HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-10-10, Page 2• ... . . . . Of 1. I I :1111111 -"No, int Lo1d replied the fore OF W /^1� uu US ( �l 11 . 1. fu.: ::--_--­- . Ilzwose, TlrpY }night as well tariff: of 1� UTUE I, I a Cutttan f3�ilrlg as at th0 MasdPr} ga11g: �hP ALatYd Grgathpd paaiet', the onGRUT.�„111a,/ ... - - .., in action, with tills °ase. Bhp 1 ` ' .Z 1 thing LATEST 'FROM Huta that tiro a3iagpdt bargai,ninii far convuls ve 00 a loftitho ll tale woman THE V,i�X. . TRE SIF T 0 URDER the will was going an til° will was 4 ,� oo C7 pj Crown Attorney in Glaak: j 'Held ALL THE wQRll-A OVER. za t1zP cur>tody °f did ]]Lr. Jnatine Macjt ahon told the p p " �, //yy� �+ res F7'lha Alageq. 17von it Gerald Si[tvn A $'ltlsil laaT1'.1SQI1" QJ Less 1 fat k11ow tits vontents at tit�'will he jury that over r regiatrded,iaandtAsk- !� ( I1Sel must know that a marriage erauDlo-d act Soi iornan if thvry tgas any po8 �OOQ Boers a, Bary. tterestins itgtna About Our owti A11 - 44dl esses, 1,1y G0�'_ .. seriously luteal" his Shan°vs.r t Britain, trip United " m(�e v d8 08 it,, 4h° insinuations chore was no sibllity of an I Cgrohem was'lot, an The sp T is actor Afur- liven replied t i t 1, A doapatch from X+ondorl says 1^' 11Pm�t a force whiW"=A"' ICand- gtpt s� and AIi Parts o4 tb0 �lobp� ��CT r� • { e C�17LX' . thing ta'show iliac Inall it sti a- ills Lordship announppd tl a Alt flip con ht of tl}o fighting at elle rho d e- y eTdigt o th � ray lied not conduetvd itis the >; is not rho juaympn furtllor• la incluclfng those fzrnni the tela in rho morning• Atnong Condensed end Assorted top F~asy and du g tion with the ,onto b.nor ane fair- woo { Reading. . _ South African Adu•ra,pandonts of tkip Boers killed .Zapie Gonocele Oppnz peas ti}at distinguished ixIS Qny all had facedrtho ordeal, andldwlton I w Xaa CANADA• TIZI LADD> R. cases he had handled in Ilbl g t cement was made thorn newspapers show that it was man and Schultz anti Commandant R &• tp BLOOD ON a. no doubt that the anuou r i I3fs one of thy' moat striking olrpnsivv Potgiotpr. _ lntario'S 'apply Drop will be light. brother of the la C0 Career: There Was s change in his expr0ss on. defgnsfvo engagvmonts of the Aaoording to a atatomant wi1ic11 Tabu Sifton, o' t•is- Bio first problem at the defence a and Diary McZ+`atlana was no and buried and uncle of til p 7 P Jo.°pil Sifton ul wife bent forward a a tvhola British gari 11 reached Durban from N'l�andhla, a PhD story that J. Piprpont Morgan Joseph Sifton, and account far rho brae{' on the n night at Edgar faithful t b iter- war• Ph d as a Ciotarl'tvltnoss, was to a2co - Spent. that.Fred Y g co n hor hands, sabbilg l 6 rsS40114 after the Canadian Ooal and Steel11 pnar, was calls ,] 11 Sirtoal• limb cisco a true hot fa I_ alto. there itumbvtod- only 300 mon, will{ 'British military am•*non X t ,itten- ` violence for the de- ladder up which P Mordon'S house. Waa I in the solemn stillness _ oundgrs and a Maxim gull, pd Itala in bho nrWastnImmediately Uonrpanive is untrue. but gave goner o r sald.tltat pd to the trap door, Harry Smith, will drawn up, and atter that an- ly. AS 5 p In rho first preen lie that two 1 Tho Pontiac and 7?aeitic Railway, fonee, e dealer, ex larrtod That 'was a m stei;v. judge wrote datva the formai oost�ol, An outpost of S0 {non, under' Lieuts. ho wbunded there Boers, 'Who Qom^ lfton did net; as tar ash a sheep skin ea p y of he ease, she last li t and Lefroy, occupied t11e sum- made a prisoner by under Construction between Aylmer , L Carald S ha contents a# he had brought sheAP .skdus, some of ort dict riot think flint alto man wits tion IGat o was awn -0, know Of f that ladder F e a Yuen and her friends hall to 2amP to her snit of rho hill, out of sight of Ulo polled him to 1}rOQND]7n. „and 71u11, will bo complsted Oct. 2ti, Si ton's will. Ile said torch them bloody, dawn had seen and board rho tw Joseph , t ra ad and they. noir{° Joseph assist nee: Ulnar -eyed and eaten -foo main camp. which teas on tlr° slapo; ATTEND THBM I{'tagston will spend $3,000 for do ad never asked for an til- shortly before the t g Y give evidence as ,to seeing d Sifton heard the report Of t tie hill, At about midnight 600 Consequently trio ,British .wounded coratiolls to entertain the Duke and er,qu t. ii would leave their mark. Siftofr with clip ecce would believe e , 73nors rushed the outpost. Their on >aY unsuccored during clic day in Duchoss:of York duffing their two quest., Mr. Johnston and walked from the court of } rocs-pxamination - Allan