HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-9-26, Page 8False conomy of
Cheap Spectacles.
Sight is too precious to trifle with,
When buying spectacles buy a good
We use perfect lenses.
They cost a little more thanthe
commoner kinds, but the difference
in comfort is Worth many times the
difference in price.
Eyes examined free.
Whole or Ground, et Best Prices.
L. Harve
Trains leave Brneeele Station, North
Mad South, as follows:
Med 'Express,..... 0:45 a.m I Express ...... 8:17 0 p.m
pad 1 , .ebn '.ems,
A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll pent it.
TB. 011,100$BLO ,P01:11:
Tap Pose enbeoriptien lief 11 growing
nicely, 25 Paye for It until Jap, 1e1,
1002, 01 belaoge of the year free to pew
IIs i 11,,• Kenney teod Miss Le Dell at
the ],Pall Fair Oopoert Friday evening of
next week, flan of reserved Rata at
Fox's Drag attire,
EAWARne' apple butter Notary ie at
work this week, John Goventook le talk•
ing of a big ehinment of tale 9onemodity
Ellam HvbeoN Fall Fair Thursday and
Friday of next week in Brussels.
Tam Ament oo0perage bee been turning
ont a enpply of apple barrels for W.
Jewitt 11n4 other buyers, •
SEE the program of attractions and list
of Speoial Prizes for East Huron Fair op
page 4 of this leene of Tan POST.
THE M. R. Campbell estate paid 58
emits on the 2. He did bueineee in the
Garfield House, Brussels, last season.'
LAST Saturday afternoon a meeting of
the Fall Fair Direotore was held to own-
plete arrangements for the coming Fair.
THANReaIVIN0 Da' baa been fixed for
Thursday, Nov. 28. The date le entirely
too late in the opinion of handrede of
B3088EL0 Fell Fair next Thursday and
Fridey. A maeioai program will be
rendered at the "Palace" on Thursday
W. H. Paden
kets of plume f
this season and
in sedition to t
IIateoLe H.,
Wingham, sem
nati, Obio, on
for puree of 2
2.O6j wbioh is
AT Port A
Kenney's imp
the hoose. H
pleases ell. H
command of hi
teat equally as
ing excellent•
Tam Beattie
a thorough re
W. 0. Smith a
new in its dr
scenes, &o. A
to save the d
al l•aboard"
bell Smith ha
down fine.
THE Strati
Bays of a form
ford Rent 01
yesterday aft
was only fair
fine run n thro
was mounted
pnrohaeed by
This animal s
ties ae a juin
prospect of a
bailers drove
and played a
chasers on vi
game resettle
favor of the h
was counted
daring 8 part
MUSHROOM hinting eeaeon 18 at band.
Seo0x ellipments from Brueeele are
FALL Fair Concert Friday evening of
next week.
SEvooll Brnsaelites attended Beaforth
Fell Fair this week.
RESERVED seat plan for Friday's Oon•
cert at Foxe drug store,
A COMPANY of gipeiee have been damp.
ing on the river bank, Queen street.
A Now plate glass front is being put
in Alex. Straohan'e store, Graham block.
39DnE'9 Vetere' List Court will be held
in Brueeele on Tuesday forenoon of next
Mao your entries early for the Fall
Show. It saves both time to the exhibi•
tore and the Secretary.
Mmutnans Openings Wednesday Than -
day and Friday of next week. Beep the
dates in mind end bemire you do not miss
the dieplay.
Liam shipments of grapes. peaches and
tomatoes have oom8 into town during the
past week. A fruit oar runs up the W.
G. & B. every Friday afternoon during
the fruit eeaeon.
W. F. STEWART & Sol are making
several changes and improvements in
the National Roller Flour mill. Mr.
Haynes, of Woodotook, is here superin-
tending din the work.
THE prizes for the Richards Soap Co's
nail driving contest are on exhibition at
Tan Pose Publishing House and consist
of a gold watch, a metal cased watch and
a bronze faced clock. Every competitor
gets 50 oeute worth of soap.
Weeeenn (3 -nide -Advocate Bays :—"C.
LeRoy Bentley is a most versatile and
clever entertainer. Hie monologue was
capitally given and as a oomio Binger and
eloontioniat he ham few equals." He will
sing at Brussels Fair Concert on Oot. 4.
