen's
TowNeurr Oounorre-Connoil met in bash, in Greand hewed!rimed e e
Jotters' Hail, Leadbury, on Monday, 14th out McCartney y
Oat. Members of Council all peneot t comfortable he home, Mr, erne mak-
excerpt Reeve, wbo is eiok, Alexander, ing,iand carried aton the tontion theme
for a
Gardiner was elected chairman. Min. few years at Bruesele, Leaving Brnesela
atm of last meetieg read and adopted, he went to Brimfield and bougbt the
Accounts were passed and paid amount- cheese factory, aoa for a,numb: r ofours
ing to 9162 57. The Clerk was authoriz. parried on an exteneive insensate When
ed to enter onColleotor'e'Roll, Engineer's the cheese business declined, he con.
fear for inspecting drains on NI lot 26, tinned to manufacture butter for some
000,11, on certificate of Engineer. Coen- years. He wee en expert in both these
ail adjourned to meet iu Jones' Hell, branohe8, and W49 oftea employed se
Leadbury, on Monday the 11th day of judge thereon at Fall Faire, He was a
November at l-o'olook, afternoon. Reformer in politics, a "Presbyterian, in
Ise. 0. MORRIeoN, Clerk. religion and was a member of the late
Bev. John Roes' oo0gregation, He was
Londesburo', of a. genial nature, a warm friend, and an
Jas. Snell ie still to the front with good agreeable and eogagiDg companion. For
took at the Nall Fairs. the lust two years of hie life be was a
Rev, and Mrs. R. Pane of Brussels, widower, and leaves two eons, Robert and
were renewing old friendehipe in Londa- George, who drying hie long illness at
Lerida -
oro' fora few days arming thepaet week, tended him with loving oars and alters.
Thep were welcome visitors.
tion. The remains were interred in
ANNIv0Ra&ny,-The 8rd anniversary of Baird'1 cemetery, a large number of
he Londeeboro' Methodist Churab, in sympathising friends eboweng their re-
onneotion with the Dew 'edifiae, was spent, The pall bearers were John Me-
eld last Sunday and Monday and was a Cartnev, John Walker, John McLean,
omen In every sense of the term, Rev. PeterMr, gar, Thou. Gemmell and
. Paul, of Brume's, preached morning Dixon', Mr. McCartney was a brother to
nd evening ted Sabbath, the text at the John McCartney, 8rd eon., of his town,
()ening eervioe being "This house shall ship• Re attended the funeral.
e palled by all naMane a house of prayer,"
ad in the evening his topics was The
lab Young Man." Large congregations
ere in attendance, good sermons and
0e singing by the home choir. At the
abbatb Sobool in the afternoon Rev.
r. Paul gape a very interesting address
uplandarm of is the Superintendentem (Rand
akin a great airmen of her work. The
a meeting Monday evening attracted a
1 house, over 600 people taking gripper,
ter the very excellent spread bad been
',dully attended to an adjournment was
de to the auditorium, when the pastor
k the chair and introduced au enjoy -
dwelt conducted program. The
alters were Rev. Rich. Hobbs, Wing.
re ; Rev. W. Penhall, Blyth ; Rev. R.
al, and R. Hotmee, M, P,, of Clinton,
o acquitted themselves with their teas.
ery ability. The Blyth -choir, lead
Prof. Campbell, of Goderieb, supplied
minim/ program in AI style. Meese
prey, of gave a recitation en.
ad "No saloons Clinton.,n heaven," and a well
dered Bolo. It was after 11 o'clock
re the iotelleoteal bill of fare woe
plated. The financial proceeds were
t satisfactory amounting to 9135,
oh will rednoe the debt on church
e to about $20. This in a most nati9•
cry Meowing and the pastor, °facial))
members are to be congratulated on
modeles, comfortable church, pa-
ge and premises and the ootoome of
W. 0. Wilson arrived eafely borne from
No farm implements were on the Blyth
Fairy groonde at all and a big fulling elf
in the show of Battle. If than of the
money won at horse racing wag pot into
ao d
g a prize 1101 for- nettle, sheep apd
swine et would be of more importance to.