Idoutledgo also testified to ,trent: 'Mrs. Sifton s story was a it jury, back to his cell. with li smile on ]au ht wits so sudden and florae broiling sun without water' - boars' stay on October 15th, In p a $ g 't the facts about the fatuous but- bleeding sheep being in the barn lural one, for woman wocfld for its face• The attack on prospeetseoms to got de on tile night be that for twenty minutes only bay- Tho Department of Education has �" for aper &ill, mit about that time• give anything or do anything have been only disastrP it situated the p ore the Jury, and t rci Irwin and J. L, McIntosh the man she loved. It was impas- �T or ars were used. Overwhelming ` torn the tragedy, bgf j Rlcl a have in- odds anon decided the .Possession od Doers, The .tWtp was tvel! situated already sent out five travelling Iib J l Morden and his do swore that Unroll Sifton was left- SLbl, that Herbert would est: Lieut Kane fell deadalthough L�ri s to the all about I d gar ad en- 'm octant to con- for Ice lacked tm^ it. John Sifton h handed. This is 1 p vented his story, JTHE DUI{E IN THE WEST tl}o Dune son numbered' nlytt� ttty men, With a cosi eiderable move et hfulted Swing. angs with Shout{ g rod suit a ainst117arden and gained uection with the evidence of Ilorbert, agination to do so. Iiia evidence. " to g that the Second hired NO SLTItRENDER." $ I one Maxim, they withstood all at- the lumber camps gat fn Yuri so verdict, having Proved tl a Andrew RogerRors; t gave not 'only the more probable, a v denied let ] ossible explanation, Indians Present the DZlcltess With tack,, Ilotwithstandin iho dashing Tho DoPartment of Labor has sunt r ter paper will was a forgery, man on the Briton farm, but the on Y P g but P P ieh must a Priceless Helie, Lieut. Lofroy Nfnrcavartvn disalilyd• bravery o¢ rho assailants, The lot- Fait• Wages Officer Williamson to took John Waters, Registrar of Mid- lain interviews with Herbert, wii Prof. 'Coven had said that's and the whole By 7oi rove 7to�ers also do- for bravery without achieving their into the 'circumstances under which was attempted to p had been sworn to, hava been two blows, and one of A despatch from Ashcroft, B,C., The main camp was thus reduced to dlosex, it liar' in- {[ton had choked was linen y h L Get old S doctors called for thF defence, Says :=1'ho Royal party's run bade 220 mets, The Boers us from Purpose, and lhoh• dead were Piled the rti managers d the 'Le om Mine aro that Gerald Sifton pled t a Herbert the y iraumally ILL presence t ; , as n the remises, said 1w Yucttic coast noir rune Ic in all sides- Front about ..l a.m. ' ampul the fort• Tho British Soea importing hired labor from the Unit volved, and in such c itis wife in his P d after examining g P that from t L+•arl tri the Was one killed nad 13 wounded. ad States. death f his father would stated nor did he ilea" Geral uL la • It was incredible t earnest' oh f1 ltursday Y throughout tiie remainder of the At a meeting of the Montreal Rar- y, ,� that the dao i o ;- had t f° play. .r• ss oP India, with I Tito Boers have never hitherto dis- afford great relief and a great inhere n say on the morning Of the tra Joseph Sifton lied climbed up. a G -morning the LmI re night and all the following day rho g, bar Board it was decided to telco STtto yif Joso h Sifton and Mary cantlin to knock off the hor .escort, arrived at ly before little garrison wftlrstood'them .until their cdefeat is heilwo,,at �sniash they slaps to collect the $50,000 which tanto. gels that P their Johnstonobjected, IIS pointed McFarlane rlane were not already married;, boar"', Riddell emphatically from Victoria, and shortly before seven ill the evening, when the out - Mr: at ra a lace sure Was brought uke and Duchess de seemed .desperate• The British diose Sustained• ita lore eme n to forfeit d by not carrying out 1 is con out that there was no evidence that he would put the old man in P denied that any pres tan o'elock`ths D look `on knew the contents of Iris fa where them were no marriages. to bear upon laorbert, who had ..otnmf}nding the 13t o Sifa barked to taco the Royal train, The had been without water far many it tract lvith rho Board. .Johnston said he would waive cauda his first confession to nn uncle, hist ceremony on the coast was the hours, the Boer, having cut off tris{" 1 rrsbeat'congratulatedfhiin Gen. I{tLclrennr tiler's will. .lir. The. August bank statement, issued The Court upheld the objection. etiquette uette and call Mr: IIollmuth. His There was no PCsseble compensation, reception "on the wharf of a largo supply, and their ammunition was g I p q On Saturday the Dears captuvOil n by the Government shows the note David Leckie identified the knife Lordship consented. np inducetneut whish would lead number of Indians, representing he fast failing. Almost soddenly the w 'n til° e kni n P id that shortly af- admit that ha had helped large British convoy Gmt. Hamil- circulation to be $5 Igust 309, found in the stra x Mr. Ilellmuth said Herbert to fort Simpson, Misseon Goast, Main- Boer tiro begalt to slacken,. and soon against $44,421, 71 for August last as the one he had lent Herbert had sent for kill a man, Herbert batt been land and Simpson, t tribes. They are of after the began withdrew, either ton pursued them and cants into n � barn mow ter the arrestaction with thein, but no [retails of Sifton a few days before his d asked him t° take his ease. to y lonraing that General Bruce Elam{]- year' Deposits payable on demand' Joseph S him and over a Yeai' in jails at:d.in that Lfmo a typo. whorl different from those the fighting have been received, 93 945,709, a decrenso of $7,000; death. He told precisely the saran story as Ra might possibly have diminished tho prairie .and Pastern Canada tgrt was approaching or in sheer des- though it is reported that the Boers 000. MARTIN brommN told by Gerald .Sifton. On the noxi his own ,ltd increased STfton's I tt both in physique and otherwise, and pair of seeceeding. Their rotirement were again Pu .. -- was recalled. He said that Gerald day the confession of Herbert LI h in the crime'. If til Wardens piesonted the Duchess with the "Hat opened trio way for the wounded GREAT BRITAIN. told him that the late Peared in the Press. Mr. H )made up a story they might 1 verny o¢ the Chiefs" (Xiti-Um-Sllumorgat) L `� Sifton had well have said that Gerald had Co � p 3.50 Jose h Siston had in Bus will left all went to the jail and told Herbert kbd a 'headgear which they vone"ato and jt� �[j1�l { 'WORLD Apples, per barrel ..... 1:50 English ,newspapers express the p m S[tton . Ile could not act for him. fin fessed to them. Mt•. Riddell 'closed !1l1141i1I1 S O�i� 1fY �1bLll inheritance to hi ( ) his confession was true," hold its of Priceless value. It is .tLL P tatoes, bag......... .. 0.65 0.75 (lope that no delay in the execution inheri not swear S the day or Herbert if Up dweiting upon tiro responsibility made of curiously carved wood, and �_ To, Ips„bag ..•.... 0.25 0'80 of Czolgosz will be permitted. took lace, and IIerbert replied "No matter' of the jurors to decide the case upon includes a unique mask. Tho top is 8 &e Carrots, bag. .. 0.50 0.00 A London court rias issued an In= month .the conversation o P the evidence, axil said that no sym- Prices OP Catt10, Gr n, Che@S , „ ... 0.80 0.00 nor anything'more about it. Sifton what anybody says or what I may' of bristles pulled from the beards• -of �Onforrs,-Uag.. r unction against picketing a factory him `Everything is wii- have said, tiro story I told you yes- Paths should deter them from tlthie sea lions and'ot great antiquity. {'ribs Leadillg bittrl[et4. Parsnips,. PAgic U.20 tl•�a -where n strike is on. p had said to 0,40 0.50 led to me.” That; lie remembered ter -day is true.,' duty. They should follow From it falls a mantle of ermine Toluatocs, bush n n It is agreed in London that the 6 Mrs. Mary Sifton contradicted Her- Biblical law and reactor justice. skills. As it is said by tbp Indians Tomatoes, basket . 0.20 0.25 distinctly.• Stor . She sworn Positively 1 of in beets Y Cabbage, toz .. U.30 0.40 limo has coma for Lilo civilized goy - "Why did you not tel o ked her TETE JUDGE'S CHARGE. to halo been handed down for count- Toronto, Oct. B.=SVhcat— Phero isto ked Bus that her husband had not oho less generations, the generosity of a quiet trade with millers N tiv . 7 who I Oanlifiower, doz... 0.50 0.0 nlfo to to stamp out rAnarchism �e an the box sthe. other day? as On Thursday morning Mr. Justice 0.20 0.50 Lordship. and contradicted the evidence of Mr. a his address u the the tribes is the more notable. - The are buying sparingly. Celery, doz.. s \icTarlatto regarding throats. Ger- T1LcMahon began ,Duke courteously thankedtheZn- wheat fa quoted at 652 middlp`Saef, forequniters... ....., 4.50 5.UU Soirth Lancashire textile workers1. I ltd not thin% tt was necessary," jury. After raarnrag the jury of r 3n g "don. ald had said that he did not -care speak of the dtaus on behalf of the Duchess: freight, and heavier; grades at 6Gc. ; ,r said Mo h boys helped with rho their duty he began to spa Beef, hindquarters,case,.. 