The Brussels Post, 1901-9-19, Page 5SEPT, 19, 1901 .i3RU88E10$ ROSrT` BUSINESS CARDS. rO ai Y TO8L600AN aTrnea0alP�+�'1 II, MOGLUO ]33N. • /tumor of Marriage Lieeueee. Of- J1oe at Gr000r Y, 'l'urnborry street, 130140001S, BARIiE'17,— • Togeoxiel Artist, Shop—Noxa lloor North of bile Standard flank, Ladies' and Chi140001 bale Cutting a speoiel ty, M. MORRiSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, TEACHb1R PIANO AND ORGAN, smvosar.,s, Cry's, ROBERT OUNNINGHAM• 38891340308, FIRE AND MARINE. . GUELPH, Wellington Mutual Vire J isuranee Co,, E8TABAIBB]D 1840 Tpeurnoae taken on the cash and premium note system at entrant rates, Beforeinsur- ing elsewhere Dail on the undersigned Agent of the.Compaoy. GEORGE ROGERS, Bruseele. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, Yea;, O. M.. • Aondemio graduate of London Conserva- tory of Mufti&, also Member of the Associated Musioiane of Ontario, ie prepared to reueivo a limited number of pupils for inotruotion on .the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for the Prinoipal'e Form in the conservatory of Mode. Brussels, Ontario. A LEX. 'HUNTER t�. clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Ineurauoo: Agent; AnotIon- eo0. Funds invested and to loam. Colleo- tion(muda, Oinoe in Graham's Block Bruo Bele., AUCTIONEERS. ' S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • 8118, will sell for better prices, to better men in loss time and lose &larges 31311,11 any ocher Auctioneer in Eaet Huron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at Mile office or by, personal applioatton. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary college, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animate tin a aompet- eat manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. calla promptly at- tended to. 003oe and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Wurnberry et:, Brnaeola.. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, i0ouvoyonoer, Notary Public, &o. Office—S tewart'e Block 1 door North of central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. G. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, ho. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels, Money to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON,- 11h D., C. M., Trinity University, Follow Trinity Medioal 0011uge,Member College of Phyoiolans and Surgeons Out. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery, Edinburgh, 3 Te1ephoue No.14, Reenlanon—Mill street, Brussels.. DENTISTRY DR; R. P. FEJLD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and 'Firet.olass Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, Spectacles —OF ALL HINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Opticalmet11ods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. SHINOLES British Columbia .Led Cedar Shingles AND.* North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT Tam Brussels Planing .: bills Also Doors and ?lamb of all Pat tome on band or made to order atShort Notice. Eetimatoe Fakniebed for all kinds of Buildings, Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AME NT CENTRAL. Pl7FtL• 9 1 �{ ir'ulor l•'Qin'ta fromouteideof�8bratford who aero enroll031 at the opening of cur Fall Term eamo Orem nearer other Bnelnee0 Colleges than Cure. They wanted the boob burliness and ehort- band trainingand (mine bore for it rite for catalogu, linter now if possible. Write W, .1. I;LLIOT'1', Principal, iQxatl ext alttvs, Morrlt.a. [To late for last week,] Mies Ella Mooraokeo, 4th line, ie visib. ing friends on the god thio week, Mies Martha Bowman, of Wingbam, i0 visiting her slater, Mrs. L. Pepper, this week. The Sabbath School at Browntown purposes bolding an entertainment in the ohurab about Sept. 80. Proceeds to be need for the Sabbath School funds, Full particulars. later. Among thane who took in the Indus- trial Fair, Toronto, last week, were Mre. D. Agar and son, 1111 and Mrs. Sellers, Mieoee Nellie and Minnie Sellere, Mies Cora Souah, •Wm. Woodrow, Ed. Moss and Jos. Breokenridge, of Morrie. 