HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-9-19, Page 8Un qua' Eyes.
Do you see equally well
With both eyes ?
If not, both may be detective.
One certainly is.
Nave them properly
We prescribe glasses only
when absolutely necessary
and guarantee satisfaction.
Consultation free.
e a man require
t e
of b r
y y
mecl iolne se a blood builder or general
tpnio. Oar "stock ie eonplete with
ell the ending preparations fn this
aux Prescription
is always enpplied with a full
stook of pure and fresh drape. Ia
filling presoriptioes or family receipts
we aim atinneraoy and purity.
0. .4. DEADMAN.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and Booth, aefollome
6xpreee 7:18 a.m 1 Mail 2:10 p,m
Mixed 0:40 e..m 1 Expreee 8:17 p,m
tug Nan Items.
A ohiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Tun Ise,vea are tnrni0g their coat.
A Mal pf apples was shipped from Bru9..
sale this week by W. Jewitt.
Fem. Fair Concert on the evening of
Oet. 4th, in Town Hall, Brussels.
A noon ehare of the flax orop bag been
lifted and ere long the mill will begin
asntobing. The crop is not as heavy as
some years.
2Qosoof gt
was $0 and at for sellinafter
hoax) on Saturday. Information was
laid before R. Rosa, J. P,, by Inepeotor
Mil ler.
A temente of the Hones of Refuge
Committee was held at Clinton on Thurs-
day of last week. The plaoe is in good
shape. An order was given for a Bell
chapel cased organ for use at the Honae.
CUTTERS. -D. Ewan & 00, are rushing
the Dotter season by disposing of two
dandies to W. W. Barrie, cheese buyer,
Brussels, and Jnc. Cott, of Grey. A
large number of cotters will be handled
this Fall and coming Winter by Mr.
Wn.r=N & TvRNDULL being unable to
Dell on their coal burning customer?,
desire them and all others who want good
coal at right prime to leave their order at
the store as soon as possible, before there
is any farther advance in price.
THE GUN Receen.-A00mpany of hunts.
Men wet' out for a tour through the bush
on Tuesday afternoon and N. F. Gerry
wan in the number, In the Fraliok woods
North of Brussels, N. F. treed a 00o0.
He raised hie gap, without patting the
stook to hie shoulder and bang the went.
Instead of tin coon in the tree coming
down the coon with the gen took a
tumble as the weapon did the mule trick
and kioked Noble violently in the faoe,
banging him on the nose and either obeek.
He bad a sore face for several days.
SHALL Pox. -THE Baer is sorry to learn
that Florence, second daughter of P. D.
and Mrs. McKinnon, of Winnipeg, well
known to many in Brussels and tonality
is ill with smallpox. She is 6 years of
age and bas been at Bt. Boniface Hospital
wuh soarlet fever from which she was
nicely recovered when the smallpox was
dlsoovered. We hope the Iilble Imelda will
have a speedy rs0ovefy. Annioe, 'the
eldest daughter, 7 years old, has been in
the General hospital with scarlet fever so
the family bare been sorely afilioted of
Way is the "Lion" Brand of Boy's
Sobool Koiokers,the best goods offered 7
Banana they are made from all wool
Canadian Tweeds, with double seats and
doable knees, sewn with linen thread and
trimmed in a superior manner. Will
outwear 2 pairs of ordinary geode mad
there is only a slight difference in the
prise. Once you are a onetomer for the
"Lion" brand you will soon disoover that
they oannot be equalled by any other
make. Beooms a customer and you will
get satisfaction that will
e 700.
We are the only people g the
"Lion" brand in this place.
D. 0. Ross,
Clothier and Furnisher, Brunets.
Mtm mote ,L.- Oa Wednesday, 4th
inst., at 9 p. no, Rev. Mr. Breitberman,
of Bobrieber, Ont., tied the matrimonial
bow between W. R, Stretton, 0. P. R.
engineer, of that town, and a former well
known Braseelite, and Mies Edith Wit -
Hams, of the same plane. After the
ceremony and the expression of hearty
good wishes Mr, Stretton and bride took
train for the East for a wedding tour, part
of it including a visit to Brussels. Mr.
and Mre. Stretton enter upon the joys of
married life under very pleasing ciraam.
stances and along with their many friends
Tan Poem voices the wish that their sail
over the matrimonial sea may be long,
happy and pro9peroae. The groom is a
son of Oapt. Stretton, of this town, and
a brother to Stretton Bros.
