The Brussels Post, 1901-9-26, Page 5SFr
26, 1901
vent. F.H. SCOT, llriusie ,
• loner0� 1.10.4 110(03 Licensee. Of.
2122 at frroory, Tnrnberry street, BruMdele,
1r4N BARE TP.—
• • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next deer
North of the Standard Bank. Ladles' and
Children% hair 00ei14 22 specialty,
Issuerof Marriage Licenses,
W,4 ,TON, oNT.
atuante WE,
Wellington Mutual
Fire Inseraneo Co,,
110'ADMarren 1810
Insurance talion on the cash and premium
note system abetment rates. Beforefnsur-
ing elsewhere °all on the undersigned Agent
of the Oompaay.
L. 0. M.,
Aoademie graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Mode, also Member of tbe Associated
Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupae for instrnotlon
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Prinotpal's Form in the Conservatory,of
Mueio. •
Brussels, .Ontario.
Clerk ohne Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, and Ineuraaco Agent; Auction-
' ear. Funds invested and to1oan,- Collec-
tions made. 011100 in Graham's Block, Mos-
eels.- -
.11, IIID, will sell for bettor prices, to
better men, in lees time and lees °barges
bwon't obarge anything. Dates anast d. orderrs
canalwaysys bee arranged at this office or by
1.1 • Honor Gradua:o of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals tin a compet-
entmanner. Parti•,ular attention paid to
Veterinary DentistryCalle promptly at.
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
Earth of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels.
• Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, Block
door North Cenall Ht
Solicitor for the. Standard Bank.
▪ solicitor, &o. Office over .Stand-
ard Meney to Loan at lowor 001 Int 1. Brussels.
M, II., O. M.,
• leiteleooy, neanleg,M ml College Phylotad
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Lioentlate of Mid-
wifery,Edinburgh. ta-Telephone No.11.
Resuenee—Mill street, Brussels.
Di?. R. P. FEUD,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Firet•olase Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. 011100
neat to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, .
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested: FREE by
latest Optioal methods at
Division Court Office,
1#itsl;i Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Fine and Cedar
Akio Poore and Sash of all Pat
tonne on band oo made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kindeof Buildings. Workman.
Ship and Material Guaranteed.
Heventyflvo par cont. of the now students
from outside of Stratford who wore enrolled
at the opening of our Fall Torte came 1rop1
nearer other 13aeinees Oollegoe than aura.
They wanted the best buoitle0e and short.
hoed Valuing and ammo here far it. Write
for oatulagno. Bitter now if p000lblo,
W. J. ELLOOTT roIIlglp;y,
i h't•le.
A new plate gime front le ibeing planed
in B, H, Gidley'0 clothing bowie.
Mies Mattle Wateon has left for'Bredi-
ton whore she has aeoured a pooitiog ae
Wm. Mager attended the wedding of'
Rev. H. L. garner and Mao Clara M.
Bohmidt at Sobringville,
Mise Baker hae returned to Blyth and
is again in charge of the millinery de
partment of McKinnon & Oo,
Harvest Home lervioes were conducted
in Trinity uhurob on Sunday. Rev. A.
R. Fanny,. of Gorrie, preached and
spacial masa was provided by the (Moir,
Wroxeter .
The Star ie holidaying.
The eider mill bite bead started for the
Rev, R. S. G. Anderson, of the Pres-
byterian church, has returned from his
three months' trip to Baotland.
Mies Jennie Miller, head book-keeper
at Ambrose Kent'0, Toronto, ie spending
a week at her home at Oatmoe Farm.
jos, Kirby, late of Oollingwood, has
arrived in town and hae commepoed
work as a tailor in John Knutson's atop
whloh be has rented.'
S. B. MoKelvie has opened out a wool.
len mill office in T. B. Sander's store,
next the Bakery, where he will . keep a
stook of tweeds, flanuele, etc., for ex•.
change for wool.
Our Fall Fair on Tuesday and Wednes
day of this week.
