HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-10-10, Page 5h
Om.* 14, 1901
yam•cent, SCOTT, Braeeolo,
�t/TSI/T Ii, Moo A CICEN- ,
at grerAurQryranla al,
s' PcnaoxlalArtist, Shop—Naxt�aoo,
NoCtil et the Standard Bank. Daytime and
Oli'liMOM'S hair mating a specialty.
Issuer'of Marriage Licenses,
'rIa&urn R i)F
a,'RV'As 1m',f ,
Wellington Mutual
Eire Ingtn'ance Co.,
Insurance taken ou the cash and premium
note system at current rates. Before insur-
ing elsewhere pall on the undersigned Agent
of the companyy.
L. O. M.
Academie graduate of London Conserve,
tory of Music, also /clamber of the Associated
Mueioia is 01 Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils for instruction
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Priaoipal'e Form in the C.onaervatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
Clerk of the Fourth Division ()mart,
ED. Huron Pub
Lan,, Loan' and Iueurauoe AgentNotary ; A otion
eer, Funds invested and to loan, Oolleo-
hone made,' Mice du Graham's Block,BraO-
0010,. ..
BBa. will sell for bettor prices, to
better men in lase timeand lees charges
than any other Anotioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and ordure
can always be arranged at this ollloe or by
personal applioation.
CJ . Honor 010100ce of the Ontario Vet-
erinary college, is prepared to treat all die•
eases of domesticated animals tin a compet-
ent manner. Partt,;ular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry, Oalle promptly at-
tended to. Mee and Infirmary—Four doors
Northof bridge, Turnbolry at., Brussels,
• Barrister, Solicitor, lConveyencer,
Notary Public, dc. Ofloe—Stewart's Block
1 door Nnrth of central Hotel.
8olioltor for the Standard Bank.
• Solicitor, deo. OIDce over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
M. D., O.
Trinity University, Fellow .Trinity Medical.
Oollege,Membor college of Physicians and
Surgeons. Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-.
w,feryy, Edinburgh. 15 -Telephone No.14,
Boaidenoe-Mill etreet, Brussels.
DR. R. P. FE/LD,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Firet.alaee Honor
Graduate of Toronto Univoreity. Ohre
neat to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Fitted to Correct all
of ,Eyesight,
and your ]yea tented FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
British Columbia
lied Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels JI
se s P1an�n ills
Also Debre and Saab of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
Estimates Furnished kr all
kinds of Bnildinge. 'Workman.
Ship and Material Guaranteed.,
Seventyave per oont, of the new students
Iro,a outside of Stratford who.wete 011001100
at rho opening of our Fall Term 00000 hop]
nearer' other uslness colleges than ours.
1'bey wanted the 6001 business and 011000-
11440 traUIing and 00000 here for it.. write
for catalogue, Nutor now if po0etble.
Ettilln I', Principal.
Eller, fee,
Fall Voir here ou . Saturday of tbie
Mies May Riddell and Mrs. ass, Wal
kar took in the Pan•Am,
The Presbyterian 8. id. entertaipm'ent
will be held on Oat. 29th.
Mies Susan Ardell has returned home
from Broeeel,. She ie not enjoying the
best of health,
Wm. Doig, 0: 0. F. organizer', left on
Monday for Vancouver, B. 0., where he
will spend some Ave months in the inter.
eat of the order,
Howiok Agricultural Sooiety will bold
its annual Fall Exhibition in Victoria
Park, Gerrie, on Saturday, Oot, 12th.
The Presbyterian Y: P. S. 0. E. will
hold an entertainment onthe evening
of Oot, -2401, They have secured the
aervioee of James Fax, the oomie
entertainer of Toronto.
A Willing Worker's Soddy with about
a dozen members was organized in the
Methodist church and the following
officers were elected t -Pres., Mra. D.
Rogers ; Vice Pres., Mrs, A. M. Spence ;
Sec, Mies Vina Harding ; Treas., Mrs.
J. Downey.
Mies A M. Yule will take a business
comes in' one of the Detroit colleges.
Samna) Webster, of Luoknow, ilee par•
chased the farm of the late Mrs. . A.