7.50 ,; •ill ,acv, befog oRSta es wase aogo to Edward Peters, a neighbor, . said which of the y Old wheat to millers quoted at 87;0' 7.00 7..r0 mills there, and many going. Ec The departure of Lilo Duke' for the Beef, choice........., ,_ 5 uenn r d been trouble between hay fork. motive of the crime which, accord{ East took pinco ill rho presence of low freights. No export business. Beef, medium, carcase.., a.SU G. the 'United States o IC ng in the that there had mg to tUn Crown, was formed 6.50 r.u0 Joseph and Gerald Sifton. because of This closed the evidence for the do- ' m brown tris tiagody, whoa housaads, Hatf a dozen bands 7ilay- No. 1 spring fa quoted at G8c east•, Lamb •••• r Rhe. return o I Joseph calling Mrs. Sifton names. fence. til° evening and t i 2 goose at fila Manitoba Mutton -.. "' 5''00 0.00 s gnso of public rriapprecin arkil ionthe atusual h° 71 73e said 11c would have been mad, ADDRESS ZOR THE DEFENCE. Sifton inarnod of the approaching °d GOD W=I THE IiIN(. wheat is lower,.ngIn 1 hard sndeng at'Veal, choice......... 7.50 51.00 ! too if his wife had been called such we of his father. "The and the warships in the harbor -lir- 79',c, grinding in transit, and No 2 railway stations and In Pal' Mall•. Sifton cycle a guar- When Mr, Johnston rose to make five is established," said the judge, the Royal salute. {store his da {card and No.c Northern at 7^rbc, One of London's largest bolo's. a name. Joseph his address the court -room was "by evidence not very reliable. The { xelsomo. man. ive unusual one in the fact partura the .Duke inspected' the bloc- g,i.t. Por Toronto and west 2cl Buffalo, Oct. S: {'into•—Steady• near. Charing Cross Railway station of London, said he jammed with nn eager and anent peso• -teas an onus if_ jackets nail complimented the offieor. lower. S lin wheat—Fairly active; No. 7 Dr. Williams,t d udien2e. Tn opening, he pointed out that, .according to the Crown, $ of S {ton's hand a Outs—The marldet is gliiet and rNostoez,n -?2ic; No 2 do., 70$c. has announced that it will cargo believed the bruises Jury that the life of a Young in command. doubts rates anti riot let rooms for Il or a series of to the j Y ton had gong about here and there Thursday afternoon between Yale .Prices easier. No 2' white .sold in 'Vials" wheat—Weal:: No 3 red, 74c; ;less than a fortnight on the occas3oa might be made by a fa discredited Herbert's man was at stake, not only his life offering rawards t0 PeoPle to kill the and North Band the Duke and 84ic low freight to Nety Yorlc. On No`1 white, 75c. Corn .Firm; No, I blows. He old man, He went to James Mo ct tnent that ten or twelve blows but til° happiness and life of his i i to Martin: Duchess, with some of the suite, trade hero they are quoted. at 3 with .70. 2yellow, fit}c;. No 3 do, .Glc; No. June.al Edward's coronation next stt a den, who directed h n wer° pourer{ on the head. wife. t_ "den- Hero his Lordship cont- mounted a specially prepared engine peas—The market is steady, 2 cora, 60gc; No. 8 do., 60�jc. Oats ,Lord Avebury, in referring to the Dr. Williams stated that neither ,,you are not here to 'decide whet' Din sales of No 2 at ^r 0 to, 71c, high —Steady; No 2 -white, 40c; No 3, eNeill's evi- i Sifton is guilty or inno- .mented very severely on the conduct"tnodirode for arm-chairs amid trio freight. d°, 39ic; No 2 mixt+"', 37to; _go 3 cltiesteon of German competition, said Si[ton'S skull nor Dr. M or Gerald ' conditions he found, cent," said the counsel, "but to san could not hold y, of the Mordens for not at once i a . 0 87ic. Barley -58 to TG c for t°Great cher educational ass decile as to the wonderful rock scenery of Fraser 37arley=rite market is steady._.No n told an. Stich story as that told by upon the evidence, and the class of forming the authorities and telling Canyon. At a poinr at which the 1 quoted ab 53c middle freight. Na conimoiz to fancy. Rye—No 1, lit Y &quoted„at48i to 49c ;No. 8 extra Walter I-Terbert of the number of evidence that has been brought be Sifton that they engine emerged from a tunnel a store, 570. Canal freights, steady. tam was greatly modified, and' ill Marva from two such powerful man fore you, whether he has' been prow- INTENDED TO TNFORM. cingtiiatogrnph picture of the '¢noel at 47•ic, and food at 45c- Detroit, Oct. 8_11,1leut closed—�a stanced te°hnlcnl education mina ns hay tv'th intent to kill. all guilty of the crime with which ha or his Lord- engine waS taken by T. MacGregor, porn—Market