the farmer,
DIAD re ifee ro o ,••-The sad 101011i-
genoe wag reoeived here, by telegram,
Meet Jae;, eon of Thom Miller, 5th line,
had died from typhoid fever, pear Delo.
mice, Moo,,. on Tuesday uoonof this
week. He wool West during the past
season and bis decease was a great shook
to hie many friends. Interment was
made there. Alr. Miller had not yet
resorted his majority. He was en 7a•
daetrioua,jolly youth and many regrets
are expressed over his ueloolied for de,.
the a
[yrr 0>•.
Mise Addle Cardiff' le home from St.
Mice Lawrence, of Seaforth, is visiting
Mieeee Goesie and Martha Smith.
S. S. No. 2, Grey, is advertising for a
female teaober. Alex. Stewart is the
Secretary of the Board.
Rev. 0. V, Lake, of Toronto, is assist.
ing Rev. 13. E. parry in the evangelistic
eervioee at Roe's °borob.
William liathwell, of Grey, spent Mon-
day with Mende in town. He was on
his home from attending the funeral of
the late Thos. A. Elliott.
russels,hlives le
ae beanlaid with
swollen knee, and some think there is a
danger of blood poieonr0g, We hope be
witi soon be better.
plotd12th 000n,,vto Thos. Lin bas ott, tt,ofsed t Wawa.
noes, who will shortly bake possession.
Mr. and Mrs. Garvin will take a rest for
a while and recruit their health. It ie
hinted that they may move into Brunie.
The 150 acme farm of Mrs.10g East } Lot 16, Oon, 0, roam d lent
da byAuctioneer
Savage, whecentlydisposed of his
own for h. She
Mrs, remove oto Brivedu,o000
Joo. Doig bas parehaoed the 80 acre
farm of Jno. Clark, West ball of lot 6,
cop, 7, Grey, for the sum of 92,775. The
pnrobaeer le a ecu -in-law to Reeve Teen -
ball. Mr, Clark is on the look Out for
anotherplaoe. He le quite a real estate
Tanen Balm are looming op o0oe more.
Martin McNair has puroha9ed Andrew
Molnnite75 cores, being lot 21, core 13.
The pries was $8,000. Mr. hloNair gets
poeseeeio next Maroh. We have not
learned Mr, Molonie' intentions for the_
Walter Pennington, 14th con., arrived
home last Monday from a holiday trip to
Manitoba. He would have enjoyed hits-,
self better if the rainyweather sad not
been so much in fashion. Thee was bis
first trip to the West and it may be hie
lost also.
We regret 10 state that the infant child
Geo. and Mee. Swain, 16th con., diad
at the residence of George MoOall, Ethel,
where the mother' Was visiting last Mon.
Lday. Dysentery was the cause. He was
, 4 months old, The Marital took phos on
/11 owes*.
Farmers ere busy at the ma0gold
Turnips are growing splendidly an
yield well.
attended the
the Tate Hon. Mooney
larke Wallace fat eW
bridge last Saturday.
Some of our young men bad qui
difficulty in fiadiog their horses on
evening of Brunets Fair.
W. H. MoOntobeon, 6th line, we
very ernmesefu1 prize winner at Beige
Brussels and Blyth Fall Fairs in T
worth pigs).
William Darman ie home from Lin
where he hes been for several mon
He looks as if the girls took good oar
him while away from here.
toles. whither he went owing to the illn
of his sister, Mre. Dobson, who is reg
ing ber former good health we
pleaeed to hear.
veral volunteers from
ship ewent to Toronto last eek° with Br
eels Co. to see tae Duke of Oornw
Some of them say the "fodder" was v
poor for a blowout.
Annigereary aervioes will be held
Mr. Balantyno,, of Toronto, o, wi l7 prea
and with good weather there will
doubt be a large attendance.