1431 s'tbo. A. S. Dickson, of Natchez, Mleaiseippi, was palling on. old Blyth friends for a couple of days last week. Mies Ella Metcalf left on Thursday morning of last week for Toronto, where she will attend the Bishop: Stroohan 'wheel. • Joseph Irwin, who has been residing in Lnokoowfor some months past, has re- turned to Elyth and aooepted a position in the Blyth handle works. A oonoert will be given in Industry Hall on the second night of Blyth Fair soder the auspices of the Christian En• deavor eooieby of St. Andrew's obarob, Rev. Wm. Penball preached anniver• eery sermons on tbe Belgrave otrouit last Sunday. Rev. A. H. Brown, B. A., ot Be'grave, preached in the Blyth Method. let ohuroh. Wm. Belly, who spent a month visit. ing with relatives and friends in. Blyth and vicinity, ham returned to his bome in 'Wisner, Louisiana. Mrs, Kelly ac. oompanied him. Wroxeter. Waldo. Miller and Skeff Robinson were away on a wheeling trip to Loudon Fair and ' & visit verioae. places. Mre. John Rutherford and ohildren left for the "Soo" where Mr.Rotherford has a good position in a hardware store, Art, Robinson spent a. few days in Toronto. He intends taking a oourae at a Business College but owing to i11 health returned for a few days. W. S. MoKeroher has Bold hie residence on Mill street to "Jobn Young. Mre. Young, er., will occupy it and Mrs. D. Sanderson, the present tenant, will go to reside with D. D. Sanderson at present Thos. Gibson, jr., intends taking in the exooreion. to Manitoba and if he likes the Country and Ando a good opening for hie energies, he may make bis permanent home there. The saw mill baeinees here will be continued by hie brother, Jobn Gibson, during hie absence. Thos. Gib• son will be mach missed in Wroxeter in. obnroh and other public oirolee as there are few if any to take his plane as a timber of social affairs. However we wish him 0000000 in the West if he de. aides to looate there.—Wroxeter Star. WI Wingham Fair on September 26 and 27. Anew windmill and tank bee been erected at the Dineley House, Walker Bros. & Button are putting in e new plate glees front this week. J. W, Buell has disposed of hie Klon• dyke restaurant to Alex. MoGregor, of town. A half holiday woe granted to the school for the afternoon of second day of the Fall Fair. Everything i0 progressing nicely over at the National Iron Works. They have 48 13700 employed. Sacramental services were held in the Preebyterianfoborob:on Sunday. Pre- paratory servieee on Friday evening. Thos. Bell will erect a windmill on hie property and has offered the nee of ibe power to the lawn bowiere for sprinkling their lawn. Mies Caroline MaoDonald, daughter of Dr. MsoDoneld, M. P., of town, ie now Secretary of the Young Women's Chris. tianAesooiation in Montreal, and baa 'dales there. a abort visit, to take up her doles there. Harald H. lost to Mazette in the race at Syraouee on Mouday of last week. Be won the first beat. Best time 2 05} This broke the last year's track record of 2 08 . Harold H. lowered the record in the Brat beat, wbioh was beaten in the 'second by Darks'. Clinton. Faire' mill is rnnning 15 hours per day. Though there were 18 oases oil the docket the session of the Division court held on Monday of last week, didn't last over an hoar and a half. Some of the ogees were adjourned and others dismissed. While making nee Of an adze, W. C. Brown, section foreman on the L. H. & B., made a deep out in hie foot, so severe that the eervinee of a doctor had to be availed of. The nand was etitehed up. The managers of Willis obarob have done away with the gasoline plant and subetiluted eleotriaity. St: Joseph's oburoh and presbytery will also beeo lighted, while ineandeeaento have been placed