John Broadfoot has returned home
from a pleasant visit to the t n
p Oki Country.
M. Y. and Mai. McLean were in •Bnf-
talo last week taking io the eights at. the
There are now nearly 160 pupils in at-
tendance at the Beaforth Collegiate Insti-
,tate,the largest number in the history of
thesabool. '
Harland Bros., of Clinton, wbo.have
been carrying on the buoinese of the late
firm of Johnston Bros., have moved the
balance of the stook to their store in
A.young boy named Oonatable, em-
ployed in R. L. Clark's saw mill, bad the
tape of the two `aentre • fingers of hie
right band taken off by a jointing ma-
chine on Wednesday of last week.
At ate Assize oonrt in Goderiah Mrs.
Barns, of •Bayfield, was given damages
to the extent of 6360 and oasts against
W. J. Clark, formerly of Seafo th. This
.visa an notion for malicious proeeontion.
John L. Hogg, late mathematical mam
ter in the •Collegiate Institute here, left
on Wednesday of last week for Boston.
Mr. Hogg will spend the next College
year taking up poet graduate work at
Harvard University.
The painters were at work painting the
station house and freight shed here.
Bev. -o11. Harris, of Luokoow, spent a
few dawith his oonein, Daniel Harris,
of the llth eon., and friends in Ford-'
Mex. Orr had a bee drawing gravel to
his sheds and yard and nowhae excellent
shade whioh will aoaommodate 14 or 15
Jae. Sanderson has Bold hie fine red -
donee and grounds to Robert Harding for
the sum of 61,400. This is one of the
finest properties iu the village.
The wind storm on Sunday and Mon-
day of last week did oonsiderable damage
to the orchards in this vioinity, many of
the apples being blown otl and badly
bruised. •
Mies Sara Goggin, who has, been visit.
ing friends in Toronto, Peterboro' and
Cavan for three weeke,hae returned home
accompanied by her neige, Alias Lulu
Stewart. —
The oongregation of Trinity church,
Fordwiah, •decided to have a Harvest
Home Supper and entertaiumgtit on
Wednesday, Oat. 2nd. Tea to be served
in the Foresters' Hall and entertainment
in Bothern's Hall.
A young eon of Jae. Levy fell off Cook's
delivery waggon and inflicteded an'ugly
out on kis head.
Mrs. MaIlveeu, of town, is opening up
a new up -to date restaurant in the stand
formerly oo'oupied by Mre. Witte, on
Huron street.:
The reorui10 are still drilling away
these nighta at the rink for the mat
military review at Toronto on Oot, 8 be-
fore the Duke.
John. Taylor, Minnedosa, brother of
Jacob Taylor, town, is laid up with a
severe attaok of typhoid fever and does
not expect to be out olbed for at least e
month yet.
W. 'Newcombe eaye that Mre.' Thos,
O'Brien, of Tnokeremith, wag the bolder
of the key whioh unlocked the look that
secured for her the beautiful parlor suite,
she having held three keys.
Joo. Dale, jr., Tuakeremith, suffered
the loos of five good horses whioh were
killed by the late train on Friday night,
18th inst. It seems that in :some man-
ner they hod got but on the track and
ran ahead of tbe train ea it oeme • up.
All five were struck by the train and
killed, four of them being thrown off the
track, the fifth being badly mangled.
There was a large attendanoe at the
annual meeting' of the W. M. S. of Rat-
tenbury street uhurob when the of9oere
for the ensuing year were elected as sol
tows ; Pres„ Mre. It. H. Hall ; 1st Viae,
Mre. Wm. Harland ; 2nd Viae, Mrs.
((Rev.) Howson ; Reo,•Bes„ Mies Porter ;
0or..Seo., Mre. E. J. Oantelon; Treas.,
Mre. Hodeene. Mre. Bali was eleoted
delegate to the Branch meeting of the
London Conference to be held in Sarnia
in October,
A Hnren Beadfertnwr, a40lives Weet
of the town, hae netball for 0o1na time
that the grain to his granary has been
disappearing at a rapid rate, He is
°iaaritable and would rather not believe
that thievery wee going 014 441 the MT
dente became too oaaolueive,On bis
last vielt the thief bad a bag with a bele
in it out of wh'oh the grain dribbled as
he walked away from the barn and to-
wards town.
filf IC11lop.