The ,notion °ale of farm stook, impie-
mente, &a., on the farm of W. H. Moen.
dere, 71h line, will take plane on Friday
afternoon of this week. Finlay Soott
will be the bammer wielder.
Among Morriettee who reliantly visited
the Pan• American were Councillor George
Jackson and wife I Wm. Mo0al1 and
wife ; Jno. McCall and wife ; and J.
Mareball, They bad a good time.
The farm of Walter Linea, 5th lin
has not diepoeedseen to rentdtoeat eg good tenant toIn
formation may be had from Mr, Innes
John More and hie� sister, from Hal
ton Co., Melted in Harte two weekean
took in the Braeeele and Blyth Faire
Nelson Moore was. also a visitor among
friends in Morrie. His home is in
J. Jermyn, of Tarnberry, sae purchased
from Jae. Robinson, of Morrie, lot 25,
oon. 2, Morrie townebip, consisting of
one hundred sores, with good baildings,
for $3,800. Mr. Jermyn will get posses.
Bion tide, Fan, and work the farm in con•
nection with the one be resides; on,
The two prizes awarded for beet k core
of 'nutmeat in oo0neetiion with the East
Huron Agricultural Soeiety went to Jae.
Speir and W. H. MaCotebeon, 6th line.
George Thomson and W. H. McCracken
0 and
91.60.ave the
Therizes 5 lifts width
252 Sand 208
pounds reepeotively.
Mrs. Deunia O'Connor died at her
home in Morrie o Wednesday of last
week after only one day's Mimeo. Heart
failure and constipation was the clause of
late reeid The
1ot 3,, eon Upon Friday,hto
the Roman Catholic Mineola Blyth, and
from here to the Boman Catholic corps,
tory is Morrie.
This week Frank Lambie left for Tor-
onto where be will attend the Ontario
Veterinary College. He took np the
same study in Scotland some years ago
so will have a fairly good idea of hie
work, Mr, Lambie will be messed from
Brussels Odd Fellows' Lodge in whiole be
bee taken an active and prominent part;
We with him success in the Queen City..
Dian. -Last Friday, Roth Oaroline,
infant daughter of William Skelton, 8th
line, died aged 5} menthe, She bad been
ailing from a tumor and an ie breaking
uleione spaced reaalting in her death,
The fnneral took place on Sunday after.
noon. Rev. W. Penhall wag the !idolater
and interment wee. bleep in Benguela
cemetery. Mr. and Mrs, Skelton are
aympathieed with in their beeeavement,
a will
1 of
out -
to a
e a
e m'-
e of
01n -
08 -
, T Armstrong ..430 E Ewan 318
0 Simmons....428 E 0urrie , 275
T Friendship „424 A Bishop,..,., 274
d M Birt 853 S Walker...... 262
W Wilton 852 0 Denbow...... 255
J Lott 847 S Amnt ......216
A Bartliff ,...., 384 '17 McCracken,.,208
J Wilbee 325 P Speiran......186
W Bell 325
The following is the report of Brussels
Public School for the month of October :--
11001)0 I.
Jr. LeaviregIet. I ; total, 500 :-
A, Ross .,.434 B Scott 279
E Funeton ,,..429 L Roes 247
90 Gooding .,..400 G Tbomeon244
F Ham 865 M Wilson 221
B MoKelvey,...3353 R Telfer ., .,218
13 Howe
Public Sobool Leaving ; total, 500 :-
N -Irwin 497 V Mulford ....856
Scott.,.....,480 B Beattie ,.,.388
C Mo0raoken428 W MaGOire ..335
B Henderson „422 0 Mooney ,,,,334
H Ainley 418 11 McKenzie....384
L MOArter 414 P Bieberds ....315
E Bather 401 W Ament 314
M Thomson , 399 G Rosa , . , 308
B Bone ...588 A McMillan .,297
E Wilton ...879 E Pugh 261
A Lott ax 372
71 M Scott........211
A Smith 861 R Plum 197
M McArter ....859
J. H. CenrnaoN, Principal.
noon II.