Stewart, near Whitechurch,
Rev. G. R. Turk, formerly of Luck -
now, and Rev. Gao. W. Kirby, the well-
known Methodist pastors who resigned
important charges to take up Evangelis-
tic work, come to Locknow in December.
Bpeoial reopening aervioee were held
iu the Presbyterian oborob, Laneside,00.
Sunday, Sept, 29th. Rev. R. P. Mao -
Kay, D. D., of Toronto, preached in the
morning and evening and the pastor,
Rev. G. M. Dunn, conducted the service
at 8 o'oloak.
The central telephone office will have a
metallic switch put iu' for use in long
distance phoning.
Dr. Goon is having th'o grouude at the
hospital improved and by next Summer
will have a nioe lawn.
A. T. cooper was at Brookville,' where
be went to attend the annual convention
of the (Iranian Endeavor Union.
J. P. Tiedall has been appointed by the
High Coral of Justice, receiver for the
Coleman Eelate, Seaforth, and ie wind-
ing it up.
Harland Bros. have now the largeat
hardware and strive busineee in the
oonoty,000upying three large stores in
the Brick Block.
Toronto Varsity students have return-
ed to resume their studies ; R. G. Bell,
Mies 616ry Lough and E. Archibald, who
has gone to enter as a freshman.
The settlement arrived at between
John Dale and the G. T. R. for the horses
killed on the traok a oonple of weeks ago,
was $800, whioh was accepted by Mr.
The Fall Fair Secretary reports the
gate receipts at about 5400.
A. Dulmage has I,urobaeed the Geddes
property on Josephine etreet opposite hie
offioe, for $2,600.
The members of Wingham Masonic
Lodge, 286, will attend 0000100 in St.
Paul's oburah on Sunday morning, Oot.
20, at 11 a. m. Rev. Mr. Lowe will
Mise Louisa Monty left last week for
Toronto, where she has accepted a situ•
ation. Prior to her departure the mem-
bers of Fern Lodge, Loyal True Blues,
spent a faw pleasant' hours with her on
Saturday evening.
Wiugham Methodist ohuroh has a live
Ladies' Aid Society. Theeubsoription of
the 'moiety to the new ohuroh is $1,000
of whioh $685 was paid by May 81.' The
ladies expect to pay thebalance in full at
the opening of the church. At their
Bazaar and lunch on Fair Day $75 waa
Mayor Clegg has decided not to rebuild
his grain warehouse, at any rate not this
year, and 'has accepted a situation as
assistant to H. O. Bell, manager of the
win ham
factories of
Canada I
Manufacturers Ltd., taking the place of
D. Wright, who has been called to the
Head Office, Toronto,
Mies L. Hardy, who has been suffer-
ing from an attack, of typhoid, is recover-
Robt. Cole, who Pae been a resilient of
town for somea
year'', pee accented a posi.
tion in a furniture factory in Ridgetown
and will move with hie family to that
A. Bowelaugh, formerly of Centralia,
writing from Wixon, Mtob., nye, the
wheat Drop bete is light, the porn fair,
apples very eaarme, with prices ranging
from $2 to $3 per barrel—good fruit,
Wm, Levitt received word of the ser-
ious aocidetlt that befell hie brother,
Alexander Levitt, chief of the Walker.
ville Fire Department, who narrowly
eeoaped death on Friday, his baggy be.
ing struck by a Weber& express train,
running at a)iigh rate of speed.: He now
hies at hie home in_a preearious oondition.
Hie faoe and head are badly bruised, and
he suffered internal injuria, but his
physician thinks he will reoover.
Wm. Baker, Huron street, received
word that his eon, George, who resides in
Windeor and worlts in the Globe furni.
tura Factory, Walkerville, had met with
a very nnforlonate accident ab that plaoe
on Friday. .Ile was engaged at a buzz
plainer when in eome,mannet hie hand
name its oonte°t with the knivee, sever.
ing the index finger of the right hand and
uintliating the e000nd SA badly that it la
leered he will to00 the i1,i
tid memberat
the Are§ joint. The third linger wag also
lladly.OM and the hand Otherwtao injured.
11 will be some weeks before Mr, ,Baker
will have the use of hie hand.
