The Brussels Post, 1901-10-10, Page 8•
False Economy all
Cheap Spectacles.
Sight is too precious to trifle with'.
When buying spectacles buy a good
We use perfect lenses,
They cost a little more than the
commoner kinds, but the difference
in comfort is worth many flaws the
difference in price.
Eyes examined free,
3111%]5D SPICE.
Whole or Ground, at Best Prices,
L. R. Harve
80,62BEENBzvoislor, W. 5. & 5.
Trains term Brueeele Station, North
and South, as 1 °Bowe
Elonirl Sonya( GorNO bloyent.
Express 7.18 era Hall 21.0 p.m
Unclad Cale a.zu Express 311 Pan
Pad Nemo Pms.
ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Aft.U$SAG1.40 kOST
90T, •10, 1001
l4aaBsturrlay stternOgo the Publie
lAhrarY Board Met to attend te Nine
negeseary ilnanolug.
Gar YotieOlen little balis printed 0.4
Tx& RM. A notice in our Widely read
0011114:Me i. Werth Many a dollar to a 004,
Minim Winixtgn Cmon, Financier Mo.
Craoken and Reorder W, IL Kerr embed
op Dirs, Jim. R. Smith Dalt Saturday and
presented the ebene for 62,060 tram the
A, 0. U, W. Grand Lodge, the amount Of
lam beneficiary of her late hnsband,
Ting Board of Health met Monday
evening and dealt with the lineation of a
reported Pollnow° on the property of D.
Hohnes, Gierlerieb. in eonneotion with
a well and a water eleeet, If the oweter
does not Attend to the demand of the
Board they will prooeed to abate the
grievance at the dooter's expense.
oonaert given by the Canadian
Jubilee Bingen, was, YrlOglilll exception,
the finest ever given in Findlay, and it
was greatly appreciated by a • large
enoe. ri'he Imperial Orchestra, compos•
ed of ten pleoee, rendered some ()home
eeleotions, etch -Republican, Findlay, 0,
Brussels Town Hall next Tuesdayevening,
Mentor, OrammioNe.-Tueeday of this
week onitioal medical operations were
performed in Brawls, the patients being
Mies Lyle, Bartlifeand Mee Annie LoW-
ry. In both oases the modioal men as.
oornplished, to their satisfaction, what
they set out to do, and both young ladies
are doing as well as oould be expeoted
under the oircumstances, and, with their
many friends, we hope speedy oonealee-
canoe will follow.
McKim= Minns GETS Tapos
A few months ago a man named MoRen-
zie Mills, of Dundee'was arrested and
brought to Brussels for preliminary trial
obarged with forging a note on Dr. Toole,
of Brussele. The Magietrates sent MilIs
up for trial, but for waut of corroborative
evidence he got off. Prior to tide he was
mixed np in a similar affair at Guelph and
hie oath was sent over to the next As•
sizes. Tuesday of this weals he had his
trial and the oase is reported from Guelph
as follow ;-"The fleet oath tried was
the King against Me/lanes Mills for
forgery. The prisoner was charged with
altering a docament Ensiled by one Wood.
Irian, of Drayton, so that the mime be-
came a promissory note, and then die -
counting this note with the Manager of
the Traders' Bank in Drayton. The jury
returned a verdiot of guilty, and the
prisoner was eentenoed to three years in
the Penitentiary. Frank Denton, K. 0.,
was Crown counsel, and T. A. Wardell,
M. P. P., defended the prisoner." The
sentence is a stiff one but Mills is a man
well advanced in life who, should -have
bad better sense and no doubt his record
for crooked and anbusiness-like traaao
tions was the last straw in breaking the
oamsl'e back. Mrs. Mills will be equips
thised with as she is an invalid. Mills'
experience should be a warning to some
other fellows of the same type -who are
out for the Mb.
Farm Fair Directors meet on Saturday
at 2 o'olook.