Lass Saturday afternoon the Knight
estate 100 Bore farm, 8th ifa, Morrie the pleasure
t,lwnehip, was sold at the American op was as fol
Hotel, Brussels, by F. S. Scott, auction• wn'voatu
ser, to James Bolger, who owns the ad. Rush
joining 100, for the ream of 23,650. It is Ml nO
very good farm bat minas a barn. llfentgomery.
Tan spring near the flax mill on the pearen
bank of the Maitland was dry for the Thornton
Jae, end Kra. Olierk and Maet80 Ralph,
of Lee Angeles, Cal, are vieitot'1, et R.
Dr, Reed and G. Irwlp rpent Sunday
with Mr, Feild'a Mother, Mre. 11. P,
Feild, Liehowel
P081m8018r atlil Mrs,,a800 C ere ex'
pealed home 10 day 18001
the Northwest. •
Rout. Audereoo wee under the d0etor'0
acre this week but we hope he will 000n
to Menitehe this Fall bo all null ad1M.
Two new welle are being put down by Robert ,Brawn, who wee in the egg and
J. Leokie and ane by James Fox this batter beelines daring the past hummer,
Week, The gaeetlon of water seeely le hoe gone to Toronto Where be will take a
booming quite a problem in some Ree.
]3RO88EL8 volunteer Oo , No, 5, will
go to Toronto week afternext along with
Hee other membere of the 88rd Begimeut
to take part in the military display for
the "book" end "DookeeS."
Tait London Free Preee seri :--"Oritios
have frequently referred to Mies La Dell
as the per of Mre. Soott-Siddone es a
reoitationiet and impersonator. She
folly upheld that reputation."
J, D. WARwlox. V. S., hoe sold hie
driving horse "Laurier," bred from
"Costumer" to Robb. Burne, of Neepawa,
Man., for the sem of 2200. He will be
taken West in the aouree of a few weeks,
Onn.—Mre. MoLean, aunt 10 Mre. Jas,
Fox, of Brueeele, paseedtbat bourne from
whence no traveller returns on Monday
of Met week, aged 80 years. Her Louie
was in Arthur, Interment was made at
Dungannon cemetery.
Einar membere of St, John's Lodge,
A. F, & A. M., Brueeele, paid a paternal
visit, along with theirsVeroxete me rbreE rewieh n on
Monday evening. Two 8rd degrees were
given and a pleasant time enjoyed.
WINTER,—It old prophecies apeak true
we are to bade an exceptionally long and
cold Winter. The crop of beechnuts and
butternuts have not been so prolific for
many years, and a000rding to the old
Baying, nature is providing for the bold
THE Stratford Herald eaye :—A• R.
Smith, for over 20 years in Brussels and
for the last 8 months iu Stratford, hes
soured nae ot the largest and brightest
stores in Wingham, being the corner
store opposite Bwart'e Hotel, and the
people of Wingham will find (that A. R.
Smith will extend to them every ellen.
tion. This attractive store will be eepeo•
lolly devoted to man's, boyo' and
children's elothing, also ladies' ready-
made garments, skirts and mantles, furs,
eta., with a nine assortment of general
dry goods. Not a style nor a pattern to
a single season behind the timee, It is a
sufficient guarantee of the honest quality
and durability of thio clothing that every
garment was oarefully eeleoted by A, R.
Smith himself. A. R. Smith's long ex
patience in this business makes bim a
judge without a peer. These who have
had bueineee dealings with him in the
past place every reliance in his judgment
of qualities and styles. Mr. Smith has a
host of friends both in Wingbam and
earrounding (country aid they are all
heartily invited to visit him at the at.
tractive store opposite J. E. Swart's
emcee has Molted 410 bee•
rem his young orchard
not a few went to waste
his large quantity.
