The Brussels Post, 1901-9-19, Page 2. . . . , . . . . . . . . , .. . . . . . . , . CO-OPERATIVE IDEA. BRITISH WORRING RNOVIM REVOLUTIONIZE TRADE. t WAS Niernble at the Start, But the Bien IECaS Beeorae a Nem tienal One. Frenchmen Were wont to say, with a sneer, that Eettalarici was a intimi of shop -keepers. 'There Was Much truth in that, and the average Briton wits rather proud than ashamed of it. But now Great Britou's independent shop -keeping class scone surely doomed to extinction, and through this extinctieo there is. being wrought into praetical shape some thing resembling the first steps in Bellamy' e more oe less f itatastic "Looking l3ac1oward," TO revolution—for revolution it is iniad you, despite its peaceful and 4 almost imperceptible development — is being aehieved through the med- ium of co-operative associations, which exist now in all the industrial centres of Greet Britain. These associations were not or- ganized by dreamers 01, tilOorigtO, nor are the people flocking to their standards conscious of helping or participating* in a movement heading toward practical socialism. They have not bothered and are not both- ering about suck things, and if there be a few who even now realize the inevitable result they are keeping strangely ad wonderfully silent, The beginnings or the associations were simple and humble enovgh. Nero and there a new 'workingmen From the Review, Windsor, Ont. banded together and exhorted their Mr. Thoinas Cada, of Pike Creek, neighbors to join in establishing a a small village in Essex County, is grocery store. Without exception, known to almost everyone in that so far as is known, these ventures section. Ile ts a son of Mr, John were and are suceessful. Cada, mill otter, and 32 proniinent politician in his locality. A repre- sentative of the Windsor Review, cornstarch stared smooth in a table - who had known that some time previously Mr. Cada was in poor health, recently met him. look- iag anything but an invalid, and na- turally asked what had restored him CEYL N AN I DIA NATURAL LEAF °law 9.7743.a sof Resembles Japan, -in flavor, but is never Impure—while infinitely superior in quality, It is making rapid strides In public favor because of the above facts. Drinliers 01 Japan teas should give it a trial. Farmer Watt—"Itastus, I 0121 verY much surprised—!" Itastus--"Deed, Doss, eo ani L" BADLY BUN DOW N SYMPTOMS THAT MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS RESULTS. The Experience of Thomas Cada, of Essex Co.—Nerves Seemed. Shattered, and Ile Felt Unfit- ted to Stand Hard Work, LTM/T 'UPON CREDIT. The associations aro stock con- cerns, with a fixed price of £1 "share, fully paid up in advance. No member may get credit for an amount exceeding his sto, so that b there are no ad debts. The share- 616G 61:963Z,Z% SEN Oil CeylOn Tens are sold in Sealed Lead Packets only. Black, riixed, thaeOlOred CeylOn Green. Free Samples sent. Address “SALADA," Toronto. isi.els Take 2 cups rollecl oats, 2 table- 0aspoonsar ld, 1 tablespoon salt on which pour 1- fit boiling milk (o52 water) and let stand one hour, then add 1 pt water (eithor Warra or col(1) to make the whole quaetity tho right temperature for bread. Add 1 yeast cake, i• cup sugar, 1 tea- spoon soda sifted with enough flour to make a dough as soft as can be handled, knead well and let rise over night. In the morning mold ins to loavet, let rise again and bake. Prepare rolled oats, as for table use, add tablespoon butter, when cool enough add One egg, 1 table- spoon sugar and 3 (121!) homemade yeast, and flour enough to make a stiff batter. This makes one loaf. Put in a pan, let rise and balm 10 a moderate oven • three-fourths of an hour. E Z5,72/%001963066 JUST ABOUT HOMAFFAIRS. A delicious chafing-dieh compound is made with eggs prepared in the Italian way. A cup of mills is heat- ed in the Mei' pan of the chafing - dish, and when it is hot hall a cup- ful of boiled chopped spaghetti and half a cupful of peeled and diced or sliced mushrooms are added, togeth- er with a