HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-9-26, Page 4T'8 17.4S1. P0fii ht lit CsAtio n5ti TlYURSDAY, S1PT 20, I301, I OWWWAN grain crops in sere eeotione are reported to be very poor, ELM, G, W, Rose apd wife are baok kipo the Old fromas enjoyable t h 0 am to 7Y t fiber 1 Country, Toronto L a sendered t them a very hearty reception On their ar- rival, ♦ * • Tore banner Province of Ontario hem been gutting quite a swath at the Pan. American In etooka agrionttnral exhibits, &e. It will keep the beet of tbem 'haat' ling to outdo thin 1'rovinoe. A salaam visitation proves a very ex- pensive piece of badness to any ovoid. paRty, It cost the city of Toronto 84,500 in oaring for the 28 patients thrown upon their hands during the past season. There is nothing worth so moth and so little veined as good health. A. onuer, Editor in eommepting of Carrie Nation says "If the piotures of Carrie Nation resemble her in any respect, we know why ehe smashes so many mirrors." Carrie may be doing business along the line that fine feathers do not always make fine birds. GOLDwIN AND Mne, SMITH, of Toronto have presented the handsome arum of $10,. 000 to the Library Fund of Toronto Hai - varsity. The gift will no doubt be very highly appreoiated. Mr. Smith ie a very peonliar man in some reepeote but has high ideate for the Doming days. POLICE MAGISTRATE DENISON and Orown Attorney Curry, of Toronto, have been giving the Christian Soientiato quite a razo0 over the death of a 6•year-old child, eon of a mac who is a believer in this faith. The lad was attacked by diph. theria and instead of Bending for a medical practitioner a "demonstrator" was called in. The evidence went to show that with ordinary medical treatment the boy would likely have pulled through. The father baa been committed for trial. STRONG protests are befog uttered by the grand jury's of many States since the cruel aesaeeination of President ale - Rioter, along the line of stringectlegis- lation in wiping out anarohy. It is not at all improbable that the anarchists drove more nails in their own coffins by their diabolical aot than anybody else could have done in years. Every other nation ea well as the U. S. should com- bine in the uprooting of any Olaes with as blank hearted a creed as the anarchists claim to stand by. y IT is said that John G. Miibarn, at whose residence President McKinley died, is an Englishman by birth, bio fatber being a well known bridge builder in Eagland. He is a Lawyer by profee- 810n and 000npiee the important position of President of theBaffaloExbibition Co. Mr. Milburn got world wide advertising through the dastardly act of Czolgoez and the removal of Mr. McKinley to hie residence. Mise Grace McKenzie, the trained nurae who waited on the late President in hie illness, is a Canadian, her home being e,t Galt one time it is held. "ALL is not gold that glitters" is a maxim poeseeeing more troth than poetry. Ordinary people often lament that it is not their lot to stand in the front rank forgetting that the front rank- ers have to take a large share of the brunt in life's battlefield. Dnriog the Amerloan•Spanieh war at Cabe, Admiral Bohley was a prominent oftioer of the fleet of Uncle Sam's contingent but since then he leas been on the gridiron for failure to do hie duty, particularly be- came bo did u t ink the Colon in Santi- ago harbor. In Looks as if he would have a period put after hie name for this bat we doubt if be will ever forget the Colon. Tan general opinion was that the Boer war was about on its last lege, bat daring the past week there was a rally in wbiob they inflioted four defeats on the British, Of coarse the number of men loot and the damage done wae not counted of a I 4t e very serious oharaoter b sufficient to chow that the remnant is very much alive and that they are as tricky as ever. There is quite an outcry againet the British Government for ontttng down the neoeesary supplies to Lord Kitoben. er. It is said that France and Russia are anxioae to turn their Eagle and Bear loose in South Afrioa to give Mr. Kruger a lift. Great Blitaia wants to get a livelier move on and pot an end to this long dragged out warfare. outing and are always glad to gat book to. our every day pursuit and we expect the Poke is meoh the game exempting that in i maybate hie early trait fug he bay d more eugar on his bread, snore half holidays to go fisbiag and more servants to wail up on him. Wit. Plant the headiug of a "Moos Ito position," the Toronto Sun points out t the injury dole to the fermate of be Western peniueula of Ontario by railway freight dieorimivation. 