HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-9-19, Page 6DOCTORS verything Pay despatch from B Gives -Tile et/edition ot coutinaien Savorable, ao ocearred to shake the f tending surgeons and pl expressed that he Will holes in the stomaeli by the perforatioa of t now considered '1100.10 Burney and his assoeia eminent eurgeon .301111.e that the beef juice fed t through the'utouth wit gusted tie proof of thi time has also elapsed t doctors in asserting th ' of inflammation wiser lodged has clisappeare limed that the ball ha eneysted in the muscles and unless its location troublesome later on th be any aneSSIty for 1'01 Tile Skill et the phys therefore mainly direete and treatment of the by the ineision made ir when the operation w Tale wound is progrese torily. EVIDENCE OP 1111511, • The President now b and normally, and the . the respiration record t was considered valueles donee of improvesnent dent's keen relish of th given him and the inert lowance from one to (11 fele, and the fact, that becoming more healthy The President cordinu spirits, but lie confessed attendants that he was some. Ile requested th ed in another bed; a d formed in the imettres has lain since he was Milburn Mosso and had discomfort. Another laded, end he was care to it without difficult vi: tually decided tha will be made to remove to Washington until he ly recovered, and in a can be said that there hood that this will be BRAVE MPS. SicI McKinley still same brave fortitude s since the tragedy occur The members of the torraty-Generaf Knox. Gage, es well as those -are utiaaimously of the Czolgosz's offence is State of New York am mei that there is no 2' to. cover the case. It that the local authorl 0.Waiting the resnit of formulate their charge assailant of the Preslt NO BLOOD POI At the conclusion o night conference of the doctors gave annther 02 ifying report of their gress. The physicians to leave the Hilburn I shortly before 11 o'cl Ports which they had mite could hardly (111.011 gratifyieg than th(•.;‘, din anti Dr. Myntez• cc thcr. The latter said improving. I desire count of his blood sh in a normal condition taut we eau aanounce there is not the least blood poisoning." He referred the repo Wasclin, of the Marine vice, who was standin for a nicotine interpr latter expleined that blood was it microsco tion of the relative nu and rod corpuscles itt tl termine whether inflam sort existed. An Mc corpuscles, relatively s show infleunination anc of the blood that migh itonitis or a blood poi TM said that a, few 11 were taken from the I and microscopically to direction. -We found." the number of White abollt 110rinal, Wlii Were slightly b'elow 11 instlincient nutrition si tion. Tho count w entaintied Dr. Wasdin. fact that blood poison 1st, of which he felt remove every Shadow resultis that we fuel s rag (het not a trnee o Mg, peritonitis, or iss ists. The test (mild more solisfaCtory." GIIEAT DEEP U Courage and nerve meets do not speak w eloquent force in ac the hero into greatest Tito general W110 rib relent in the battlefiel who riske his million8 market, the statesman lOt'l') 11 gseitt issue, ell ent ramie in public to rOVeronoo. It is not the qualitieS displa • those achielieltielits 01 03111101 to more distin thousauds who every the public eye, rise degree of human capal Tho world will itt dectidou in the, nett life, but for the surge ed mi. President Vi there is hardly a 9 Yet the courage and surgeon la not hesits the knife for operatio in whom -the Whote 5000 (1801, must COM Miration of all fittr-m surgeon rose to a The isette was the 111 'Justice of tho great). earth. Holding the 1 hair's breadth mIgh parable national lose. The tribute Whicls i recto in don. env a-- eleetri eat impelled at boon), efforts 1.43 regardless And leng- disturbed malt of Comae , whose as secured enerating for the fanchoster 1 (11130111117 vith, ' the oflt. 'mete say • onssuelt company generating an supply , the West - the first onge 010- )hOrLly to an COMpe-• COMO tO 4CtlirerS• 21C11 has coriduit mind to only the 15 of works 00 a. total S. ow York epartment ari0 11a.,70 and pub - Pox in the ese critics keep away , who get uatry is ox, when. may not ts in their • of which Ing things cretary to makes ty is tho revs the ry Milnicl- sease with r to clear of having g up news kill out, s virulent, statement Now Yorlc that in ty of New 80 deaths the bo- altan, and about 700 Id, from ich Swore k, and of • per cent. o less thaxi s hoped in the pro - XS. obbed oi ,000 rt says : - y, who is am Hotel, y night of .0001 El that it of Julien is missing. d for Ids Ot,15s that d from tho o the value their cases. , and lie. worth of remainder 11 inissiog. eve the ho - circlets ('0- 1. seen ir4.9011r of malting 0. Orions jett, °len jewels orals. The valet only t the play obhery wan c Holmes." ,I111811. of Peace in burg, Pa., a peaceful • with the were heard persistency, 00 to deny sa0 that col workers Wen. Ile Board had the strike 1 that he rk tO Make for the pro - T- OUR. p To Bo 00. sayst-11 es of Corn- isit 1111118h minmy the id ;After a trn to roo- st, of Wired - o return of lis arrange - the advieo anylug 1110 eCetiSary On delicate con - Ise ihn only ent to ace 114 transeon- fINFIBPNT C si• ..I. • Mr, McKinley's Opinion, 3 ,,P. A.44.,, 41.4.4. . Recovery thousands who, the public gnee, exact the rarest most supreme courage the achievements I Ali. car- •fulfill gen- of HIS N. Y. eir- that re" first and has his of orna.