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The Brussels Post, 1901-9-12, Page 5
Sam. a, 190 . "UE T . s p. U+P E:��ryr. CARDS. BUSINESS • -� . Ct}A��V. • �'E��"(� Fall •F .sr CENTRE }�1 V l L Opens I• [\y.Q ;(�� V t1 t 1J 1 Brio and Eget ru allows A.. loser In Nor4b Bruge the are aey°Kltl galnn, opt• Rbly' iFl (ibesl6yr. S'/inr OP AI41 Spltlltnlilp• too, ...... '._.: I ""'�" :oil pbpOlFe Igelled .3 - Emitted Dolt, gravel, $5.3Qi W,'Mines�grayel, $1 .69.;; fte.Stpk2°r 80 O . Ace, McGlynn, grrnVeIa 1 00 • W. S. ni Ta F°h, gravel, $ 7Q i Dint:, gravel, $14.04; A, LoagleYr gravel, $1,92 ; I+, Aryls, gravel, $$,72 i 1Nr}, Dadie, gravel, 8216 i Iiobt, Muir, gravel, 81,44 ; Peter Mammon, damAges, $1 00 Wm• meat, digging (hills grave, $1,5 r thing thRt FAYpt him /gem a (lpallt, "fat's -1 y $IternOpa hp Xtl Elly a deatb o AP a4 2 b'' QW ember tfl, NV ,�In4P Die strove, Tha; deeeaeed was born near Winghanl pit 13eirG, 17th, 1878, i4ttd wapEl tborefore abQgt 20 years of age. Iii! rawer, Jona Qanemore, nye brollies eudd r. a ata aro mourn lila untime y en.. 1 w! _ _.a+• '" '""il: ".- {' : !"4`� '�J P.�l�AeIIv°' • ?. !'/'3 I -S ► ` s7 E�](]' �� �[ry`( *� e , L7 L ,3y 1 11r _ �/� O ' o O AT ,. i �/� NIaX �' L AllFLS .LL.., ggnt, P.ii, 8QOT'r, Bradule, -;. '•y; Nevex have Psssfu] modtatety present eau tial Map - -1i ` ,/S bofo our Lu year, bgohtainod fpuadatinn w0 d P <"" ! �•. '. r', t � u d iu'tl graduates sopuring 2n leaving A gui- in our of a sueeeelful send you w, J, 1A j fy, tI a ,, � 1. © a history been se expellogt College ae :education eaheoi a ontalgguo >aLr lOm'i, ��"r^', ,v �� ,. • of remafkgbly as i life, ES Si, } • •. .'" ""e ' a w t J Ont f� O our 000ago sue• Ituatlousim- ,during the mob as the aubetaa• 1 Prinoil?al, . -.., til v I.1Rr The rate of taxation in Blyth is 19 mails. Btytb b•,sebail pleb eel pet loot a game Chip °eweon,' D ammoud l3roe. w xa rant d fiQ re -i I e granted ' 8 '. r' - ofMill. ter re ilea m l . Prank pleteall, treseurer of l3lytk Pair, wan in Toronto hist -Week attending a meeting of the Ontario Fairs' etseool• I ° aG ° ' r Alox: and �lra. t weeI ar left ort rJ Tues. day morning of last week for Portage la. Prairie where they will spend sometime - Vaulting with relative° led fs . on At the last Ooo(id meeting C a.Clerk. Btothere bypouo I, MaCRA QI N�- 71' a Issuer of tl enaa Licenses, Ob life n4 GxgCAXYr7 nrnberrygtti'egt, Breese's. B011 Broe., ooliin'for ohiJd, $7.00; Jo1Sn McXianon, work on'roada, 689.20 ; Bobt, Ifogg, welshing bridge D line, of ^, Elea. Oruiokahank, rep. °ulFart on 4AiaghRm Bd'yi 82 SQ t R: I. culyr;rep, oalvart oa' Pwiok 0 ; 18. Rr 4 00 • John Mo. 1. Y' $ ' Naughton, gravelling 5th aide reed; 822.50 ; John Yeo, °prowling gravel, 2 50 •• F, Gutterid re o men[ tile, $7.00, Qounoit adjourned En mast in the Clark's oface, Bluovale, on Monday, Sept. 28rd, at 30 o'ologk a, m, Join; Buno¢se, „ • Four of the brotbera and •one eiater re• aide at Manietfque, viz Richard, John, iiobert and William and Mre, Andrew 'lenuant, 'rhe oGlaer4rothax,Jamva and staters IilnR and IZosptta, Uva at Wing• ham, 1'he father went to Weis. Elena aid brought the remains home for burial. They were interred in the Wing• ham cemetery, Wednesday afternoon, the funeral being very largely attended. Deemed epeut the past two: Bnwmere in Manietique and those hwving made bis aoquaiotanoe npeuk vary highly of him, The relatives have the sympathy . -.