1t oitee the omen of the Wabash railway wbinh has running powers pyo; the Air line of the CAand Trona between Detroit and liuf. fah), and the Michigan Central railway, which oleo passes through Ontario be. twee❑ the game puiats, .Both these rail. ways are heavy grain carriers. The rate both made charge for parrying grain from Detroit to New York for export ie now 10 oente per hundredweight. From Kunkle, Ohio, nearly, one hundred miles West of Detroit, the rate to New York ie 11 Dente par hundred weight, and from North Morenoi, Miob„ a few miles East of Kunkle, the rate is the eame. Every oent added to this rate would be taken from the price which the Michigan and Ohio farmere now reoeive at the railway elevator°. As from Detroit West the export rates go up, it would be natural to suppose they would go down, but the pub. tithed tariffs of both the Mlobigan Gen. tral and Wabash lines show tbat instead of going down they go up with a jolt. From Detroit, as I have pointed out, the rate to New York is 13. cents per hun- dredweigbt, and this rate is kept up from every Canadian shipping point on these two linea between Detroit and Buffalo, From Eieex Centre, Chatham, Rtdgetown, St.* Thomas, Tileonburg, Simcoe, Water- ford, Oayuga, and Welland the rate to New York la 35 per oent. higher than the rate from Detroit. From Fort Erie, lying on the Niagara river, 60 miles Emit of Detroit, the rate is higher than it is from Magee, Indiana, which lies almost the eame diatanoe to the West of Detroit. This shameful dieorimination against the Oauadian farmere and ebippere should be put a atop to. The American railway companies that impose upon ne in this way have received most favorable treat ment in Canada, In the United States they pay taxes on their property at a steadily iooreaeing rate, while in Ootario they get off with a mere trifle. Across the line they have to build their roads with their owe money, while here both the Michigan Central and Air Line Rail. ways received heavy manioipal bonnsee. What mockery it is for tbe Government to go on opening up new routes for Ameri. can grain shipments through Canada while permitting this crying injustice to contione. By compelling jest treatment American roads r chi ars of on by the FP the Government can add two cents per t bushel to the prioe of all grain tbat is put upon the market West of Toronto, for if the American roads bring down their rates, our Canadian roads will be forced to follow their example. We trust VERY hearty have been tbe reoeptione aaaorded the Doke and Duoheee of York and nothing has been left undone to show the high honor felt in their visit to this Dominion. It ie just probable, however, *bat the royal visitors wonld be aa well united if the displays were of a little quieter order, There may he such a thing as getting oeaeoned to a series of gorgeous teativale of mode, parade, mill• tory, addressee, bangnote, &o., for weeks at a time but it must beoome `very monotonous and wearisome to those wbo are feted and feasted. We know it about killa ne td tate in a two or three daye' that the reporl of Pref, llfaelean'a hives- tigatloae will result in Riving Canadians the boodle of their geograpbleal position a ' as being nearer the eenboatd than n t hetr oompetltore in the Walt, instead of being dioorimtnaled against in favor of the West, l Lilel towel. Alien Millie Jarrett hoe eeoured is good position aa milliner � 'Toronto. ' fnerin John Baker, late manager of John Gabel'° tailoring emporium, Imo taken over ibe business, John MoKeever purchased a gray pacer in Hamilton while on his way