Fourth Claes.-Examined in Arith.,
Lit,, Spell., Hist., Mantrrtotal, 500 :-
B Ross 450 J Mooney..., , ..866
J Armstrong446 0 Ham ..... ...866
L 363.
A Ross 440
446 440 G Z'tl axnrie •'346
R Deadman 437 R Pugh, 828
M Roea ........423 J Thomson 325
E Good......... 407 M AmeDt,314
ThoA S tett.. .390
381 L Edwaads....3 0'
1V' Forbes 381 B Lowry 222
R Sinclair ....878 L Colvin 209
E Currie ......372 W Rocha ...:294
L Turnbull .,..870
Sr. ILI Class.- Examined in Hist.,
Spell„ Arith. and Mem, ; total, 500 :-
E Adams 465 J Bloomfield...338
G Ewan, 432 0 Wilbee 837
L Leatherdale-403 H Lowry325
J Doll ........392 11)5 McNiobol 313
E Colvin 384 E Ament 298
H Brothers ..879 G Ross
M Neuron.. ..378 J Wilton
T Zimmer......389 S Lindsay
Harbottle....339 J Moore.
Jr, III Class.-Examiaad in Arith.,
Spall., Gram. and Mem, :-
M Miller 499 A McMillan ....407
W Turnbull.. -489 W Richardson...895
W Streatham485 W Scott..... ..330
F Stretton 469 F Scott
0 Scott.. ..... ..457 E Speiran. 240
A Thomson.. •.433 le Moller 224
Mese M. L. Bnocx, Teaober
nom Ili,
Jr. III Class,-Hxemined in Arith.,
Spell., Lib., Geo. and Gram.; total, 500:-
K Deadman.....456 V MaKenzie...,351
F Moleenzie ....438 L Moilrter.,...550
P Beaker 402 A Jackson ,.•.327
K Harbobtle , 387 W Henderson . . 310
M Broths x832 F 0 pbellen.,266
0 Bell 872 0 Holmes..,..,.247
Sr. II Cisas-Examined in Arith.,
Spell., Lft., Geo, and Comp. ; total,
500 :-
W. H. •KERB, Prop,
Ohm III,- Excellent -H Good, 0
Leckie, S a Gerry, WSperling,
irgaae, Good -13 Harris, S Burgess,
H Mooney, W Ham, J MoNiohol, g•air.
Edwarde, W Burton,
Class IL-Exoelle0t-H Armstropg, (3
Cooeley, W Derr, I Stsaohen, 7I Wilton,
13 Warwick, Ca Terra Good -.H Ament,
3 Davey, P Gubr, H l0Co]'adzean, F
Strettoo, G Jamieson, 17 Cooper, H
Claes I.-Exoellent -3 Wedmore 0
Shaw, R Fox, R Forsyth, Good -13
Burgeee, M Bishop, H Lowry. Feir-.O
Doll, 3 Stratton, E Barolay, T Snider.
Mies Jat,tN Rrooirna, Teacher,
4nnuttIC'ouventiou fu Lueknow.
The 5th annual 19911ve48jo11 of the Ep-
worth Leaguers of the Methodist church.
es in ocamec bion with the Wingham Dim
triot convened in the Methodist church,
Luoknow, on Tuesday of this week and
Was neatly largely
nd appropriatelyhe da oratch was
ed and a
very cordial welcome was accorded the
Of$oers in command for the past year
were -Rev. D. Rogers, Fordwiah, Hon.
President ; W. H. Kerr, Brussels,
President ; 1st Vice Pres., D. 0..Taylor,
Laoknow.; 2nd Vice Pres. Roy. T, B.
Sawyer, Teeewater ; 8rd Vaoo Pree., Mise
Gerrie Felman, Wingham ; 4th Vine
Pres., Mies Alice Fisher, Kincardine ; 6111
Vice Pres., Mies M. A. Kutch, Gerrie ;
Sec.-Treas., A. Botohart, Teamster.