--- - _ 41 ,� y ('�•ys(� i A Bee `' 1 �'* Breaker ' f Tide week will be a regard breaker in one Mammoth Cub Store, p q when we will oiler everything in Summer goods and severest lines in Fell l' geode at ridienlouely low prioee. No goode given on approval daring [hie great gale. This enle will last only one week at the followingterrido re• ' dnotione ; a l31 Ladies' fast black Hose, worth 8o for 5o. 1 Ladies' fine Bermsdorf blank Cotton'Hoee, regular 20o for 162, or 2 pair for 22o. .. , 1T. BAIiTiEr�'T-- . Tonsorial Artist, Sha -Nest door North of the Standard Bank. PLadiee' and ebudreu'e haircutting a,speolalty. M. MDR ISDN 1 Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL7.O/V, ONTi • f MISSJEAN M LAIICHLIN, -T70AOlimR OF- PIANO AND - gRGAN, ' so:tv,sstMx,s, O1TT- (� , .1 � �li�S. J moved, er(ieed(tntb ed d Mei, that we Advertise in the Globe and Mail and Emp re for someone to rebuild the Blyth dour mill, Following are the oflioers for the gn• Trow»zod�e. of the oommunity in their ni?iiobion, Man's Wool Sox, regular price 20o for 150, 2 pair for 26o, Table Linen, 66 inches 250 for The'lermere here are busy cutting (torn which is a great orop, Albert Coulee, of Wallace pai3 a flying Visit to our town last' week, Mies J00010 Sutton attended the Milli, nery Openings in Toronto last week. MU. M.•A. , Leslie and Mina Hattie Jvokeon were in Toronko last week at. leading the Fair, It. G. Code -left a few stalks of corn at the poet ofiloo which measured 12 feetia length well loaded with floe ease of corn. R. H. Green took letprize for aheeee at Toronto Fair.. The - directors of the Trowbridge Cheese and Butter Company are to be oongratulered on having one -of ., ,.twoocl. Rev, Wm. Lowe, of Wingham, will mud not Hemet Thackegiving'servtcee in Trinity church, Elmo, •on Sept; 22nd. The Newry cheese factory was eocoese• fill in carrying off two pricer, a second and six- raze at the Industrial Fair,So°kali Toronto D. A. Kidd M. D., Atwood, leaves on Sept. 17th for New York to take another poet graduate course for a few weeks, While away Dr. Beau, late of E mwood, Bruce Co,, will continue his praoeige, Mrs. John Wilson deft Tboredny of lag[ week for British Columbia for a wide, regular 20o, Table Liuen, half bleached, regular ODo for 400: Crash Towelliig, regular 5a, redaoed to 40, Pure Linen Towelling, 17 aunts[ wide, worth 8o for 5q, Fancy Drees Goode, 40 iaohae wide, w1 tb 2t0a for lop. Ginghame, ti bias and white eheoke and fauoy plaids, lust colors, worth 80; rednoed to 50. Ginghame and Chambraye, worth 20e for 100. Shirt Waists,worth 50o, redacted bo 250. Ludiee' Fano Y Shirt Waists, trimmed with wide inaextion, regular prise $1.86,reduaed to 750. New Black Santana Shirt Waists, tucked • book and front, worth $L7b, for 81.45. Men'e Tweed Buis, Shorcy'e make, in fanny choke and mixtures, worth $6 for 84,50. �� Sd c iii R 0 8 E R T . CUNNINGHAM. rneanen°e, F FIRE AND MARINE, GUBLPH Fortimeicli.' a I or• Arthur Dobson has gone to Model est where he will attend the Model school for the a, st e7 months. William Beaker left on Wednesday of Inst week for Toronto where he ie attend Ing the College of Bha ?ging gist months of the Young People's [moiety of Trinity chetah ;-Hon. Pres,, Rev. Geo, MOQuillim ; Pres. Mise Annie Hamilton; Vise ,Pre[., Thea. 1oGilll Seo.. Trade., Miss L, Settergreen • Oi an, g g fat, Kies Edna Hamilton i AneietgaE Or•PLadies' Kanter, Mies Maud Proctor, Wellington Mutual Fire in8nornoo 1 CO., .. Drennn 1000 taken Ineuranm taken on the rash and premium nota system ntour'roub rates, Before luau,. ins elsewhere call on the uncereigned Agent of the Company, - - GmORGel ROGBRS, Brussels: IbIose A. B. Strome and J. Mmes were award- ed the centred fo for' repairing the Ford- Mali bridge for the rime of 6188, 'd. P.. Rev. Wilmot home h, atter. spending