BASE BALL. -Those who enjoy Base
Bail bad an opportunity of witnessing a
match on Viotorla Park, Brunk', on
Friday afternoon of last week, when the
Blyth knights of the diamond crossed
bats with a looal nine. F. Boobs did
good work in tbe box for the home team
and was well supported by A. Herr, but
part of the work se the field was of a
ragged variety. Dosglae was the pitcher
for Blyth and Ballantyne naught. Snore
was 7 to 4 in favor of the vlsitore. The
teams were composed of the following
players :-Benesels-A, Herr, catcher ;
F. Roobe, pitober ; W. Rohe, 1st base ;
G. Ardell, 2nd base ; J. Ardell, 8rd base ;
W. Gretna,abort stop ; R. Downing,
left field ; eo. Irwin, centre field ; W.
Cameron, right field. Blyth -
Clyne, oatehsr ; Douglas, pitcher ; Allison,
1st base ; Cook, 2nd base ; McPhee, short
stop ; MoHay, Bed base ; Watson, tett
field ; Belly, right field ; Somme, centre
field. W. Parrott was the umpire. On
Monday Brunets responded to a call for
a return match and drove to Blyth but
the game tie far as our nine wee 0000805'
ed was eoasiderably off octet and the
home team won in a trot. G. Ardelldid
the wast of lbs pitobing as Frank Roohe
had a lame arm. Brussels team was
made np of A. Herr, G•. Arden, W. and
b'. Iloehe, D, MoLauohlin, J. Webby, W,
Ola,k, J. Ardell and R. Downing. G
Irwin was the umpire. The score card
was loot bat the figgree were said to 139
17 to 7. Blyth treated our boys very
EgaINoxI5x gales.
BRUSSELS market leads.
Peon on Wednesday night.
Fent stove moving ie at hand.
TRE Poem to Jan. 1909, for 26 cents.
Arvs rxen your strayed and straying
OVERCOATS and fore have made their
BRaanna apple butter factory and eider
mill is ready for busines and guarantees
a good job.
THE tax rate for Brussels for 1901 will
be 21 mills on the dollar the same as Inst
W. H, OTo0neoxEN and Miss Olara will
attend the Fall Zaire at Seaforth and
Atwood as exhibitors.
584ERAL from this looality talk of go-
ing to Toronto to shake hands with Lha
eD,1ok" and "Dookee."
A New plank covering is to be put on
the culvert bridge North of Brunets.
The township of Morris bears half the
Tan slaters are at work 'hie week on.
the roof of Druggist Fox's new house.
Tbey will also elate John Leokie's and
Dr. Holmes' resideooes.
MONDAY the high wind almost reached
the velocity of a gale. Several large
maple shade trees were blown down and
apple° and other fruits were ebaken from
the trees.
BAST HURON Fair will be held in Brus-
sels on Thursday and Friday, Oot. 8 and
4. A large addition to the present mem-
bership is confidently expected. DireO-
tors MoOracken and Scott made a short
canvas lash week and did well.
VOTERS' Liet Court will be held in
Brunets Town Hall on Wednesday, Oot.
3, before Judge Masson. Hie Honor has
been quite poorly during the past Lew
months but bas been gaining ground of
late and we hope he will soon be as vigor-
oae as ever. There are 17 appeals.
FaxoaT the Building Committee of the
new residence for Jailer Griffin met at
Goderich. The stone work is completed,
the roof sheeted, the upstair partitions in
p ace and a good part of the flooring
down. It rill be a convenient, sub.
auntie! and modern building. Contract
calls for its completion by Oct. 15th.
2 Oen os HONEY. -G. A. Deadman, the
well known apiarist and druggist, left
town on Monday for Owen Sound where
be took boat on Tuesday en route to
Winnipeg and the West. He is taking
a oar of honey with him and has another
ready for shipment, 40,000 pounds in all.
The 115,0110115 folk, if they have a sweet
tooth, ,bould be well pleased with. Mr.
Deadman') visit.
GAME Lime - Owing to Sept. 15 falling
on Sunday the open ninon for game
birds did not begin until Sept. 16, since
shooting game on Sunday is prohibited.