21.001n advent's, gets Tim Poor to the
olose of 1902. Now is your chance.
Poem° school was closed on Friday
afternoon to permit the teaohere and
pupils to attend the Fall Fair.
Hoes have taken a little drop 10 prise.
Nobody should kick as the market has
held up wonderfully well at top notch
prices and may bob up agaio.
A PUBLIC meeting will shortly be held
in the Town Hall bore to be addressed
by Cabinet members of the Ontario
Government. Date will be announced
Joan= Concert Tuesday evening of
next week. Plan of reserved seats at
Fox's Drug store. No person should
miss hearing these colored people as they
present a choice program in both vocal
and instrumental made.
LAST Friday was a very busy day in
town and was, contrary to the general
rule of Fair days, a good day for beelines.
The hotel accommodation was well tax-
ed about meal time and the stables and
sheds were full to overflowing with hor-
THE audience was highly delighted
with the plantation songs, the hymns,
the humorous glee, the pathetic ballads,
and the fine solo work of the oolored
Canadian Jubilee Singers. They are
deserving of orowded housee wherever
they go. -Times, Geneva, 0. Brussels
Town Hall, Tuesday evening.
.a. IdixonEm correspondent saps ot a
former Brnaselite :-Next to the Millinery
Openings the annual photograph open.
ing in tdr. Burgess' studio takes its pima
and the ladies of the town are lavish in
their praise of the efforts of this popular
artist to entertain them by an evening
Bort as on last Saturday in bis well ap.
pointed show room.
THE Poen has made an arrangement
with the Toronto Globe to club our paper
with theirs ab $1,60 per year. This in.
eludes the balance of the year free to new
subscribers. The Globe bas prepared a
moat excellent picture of the Duke and
Dnohess of Cornwall, and also a painting
of "The Farm Pete," both of which are
given ae premiums. This ie an unpre-
cedented offer and now is the time to
Gem -Monday of last week Mary Mur•
dooh, of Laoknow, paned away to the
Great Beyond, aged 33 yeara. Paralysis
of the nerves was the cause of death but
the was only ill for about a week. The
funeral took plaoe on Wednesday after-
noon, interment befog made in the new
cemetery. Deceased was a oonsin to
Mrs. R. Mainprize, of Brussels. Min
Ada Mainprize attended the funeral.
A 5 Maas Roe. -Last Saturday Rioh.
Roche, of Brussels, was one ot 10 entries
in a 5 mile horse race at Montreal.
Harry Wilkes, owned by Kidd Bros., of
Listowel, was the horse entered by Mr.
Roohe and he wop let place in the fast '
time of 12 minutes and 44 thoonde, no
mile being slower than 2.40. The record
for the 5 miles was as follows ;-
1st mile 2 40
2od 2.84
2 22
2 21
Comma Tuesday evening,
• Fax, stove moving is in fashion.
READ the advertisements in Tun Peer.
THE Pon for balanoe of 1901 for 15
Solemn Boiler. Friday evening of this
Houaon Divialon Court on Wednesday,
28rd. inst.
Howiox Fall Fair Saturday of this
week at Gerrie.
IT is hinted there will be a change of
business in town ahortly.
W. H. laloOrtmalm was an exhibitor at
Blyth and Dungannon Fairs.
Jxo. DoNALDBON took 1st and 2nd prizes
at Belgrave Fall Fair on hie harness die.
Paige DZILIA8011 end Queen's Barron,
horses of Goebel's & Koenig', Mitohell,
both took first money at Warsaw, N. Y.
Qum a number from Brussele and
vicinity went to Blyth on Wednesday to
attend the Fall Fair. Rain somewhat
marred the pleasure and reduced the
LAST Tuesday Hector MoQuarrie, of
Grey, lost two $5 bilis in town bat fortu-
nately tbe finder was a young lady who
honestly rstarned the cash. She was re•
warded by she well pleased loser.