owned by Mr. Swarts, of
n &nether race at Oiooio-
Teeede.y, in the 2.08 paoe
1,000. The beet time was
hustling along pretty good,
Mbar, Ont., 0. LeRoy
ersonationo brought down
e is a clever artist and
e has more than ordinary
e voice, and gives one dia•
well as the other—all be -
'boa has been nodergoiog
minting at the hands of
nd now looks ae good as
ego of paint with fancy
gong has been added so ae
river's base voice on the
badness. William Camp•
e the 'but painting huffiness
ord Herald of last Friary
er Brueeelite :—The Streik
tib held their weekly meet
ern000. The attendaooe
, but those preee0t bad a
ugh Ellice. A. R. Smith
upon a fine bay horse, Fred,
W. J. Henry at Port Ryeree.
bowed remarkable oapabili•
Woo.—Notwithstanding the
wet evening Wingbam Foot -
over on Friday afternoon
match with our pig akin
aerie. Park. It was a close
g in a score of 2 to 3 in
0038 tram. Only one goal
in the first ball. Rein fell
of the play rather marring
eituetion eater Fleeing the sights at the
Pan•Amerioan. Hle numerous friende in
Brusoela and Grey wish him 0000888,
J, D. Stewart, banker, of Avonmore,
Ont., was renewing old friendships in
Brueeele and looality during a portion of
the poet Week, He le a eon of Donald
Stewart, now of Wierten, 'TAA POST
was pleased to have a call from Mr.
A.13. Currie and wife, of salmon Arm,
13, 0„ end Johnnie Williamson, are
vieitore at Waitet'Smith's. Mrs, Currie
is a daughter of Mr. end Mre. Smith's,
M. OUrrie ladle many interesting etoriea.
of eights And scenes in British Oolumbia
and evidently keeps his eyes open.
of all =learned. The line
lows :—
Broke Beattie
•� SIrmwin
( edeNaughton
p g 34 Backs i �McDonald
(t Pergus on
first time in man ears. Some mamma P. Rooke
y y pp Stewarts Cameron
the drilling of so many deep walla together Stewart Forwards Rocky
with the dry seamen is largely the cause. McDonagh...... W, ry
It would be a great lose to Brueeele to Barber
have to get along without the epting ae D
it,jsp,tronized by many familfee and Hugon RE
bnsieese piaoee. will take par
THIEVERY.— Lash Saturday evening before H. R.
some person or persona stole a martin. end York, Ir
gale off a se; .,f tingle harnew on James 12th Oot.
Sherrie's borer, of Morrie, in the Queen's at eompaoy
Hotel abed, Brueeele, and out me ivory day morni0
ring off breast strap. A rawhide whip earliest pole
was also taken on a former oocasion. which will b
Suspicion rests upon a certain party and will parade
unless restitution le made they may have dol., 2 Maj
a job given them for a few months at the officer, 1 Qu
County jail. Its pretty smell badness 9 Captains,
for anybody. ante, 83 St
THE Hamilton spectator says :— Mies —.340 total
La Dell, is her dramatic, pathetic and ranks, Th
ed and thrilled Majora mu
eketohes delighted g
her hearers, and it was with relnotanoe will be in
that she was allowed to retire from the wiehee to a
stage. The recital of "The Captive" bring their
wee realistic and almoet maddening, as of efloieno
the terrors of madneee were delineated. Jo
Shereoited "Story, ae told by a little
girl," which enrprised everybody. Her Gam T
imitation of ohildreo is simply perfect ; improvem
while she is equally at home in dramatic in the layi
and pathetic. Miss La Dell will be eonoeetiag
greeted with a bumper house on her re. Princess et
tern." Hear her at the Fall Fair Oen- despot.—'.1'
oat at Brussels on col. 4. 26th, 27113
Betimes P8000 WINNE1e.—AI Beaforth ooneiderab
Fall Fair on Wednesday Doc. Warwick bet will go
took let prize for roadster 1 A. Carrie are expao
got 2nd on e. 8•yeer-old roadster filly ; P. their %yin
smolt, 3rd on.a 2•year•old roadster filly day exam
and W. H. Mo0raoken about 40 prizes for 4 days
in the general list. In the epeeding. The rater
events Gray Bros., gipeiee, took Arlt over privi
money in the 2,26 llama with "Little the ebipm
Pete." There were 10 entriee in the green Demme, 0
trot and some lively hustling, Doo• W. Jewit
Warwick's -Dolt took the first heat bat Alf. Beek
was beaten in the other trial8 by a Mit. oars whe
obeli bone in vete, aloes finishes. War• 080 of lam
w'ok'e mate bad the moat speed buff wee J. MoDer
not so good in getting away as her op- son, oar
ponent. Thos. MoLauohlin'e black mare Livingsto
was in 8rd place in the 1st beat, Beet oar of oh
time wee grid to be 2,4'2. Mre. Samuel In rower
Love, of Morrie, was an easy winner in from Efe
the harnessing end bitching Up race for coal for
ladies. Thera wag a large attendance at elanitob
the Fair. Roes,
. Dinslep, Referee.