The open season for the following ani-
mate and birds, therefore, began on
Sept. 16 t Geese, swans, grouse, bares,
partridge, pheseants, plover, prairie fowl,
quail, rail, snipe, wood000k, bh,ok and
gray egairrele. The following may not
be boogbt or sold before Sept. 16, 1906 t
Partridge, nape, qaail and wood000k,
and the following may not be killed until"
Sept. 15, 1905 ; English or Mongolian
pheasants and prairie chiokens.
ACCIDENT. -'Mrs. Jaokeon, wife of Rev.
Jaokeon, pastor of the Centennial Mettle.
diet ohurob, London, was painfully injur-
ed while driving t0 the L. E. and D. B.
R. station at Port Stanley on Wednesday
evening of last week. Tbo horse she was
driving became frightened and ran away.
She was thrown ant of the rig, receiving
a oompmmd fracture of the leg. Dr.
Lawrenoe and Dr. Jackson, ot Union,
eon of the injured lady, were summoned
and sat the 008086re. Rev. Mr, Jackson
was notified by telephone of the aooident,
and went immediately for the scene. The
injured lady is a relative to Jae. Jaokson,
late of Grey, and the Vincent family
formerly of Bensse1e.
Fern. NIedT Ooticonn.-On Friday even-
ing, Oat. 4th, a grand concert will be
given in Brussels Town Hall, under the
auspices of the East Huron Agrionituoal
Booiety. A first-class program will be
presented In which 0. LeRoy Rennet', a
Well known humorist, eleogtioniet and
vooallet, of Toronto, and Mies Le Dell, a
olever elooutionieb, of the same city, will
take a leading part. Both are highly
commended and will no doubt give a
pleasing, enjoyable and high oleos pro-
gram, Mr. Kenney has been in Brussels
on a format 00059ion, Plan of Hall will
be open et J. Fox's Drug store. General
admission, 25e ; reserved seats, 86o
ohitdren, 150, Watob out for later en.
:i'1IE hog market f@ on the men up and
prom1998 good,
Jvo i HELL, Queen etreot, lies built a
120W verandah 8.41114 17a9t of hie kitchen.
25 o4$T9 sate 1'nE iPoex for the Melange
Of 1901. Now is n geed time to euboarib4,
J. D. RPereee bite sold a lire engine to
Banox ft, Hestin
gs Co.,Ontario,
hoe gone thither tq teat it and give iu•
A aoop oow ;belonging to Wm. Ellis,
B0110818 Beath, died of indigestion On
Bentley last. She wag Worth $86 .and
Will be quite a lose 10 the family,
See the prizes offered by the Riobarde' p
t eat,o4 teThey
Ft Fair n Friday, Oot,
may be seen in the window at Tun Pon
Publishing Reuse,
WEaTERN Exoureioniete will be ran on
Sept.. 26, 27 end 26, good to return until
Monday Oot, 14. The points mentioned
ere Port Surma, Detroit, Saginaw, Bay
Oit'Y, Otevelend, Grand Rapids, Qolam.
bus, Chicago, Oiooinnati, St. Pau1 and
Minneapolis, Return fares very from $6
to 836,
Me. MOO ipense, of the Said falba de.,
is arranging a series of 00608rt8 through
Huron and Brune Counties. Mica Glov-
er is hie leading eopi:ano and is an excel.
lent vocalist, while Mr. Ma0rumieb won't
turn bie book to the beet of ,then( as it
tenor. Mr. Wibby and ottani will also
nein in the programs.
Fool BALL. --A Foot Ball match is an.
flounced to take ylaoe on Victoria Park,,
Brussels, on Friday evening et this week,
between lit/Ingham and ,the town elan,
Game will be oalled at 6 o'olook, Ad.
mission, 10 sante; ladies free. With
favorable weather the matob ehoald be
Gone TO BELYouT$.-Dr. Tweddle, of
this town, bas pnrohaeed the Dental
practise of Dr, Belden, of Seaforth, and
will move baok bo that town shortly atter
a reald5509 in Brussels of nearly 2 years.
As the Dr. was formerly in . praotioe fu
Seaforth, and it is the borne of Mrs.
Twaddle's father there are many reasons
why the return will be a pleasant one.
While regretting their expeoted removal
from town we join with a large curate of
friends in wishing them success. Dr.
Twaddle sold his practice here some
months ago to Dr. Feild, of Listowel.