tablespoonful of butter. Season well with snit and pepper, cook for two minutes and add /Our well -beaten eggs. When the mixture begins to thicken, add a tablespoon- ful of chopped parsley, reduce tho flame and serve at once. A Welsh rarebit that is made with- out liquor has et tablespoonful of spoonful of melted butter, Stir ha a half cupful of this cream, and, as the sauce thickens, add Milt a pound of 0120000 cut fine, a quarter of a teaspooful each of salt and mustard, to health Dr 121111 13013' and a little cayenne. holders, or membersas they are cal- rills,- proraptly replied Mr. Cada.. led, elect oflicers, and these In turn When asked ff he trout,/ give the pars has arisen in behalf of fresh bread. At last an aalvoco.te of authority eVIMint practical men to run the tigulars for publication, Ili. Cada molasses, i yeast cato, then s ir store or stores. said "certainly, if you. think it. Worth In a medical journal recently it Was very, very stiff with bread flour, let Gradually the scope of these stores while: but there is nothing very won- set forth with professional indorse- put into tins without has been extended until tts-dily they derful about my case. I was simply ment that the real harm of hot 101rves, trills:Id' iinig'e.n This will Malta two small Take one largo cup rolled oats, pour on 14 cups boiling tenter, add 1 teaspoon salt find 2 misting spoons molasses, and stand till cold, then add 1 cup yeast or half a. yeast cake and ell the flour you. can stir in with a spoon. Let rise over night. 111 the morning put it into a tin and let rise, then bake slowly for an hour. One cup rolled oats, pour over it 1. pt boiling water, stir occasionally until it is lukewarm, add salt, cup bread MIS itS sof tness, which per - undertake to furnish anything 111 the badly my m run down: nerves seeed milted it to slip down the throat to way of IscrusefurnishIngs, wearing ap- be all shattered, and I was unable to pare) or food, In someare of the largo stare' hard work. in fact work of and into the stomach withut niasti- y kind . left me badly used up. cation, and consequently without the towns, where there is a large central an__ co-operative associati on, with many00- proper amount of saliva needed for There did not seem to be any tbe preliminary digestive process, branches, the association itself genic trouble, 11 Wu makes many of the articles sold. In s just a MSS The d °I ryness of old breadfor which , being run down and worn out. I Clasgovv, for instance, the local SS- felt myself gradually getting worse, sociation has shoe factories, jam and however, and 1 began taking medi- preeerve works and bakeries, In cine. I tried several advertised rem - Dundee they have not yet got be- eclies, but they did not help me, in- yond the establishment of a, main- deed some of them did me more harm moth bakery. than good. Just then I read of a At first nearly all the other store- case much like mine cured by 1120 2350 keepers stubbornly antagonized the "Sash" as the organization is known among its members. A boSt- Cott, more or less organized wits ate tempted against all who countenanc- ' ed or had dealings with the "Sosh." But that boycott is now little more than a -lifeless corpse, and most of Ins, Williams' Pink Pills, and I purchased a few boxes. Very soon I noticed a decided improvement in ray condition and in the course of c few weeks I was feeling ray -old-time self. I can now eat heartily, do e. good day's work with no unusual fatigue, and M fact feel thoroughly renewed INFANT MORTALITY. Many Deaths Largely Due to Ig- norance on the Part of Mothers The disorders of children seem to chewing W113 neeessary before it the rugged and hearty grown per - could be swallowed, is the reason sons to be simple 'and not particu- that it is more easily digested. The laxly dangerous, conclusions reached, 310131 a consid- This point of view on the part oi erable elaboration of this view of parents has been the cause of the the matter, Was that devotees of loss of thousands of baby lives. hot bread may take