Ours volanteers, under Capt. MoTag-
gart, left Brussels on Tuesday morning's
early train for Toronto to take part with
the 33rd Regiment in the military review
before the Doke of 'York. There were 28
in 0o. 5.
RICHMOND, Ind. -"The Canadian Jnbi-
lee Singers were with sie Monday even-
ing, 28th. They are all right every way,
and will give a rare treat. Everybody
seemed delighted. They will fulfill your
highest expeotatione." Brussele Town
Hall, Tuesday evening.
A 'NOVELTY or ouriosity has been on
exhibition at THE Poen this week in the
shape of a oob of oorn grown on the farm
,.f Councillor Alex. Gardiner, near Lead-
bury,111oKillop. The original oob ie en-
circled with a half dozen other cobs on
all of which is the ripened grain. It is
the most wonderful corn oob we ever saw.
THE Toronto Globe saye 1 -The Young
Street Metbodiet Church wee filled to
overflowing to hear the Canadian Jubilee
Singers. A very bright and attraotive
program was presented. The audience
was greatly delighted with many of the
plantation wogs, some of which had
never been heard in Toronto before."
Brussels Town Hall next Tueeday even.
Banana Hosiscs.-In the 2.30 race at
Blytn Fall Fair on Wednesday John
Beattie's bores, "Puzzler," took three
straight beat a ; best time 2.23. There
were 5 or 6 entries. Alf. Beaker's brown
was Ord in its race with 5 horeee, but be
bas protested the winning of the 1st and
2nd as he says they were not eligible it a
green race. There was very little rein
at Blyth and as a oonsequence there was
a big orowd. A concert was given in the
evening by the Glover Opera Co.
G. T. It -Freight traffic is heavy jot
now and passengers are neither few nor
far between. -Single fare to London to
see the Duke. Good going Friday atter.
noon and returning on Monday. -The
following wee the outgoing freight during
the past week Graham, oar of peas,
oar Of oats and oar of wheat ; A. Beaker,
oar of hay ; Wm. Jewitt, car of hogs and
oar of apples for export 1 Olegg & Dames,
oat' of landbe and oar of cattle ; Wm. Neal,
13 oases egge ; Mr. Laidlaw, oar lambs
for Montana ratiob ; Geo. Best, oar hogs 1
R. Thomson, 60 tuba butter '• W., F.
Stewart & Son, oar flour to Montreal.
DEBATIL-Melyille oburoh young people
held a sooial evening in the school room
of the church on Tuesday evening, A
musical program of a high order feria
rendered by Mise Maggie Stewart, Miss
Degge, Miss Eh& Jackson, Miss Lizzie
ssraos end L. R. Harvey. Fruit was
served and then followed a debate an the
Babied "Resolved that a more liberal
ednoation can be obtained by reading,
than by travel." The affirmative was
supported by Mimi Mary Ross, W. J.
Good and G. F. Blair and the negative
by misa Jean Rhein& D. Moore and J. H.
• Cameron. Mr. Blair had bbs reply.
Many interesting fade were elicited and
aeguments presented and all did well.
Rea. J. Roes, B. A., and Dr. Toole were
the judgee and were &aided in their
orearnery s.t Vanneolt, London toWnehlr,
MA with a, Mere loail A few days ago.
We visiting at his holne in St, Mays
the °torero= at his oreinnerY Wee hr014*
en inteand over 80Q pomade hutter
consON Ai. PA RAUB A PilS.
IN. G0000 Was ip Toronto on Tburs.,
Rev. Sao. Mae, B. A.., was at Blom on
P. Anoent and wife are away to Deltaic)
thia week.
Pdieeee Luella and Gerrie Ross ars
visiting M Toronto,
Mies Minnie Morrierm, of HaMilton,
is visiting Mrs. Barrio.
Dr. McKelvey, Of Mount For*, Was irt
• 13ruefiels for the rsir,
Miss Ruby Corry, of Atwood, ie vieit-
ing Mies Lizzie Sample.