in several additions) residences. James Twitoheli, wbo has been carry- ing arrying on a harness and shoe bueineeo here for many yearn, ie retiring to devote him- eolf to the B. 0, ehingle trade. His bar.. nese stock has been bought by A. Mo. Brien and Johnson Brae., wbo have new the field to themselves. The annual meeting of the Women's Mloeionary Society Of the Ontario street oburmb was held on Tuesday afternoon of last week. The principal business was the receiving of the mite boxes, the pay moot of Anes and the eleotion of offioere, who are 0e fol owe t President, Mre. Gifford ; Vioe, Mre, S. Orioh ; kid Vioo, Mrs. W. Manning ; Itoa.Seoretary, Mre. 1.1', W. Watts ; Cor. -Secretary Mee, E. 0, Courtioe; Tress., Mrs, 3, Steep ; delegate to et lelega Conv Riau as Sarnia, hers. Gifford, A meeting was in Id at the Collegiate Institute when the football pleb was re. organized with the following as officers 1 President, J. W, Treleaven i Seo.. Treas., Boy Ifelyar ; Oaptain, John Wiliddon ; Field Committee, Ii,. Button, 0, Savers and A, MoLeod, The slab deoided to compete for the Hough Cup, Lii,olazoow, Thursday and Friday, Got, 8 and 4, are the dates of the Fall show, Harvey Riohardoon01 Walkerton, lute accepted a position with It, D. Cameron, Mise Donaida McLeod wend to Toron. to where elle will attend the Presbyterian Lndioe' College,. The Band .purpose holding a oonoere 00 the second evening of the Fall Fair, October 4th, for which the boat talent ie being arranged. M, Corrigan, who hail been in Poor health for the past few weeks with liver trouble, was at Toronto consulting the prominent physicians in that pity. R. E. Brown, who huesuccessfully taught the Eion pubiia schoolfor the poet 15 years, has resigned his position and intends leaving for the West in the Spring, Kenneth Hunter of this village rends, ed the sad intelligenoe by telegram that bis youugeet, daughter, Mrs. Ward, of Mainlowooy,.Wieoonein, bad died from blood poisoning in her arm, Mre. Jas. Bryan, Mre. John Button and the Miesoe Smith were attending the Brune County Womed's Christian Tem - pentium Union Convention at Chesleyon Thursday and Friday of last week. Goderieh. A. P. McLean and eon, A. D., have re. turned from the Old Country highly de. lighted with their trip. Geo. Graham has purohaeed that fine trotting mare, Annie Gould, and is likely to show bar for speed and beauty at many pointe this Fall. An important business Change has taken plaoe in the purohase of A. MoD. Allan's hardware stook and bneineae by his son George and Dan. Malvor. The inopeotor and purobaeer of horses for the British army, Colonel Dent, will be in Gator/oh again on the 26th inst., in oonneobion with Robt. MoLedn's.third shipment. Though bait was scarce, some very fine bass were taken, among the successful ones being John Phillips, who landed fish of 8} and n pounds ; Chas. Widder, who hooked a beauty of 8,} pounds ; Wm. Carter, one of 3i, and Captain onley, who after a game fight, safely landed a beauty that tipped the scales at 4 pounds 9 000000. On the British Esohange balcony may be leen a Coates that has lived 25 years, and only fresh blossomed. It steads about 8 feet high, has spiked Murree about 18 inches long and bears a long flower that eeeme a continuation of the main stem and is nearly 2 feet long. The blossom is a cluster one of et least 100 flowers, and is of a pretty cream shade. Ise botanloal name ie Ems. Exeter. Ira Andrews moved to Cromarty, where he has purohaeed the Hislop general store, Geo. Barnwell is having a new plate glass front planed in his. store 000npied by E. J. Speakman. Mre. J. V. Crocker returned home last week alter a pleasant visit with friends in Toronto end Oebawa. John Manning still °arrfes his hand in a sling end praotioally is able to do nothing. It ie feared he will lose hie Huger, Thomas Simplon, of Stephen, and Riob. Goold and John E. Barnes