- about od his and -ex. eat- on- au- he as is is he think for nor and which 117 upon the the apart. tan- ears. the made de- not in his not pleas- by- deal The als man little • • is. a dun- from what him is °ilea ' , i a s. he and if he is the Anar- gets wall is aceoni- other and are wishes Driven men, lath- under WOr- ac- i repr 3- is en- Me- in kill- rnr- in tho 21 on the which . sayroit, 30.713 at Com- were I he Unica was Cape Port The open- and Capt. Cape of been . g 1, MAR PTS OF THE. WORLD Foos of oattui, 0110:0, 0.0,1,, 4e in '11;10 Lelitilng triVitS. . -- Toronto, Sept. 17.-1Vheat-The loe cal grain trade is quiet; Millers are finding it dillieult to secure Supplien, ilile I$ farmers are holding off for higher rile"' Vacua are prinelpally lin. changea. Males of old \elate and red LO millers, at 68 to 08*e low freights vhile exportees quote 67c middle freig•la. Nov white in clenouniat o eto millers. No. 1 Spring nmia- ul at 0C middle freight, and No. 2 goose at 0211 middle freight Maul- feriags tuba wheat, old, is hold at 82e for No. 1 hard, and 711e for No. 2 grind- sold ing in transit, prompt shipment; No. 1 new hard, September, quotea at 80 in to 81e. 'Domini° and west, 1.2c lower. oess-q•he market seas quiet to -day t 0011 igel p ecoe New No. 9 ever, at solid 'coven; to. 'millers at 84c. Peas -Trade quiet, and prices un- changed. Nu. 2 is quoted at 70e high, and itt 710 middle freight. j • mi • • Miley- le mathet is steady. No. 2 quoted at 10 Lo 47c; No. 3 extra at 45e, and No. 3 at 42 to 14e, all Inlddlo freights, there Corn -Market quiet with sales of No. 2 Canadian yellOw at 56c west, and mixed at 53*11. U. 8, yellow nominal at Ole On track Item, ewe, Bye -The market. is steady with sales at 19e, middle freights, and 50c oast, • Deenseheot-market dull with prices purely nominal. mis quiet. Flour -The arket Nine- pounds ty or rent. patents quotecl for ex- port In tails, at 39.00 middle freight. Choice straight rollers in bbls, local- 1,050 ly and for Lower Provinces, 38.10 to 83.25, Hungarian patents, $1.05, from bags included, at Toronto, and from strong bakers', $8.80. a ---, arce is ower, ear Gatlin.. 1 II I t • 1 • lotst' ec, 3,S.71 in hags, anel 313.85 in wood. 307. Broken Iota, Toronto, 30c per bbl. 118(00,. Millfeed-The macket is quiet with gs small. Cars of bran for o:Terinm shipment quoted at 313 west. and shorts at 815 west. Ton lots of ing bran sell here at $14.50, and shorts cwt at 316.50. iavv.t STOCK MARKETS. Toronte, Bonk17.-Roceipts at the Western Cattle Market to -day wore ght. There Were 62 ears generally lih In 41 1-974 entirle' 1894.611°0' 7C)° hoge and 56 calves. Traab Was good except in exporters, in which, demand Wee good, but quality WaS not up to the mark, ana they Were train 10e to a tsunami off. Good butehers' cettle wero the Steadiest, Were not many offering. xnjor43.1, t\i‘l,eert.: steads', with Ile °lenge in In'iCe8' Sheep Were all cleared up, though i0sport .t sheeP dragging slightly, xl 1 were easier. Export Cattle -Really choice ani- teals wore wantiegs, and the best of- sold at $1.:87* to $0, °raj_ . nary •Ionds, averaging 1,300 pounds, at $4•50 to $1,71. Butchers' Cattle -Trade was good this line, everything being cleared Up, is the olIerhigs were light. The quiiiity was not really chola% how- ancl She best, lots sold at $a to 84.95 per cwt. Fair aninialS sold around $3.50 to 311.35 and tho coin- moner stock ritr.$8 to $3.50 per oft. Cows came in slowly and quality • $8 a5 to Wne better, selling at nom .