P. Hogg was at Buffalo and visited in
Waterloo Co. on his return.
Mrs. Ed. Lowry and eon were visiting
relatives rtt Wingbam this week.
Mrs, Treleaven and Miss Hustle lef
town for Dungannon on Monday.
Mo. (Dr.) McKelvey was visiting in
Wingloam for a few days last week.
D. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Teeswater,
were visitors in Brownie and Grey last
Mrs. H. E, Madden* and son, of New-
market, are visiting at Walter jaolmon's
in town.
Wm, Kneobtel, of Wingham, was dials.'
ing hands with old 'Hendee on Friday and
• Mrs. Jas. McGuire and Edgar, of
Wingham, were visiting at Geo. Rogers'
on Friday last.
The Misses Vanden° of Wingham,
were renewing old friendehips in Brae,
elate for a few days,
Miss Bowers, of Clinton, who was visit-
ing Miss Mildred Scott, returned to her
home on Wednesday, '
Bert. Gerry is now filling a 'position in.
a Hardware store in Port William. He
is well np in the basineee.
Dr, Knealitel, of Winnipeg, formerly
of Brussele, was a caller on old friends
in town and looality last week.
Mrs. W. 1. Ross and daughter, Zehna,
who have been holidaying here, returned
to their home at Fergus on Monday.
an°. Stewart and wife, of Nottawasaes,
were visitors at T. Plated:wee for a week.
Mrs. Stewart is Mr. Fletoher's Meter.
A welcome visitor to town is Miss Elva,
daughter of S. W. Laird, of Ingersoll.
She, teas a former resident of Brussele.
T. A. _Hawkins is spending a few days
in Toronto this w-ek. Seeing the Duke,
gathering musical hints, dia,, are on hie
Albert Moss, for the past year an em-
ployee in H. .51. bard & do's store, Vt/ing-
ham, bas left for Hamilton where be bas
neared a situation.
Robb. Graham was a judge on grain at
Blyth Fall Fair. Hee an old hand at
the buainess. Mies Pipe was a judge on
ladies' work and C. Howlett on roots.
Alex. Straoban, W. M. Sinclair, Jas.
Jones, Rev. G. J. Abey and Dr. Feild
were among the company who went' to
Toronto on Thursday to see the Duke.
Mira E. E. Herr, who bas been laid
aside for the past eight months with
et disabled knee, was able to get to church
last Sabbath the &et time in five
Miss Maggie Soott is here on a Visit
with her sister,Mrs. P. Watson. Mise
Soott's health has not been very good of
late, but we hope she will soon be quite
A Orediton oorreepondent writers ;-
Thos. Ritchie, who bas been engaged as
blaoksnlith for W. H. Wenzel, left for
his home in Brtieselli last Saturday. We
are sorry to lose Tom as he was well
• Angus Kerr, who bas been in °barge of
Dr. MoNaughton's horses for eeveral
years, left on Monday for Stratford where
be has a situation in the Pork Puking
House. We wish him emcees. Thomp-
son Snider enotheas him.
Among absentee Breamelites who came
home fbr the Fall Fair we notioed Misses
May Skene and Georgia Boss, of Lis-
towel ; Missee Floreoce Buchanan and
Laura Nicholls, from Seaforth ; Will.
Ainley, of Listower; J. M. Moore, Toron-
to ; and Leslie Kerr, of Stratford.
W. B. and Mrs. Stratton, who have
been holidaying here for the past few
weeks, left on Wednesday for their home
in Bohrieber, calling off in Toronto for a
few days. Miss Eva Daggs, their neiae,
accompanied them and will make her
home in Sohrieber for a time, intending
to teaoh music at which art sbe is quite
an expert. Mr. Stratton a 0. P. R.
engineer and a fine fellow.
Premier Haultain and Hon. A. L. Bit.
ton, of the Northwest Territories Cabinet,
have gone to Ottawa to oontinue negotia-
tions with the Dominion Government for
the establiehment of the Territories on a
Provinoial basis.