were jurors at the High Court of Justice at Goderioh last weak. Charles Sanders, eon of the late James Sanders reoeived a painful kink in the Moe from a horse and as a result his faoe is somewhat disfigured. Owing to the increased demand for the Exeter Roller Mill brand of flour, the proprietors, Mesar(. Oobblediok & Son, ere compelled to run night and day. Bawden ds MaDonell were successful in oapturing the'iollowing prizes for their stallions at.tbe Western Fair, London, last week, viz : let for Hackney ; let for aged shire, (13elebazzor) and let for aged shire and 4 of his gets, also sweepstakes ; 2nd for Wiloott Thumper, 1st for 8 -year. old ; let. for 2 year•old ; 2 firsts for suck- ing Dolts—heavy class ; and 1st, and and Ord for general purpose. Mre. Geo. Stookes, of Detroit, who was here visiting her sister, Mre. Geo. Sanders, and other friends in and around town, met with a very painful and 00• fortunate oaoident at London on Mon- day of last week, Mre. Stookes had been on a abort visit to friends in Toronto and was on her way back to Exeter, when in some manner, while alighting from the ear steps she broke her leg. She immediately left for her home in Detroit. I �enett,il Donald Urquhart shipped a ear of feed to Wilmington, N. J. Mr, Gould disposed of bis house and lots to Peter Lamont, Reeve of Hay, for $650. An effort is beinb made to pub Rodger. villa Cemetery in pleasing oonbraet with its present condition. While Jobn Horton was harrowing he bad his foot badly bruised by the barrow swinging mound and one of the teeth striking it with great foroe. Owing to the continued dry weather some of the farmers in Hay township were obliged to feed their cattle on man. goldsas the pasture is completely burped up. Crossley and Hunter have Consented to come to Hennall for three weeks and will arrive here on the 21st, The union com- mittee have arranged fora aeries of meet. Inge in the skating rink which will be seated, Joseph nucleon, of Hillsgreen, Dame 00ro0e two dogs belonging to neighbors in the hot of killing one of his lambs. Mr. Hudson followed the doge to the 1301,0e0 of the owners, one of whom killed hie dog and 01 onto paid for the lamb. The other dog beiug a pup woo given a ohanoe to redeem his reputation. The flax spread on the field North of U,gahart's mill was oboerved to be on fire. The mill whistle et once sounded the alarm end a forge of men and boyo' rushed to the scene. In a ohorb time the fire was so oat off de' to impede its prog. rase but not before flax to bbl vatue of from 980 to $100 had been oononmed to. nether with a pile of mile. It was foe. t0I 0 that ie fl A 1t the re ed Dov a ori was t erg ut l 30011 had got ander way or the doe oft the wnote field would have been ooneem' ed. The fire originated from epari3e from stumps which were burning or a neigh- boring field, The Y. P. A, bad a surprise party at the home of M. Geiger Friday evening, of last week, for bis eon, Alfred, wbo left for Naperville College t0 etudy for the ministry, Mr. Geiger' hoe been a very energetic', active worker 1n the Young Peoples' Society, the membere of which showed their appreciation of big work by presenting bin with a beautiful lumber's Bible. [.I,at.owel. There is talk of the reorganisation of a rifle club in town. J. W. Staab has purchased the James Smith farm of 20Q sores on the Wallaoe road. Meier Dent will examine heroes for army purposes again at Listowel on the 86th of September. The attendanoe at the High 'School is now over 100,the !ergot attendance for a number of years, A. J. Knight, teaober of S. S. No, 7, Wallace, has resigned hiscahoot and bee accepted a more lucrative' position as traveller. Obildreu'o Day will be observed in Knox oburob on Sabbath forenoon, Sept. 22nd, and in the evening the Harvest Home eervioe will be held. The church will be beautifully deoorated for the oo- oaeion. The Breitbaupt Leather. 