is quiet, with n 1 white, cash, 70 c; No 2 red, cash, {rig done much ibr GarmanY• delivered t g Y Following up the story Dr, RDeme told much the stuns es diargad. It is for you to say ictures firmer. Offerings small. and October', 70c; December, 71j London has a smallpox scare. The story. hat we shall have no nowapaper, ship spoke of FIerberf's thedenfson�r of the altief int dents of flee tour for adian yellow quoted a 56c . � t: May, 751c, Local Goverinn°nt Board hna r� IVES EVIDENCE. Crials, no detective trials but that garding a bargain with at day. He exhibition in England. and mixed sold t oitctra west. here. St, Louts, Oct. 8:-11'haaL Closed— quested thn School Board to allow IYOVEI NCE G corn nominal at Di. Arthur .Lukes Johnson. dealar- men shall be given a hearing upon p. the Dolt tat both Rogers and The Duke before leaving Victoria, market is quiet, with. Call, G8�c October, o8 c : _l a- w examination n[ Uta schools to sen t or that bho skull the evidence that is given from the pointed C.sorrow ra uoted at 48c, middle fa•eight.:Camber, r0i;c; May, r3„C. whether the chaldron have been con- ed that the t! q Y witness box, and on that alone.” Mrs• Sifton contradicted the state telegraphed Prowler Dun milli T;s aq Tho had received a number of forcibleccidont bore• and 49ic east. Minneapolis, Oct. S: 'nlzeaL 01o�ed1 slanted, The School Board has con - rt was Only when the evidence carries home moats made and blalowsin being made. at the o nin ea expressing 2a a is quiet. Ninety —Cash, 670; Tlecpnrber, GGic; Mx y, sorted on nonditiou that he Parents blows, as described by I3eibcpassed Flour market q rd. Such blows delivered on , the conviction to the jury could it bilfLy o¢ such t 1'�R WILL All afternoon the Party , p 60E to G .' on truck, No. 1 hard, do not object as lsorynat,lon le vol- absu BUTTER PA through the once -famous elect" mine Ppt cent. patients, $2•60 bid', in top of the head would crack the verdict be founsdltl Whim between hysi ens and d to of Caribou, and there have buyers' bags, west, but none offer- 70c; No: 1 Northern, 67c; No '? do:, untary.not compulsory. skull like an eggshell. The boggy Ito and forty itleren in minor The butter paPer will was toucho regio , G4 to G4iC. Plan Lower fust h head could l,avn surgeons, although d g o ,how that the Morden had boon .small ovations at all the quaint ing: Locally, and for Lower Pro -1. stents, $8.85 to $0.05; tin second UNITED STATES. ass on top of e impact with the IPaints all agreed its to the imp"°ba-. on t Inducement to evidence olai snttiempeits. vhtce trade priced Caro �3 toice t$, 10. atonjs, $3.75; first clears, ; -75 A large and magnificent meteor ro- been produced by imp, some will divide at rollers, in woo $, 7ound, A metallic surface like all ability of Herbert's story doubt, in against Sifton. They got an offer flip Royal Pal $'� 85; secorul do $3 Ll, ] l,irg t be lilurf ce produce {surely that showed glen Aungarian Patents, $4, bags includ-i1t. in bulk, $•13 to $18.30• coolly telt .neer fit, Lours, D rscq would no which caused sheer minds. It those men expressed °f $1,000 for that will from Gerald Bana when the Dukc will go on ad, at Toronto, and strong bailers', `_ On the Pacific coast the hay crop y the injury. The blowt ve doubts and many of them said Sifton. Did the Xordens go further "rich a small following t Poplar $3.76 is 20,000 bales short this season. the wound on top of the head, he gra story of Herbert was Prat and offer an inducement 7 If Her- Point; Manitoba, to shoot small Oatnlcal^Unchanged: Uar lots on lever' reduced the fracture on that the Y ra bort'a evidence is untrue, there is no game on Senator Kirchhoffer's track hers, $ncli in bags and $4.05 LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Oa Tuesday three Persons were go. believed, P _ts led at rail crossings in Ohicago. the right' aide. The skull, he said, I aLis ly incredible, surely the jury two days, where ali unknown donor has given $100,- 11 g With anything in 1nt:sL have serious doubts as to the evidence upon which a conviction ranch. The Duchess remains at tiro was not consistentS me thin The Crown wetnossas can be made. 