At Goderioh on Saturday the Seaforth
Collegiate Institute football team defeat-
ed the Goderioh Collegiate Institute team
ONE BETTER Eyries Tims.-It theme to
matter not what other newspapers may
offer as premiums, the Family Herald
and Weekly Star, of Montreal, can al.
ways go them one better, and thio year
they have again olearly outolaseed all
competitors. Subsoribers to that great
family paper will this season receive
the biggest value ever offered. In *deli -
tion to a very ;nub improved paper, each
subscriber will reoeive no less than three
valuable and seasonable premium pia -
tures. The pictures are large portraits
ot our new Ring, Edward VII., and the
beautiful Queen Alexandra, each 18 x 24
inobes, on beautiful paper, making a
lovely pair of pictures ready for framing,
and which should be found in every
Canadian home. The third picture is a
grand surprise. We have all heard of the
renewed Gainsborough picture,the Dnoh.
ese of Devonslaire, the picture stolen and
reoovered after 25 years and recently
purobened by J. Pierpont Morgan for
$75,000 cash. The publishers of the
Family Herald are giving each subscriber
thie season a beautiful copy of this his-
torioal piature (22 x 28 inohes) in ten
rich colors, earns as the original, along
with the matures of the Zing and Qtmen.
All three pictures and a year's eubsorip•
tion to the best Family paper on the con•
tinent for one dollar is certainly a big
dollar's worth. The plates of the King
and Queen will be a surprise. No sue&
plates were ever given with a newspaper.
Canadian Boy Magazine for September is
on our table, olothed in an attractive new
cover design, in two colors, by D. B.
Milne, a young Canadian of Paisley, Ont.
This bright and interesting handful of
boys' literature is improving with every
issue and should be thoroughly welooroed
by every home in our broad Dominion
that has a boy old enough to read. Its
morale are sound, the text bright and en-
tertaining, the illustrations (of which
there are many) are well drawn and
printed and add greatly to the value of
the magazine. The leading °entente of
this bane are an Indian Story of the
Western plains by W. B. Findley, illus-
trated by W. A. Cowan, a thrilling story
that will make every boys' blood run hot,
3rd "
4th "
Total 12 44
That's pretty good hustling for a 5 mile
trip and only good horses can stand a
me of that sort and that with level head-
ed management so as not to fag them too
soon. Bessie K., owned by Messrs. Kidd
also won in her race.
Fem. Feta CONoEnT.-Laat Friday even-
ing the Town Hall was filled to the doors
with an appreciative audience who enjoy.
ed the very excellent program rendered.
The onteide talent was the well known C.
LeRoy ICenney, oomio vocalist, im-
personator and elooutionist of Toronto,
and Miss Marietta LaDell, a talented
elocutionist from the same city. A great
many lady elocutionists have visited
Brnesels in the past but it is doubtful it
any of them excelled Miss LaDell. Both
ehe and Ur. Kenney will be heartily wel.
oomed book again as he also filled hie
part of the entertainment splendidly,
His hamar is olean, pointed and given
without any show off about Eh In her
obild's geleotions Miss LaDell was at her
beet. Miss Eva Degge, of Obatleam, in
her piano selection and two solos was
deservedly a000rded a hearty reoeption.