their portion You will always find that the with an easy conscience, and, what mothers who are successful in bring- is still better under the churn- hag up families of hearty, happy stances, an active digestion, if they children with scarcely a day's sick - will care to use the teeth freely be- 110(15, 3120 always those who are care - fore the morsel is swallowed, fol to note the slightest evidence of An excellent chili 'sauce is made of illness an31 to eheolt the dinieulty at eight quarts tomatoes, two cups once . green peppers, two cups onions; chop i They do not belong to the class M clothiers, milliners and shoemakers in health and strength. Naturally I all fine; three cups sugar; one cup .mothers that stupify their children are glad to enroll themselves among think Dr. Williams! pink pine a salt, three pints vinegar, three ta- ' with sleeping draughts and similar the merchants willing to honor great medicine for those Who are blespoonfuls grounfl eloves, three medicines containing opiates. "Sosh" itself gets from the seller a weak or ailing" teaspoonfuls ground cinnamon, two i They stick to the purely vegetable as cash puechases. If you ate feeling run down, and teaspoonfuls ground ginger, two tea- healthful medicines which cure in - For instance, if a man wants a cosily tired, you need a tonic to put spoonfuls ground nutmeg. Boil all 'fan-tilc disorders quickly. and of suit of clothes or his Wife a new you, right—to make you feel bright, together slowly for three hours. Ithese Da.by's Own Tabletn aro the dress, an order, good up to the sOe- active and strong, and the only al- Then bottle it while hot. ,best of a11. cided amount, is given by the asso- ways reliable tonic is Dr. Williams' For French pickle peel and slice I For colic, simple fevers, ceoup, elation's manager and this may be Pink Pills for Pale People. Give one peck of green tomatoes and six ocastination, diarrhoea, irritation taken to any of the stores on the these pills a fair trial cued you will large onions. Let them stand over when teething, indigestion and sleep - printed list of enrolled merchants. find that their curative powers have night. Spread in alternate layers ,lessness, these tablets are a quick, The "Sosh" members gets his or her not been over -praised. Sold by all with ono teacupful of salt, sprinkled erlective, never -failing cure. INS - article at the regular price and the I dealers in medicine, or sent post over them. In the morning draw .Solved in water the smallest baby "Posh"itself gets from the seller a paid at 00 cents a box, or six boxes off the liquid. Boil twenty minutes 'will talce them without the slightest percentage on the order. for $2,00. by addressing the Dr. 1V11- in one quart of vinegar and two .ohjection, Do not trifle with mocll- ines concerning which you know MAY COVER. ALL SCOTLAND. Nothing of more than local concern in such trunsaetions? Maybe not, but the indications, taken with the progress of recent years, invest them wills an importance exceedingly far reaching. indeed nothing but local lituns' 'Medicine Co., 13rockville, Ont. quarts of water. Dram through -a qoarts of vm_ nothing, when here is a time -tried —0---..— sieve and add three ,remedy which is -used constiintly and WELL-MANNERED. gar, two pounds of brown sugar. with the best results in thousands one-half pound of white mestere A good story is going the rounds seed, two even tablespoonfuls of of h°Ines' at ITarvard college cona cerninglast ground clovesallspice. ging. , , Mrs.- H. II. Fox, Orange Ridge, , ei, Il year's graduate, a dutiful son and an., says :—"I have found Baby's ground mustard and one-half table- ' an industrious student, yet withal e Own Tablets a perfect medicine for ` spooniul of cayenne pepper. Boil , • a . 