1 eo 0.-Brassele Foot Ball team has
once more asserted their supremacy in a
close and well played match. It was on
Monday at Blyth where the contest took
place and at the 0onolnsion of an hour
the score stood 1 to 0 in favor of Bras -
sale. The fortunate kink was registered
in the first half of tbe match, and after
that it was a keen oonteet but without
winnings to either side, Following was
the lice up
Wibby Goal Idolater
Sample Backs"""
Irwin Hiron)
Ror gott
McDovald % Backe
McNaughton... ( Ballantyne
Lowry 1 AllisonIf. Roche i1 Thompson
W. 11 West
6`;M..."..'.1:'4..17.....,...........". ;i'._
Cameron ........
D. McLauohliv, Referee.
AT THE G. T. R. -Shipping is livening
up sad during the past week has run
about 2 oars a day. The following is the
list :-Car of obeese, Walton faotory ; R.
Graham, car of wheat and oar of of peas;
Alf. Beaker, 2 Oars wheat ; Clegg &
Dames, Oar of lambs and oar of cattle ;
Geo. Beet, 2 Oars lambs ; J. Hamilton,
oar cattle ; J. D. Ronald, Fire Engine to
Bancroft ; W. Jewitt, oar apples to Point
Edward ; G. A. Deadman, oar of honey
to Winnipeg. Iuward there were 8 oars
of dement being consigned to Wilton &
Turnbull, A. M. MoKey & Go., and P.
McDonald.-Oommeroial travellers have
been swarming this week and beats any
thing since the let of last May. -A few
loads of gravel or cinders in the puddle
boles on the street leading to the depot
would be a good move. -Passenger traffic
baa been lively daring this month. -If
the people who go to the station se sight-
seers woatd keep out of the way of pas.
[mangers getting on and off the trains it
would add to the oonvegienoe and Iikeiy
the oomfort of the travelling public.-
Special rates to Western pointe and the
Pan American next week.
C1.O BA to1">aT, 19, 1901
lo"0Ml1 at Our:townepeople attended the
Bbiee•Oerdift wedding, iu Grey tawnehip,
en Weduesday af14rn000,
LApxgs' belt found with gold buaki).
Qwaer may 11415 it by paying for dile
natlee and sexing on D. 0, Rose, Bras.
. T.4X a4RD .13.4XJC 07 CAX4. 4.
mg,w.s°+, T4027z 7g::. 80072,
CAPI'F'Al=i PAID 77P (One Million Donate)
eels, REST ,
Gee, Hebb, wife end d
er and
fJno, BinOlsir, of town, are oxpeat@d borne Anoanall prtpoi poiis 04 ortario, (New, &Lartto a , united states tE
trona their trip to 1takete mad lllanitoba
this week..
Tann town bell tolled Thnretdey after.
noon es a mark Of newel: t0 the late
President McKinley, whose funsral took
piece that day.
Betener9 T0LEx2. - At the Garden
Party Et H. Jaolisou'e, Morris, en Wed,
aesdey evening, Mies Elsie J401feon end
Druggist Harvey sang Woe 1 Mies Eva
Hagge oontribated en instrumental ; and
Dr, Fe'IId and artlet Brewer delivered
addressee, •
5380111x'5 ALTA11,-Wedpeeday sewing a
pleasant company of relatives and Wendt',
numbering 40 or thereabouts, gathered at
the borne of James Menzies, Wliliaixt
t BCu9saI for the pnrpoee of wit.
)tree , ,
rinsing the tying of the hymeneal knob
between P. Sinolair, a thrifty going,
young farmer, of North. Eaethope, Perth
Go., and Miss Jennie, the estimable
daughter of the boat end beaten, Rev.
John Ross, B. A., was the officiating
l praotised in
he businhabiter, and ite he Il
ess was not longin completing
the oontraot. Atter hearty oongratule.
tions were over the company sat down to
well prepared tables and proved them•
selves quite capable of attending to the
duties fnoumbent upon them, Rev, Mr.
Ross proposed the health of the bride in
a humorous, complimentary and pro-
pbeaying manner and his remarks were
seo:aded by Alex. Stewart, Queen street,
nnale to the bride, The groom made a
suitable response in behalf of his wife
and himself. . oho 1sioal program was
rendered before Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair
left for Seaforth where they took train
fora wedding trip to Buffalo, 'followed
by the benediotions of many friend), be-
fore settling down in their home in
North Eastbope. Wedding gitbe well
chosen, eervioeable and of value gave
evidence of the high esteem in.
w blob Mr, and Mre. Sinolair are held.