00. are over- hauling the leeoh house at their tannery here, replacing some of the old vats and adding new ones, They will now have six imme00e vats of about 280 barre's capacity each. Lambert Watson, M. D., a graduate of the Lietowel H. S„ and at present a Burgeon in the N. W. Mounted Police, was visiting friends in town last week. Dr. Watson ie located at Wood Mountain, about 135 miles South of Moose Jaw. Kidd Bros. had a eouple of bootee kill. ed by a freight train Monday night of last week, The horses were pasturing on Smith's farm and got onito the track through a gate having been deft open. The engine came into the station covered with blood. Gorr to. Howiok Connell met on Wednesday. R. 0. Sperling was taken sseriousl y ill, Rev. and Mre. T. A. Wright, of Brant- ford, were the guests of old friends in town last week. 0. W. Piokford, of the Soo, Mich„ was in -town renewing old aoquaintanaee. He intends moving from the Soo to Waeh• ington, where he will epend the re- mainder of his days. Workmen were bney excavating the Cellar ander the Albion Hotel. Mr. Dal - mage intends putting a -stone foundation ander all the house and also having a Dement floor pat in the cellar. S. and Mre. Jamieson, of Inveroeee, Megantia Co., Que., were gneete of Jno. and Mre. Donaghy a few days. Mr. Jamieson is a 0onei0 to Mr. Donaghy, They were making a tour through On. Mario visiting their friends and sone. Two of the latter are Presbyterian ministers, one at Oil Springs and one at Burgoyne. They are parents of Miss M. A. Jamieson, the celebrated Lady Mrs. efonary of Oen,ral India, who has been 11 years in tot country and wbo spent the fast two years in the heart of the moil famine etrieken dietriot. W. F. Dulmage, of the Albion Hotel, laid a charge of vagrantly and fraud against W. Hendereon•Renderebott, a tramping obaraoter wbo olaime to be a doctor. About a month ago this gent sbruok the town and also the Albion where be put up for a few days and then walked off leaving Mr. Dulmage unpaid for his board. He turned up again bat somehow he did not know where the Al. bion was situated so hs fell into the Anglo American. He appeared before Magistrates Roes and McLaughlin on the above charge and was sent down to the Oiroular Town for three months. Atwood. Editor and Mre. R. S. Pelton were guests of Rev. J. E. and Mre. Wilson, of Toronto, last week. The Baptiet anniversary services will be held on Sunday, Sept. 22. Rev. G. B. Davis, of Woodstock, will preach. J. A. Davidson, of the firm of MoPher. eon & Davidson, barristers, Stratford, wee' the guest of hie brother-in•law, Rev. E. A. Fear, last week. The oontraot for supplying the lumber, aaeb and doors, etc„ for the Bee office building has been awarded to W. F. For• rest, of tbe Atwood Planing Mills. Mrs. Wm. T. Mitchell and daughter Barbara and lotrs. Geo. 0. Ooghlin were driving Wednesday of last week with Dr. Langrill's horse and rig, when the horse took fright and ran away, opsetting the 0000panta, and in the fall Mrs. 00511. lin sustained a fractured leg. The borne came home of its own a000rd. Reeve Donaldson was in Chatham the other 't day on business with Mr. Rankin re Ellice drain law Coate and while there seoared reline from one of the Brrtreb gunboats }sunk in the river Thames der. ing the war 04 1812.14, and only recently located and raised by the Chatham His. torioal Society. The relics referred to are a grape shot and an oast walking etiok made oat of the timbers of one of the vessels. Df8T0I0T MooTx.to,—The financial meet- ing of the Stratford district was held in the Methodist church, Atwood, on Tue. day, Sept. 10. There were present Rave. E. N. Baker, M. A., B. D., and A, H. Going, B. D., of Stratford ; G. H. Thomp• son, Monkton ; H, Irvine, Listowel ; T. J. Snowden, Milverton ; O. W. Bristol, of Trowbridge ; H. A. Graham, Wallace; E. A. Fear, Atwood Wm. M. Pomeroy, Harmony ; S. L. Tool, Embro, and the following laymen t R. Babb, Mitchell ; R. Cole, Fullarton ; J, Dazell Wallace ; R. Code, Trowbridge ; S. S. Bothwell, Listowel ; H. D. Farrow, Stratford ; G. Graham, Atwood. In the absence of the Chairman, Rev, Geo. W. Henderson, Rev. E. N. Baker was elected to the their, The first buoiesse woe the arranging of the finances and the appropriations to the severaloh0rges, the amounts being the mime 0e those forwarded by Dr. Griffin. In oonneotion with the mission work the following resolution Was passed : "Re• solved, that we, the 'members of this die. triol meeting, arrange to bold all our miseionery meetings before the close of the year, and ao far se possible oolleob and forward all monies' to the general treaenror before the opening of 1902." All the stations in the dietriot asked for local arrangement of missionaryworld t blank o , len. r the f le nduautional work It P aWas keeoltrd that each mtprear b4 re.oponaible tne hie own eductioal.• meet- rage; U nse'rabu dpbi, onb Jook placeC; on Ste+re St, Jum@' obak4b, Montreal, whep S ORE, SH the following resoltion. was apanimaus. lypasd ;MovedbyRev. H, A, Going, EL'l:° , Ieoopded by 10. Babb, that hav1ng 1eaefv. ed nobipe from the Committee appointed by Conference to deal with' St, James obnroh flnnoe, we recommend tbat pastoe endvor to raise the ameant fie den. ed bo their circuit and report to the next aqnetifiI d r eting, an a est m1dtltthie distrlot meeting appoint deputations to aesint any pastor or pesters who may re. quire -any auolr ae0ietanoe, Rev. Wm. M. Pomeroy presented the report of the Committee onevangiietia services to be held on the ditriot, which was adopted with sevral slight Changes and one hundred poples ordered bo be printed and dietriboted. In the evening an evangel. iatfo srvice was held at wbiab Rev, E, N, Bakr preaohed a very eanest die.00aree. Setadort;to. A grnt of 925 Was made to the band by the council. ThomasBrown, of Toronto, has taken the leadership of the 83rd regiment band, The Woman's Christian Temperance Union purpose bolding their annual Bounty convention is Seaforth, early in Ootober. The Salvation Army will celebrate the Anneal Harvest Thanksgiving Festival on Saturday, Sept. 21st to Tuesdy, Sept, 24th, inoluaive, A oommonioatioo 'was received at the last Conooit meeting from R. S. Rape, eolioitor for William Amens, &eking for damages for injury to a horse, 'was re- ceived and left over for future oonsidera. tion. Rev. Dr.' 1'aunery,of St. Columbia, (Iriebtowa) wbo for some time past hae been in poor health, left Monday of lastweek, on a vacation to Ireland. Rev. P. Oorooran,of Seafortb, a000mpanied him as far as:Buffalo. Mrs. Dobie, mother of Mrs. W. D. Bright, met with a painful aooideat re- cently. She got up daring the night, and in attempting to go down stairs, she missed her footing and fell to the bottom. Although no bones were broken she was badly bruised and shaken up and is con- fined to bed. James Stewart, of the Seoforth Milling Company, has disposed of bis interest in the mills here to'bis brothers and has purohaeed Henry Colbert's farm in Egmondville, and inteude engaging in farming 8gam. This farm adjoins the village of Egmondville and oontaine about 150 aore0. At a meeting held in the Collegiate In- stitute the Seaforth collegiate Iostitote football team re -organized for the ooming season. The following ooere were eleoted :—Hon. Pres., J. L. EilloraoPres., G. F. Rogers, I. A. ; Vice -Pres., H. H. Brown, B. A. ; Manager; G. F. Coling, B.A. ; Seo.