1111(3 " s i hi i.o twenty minutes. It will keep in 'be without (1201 2 01111111011 01 011 21 132 s'the house. They somewhat ingentOuS youth. jealousies and narrow-mindedness can prevent the ultimate absorption of the country's industries by these associations or their successors or successor, Glasgow hes been malting a brave effort to federate all the associations in Scotland under its wing with the avowed purpose of manufacturing or producing everything needed. The insurmountable obstacle so far has been that it was intended to estab- lish the needed factories in or near altiagow. whereas each town wants to have a chance to employ some labor. GROWS IN POPULARITY, The co-operative idea is growing steadily and with considerable ra- 326 (130 and that its disciples are not year his father, who WaS ftiat, setting - ' . • ,are truly a baby comfort and moth - glass or stone me, To open windows easily brush ores er,s friend." out for Europe, said to him, Now Baby's Own Tablets ITarry, you get your degree, and 111 the inside of the frames \shilordiin- d can be found at drug stores, or will send for you to come over and travel si:y black lead, when they will sl e be smt Th.,puid. up= receipt ef price. all the summer. e 1 25 cents, by addressing The Dr. without cliilleulty. Harry was delighted. ;Williams Medicine Co., Dept. T., A. delightfel ball for a baby can fie. • • made by a little sister. Find a piii Brdondile ,Ont, He studied faith'fally all tan n0110.40 box --a tin one is best -5u0 put 131 it , . , . . a dozen shot to make a. noise. Make year, and in June went through with a bag of white muslin or cambric. flying colors, Then he cabled his fa - the size of a big bell and fill with us 0 • Monday Cookies. -0031 eup of su- totton wool, putting the pill box in But the father. alas! lad forgotten gar; two eggs beaten together; two the middle lie.fore sewing the end up. his impulsive offer. Ire mused over thirds clip of shortening rubbed into the message, wondered, and then For the outside chooSe very gay -col- three cups of sifted flour; hall tea - cabled back. Yes; what? ored wools in five colors. On the spoo»ful soda stirred iiito quarter steel knitting needles east aup of Other sour milk 00 b„tter„, The 23)13 Ives in torn perplexed, but °I'"In"rY being a well trained lad he did not on IS stitches arid knit dO rows. milk. Add a pinch of salt, -nutmeg, remain long in the derk. mei tired bv Sew -- 1.2tistrips toget her anti slip the imd mix „ii t„gether. 1 , I. y , • .' muslin hull taglde , drawing each end ' ega,,,es„ isi„ifs_0„,e „„ pot„sit of DOMESTIC RECIPES. radleh, one Ounce of mustard Feed, One ealtspoonfel teimpoonful) of biopic pepper, pinch Or red pepper, nail one eupful of etlgar. Mix the spires together dry, wet to a paste With a little Vinegar, tie in Moth. fleet the vitiegar to bollinfs point, put in the spices and Sugar, and boil for fifteen minutes ; drain the pickles, put in the jar and. pour the boiling hot vinegar over them, This will preserve Ibo olor and brittleness or the cucumbers. Wainat Warers.--000 cup brown su- gar, yolks of two eggs, Doe -third tonspoonful ;tali., mix well. To hell a Cup of sifted flour suld half a tea- spoonful of baking powder. Stir in- to the eggs and sugar, thee add one and a. Leif oups of broken walnut meats. Beat well nod add the beat- eri whites of the two eggs; cut anti Sold than lute the mixture but do not beats Dolce on a piece of oiled paper, or on an inverted tin. Cut hissquarea when cold. TIMID 01-IILDREN. Many children, especially strung children, are troubled with their nerves. Night terrors aro very common among imaginative child- reu, Tho little one will be tucked up quite comfortably perhaps and seem sleeping and then begin to im- agine that there is a bens. or wolf in the robin. One bright youngster used to lie in mortal terror that an earwig would come out M 0 hole in the wall near his cot and bore a bole into his brain. There he used to he, the clothes tightly held over his little head, shaking with fear, wet with perspiration, ashamed to tell his fears. Some clulclren, however, can not contain themselves o,fter a cer- tain time, but .givo vent to piercing screams and yells or, having fallen asleep, wake sobbing, THE LONDON OF TO -DAY, JOSEPH ABOUT HATTON WRITES THE METROPOLIS. Our Empire's