- $3.11Th. Feeders -Demand was better, but aro still 110 offerings. Prices are ueclumgcd, good stock steers, weighing from 1,100 to 1200,pounds being worth from $6 to ' $4.25 .per and heavier onas 33,50 to $8,75. Light stock is worth 313 to $8.50 Stockers -Were steady oat last week's prices and receipts were light. Animals weighing from 500 to 800 sold at from 32.55 to $2.85 per cwt. Bulls -Those weighing front 900 to pounds were selling at 39.50 while extra good animals ranging 1,200 to 1,800 pounds, brought 33,50 to 51. allleh Cows -Good milchers wore P ' • b t 345 t Wall nig. ricas 'Were a ou • 0 n Sheep -Were about the same, a d all lines were cleared up, export ewes bringing $3.85 to 83.50, bucks, 32,50 to 32.70 and culls $2 to $3. Landis -Were steady, everything' be- sold at front $3.75 to 34.25 per and 32.50 to $3.25 each. llogs--There WaS no change; selects of 160 to 200 pounds, unwaterecl and -neted at unreel, off cars, are still q 37.25 lo $7 for lights and fats. „„ It Nes-, o c a rom oz to 1110 CI* Sli tf We quote:- Exeort cattle, cholce,..34.75 $5.00 do medium, per cwt. 1.25 4.65 do rows, per ewt 3.50 4,00 ea, e pie , ..) t Im-' ltt ' k'd 4 '0 4.75 U c . ih do choice 4.00 1.50 do fair 3.50 4.00 do 3.00 3.'0 C01150(0l) o do 3.00 3.75 - --- do bulls 3.00 3.50 Dulls. exPe heavy. , cwt 3.50 4.00 do liglit, per met 2.50 11.00 Feeders, short. keep 8.85 1.05 do inediuM., 8.50 3.76 tie light.. :3.00 8.50 Stockers, 100 to 60011) 2.75 8.00 o -- do off -colors & bulls. 2.00 -.to Mitch cows, each.- 30.00 50.00 shee i export ewes 335 3.50 - I. • - • ' bucks per OVA 2.60 2.75 do , Is • do culls. each-. 2.00 3.00 Lambs, each 8.75 4.25 do Per owts- - •••••-• 3.75 4.25 Cahes• per head-. 2.00 10.00 Ilogs, °home, cwt....7.215 7.s., 0.00 Hogs. corn -fed... ..... 7.00 0.00 ' 7 00 Flogs light, per cwt6.7.3 . . t6 75 7.00 Hogs, fat, per cw . ,...,.. THE DUKE IN* TORONTO, - BOVieted IsiSt cif EventS for HIS gn. terilaiallient• A (lest atch from Toronto says i -e c. ps-s-,), j j heet0 • s' - sw lig PrOgrlillune, lae , sledded upon for the Duke of lork toid 0011,e/ewe moth), oo,e,,,,,i.„ je Toronto s 0,0 „ 1000. „th„fters - , 101:1 1 ' . procession t noon a October ; o kOliotyas.ehr;itielpier,d,1141tite:;1•,reesttety thlioevielritTtinilte evening ; millteral i•oview at Exhi- bition gro,opds e't, al. 0,eloes nest. looming, the Royal party heaving it at ono O'clock : conferring of degree . . .t e uke at ,Toronto thaiversity on hD . in a ; na- the •fternoon dinner at Per merit Iinildings, 7 pan.:; remotion at Parliament Buildings at 8.00 ; lett-ee Tomato 9,80 Inset+ mora_lag. - NEWS III IN 11 NUTS RI , Own Easy • has Oct- the.) the de.. float- isets Aug- ins' last s • d atiSe hay • - Mimi of two In in Royal US - I' i lthe is f rails 110.ve the • o f any- p 07 the ,pality the 'the I off the com- is cola g ed dim- lumps - which Lon- army of a of ad- end KM- 3 , three hun- New lox is he • 1 1 o of t I ce suiciclo of he Nor - pas - at his house- at Is- large of Vit.,. bY at unus- an *teenier of of tho dead at it111ea her in a she GERIVIANS OIPPliTh El secure mootzioni. colt Xamelteeter and • a oArmtitatgeot%I'retrd(0)'s Ineehisery „ea ap diauces 1 by the Industrial depressloi aro malting determined capture Ilinglieh markets di proflt. Tholr Anweicaa lish contpetiLors are merely by the suddenness and etr tiarGerman inctirsiots Tlic General Elecitrio' Confpam works aro on the' Spree, h the ' contracts fer 'the plant Mid switchboards. nmnicipal tremways of 5 for $400,000, which, It ii s . atclailtietilen.1Bci '1 °10° pco°1steePalt.IC°pr Conipetitoes for the con that le is impossible to 11. ipricees. tAnother.t ithernian e n eu to ills n two for the Metropold station in London, Wheiei inghouse Company put in four. In vlesv of the Min tricot contracts that are 1 bo let In this city, Gems titian is peettliarlY 110100 British and Yankee manuf The London County Cot Jest called for bids for s *s. m of • • . • 3., to ts ante ays (Attu 00S1 315,000,000. Thie is first instalment of 0. 51.13101 which. probably will invoi cost of $100,000,000. - ---0 ,rable For .. Surgeon's ,, .,. THE VERY LATFST PROM ALL THE WORLD OVER, -....-- lifalo, N. Y.,' the Pimedderit oothing has dill the at- yaeLtas have ,•ecoyer. The roper causea he bellet are I by Dr. Mc- ies, end the 1 to the fact o the patient $ readily di- • S'1.1111enmt , warrunt, the , ill° hilliel' 1. 11 is be- I now become o i ' , Should prove erif will Ivor ,orino it. L"etou: is rim d to the care yound caused the abdomen as performed. ing satisfac- tOVESIENT • 'eathes deeply addition of o the bulletin s. The evt. the presj_ (1 the :,. beef juice „se j.„ his al- ree teaspoon- the wound is 18 in excellent to ono of the getting sone_ 1.1 he be place epression had ;veld. t In which he :spotted tiik.011 to OW soe ,the caused m bed was pro- fully removed .. ft is noa• t no attempt, the Presideet has complete- .8i.ertil way it i8 so liken- nail October. CINLEY. displays the 10 has S11,2W12 rud. Cabinet, At- aul Secretary who are here, opiniOn that against the 1 Erie CIounty sterol statute is understood ,,.s 120e 0117 3410 sh''t t1) against the ent. 307.cING, 1 the Tue.sday ..., PhYslelans "le stremeiy grat- patient's pro- did ilot begin -,1 nes until 1:S1 e , ., chs. The re- to communi- boon "me nei. Dr. Was- ane out toge- __oil, Is stilt to say that a ' evs that it iS and we feel (iefinitely that iudication of teve to Dr. Frw,pitai ser_ h'- ide T at his e . tomes, The . count of the 'lc determine- mbar of white (e blood to de- elation of any eitsci of white making would ' deterioration t indicate per- soning. Mops of blood he of the ear, ;tad under his said he "that !orpuscles was le the red cells orinal, due to 1100 t11° 0901a- As not made," "to verify the ng (lid not e2C- artain, but to if doubt. The " lie it% 01111012110- blood 1,018011- Lamination ex_ not have been • NOTICED. n mitical mo- ith their inost .8 which bring notoriety. nets a 211"n- 1, the plunger on the stock 30110 1'1808 to and a menials, Imiration and certain that • 1 ii y of .i i an e dale the indi- :tioe than the lay, tiuSeen by ta the highest, Silty. 