Morning ee8Bion opened with a praise
and prayer service at 6.30 lead by Rev,
G. 8
Har ' ire, of Lucknow.
At 9.15 W. H. Kerr, the President,
took the chair and the interesting and in-
etrrative program was proceeded with,
the Arse subject being "Why are We
here 7" introduced very appropriately by
Walter Hall, of Wingham. This was
followed by a general djsouseion in which
a number took part.
"The joy of service" wee the title of a
well prepared paper by Mies M. A.
Match, a well known League worker of
Gerrie. It was bright, encouraging and
contained many interesting pointe.
Bev, A, H. Brown, B. A., B. D,, of
Belgrave, poke on "The Leaguers as an
Evangelist" and handled the subject
well, setting out the plain duty of every
League. The discussion added numer-
ons hints and Revds. Messrs. Hocking,
Vance, Harris and A. I. Brown and
Meesre, Butohart, Taylor and others took
"Practical Junion Work" was true to
ite name and under the direotion of Mee.
(Rev.) Brown, of Whiteohnroh, created a
great deal of interest in Junior work.
In connection with the topio Edna any -
ler read a short paper on the Miesiouaty
Committee's work ; S. Beaton outlined
services the Temperance Committee may
render and Teenie Clark set out the
blessing the Plower Committee may be to
a church. By way of practically ilias-
tratiog the last paper Lydia Kew, wbo
296 with the three young people mentioned,
291 all live in Whitechurch, cameforward
and presented the President with e, fine
255 boquet tied with the emblematic colors,
The was
ecogniizedrby the recipient) and apopriateness of the proved
by a round of applause by the 00dienee.
The closing topic of the forenoon sea.
Bion was a "Chalk talk with the Juniors,"
by Mre, (Rev,) Vance, of Benda. By a
series of well drawn piaturee on the
blackboard many interesting leae0ne were
exemplified culminating in the exposition
of the text "Seek first the kingdom of
God." A class of Juniors was present
and Mrs. Vance handled and developed
the subject in a epecially ablemanner
and there were none lacking in interest.
After several he Dox.
ology was sung, Bev. G. 3. Kert
Kerr, of Tem -
water, pronounced the Benediction and
an adjournment was made for dinner.
The afternoon session opened about
1,45 with singing and prayer by Mrs,
Ouyler and Bev. Mr. Harris. A few
asked s were tev. Mr.nHarrisreside
had to leave by afternoon train.
called upon to presss AI. ent tof he Royal
ject "What social work can the individual
Leaguer do 2" and she plainlyset m array
member of
department of ways
eague wooktmay bessuo
oeesfnlly carried on.
ltnere were
briand the Treaorts of the surer erieapreessed on all
the necessity of paying up.
Miss ealt with
"The poe of the Epworrbh n, of Era and the
Reading course in the League" and proved
quite field leld inthe advancemthat ents of the literarrfill a y
and sooial interests of the various
19 questions, bearing on "Difficulties
in Epworth League taken
was Open Pament style wihSecretary
Buobart, of Teeewater, in oominaod and
a hearty and benefioial disouseion eueued
in which many expressions of opin1ou
were given, the oo0ferenee being well
conducted. The queries were
1 How the President eau Resit in making
the regular meetings more interesting and
2 How the latent powers of H. le members
ma be aroused.
8 How the Seniors any be interested in
Junior Work.
4 What week the Literary and Social Com-
mittees can do when meetings are held on
Sunday evenings.
5 clow the Leagues may be interested in
the Forward Movement for Missions.