Capital Was Never So Prosperous and Nappy as It Is Now. It is the Englishman's privilege to abuse his climate. But ono is inclin- od to protest when an American cola sin abuses it, writes Joseph Hcitton. I have been reading in a Transat- lantic journal an account of our fogs from whin, if you do not know bet- ter, you might gather that London is under a perpetual cloud. It seems to be the metier of certain Anieriam newspaper correspondents to invent London mysteries and miseries. The other day we were told that the let - eat. craze of society- was tatooing. The writer professed to describe a studio in which experts in flesh 011 - graving were engaged from naorning till night adorning the limbs of the highest aristoeracy. In one of the great monthlies of the States we aro warned that the young men of Lon- don axe being decimated by practices of the worst forms of immorality ; and out West some of our pen -and - ink kodakers see in the great city a languid and unhappy people, de - Pressed by the South African War, and engaged in little else than Ttig OAL 44141 ,taTal OF orstON 'MA it, is elem. that the plank> reiegalre the enporiority et 11 la palmier Wend, if YOU Want 1" V047117. APPLES. Other rtd11T0 add 00000001 333, The Dawson Ooriorninelon Co.theistic!, Oor, Wentlierket arid. ColliObtte St, TOCOUte. ro,uioup6rI.mww,•ewsioanr••••onMs.mwpap,...wiarw..hmm.,w why it nould not. Everybody seems Eogland's largest foreign popula- te he wen era moss people 020e, 0011 thin is German, of whieh 111141 011 NV business generally "blooming," Nun- have 00,600; 'Russians and Poles- dreds of thousar.ds leave Loudon ecine next with 45,000, 1,iniment Bellows Neuralgia from Satertlay till Monday. TIDO WORKING 01,ASSES are better dressed than ever they ware, No matter how many theatres and music -halls £1,10 bent, they' flinl Ah, that's good news, exelaimeck Mr. Phamlimao, over his pa.per, They patrons. No matter how many 000 going wake a. law to put an, rooms a new hotel lam to let, the s tl2at house is 310 eooner opened than it is ivnit7isesitilydgfiT.Inucntudfredl'liilswivdifooe, occepled, All over idle town tea- settle Mary Ann's piano. shops and silvev-s ly, The sales of curlew at Ohristie's 11°1)0 fA0718h equal- There are wires in that. and the other groat auction -rooms find purchasers for the most. eoetly things, Fourteen thousand pounds ......,—nomommawastracrocrwmansatmomitmecermaccatom. I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by f or a picture and 415,000 for a TiRNARD'S LINIMENT. ' faigar e,nd Leieetter Squares pover- ANDI1E1W RING. . piece of furniture aro the latest re- corded prices. On the mats of Tra- HalifaX. tramp sleeps under the sky oti tho MINARD'S LINIMENT. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by ty, it is true, disports itself and the outer fringes of Regent's Park. But susscaLt,-Col. C. CREWE READ. . many of these waifs and strays be- iloonafgertso 3121(1 de praolf•ens1syedofbecgognasitistutioanoridl I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIllefENT, C. S. mummk, Markham, Ont, knows there are too many hungry, poor, and unfortunate ehildren who seem doomed to misery and 111 - lack; but no city cares for its poor or does more for them than London. For health, for the tem- perateness of its climate, fel' the cheerfulness of its inhabitants, for a high sense of the duties of citizen- ship, for opportunities of chap and cultured entertainment and 101' indi- vidual independence, . London stands pre-eminent among the great cities of the world. A. NEW " LANCE 110AT." The German army has adopted the "lance boat" of Eery Adolf Rey for crossing rivers. With twelve or six- teen (tawdry lances six men can build a boat in Lye minutes, and take it to pieces again in two min- utes. The framework of lances is, of course, covered with waterproof can- vas. The oars aro lances with can- vas blades. BROTHER'S KEEPER. GEORGE S. EfeLAUGHLIN LIVES TO REJOICE THAT HE TOOK EIS 13ROTIE- ER'S ADVICE, For Twenty-five Years Crippled with Backache ---Finally