Martin Ten Ryok, one of Hamilton's
'Admit end most reapootel 0,110008, died
at hie home, 114 Booth Catherine etreet
Ramihton. Sunday night of haat week,
Death was due to apoplexy. Re wag 77
years old. Fonr children are left to
mourn hie death, They are' Ex Ald,
To Eyok, V. S. ; Arthur Ten Byok,
deputy tiro ohief ; Rev, d, Ten 13ytlt, of
Exeter, Mre, A. E. Cheonut, of Torpntp,
W r oxoter.
Q, McLeod,"of town, brought in a fine
epepintan of a onoumber mortaring 26
inohee by over a foot around the other
Henry Armstrong, late of Newbridge,
has opened in the shop next the post.
office with a full line of Frost & Wood
implemoote, boggle°, mutters, &o,
Mre, Robt. Blaok was at London visit
ing at M. McLennan's, whose little
daughter, Mre. Blaolt'e neioe, has been
e.•riouoly ill but is now ammo better,
Chas, Andrews, son of O. W. Andrews,
formerly of the C. P, it, station here,
we are sorry to hear, met with a Serious
aeoident last week. The young men was
driving a dray on the street when be was
run into by a etreet oar and his rig up.
eet and himself thrown off euataininga
fracture of the leg. Mr. Andrews and
family are now residing in Toronto.
John Wendt had a olook in for repairs
whioh ie at least 150 years old but is
now keeping good time and looke as if it
were good for another 100' years. The
°look name from Ireland with the Forgo -
son family and ha now the property of
Mre. E. Ferguson, of Howiok: The style
ie known as a'Wog:it.a we' and can be
either enclosed in an old fashioned long
oaie or hung en the wall with weights
and pendulum free.
Bank clerk Smith is reported to ba the
champion golfer of Goderioh. '
The organ factory staff is very busy
at present on orders, and large
shipments of goods are being made daily.
Victoria etreet Methodist church is be.
ing painted and kaleomioed, and the
work will be completed in a couple of
'Colborne cemetery has been enlarged
by five norm and is being laid out from
plane drawn by architect J. Ades Fowler.
The addition will have straight and
winding walks, and will be a pretty piece
of landscape.
At the meeting of the Daughter° of the
Empire it was found that the amounts
promised on the lista of those who oan.
Tressed the town'oame to something over
$1,500, with whioh, together with what
the ladies have already in hand and hope
to oollect in varione,waye In the coming
Winter months, the hospital may be.
gnu in the early Spring of 1902.
FATAL. AoomitaT. — OnWednesday
morning of last week a sad and fatal
aomdent tool( plane in Goderioh tp.,
whereby. Thomas Elliott, son of Gabriel
Elliott, ex -reeve of the township, was in-
stantly killed. Although the exact oir.
oumatanoea will never be known, it is
certain deoeaeed was taking a load of
barrelled apples into Clinton, and at the
hill near Herbieon'e corner, one of the
bits broke and the team not being con-
trollable ran away, and in. running threw
the deceased off the waggon,. when either
the wheels ran over him or tie was killed
by the falling bakrete, for be wae dead
when pioked up. A doctor war 0000 on
band but the young mac had passed
away. The animals deceased was driv
ing are reported to be badly injured, and
they were found some distance from the
scene of the accident on different sides of
the road,
B. Price, laundryman, has purchased
the steam outfit of 0. R. Norton.
The brick for the Canadian Bent
Chair Faotory have been partly deliver-
George Greer, of Wallace,' has taken
the position of traveller for the oonfeo-
tionery firm of Lambton & Go., of Tor-
J. Baker, merchant tailor, has leased
the premises now occupied by B. Price,
Mr. Price removing to part of George's
bioyole shop,
J. 0. Monteith, Couservative candidate
for North Perth for the Local Legislature
and Thos. Magwood, ex -M. P. P., took in
the Listowel Fair.
Oa Oot, 7111, 8th and 9th, 50 years ago,
Johnston Kidd helped to build the flret
building in the corporation of the town
of Listowel. The building was located
where the tannery now Blonde and was
built for Wm. Misener.
