HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-10-3, Page 10BR U LL tOe't 00T. a 1901 False Economy ot Cheap• Spectacles. Sight is too precious to trifle with, When buying spectacles buy a gobd pair. We use perfect lenses, They cost a little more than the commoner kinds, but the difference in comfort is worth many times the difference in price. Eyes examined free. PuRE SKOES FRESH •• • .• • GINGER, °LOVES, 01NNIMON, ALLSPICE, TURMIIRIO, MACE, MUSTARD, RED PEPPERS, BLACK PEI'PERS, MIXED SPICE, Whole. or Ground, at Hest Prices. L. R. Harve DRUGGIST, BOOKSELLER, OPTICIAN, SUCCESSOR TO G. A. DEADMAN, BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOIITRIMIN EXTENSION W. G. & D. Trains leave Bruesela Station, North and South, as follows GOING Bourn GOING NORTH. 'Express 7:18 a.m 1 Mail 2.10 p.m Muted .... 9:45 a,m !Barrens 8:17 p.m goat Stills Pins. A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. OCTOBER. Tow ri Council next Monday evening. CONCERT Friday evening in Town Hall. KENNEY and Blies La Dell are well worth hearing. Laura ooneignmente of fruit to our local dealers have arrived. Samara School Board will meet on Friday evening of next week. AYMTION sales are looming ap. Get your bills at Toe Poem Publishing Haase. A STABLZ has been built by D. Jamie. eon on hie lot on Tarnberryi street, North. A. nom{ foundation has been put under the house owned by Mrs. Oreighton, Queen street. A. J. Lowry bad the job. EDD/E LOWRY fell a few feet from a Boaffold one day last week and iujured one of hie shoulders which bothered him for a few days. Junoo'e Comm — Tuesday forenoon Judge Mamma held Voters' Liet Court in Brussels. There were no Conservioive appeals. Of the Liberal appeals 5 were pat on, 4 ;Arm* off and 1 name °banged. BLOOD POIEON.—Frank Oliver was laid aside from active service for a time from blood poisoning on the first finger of hie left hand, occasioned by a cut with a knife while assisting in dressing the bear recently shot by A. Cowley. Mrs. Jno. Ransom, of Grey township, has purchased the house and lot of Prank DeWolf, William street, Brussels, paying $500 for it. Mr. DeWolf intends going to make hie home with relatives. The new proprietress will take possession this Fall, we understand. ACCIDENT.—Mrs. Wilbee, er., received a letter last week from her son, Andrew, who is working in Northern Ontario at bridge building, stating that he had fallen 17 feet from a bridge and had broken hie left arm and several ribs but was getting along as well as could be ex - poled. The injured man is a brother to Mrs. P. Ament and Walter, Jeeee and Jno. Wilbee of this looality. THE Poem hopes Mr. Wilbee will soon be as well as ever. APRLEs.—Attention of apple growers of tbie locality is called to the advt. con- cerning Brussels Older Mill and Apple Butter Factory. Any quantity of apples will be bought by them at the highest' cash price with the purpose of manu- facturing the fruit into apple batter for shipment to Manitoba and the North. west by Jno. Govenlock. A market hae been opened there and farmers and others will be working in their own in. termite by encouraging this trade. Iderateioiner, —On Saturday, Septem- ber 21st, Jarari T. Dickson, of Langdon, North Dakota, a former resident of this Imlay and a son of Robert Dickson formerly of Grey and Brussels), and Mise Mand Abraham, of Hamilton, once a school teacher in Brussels Public) school, were happily married at the home of the bride's mother, Hamilton. They have gone to their home in Langdon after a visit at St. Pools. The many old friends of the oontraoting parties will be a unit in their expression of congratu• latione to Mr. and Mrs. Diallson. May their joys be many and their troubles few. BLYTR Fent.