Aclvis- with. Backache—Finally Advis- ed to Take Dodd's Kidney Pills —What Says About Mis Ore. Eamnomy Point, N.S., Sept. 9. — Mr. 0. S. 311cLanglilin lives in this quiet little Nova Scotia village. Nis brother keeps the grocery store here. But for this seemingly unimportant mourning the loss of their martyred fact, unless death had mercifully re - troops. The truth is Nutt the ta- lieved him 01 1113 sufferings, toeing business is the merest fable, Laughlin would in all probability the immorality indictment ground- 'have been a helpless Cripple to -day. less, o.nd, if it were not for the For it was through his brother keep - newspapers, little `Would be beard or thg store that he ram, to try said about the war. As for the Dodivs maney rills. charges that are brought against us 1 ECO Orny Point is thirty-seven in the pro -Doer papers of Dr. Leyds' miles from Truro. The only connec- foreige. friends, they have become too , twit is by waggon road, and in the ludicrous for serious consideration. spring when the roads are impass. Landon never looked brighter than able, the hamlet is isolated com- et the present time, while thousands pietely. But nevertheless the fame are going mad and dying under the cif Dodd's Kidney Pills totted its way Of the 125 schools which Car - scourge of heat waves in America, to Economy Point, and Mr, alc- 1 i man G over/linen t supports abroad, Laughlin's brother fa response to twelve are in British territory. — New York suffering even more severe- ly than Chicago; London bus been frequant requests, began to retail baskhig in the genial sunshine of them at his store, There is no drug- Wean you write to an advertleor ten him gig The highest rainb in the world is a tin mine at Oruro, in Bolivia, 14,- 000 feet above the pea. illrnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Philadelphia 23103 800,000 tons of ice in a year, twice as much as Nor- way 'sends to England. For Over PlIty Years lOso Wzosooves Eloorsnio 8,1MP has Mien need hp millions of mothers /or their children while teething. Itaoothei the softens thegume. oilers pain, auras rand collo, regulates Om stomach and bowels. aud Is the best rococo), for DImaiera. Twenty -gee cents • bottle, gold 1413 3305(10(0 throughout the world. Be Elam anig Ask for "5131 Wthithow's do088aut erstm." The average man, if told he could have as much gold as ha could carry e mile, would and his fortune not over $80,000. Liniment CMS Burns, etc. A bar of pig-irOn costing £1 is worth au if mace into needles, and 4350 in the shape of penknife blades. Deare.035 Cannot be Cured., by local applications, es they cannot roach the diseased portion of the eau There is only Owl Way h/ mire deafness, and :hat is by gallon*. tinnal remedies. Dea(nceir is wowed 133) 53 inflamed cowl Hon �tilio mucous lining of the lgetraeldan Tube. When this tubo is in - Timed you have a rumbling sound er Imper• foot hearing. 11411. when It is ent'rely oloeed' 3113(0030 Is the result. anel unless 1110 lnllam- 51203.1031 can bo taken out and this 12180 TeitItOre4 to its normal condition, hearing will tie do. etroyod forayer; nine cage§ oith 01 ten are mused by 0(01013, which is nothing but.aa flamed condition of tho mucous surface . We +gilt give One Hundred Dollerefor any ease of Deafness (caused by catnrrh) thatcan ass ho cured by Haire Catarrh Cure. Send lor circulars, free. 011EN.1317 & 00., Toledo, 0. *old 17Druggi3to, 75e. Eall'oFomiYPIl'O are the beat. In the last 15 years New South Wades has spent 58,715,000 in de- stroying 21 million noxious animals. 