A very pleaoaoteurprise was tendered
to Rev, A. P. Moore at the rectory, when
the Wardens, Guild and Choir of Christ
ohuroh, assembled to show their oonfl•
dente and respect to .their rector, it being
the anniversary of hie_ birthday. A
sumptuous birthday sapper was brought
already prepared, aonsiating ,of all the
dell a ie9
0 0 of the season. After r e uP e
addressee weredelivered del Bred by F. R. Blewett,
people's Warden, G. Raines, B. Witter,
Mayor' Watson and Councillor Maloney,
all speaking in the highest respect of
the reverend gentleman. Mr. Moore
replied, expressing the pleasure the ear•
prise bad given him, and thanked them
or the confidence reposed in him by the
The seventh annual exhibition of the
Listowel and South Wallace Agrioultnral
pummel, was a great ouoel, and would
ave been moon larger had it not been
or the untimely rain,in the forenoon, yet
n spite of rain and cold, a large orowd
wag on the ground. The rink wee orowd.
d at the promenade concert on Thursday
vening. The canoed opened with the
abaciabaciSobool children singing "A Greet.
ng to the King," which was Moll apple.
fated by the audience. Geo, Fax did
imeolf credit, and the ohildrea'a drill,
irected by Principal Slaughter, was one
f the interesting features of the program.
he Listowel band was present, and die•
parsed some Sue music during Intervale
t the program, The speaking took place
rom the gallery, inoide of the rink on
ecount of the, rain and oold outside,
where A platform had been erected for
he speaking to take plaoe. H, Hems.
ortb, President of the Agricultural
aciety, W, E. Binning, Secretary, John
gown, M. P. P. J. 0. Monteith, Stoat..
*5, Mayor Wat000, H, 13. Morphy and
, B. Rothwell, along with Mr. Whitney,
ere on the platform, Mr. Hemsworth
ad an address prepared ify the Agrionl•
immediately follopved by Mayer Watoon, { PilastatOrtlfer
e d add”" Evac r a au 06 el , I „
dd 0000w q mo nb ha
9 e f
Val i
of the Town Commit to :v1 r. Whitney. A ' h l3 egiment band, of Seaford',
fitting reply was made,
0iety to 0900941ml meeting of the Women's
[Continued from page 4.] obureItlbina iooaryb, Society of the Methodiot
George Dorranoe, of MolIillop, deliver.
el in Seaforth ae fine a 10t of pigs tit has
been ebipped from here for long time,
The bnnoh oomprieed 54 bead,' and aver-
aged 210 pounds ea9h, and brought their
owner the sung m 9t 5800.
At the close ptaf ,September there had
been paid into the Gown Treaeurer the
eum of 59,041 town taxes, This ie about
$200 lees than at the mime time haat year.
There la a reduction of 8 per cent, on all
tete(' paid in September, and 2 per rent,
on taxes paid. in Ootobor,
went to (a '-larioh on Wednesday of last
week to for 1,14h rondo at the egriouiturai
Gann wan lu Sarnia last
week, 40 a delegate from the Seaforth eo.
M Stewart, Mrs J R Smith out t(owere,
Grace lit Stewart, Jae ,Bv011l; dabliae,
Mrs E Sellers, Mre (Rev) Aboy; pansies,
0 Henderson & Son, Jae Evans ; phlox
drnmmondl, Jae Evans, Gracie M Stow
art ; asters, Jae Evans, 0 Hendereen &
Son ; stooks, Mrs J R Smith, Mrs A
Sellers ; petunias, Mea 11 Seliere, Jae
Evans ; African marigolde, $ Hoggard,
0 Henderson & Son ; Frenoh marigolds,
Mre 307 Sellers, 0 Henderson & Son ;
dianthus, Grace M Stewart, 0Henderson
& Son; balsams, Mrs J R Smith,. Jae
Evans; zinnias, Mrs j R Smith, Mrs E
Sellers ; gladiolue spikes, Grace M Stew.
art • verbenas, Grace M Stewart, Mre
J,$Smith; ohrysanthemume,Jag Anne,
Mra J R Smith ; perennial phlox, Grace
M Stewart, Ibira J It Smith ; double holly-
ollyhocks, G A Deadman ;. cockscombs, Jae
Evans, Mrs J R Smith; ornamental
graseee, Grace M Stewart, S Hoggard ;
ornamental fruits, Mrs J R Smith, ft
Hoggard ; varieties of outdoor flowers,
Ura (Rev) Abey, S Hoggard ; noxious
weeds, Mrs j Fowler, W HMeQrackeu,
Judges—J. H. Cameron and Rev. Jno.