Among those from a distance in attend -
awn were Mise Sinclair and Mr. and
Mies Forbes, of North Eaetbope, and Mr.
and Mrs. Cameron, of Listowel, THE
at pleseur5 in throwing
MEDIaes.-The Huron Medical Assofia•
tion held an interesting 5ea51on in the
Cozumel Obember at Clinton Friday after.
noon, Sept. 6th. There was a good at.
tendaooe. The anneal election of officers
took place with the following result
Pres., Dr. J. M. Densmore, Stratford ;
Vice Pres., Dr. Burroughs, Seaforth ;
Sao., Dr. Shaw, Clinton. Dr. Mckenzie,
of Monktou, read a paper on "Lightning
Stroke, and nervous diseases in ohildten."
He dealt with the best method of resusci-
tating a patient who had received a light.
ning stroke whittle had not proved fatal.
Other meta were read se follows ; Dr.
Donald Bm'tb, Mitchell, "A diffioulty in
the diagnosis of smallpox" ; Dr. new,
Clinton, "The history of the treatment of
the prostrate gland" ; Dre. Graham and
Gunn, "Medical and Surgioai treatment
of the prostrate gland." Their papers
Pere discussed at length by Drs. Burgess,
of Seaforth, Turnbull of Goderioh, Woods,
ot Bayfield, M8Oallnm, of Clinton, and
Robertson and Densmore, of Stratford.
In the dieoneeiou many interesting points
were brought out on the above subjects,
wbioh are creating considerable interest
fa the medieal profession at present.
of girls in Melville Sabbath school which
has been taught by Miss Jannis Menzies
took advantage of her approaching mar.
riags and 000sequent removal from Brus-
sels to express their thanke, 80 on Tues.
day evening wiled at the tesober'e borne,
William street, when an address was
read by Winnie MoGnire and Florence
Thomson presented a very handsome
silver pickle dish. The address was as
follows :-
Dont MIS) MENzrit5,-W5, the members of
Your Sunday School class during the last live
years desire to taste this oppor uultr of ex-
POST takes ere
the proverbial slipper after the happy
twain and wishing them a long and
happy life.
Been CAPTURED. - Friday morning of
last week Ben. Dark, llth con., brought
word to Brussels that a blank bear lied
been seen in hie fields that morning. A
hunting party was made up consisting of
F. 8. and W. F. Scott, J. T. Ross, Jno.
Hewitt, A. 00051ey, Robt. Thomson
and Jno, Beattie and armed with
shot gime and rifles sallied forth
to the attack. They drove to Mr.
Dark's and found the tracks wbiob lead
across Mae. E. Diokeon's fields to the
bush and from there through to T.
Davidson's farm, known as the Dickson
place, Half an hour later the dogs that
accompanied the hunters started her
bearsbip out of some elderberry bushes
and about 100 yards distant Jno. Hewitt
tickled her ribs with two charges of beak.
shot bat was too far away to stop the
animal. A half oironit of the bash was
made with the bounds in close pnrenit
when A, Coneley beaded the bear and
shot missing bruin bat 60 yards further,
the obese getting bet, the bear climbed
an elm tree 80 inohee through. When
about 80 feet had been 'reaohed a rest
was taken and in the meantime Messrs.
Oousley and Dark had arrived followed
by 11dr. Hewitt when the former landed
a rifle ball through the bear'e bead and
down sbe came dead es a doornail. The
animal was brought to town and was
viewed by hundreds as it wag quite a
novelty to catch such an animal 19 miles
from Brussels. The bear weighed 170
pounds and was in good condition and a
splendid blank. A. Currie took the hide
off and the earoaos ma parcelled out
among a goodly number of our citizens,
many of whom had their first taste of
bear meat. Mr. Conley bas sent the
akin away to be tanned, Some say it is
worth from $80 to $40. H. R. Brews,
and Jae. Jones took Meknes of the Inn.
tars and the bear and with a background
of trees the views are tip-top. It was re-
ported that another bear viae seen in the
same looality sinor but a thorough search
failed to dieoloas any traoe of it.
L 9W,09*e 0' 9*i:reif.,
@Resat ,Baniting Busineee Transanted, Farmers' Notes. Dis4onnted,
Drafts Issned and Colleobione made on all points.
Interest allowed On deposits of $1.00 and npwamde and compounded half yearly.
5p4004r, Aemeneime OM To Tnn Oox,o oo eaN or POMP/MO MALE NaTE9,
livery faoiilty afforded Customers living et a dietenoe.