114mard s Liniment fur sale evelywherg , A PI,EASANI1 SUMMER. gist in the place, and Mr, Mci,augh- 'Y:tul:InvittlatdtvArgn:'alt Flowers in the parks Mid in the win- lin's grocery is looked to for inecli- your and served with the host dow-boxes of the West -end houses, eines as well as groceries. nearing. ***w p c 1093 the leafy planes along the embank- the terms of unqualified praise ment, the Show of roses in the Tem- with which his customers spoke of pie Gardens, the gay colors of the Dodd's Kidney Pills, the biotite'. re - horticultural beds in • the squares, commended them to Mr. MeLaugh- the bright baskets at the eigelle0S, lin. "They niight help your back," the glory of Kew end Hampton said he. Court, the gaiety of Henley and That is the story 01 3311' McLaugh- Ranelagh, have rarely been excelled lin's cure—or all of it that varies to in any other season. it is true en- any extent from that of thoueande ough, and sad euough, that the of others. He followed his brother's shadow of the war falls across Nib advice. "I will try 1.110111, anyway," path of fashion, and that the symbol he &Lich That's rill Dodd's Kidney of crupe is corarnon among the mid- Pilis want—a trial. After the 11352 tile classes, but London makes a trial there is no - more hesitation. brave etitral against the illevitable. Mr. MeLaughli» says it Was Wonder - As foe the young men of London, ful the way his .pain left him and '11 • • 1 1 fl I them in the cricket his back strengthened, Ile was a likely to remain enntent after abol- Letters of explanation followed. 01'0 a1"1 Itu'l.""i"f4:one (niece each of muriate of Non Mt t Seem 2 :.,. . The lye., rattling noise it makes will be 31131011 m felling one class of middlemen. Their end he is now making the "grand.unnnonin nud sults 01 tartar, ins- field, at 1.01M114, playing golf, boat- free num ever einee. financial resources are growing tour." ersioyed by the yoUngster. ' solve lye and salts of tartar in rine ing on the riVer, and soldiering. "I was troubled with lame back greater year by year, and it is not ----o— .gollon of wenn water. When cool At a Saturday inspection of Voisin- for twenty-five years or more. I inconceivnblc that ere this centery— ninLEs AS WATCH -CHARMS. ROLLED OAT DREAD RECIPES, i ash; the ammonia and cork up, Add teers you may see eight or ten thou- couldn't turn myself in bed. Won 15 Dwelt older we shall see them run-aliiiaure 1 lIbles are worn as Turn 1 qt. boiling. water over a 'an a a teacupful to the boilitie; water, seed of them on parade, CIF well -set.- derful to say I have had no return aing farms, raising wool, spinning Hove the clothes soaked hi clear wa- UP and likely fellows as you Could of the trouble silica using the Dodd's 1 'Le andwcach-charids :.1 Russia. They are cups roned oats. When cool add 1 3 • .. - ter put In while cold with nicety of meet anywhere. Wer is a terrible Kidney Pills. I have recommended ' ' of 01 and readng garmen , a thing, but the Boer war, which - the Dodd s Kidney I ills to a 11111131361 plitton , each one Inch long. threc-fourths of scan 0111) , .., ., ducting storm foundries. • . - . mills, carpenter shops, mid so forth, ' an inch wide, arid three eighths of butter nr 1111/1, a 1 laic atilt, anti ' '''.'aP, Stir often and boll ten or flf- 1 inch thick find contain the filet when cool, a yeast cake er Iiiiold 'teen lainutte. Suds arid rinse tiler- Deussels De Wet boasts a good thing ' • • I I because, in his opinion, "it. has united the Doers and the 11011andere forev- er," may similarly be called a good thing for us, 011011131 that it lias un- ited Sirent Idritein hi the sacred bonds of a blood brotherhood, and taught us a lesson in inodern war- fare, the value of which cannot be over -rated. . There 10 only one thing Unit teou- blee me about Lennon, rind it is the ar fethat its present prosperity 13003' continue, though 2. 80,3 110 reason COSTLY DINNERS. W. Jules Buret has been collecting scone interesting furor/nation in con- nection with costly dinners. Au - clout Romans were, after all, not more extravagant than some modern Parisians, Englielimen. tone. M. Hurd records that on the evening of the Grand Prix the pleas- ed owner of the winning horao, Che- ri, gave ri dinner of 1,11151)0 320701')), the bin of 10211012conounted to over $1,000. Choice wines, beautiful floW- ers, and peaches costing thirteen francs Well Were chiefly responsible for the high figures ; but "Monsieur Emile," who Managed the Amphi- tryon Club in London, has told Ar. IThret that 00 the