—The great Blyth Fair will be held on Tuesday and 'Wednesday next, October 80h and 9017. The direstore are making liberal use of their time and money and this year's fair promisee to eclipse any provions Fair held by the Blyth Fair Sooiety. Arrangements have been made with the Grand Trunk railway to aell single fireacleas fare tiokete for the round trip from any station within 85 miles of Blyth to Blyth Fair. All tickets are good from the afternoon of Oat. 7117 to Oot. 10th—four days. A epode' train will leave Blyth on the last night of the Pair, Oot. Ooh, at 10 la m., and run as far as Seafortb, storming at Londeeboro' and Clinton. At Clinton oonneotion will be made at 10.27 p. m. with the regular train for Holmesville and Goderiali. There will be several epeoial attraotione this year, among them four speeding events for purees' aggregat. ing $260, oonsisting of open trot or paw, 2 80 trot or patio, three-minute trot or peas, and a poop trot. There will also be a three.mile bioyele raoe for amateurs. The 4000 pound Durham steer will be one of the attractions. The Blyth Fair grounds oover 20 sates, on which ie one of the fastest and prettiest halamile 17001:4 in Cam% and a grand stand capable of seating 1000 people. The direotore Wiped 12,000 visitors to Blyth Fair this year, Fear, Fairs are having their innings just now. Sze the sports' on Friday afternoon at the Fall Fair. Coaczam Friday evening, Plan of re. served mats at Fox'a Drug store. Don'T forget the Millinery Openings tbie week. No lady who clan get to see them ebould miss the opportunity. W. H. MoCateogati was an exhibitor at Lisbowel Fair on Tuesday and Wed- nesday. Miss Clara MaCraoken bad her fancy work along aleo. MONDAY of this week Howe & 00, moved their stook of goods from the Holmes block to the Smote block where they are opened out and ready for busi- ness. 3. C. TOOK was a judge on pigs at At. wood Fall Fair, Thursday of last week. If there's a hobby that J. G. has it is the hog business and he has had a profitable experience handling them too. IN addition to Mr. Kenney and alias La Dell, Mise Eva Degge, of Chatham, will sing a solo and play two piano setae - dons at Friday evening's concert. Min Degge le a good vocalist and an extra fine pianist. Tan stone house of the late Robert Barna, Tnruberry street, Brunetti, has been purchased by J. D. 'Warwick, V. 5, the price being a800. Mr. Warm* will not °bongo hie piece of abode however, as he owns the reeidenoe he lives in also. AT the next meeting of Bruesals C. 0. F. Court the topio for debate ie "Resolved that old bachelors' should be taxed." Wria Miller will lead the affirmative and Walter Smith the negative. The mar- riageable ladies should give Mr. Miller all the pointers they can to aid in . the good work. RESIDENCE BOIIGIIT.—George Beet has purchased the residence on Tarnberry street, now °coupled by Jas. Fox, from H. Dennie, of Chatham, paying $900 for the same. In addition to quite a mum fortable house there ie a large stable and a balf acre of laud. Mr. Best will get poseeseion as soon as Mr. Fox's new reeiderme ie ready for occupation. MoNeunamoN—H0100.—The St. Marye Argue of September 26th says of a former Brusselite :—One of the prettiest and Moat unique of home weddinge took place in Meehan on Wednesday at the handsome residence of the bride's par- ents, Isaac and Mrs. Hord, when their daughter, Mies Ida Gertrude, wee mar. ried toDr, H. 3. MoNaughton, of Penn Yen, N. Y. The ceremony took place in the drawing room, whiob was prettily decorated with 'erne and astera. Pink and white were the prevailing colors of the deooratione. The bride looked charming in a gown of white silk organ- die over white silk, handsomely trimmed with Dewey chiffon ribbon, finished with a sash of Liberty eilk. In her hand she carried a boquet of pink roses. Both the bride and groom were unattended, but the 'ceremony wag 'witnessed by a large gathering of their relatives and most inti- mate friend's. Rev, 0. E. Stafford, of Paisley, connected with the bride's fam- ily by