ornfiiNT The 38re Regiment
t in the review at Toronto
H. the Duke of Cornwall
om Monday 7th, to Saturday
The Regiment will mobilize
beted•quartere early on Man.
g and move to Toronto at the
ible boar by train, deteile of
e given later. The Regiment
in full strength, viz : 1 Limit-
ers, 1 Adjutant, 1 Medical
arter Master, 1 Payneaater,
9 Lieutenants, 0 2nd Lieaten•
aff end Regimental Sergt'e.
rank and file, 412 total all
e Lt. -Col., Aajatant and two
o ad. The dxeee
et be moa
Review Order. The 0. 0.
rge all company (Moors to
oompaniee to the highest state
y poesible.
AN A. 8. Veecoo, Lieut. Col,
Com. 83rd Hilton Regimeet.
8008 Nonts.—A mach needed
ant has been made tbie week
ng down of a new plank week
the granolitbio walk on
reef with the platform at the
be Weeteru exanrsion, on the
and 28th inete„ are attracting
le attention and quite a num.
.—Station agent Rem and wife
led home this week from
g visit to Manitoba. --Railroad
Mon to the Pan-American, good
, will run on Friday, 27th inst.
n fare will be 22 66 with stop.
lege at Niagara Fallen —Among
vote of this week were :—A, 0.
er of cattle and ear of lambs ;
t, oar of bogs and oar of apples ;
sr, 8 care wheat ; R. Graham,*
at ; Geo, Beet, ear of bogs and
be ; J. Hamilton, oar of eetele;
mote, car of cattle ; R. Thom•
of butter to Halifax ; J. Be J.
0, oar flax geed ; W. W. Barrie,
ease ; J. Saott, ear export cattle.
1 freight were 2 eats of lumber
pworth for P. Ament ; a oar of
W. F. Stewart ; and 2 oars et
(Aber for A, Beaker and R. 11,
"T4ND4 RD , )34X1C C4,N4 D4.
m� {taaa tCS 3an� 8.07?.
0AP1TAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) 21,000,000
REST 2700,000
Agent:do fn: alt preneipal pointe in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, l7nfte4 Stater (d•England.
a i'(i7SSaiti'J5s
A Gend"ral .Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes P180onuted..
Drafts Xsotlod and Colleotions mads on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of 21,00 and Upwards and oompoended half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customer% living at a dtetan0e.
payable at any bank leaned Under 210..... 80, 220 to 280....120
Molloy OriiOrs et the !Wining rates 810 to 220....l0o, ' 80 to 40....140
J. N. GORDON, Ann.
CHURCH 111113188.
Be,. John Rose, B, A., has been re.ap.
pointed Bible SoOiety Agent for this Die.
tricot. He fills the position most oompe.
Wingham Dietriat Epworth League
Convention will be held in the Methodist
oburgh, LUcknow, on Thursday, Ooh. 15.
There will be three sessions and a good
program will be: given.
Rev. duo, Rose' eubjeat last Sabbath.
morning in Melville ohurob wee "The
080000nry gaalifloation of ohuroh mac
berehip," end in the evening "The
church's only foundation wag the theme.
The annual Belly Day will be observed
in the Methodist Sabbath School on Oct.
6, at 2.80 o'oloolf. A Bpeoial program is
being prepared and officiary, teachers,
pupils and parents are invited to be pree.
Communion service will be bell in
Melville churah next Sabbath. Rev. Mr.
Stewart, of Belmore, will preach on
Saturday afternoon mad Rev. Mr. Ballan.
type, of Molesworth, on Monday fore.
noon. The pastor 000upies the pulpit on
Last Sunday Rev. G. J. Limy oouduot-
ed Harvest Home services at Elma and
Milverton &aerobes, Rev. T. B. Reigate,
the incumbent. took Mr. Abey'e work in
St. John's oburah here. Rev. Mr. Far-
ley, of Gorrie, and Rev. Mr. Abey ex-
ohange next Sunday.