ttome front the I'an•Amerioan. Andrew Foeroh, President of the furni- ture faotory, ie laid off from wgrk with a felon on the thumb of his left hand. Geo, Dippel, of the firm of Bellows 4b Dippel, had the misfortune of receiving a alight kink from one of hit fine blades. Lietowel and South Wallace Agricul- tural Society's Fall Fair will be held here on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oot, 1 and 2, A rumor reaobed town that Bert, An, derson had been shot in South Attica, but we are pleased to report that it 10 without fonodatioo. T. E. Hay, auctioneer, left Wednesday morning of last week for the West. Mr. Hay went on a bueiaese trip and expeole to be baok about the 12th of October., Wm. Anderson, employed at the ford. tore factory, had the misfortune to lose' the thumb ou hie left hand below the fret joint, and also the top of the index linger on tbe eame band. Mr: Anderson was engaged in running the rip eaw, and was pulling a board back, whioh bad been raped, when hie band came in minted with the saw. Tenders for the ereotion of the new factory for the °uneaten Bent Chair Oo., were opened. The new addition to the present building to be 52r58, three stories high, with a one story boiler honee, 34x30, and a brink smoke sleek, 65 feet high. Meeere. Horn and Calder were awarded the ooutraot for the ereotion of this fine building. The nab-oontraotora are : Geo. Fritz, brick work ; Kritzer Bros„ atone work ; J. Sebarger, painting' and roofing ; and D. Bowyer, plumbing. The exoavatiug for the factory has been commenced and Kritzer Bros. will have the atone work, which is to be a two foot wall, .completed in .a week or so. The diteotore expect to have thenew building completed in two months' time. The plane and specifications were prepared by John Bamford, arohiteot, who will also superintend the work" The cost of the factory will be $4,250. Canadian blew r. Mr. Whitney, leader of the Ontario opposition, hae been etampiog for his party in Peel county. The Bank of Toronto has opened a branch in Sarnia, ander tbe management of Mortimer Atkinson" The officers of the Strathosioa Hornet on disbanding, have been officially gezet- ed to corresponding honorary rank in the Briti,b army. Rev. D.•0. Sanderson, of Smith's Falls bas been euepanded until conferenoe deals with bio alleged unbeoomiag- oondnot at• Syraooee, N. Y. F. X. Vary, aged 50, wbile cleaning windows at the fourth story of the Mer. obant'a Bank of Canada building, Mon- treal, al tett to the sidewalk and woo in. etantly killed. A Ray City mac informs the Sarnia Canadian that it is currently reported fu Bay City that the Crew Island Lumber Company intend to move their plant to - the Canadian side and mention Sarnia as their probable location. The betty of Jelin N, Waitaki), 6o. eountatt for the Guolpb and Outarto u i o tv Iaveetment and S vings S ate . , who has been mlo•'ing einoo Sept. 17, wits. Nand fleeting 10 the River Speed, near Guelph, • Ed. Pierson, of the West ward, St, Marys, during the invert thunder storm wag working out near his Premien with a hay forts. 17e wee knoelted down and rimmed by an eleocrlosl disohargc and Was net able to nae bin ii,,bt handlig eom'e'houre, At Woodetook Albert Kipp, aged 17, was sentenced by Chief Juetioe Falcon. bridge to two tears Jo the Ooetral prison for passing spurious Dein, Kipp ie :rem Prinoeton, Ont., wbere counterfeiting has been parried on by some boys 0f whom Kipp wag one, The historic battle grounds on whiob Wolfe and Montoalm met in final mettle - went of the war are Dow the property i0 perpetuity of the ally of Quebec, The deeds have been signed by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Archbishop and Mgr: Margie, V. G. representlog the Urentine nuns, the Mayor of Quebec, and other offioiats, Edward Stafford, formerly of Saienae Hill, here been arrested in St, Catberinee, °barged with flimflaming a man named Wilson, of Buffalo, on the foot.raoe game.' Stafford bad a falling out with his ma oomplioes and they vfotimizad himout of $1000 00 on the mime game. In trying to bring them to junkie and eeoure the