marriage, was the officiating clergyman. The Wstoner wedding marob was played by Mies Vinoent, of Hamil- ton. Mise Hord is a graduate of the Hamilton Ladies' college and gold medalliet, whilst Dr. MoNaughton is a graduate of the Philadelphia dental 'ma lege. The members of their reepeotive graduating classes were invited to the wedding. The list of guests included Dr. and Pare. Sampson, Judge and Mre, Knox, Miss Knox, Mrs. Parsons, Mr. and Mise Lown, of Penn Yam; Pant Knox, Clinton, N. Y. ; Dr. Olande Brown, Lon- don ; Dr, and Mre. Campbell, Cando, Dakota ; Drelb. W. Molee, Norwich ; Dr. Connor, Gouverneur, N. Y. ; Jae. H. Dougherty, Toronto, and Dr. and hlre. MoNangliton, Ronald and Miseee Mary, Margaret, Minnie, Lizzie and Donald and Mre. MoNaughton and 300, and Mrs. Lowe, of Brussels; Misses Ada and Min - ole Beattie, Seaforth '• Rev. 0. E. and Mrs. Stafford, Mieeee Emma said Hattie Stafford, Paisley ; Rev, and him Whit- ing, Ililtobell ; Miss Jennie and Jae. Roy, Bornholm ; Mies Gracie Awrey, Mimi Ida Gillard, Mise Jean Vinaent, Hamilton ; Masao Sayer and Cotton, Windsor ; J. L. Ferris, London; G. W. and Mrs. Weigert, Atlantic City; R. W. and Mrs. Dillon, fit. Marys ; W. H. and Mrs. Hord and Mie e Pearl Vivian, Stratford ; F. C. and Mre. Hord, 5. Stewart and Miss Neal, Mitchell ; Misses Millie and Lottie Netberoott, Woodat ook. The bride's travelling gown was of brown broadolotb, lined with white eilk, trim. mad with atitohing. Travelling hat brown silk velvet toque, with white eilk crown, trimmed with Autumn foliage, After the wedding supper, Dr. and Mre. MoNaughton drove to Stretford where they took the West bound train en route far their future home at Penn Yon, where Dr. Mollanghton is practising dentistry. Very many valuable and nee. ful preeente were given to the bride and groom by their friende, amongst them being it handsome Oriental rag, a sub. stantiel chug ne, a case of pearl handled Oliver eatlery, eto, Mrs, MoNaughton will be greatly missed in many 0114188. Besides being a groat sooial favorite, she has been an active worker in Sunday school and Epworth League, always wiWop Ipair) bee abliily soca time to the service of Otbere• P. MeNatIghtfin opent0 portion of hie time iu a dental oftiee in Mitohell, Where he bas many frielide. They start their married life under favorable anoploo and With the beet wishes of all wlio 'Moo, Wein. The aware et the Argus ie that ,they may We a Wog, happy and prosperous life together, Tis following shipments were made from Eirusesels G. T. R. tote week J—Car oats ; 8 Oars aPPles, W. Jewitt ; ear lambs', Clegg & Damao ; oar wheat, Alf. Baelfer ; gag hoga, Geo. Beet ; oar peas, Alf. Beaker ;001 .peas, la, Graham, Geo. Thomson removed a oar of salt, Top Wingham Times says' :—Wingham gathered up a team of sphereaollers and west over to Brossele on Friday after- noon to 'contest Weill with tbe boys of that towo. Our boys had not had any praotioe for over 0 month and were. not in good trim for a matoli, but with their known, eharaoterietio to facie any, they took the riek. Brunets was so greedy that Obey took all the gristle, making the • Score 8 to 0. The Wingham boys are not very sore over the defeat, however. • People We Talk About, Mrs. Ziniroar is visiting at Detroit, Mise ilea Oautelon has been on the Wok list. Miss Mary Roberton was visiting at Clinton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ham are baok from their holiday to the West. Coseley made a badness trip to Lietowel on Wednesday. Blies Edith Adams eamorapanied ber mother to Buffalo last Friday. Mira Eva Mo0raoken was visiting in Listowel for a day or so tbie week. Connoillor N. F. Gerry took in the Pan Amerioan and enjoyed the eights. Mrs. Jno. Cornish and Miss Maggie, of Pine River, are visiting at Mrs, A. Good's. George Buchanan has gone to Seaforih where lie will proeeonte his studies at the Collegiate. 