R few days at hie home here, .brie lett for Tacoma, Wash., where he will hold evangefietio srvioee , for three weeks, From there he goes 10 Olympia, the rapt, of the State of Washington, for two weeks, thence to Solt Lake Oily, Mrs. Geo. H, Williamson. and ,laugh: ter Edith arrived in Fordwiob from 'Manitoba, where they 'have been for nearlytwo a years Mr. Williamson' will 'not arrive here for a couple of month[, he having genera Dakota to visit his brothers and slater. Ib is andetetood Mr, W. and family will make their home in, Fordwiob in the future. . 1B1>Keter. Plums areselling Por from 850. to 60a. e, pall in town. .. Irl T, Bishop left Mendelof last week, for Toronto where he will farther prose•„ cute hie leer studies, tbie being- the final term. , .... Mies Lily Hardy, who has been visiting et the Soo Por soros weeks, returned, has been quite ill and oondned to .bad under the doctor's tare. Messrs. Bawden and MaDonell, who had a number of horses at the Toronto Exhibition eaooeedod id capturing eight P g g.Atwood brat prizes and two eweepetakee. 6Ri°hard Robinson, of the London Road, South, met with a painful aooident on Wednesday afternoon of lost week. He was driving a horse owned by A. the beet aheeee makers in the D°minior. visit. Si e will stop oft at Elkhorn, ' MISS'SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M.,- ' Academia gr len sten Ue of `ion Aeeooi r d' Neatening of lantana, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils. for inetruatton pn.the piano• ualiOeu to prepare pupile for the Principal's Form in the Ooneervaory of' •Mosta. :' - Brussels, Ontario.' man. to visit sick sister, who will an- Wroxeter. , a ao- oompany her to the a oast Mr, Wilson Peter Smith left last •• week. to resume his studies at the Galt Collegiate, Harris Hamilbori ie spending hie two weeks holidays at his home near town. Court of Revision in. mongeotioe with the ',dere' list will be held her°;on Tuee- day of nest weak at 10 o'clock. arrived home from the Yukon theoth day, none the worse of hiet i the the far North. J. A, MitOh°ll, who has mharge of til°, anneal Fall Parr oonoort, to be held in on the evening of Sept, 25th, has g by special arrangement secured O. Le- y --II-l- p 1�t C �1 L1� b7 WAGONS. Y �y w d V ASTOIS S. LEX. HUNTER- A Clerk of rho Fourth Division Court, 'Co. Ruron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan. and Insurance Agent ; Auction- ear. Funds invested and to loan. Gansu- tione made. Onloe in Grahom'a',B1ock,Erns. sols, Mre. John Inglis and son, John, and daughters, Ellen and Frannie, of Chicago, were visiting. with the latter's aunt and ooausias, Mrs, John. Sanderson and'familyhere. ' ba event tach happy place on Wedaeeday evening of last week at the residence of Dr. Brawn when his dao titer Mies Laura, was united in g, marriage to James H. Allan, drggglat, of our village. The'Wedding March was Played by Mre. T. 0• Hemphill, sister 01 the bride, The bridesmaid was Miss Elate Allen, sister of the groom,. and .the groomsman was JobnBruwn,.ot Toronto,. brother of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. I. A. McKelvey, S. T. •L. Only the relatives of the contemning parties and a few very intimate friends were present. Thoea item a diebonae were Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, of Listowel ; Mies Gertrude Brawn, of Buffalo, and Miss Allen and Mrs. Kerr, of Galt. A. pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation by John Bartley and Gain Davidson on behalf of the Bache. -torsof Wrozeter, of an easy chair to Mr. Roy Kenney,, humorist, and Biles Mari. Dell, B, A„ enbertaicar, Ewa of theettbest the beet enterbuinere in America to. take ' part in the program. Oen Now Opi'roo.