At All Salute' Catholic obureh In
Strathroy on. Sunday, Sept, 15, Rev. A
McKeon preached hie farewell 001m0n
Prior to moving 40 Iriehtown, The rev,
gentleman's popularity with hie o0ngre
gatien was etrikiugly evidenced when he
came t0 say good bye, many present be.
ing enable to oo9tr01 their emotions. Al
the close of the sermon' addressee were
read on behalf of hie oongregationa in
Strathroy, Watford and Adelaide, 8 welt,
titled purse accompanying eaoh of them,
the total amount given amounting to
whh The Father Strathroy
bad tataken uwarm
whioh Fa n
interest, . also honored: him with an ad.
dress and presentation of a beautiful set
of silverware oompoeed of eeke.dieh,
tureen and oandelabra. The candied re.
gard in which Rev. Mr, McKeon is held
in hie old pariah forms n brilliant room
mendation to the people of Iriehtowo.
T. Ondmore hae shipped in the neigh.
borhood of 700 tone of new hay to the
Old Country this eeaeon.
John Berry while digging ander a
eerier tree in the little swamp near the
Blind Line ttnearthed the skeleton of an
The residents aarose the break, living
on the street running North from King,
are getting up a petition for a oenient
Rev. J. Henderson addressed Mail.
Young People's Socie-
ties in Knox oharoh, Ripley' on Taeeday
evening of laet week.
No word or •ulna bag yet been disoover-
ed reepeeting the whereabouts of young
Mr. Down, of Bethesda who myeteriouoly
disappeared just before Labor day. Be
was a suooeoeful eahool teaoher and a
steady, respectable young man. His relit.
tivee aro naturally -very anxious over the
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Methodist
church held the anneal election of offioere
when the following were chosen :—Pres.,
Mre. J. C. Stoneman ; Viae Pres., Mrs.
Jewitt; Seo., Mre. Jae. Moore; Oor.-
Seo., Mise Laramie; Tread., Mra.
Brown ; Organist, Mre, H. Welsh. Mrs.
W. N. Johnston beasme a life member of
the society by paying 825.
W inwiaam.
J. MoKelvie hae secured the grounds
at Wingham, Belgrave and Blyth Faire.
Hugh Hamilton has gone to Listowel
where he hae secured work in the factory.
John Agnew, jr., hae ,left for London
to mania his stadieefn the Medical Col.
Mre. Thoe. Forbes left for Winnipeg,
where she will pay her father a two
months' visit.
Harold H. was a winner in the races at
Oinoinnatti on Tuesday and Wednesday
of last week, taking let place with ease.
A liberal cost of paint considerably tin•
'proved Dr. J. E. Tamlyn'e block on the
oorner of Josephine and Victoria streets.
Charlie Whyte is going around with
his hand in a sling, the result of allowing
it to some in contest with a Bander at
the Union. --
The flag on the Town Hall and also one
at the National Iron Works were hong at
half-mast on the occasion of President
McKinley's death.
Bliss Kate Hembly, a young lady who
formerly resided in town and ie well
known by many, will be a clerk in A. R.
Smith's new store.
Wm. Button hae decided' to remain in
Wingham and bite made appiioa•
,ionto the G. T. R. for a site on whioh to
build a Casketfeatory. .