3, D. and Mre. Ronald and Mre. W. M. Sinclair are away on a visit with friends at Detroit and Chicago. Mre. (Rev.) Ballantyne and children, of Moleaworth, were visitors at Melville manse onMonday. Will. Habkirk, wife and family, of Dungannon, visited at the home of his mother, Brueeele, a few days last week. We are sorry to state that Mise Annie, faded daughter of D. A. Lowry, has been quite ill bat we hope she will soon be better. Hugh Somers and: James Heffron, of Blyth, and Joe Habkirk, of Dungannon, were the guests of the Mieeee Habkirk on Sunday. Mrs. B. Gerry and ber daughter, Mrs. W. H. Willis, of Seaforth, left on Bator, day for a holiday with relatives in Chicago. Will. and Dirs. Lowry, of London, are visiting relatives in town and oountry. Mrs. Lowry has recently returned from a trip to Manitoba. P. Scott was a judge on implemente at Wingham Fall Pair last Friday and Thos. Corry rendered like service at Atwood Show on fruit. We are sorry to report that oar (OWDS• man, Wm. Cameron, is not enjoying as robust health as hie many friends would wieb, but we hope he will won be better. Miss Moffatt, assistant commissioner of mines, Toronto, and Mina Clara Mof- fatt and John Barrett, of Blyth, visit. d at the home of Mrs, Habkirk ou Wednes- day. Ed. Bryaoe,son of Alex. Bryane, of Morrie, has taken a position in L. R. Harvey's Drug store. He ie a good stu. dent and will make a enemas at his new work. alio. and Mre. Wright, of Smith'e Falls, who spent two weeks visiting with friends in Blyth and vioinity, are now visiting with friends in Brussels and Harriston.—Blyth Standard. A. R. Smitb, well known here, was in town over Sunday. He has moved his stook of goods from Stratford to Wing - ham where he wants on doing a big trade. We wish him e000ese. blies Mary MaLanohlin, of Brunets, has gone to St. Thomae where she hae assumed a position in the store of J. B. Hill. Mies Mao, has had a wide ex- perience in Roseland, B. 0., and Strat. ford, Ont., and is an agreeable, competent young lady who should suit almost any employer. Dr, H. J. MoNaughton, of Penn Van, N. Y., was in town on Tuesday of beet week while en route to Mitobell where he MO united in marriage on Wednesday to a most estimable young lady in the person of Mies Garble Hord, daughter of ex -Mayor Hord, an old and well known resident of that tows. Taz Poem wishes onr old townsman the highest realization of oonnulcial blies. A more extended refereacm will be found in another notice in this issue, CHURCH CHIMES.. "Thie Graoe Also" will be the Epworth League topio for next Sabbath evening. Rev. R. Paul will take it. The monthly Communion service will be held in Ea. Sohn's Ohara' next Sun- day morning, The inaumbent will be in his own pulpit. Rev. R. Paul will preach in the Metho• diet ohuroh next Sabbath morning and the pastor's topio ou Sabbath evening will be on the care of tbe Young. Rev. Too. Rosie, B. A., Brussels, hae been (Mogen President of the Young People's Sooiaty in oonneotion with Maitland Preebytery. The choice ie a good one, The Presbyterian ooragregations of Auburn and Smlth'e Hill have deoided to extend o pall to Rev. Mr, Currie, of Beaverton. The matter will clam° before the Presbytery ttt its next meeting. Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Forney, of Glorrie, rendered very aooeptablo service in St. John's church iu this plaoe. Rev, Mr. Abey, the genial inottmbent, was at Gorrie preaobiog Harvest Home sermons', The annual Rally servioe will be held in the Methodist Sabbath school next Sabbath afternoon. Program will oon• Oat of respousiv a exeroisee, reoitations, yowl eeleotione and short addreesee by Bev. 3. Holmes, Rev. Paul, Posta:meter Farrow and the Superintendent. Session commencose ab 2.80 o'elOok. In 000neotion with the Communion eervice in Melville Chetah, Rev, Mr. Stewart, of Delmore, was the preaoher on Saturday afternoon, hie