'mountain resort Y for in wood, broken lots 30c per bbI• the Toronto, Oct,n cat leRUMarketi to -day the evidence. ea g The judge . oil to make much of programme has been arranged extra,. In the cross-examination, {nation, Dr, had themselves acid Herbert's state- McBTdge evidence. To him- Gar- her entertainment. Millfeod—Bran is offering at $18 to Qere 78 carloads of live stock, in- 000 to Colorado College, at Color- f t d to Mr. Riddle that men was (neons{stent with til° facts Did 3i[ton suggested giving the old $1r�.50 in bulk, ntid'dle freights, and:, eluding 1,821 cattle, 1,605 shooli and ado Springs. Johusan admit a c—+ bo mList' ass on top of the head found. They were not trying Gerald man, when about to die, strychniae: $14 in car lots here. Shorts refill lambs, 800 Hogs, 70 calves and The 1,00 , 300for companiesseo are the ggY here cit $16 to car lots. milch cows, and five horses. out $3,000,000 .for losses on the could have been Produced by a blow Sifton upon newspaper stories. If "That was incomprehensible, but poo THE SAMAR MASSACRE- There was a good, lively market ,great lakes this season. from the fiat side of an axe. The that system were adopted trial by hero to -day, and, white the "quatitY o wound on the back of tile. head, he jury mitt caebcf ed out. ,,To Upon the ble.aero sometimes incompreltensi r HOGS,AND PROVISIONS, of the market was only fair, the de asserted, could not be produced by and jus P "To sum up in a word or tw:o," of Ca, twin Found Partly mend was active, and prices firmer. 33 BRITISH KILLED. the flat of an axe, as described by Morden's evidence Dir. Johnston was said his Lordship, "Walter Herbert Body P Dressed hogs are again lower to- Etorything was Sold out early. especially severe. The trail of the Burned. day. at $9 to $225. Hog Products Herbert. serpent Ives all over their testimony. was nn accoruplice, and atthonglt the 1 Export cattle was ill steady de- CAVEN'S EVIDENCE' A despatch from Manila says— continue firm. We quote : Bacon,' Many Casualties in a Fierce At- DI1 Wherever theca was the greed of jury salt all til evidencet0 The advices from the Island .of Sa long clear, sells at 12c in ton and ' maud to-dav, and for choice stuff tack by Dela•rey. Arinily, clic evidence of Dr. Caved, money there was the tune Mord •ad a is to were the jury, as I now met, give harrowing. details of tltq. vaso lots. Pork—MPs,, $21,50 do.. 5c Per Ib. tZ'as paid, oronto, amounted to this : The eRs." Where you find the man who j g you, that it is unsafe to con- Butcher cattle of rho right kind A despatbh from Landon says: of T have betrothed traduced and warn Y shrughter of the members of Com- short. cut, $22. h of Joseph Sifton might heard his betrot c such evidence without some, a "U" 9th U. S. Tnfautry, last Smoked moats—Hams, 14q to 14.1c; 1 was in good request• Moro good to The War Offica ]Ills received the fol deal duo to a fall or to blows. He raised not his votes or hand you find vitt ooratinn for it is very easy f°; Saturda at Batangiga. Xt seems breakfast bacon, Sa to 16�, •shout- choice stuff Zvould have sold to -day 'Drying despatch from Lard Yt—i De- bnr n corroboration, Y 11 was inclined t° the fall theory. A again "Morden," In their story is accomplice to shift the blame that alta 1'tpsident o4 bho town, 12ic; backs, 15•i to 16c, an at from 4 to die Pet' Ili. or, dated Protoria, Thursday:—"Da les of blows would have separat- tine voice of the perjurer and the an hes own shoulders to those of Stockeia were in good supply and laray's night attack on the camp of set from Claiming to be ,friendly, led the as- dera, 11;2 to dem ed the perlostium from the skull. A hand of the forger. Tho man wii° .the man lie accuses. suit. The body. of Capt. Connell Lard—The demand is fair.. We n,er° quoted a unchanged Prices. J'ekn at (who c y(luri cg rho gar- =I blow from an axe at right .tells a story m order to be safe—a Corroboration you kava is tits found tied by fire heels, saturat- quote :—Tiorces, Ili to 11,, ':ceders wm'a scarce and wanted. risen at T{imberley during the siege) single "The o les would not Have produced the story which is fncrodible to the clot- t "{sonar's going to James ad with kerosene, and partly burned. tubs, 11$ to 120 ; Paris, 12 to 1, , Good at ioh cows are also wanted ;, at Moidowill was grossed by the en angles fracture. A fall would have i tors, who is fallen into the dark fact of ti le Fri Eirtin Morden, and the ea; DrL _five bodies had boon burned Compounds, 8i to 9i, the Tanga of price Co -clay was Trom ems, who were one thousand strong, sit' 11 &Terdari a 1 Y produced ail the wounds found. chamber of iniquity and rho very pit strttieutants made by Dr, IvIcNelt. This 'in a trench,. leaving seven unticcount $25 to $45 each. Up to $50 Will ha with groat vigor. Atter two hoeu's Dr, McCallum, of London, said' of hell, underxreatir his record is videnco may or rnaV