'tiro serve mai e: spheres of m who aperitt.. iiam Alcitiniey ssing thought. ecision of that ,arty LIng to bare n, upon a man world's interest stand the ad- sided men. The smut occasion, 3 of the Chief It repoblie on 11110 false to a 1000 11 tn ire- due Dr. M. la ninon is due tallied Mom missioes which ins And the trate speak iu Loam Iteresting Rents About Our en_otintry, Oree.tpritain, the tinned d A Parts of the Qlobis, :elates, aii n Oendensed and AsSorled for Readings CANADA, _ The Nova Scatie. LegiSlaturo been dissolved. General election °I?"17'lli.e2Preinier will accorapany iloym party on .Lho trip across Continent. Stretford has earriou n 820,000 bent:are by-law to pay off the . . . ing /lobe. . Loadon polstonlee satirise for ust show a reveeue of $5,400, an crease over August, 1900. • Building permits in Hamilton month reached 836,000, an increase of 8170000(101' August, 1900. A Spark fawn the threlel eat • the destruction of 30 tans of o G 11,1 A 1 ' . . n mi. is u es, s fat in near l'a lt is Understood that tho Duke Cornwall and York will eejo7. (lays' chicken shooting in Manitoba on hireturn s , journey from hhe coast. Work is about to be commenced the erection in City nail Square, Ottawa, of the cbildron•s monument in memory of the soldiers who fell s t; Ay ou 1 Ilea. Tho fetal attendance o.t the tary Colic • go, Kingston, numbers 90 an in P 00 1 + Crease 0. -..., over ms....year, sss „ . . o. tile al 6eS 111.11.11 et M 10 "" 1 , t b • ' tl tory of the Geneses It Is stated that afessrs, 1110,olcon- zie and Mann, who have the contract for building 200 miles of railway NoVa Scotia, sal/totals° their from the Dominion Iron andSteel COmPonY• The Montreal authorities abandoeed entrance-by-ticl.el, to reception to the Duke and Duchess • (.1ornwon,in the City Hall, (ltd ono who is suitably garbed may his respects to the future ruler. Ottawa City' Council has given police pewee during the visit of Duke of York to barricade certaie streets and to order an vehicles others, at their &sets:lion, M interests of the public safety. .. . GREAT 131LITAIN. The new clocks and harbor Improve- meats at Dover will cost $20,000,- 000. King Edward has appointed a. idng minion to investigate Prof. ICooll'a tuberculosis theory. A dukedom for Lord Salisbury spoken of in connection with the • onatiou honors. .A. maidservant in London char . • u,ith theft from her mistress, . nutted suicide by swallowing of cod. Charles 9. Yerkes, who represents an American syndicate, has secured control of the projected Brampton Piccadilly Tube Railroad, . gives hint complete control of don's rapid transit system. The appointment of Sir Embus Wood to commaad the sccoad corps marks the inauguration new army scheme. The post jutant-general which he vacates, which will be robbed of Rs impor- tunce by the progress of deeentrali- zation inay , be filled by General ls--Nenny. ---e---o-!--- LOSING ALL HIS VANITY. - CZOlgOSZ Faye NO AttelltIOn tO Appearance, A despatch m B frouffalo, says; -Nobody uutside of Medal eles sees Czolgo,sz, but .1t Is said he has groivn to be exell 0. 1"000 • pulsive object than when he was locked up with his face battered his clothes toru mid bloody. Ile • not been permitted to shave and 0 ,, . acc is covered with a growth scraggy beard that is not an Loma. , Obe police are not worrying tncir',,Pri,°"101'..ii, 901.801m1 aPPearanee• The duties he naS to do are simple. They consist 01 sleePing plank, eating his meals, and ewe thee appearing for further cross =M.otion . The sleeping and the nig are optional, but the appearance t''n' el'°88-exalaillation 18 imPerative, . 51001131117 he enjoys it, st is the ly change he Las. His guards swor none of ids questions, and has milt asking them. So far knowu Ito thinks the President dead. Ile Is weariag the same clothes hail ,in when he shot the President. He was not provided with a change of linen. and the police did not it was their duty to secure any bins Ile wears neither coat His faded shirt is soiled with blood, the blood W.aS drawa from his nose and face w blows hich ee r weained him immediately after he shot President. Tiw button -holes ir4 culler of his shirt are ripped His hair is long, heavy, and gleil. It fails over his face and and is begintimg to turn up at back of the neck. Gzulgosz one request for a comb. It wa.s 11011 hint, and since then he has displayed the slightest interest Personal appearance. As he appears now, there are very Many men who would be ed to meet Czolgosz in a lonely tc.