Moms3 payable at any beak homed Under $1Q„ „ Se,' $20 to $80. , .,120
Or at the Following ,etas ;-• 910 4)$2Q....l0a. 80 to 44,...14o
A Sebringville man had hie herd of 15
()owe impounded theother day. They
were in the habit of making tree with
neighbors' garden produce.
Manager Smith, of Menesetung Park,
is aboht to make a proposition to Gode-
rieb Town Commit for the erection oft a
large Summer hotel there, Tide eoheme
willipvolvs a town loan of $10,000, the
hotel to oast $25,000 end to a000mmodate
200 guests,
9sm JSS00=., i. ]14:..A.M=ETS
Fall Wheat. ..
Barley ,... ....
Butter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per : owl
Potatoes (per bue.) ..
Apples (per bag)
Sheep skins, eauh
Iamb skins' each
Salt per bbl., retail
Hay per ton .. ,...
Hides trimmed
Hides rough
Hogs, Live
4 00
1 00
6 00
7 00 7 10
12 18
6 00
6 00
HoLMns.-Ia Atwood, on Sept. 8, to Mr.
and Mrs. Obas, Holme), a son.
STEvaxeoN.-I0 Elms, on Sept. 6th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Btevensoo, s
x¢ARRt*IS ,
BUSOLAIR-MENzrES.-Ab the resedenoe of
the bride') parents, William street,
Brussels, on Sept. 18, by Rev. Jno.
Rose, 13. A., Mr. P. Sinolair, of North
Eastbope, Perth Co., to Miss Jennie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Janne
Menzies, Brneeele.
Seneexo0--WrereeM5.-In Sobrieber, on
Sept. 4th, by Rev. 3. P. Bmitherman,
Mr. W. R, Stratton, eon of Capt.
Stratton, of Brunets, to Mise Edith
Williams, both of Bobrieber.
SBnos-Cenrave.- At the residence of
the bride') mother, Grey, on Sept.
18, by Rev. G. 3. Abey, of Brunets,
M. Robert Shine, V, B., of Monkton,
to Mint Emmaline, 2nd daughter of
Mrs. Thos. Cardiff.
RAnpemz.-In Cranbrook, on September
12th, Pattlina, eldest daughter of
Ferdinand and gannet) Redden,
aged 29 years and 3. montb.
TUESDAY, 00T. 15. -Form, tarns stook,
implements, &o., at Bast ball Lot 16,
Oon. 6, Grey, Sale, unreserved, at 1
o'clock. Isabella Ransom, Proprietress ;
F. S. Soot', Aaotioneer.
Horn to rent. Apply at Tim Pen.
SERVANT wanted et once. Apply to
lane. Jos.. Fox, Brussels.
RING lost in Bi mole or. between Bree-
ee18 and Walton on Monday, Sept.' 1@th.
Pinder w111 'oblige by leaving it at THE
POST Publishing House at once.
Tntnbsrry street, Brussels, for Bale at
a bargain. Apply to
lighted and convenient rooms to let -in.
the Leekle block over G. A. Dedman') and
Mrs..Bogers' stores, Apply to F. S. 80045.
4.yaar-old horse, fit for farm
or drivlug purposes. Snap. for pursbaser.
Also nutter forsaleat a bargain. Apply or
write. to ROUT. BROWN, Brunie.
►7 x0195 of the undersigned, Lot 19, Oon,
19, Grey, 00 or about Aug. 0'1«a white aged
sow. Owner is requested to rove property,
pay expanses and take her away.
10.4 WM. DUNN, Cranbrook P. 0.
$15.00 to $18.00 a Week
salary for an intelligent man or woman in
each town. -Permanent position. 80 cent&
per hour for spare time, Manufacturer,
(lox 78, Philadelphia. 20
L ATIN0 and Hence Painting done in
WorkmHaveh dl three manner
in city
work. Terms reasonable. Give me a call.
26 W. J. JOHN STON, Walton,
1 The Great
25c. per Bottle at
Voters' List Court,
Notice i5 hereby riven that a Omni 17111 be
held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List
Bot, by His Honor the Judge of the County
Court of the County of Huron, at the Town
Hall,Bruseele, 011 Tuesday the 150 day of
0 otober, 0001, atll o'elook,to hear and deter-
mine the several complaints of errors in
the Vetere' List of the Municipalityof Drns-
551 5 for 1001. All persona having bn5inee9 at
the Court are required to attend at. the
same time and plaoe.