text being the fa.millav words of Isaiah "Ho I everyone that thiretrth, 00," Salvation was his topio madam dealt with in an able man. nor in the following divisions : (1) In its Prerinese ; (2) Iu ite 14111tieSS (8) In Thiivoreslity, Tho pastor proaohod morning And evening ao Sabeath, the morning teat Wog "Obriet eteitafastly 980 bin facie to -go to Jeruualorn." MV013. Ing Stlitient wae "God the Shephard of Hie People." Both were Oloar expoei. OM of the Goapel, 280 Means partook of the ettOreanent and 18 now • members Were added to Om roll, Rev. Mr. Ballan- tyne, of Molesworth, occupied the pulpit on M ondaYga44g1vRttfut adarega te d00 0:Ure atAut.—Larit Sabbath Harvest Nome sermons were preached in the Metbodist ohnr0h, Tbe Morning Wee wet and the congregation not nearly so • good ee opal on amount of it but the choir sang "Let 0 110010 sunshine In" In anticipation of a brightening op in tbe weather, Owing to the inability of tbe Invited reverend gentleman to get here to preach the aermone the pastor buokled into it bimeelf and a good buckle he made 00 10. The morning sermon was -a !viary one founded upon the text "The joy of the Lord ia your etrength." In the evening the 011tirels was well filled and tbe gallery milled into requisition. "The world an enemy 10 the Obristian and the method of overcoming it" was Rev. Mr, Holmpe' theme, praotioal, thoughtful and euggestive. Deooratione in the way of beautiful flowere, plants, oorn, maple leaves, fiage, &o., were notice- able and looked very nice. Monday evening the ladies prepared an elegant supper and no one went away hungry ite far as the opportunity to satisfy the ap- petite was tionoarned. After this an ad- journment was made to the auditorium where the pastor took the chair aud after devotional Malian introduced the fol• lowing program :—Chorus by the choir. Quartette "Bells of Invitation," Misses Ainlay and Kinney and Messrs. Morrison and Pollard, of Walton. Address on "Little Things" by Rev. F. swarm, of Illnevale, was replete with workable ring. geations both in the world and the (Mardi. The solo, "Indeed" was wall sung by bliss Eva Degge, of Chatham, who is always ready to lend her aoeistanoe and le a very fine vocalist. Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A. pastor of Melville (Munch, was the next and last apeaker, elaborat• ing the line of thought advaamed by Rev. Mr. Swann, conoluding with congratula- tory worde to the Chairman over hie restoration to health and the congrega- tion generally. Miss Lizzie Sample sang the fine solo "Angels sereuade" very ao- oeptably despite having a share of the prevailing cold now ea common. The Walton Quartette gave "Song of the Soldier" and received merited applause RS in their first number. W. Neal raoi. ated as accompanist for them with effioienoy. After a vote of thanks to all thoee aesisting in the program on motion of W. H. Kerr and Rev. R. Paul the proceedings were brought to a close by the National anthem and Bene- diotion. The financial results were about $55. Business Locals. MONEY to Joan on farm security. Apply at THE Poem Cin beet Beaver Cement to band. Every sack guaranteed. Loweet price. Mulles & Co., Brueeele. Fere Day will be a good alumnae to get your photo. taken. Look out for enape. BREWER'S, Brussels. Baum lined oape lost between Brussels cemetery and Walton teat Monday after- noon. Finder will oblige by leaving it at Tam Posa Pabliehing House. ANY one wishing to -enjoy life can do so by having saw filer T. McGregor to file and fix their saws. Yours for fast and easy outting. T. McGregor, Bras. sele Saw & Tool Company, Brussels, Ontario. &MT.—A car load of nice, olean, com- mon, fine, table salt at the Brussels Salt Works. We have also a good supply of nioe table and butter salt on band, besides some roogb salt for cattle. Aoy farmer or storekeeper wanting any kind of salt can be well supplied by calling at the Brueeele Salt Works. Gamma Mom; Foreman. East Huron Fall Fair. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK. Everything ie in readineee for the An- nual Fall Fair in connection with the East Huron Agricultural Sooiety, which ie billed for Thursday and Friday of ails week. Noticeable improvemente have been made about the Grey Branch Agl. Park where the Fair is held. A new shingle roof was put on the whole building ; shutters added to the windows of the dome of the main building and a number of posts under the building straightened up or renewed as neoessary. A lavatory for ladies hae been placed immediately East of the 'Palace." The old office for the Secretary was pulled down and a new, modern one built in its place, and gravel walk pat in front of both 10 and the ticket office. In the interior depart- ment 90 yards of cotton bas been procured and placed on the Westerly wall and tables for the Ladies' work, and to see thequantity of goods on display at this Fair one would imagine a new building would soon be required for this interest- ing feature of the Show. Plleotrio lamps light up both buildings.. The half mile track is in first•class. shape and if the weather ie dry fast time will be made by the many horses entered for the speeding contests. There are upwarde of 1,000 entries in now as Tan Posen goes to press and tbe display for the outeide will largely aug• ment this number. The Directorate have arranged to wary out the program of attreations as promptly ea poesible and the contests should be keen, clean and full of enjoyment. No one will be allow- ed on the track except aompetitors,3udges and members of Committee. Conetablea have been engaged and instructed in this important matter. Thie is done to give everybody a better chance to see what is going on and remove any danger of people getting injured by horses or rigs. There need be no queetions asked about this matter as the course must be kept clear and speotatars find their 'place inside of the fences. With good weather East Huron Fall Fair will have the biggeet and best Show on record. The dieplay of flowers'fruit, fine oats, rota and vegetables, ladies' work, &a., ie dimply immense, ' Since the above was put in type the rain hat' rather spoiled outside appear - anon but we hope for good weather 00. morrow, •ST4JYRIRD 134.7VIC OF a4Ard,D4, owspx,„„8..mx.,,zal-T200:o le74. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO OA -MAXI PAID (OneIdUlion Dollare) I/1,000,000 REST . 1}700,060 ripenotep in cat Prtnapal points in Ontario, quebeedianitoba, United Mats• &WOO. itardWAWAS general Banking )3neinese Tranaiteted. rarmers, Eotes Discounted, Drilla Issued and Oolleotioue wads on all points, SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of fo..00 and upvvarde and compounded half yearlY, Bremer, ATTENTION GPM TO WM COLLEOTICS os' Pextenais' SAMS NOM. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. Molloy Orion ,relwar4banItissed 80. 020 to98g::1vtOeitwrtttes:l910 00920.,. 0.4::1: 3. N, 0017DON, AGENT. Canadian New/S. N, Clarke Wallace is critically ill. The Grand Trunk oarpenter shop at Belleville was burned. Jabez Bailie, of Plum Hollow, was found dead on the road. J, B. Dewet, an old resident of 001. born e, was found dead in his garden. Mrs. E. W. Hyman'mother of 0. 