not afford tor- paid for tiro right kind. of close lighting tiro anemy was drito v- ounds were coxrsistent I Walter I'Terbert, Edgar' Mal' -a at Ts lett to you r- ed for. ]n numerous instances the DAIRY MARTCIvTS• that the Written d the roboration. Tlt bodies had been badly mutilated. Butter: The receipts of butter con- "here is a steady enquiry for gond pn DIT. Our casualties, I rogrot one With a fall, or two or three blows den. Air. Johnston doscriba say. Most of the medical evidence t consistent v n b Burgess as he Y alto blows --------+--time good, but Loo much poor stuff . veal calves, whiph will easily bring Say, were severe. Of the officer's ono from an axe, but no testimony Bin Y The was to thn effect that it s. Ile favor- n adrnBurges• • mthe the is offering. We gtroto :—Selected (if of kite right kind) up to $10 W updaletbandone Sohe 11tis sincediedcele with a dozen hard blow . Sitton's aticg chain of tvezo aduiinisterad as des theor • en-McI'arlan0-Ilarbert crushed and that the FURTHER, LOANS' fresh rolls, dairies, con to 17c; es, Ili ,each. ed rho fall Y (Mord Mr. Joint- skull would be 1-li> calls, 18c; second .grades, ink Export sheep aro worth Be per lb, yen were severely . wounded and three Dr. Wishart, of London, was of the evidence was attacked, and jl theory of It La11 is mor'p causistent• if ,Pon that evidence theyor struck the rolls or tubs, cap to 142, Cream -1 Lambs are worth from 3� to S2c killed, six dangero sly Wounded, ora were opinion. Johnson ask- could asked P But if 'Walter Herbs -Could a man," 'Air. Joht uld send a inau to tile. rope of the Y .cry, firm; prints, 31 to 22°; -solids, per lU. Ao td Sit pt•sr blow, its ha says, rho medical The London Dail News on the` 19 to 20c. I ]:Ings aro quoted aL ilio piicos of ty;titvo sevoraly Nnunded, and trven- pd, "who tvishod to conceal a crime, Ihaugmau, He said that Geia 5 evidence must be eliminated. If You War Expenditure. vent the mrurla o Eggs+ -The market is firm. We Tu-cher' , wiUt t11o_probability of n tv six slightly. The wounded bang so gauge the blows with an axe to tons desire to Pt'e g have au doubt, give the prisoner A desPatab from London Says: t one end ]ifs action in is y the Iat- quote :—.Str'ictly new laid, 1(ic further decline, arrited aL 1$ustenburg, and aro being 1. produce these wounds ?" was 0. nature benefit of file doubt Tile Daily News bases upon r declined to answer. actin Morden, It?cry 7YCeT ar cora 'stud at 11:40 clonal income and fresh Candled, 14c; seconds, 10 to the Uost price for "singers" is 7}c well cared for, 1+'oris mora reruain ]h•. Wishart seeing M• The charge was P _ eat returns of na a per lti.; thecic fat and -light hogs are to be accounted tor. No deceits Ili. Balfour, superintendent of Vii.- lane's affianced husband, one that and the jury retired, It was very 11 c' tress' an. Zf mur•det r of expenditure, an article contending Oheesc--The market is dull, with worUt 7. Par 1G. havo boon revnivod. torte, hospital, London, laid s would occur to any m • n artial, {'tough slightly in favo that the GoverrlmenlrS financial pb= of that theca was not much to bn cotnniittecl would Ire go, tr P t. us that it may bo finest qualitlos quoted at 10c, and Tiogs to quE the top pricy must Col. T<alcgwlch who was Slightly on the fa were sition is so serious seconds at 910, be of prime qualety tend scalp not wbunclod'{vice, repor¢s that all the blood about. If an axe had been arCard trying to peddle the job? I¢ the prisoner. i All S TO AGREE, necessary at alto moment to summon below 160 nor above 200 IUs. "aures behavedextremely wail, used in the mow there would havo +the Mordens were men who could i- three for ac- Parliament to provide more money r commit murder their evi- Nine for conviction, t s. fi ores that THE STREET IrIARIE7. Follotvtng is the range of quota- loss at TtNa sand Prospect t the yarot nary _ Geon blood. hired to The New g I ollowing is the range of quota- tine :— been loodliddcll lie said that blood d.en2e was not worth the utterance. grtitLal, stood the jury al the tr'if bis for tltc hue ifi flu• below the exPandt` Cattle, firmed. Two hundrod'and fifty 73oers f have been spilt nn the .hall Story was reviewed, anti Gerald Sifton for the {nuclein the Leve far above the ,,timet- tions were killed and three hundred woo might bed the Boor. Herbert'ssaid that tiro c10cLOrs father, •after live hours' argument to tore, which is ]calls, and Wheat, old, wh31;o. $0,78 $0,00 Shippers, per cwt„•$ 9:•25 $ G,00 - " and never real d ITar. Johnston being true, . 