return of his money Stafford was himself arrested. Wm. Sbaw, of the 8th oonae0eion, Chatham township, while carrying a couple of paile of water the other evening tripped and fell upon one of the pails, in• jarring his abdomen. A Dresden pbysi aian was immediately eutnmoned, but the enfferer expired shortly before he ar- rived. The deceased, who wae in hie 56th year, leaves a wife and grown op family. The ereotion of the new refinery of the Oanadian Refinery Oompany at Petrolia is going on as rapidly as a big gang of men oan do the work. A large part of, the necessary steel work is on the gronada and is being rapidly put together and mounted on brink work. The stills are having the finiebjng touches and rivets hammered on. The agitators, bieaohere, &o., are also on grounds and will soon have the plates riveted together, REAL ESTATE. 11ARbIS FOR SALE—THE UN - has several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F 0. SelOTT,Brnesele ( t_00D FARM OF 1424 AC/RES V—A for Sale, being Lot 23, Con, 7, Grey. House suitable for two families if required. School house, church and part of the Village of Ethel on part of the lot. Apply to JOHN CORER, Etb el Carriage Works. 29. A few good steers for sale , rising 3 years. ASACRIFICE IN REAL ES– Te70.—S3000.b0 will buy the McCau- ghey Block in the Village of Brussels, These two fine stores mast besold to close out the, OloOaughey Relate. Intending purohasere should investigate at once. Apply to F, S. SCOTT or G. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont. ti'ARM FOR SALE. . THE 1.. eubeoriber offers his valuable 100 acre llarm fax en1e, being N } Lot 24, eon. 5, Mor- ris, About 7S aoree under atop, the rest gni se. There is a comfortable frame house with cellar, furnace &e.,barn with atone stabling,and a n atone straw shed o 40x00 feet ' 1 also a stone bo wail, 4x40 feet. There e e pen and houdatihouse, and a framemsheep hoer on atone foundation. on.. No more convenient bnildinge in the township. Farm in good shape' An afire of orchard. Possession could be given on Noy. Set, Far price, terms and conditions apply to the Proprle `tor, WALTER INNE9. Jamestown, or F. 3. SCOTT, Brussels. It not sold it will be rented. 0 - SEPT. 26, 1.0.01 T AB,j2' 11011 SALM-01)1NS .4. Ito 'North.°patlofl,ot24, in tllo 8 d °pecuseion of the Towneblp of Aforrts, 10. the eonuty of Mama ovuppatulua e0 nares. Fpr orate, toms and ,attteulate apply to 1i, A swd 0 or F. L. tO AFF 011 a late' :MUGU 1' felt la , 35. A, ad ellttnit9ua, Dx49ntpi'S of Gha lntq 1i. Q. ontdbiok, 0.4 -1ARM FOE SME, --TEE uN. dereigned often hie 100 nom farm for Falx, Doing Lot 11, 090.17, Grey. rebore are 0p twos cies red and 19 oonoo Midi, Good bPrtep f bunt, 4arn, 54202 foot, with atone stabling ; good erobnrd; farm welt fonped and denf ed, 'tae ine wen vitt In mill and tank. Convenient a tamed, ammo and market, 10 aurae Pall wheat ani 15 teems ptoep balanee etogd to grate.p° plyop the promisee or Watton 0. 31-15 PNIAe OR10M, Walton,' #'s Your Nerves. It's the Condition of Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round of Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To many women life is one round 01 Sickness, weaknese and ill health. ' To attempt even the lightest household duties fatiggea them. Many of the eyrnptoms a000mpanying this state of deoline are : a feeling of tiredness on waking, faintness, dizzineee, sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, ehortneoe of breath, lose of appetite, oold bands and feet, headache, dark oirolee under the eyes, pain in the back and aide and all the other a000m panimente of a rno.down and weakened oonetitotion. All these eymptomeand conditions are simply the result of poor quality and defective oiroulation of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forces. By feedit(g the system with DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS Yon strike at the root of the disease and lay a solid foundation on which to build. Soon the weight increases, the sunken. oheeke and flattened beets flit out, the eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed health and strength vibrates through the system. 