„5,. at night. There is a. good of the animal in his males -up. i Pol•ce say he has the phrenological charaeteristics common to crimin of 41, low and degraded 01088. It is again reported that the is breaking down, but this probably is an exaggeration. Ms glettonOns appetite May have fallen off a aS is said to be the ease. That only 1 1 It is no . ne era . t surprising either that the seclusion of geon and the absolute isolation the world. and front any oche of ls being said and done about a condition that has a '0001i ng 00(211 Upon. 1011Ceit aS groat as Thinking the President is dead „,„,h,,b1 , y expects to be executed, '' - it is likely he would kill himself got the chance. Very good care taken that he clues not get chance, awat t none of his h chistcon e f d erates by any device to hi in the means of a happy end. Whether the Goldman woman be brought here is it matter that tinder disCis• • Nion iS the possibility "* us - of convietie t. her f boi 6 0 lig an plico in the crime if she were brought' to trial here. As to the disposition of her case, as well as in every Matter connected with Czolgosz hhe. deed, the local authoritiee . . . yielding in every way to the of the Federal authorities. 4 AUSTRALIA'S NAVY. - , scheme Now Belhg, Dperted. by the COMIlionWealtb. . , A deSpateli from London sayst--A the a lv I11011 ft tan ,espetc I to . . Sydney, New South 1Valos, says that sh, Jo.m. _ -. . . . _ I seorrest, lionised. of De- fence of the Commonwealth of Aus- - . , t int is dream a liederal naval -1." , 8' minas. Minium at the eventual for- •-- , , - motion of it purely Australian navy, which he regards as speedily n ee„_ SarY• I -To thinks that the existing system of paying Croat Britain 10. naval defence is unsatisfactory. o------ XIS RIGID SCIPILINE. DI The Punctiliousness of Xing Ed- ward VII. Edward VIT., although ono f the b st 1 n . cl of men is known o e - im ot e , to be a martinet in all matters of 80001, precedence, and social usage, s• 1 t r ince i s accession many instances of his rigid discipline have been nrisle known mitde While he was Crossing fromtourists Os- borne to the mainland chwing the of the f ier 1 of the tteen he wee1 ' hatulthea fl cl observe d t ag was lo e tv recl On the mast of the vessel. "Why is this ?" he said sharply to the captain, 'who stammered, "Your Majesty the Queen is dead." o''yes- -. but 1 h T1' 1 t ,am ere. lis raa is the old 1 • E I d y p acc in l rig an to -day where the ilag should not be lower- ed." - The keeper of the Tower with oth- er dignitaries waited upon the King after his a.ccession, to offer him, aac- cording to custom, the keys of th t fortress. The King received them, but continued steadily to regard the official, and with a look of annoy- 'Ince' • • i .0 anything - What can "1" et I do, your Majesty ?" hesitated the keeper. u home and put a bend of crape Co on your overcoat," Naas the reply. A year or two ago a portrait of one of the secretaries of the Xing, who was then Prince of Wales, was Subnlitted to his inspection by the artist. The Prince glanced at it, and turning to the secretary..said: "Your orders are not placed prop- I erly on your breast in this picture.' 1 The precedence should be exactly the reverse of that which you have giv- so.. ' . 'But the likeness, your Highness?" gasped the artist. The Prince look- „ • t 't • If d - ed at the portico i se , an gase an appreciative criticism of it. About the same time he was pres- ent at the production of a tragedy in which ono of the actoes took the Part of a Russian nobleman of high rank. The Prince sent for him at the close of the performance, ... "very good; verY good indeed! " he said, with it cordial smile, "but corations you those are German de , are wearing. Go to the Russian embassy. Take my card and tell , (sount Blank to show you the prop- he you er Russian orders for t part.. represent. If it is worth doing et all it is worth doing right in the least particular." A_ good motto either for king or subject. , nIGXTY DEATE s a --- naa lpox aecora of : City liar July. The Ontario Health I and the newspapers of On n 1 c teem in boon °I'll.cizel for ' '1". - s 110,, eldy case 0 :dna 11 1 ,-,' " f • 1, Province. It is held by id that this enurse Wilde tO and buemoss met iinpression that the ci dangerously full. of smalli tie a matter of f act, ther be half as many eases. 