POST 000100.
Clear the traok for 1902.
It was an orderly orowd.
More than the Secretary found the
office o. k, •
Presa bidegtrinkFerguson stuck to his p
The gate reoeipts were $386, tioketa
lag 10 and 15 cents.
We never saw the judge's books ma
ed better than this year.
We have spoken for good weather
next Fall Fair, so cheer up.
Many an observant eye took in Wil
& Turnbull's stove exhibit.
Thos. Moore had the sewing machine
bosineas all to himself this year.
The new roof on the "Palace" proved
the right thing in the right place.
Councillor Donaldson bad three seta of
harness on exhibition, all of them sold.
We hal splendid set of judges all
through, and better satisfaction wee giv-
en than usual.
The Concert program Friday evening
pleased everybody and the Society clear-
ed nearly $40.00 ont of it.
D. Stewart, the former Seoretary-
Treaeurer, was missed from bis poet of
duty which he filled for many years.
The addition of electric light to the
Vegetable and Fruit Department as well
as the "Palace" was a big. impr6vement..
There were 8 entries in tomato ketch-
up. It will bother the most of Fall
Fairs to ketoh up to East Huron Exhibi.
W. H. McCracken, and C. H. Bartliff,
f town, and J. Young, of Mookton, sup -
lied refreshments, fruit, &o., at the
We will have a program of attractions
or next Fair that will make up for the
isappointment this yearowing to the
wet. -
East Huron Fair is quite a magnet.
eople came many miles to attend it
otwithetandiug the very disagreeable
There are only two entries for the
peoial.prizes offered by Geo. Thomson
nd W. H. McCracken for beet } aore of
an golds.
The pianos and organs used at the
air were the property of Jno. Walker
ho also showed a nice bedroom suite.
fa noy chairs, &o.
Whenever a shower ofrain or hail came
own there was a rush to the "Palace"
nd herrings in a box are peeked little
loser than the crowd there.
There were over 3,000 people on the
rounds. 2,626 paid for admieeion at the
gate and the balance were members,
udgee, caretakers of stook, &o.
Ouly $10.90 was taken at the Agl. Hall
hureday evening owing to the weather
nd muddy roads. A short program of
netrnmental mneio was given.
H. R. Brewer's display of photos and
n exhibit by the Brussels Camera Club
and many admirers. The Fine Arts
epartment this year was hard to beat.
It ie proposed to have an afternoon of
aoiog among the horse owners who were
tending to compete at the Fair on Fri-
t had the weather and track permitted.
D. Ewen & Go. made a very fine &s-
ay of top buggies and cutters which at -
acted considerable attention. The
!ler bearing axle appears to be the
rreot thing.
A. Ooneley anted as assistant secretary
d rendered very efficient service. He
d F. S. Scott dealt out the pasteboards
Friday for admittance to the grounds.
afety" numbered tickets were used.
dr -
The display of Ladies' work was e
dandy and great credit is due Mise Annie
Ross, Mise Clara McCracken and Vice -
President Shortreed for the houre they
spent on Thursday arranging it on the
Mrs. (Rev) Abey's original sketoll, in
oil paintlug, for special prize was greatly
and deservedly admired. The scene was
taken front the foot -bridge South taking
in the mill dam, river, flour and flax
You will eourry over a good many
milesof country before you will find a
more gonial fellow than Alby Robinson,
the representative
of the is
R herds Pure
Soap Co., of Woodstook. The firm ¢tan•
ufaotures an A 1 soap, They gob a big
adverbially boom here this Fall.
A meeting of Direotore will be held
Saturday afternoon of this week in the
Town Hall, at 2 p. m. On the following
Saturday afternoon, 19111 ioet., the
Treasurer will be at the Town Hall to
pay the prizes. Money not galled for by
the end of the month will be remitted at,
the expense of the prize winners.
The ofhoere for 1901 are as follows :—
EAST Home' Socn Err.