A well attended and representative
meeting was held in the Connell Chem.
ber, in the interest of the -Lawn Tennis
and Bowling Club. Mr. Dnlmage was
called 10 the °hair. Dr. P. Macdonald
was elected President, E. L. Diakineon
Vice President end Mr. Oorbould Sears.
tary-Treaenrer. A committee consisting
of the President, Secretary and Mr. Mus-
grove was appointed to wait upon the
Council for lease of grounds. The Exe-
eutive oommittee was eleoted as follows :
H. 0. Bell, J. Galt, Dr. Holloway, A.
Dalmage, R. Vanetone, H. Jeffries and
R. Clegg.
Mre. 0. H. Fullerton hae • returned to
her home in Wiaoheeter.
Eleven oarloode of grain were shipped
from the Atwood storehouses last week.
W. F. and Mre. Forrest and Miss
Annie Ooghlio were at the Pan-Amerioan
laet week.
Newry faotory shipped the August
cheese pries, 9 8 16o. Buyers, Ingersoll
Peaking Co.
S. M. Smith, photographer, Lieto el
w ,
has leased premises over W. R. Erskine's
store for a photograph gallery.
Mre. Geo. Oubhberteon and family
moved to the Soo last week where Mr.
Outhberteon has been einoe Spring.
Robb, Knox bac bad a stone wall put
under the'lpoet Made building with a view
to briokiog it. Walter Hamilton did the
The Elmo, Cheese Co. shipped the
August make of cheese, in all . 799 beam,
prise 9 3 16a. Hodgson Bros, bought
The many friends of Thos. Fullerton
will'be.pained to bear that he has been
compelled to go to tie home in Newry,
through an attack of pleurisy.
The anniversary eerviaeo in oonneotion`
,with the Presbyterian church will be
held on Sunday, Sept. 29. liev. Mr.
Hanna, of Mt. Forest, will preaoh.
Roe & Thompson, liverymen, have par -
abased a lot from S. Mitchell, South of
the Elma Houee,and will ereot thereon a
livery barn Chia Fall. Dr. Roe's stable
will be moved to the rear of the new
Andrew Little has purchased Joseph
Montgomery's house and two Iota oppo.
Bite the Presbyterian church, paying
therefor about 8450. Mr. Montgomery
has parohaeed a lot from Geo. Currie
and purposes building a residence therm
on shortly.
Duan.—Very wide sympathy is express.
ed for Robt. J. Gray, of the let amt, of
Elms, and hie.yonng family in the heavy
lobo they have euetamed by the death of
hie wife. The deceased, Aghe6 ,Gray,
was a slaughter of Thomas M01rOge, of
Enna, and wag in the 34th year of her
ego, The family consists of ihree abild•
ren, of whom the youngest was only a
week old at the time of Ino motber'a
death, The eldest is a 0pn of seven, the.
other two are girls, The Niteroi took
plana on Monday afternoon, of last week,
and wag very largely attended, a great
many friends and former nelghbpra of
the townehlp being present,
1001be will be 17 mills the year
oil the dollar.
MreA. Johne ie improviog the store
adjoining the post poles with a plate
glass front.
'the unuual apnvention of the Epworth
Leagues of the Exeter Dietriot was held
in Jemee street uhurob on Tuesday.
Bowden & MODonell bad all their prize
winning horses at the Toronto and Lon-
don Faire photegrephed by Joe. Senior.
John Spoken!' returned to town 'Tues-
day ' of last, week, after another very
successful wagon et the Grand Bend
N. D, Hurdoo, manager of the Mob
eon's Bank, received word of the death of
his nephew, Jame D. Burdon, who died
on Thursday, 12111 inet , at the youthful
ago of 26 years.
The following from a Brantford paper
refere to the marriage of Dr. T. A. Amos,
of Exeter, viz ;—"A very pretty wedding
w as celebrated at 6 o'clock Tuesday af ter -
noon, Sept. 11th, in this city, when Mise
Minnie Sinclair, ulster of Mrs. A. L.
Vanetone, was united to T. A. Amos, M.
D.. of Exeter. The ceremony 180 per-
formed at the home of Mr. and Veuetofe,
the nuptial knot' being tied by Rev. W.