-Treas., Fred. Broad. foot ; Captain, LMacDonald • Com., T. Miller, G. F. Hamiltn, A. Woodley and 0. Sills. Every young person should take a course in Liotowol Business College which le- 0pone, under 0 new management, on Mon- day, Sept, 2,1001. I0iroular free on applioatiou. C. A. FLEMING, A. L. MCINTYIIE, President, Secretary. Butter Butter I will pay 17e. and 16e. cash, respectively, for the best two tubs of Butter during this season. Butter to be tested by an expert. R. BROWN 5 Opp. American Hotel, BRUSSELS. Ihghest Cash Price for Eggs. Brussels Woolen Mill• A well assorted stook of Tweeds, Shirting, Sheeting (single and doable), Blankets, Ladies' Skirting, Flanels and Yarns of varfCue Colors land3 1 le ie Eo be food atP 9. or stng Brae• eels Woolen Mill, and will be sold for cash or in exchange for wool, Wool oasded or exohonged for rolls. Highest market prioe paid for wool. B. GERR■. McLEOD'S Sytem, Eenovvator —Ann 08880 -- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Iloart,LiverComplaint,Neur. algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, Con. enmption, Ga11 Stones, Jauudioe, Ilidey and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Donee, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT• J. M. MoLEOD, Prop• and Mannf0otarer, Sold Ay Jab, Fox. Duggist, lurneoli New Fall DIES HON, Our New Drees Goode are here and the display eolipeeo all our Penner elforte. We fled a growing demand for better &lase of geode and to meet the demand we have bought mach more expensive goods, than formerly, but to Bulb all classes we have also enured a fine assortment of lower prioed geode which are extra good value, Below we quote a few prioee wbiab will give you a faint idea of the goods we carry, Bat our New Drees Goods meet be Beep to be appreolabed. Plain and Panay Dress Goode, 42 inobee wide, 260. Romeopone, 48 inobee wide, in oolore of brown, green and gray reixturee, at 85o per yard. Homeepone, 50 iuohes wide, in brown, navy and myrtle, at 50o per yard, Amazon cloth, extra heavy, to be made without lining, in gray and brown mixtures, 65e. Harris' Celebrated Homespun(, 66 inches wide, in gray, fawn and brown mixtures, at 90o per yard. Broadcloth, in black and navy at 91, $1.25, 91.60. Venetians, 56 hushes wide, in brown, gray and fawn, very stylish, at $1.50 per yard. Camel's Hair Drees Goods, the newest thing in the market, the same PA shown at the Pan.Amerioa0 exposition, 56 inches wide, $2. Blank and Navy Serges at 25o, 85o, 50e, 75o and 91. Bleak Crepes, small patberne 05o, 76o, $1 and 92. t CHILDREN'S WAGC7NS. POST BOOKSTORE. Dolls' Carriages, CRADLES, &c. Wilton & Turnbull Have Just Received a Ton of... From the Factory. Customers can be sup- plied while it lasts. Wilton & Turnbull flllgIS! BucseEs Bo9nIEs� EWA 00 , BRUSSELS CARRIAGE WORKS, Are ready to supply the demand of the publio for any kind of wheeled rig 0e they have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Manufacturers in Canada, in addition to their own make, all sold at CLOSE PRIDES. Rubber Tyred Wheels. We make a specialty of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being pat on your own buggy wheels while you wait, or we Can supply both wheeler and tyre at very low prices. Every owner of a gond buggy should have the Dunlop put on by Ewan & Go, Work guaranteed all right as we keep nothing but first•olaoe workman. D. Ewan will devote a good share of his time in attending to the Bale rooms:as the Go. has secured a first -cines Horse Sheer for the blaoksmith ehopt All wood work in oar line and general blaokemithing done on our premieen and at as low figures as can be obtained anywhere, Oqr own make of Buggle) this year are all 8e lnohds longer in the body than other Buggies and for STYLE and COMFORT 0annot be beaten. We nee the long dietanoe, 1,000 mile axle, one or two oiling( in a season is all they require. It will pay anybody who wants a Bret -&lase rig to Dome 25 miles to see our Show Rooms this season before buying fie oar assortment is large and good and we are always well pleased to have people call and examine our stook wbioh is the largest ever shown fa Brussels, t"We mean business. • • W N CXi Co., Brueeela, Mak9re, &e., Baggies, Wagons, Certs and Wheelbarrows always on band,