1 03011 State, the authoritie pursue the plan of keel: qui'et. The answer Dr. Bryce, st TI the Provincial Health 1301 to this is that full publiel best quarantine, mid he 1 health authorities of evc to hunt down the d utmost energy, in ord themselvee of the odium smallpox in the district. That the plan. of ltushlr of elliallpox etiso 1 . .3 c ries no Lhe disense, or make it lei 1.3 shown 10 the monthly for July of deaths in stet,. Tide report slum this ono month In the ei proper there were from smallpox, including roughs of Brooklyn, Slant the Bronx, 160 deaths, In Ontario there were cases of smallpox, all is January 1 to July 1, wl , t le period of the outbroa ' ti les° lic't 111000 th"ri 011 were fatal. 'There aro 001 a dozen cases left, and it 41 very ShOrt 0110 to liase slime clear of the disease. - DAIRY MARKETS. I3utter-The receipts ere large with an over -supply of inferior qualities. earl,. Demand is good for choice stock. We quotm-Seleeted duiry tubs, 16 to 170; choice 1-113 rolls, 18 to 19c; se-. mind grades, in rolls, tubs and pails, la to 110: bakers', 12* to 18*c. 13 Creamery solids steady at 20 to 20J • s• creamery prints 21 to 22c. Eggs -Market is 'unchanged. We quote: -New laid, 12 to 13e; ordia- ary fresh candled, 11* to 12c; se- conds, 7 to Sc. Ci II k t • ti. 111 'mese- ar e is u , with cab os still lower to -Clay. We quote:-Pinest 03, to 92e; secolids, Oc. - HOGS AND rilOVISIONS. Dressed hogs are unchanged at • • 39 25 to 39.50. Hog products in good demand. We quote: -Bacon, long clear, ton lots, 111c; case lots, 3.2c. Pork, 111053, 5:11.50: do, short cut. $9.9• S ohed ie ts-Hams, 1.4 to 141-c; • in ' 11 a breakfast bacon, 15 to 16c; rolls, 12 to 1.l40; backs, 16c; and shoulders, 11 to ilic. Lard -Demand good and prices arm. Guaranteed pure, in 50 -lb tubs, 1120; Pails, 12c; an,•1 tierces, 113c. 0 FORTUNE TN GI - Xarqsais of Anglesey / Jewels Worth 3141 A despatch from Loud( The Marquis of Auglesc stopping at the Walsingl was robbed on Wednestle jewels to the value of 5S2( The Central News sas French valet of the news Coult is the robber, Ho A. warrant has been issu arrest. The Mine authority st when the Marquis return( theatre he found jewels t of £4.0,000 missing from A detective was celled i discovered about £12,00 jewelry under a bed. Tle of the valuables are stl The valet was seen to le tel an hour before the li. turned, and he has noi 'nee. sit , The Marquis is a conn precious stones, and WaS colleotion of them and c clod works of art. The s . c Isted lar el of diem OnS g y Marquis engaged the three weeks age in Paris I • i 'd ti t is a co nci once it he was seeing wIwn the 1 . committed was "Sherloc '4' A BOMB FOR THE DUKE. - Letter Thought to be a Fake Sent to Montreal City Clerk. A despatch from 'Montreal says :- , , , . , d b A remaikable lotto was lecoise v - Cit Clerk on Wednesday. The the 3' , . letter, which was written in Italian, covered twelve pages of ordinary notepaper. The writer, who signed umse Oabbiont, claimed I • If Giovalmi that 110 WtiS 0, public benefactor, and did not want the Italian narnm to be smirched with any more asses- sinations. Ho declared that he had information to the effect that twelve Anarchists from Paterson, N.J., had just arrived in Montreal, with tbe avowed intent of milrderIng the Prince. The plot 1vas to throw a, 130lith at Mtn when iii tho procession. which is to start from Vigor Square. 13eing a loyal Italian, be had de- cided the facts of the dastardly con.- teMplated attempt should be made known to the Mayor and the pollee. .. Although the letter was generally regarded as a fake, got up for the purpose of creating it sensation, it was sent to the police for investiga- tiara Chief Carpenter laughed al. the latter, but every precaution will be taken during the Royal 'visit to prevent SespielOUS charaelers op- ProaChing the almval party. THE STREET MARKET. , rhe receipts of grain on the street market to -day showed a heavy fal- ling off, about 1,400 bushels coming in. aS against 4,200 yesterday.- Pri- 008 genera y wet° steady. no tun- 11 • 1 0 1 tired bushels of new red wheat sold et 63 to 69c, 300 bushels of goose Bold at 68 to 6Nc. Barley Was un,- 1 0 1 1 1 ip , 4,- change( . 40 aisle s se ing, at t to 5,3sc New oalss ruled higher, 700 • e - . bushels selling at 37* to 39e. Hay was fairly active, 20 loads selling at 310 to 312. One load of straw sold at ,S10. FollOWing is the range of quota- lions:- Wheat, white 30.66 30.70 Wheat, red......... ...... .61 .68 Wheat, new, red tei wit.06 .08.51 Wheat, spring, olcl... .70 ,00 Wheat, gooses. ... .67* .68 Osts. old .41* .00 olts now., .37 .39 n'eri .1." .41.4 .5•33. rels. .68 .70 j ' rid •"3 Wen-. ............ .. ....... .,, .a, Hay, old, per ton...,13.0 18.50 Bay, aew per ton... -10,00 31.00 ' ' ' ' Stratv, per tom. 9,00 10,00 Dressed lloe'8 9.25 9,50 Butter, in lb molts... .17 .22 milers ... ,ess, .e6 Butter, ere - Chickens, per pair... .40 ,05 Ducks, Per Psis .60 .45 Turkeys, per lb,. .10 .18 Eggs, new laid_ ... „.121 .14 leggs. held, Pos (107 .1O .) a Apples, barrel.