50 ciente' per box at all druggists', or DR. WARD Co., Toronto, Ont: For gale by C. A.Doadman,Drweaetsi Important to Breederelanh Horsemen. Eureka rinary Caustic Balsam. vete A reliable and speedy remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spaying, Sweeney, etc., elo.,in 1 t'q Borses. and 0. "l Lump Jaw in Cattle, TnenE neat - "See pamph- let which eves ttlo accompanies giving p 7 scientific treatment l t the various se y It Can be used n every case veterinary pratewhere et lag applioationsand busters are preseribedi It basno sum Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give sets - !potion. ets- dtion. Price ?So per bottle. Sold by - druggistsand country storekeepers. Pre- pared by Eno EUREKA VETERINARY MEDIOINE COMPANY, London: Ont, East Huron Fall. Fair. Thursday and Friday, Oct. 3 and 4, To be held In Brussels. The Annual Fall Exhibition of East Huron Agricultural Society will be held at Brussels on Thursday and Fri- day of next week. With good weather it promisee to be the hest Fair ever held. Already entries are. coming in, some of them from well known stockmen who have not been here before. The prize list is a big one, covering a wider range than any in the County and the list of Special attractions is calculated to prove interesting. Following is a list of Special prizes and attractions :— ATTRACTIONS ATTRACTIONS ROAD DRIVER'S RAOE—Mile Heats, let, $15.00 ; 2nd, $10.00 ; 3rd, $5.00. 2.25 TROT OR PACE—Mile Heats, 1st, .025 00 ; 2nd, $15.00 ; 3rd, $10.00. °•YEAR-OLD ROADSTERS -Half mileHeate,lst, 35.00; 2nd, 38.00. 2 YEAR OLD ROADSTERS—Half-mile Heats, 1st, $5.00 ; 2nd, $3.00. RICHARDS' SOAP NAIL DRIVING RAGE.—D. Richards, of Woodstock, manufacturer of Rioharde' Pure Soap, offers Three Valuable Prizes, which may be seen in the office of Kant B00000LS Poem before the Fair, for the following com- petition, which will be directed by Mr. Alby Robinson, their representative : Six 4 inch wire nails, taken from a basket, to be driven into a pine plank 1 competitor then takes basket, runs 25 yards, picks up 60 cents worth of Rioharde' soap from a pile and returns basket to plank. No entrance fee ; each person competing retains the soap ; open to any lady 18 years or over. Plank, hammers and nails will be eopplied. There will be a basket and pile of soap for each contestant. Entries must be made with the Seoretary at 2.80 o'clock on Friday, Oot. 4. BARRISTER BLAIR, Brussels, offers 35 00 to be divided in prizes of $3 00 and $2 00 for the beet Roadster barneaaod to buggy and driven by owner or son. The judge to award marks for horses, barness, buggy, style of driving and speed, Horses to be driven one mile, either pace or trot. BEST LADY DRIVER, the nonteetant to harness horse, hitch to buggy and drive onoo around the half mile track, Atones to trot or pane. Full set of harness. let, 62.00 ; and, $1.50 ; 8rd, 61.00. FOOT RAOE, 100 yards, beat 2 in 8. let, $1.50 ; and, 31 00, BOYS' RACE, under 12 yeare, 60 yards, let, 75o ; and, 60c ; 3rd, 26o ; 4th, 26e. GIRLS' RASE, under 14 years, 60 yards. let, 75o ; and, 50o 3rd, 26o ; 4th, 26c. NEEDLE AND "THREAD RACE, 100 yards. 1st, $1.00 ; 2nd, 50o. Needles and Thread supplied. OLD MAN'S RACE, over 50 years, 100 yds. let, 3100 ; 2nd 500, BEST TRAINED COLLIE DOG (Exhibition to be given on the Fair Ground.) lot, $2;00 ; 2nd, 31,00. Three entries or no prize. BICYOLE RACE, mile heats, beet 2 in 8. let, $8,00 ; 2nd, $2.00 ; 8rd, 31.00. No entrance foe. SPECIAL PRIZES N. F. Gerry, Hardware merchant, Will give a fine Hanging Lamp, valued -at $5.00 to the most numerous family (consist. ing of father, mother, sone and daughters) presenting tbem•. selves before the Grand stand on the 2nd day of the Fair at 3 p. en. No entrance fee. Hand names to Seoretary. A. Ilielop, M. P. P., offers $5 00 for the best pen of pigs, over a year old, to consist of one male and three female°. Any breed.. Thos. MoLauchlin offers 65.00 for the best foal from either of hie imported horses, "Bursar" or "Francesco." let, 38.00 ; 2nd, 32.00. Robert Thomson, produce merobant, will give 36,00 for the beet 60 lb. tub of home made butter. let, $8.00 ; and, 62 OQ ; 3rd, $1.00. He will also pagan extra price for all butter in the competition if taken to his atone. Meeere. Scott & Warwick offer three special prizes for tbe beet "Costumer" foals in 1901. 