8 How the amounts promised for the For -
ed rd Movement for Missions may be eolleat-
7 How an earnest, practical and spiritual
life in our Leaguers may be developed,
8 How to get members et committees to
8 Wbat to do Where the Convenors of coin i
mittees claim they know ever thing about
11100tH wimemU rsmaynboel'riduceddtto take
part in publio prayer and to pray earnestly
not formally,
the L
segue may influence in Wirers
to pal questions before Party in voting on
moral questions,
12 How to make our League and the Indi-
viduml metubere of the society more atbraa-
tive sbafaily,
tion may be in10100 ad to 31ongtiiework. a
be kept up during ththe
Sam1 99, work may
Int. Second Class,- Examined in
Arith„ Spell., Lit., Geo, and Comp.
total, 500 :-
3E1 (Good ........n 408 J Wilton 364366
02 El Colvin 834
3 Le91 73 Leckie ......217
H Moore 890
Jr. Second class, -Examined in Lit.,
Arab., Spell„ Geo. and Comp. ; total,
500 :-
b MoMillan.,..401 W Adams...,...828
A Rose 399 B Carrie 820
F Scott,....... 899 K Anume 289
0 Ament 384 E Wilbee.,..., 281
E Forsybhe370 M Jones 191
V Walker „807
Mies M. T. Dowour, Teaoher.
11003[ 19,
Claes 6, -Examined in Arith., Read„
Draw„ Diot. and Writ. ; total, 500 :-
0 Jaokson ,.,.424 3 Henderson ..899
Cob oper er 422 R Mo0raciceu„375
J d
p 418 R Boobs ,,..838
Z Lindsay .,,,416 W McKay ,,,,,827
N Ewan 314 W Ainley ...... 805
I' Gerry 403 W Lott 288
I Barolay 403
Olass 4. -Examined in Arith , Diet.,
Read., Draw, and Writ; total, 500'-
E Deadman. ,490 1V Milier..... ..896
E Mo2aclzeaa,,,468 W Long,. 884
J Armstrong „460 R Heist 878
E Gilpin ...455 E Scatters , , , 885
0 Lowry
W Long 849
E Plum......430
H dampsell....,e35
90 Walker,..... 411 F reienclehjp,.821
V Ainley 408 S Fox , .. ,, ..284
L Davey ., 399 S Spieran , , , .179
15 How the a0•o eratio i
i o i
bods or the ellurohpin Leagues Woiuevin cin
scoured, y be
10} How the toplo program for heal Leagues
may he Judiciously arranged.
17 Hove to conduct properly' a Jnrrlwt'
Les urs,
m 19 HAW the a psinal ptu'b et each meeting
Y e made intee0o iu and attr'notive, g
19 How monotony in 8devotional exet'eieee
may be overcome,
"What we may Imre from Miesionaty
Literature" was Rev. `5, l7, Sawyor'e
aubjeot and as he le the Missionary Vice.
President and an earnest, energebio ad -
emote of the Forward movement be wee
quite at home with the many.Odva01agee
of o will stored mind on this urgent and
widening sphere of Christian labor, A
lively discussion followed,
0Sboers for the ensuing year were
nominated as follows' by the following
Nominating Committee ;-Rev, Mr. ZOO -
king, Walter Hall, Miss Mutoh, Miss
Sawyer and Rev, A. I, Brown and were
adopted by the Convenbion, viz:-.
Hon. Pres., Rev. D. Rogere, Fordwiah ;
President, D. 0. Taylor, Luoknoty
let Vice, Wm. Hunter, Belgrave ;
2nd " Rev, T. E. Sawyer, Salem ;
3rd " Miss S. Kew, Whiteohurolt
41h " Mies M, Stewart, Ripley ;
5th " Mrs. (Rev.) Vance, Bervie ;
SeeeTreas., A. Butohart, Teeewater,
The afternoon programmes brought to
a oonolueion by a profitable address by
Rev, J. 0. Spencer, M. D., tee Britieh
Columbia, on the subject "With Rev.. 'G.
H. Raley, at Maximum Speoial interest
gartered round it at Rev. Mr. Raley is
the Missionary for whom 114 effort is be-
ing made by Wingham District Leagues
to support along financial lines,
A song services was on the program at
the opening of the evening session after
which the new President was formally
introduced and made a very appropriate
reply after which he presided with grape
and ability.
rie was the first peakerLa d took the
audience with him in thought to the San
Francesco International Epworth League
Convention which he et1e0ded last Sum.
mar. Many cheery pointe were elicited
in Mr. Garbutt's well timed addrese.