- „. 2.00 2.50 Potat,,es, hush- .... .60 .75 Beef, forequarters... 4.5n 5.50 3 Tomatoes, bashot.„ ,.3ti .215 Beef. hindquarters.- 8.00 0.00 Beef, medium, carcase. 6.50 '7.25 Beef, choire 7.80 7.75 Lamb, yeafting... 6,50 7,00 Lamb, spring... ... 7,50 8.50 Melons.. 5,50 0.60 Veal, el1.111`'“ 7.50 0.00 - UNITFID STATES. Li Hung Ch ng's health is rapid] a failing,. By the new census Texas gets additional congressmen. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt, of Brooklyn, N. Y., has just attained her one drod and first yea.r. The Upholsterers' Union of York city ha,s made a demand 1 ht -hour work tiny the 0-g • • A. strilce of 17,000 skilled working- Men in the packing trades through- out the country is threatened. w. 8. stratton, whose wealth estimated at 525,000,000, marched in the Labor Day parade at Colorado s • . prings. au m , amnia, a us Gr it Ohl 1 g oil bas been struck et a. depth feet. le scovery las crea 300 TI di I great excitement. Henry Bronson committed at Salt Lake City on a.ccount poverty. Then it was learned was heir to seven millions in waY• . Father A. I'. Goetz, who was tor of the Roman Catholic church Lees Summit, 111o., has broken priestly vows and 111011.1011 his keeper. •with ' ins Iloi • has arrived Tho sten c'r "el San Francisco from the Pribyloff lends with 22,672, sealskins, a number of foxskins, and a quantity of whalebone Charles W. 'Painter, a member the City Council of Richmond, and one of the best known, business mon has recovered his eyesight Christian Science, after a blindness of 28 years. BRITISH SUCCESSES. - Selieeper'S Commando Being Hither and Thithes. A despatch from Pretoria says:- Scheepsi'a commanso 2130 mostly rebels, is being driven 00 and thither by five columns 1. t T Lea son. hey are nOW near cester. RepOrts iudicate satisf tory progress during the week. 'At An anonymous Boer conanunication nen ening has been received tl • t • ais if confiscation proclamation carried ma, General Methuen has had an gegenaint with a Doer force at - nosterfonteln, east of Zeerust, , , , ., wawa 1.1 of the burghers were , • co ana 20 captured. 'lite Dritish sued the 13(wrs north and " chose killed seven and captured of them. SkirMiSlies Its.Ve taken place Pietersburg Railway (Inc. lit eeven. Boers were killed. ' 7=-4 - • sr IN DOUBT, WORK IT OUT A. Cambridge University professor who dreanis i 33 figures, has published the following atrocity : 1 time 9 plus 2 equals 13. 12 times 9 plus 3 equals 111 123 times 9 plus a equals 1111 1234 times 9 plus 5 equals 11113s 12845 times 9 plus (3 equals 111111 128456 times 9 plus 7 equals 1111111 1234567 times 9 plus 8 equals 111.11111 32045678 tlume 9 plus 9 equals 111111111 1 time 8 plus 1 equals 0 1.2 times 8 plus 2 equals 98 193 times 8 plus 3 equals 087 1934 times 8 plus 4 equals 9870 12345 times 8 plus 5 equals 98765 128156 times 8 plus (3 sequels 9876ffa 1231567 times 8 plus 7 equals 9876518' 12845078 times 8 3111S 8 0(1150.13 -- - i 08765482 123456780 times 8 plus 9 equals 08765a321 -ei WILL FIGHT TO A : .- Shaffer Denies Rumors Steel Strike. A despatch from Pitts star es 0 seas :-While 1 1 ! sm.-Lion:lent of the stall - Amalgamated A ssoci a Lim much force and President Shaffer cordim them em I ti 11 I P la ca y, end the battle of the st oul go on tin w d til tho ,eo. . - . a led that tho auxecutiv, instructed him to settle „ 3117 1011153, 0111,1 sal would not g0 to New 7( any further peace move seat. . 4--_-, 'MB DTICHESS' --- Will Not Make The Tr ish Columbis A despatch Mom 0115' is settled that the Duch wall and York will not Colombia. She will aco Duke as far as Banff, a • . . . .• • brief visit them Null let lar Point, 40 miles we peg, and there await, th Ms Royal flightless. T inent has been made or of the physician necomo RoVed Parts', mai it is 1 ttecotint of the Duels:els , ditiOn Of 1100.1t11. Sir Willeid Laurier will Inember of tho Clovernly company the Delco , on 1 tInental trip,. 4.--- ACTS DISALLOWED. - British COlUmbia Measures No Longer Law. A despatch f vont Ottawa says:- At Thursday's meeting of the Cabin- et an order -in -Council was passed disallowing two of the Acts of 'the British Columbia, Legislature of hist year, against which the Japanese Government has so vigorously pro- tested. One of these measures la 111109. 11, entitled "An Act to Regu- late Inanigration into British Col- umbra." It is practically a, copy of what is known as the Natal limed- grution Act, and imposes education- al spialilictitions open immigettnts generelly. elms. 14, which is also distilloweil, is an Act meeting to the employment on works ettrried on fruhises, granted by privets: nder tie Ate s of incorporation. The obnoxious proViSiOn of the stat ute in question debuts from um- primmest with such company (my Imr$011 W110 0:41)411 Nil tO reed in a letiguage of Europe this Att." This provision would shut out fully 05 19'.)' eont. Of the .101111)11)80 and (11)1- twee In Cauncla from securing em- plornent, with igninsinien possessing j royinciat incr,risuraiion. Parliament :try Government is to be inteoduced loto Thelandt -0- LEADDIG BOERS KILLED - cant. Arbendorfr and ComMandant Van Dee MerWe Slain, A. despateh from Cape Town Col. Cratbe tengaged the Deere Dreifontein on Wednesday. In/indent Van der 11,•rwe end another bumf.