1;0,34.00 ; 2nd, 33.00 ; 8rd, 62.00. Alfred Beaker offers 60 pounds of Manitoba flour for the beat 2 loaves of bome made bread and 25 pounds for 2nd beet . two loaves, the bread to become property of donator. J. N. Gordon, of the Standard Bank, offers 36.00 for the best 16 pounds of roll butter to become property of. donator. W. H. Barr offers Tufn P,00T for a year for the best 2 loaves of home made bread ; and Tam Pon for a year ''for the beet 5 pounds of butter, both articles to become big property. W. H. MoCraokenoffere to purohasers of seed from .'him as fol- lows :-5 Swede Turnips, 1st, `50o ; 2nd, 25c ; 5 - Long Red - Mongols, let, 600 ; 2nd, 25o ; 5 Yellow Globe Mangels, let, 50e ; 2nd, 25o, . Oil. Painting, Original Skotob, not less than 16x20 id, from spot` selected by the Seoretary, to be limited by metes and boande, Intending competitors may get fnll'infprmation from the Seoa rotary. let, $5.00 ; 2nd, $2.00:- Beet 2.00rBest half aore of Mangels, let, 33.00, donated by Geo. Thomson, of Brussels ; 2nd, 31.60, to be given by W. H. McCracken, of s; Brussels. Entrance fee of 60o to be made tit the time of malting entries. Entries to be made before Show day and prizes to be awarded not later than Oot. 19. Speeding will commence at 2 o'clock, Foot and Bieyele Races at 3, And Lady Driving at 4 o'clock sharp. 0. CONCERT FRIDAY EVENING. On the second evening of the Fair a Grand Concert will he given in, the Town Hall, Brussels. C. Leroy Fenney, the well known humorist and comic vocalist, of Toronto, will he here and also Miss Marietta La Dell, of the same city, a talented Elocutionist. The plan of reserved seats may be found at Fox's Drug Store. T THE 1� N" BRAND Boys' . � V Clothing The Buttons don't come off. The Linings don't rip. They hold their Shape. They outwear ordinary Goods twice over. III♦ SE are some of the pleasant things we hear said a' about our"Lion" brand Suits. If you are not a judge, you are quite safe in taking anything having this brand: Hundreds of Dollars are being spent to advertise the "Lion" brand and it would be foolish to spend ,all this -money if the goods did not back - our statements. All our "Lion" Brand Suits have three special features— 'FIT, eatures--'FIT QUALITY and PRICE. Once a Customer, always a Customer. We are the only people handling this line of Goods. D. 0w ROSS CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER, BR ISSELS. soasmoodiamemamesoffssei READflIADE CLOTHING 1 SUITS Por Children, Boys, Youths, Young Men and Old. Men.. All Sizes ! All Prices ! To Suit Everybody. We have something very nice and stylish in a Light Weight Overcoat for early Fall at 57.50 and 58.00 that is A 1. Also beautiful Overcoats in Heavy Weights for colder weather at 55.00 to 510.00, that are extra value. Our assortment is large, up-to- date, good quality, and no fancy prices but everything cheap. We also keep Overalls, Odd Vests and Pants. GIVE US A CALL. A. Strachan. P. S.—October Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand. Ilivictus S.lioe FOR MEN, Made by Goo, A, Slater, lioatreal These Shoes are made on any width of'laet to suit your-foot—let it be wide or narrow. They are all made out :of Imported Stock which for durability and appear ance cannot be surpassed. They aro made on any style of toe and aro all Goodyear welted,so there are no pails a or stitches in the sole tcome in cntact with the foot to hurt it. We have secured sole agency for Brussels for these shoes and can guarantee the prices right, and for neatness and comfort we think they will please. to Sae our Bargain Table tide week, there ,may be something to suit you in Women's and Misses' Shoes, Odd algae going at 80o a pr. 0 'The balance of our Dusters and Fly Note at radioed Vetoes.' La C. RICELEMEILIS. t eie'eague J'e0ou'l:J• 'eu ?e "1, ri 4 et