"Hove ye received the Holy Ghost 7 "
was the text oboeen by Rev. Mr. Holmes
last Sabbath morning and in the evening
"Lessons learned from the life of the late
President Mo3inley" was the topic.
Mre. Treleaven and Mies Regis sang a
pretty duet at the League eervioe follow-
Harvest Home termone will be preemie -
ed in the Methodist oharoh next Sabbath.
Owing to previous eogagemente the
expeoted preacher will not be here, the
pastor occupying the pulpit. Tea meet•
fug on Monday evening. Bupper served
in the school room after which a program
of addreesee and murk will be rendered.,
The ohuroh will be appropriately deaorat•
ed for the 000aeion.
A raped cabmmieted to the International
Ecumenical Oonfllenee of the Methodist
oharoh 'bows that there are 24,899,421
adherents of the Methodist faith. In the
Western section there are 6,487,361
aotosl oharoh members and in the
,L•'agter❑ 1,221,824. The total value of
the church property throughout tbe
world is £60,000,000. There are 89,087
churches aid 48,834 ministers. The esti•
mated increase in adherents of the Metb•
odist faith in the last deoade ie 2,536,•
A London papez gays :—Under the
pastorate of Rev. Joseph Coulter the ooe-
gregation attending the Hill Street Metho-
dist Mieaion ie greatly increasing: As a
result the mleeio0 will be rebuilt and
moderized in every way. Already the
bricklayers are at work upon the build-
ing. The congregation has been greatly
in need of a school room, ands, handsome
meeting plane built of brink is being
erected under tbe present edifice. Elea•
trio light will be introduced and the plane
will be fitted up in the most approved
Business Locals.
People We Know.
Dr, Taylor, of Goderiob, was in town
on Friday.
Mre. J. T. Roes will holiday with friends
in Detroit.
George Buchanan is beak from his trip
t0 the Weet.
Mies Ethel Campbell returned to Loo•
don last Saturday.
Mise Lizzie Sample visited in Wing•
ham last Saturday.
Leslie Kerr seas home from Stratford
rd b tf
for Saturday and Sunday.
D. M. and Mre. MoBeath, of Blyth,
were in town on Monday.
Walter Jackson has been on the sick
diet daring the post week.
Mise Sara Forbes has gone to Detroit
where she bee a situation.
Mre. We -Pugh, of Blnevale, was visiting
Rev. and Mre. Patel last week,
Bert. and Rue. Ferguson, of Teeowater.
were vieitore in town end locality.
Mise Ida Williams is holidaying at her
uncle's, D. M. Ferguson, Stratford.
Mise Roddick and dies Sample were
visiting Atwood friends on Thursday.
Mies Lena Backer and Mise Lizzie
Downing are visiting friends et Wingham.
Mr. mod Mro. Smart, of Sarnia, were
vieitore at Geo. Cardiff's daring the past
Mr. and Mre. Chalmers, of Sturgeon
Falls, Oot., are vieitore at St. John's
Jae. Thomson has left town and taken
up residence atStrathcoy. We wish him
Mre. Fred. Adams pnrposee taking a
trip to Buffalo to visit relatives and see
the Exposition.
J. J. Gilpin leaves on Friday for a holi-
day outing with hie son Fred., who i8 a
Dentist in Chicago.
Mica Mary Oentelon bee gone on a holi-
day visit with relatives at Ethel, Sea.
forth and other planes.
Mre. W. F. Vaoetone and Mre. R.
Johnston, of Wingham, were renewing
old frieoisnips here last week,
Mre. Wm. Lorimer, of Baffaio, N. X•,
was here for a few Jaye visiting her aunt,
1'41x8. Jane Sall, Alexander Atreet,
Mise Strong,
. F
eon&Ooaetoxe, is renewing old file d
at Milverton for a few days.
B. Gerry is sufficiently recovered to be
able to get &boat a little and bio mauy
friends hope be will soon be oonvale80ent.
Mre. Ge,rrow and daughter have return-
ed to Webbwood, Algoma, after a pleasant
stay with Wendy in Brussels and locelity.