Dated Sept, 14,1901. - ' Clerk of Brussels.
Voters' List Court.
Notice is herebygiven that a Goodwill be
bald, pursuant to "'Phu Ontario Voters' Wsts
Ant," by Bis Honor the Judge of the County
Cour tof the County of Huron at the Town-
ship Han, Ethel, on Wednesday, the Second
day of October, 1501, at 14 oblooka.m.,to
hear and determine tho several complaiuts
of errors and °miselons 1n the Voters' List
of the Municipality of Grey for 1001. All
persons baying bosiuoee at the Court are
required to attend at the said time and '
plane. Clerk 1 said Municipality.
Dated at Ethel Sept.10th,1901..
Voters' List Court.
Notice Is hereby given that m Court will be
held, burenant to the Ontario -Voters' List
Act,1880, by hie Honor, the Judge of the
0040ty Court of the County of Huron, ab the
Township Hall, on Th0reday the 895 day o1
October next, at 10 o'olook in the forenoon,
to hear and determinetbe several complaints
of errors and omissions in the Voters' List
of the Municipality of Morrie for .1001. A11
persona having business at the Court are re-
quired to attend attbe said time and plane.
Dated Sept.18,1001. Clark of Morris•
Notice is hereby given. that a By-law
passed by the 0100101 al . Connell of the
' township of Grey, on the 19bb day of August
1901,proylding. for the ,sans of debentures
to the amount of 80,608.05 for the propose
of Municipal Drainage for a certain drain
known as the 14th Coneeseion Drain, and
that 80511 137.1aw was registered 1n the
Registry Moe for the County °MHaroa on
the 27th day of August, 1001. Any motion
to quash or set aside the Elaine or any part
thereof must be made within three mouths.
70000 the date of registration and cannot bo
made thereafter. WM. SPBNOE,
16.9 Clerk of Township of Gray,
s_ e v Co.
Business Locals.
TIM0TR8 seed at McCracken's,
Go to Brewer's for your photographs.
MONEY to loan on farm amity.
Apply at Tun POST.
FAMILY groupe taken with great amen
at Brewer's, Brunie.
WANIEn 200 bushels good plume for.
wbioll a good price will be psid in trade
at MoOraoken's.
Oat best Beaver Cement to hand.
Every sack guaranteed. Lowest prim.
Mage" & Go., Brneeele..
NOHTON Teeneoe.-Barrister Blair bas
been appointed agent for the above
property and will be in apoeition to ar-
range with parties desirioas of routing,
BRUSSELS BALT Wonxs.-Tbe Brussels
Balt Works have got in stook yet at the
Works 20 tone of good, cattle salt at $8,60
per ton. We have afeo a good supply of
the nicest table and butter salt that can be
made. It will also do fine for packing,
Meat, Please call at the Brussels Salt
Works and you will be waited on prompt.
ly The Coleman Balt Co., Seaforth, Ont.
Gout= MOONEY, Foreman.
presefng our a prociatlon o our kin nese to
us, Ever faithful in tbo sobargo of the
somewhat 000008 dntiee which devolved up-
on you as teaoher or our cleat; ever randy (80
encourage k nn on our Way by the eywe wouio
ld word or not, we feel that we would
like to 54Prnee our apnl'eaiablen of all tent
You slave Hone for u) and ask you to accept
this 511950 pickle dish as n token o1 remem-
brance of your old ulnae, Extending 58 we
do withib our Most sincere desire that your
(ifs may be crowned with success and happi-
nessand that when ourwork here fenover you
may meet your olaee an unbroken olrnlcinlin
the house nob made with hands, a °laal in
the heavens, Signedin
.Ao10 behalf oin)5
JJ9181i0 M. GOOD.
A brief but suitable reply was made by
Wee Manztee expressive of her kindly re,
gard for the ohne, thanke for the addrese
and gift and goodwisbee for the future of
the girls. The evening wag very enjoy.
ably spent in social amusements, anGs
ments, er 1
theire V a
ar In
dd t
men&o.,an e g
Inane took a tearful good bye.
e* Fall -- Dre
Goods! Better Goods at Lower
We constantly seek to broaden and improve the shopping service of this store. Our ambition
and efforts are all centered upon making this the Mecca for people who want the best value obta
for the money. A more. attractive store to -clay than yesterday -because with'each_ effortexpended
comes betterment. Buying as we doenablesunto handle large quantities
of goods
which r benefit. we buy
the lowest possible prices for cash. These low prices are quickly Y
how low the price we maintain the usual high standard of quality -THE BEST. This week we tell
of New Dress Goods -never before have we had such values to show our customers as now. Just a
few descriptions and prices. Better see the goods so you can judge for yourself. '
Canadian T4 ewr4.
tire. Carrie Nation smashed the win-
dows of two Ottawa hotels.