= were killed, several wouialod and 37 wets: captured. British casualties were four and three Wotinded. Commandant Van der Memo driven out of Stuye1ervi1l4 Colony, about 120 ntiles from Elizabeth, two weeke age. Tho Dordrecht volumeers surprised f 0. pof Boers near it ariahowse and ordered theni to surrender. T, s imfu ea and the British -ocr s ed fire, wounding Gen. Smuts another Boor, and killing Arbenclorff, Clem Smuts succeeded in molting his aemtpe. The itiversdale chetah:A. of Colony has been entirely cleared the inVadera. ' Two alleged Doer spies have arrested at Moseel Bey., 224 gallons of fresh water weigh a. tom Waterpipes -underlie 1,819 miles of , Lonclon s streets. The Swiss Rifle Bolan has now 4,000 sections, with 120,000 mem- bers. England and her colonies grow cnotigh potatoes for 11.6 months of British consumption. 'rho first daily. paper was publish- ed in Germany. It was printed in 1:01, . r of British ship- The carrying-powe . . . ping is now 80,800,000 tons, agaitust 8,400,000 in 1850. . , 'Oho change in 130111511 legal ci ocile indite from "God Savo the Queen" 10 "(Ind Save the Xing" Will cost a tOtn1 of 39,000,000. Iletty-lsookIng over the diction- /try again 9 Evidently you find 11, Intensely interestlog." Bertha -"No not . tetermtitig, but . anraiing. It. spells worde so differently from tho 1 way X spell them, yoti know," • Det Sept. 17.-WhcaL, closed- No, 1. while, cash, 710; No, 2 red, CaS11 vntl September, 71c; October, 71 se; December, 73e. Nt. Dads, Sept. 17. -Wheat closed -September, (19c; Deetitaber, 713c Buratto, Sept. 'IA. -Spring wheat- Little doing; No. 1 northern old, 70e: do, new, 74e. Winter wheat- - No. 2 issl, 743111 N. :1 101,11.0, 7,)1 0. Coitt-W,•tili mid lower; No. 27(311030,u mile; No, ei do, 60 to 601e; No. 2 corn, floe; Ne. 8 do, Mite, 00)8- Esse; No. 2 white, 34 to at -11c; No. li ss Idle. 2173, to 1171c; No. 2 mixed, :hi" e; No. 8 (1, 83. llorley---Little .., tittle,. 11.3 -o -No, 2, 16,.., on treek, (That'll freight s-Strs)rty. Toledo, Sept. 1 T.-Who:11-4.'08h 1(0-1 Septentb'T. 71 3r; I), i'0111,0r, 733e; Mae, 763e, Celli -Cosh mid Sep- ieralwis :MSc; December, 1571'. D1(18--7 'm,am•') or. nne• Deem nbor. 0 n 1 1 . Itse--121m. Clovereetel-hash and October, $6,15; December, $5.173. GENERAL, . Jules Verne is totally blind 'Amions, Prartee. Germany's wine crop will be unity large this year, Turkish brigands have captured American woman missionary. • Th 11 1 i ic -b. k n e 1 iss as . e lea 1. g s Yormale hes abandened its attempt to reach the Nosth Pole. liss Isabella Thobure, Munder 8 . the Lai Thigh School, and Islamise Women's College,. is Lucknow. aiise Siamese, Oresvfoiel, daughter of a Britieti BRIM' official, wise in 1,116.8301e5 Mountains, and sistee Waft fottral walidet.ing half demented' condition where had fled front the eaeldent, ' recto in don. env a-- eleetri eat impelled at boon), efforts 1.43 regardless And leng- disturbed malt of Comae , whose as secured enerating for the fanchoster 1 (11130111117 vith, ' the oflt. 'mete say • onssuelt company generating an supply , the West - the first onge 010- )hOrLly to an COMpe-• COMO tO 4CtlirerS• 21C11 has coriduit mind to only the 15 of works 00 a. total S. ow York epartment ari0 11a.,70 and pub - Pox in the ese critics keep away , who get uatry is ox, when. may not ts in their • of which Ing things cretary to makes ty is tho revs the ry Milnicl- sease with r to clear of having g up news kill out, s virulent, statement Now Yorlc that in ty of New 80 deaths the bo- altan, and about 700 Id, from ich Swore k, and of • per cent. o less thaxi s hoped in the pro - XS. obbed oi ,000 rt says : - y, who is am Hotel, y night of .0001 El that it of Julien is missing. d for Ids Ot,15s that d from tho o the value their cases. , and lie. worth of remainder 11 inissiog. eve the ho - circlets ('0- 1. seen ir4.9011r of malting 0. Orions jett, °len jewels orals. The valet only t the play obhery wan c Holmes." ,I111811. of Peace in burg, Pa., a peaceful • with the were heard persistency, 00 to deny sa0 that col workers Wen. Ile Board had the strike 1 that he rk tO Make for the pro - T- OUR. p To Bo 00. sayst-11 es of Corn- isit 1111118h minmy the id ;After a trn to roo- st, of Wired - o return of lis arrange - the advieo anylug 1110 eCetiSary On delicate con - Ise ihn only ent to ace 114 transeon-