County Treaenrer, Dr. Holmes, of
Goderiob, was in Brunetti fora dear Int
two brick bloke iu
Tbe G. T. R elevator at Point Edward
was destroyed by fire;
Gilbert Mnxley, a colored roan; wan
killed on e railway 0ro08ing at London,
A. Stevenson, .of Thorold, wee killed
by his team running a land roller over
The Department of Education tae al.
ready sent out five travelling libraries 10
the Northern Dietriote. A considerable
movement is expected this Fell when the
lumber camps get into full owing.
Edwin H. Leads, a well know n resi-
dent of Trail, is tinder arrest at Rowland,
(Merged with stealing from a mail bog in
the Trail Poetoffioe the eum of 2600 in.
each and two cheeks for 240 each.
Fred., the young eon of Geo. Eaton, of
Tiloonbnrg, fell into the Otter River at
Tilsooburg on Sunday and was drown-
ed. It was half au hour before the body
was recovered and life was estiuot.
Hon, 3, Israel Tarte h88•written to the
Montreal Board of Trade, wheel' propos.
ed to offer him a banquet on Ootober 8rd,
that owing to the injuries received at
Quebec he would be compelled to ask
them to postpone the date.
Geo. McIntyre, of Barnsley, Man., hoe
left for Felleville to press a snit for 25,000
damaged against the owners of B saw mill
where hie son was working and lost an
arm by being naught in a saw that Mo.
Iotyre claims was not properly protected,
The 0. P. R. reports show that 200,000
bushels of wheat were delivered at pointe
on their road Last Saturday, There is
now in store in the elevators West of
Winnipeg 1,250,000 bushels. The stools
in store et Fort William and Port Arthur
ie now 1,025,865 buobele, the receipts last
week having been 766,265 bushels, and
the ebipmente 285,735 buebele.
The Manitoba Free Press publishes an
interesting interview with Sir 14faokenzie
Bowel!, who stopped off at Winnipeg on
his way bank from the Yukon. The ex.
Premier, who ie remarkably energetic
for hie years, eeeme to have formed 'a
favorable view as to the long life of the
Yukon plaoere. Tbe obief ground for
regarding the placers ea virtually pen
manent was the many new situations in
wbioh gold wee being discovered. Ie one
mine a tunnel penetrated the -hill 600
feet, and et a depth of 125 feet the gravel
gave ripb'relurne. The cost of trans-
portation and the high wages were re•
garded by him ae the ohief drawbacks.
The administration of Governor Rorie
was generally satisfactory.
FATDAv, OCT• 18. --Farm` stock, imple.
mepte, &re, s k lot .28, con. 7, Morrie.
Bale, Unreserved at 1 o'clock, W. H.
Maundere, prop. I F. S. $oott, apo.
6 19Qa.
to rent. Apply at Tag Poe.Goon driving horse for sal e.
Apply to D. SWAN, BrunelleSERVANT welted at once. Apply to
Mao. JAS. Fox, Brueeele.
. NO
.A 'SHER of 2 and' 3•year.old steers
for Bale. -Apply to THOS.MOORE,B1710e0ls.
RING lost in Brueeele or between Brnb.'
eels and Walton on Monday, Sept, 10111.
Pinder, will toblige by leaving it at THE
POST Publishing House at once.
weak. He owns
Mre. T. Fletcher has gone to Chicago
where she will see her two 0808 and
also visit the beet optical inetltntiooe of
that city.
Chas. Coatte, wife and ohiidren, of
Goderiob, have been visiting at George
Thameon's, William street. Mr, Coitts
1e a brother of Mro. Thomeon'e.
The third son of Rev. George Jewitt,
of Henoall, hes been vita ill with in•
ftammation of the bowels lint ie recovering
quite•nlOoly now we ate pleaeed to re.
Bert. Jamieson, who has been engaged
in R. N. Barrette barber glop far some
months, has taken a eitaation fo Boaforth
going there on Tumidity morning. He ie
a smart youth.
Mire May Grille, of Harrioten, who has
been living at It Leatherdale'6 for the
past 6 months, left for her borne et Har•
vision lest Saturday. She made a large
circle of Mende during her stay in Brae.
Teenier! seed a llleOracken'e.
MONEY to loan on farm aeanrity.
Apply at TER POST.
OAR beet Beaver Oemeot to hand.
Every Beak guaranteed. Lowest prise.
MoBae & Co., Brussels.
Feta Day will be a geed chance to get
your photo, taken. Look out for maps.