13, Hyman, M:P, ab t London, Ont. Forest flee are doing a lot of damage in the vicinity of Portneuf, Saguenay. Hamilton 's aeeeeement is 027,188,860. The population is returned at 58,681. David Handley, a St. Thomas brake- man, two rim over and killed at Inwood. Brantford'e aseesement shows a popu- lation of 916,685, and taxable property of 07,059,550. Seventeen more Canadians have re. calved honors far diatinguiehed services In South Africa. An order in Cannon has been passed extending the olose ,gesteon for oysters to September 22nd, Two Hamilton boys have been arreeted on it charge of shooting a cow owned by Fred. Burrow& -The granite monument erected by the People of- Aotoo to the late Gunner Moore, who died at Pretoria, was unveil- ed by Mrs. 0.13. Smith. Edward H. Harriman has been elected President of the Southern Pudic Railway in succession to C. M. Hays. High tides have done a lot of damage in the Maritime Provinces. A wimple of sections of the Interoolonial Railway have been washed ant. Ebenezer Matthews, born near Brant.' ford, celebrated his hundredth birthday at Wellsburg, Pa., on Sunday, where he has lived for sixty years. • E. H. Humbert, manager of the Belgo• Canadian Palp Company, was fatally wounded with bis own gun • while on a trip to Lake Edward, Que. Plane are published for the construc- tion of a mammoth apartment b'ook for Winnipeg, to be erected by a Chicago syndicate. The estimated coat is $250,• 000. A fire in the ooal mines at Extension, B. 0., has resulted in tbe lose of several lives. The fire spread so rapidly that the shafte bad to be °lased before the minere bad time to gat out. Mary Egan, wife of Patrick Bulger, was found guilty of manslaughter at Montreal in the shooting of Timothy Corbett, ber brother-in-law, and &mama - ed to two months in the common jail. The appointment of B. M. Britton, K. C. M. P., of Kingston, to the vaoanay 00 the Superior Court bench ie warmly en- dorsed by the people of Eaetern Ontario, among wbom he is well known, and is not nnweloome to the bar of the Province, he having given much eatiefaotion in hie work as drainage referee during his mu- panoy of that office by hie courtesy and fairness, Some 225 physicians and surgeons 'n Edinburgh and Leith have signal tbe medical memorial against the juvenile smoking of cigarettes, among them being Sir Henry Littlejohn, Sir J. Batty Tnke, and Professore Simpson, Ohiene and Wylie. The medioal futility, we are glad to note, utter no uncertain sound on the querstion. The feeling, Wm. Todd, seers- tary of the Soottish AntaTobactio Society, states, was praotioally against cigarette smoking so prevalent among young people of both eexee. Some six per sent deolin• ed to sign the memorial as they took no in- tereet in the subject, heing too old, or bad not considered it fully ; or bad the opinion 'that it was relieving by an unnatural means, parents of their proper reepoaei- bility. They folly admitted the evil, but differed as to tbe made of reform. Only ane per cant thought there was no harra in the custom. 3301M.RG - 0AIIPBOLL —In MoKillop, on Sept. 24, to Mr. and Mre. John Campbell, a son. Lolicauna.—In Henfryn, 00 Sept. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Longmire, daughter. Molotaroarma—At Silver Corners, Bans, ou Sept. 27, to Mr. and Mre. N. 5. MaLs.uobli In a daugbter. SEAILLVER.—In Molesworth, on Sept. 21, to Mr. and Mrs, Ches. Seahaver, a daughter. BTEWART.—In Molesworth, on Sept. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Stewart, a daughter. MONAUGHTON—H0180,—On Sept, 25th, at the residence of the bride's parents, "The Maples," Mitobell, by Rev. Mr. Stafford, of Paieley, Dr. Herbert 3. • MoNangliton, of Penn Yon; N. Y., to Mies Ida Gertrude Hord. ..GLITCTIOST S.41.241. THIII1PDAY, Ocr, 10,—Farm stook, Lobe 4 and 5, oon, 18, Grey, Sale un- reserved, at 1 o'olook. J. H. Oololough, Prop. ; a Soott, 000, TUESDAY, Oam. 15.—Farm, farm stook, implements, &a., at Beat half Lot 16, Con, 6, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 onilook. Isabella Ransom, Proprietress ; F. S. Scott, Auotioneer, FRIDAY, 002. 18.--Parill stook, imple• mantra &o., 13 a lot 28, non. 7, Morrie, Sale, Unreserved at 1 o'olook. W. H. Maunders, prop, ; P. B. Scott, Duo. Nortb Grey, OvienSound, Oat. 2-4. East Eturon, Brussels, Oot. 3-4. Nortb Perth, Stratford, Oot, 8-9. DIVA) & Morris, Blyth, Oot. 8-0. Peninsular, Chatham, Ont, 8-10, Dungannon, Oct. 10-11. Howlok, Gorrie, Out, 12. Norfolk, Bimooe, 001, 15-.17, WR£...3 Feil Whoa t . ...... ..... cic * 64 Barloy 38 48 Pinta . • 60 68 Oats . ...., 81 88 Butter, tubs and rolls ., 14 15 Eggs per dozen . ., 11 12 Flour per owt. ........ 