A. J. Martin. The bride was aseieted by
her LI NM Niel; Etbel Treble000k, of
Bowmanville, and Dr. J. A. Phillips sup-
ported the groom. Bliss Gertrude Van.
stone, daughter of Mrs. Vaostone, rioted
as flower girl. After the oer0nao0y vise
performed and the wedding feast served
the happy couple left for their honey-
moon trip to Toronto, Buffalo and other
The new granolithio pavements are
now all open to the pnblio.
J. E. McGillicuddy, of Watford, has
taken a position in G. W. Berry & Son's
drug store.
R. D. Cameron and D. R. McIntosh,
Luoknow, were on the Grand Jary at the
Fall Aoeizee held in Walkerton last week.
M. Corrigan, who has been in St.
Michael's Hospital, Toronto, recently,
returned home on Monday night of last
week. He hae materially improved.
Messrs. MoGillioaddy and Goldthorpe
were granted the right of way for the pro.
posed eleatrio:railway, in trust for amour.
pang to be formed, by West Wawaaoeh
Wm. Ailin, Geo. Lawrence, Jae. Bryan,
Grant Murray and Rich. Finlay left for
a trip to the .West. They go as far as
Calgary and expect to be away for a
month or 0 weeks. -
On Monday morning of last week about
10 O'olook, the resideuae of Mrs. Finlay-
son was completely gutted by fire. The
blaze is supposed to have originated from
a defective stovepipe and bad gained con.
eiderable headway before the alarm was
sent in.
The Haoket'o Methodist oongregation
hae oontributed snob a generous subscrip-
tion that the Trustees are now in posi-
tion to undertake the erection of a mnoh
needed new ohuroh. All preparation
will be made this Fall and Winter and
building operations oommenoe early in
the Spring.
Saturday, cot. 12, will be the date of
Gorrie Fall Fair.
Rev. T. E. Sawyer occupied the pulpit
in the Methodist church on Sunday.
Robt. Deaahman left to attend the
Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph.
John Blamer and hie slater Matilda
left on Monday morning of last week,
for Filion, Mich.
Jae. Haetie purchased John Young's
farm of 100 aoree on the 7th eon., for
54,300 and will shortly take possession.
The Court of Revision will be held be.
fore Judge Masson here on Oot. 4th, for
tbe township of Howick. About 80
names ere to be added and a few struck
Mre. W. A. Irwin, we are sorry to hear
was called away to visit iter mother, Mre.
Comb, at Palmerston, who bad received
a paralytic stroke from whioh her re-
covery is doubtful.
W. H. Kerr, our baker, has sold his
business to Thos. Wright, late of Sad.
bury, who took possession on Monday.
Mr. Kerr will remain for some time here
before deciding as to hie future location.
G. W. Walker has torn .down his old
shed; and stable behind hie grocery and
le ereotiug a new and more convenient
building on a good atone foundation,
bricked up and made suitable for a otor..
age room, stable, eta,
The smallpox ewe is over. S. Ash-
ton the patient, left on Monday of last
week for his home near Bloevale, being
P0 g
pronounced out of danger. The house
where he was confined has been cleaned
oat, most of the contents burned and
everything dioenfeuted so that all danger
le now passed.
Goder aOh.
Warden and Mre. Holt were Buffalo
visitors last week.
Frank Shannon left for Pi ttebarg where
he has a.good position.
Colin W. Campbell left for Toronto
where he will attend college.
Dr. Hunter has been appointed jail
surgeon, pro tem., by Warden Holt.
The contrast for a supply of 1000 tone
of ooal to the town.was let to Wm, Camp-
The ladies of the oongregation of North
street church will tender a supper on the
evening of Thanksgiving day.
Geo. Sheppard, jr., a former Goderiah
resident, is reported ae seriously i11 from
an attaok of typhoid fever, in Winnipeg,
S.•Johneon and 8. Dudley shipped 109
barrels of apples to Glasgow for R. S.
Lang, of Exeter. They comprised Green-
Inge, Snows, Blenheim, Orange and other
varieties, and are said to be a choice lot.