Beewae's, Bense818.
BLaoo lined nape lost between Brueeele
cemetery and Walton last Monday after-
noon, Finder wiil oblige by leaving it
at THE Pose Pabliebiog House.
NORTON T1tnneam.—Barrister Blair has
been appointed agent for the above
property and will be in apoaition to ar-
range with parties desirion9 ot renting,
load of nine olean
mon, fine, table malt at the Brussels
Salt Worke. We have also a good supply
of aloe table and butter salt on band,
besides some rough salt for cattle. Any
former or storekeeper waisting any kind
of Salt can be well eopplied by calling at
the Brueeele Salt Werke.
GOn0ON M00NEY, Foreman.
Apply.. to 'Wanted,
13216T, suitable
els. ah pnrpoeea.
l.Jl Turnbezi7 street, Brussels, for sale at
a bargain. Apply to
OR SAL +'.—A YOUNG "008.
-L' 8000E11" 0010. May be eebn at $rne-
eele Fall Show. Apply to L. H0LLINRk1R,
Lot 0, Con. 10, Grey. 11
Tarnbnry, Wingham, Sept. 26-27.
Mornington, Milverton, Sept. 26-27,
Ilerton Mitobell, Sept. 26-27.
Rath Brant, Paris, Sept. 26-27.
East Wawanoob, Belgrave,- Oot, 1-2.
South Petth, St. Marys, Oct. 1-2.
Great Northweet'n, Goderich,001. 1-2.
N. R. of Oxford,.Woadatook, Oot. 1-2.
Listowel, Oot. 1-2.
North Gray, Owen Sound, Oot. 2-4.
East Reran, Brussels, Oot. 8-4.
North Perth,Strettord, Oat. 8-9.
Blyth & Moeda, Blyth, Oot, 8-9.
Peninsular, .Ohatbam, Oot. 8-10.
Dungannon, Oct. 10-11.
Howiok, Gerrie, Oot. 12.
Norfolk, 8tmooe, Oat. 15-17.
The Great
25c, per Bottle at
lighted and convenient moms to let in
Mrs it gets �u a over
B Apply'tto F 8n. SCOTT d
$15 00 to $18.00 a WeelE
salary for an intelligent mu or woman in
eaoh town, Permanent position 80 conte
per hour for spare time. Manufu tuner,
Nos 7S, Philadelphia. 10
•A- Amino and House Painting done in.
Workmanlike manner and on short notice.
Have had three years' imperlence in ally
w20rk.. Terme W, JOHNS' OGiN Waitonme ll•.
Notice is hereby given that a IIy-law
passed by. the Mimimpsl . Oounoil of the;
township of Grey, on the 13th day of August
1901, providing for the lathe of debentures
to the amount of 60,008 05 for the purpose.
of Maoiclpal Drainage fox: a pertain drain
that such By-law was registerednlin and
1hoe'27th (layo of August 1001. Any n motion
to quash or set aside the same or any part
thereof must be made within three months
from the date of registration and cannot be.
made thereafter. WM. - SPE NCE,
10.3 Clerk of Township of Grey.
Voters' List Court;
18ottae is hereby given that a Court will lie
held pursuant to the Qntario, Vetere' List
Aot, by His Honor the Judge of the County
Court of the 009863 of Huron, at the Town
Hall Brussels, on Tuesday the arm day of
0 ototier,1901, %til o'elookmto hear and deter-
mine the severe' ooplaiute of errors is
the Votore'-List of the Munioipsift of Brus-
sels for 1001, All persona having bnsines0 at
the Oourt are required to attend at the
same time and plane.
F. 8. SOOTY,
Doted. Sept. 14,1001. Clerk of Brussels.
Voters' List Court.
Notice is hereby given that a Oourt will be
bell. pureuant to .'The Ontario Voters' Lista
Aol," by His Honor the Judge of the County -
eln of
sshpHal,EthonWaadnesday, the Becloud
day of October, .1001, at 10 o'olook a. m., to
hear and determine the' several complaints
of errors and omissions in the voters' List
of the Manieipality of Grey for 1901, All
persons having business at the Oourt are
required to attend at the Bald time and
place. - WM. BPDNOD,
Cloth of said Municipality..
Dated at 1l thel Sept, 19111,1001.
Voters' List Court.