0,78 0:00 pd." outiod e, of Lambeth, not; admit it as g the jury -roost, ts, Lordship was es" It predicts fuithcrtVheaO; rod... •„ ...,., ]h, R g could 6 IVllant. new; red and A later m., tljo from CArbilitry IiButchers`, choice .. 4,00 4.50 Noll corrpilarated what had at-. a ul could tat accept it as gfy- Satisfied that Lhe jury Could never ggnorally regards rho. Dollop] as O.GO 0,70 Butchers', ordinary to says that the twb >7toy�al Artiliory Ili, most Serious, .been sa,ld by other doctors. Th dYvhen they commenced t° sift reach an agrn.nivnt, and discharged Call white.,. ,..... ,.•,.. 2 0.70 g 8.25 3.75: g the . ready en an nod :, ons Which captured. by 11 I„Choy field he Injury to the skull it through, what portion of it "Hold thein. .Sifton wont back to lisle jell __ Wheat, spring,., .. 0,G Butchers , inferior 2.75 3,00 . Wheat, goose 0 G5 0.66 Boers at Vlaktontein kava been "n "night havo been caused by an axe, they believe? They must reject it al- to await a now trial at the. Spring 0 40 0,42 covered, but the blows must have been very t0 :tiler. The responsibility of the Assizes. TRAVEL IN BRITAIN. Oats ..... Sheep and lambs• Moidowill, tho.scenp of tho bolct at - g b gilt ones. A fall ,was more. Con- r men 14ir. Johnston pressed' home, At two mlriuLes to five TluusdaY 13arley,.,.,. .... 0 42 0.55 Choice ewes, Per cwt 8.00 9.25 iii ji y aid:- "You have to afternoofi, twClve men: filer' into tile - ^ tack by r7ommandpr Delaney on C'ol- I 11, sistnt: and, in closings Peas ............ .....• 0 G8i 0.00 onpl Kokvwioll's camp, r I .1Ion, {vent fur- vidence wlucit I say inL-room while an-e:cpectant crowd. Passenger Traffic During the Year 1 ,Va ............ ........ , ()G4 0;541 Butchers' Sheep, ouch 2.00 3,00 is 7a Mile”' . Ill.. Shaw, of Lon do it upon the a co d silence. In rho Lambs, each 2,50 3.50 west of Protorla, and 15 west of and said he would recognize an sat ]tushed in awe Totaled $225,000,000, IIay, per ton ... ... ........10.00 I,I'GO ^. tiler a is urexamplod in the history of crtm- {icon n titan,wltoae Iivaks, pee cwt.:.. ..... 2;50 3,00 Rusonbw• As the wounded were nxo wound and this was not of that A doapat0lt from London Says Straw, per ton....,, ...,.,10,G0 11.00 incl trial, in this country," dealt sat Gerald S upon the word of i'L of clic Board of Diossod 'toga,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,• 9.00 9,25 Milicors and Calves•, tieing brought back tD ItusLeubui•g .it Old CASE, vary lila:clapcudad Tho annual repo "'soli London, based Tk111 CROWN A tbDse twelve Silent men, noside Illm, Cows, gash ........ 0.00 45,00 looks as though Mnidewilt, wht0lt to . Dt, 1, D, W space, her ].talo in regard s to railways 3n he Butter, In 1U rolls 0 14 0,20 f it fail on the fact I 1 til t starin wilt -eyed in p Carves, oaah ,,.; w..., 2.Otl I.C.00 °ins, to the ]lragalor I ase,' in the Ills evidence. a rifr, Riddell opened by stat r g a g o receive the Linnad I6utgdom sltolas iliac Liio PC- Butt", crnarnory. , 020 0.2G that there was blood lit the bladder not called Edgar very coach}ng out t Hogs ldned,esAm i• the had beau• tet a• tl Lha Crown had n f Lha vrrd132t, sat colptS from possengor trafIle during Clii0ltens, per peer 0 40. O:GS Boned: Among the 1]oprS re'''ed at )rich meant a sudden shock, they did not wish to first intimation o tto car ainotrnted to a',4a,000,tl00, T)upIts, Per pair,,, 60 0.3G a e Mor den because t, Y Y ,, Bills said that r risoner'S devoted tv,Fa, His 1 0.11 0.14 Clinics frogs, per .wt. 7,00 7;2G Dloidetvill ryas Commandant Tobias Irovin.ial Analyst produce a wrtna.0 nganlst whom tit. P ur "non. 0f t111s sum, !%28,000,000 cameitom Turkeys, porll)... In the --.prods .. i lchnedinward the j S. F+ receipts Geese .par lb.........•••":0,07 0.08 Light hogs{ .Per cwt, 0.00 7,00 Boshof, a well-known ieader• 1:etnP's Were no traces of, Strychnine it he Slightest tarot, She Lordship u third-class`Passonger a, the P y tlrero was g. „ f hr, jury, 'rave ya s now laid.,• ••• ...,,, 0•if3 0,13 YTeavy 'togs, Per pwt. 0.00 7.00 Spouts P[pked up rho body, Most of burly, thorn was it tread of nlanima c batt. scared 14Yartui iVlDlden GenUamari v j „ slcod f'rarn freights during the soar tvero I gg , rho others killed were fora3gners; lien blood on the axe and also ten+r.Idefen o Eggs,'told, Par doz......,,. 0,14 0,16 Sows, per owtr, ,. zr 8150 4.,00 h' ge bacauso he had not married' a Wo- agreed clean your verdict?" n 250,000,000; - probd 1 at COWS be certain. thong I man who had admitted her unfaitli- Clerk t1YacIicth