At the meeting of the Daughters of the
Empire held in the library, of the Court.
House, it VMS decided to proceed at
once with the canvassing of the tblvn, to
ask the people one and all to aid in the
building of a mob needed hoopital.
An Ottawa despatch says ; "It is ex.
peoted that an appointment will ehortly
be made to fill the vaeandy on the High
Court bonen of Ontario. 13.1J. Britton,
at P., Kingston, and Hon. J. T. Garrow,
faderiah, are. mentioned In Oonnootion
with the oflloe, Wath the, abapoeo alightly
in favpr of 11,0 former,”
The MOM ki ineotipg of the GOderio11
Woman's Christian TemperalUe Linton
140 held 1. the Teipperauo0 gall op,
Monday afternoon, Sept, 94h. The fol•
lowing were 111104ed odloere for the
current year ; lkfre. ;Watson, president I
Mrs. Geo, Aoheeany,tlet vice preoidept ;
Mre, D, MpGUliouddy, and viae president;
Mre. Colin Campbell, oorreepopding
0006e047 1 Mre, Robertson, recording
000relary ;-Mre; S. Hick, treasurer,.
Dr. J, Alex, Hutoblaon, al -Montreal,
on.. returning from a traneoontinental
trip of a month's duration, gave some
oboervaliono and impreeeione to a Gazette
reporter which are of general interest.
Among them he geld : "A matter of in.
Wrest to me was It, notloe plaited in all
the trains and: station honeee in the state
of Colorado, whiob forbade epittirg od
the floors and platforms, Tho notice is
posted by the Board of Healtb, and the
traiu and station employees are required
to attend to its euforoement. This is a
very desirable •piece of legislation and
one whiob we could copy with advantage.
When we caromed to the Canadian Bide
we found evidenoee of great prooperity toll
along the line of the Oanadien Pacific,
The trains were orowded with American
to0rlete and all the cities andtonne
were thronged with people. Oar nay of
two days at Banff was one of the moat
pleasant inoidente of the trip. The
ooarteey and kiodneee of the oompaoy'e
oliioiale was very msrked. Despite the
traokmen'e, strike the roadbed was in
good shape and the run was fine. Noth-
ing but words of praise can be spoken of
the 000001y of the Rookies and every
Canadian [Mould take the earliest oppor.
tunity to take the trip, We readied
Winnipeg, whioh, by the way, bad an air
of tidiness, thrift and enterprise imanm
passed by any oily we visited, in time to
attend the meeting of the Canadian
Medical Association. The meeting was
the largest on record."
South Perth Agrionitural Society's big
Fall Fair on Taeeday and Wednesday,
Oat, 1 end 2.
Hugh Borne, of Bt. Marys, was taken
t08 p Stratford Hospital to be treated for
typhoid fever.
Some of St. Marys business men favor
the idea of an ele1tri0 railway between
there and Ingersoll.
Ridgetowu Plaindealer report says
that Howard township will ereot a new
hall on the Bite of the present one during
the coming year, the coat to be about
85,690 or 56,000.
I will pay 170. and iSa. cash,
respectively, for the best two tube
of Butter during this season.
Butter to be tested by an expert.
Opp. Amerioan Hotel, BRUSSELS,
Highest Caslt Price for Eggs.
Woolen Mill.
A well assorted stook of Tweeds,
Shirting, Sheeting (single and double),
Blankets, Ladies' Skirting, Flannels
and Yarns of varioae oolore, 2 and 3
ply, or single is to be found at Brus-
sels Woolen Mill, and will be mold
for oaeh or in exchange for wool.
Wool oarded or exohanged for rolls.
Highest market price paid for wool.
Saw Mills.
I have a good supply of Hemlock logs on
band. Oen out out to suit eaetomere.
Dressed Maple, suitable for granaries,
at 810 per M.
All kinds of Dreeeed Lumber kept on
hand from 510 per M up.
A large stock of Dulled Elm and ACh at
57 per M.
Shingles and Lath always on hand.