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bue.) ...... 40 40 Apples (per buet) .. 60 60 Sheer' eking, each ...... 25 25 Lamb skins eaoh. ... .... 26 80 Salt pea blil., retail 1 00 70 Hay per bon 0 OB 1.1 00 Hides trimmed .6 61 Hides rough 5 Hogs, Live 7 00 Wool . 12 18- 7 10 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Honex to rent. Apply at THE Poem. illanvena wanted at once. Apply to Mits. Jes. Fox, Brunets, A Noonan of 9 and 13,yearaild steers for sale. Apply to THOS. MOORE, Bromine. Pabsts' Malt Extract 1 The Great Tonic. *50. per Bottle at FOX'S DRUG STORE. $15 00 to' $18.00 a Week Salary for 'au intelligent Man or woman in eaoh town. Permanent position, 30 10080 per hour 0 or epare time, Manufacturer, Boa 78, Philadelphia. 10 • • _ . _ DAPER HANGING, DECOR. a- ammo and House Painting done in Workmanlike manner aud.on abort notice. Have had throe years, expaionce 111 olty work. Terms reasorable. Give me a eall, 20 W. J. JOHNSTON, Walton. FARM. FOR SALE.—THE UN• dereigned offers his 100 nore farm for sale, being Lot , Oon.-17 , Grey. There are 0000708 cleared and 10 mires bush. Good house ; bank Darn, 56x52 feet, with stone stabling ; good °milord ; farm well fenced and drained. ArteMan well with wind mill and tank. Convenient to school, °burgh and market, 10 acres of Fall wheat and 15 soros plowed, balance seeded to gran. Ap- ply on the premises or Walton P. O. 84-t4 • REESE ORICH Walton. , NOTICE I Reties is hereby given that et By-law paned by the Municipal Council of the THE PEOPiE'S COLUMN. townehip of Grey, on the Mb day of august 1001. providing for the i00110_01 debentures to the amount Of 80,008.55 for the impose OOD YEAR OLD STEERS of Munieipal Drainage for a certain drain known ae the 14th Concession Drain, and Wanted, imitable for raneh purpose% that such Ely -law was registered in. the PP 0 • 1010112, 747008018. CLOOD HOUSE AND LOT ON Turnberry street, Brussels, for sale at a bargain. Apply to THOS. BALLANTPNB, Brussels. 1:4.1 OR SALE. --A YOUNG nCOS -1 TOMER'. 00114 May be 00011 at RY1113. eels Fall Show. Apply to L. HOLLINGER, Lot Con. 10, Grey. 11 OMFORTABLE, WELL lighted and tionveolent rooms to let in the Leckie block over G. A. Mediu an's and Mrs, Rogers' Stores. Apply 50 10', S. SCOTT. rFIHOEO' BRED YORKSHIRE ROG FOR amity/cu.—The undersigned will keep a Wow' bred Yorkshim boar for aeryioe on North Half 1.00 10, Con. 0, Grey. Registered pedigree. Terme 75o, to be paid ab time of service with privilege of return- ing if naoessary. JNO. BATEMAN, 124 Proprietor. Registry Oflace for the County of Huron, On the 07011 day of August, 1001. Any motion 10 quash or set aside the IMMO or any -part thereof must be made within three months from the data of registration and cannot bo made thereafter. WM. SPENCE, 10-8 Clerk of Township of Grey. Young Maii do y91.1. want value for your money ? If so, take a course 01 5170 Listowel Business College. either the COM menial or Snort.hand Coarse. Students may enter agony time. Terms reasonable—send for College Journal. C. A. FLEMING. A. L. bfoINTPRE, .President. Seeretary. FAIR NIGHT CONCERT TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS. Friday Erg Ociolir 4111 Don't miss attending this Concert as Talent is First-class,consikting of M. C. -LeltoiKenney, OF TORONTO, • IMPERSONATOR, HUMORIST AND COMIC VOCALIST. Miss Marietta La Dell, OF TORONTO, ELOCUTIONIST AND DRAMATIC READER. Mi ss ava, pone, OF CHATHAM, • SOPRANO SOLOIST AND PIANIST. Miss Jean McLauchlin, Accompanist. Doors Open at 7,15 ; Concert at 8 O'clock. Plan of Reserved Seats at Fox's Drug Store. .gdmission 25o. ; _Reserved Seats 8.5e. ••••••••••114114111milim. , . . 4