The program was as follows :-Piano
solo, Miss Degge ; reoitation, "Gas and
I," Miss Le,Dell encore, "The Wind and
the Moon" ; comics song, "The Ladies,"
Mr. Kenney, enoore, "Aohoo" ; reading,
"Jamie," Mise Le, Dell, enoore, "The
dead Kitten" ; oomio seleotiou, "0 I be
Careful," Mr. Kenney, encore, "atrial
of Gen. Wanohop" ; solo, "My Jersey
Lily," Miss Drop 1 recitation, Miss La
Dell, "Deleartie," encore, "Minuet" ;
sketch, "1 waist to go to Morrow," Mr,
Kenney ; readiest, Mlss LaDell, "Aunt
Peggy and high art" ; solo, "Little black
me," Mies Degge, encore eomio song,
"1 want to be a eoldier," Mr. Kenney,
encore, "Greeting to the Xing" ; Nation-
opinions BO Tan POEM editor was called in al Anthem. Mtall Jean e at
and he progoonced it a tie with 0, leaning officiated atioottpaniet with sbnuy.
towards the negative. A vete of thanke The pewee& were over Sae, leaving
Was passed to all who.„seeieted in the balance of over 236 when all expenses
5050105)0 ofatertairimenti were paid.
STiliXD420) B4X.E 04XviD,A,
ogliWP,A.=,,XMEEXEXte ae72,
CAPITAL PAID dr •(One Million Dollars) 141,000,000
liVonef es M ell ptin al point'S in (Mkt*, Quo*, Manfloba, United tStatetts0 But/land.
NVSAwas Atetweein.
A. General Banking Business Traneaotdd, Farmers' Noted Ditmounted,
Drafts loaned and Oolleotiona made on all volute• .'
interest allowed on doposita of 21,00 and upwards and compounded half yearly.
SMUT, ATTENTION expo To mmt Cormitmort or PABMEllei SAM None.
Every fatality afforded Outitomers living at a dietanoe,
payable at any bank issued Under 010,.. 80. $20 to 330 "-Aft
1241119 WW1'S at the following rates t-, 810 to 220 ,.1tio, 50 to 40.-140
•3. N, GORDON, Arnim
matched. Seaforth won by euperior
teem play against theie heavier opponents.
Harry Brown, of Berlin, wee referee,
Hon. R. R. Dobell confined to his
hones by illness.
The jury in the Eliftola murder ottee at
London disagreed.
Fred. T. Judah, H. 0., a wealthy
Montreal lawyer, is dead.
N. Clarke Wallace, M, P. for West
York, died Tuesday night.
A bloats of frame buildinge -at Killer.
ney, Man. was destroyed by lire.
W. E. Massey, of Toronto, on a re-
cent visit to Ottawa; contraoted typhoid
fever in a mild form.
Wm. Birkett,Si. T. R. conductor, was
Amok by an engine in the London, Ont.,.
yards and killed. -
Two Syrians were drowned by their
skiff upsetting in the St. Lawrence be.
tween Ogdensburg and Preecott.
Moses A. Abbey, of Preston, formerly
license inspector of South Waterloo, was
found drowned in the canal at Batted&
William McIntyre, formerly of Oran -
brook, brakeman on the Canadian Paci-
fic), was killed in the yards at Brandon.
The temyearoold son of Constable John
Miller, of Hamilton, received a blow
while playing football that may prove
A. MoCrimmon, barrister, of St.
Thomas, was nominated for the Legisla-
tive Assembly by the Liberals ot West
At Clark's Harbor, Yarmouth County,
N. El, a Jew doing business there woe
murdered by wise - shot through the
The Canadian Northern Railway an-
nounces that it will accept freight at
Winnipeg for Rainy River points after
Ootobir 10.
The Interoolonial Railway_ station at
Eel River, N. B., was destroyed by fire.
A. lot of freight and a highway bridge
close by were also burned.
Einar, Om, 18,-Faren stook, imple.
month, 40„ let 28, con. 7, Morrie.
Bale, unreserved at 1 o'elook. W. H.
Maunders, prop. IP, B. Beat, enc.
TiNteDAY, OcIT. 22, -Farm stook, jrnple-
manta, &o„ Lots 27 and 28, Con. Grey.
F3ale, unreserved, at 1 p. m. C,Raynard,
Prop. ; S. Scott, Aim
nitillSnAT 0001a24. -Farm stook, ina-
plemente, 17'; Lot 24, Con. 5,Morria.