opening clay of the tilub a dinner for twelve persons .wfte 120170(1, M Whom 3iing Edward ((hen Prince or Wales) was one, 211211212 120131 61.0712, At the same 11011 11 woelthy lawyer who had won a. great lasesuit seem to thirty-seven Irienas dinner the cost of which eves $5,000.. The late King cif M- ae, in 1115 palmy clays in Paris, was also 1(1111,210 for his hespitallty. One of hie 101 ith t 101 i011 there were °illy five esests; cost $2,000. five books of the 01c1 Testament, yeast. alai their to make a soh bet- a . The text is in IIebrew, and can be ter. flake when light. This nailies 81.0"nled -Rico With re,tches--Coolt a 60'o -00P of rice in a 11 1111; water read with the 0101 of a magnifying- three Mayes. till half tender ; 11110 a lank] i ng dish glass. Another recipe, slightly digerent : with half of it, add a thick layer of -- --- p.trecl and halved peaches, cover with the remainder of the rice, cover the FTRA12R3-31T-14 pudding dish am! steam 011 hour. Serve with cream and sager or with any Wield sauce. as' kyr tt.e TEETH and BRE OE New Size 5OZO130117 New Patenflex SOZOgOinf POWDER Lugo and POWDER . 076o At the Stores or by Mall, postpaid, for the Price. A Dentist's Opinion: " As an antiseptic and lay ionic rnouthwa.sh, and for the care and preservation of the teeth and gums,. cordially recommend Sozodont. consider it the ideal dentifrice l'.or children's use." [Name of 15011022 211)025 n1)1410.911(1%1 HALL & RUCEZEL iviontreal. Sweet Pickled Cueuint.ers.—Choose cucumbers of even sive, l'our boiling water over them. 3.01270 in this brine 24 hours, then drain and cover with cold brine made in the sante proportion as the hot. Change this brine every recoiling for a week, then put itito fresh cold water. Ins - solve a, teaspoonful of alum to a quart of cold tenter, using as much water as for the brine. Drain the aucumbers, put In a preserving ket- tle in alterratte layers with grape- vine leaves, pont. the altnn Water over them and bring to the scalding point. Let, stancl elosely covered on the back of the stove for txvo hours. Drain and put in very cold water—ice seater if poseible. For the vinegar 3111111113, for every quart of vinegro toke Men teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, two of cloves, one of mace, one of eclers; seed, It few pieces al horse - persons with .kidney 'trouble. All without exception 1111V0 been benefit- ed or curud. 1 can never be too thankful for the benefit.I received from those wonderful pills. A COUNTER, EFFECT. She --Don't you think this beautiful Pend, the el.2011 ocean, the gol11011 1110011 and all our surrolualings haye 5211 eileet 1111011 7011r 1.0V0. lic—It might if 1 liticlo't lust paid my hotel bill. aekTrmutezce.c....teetexc.s.... .sca Iterae— /10- eteizq Wasil era 4,gio (in q -clew/ isu o si'iiq Ly,n acI&1 • en eo-o(2eye6 •j t1Seseratereneoureamacanereatitelreetne CALVERT'S OARB•LIC OINTMENT. FN.5111 3121(1 ailments., t. 0. Calvert a Co., Matiohester, England inetruments, Dee mei Uniforli2O. Eta. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BARD Lowest prices ever quoted, Flea catalogue 100111ustrellins,11111100 (coo. Write us for nay 1 11 to or `it mica Instrument WHALEY 110Y0E & 00., Limited, Toranto,Ont, and WinnIpog, Man tokt_ms,, 111 0111)11111013 WULF .0 algal allEERte SUPPEA2S. Asbestos Geode, Plea covering., Lubricating 000, Oreasoe, oto. WM. SUTTON 00311000150 00, 1.1011113, TORONTO.. Dominion Lino Steamellipa 1030(11,01 371 T.130313101, Boston to Liver. Meth l'ortland to Lirora001. 530 31124100' town. Dove sod Vott Stagnating. Superior neocaninodatbe ti,ro11 far 9011010 502 rater000r 04Zli143,05 trtVereel et gen pasageand all particular, applp to any aged 031130 Company, or iblehards, bleb ts co, D. Torrance 2300. 77 anus st., Boston. 1,183313201 0,1 rottltsd. CLEANING I13wAiirlutd LADES'0 V:t° I • Out be eon., wreath by our Preach r1.000311. Twit, 001 TISII itMESIOAN DY0 MO 00 MONTIttitra TORO/CPO. ()MUM. 0 WKS= 514ItET METAL, DoUoLAs.r3gO3.. ooRmoss. wonollioridoblido eisq saassass. 3(1 4, ft