I 'A good farm on 13th con. of Grey for
A oontraot of 20 aoree of logging to let.
For partioulare apply to
A number of good ewes to let out on
shares about Oot. let.
System Renovator
--aND 008011• -
For Impure, Weak and Impoveriebed
Blood, Dyspepsia, Bleepleeeneee, Palpita-
tion of the Heart,LiverOomplaint,Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronohitie, Con-
sumption, Gell Stonea, Janndioe, Kidney
and Urinary Diaeasee, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop, and Manufacturer,
field by Jet,1Fox, iltruggist, Brunch
y CASH Kinnon f,
T x 11
1 u
1 Ladies' Fall and Winteris,
a 1
I Jacketsr
I On new Fail and Winter Jaoliete have arrived and they .are
invite our
beenEee e a thorn in the latatit u to dayat les, We 1ny1 0
i, W have e s py
, lady friends to oall and ase the very newest creations to Jaoketg, whether ,moi
they are prepared to buy or not. We have them at ail prices from 82,50
r' to 816,
Ladies' doub'o.breaoted Cheviot Jaoketo, velvet collar and etitohod lapel, 1!
e i
bone buttons, mercerized linin at 5.
u g.
t Ladiea stylish Beaver Jackets, in brook and fawn, velvet .collar; 0pntachp
trimming on lapel, fly front, mercerized lining, very special at 86.85. 1
Ladies' Beaver Jaokota, mercerized lining, rows of a 100111ng for trimming, t
p arl buttons, io colors of Meek pearl and castor, very stylish, 87.50. f:
Ladies' lioreey Jackets, in fawn, pears and black, fly front, inlaid velvet 1
collar, and rows of etitohing on ekiri, extra value at 510. • f;,
Ladiee' fine and
Jackets, in oaetor pearl and bleak, velvet piping on t,
1 collar and lapel, rows of stitching around skirt, onffs and pookete, ,
self oolored Satin lining, pearl bottona, at 512,50. C,
Ladiea' bigh.olaoe tailor-made Jersey Jaakete, made with yoke, velvet col.
lar and pockets, fly front, in blank and colors, silk 0arge lining, It
natural pearl buttons, a very etylieh garment, at 816.
Ladies who appreciate genuine tailor-made garments C
cannot fail to become interested in our various lines. 1,
a'� il
Dolls' Carriages,
iltoia & y• Turnbull
Have Just Received a
Ton of...
3E3i1, 3
From the Factory.
Custonsers can be sup-
plied while it lasts.
Wilton & Turnbull
Are ready to supply the demand of the public for any kind of wheeled rig as they
have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST 'Manufacturers in Canada, in
addition to theirown make, all Bold at CLOSE PRICES.
Rubber Tyred Wheels.
We make a epeoialty of the Hard Donlon Rubber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being put
oa your own, buggy wheels while yon wait, or we can supply both wheels and
tyre at very low prices. Every owner of a good buggy ehould have the Dunlop
put on by Ewan & Co. Work guaranteed all right as w0 keep nothing but
firet•alaes workmen.
D. Ewan will devote a good there of his time in attending to the sale roomefae the
Co. has secured a Ant -elan Horse Blloer for the blaokemith shop,
A11 wood work fa onr line and general binokemithing done on our premises and at dB
low figures as can be obtained anywhere.
Oar own make of Buggies We year are all 8d inches longer in the body than other
Buggieoand lot STYLE and COMFORT cannot be beaten.
We use the long dietanoe, 1,000 mile axle, one or two oiling, in a season is all they
It will pay anybody who waote a first-alaeo rig to come 25 mile9 to gee onr Show
Room9 this season before buying as our aeoortment is large and good and we are
always well pleased to have people oall and examine onr stook whioh is the
largest ever shown in Brussels, IM'We mean business.
EWAN & (� Oarrioge d:o
lylakoro, „
WA1V'i�� VCo. y 13noels..
Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Wheelbarrows nlwaye on hand,