0. P. It. steamer :Manitoba and many
°there were caught in the big gale on tb'..
upper lakes.
The Bynod of Quebec voted down a
proposal to matte Ontario a separate
eolesiaebioal preview.
The elaotion petition of Dr. A. A.
Stooltton against the return of Hon. A.
G. Blair wag diemiesed.
James Bonder8o0, reported to be from
Toronto, was ran over and killed by a G.
T. R. bruin near;0obourg.
John Blaokhnrn,of Toronto, died as
the rosult of injuries reosived through an
accident at Wheeling, W. Va,
The Miners' Union of Rossland, B, C.,
enured oonviatione mated a company
whi010 employed alien laborer),
Louis Wigle, of Leamington, (intitiatre
the tobacco crop of Essex county at 14,-
000,000 pounds, wbiob will realize $800,-
88 inoh wide Cashmere, warranted all pare wool, in the
newest shades of Royal Garnet, Pink, Blue, &o,
prioe per yard would be cheap at 85o, our price, • 26
only, per yard
42 inoh wide Poplins and Bargee, made of fine wool, all
bard finish oolore of Garnet, Navy, Brown, Pearl
and black, would be good value at 600, our price 50
per yard
50 and 62 ineh wide oat was d shades Venetiaps andof Greys, Browne, Fawroadolothe intns,
Garnet), Navy also Blaok, a very eervioeable cloth
for Suite and Dresses, special value at 76o, 1.00 and 1 76
60 inoh beavyOoabing Serge in Navy and Black, bnght
glossy finish that will not bold duet, would be good qb
value at $1,00, our prise per yard
58 inoh wide Homespnns, made of the beet quality wool,
in salon of Rose, Navy, Brown, light and dark.
Grey, also Black, will make very eervioeable Suite
• or Skirts, speofal value, at 75o, 1,00 and 1 26
3 Big Specials in Black gess Goods.
We have the handsomest materials and the beet value)
in Blank Dress Stuffs for the coming season that have ever
gone on the ooantere of this store. Today we want to tell
you about three lines that are extra special value. The
prices are popular ones, 500, 750 and 91,00 per yard, and we
have never sold as good. geode for these prime before. These
are stylish,eervioeahls and extra value. . -
New Taffetta Silks at 50c. a yard
Tide lot of Taffeta SIlk5.are extra good value. All the
peppier ahedcs are in it and you will find it a good quality
for Trimming or Waiete. It willgive natiefaobory wear and
be found the equal of lines sold in mint planes for a good
deal more money.
Taffetla Bilk in shades of Cream, Sky, Pink, Cardinal,
Navy and Black, a good wearing quality, suitable
for Waists and Trimming, extra epeeist value at 60
per yard
At 50o-Blaok Cheviot Serge, all pure wool, .40 inohee
wide, makes a very eervioeable Skirt or Fall 005•
turpe, good weight for Fall wear, per •yard $0: 60
At 76o -Black Cheviot Serge, 84 inches wide, every
thread wool, will eland any amount of hard wear
and looks very dressy when made up, per yard.,75
At 91.00 -Black Cheviot, 54 inches wide, pure went,
makes a very stylish 000tnme,Igettable for ekirts as
wen, would be good value at $1.25, 0nr speoial prim 1 00
More French Flannels
Already we have sold more French Flamele than during
all of last season. More new lines came tohand this weak
and the patterns we show today ate triumphs of the French
printers' art, the handsomest designs and color combinations
ever shown fn Brueeels and not enough of any one for it to
become common.
New and handsome deeigne in French Flanno's, Polka
Dots, Paisley patterns, plain and tenon ebripee and
combination in Pale Blue, Navy Blue, Fawn, Iced,
Heliotrope and Black, very line quality .. ,..:..
We remind you again of the goodaoss and extra good value of our Wool Blanketq this season. Wo place on gale Friday.
25 pairs, size 60x80, worth $8,25 regular, special pot pate $2,25.
Dry Goods and