Sale unreserved, as proprietor is giving
up ferreting, at 1 o'olook. Frank Keys,
Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Ano.
F1u04r, 00T. 25. -Lot 30, Con. 6, Grey,
farm stools. Sale at 1 o'olook. D. Mo.
Donald, Prop. ; F. 5. Scott, Au°.
csaz -cps.S.:•-•_,S ary..s.1,,E,Hr.:3VI's ,
Fall Wheat 82 64
Barley 88 43
Peas .. . .. ... 62 64
Oats . ... 32 33
Butter, tubs and rolls . • 18 14
Eggs per dozen ... ..... 11 12
Flour per ow.t. ........ 4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per bee.) 40 40
Apples (per hue.) 40 60
Sheep ekius, each 25 25
Lamb elsins eaob 25 80
Salt per bbl., retail1 00 70
Hay per ton ..., 6 00 6 50
Hides trimmed si
Hides rough 5
Hogs, Live 6 75 6 85
Wool 12 13
and a shoat story by Hope es e a
by a some of:1 to 0. This brings batik to
very lively for a frolic at the dead
Seaforth th H ugh Cup whish Goderioh
e o
of night. A. number of other spleodid
oontributions appear, also hints to boys won last Fall. The teams were evenly
on pets, the oamera, football, puzzles,
Boy's Brigade news and doings, humor.
ous eketchee, eto. Next month new de-
partments will be added on questions and
imswere, and aids to boys in engineering,
and along all praotioal lines that boys
love so well. Boys everywhere are in-
vited to write the publishers alsoulp. any-
thing that they wish to know. The
magazine is ou sale at ell newsdealers
throughout Canada, or of the publishere,
The Turnbull.Wright 0o.,,Guelph, Ont.
Agents wanted everywhere.
• Business Locals.
Moxxx to loan oti farm imourity.
Apply at Tux Poem.
Boa and aborts for sale ab National
Roller Mill.
ANT one wishing to enjoy life can do
eo by having saw filer T. McGregor to
file and fix their saws. Yours for ftiet
and easy °sitting. W. McGregor, Brue.
tide Barr & Tool Company, Brunel%
Sam -A. oar load of nbas, olean, dom.
mon, fine, table salt at the Brunch]
Salt Works. We have also a good supply
of nice table and better salt on band,
besides some tough salt for cattle. Any
farmer or 'storekeeper wanting any kind
of salt oan be well supplied by calliog at
the Brueselel Balt Works.
Gonoeti MoteIne, Foreman.
W. K. MoLeol, formerly proprietor of
the St. Marys Argue, but who now runs
A lemma' of 2 and 8.year•old steers
for sale. Apply to OEMS. MOORE,Hrussets,
Bratox BOA lileb in the "Palace" on lair
Day. Pinder will please leave at Tun
Poem Publishing House.
Wanted, suitable fot Tomah purposes.
Apply to 11100, BEST, Brussels.
Shearliug and nine Burn -.Leicester
Lambs for sale. Soma eligible for registre,
Hon. D MILNE, Ethel.
Turnborry Street, Brussels,for sale at
a bargain.RApply to
U. OB. BALLANTINE, Brussels,
Tobran" Oolt, May be seen at Brno-
selsVall Show. Apply to L, HOLLINGHlt,
Lot 9, Oen. 10, Grey. 11
CLUDIPP.-In Grey, on Oat. 9, to Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Cardiff, a son.
CHAPICAN.-In Beat Wawanrieb, On Sept.
26, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chapman,
twins, son and daughter.
PAYEN.-In East Wawanosh, on October
1, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Paten, a
STornens.-In Blyib, on September 29,
to Conn. and Mrs. Stothers, a daugh.
A 'very nice line or
PaOeteries in all
latest Colors just
added to our always'
complete line of Sta• -
tionery, at
HAW and convenient MOMS to let In
the Leckie bloats over 0, A. Deadm an's and
Mrs. Rogers' stores. Apply to P. S. SCOTT.