President, Jae. Ferguson ; let vi0e
President, Alex. Stewart ; and vine Preei•
dent, Jno, Shortreed ; Seoretary.Treasur.
er, W, H, Kerr. Direotors—R. Corley,
Obria. Eokmier, Thoe. MoLanohlin, Jae.
McCallum, A. Bretbaner, Geo. Johnston,
A. Gardiner) Wm, Robb and W. 13.. Kerr.
Gum Blum Sectary,
resident, Jae. Spelt ; Vice -President,
Warwick, V. S. r Secretary-Treae.
urer, W. H. Kerr, Direetora--W. H,
iackeo, 1'. Scott, Geo. Robb, R,
hol, Jeo. IltuGavin, Jae. Evans, Jnd,
Kinnon, D. Milne, Robt. McDonald,
buret Sooiety to J, P. Whitney, Ho was 'Mo
Lceetdluur v.
Wet, Swallow )eft on Monday for the
Soo with a load of boreeo.
Frank Wiltefe has bought a farm near
Seaforth and will oommenoe operations
their immediately,
Mr. McGregor, the village blacksmith,
is proving himself a good mac, but Mao.
should not live alone.
Willie MoNab, a little eon of Mrs. A.
.MoNab, got hie lace severely burned a
few days ago while setting oat fares,
John McPherson has returned from the
wild and woolly Weat. He looks a little
ander tbe weather but will no doubt soon
regain his usual strength and vigor.
Mrs. James Wiltsie is et present offer -
log her farm for sale. It is a splendid
farm of 150 agree. Any per.on wanting
entitle. plaoe would do well to see it.
W. Rae, B. A., left on Tuesday for
Edmonton, Alberta. He has been en.
gaged as Modern Language Master of the
Edmonton High 8obool. Mr. Rae is an
honor graduate of Toronto. University
and of the Ontario Normal college and a
epeoiaiiet in French, German, English
and History.
John W. Bell Pae been appoipted tax
collector for 1901.
Judge, Masson held Court of Revision
in Industry hall on Saturday.
James Curring sold his well matohed
team of blaok horses last week to a Lou-
don gentleman for $275.
Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Penhall were in
Sarnia. Mrs. Peuhall was a delegate to
the London Conference Woman'e Mis-
sioaaryeooiety meeting.
David Smith, who went to England
and Scotland four months ago, has re-
turned, and left for Detroit to resume
his studies in the medical college in that
A. B. 14faodonald, who had charge of
G. F. Blair's law oRoe here for the past
year and a half, nae gone to Toronto
where be will resume his studies at the
law school.
R. Somers presented the following re-
port of sidewalks to the Conned :—I find
129 broken stones, or 2064 square feet of
stone ; I estimate the coat to replaoe the
aamd, at 10 cents per square foot, $206.-
40 ; I find 18 bad tope and estimate the
coat to repair at $12.48 ; oast of repairing
plates, 53 ; total poet to repair, $221 88.
Wm. James Taylor died at his resi-
dence in East Wawanoeb, one mile North
of Blyth, on Saturday, Sept. 28. He
was sink lees than a week and pneumonia
was the cause of death. The funeral
took place onMonday, interment being
made in Dungannon cemetery. Deceas-
ed was a member of the Independent
Order of Foresters, who had oharge of
the funeral arrangements.
Geo. Nesbitt, of St. Catharines, drop.
ped dead in the etreet.
Daniel McLennan, of Hamilton, wae
killed by a O. P. R. train.
W. L. Soott, of City View, fell over a
cliff at the foot of Lyon etreet, Ottawa,
and was killed,
Patrick Dewar, an employee of the
Merrittoa Cotton Mille, was found dead
tbe foot of the cliff near the cantilever
bridge, Niagara fella,
Mrs. Geo. Symonds and her daughter,
of Williamstown, were atrnok and killed
by the International Limited train while
driving over a crossing at Demeter.
Several reeidents in the vicinity of the
salt worke at Windeor were awarded
damages against the company at the As•
sizes on account of the smoke nuisance.
Allan Gibbons, eon of Geo. Gibbons, K.
0., of London, who was attending the
University in Toronto, accidentally, shot
himself at his lodgings and died within a
few hours.
woolen Mill.