Rev. Dr. 8pn°er gave the 0loeing ad.
dress on "Missions en British Columbia
and this very enjoyable Convention was
concluded after votes of thanks to Luck -
now people for their whole soiled hoepl•
The next Convention will be held in
Wengham,-Mr. Taylor, the new Preei,
dent, is a splendid worker and bee been
connected witb League effort for a good
many years, -A pleasing feature of to
evening sensate was the musical program
which was reedered in line style. -Duck -
now church ie a fine one and has been
oadergoiag internal and external im•
provemente.-Fox whole soiled hospital-
ity it would be hard to outdo the Sepoy
town and there is no roam for difference
of opi0i00 an thenabjeot either ars it ro-
tates to pastor or people.
W. j. Duff sold lase week.
Wm. Messer was i l
n Hafine m ltonthis week.
Wesley Cornell is attending the collage
of Dentistry at Philadelphia.
Mies Mary Thornton, of Wingbam, ie
visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. Gardi-
Mrs. J. Baby returned on Saturday
from a very enjoyable visit to Detroit and
as sold hisrfarm our
Morris former townsman, oJab
Jermyn at a good figure.
th gue t of her Bella
Mrs. tee eiW, H
Fraser, of the let line, Morris.
Mrs. (Rev,)) D. Rogers, Miss Lily Rogers
and Master Fred, Rogers, of Fordwiob,
are spending a few clave in Bluevale, the
guests of Joseph Leech.
the village last week. Re had b, Essex een �at
tending the funeral of his grandmother,
the late Mrs. 13. Wray, of Belgrave.
Robt, and Mrs. Leathern were in Tor-
onto last to
the Duke andkDuchees the 01 Yoorkk, The
bad Weather,'00 doubt, kept some who
might otherwise have gone, front getting
a glimpse of the Royal vleltors,
On Wednesday, Oet. 9th, at 4 o'clock p,
m„ at the manse, Bluevale, Miss Louise
Bain and Frank Hill, were united in
marriage, Rev, W. J. West officiating.
Miss Kate Ookridge performed her duties
admirably as assistant to the bride, while
Henry Wolfe anted in 01133110r capacity '
for the bridegroom. After the ceremony
was performed the wedding party drove
to the aof e
a lalargem
nuber ofrelatives ves andf"Dao
of the bride and bridegroom were pleasant-
ly entertained during the evening. Henry
Moore, of Henfryn, was among those
from a distance who attended' the wed.
The annual
Branch of the 'Upper
Canada Biof the bleoaud
Tram Sooiety was held Irian Church n
on Mondayevening.the te The
audience was a fairly good one being, a
little above the averegelat he yearly meet.,
ing, and all who attended were greatly
pleased with he excellent address on
The Bible" given by Rev. Jno. Ross, of
eiiwork of the year i
was address
evieWed, over,
Treasurer's report read and the progress
which had been made was found very
eatiofaobory. The officers and oolieators
were then appointed and Rev. W. J. Wast
closed the meetieg by pronouncing the
The seasonof the year is at hand when,
to borroNa from te of
the 1 titer is eard on° the fill." .At in.
tervale during the golden Autumn days;,
the theme report of a gun echoes through
the hase•enveloped Woode,and a Wreath
of white smoke ourls laeilyupward through
the crimson and gold of the maples. To
de0ond to the more prosaic tide of glor.
Iona Autumn, the hornyhanded sons of
toil go forth daily to hair teak' of gather-
ing in the root Drop, and as they pile up
the Crimson mangolde and unearth the
yellow eamrphies," they no doubt eteoy
the beautifu1 ideof etr° alI he mote
Whoa they.reiieet how satiefaotory" the
practical Bide has been to them,