$15.00, to $18.00 a Week
salary for an intelligent man or eminent in
each town. Permanent position., '80 omits
Peorxh7o8, ph ..
urtioi nod esippahrietime. Manufacturer,
..,0000 4.0 House Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and on' abort notice.
Have had three years' experience in city'
work. Torino macerate. Give me a sail.
24 w.r. 301014827018, Walton.
VARVI .FOR SALE.$10oo.00 '
-I- will buy Lot 180, 20 in the 18th0011006-
don of the Township of Grey, containing 64
acres. There is about 15 acres clear of tim-
ber. The rest in bush. For further inter -
!nation apply to G. F. Blair, Solicitor, Bros.
undersigned will keep for service ou
N 00111, Oon. 6. Grey, the thoro' bred
Tamworthhog, "Xing George." Terms, 78 ,
cents, payable at time of service ' with priv-
ilege of returning if neoeseary.
18 4 ANGHS SHAW, Proprietor.
East Huron Prizes.
The Treasurerwill be at -1115Town Hall,
Brussels, from 1 to 6 p. m. On Saturday. Pot.
1002, to pay the prizes in connection with
the recent Bast Huron Fall Fair. All
monies not called fdr by '006.91st'vrill be re-
in itted to the prize takers at their expense.
'W. H. KERR,
See Buie 1. Treasurer.
MUBDOCEL-In West Wawanosh, on Set.
80, Mary, yeansgest dangloter of John
and Mrs. Murdooh, aged 33 years.
NICHOLSON.- In East Wawanoah, on
Sept. 29, Maloolm Nicholson, aged 62
PATTBUFMN.-In Grey, on Oot. 5, James
Patterson, aged 76 year&
Danon.-In East Wawanoeb, on Sept.
28, Wm. James Taylor, aged 45
years, 1 month and 26 days.
.rs.•trowxolv mdt.x.d=1.
Timms, Ocz. 15. -Farm, farm stook,
implements, &e., at East half Lot 16,
Con. 6, Grey. , Sale, unreserved, at al.
o'olook. Ieabella Ransom, Proprietress;
F. S. Scott, Auctioneer.
We will have in this week a DIRECT IMPORTA-
TION OF LAMPS that will eclipse anything ever
shown hero. Buying direct from the manufac-
turers we can sell these goods at the same price
we formerly paid for the same class and fully as
low as most dealers can buy for now. Be sure
yotbsee them before you buy.
See ottr new FENCE MACHINE. With it you
eau build just the kind of Fence you need and ,
save the big profit to the factory or agent,. Call
and see it operated at our store, It is the BET
FENCE money can buy.
A IVI.IIcKay & Co.
ltItIE 110118.1, Soprano. • C. 90. FRANCIS, Tuner.
E. S. 211101IIA8. BaSso. F. N. WARNER,
Under the Auspices of the Methodist Church.
Plan of Hall at Fox's Drug Store.
Harness Harness
A full stock and prices lower than ever as the following •
prices will show :-
D. H. Rubber Trimmed Single Harness. „. ,..$ 7 50 •
Niokle Silver Single Harness, doubled and stitched ... .7 50
11 box loops, extra good value... 11 00
Large size, heavy, warm Wool Rugs •... • 1 90
'Large size, extra heavy, fine quality;'Wool Rugs ... ," 2 40
Plush Rugs, fine looking, good article ... ... 2 75
Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes, full stock, Newlands make, the
best Robe in the market- we have the agency for Brussels and can
do better for you on this Robe than anyone else, Horse , Blankets
from 50c. up, in fact everything in the Harness line you may want
at lower prices than ever. Rubber Rugs, lined and unlined.
Trunks and Satchels made to stand hardships.
Wo can line your Robes for you as we keep lining _and trim-
ming for that purpose. ,
iRepitirs in Planless, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers done
neatly and promptly.