Notice is hereby given that a court will be
held, pursuant t0 the Ontario voters' List
Aet, 1889, by his Honor, the' Judge ,it the
County Court of the County of Huron. at the
Township Hall. on Thursday the Brd day of
October next, at 10 o'olook in the forenoon,
tohearaud determinethe several complaints
01errors and omisidonain the Voters' List
Of the Mnnie Spenty of Morrie for 10J1. All
persons having business at the Oourt are re-
quired to attend at the said time and place.
Dated Bept.16,1501. Olerk of Morrie.
Fall Wheat 6G 64
Barley 88 43
Peas 60 68
Oats• Bl 88
Butter, tube and rolls 13 14
Eggs per dozen 10 11
Floor per owl, 4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per bila,) 60 GO
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 50
Sheep skins, eaoh 25' 25
Lamb eking each 25 80
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hay per tole 6 00 6 00
Hides trimmed 6 66
Hides rough ...... 7 00 7 115
Hoge, Live
Wool 12 13
A N D'w" x
Our Fall Opening Dates are
Thursday and Fridal ,olz
WEdnesday, Y y z
October 2, 3 a , •
and the ladies of Brussels, and neighborhood r
are cordially invited to call on these dates and
inspect our designs for the season: Miss Liv-
ingston will again be in charge of this depart -
r X cent. — .
Our new Mantles, Coats and Capes X
will be opened up for the same days and in-
spection of these is invited. VEZ
BvnMr. and MMfroe. W.
1 . 13urgeee,to
—Io Merritt, On Sept.
and Mre. Wm, Bowman, a eon.
DloxeoN.—In Elms, on Sept. 15, to Mr.
and Mre. Jae. W. Dickson, a daugh-
danvle.—In Elm., on Sept. 18, to Mr.
and Mro. R. Jarvis, a eon.
Poo r.
and Mrs. GeoaP0000k,n oa daupt. ghter
CIataacliaut 1Ta•vt, •.--.
Two more oases of smallpox are report.
ed at Ottawa.
Adam Mieentr, of Troy, Ont., i8 dead,
aged 108 years.
The Mounted Police hermits at R0-
gina was damaged by fire to the extent
of 2500:
Rapers to the Indefatigable are being
made at Quebec, Her Inlets bottom was
Thomas Taroott, of Blank Bay, was
strums by a train and killed while driving
near Pembroke.
A monument will be erected in Acton
cemetery in honor of Gunner Moore, who
fell in Seale Afrio&.
The Marquis I o, of Japan, and five of
hie Minietore are on a etoamer expedted
at Victoria, B. B., on Tuseday next.
The election petition spinet Colonel I.
7. Tooker, mem bet for St. John, N. 13.,
in the Dominion gouge, tato diemiesed
' by Judges Hannington and Gregory,
Gmes,-In Elmo, on tbe 14th inst., Agnes
Gray, beloved wife of Robt. J. Gray,
aged 88 yours, 7 menthe and 5 doge.
MoLEAN.—I0 Arthur, on Sept. ;16, Mre,
McLean, sister of Mre. W. 0. Stnett,
formerly of Wingham, aged 60 years.
RANDS. --At Tripp, South Dakota, on
Sept. 9, William Ronde, formerly of
Morris town%hip, Boron Co., aged
72 years.
REa Morrie,
Readman,aged 61 yeare,� 25, 5months
and 21 days.
.e."ITCa!='TO0,T ss,A.Za-
THURSDAY, Oor. 10,—Farm stook, Lots
4 and 5, eon. 17, Grey. Sale, nn.
reserved, at 1 o'olook. J, H. Oololough,
Prop. ; F. e, Scott, nuc.
Tumour, Oor. 16, -Farm, ferns stook,
Implements, &e., at East hall Lot, 16,
Oen. 6, Grey. Bale, unreeerved, at 1
o'oloak, teabella Ransom, Froprietre00 ;
le. S. Soott, A0Otioneer.
We extend'a heart welcome to all to call and inspect our stock
which is still under the able management of MISS MORRISON.
°=Fall ll111iaer!
Friday and Saturday,
27 and 28,
When will be displayed a large as-
sortment of the very liitest and most
up-to-date Styles in
Trimmed Hats & Bonnets
3E3 la .3r tir
;ing l,lio"