A well assorted stook of Tweeds,
Shirting, Sheeting (single and double),
Blankets, Ladies' Skirting, Flannels
and Yarne of various colors, 2 and 3
ply, g
or single is t be
o found at Brne•
Delo Woolen Mill, and will be sold
for cash or in exohange for wool.
Wool carded or exchanged for rolls.
Highest market prioe paid for wool
Saw Mills.
I have a
good supply of Hemlock loge on
hand. Can out out to snit customers.
Dressed Maple, suitable for granaries,
at $10 per M.
All kinds of Dreamed Lumber kept on
hand from $10 per M up.
A large stook of coiled Elm and Aeh at
$7 per M.
Shingles and Lath always on hand.
la -A. good farm on 1811 con. of Grey for
A oontraot of 20 aures of logging to let;
For particulars apply to
A number of good ewes to let ont on
Minxes about Oot, let.
rIiOPlWl Ton,. 11118113,
IVIcKinnon's c ►
Stanfield's w
fLe1d s TTn,�,hrinkable
'Jhneo ()hilly triode remiod peop'e that oold weather is approaoit-
ittg, and they begin to think of warm. under olothing and where they can
get the beet aseortment'to ohooee from, As a rule our Mammoth Gash,
Store is nppermoet in everyone's mind, snowing an they do that we parry
the best range of Underwear in the county. We are loos' agents for the
celebrated Stanfield Unshrinkable All.wool Underwear in Shirts and
Drawers for men. We also keep a full range of other makes in union goods
from 250 0, the finest lambs wool, Thiele the third year we have sold the
Stanfield geode. We guarantee every garment, wash them as you like and
if they ehrink fetch tbem back and get your money. Bewsroof imitations,
no00 are genuine except they are stamped "Stanfield'a Voehrinkable,"
Below we quote a few prices o -,-
Men's Fancy Striped Sbirte'aod Drawers, heavyweightsoft 'ankh, in all
sizyo, each 80o and 40o. g '
Men's All.wool Plain Swatch Knit or Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, heavy
and warm, each 50e.
Men's fine Lambe Wool Shirts and Drawers, at 75o, $1 and $1,26,
Boys' Shirts and Drawers in fleece lined, ribbed and plain, in all sizes, at
25o, 80o, 350, 40o and 500.
Stenfield'e Unshrinkable Shirts and Drawers, made of fine Nova Sootia
wool, a soft aa lambs, in all sizes, medium and heavy weights, at $ t,
51.25 and $1 35.
-O N I}3D O a
Dolls' Carriages,
& Turnbull
Have Just Received a
Ton of...
From the Factory.
Customers can be sup-
plied while it lasts.
Wilton & Turnbull
EWAN & 00.,
Are ready to supply the demand of the pnblio for any kind of wheeled rig 00 they
have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Manufacturers in Canada, in
addition to their own make, all sold at CLOSE PRIORS.
Rubber Tyred Wheels.
We make a specialty of the Hard Dunlop Robber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being put
on your own buggy wheelo while you wait, or we can supply both wheels and
tyre at very low prices. Ever of ba
Y owner a good guy should have the Dunlop.
put on by Ewan dr Go, Work gnarantoed all right ae we keep nothing but
first-olaee workmen,
D. Ewao will devote a good share of his time in attending to the sale roome;ae the
Co. has seoured a firat•olaee Horse Sheer for the blacksmith shops
All wood work in our line and general biockemithing done on oar premien and at as
lowdgaree ae can be obtained anywhere.
Our awn make of Baggiee this year are all di inohee longer in the body than other
Bnggieeand for STYLE and COMFORT cannot be beaten.
We use the long distance, 1,000 mile axle, one or two oilinge in a season i0 all they
It will pay anybody who wants a liret•olaao rig to oome 25 miles to see our Show
Rooms this season before bayingas our aseorlment fs large and good and we are
always well pleased to have people call and examine oar etook whish ie the
largest ever Chown in Brunette, 1e." We mean bueineee,
'y� ' n /y Carriage 141aksrs, &o.,
1J WAN CY1 <,1�. liraeaela,
Baggies, Wagons, Carte and Whoelbartowa always on hand,