-The Bee of - Inst week save :-The eontraot for the brick work and foundation of The Bee. office building was let Saturday eight to S. Wright, of Honfryn, and Tboe, Nesbitt, of Atwood. The carpenter work was P_4e: let to Alex, Cameron, and the hardware, glass and roofing to John Roger, Atwood. The contract fpr the lumber, east and doors has not been awarded yet. The new building stades and cellar, solid 22x60 feet, twoQ g wul be rad brink, with atone foundation. The lower story will be Odenied by The Bee publishing office, and the upper story will be fitted op for and a similar number below, there offiaae. With nine large windows abovellooKsirollE should be ample light and ventilation. P g The aloes will bees au outside entranos, and - fitted up with every oouvenienoe, in, alndieg hot air heating, acetylene gas, and pare hard water oouveyed from the well. below by force pomp on second floor. Provident be to Uez d _ j tf"Y'7 a W ISI . f r'1 111��� E"'� h? 1-1-1 U I pgsT 0 1--1 j--.1 �{ 0 IW (� 1-r{ L�JJ CIO •... Gorr -its. Township Connafl on Sept. 18th in Gerrie. H. S. Evans has gone to Clinton to at• land the Collegiate Institute. Miss Bessie Strang baa returned home after an extended visit with friends in the Son. Mise Susan Ardell has left for Brus• eels where she line seourod a eitugtion in D O,.Roaa' tailor alto p• Capt: S. G. Keine was fn Goderiah on Moudny of last week attending a meeting of the offioere of Elia 33rd Regiment. Mrt. Wm. Mose and son Roy and her mother, Mrs. Pierod, were visiting friends Mallard, ,,Of Grand Bend, and while mbresb, a Mrs. J. V. Oromker'e, on Andrew112ATnttfoiafAa.-A street, the horse became frightened at some flog•sbones on the side of the road, and shying to one side threw Mr. Iioee i oa out of the rig. He hang to the linea in an endeavor to [top the beast but was thrown against n posh with mob force as to break hie ehoulder blade. He' was at orae token into Mr. Kunz'[ rest• deooe where hie woaode were dressed by a physi°ire andbeis now resting easy. horsebre m the captured •on Main street noti�mush the worse for Its run, while the baggy apd harness were damaged, to Some extent, AUCTIONEERS. �j B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- e • am, will eels ler bettor' prices, to better men, in lose time and lees ahnxCe1 than any other Auctioneer in mast Huron or, be won't charge anything. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at Hite ones or by personal application. VETERINARY. at Amberly and enjoyed the lake breezes. A Lawn Social will be bald at the rest• deooe of Wm. Evans of the 9th eon. an Tuesday evening, Sept. 17th, under the auspices of the Epworth League` of the Gerrie Methodist okaroh. Wm. Stinson, the cattle and nog king of this district, has -disposed of hie fine farm on .the 9th con. of Howbeit to Ed- ward Krohn, of the township of Miito, far the snug gam of $8,000. Mr. Stinson intends purohseing property in Gerrie. Mrs. (Rev.) Wesley Johnston died at Brandon, Man., recentl The deemed y' was well known here, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Turner, at one time living in g the residence now occupied by J. B. Campbell. Rev. and Mrs. Johnston visited with Jae. and Ikirs. Armstrong for Iwo weeps about two year's ago. - P!+ealortla. The fariitnre factory is now busy en a tarp shipment of bedroom suites for ex- port to Australia. The aontraot for fornishing gravel for the town streets,. for this year, hoe been awarded to George Murray for $2.75 per cord for unaareened. Chas. Aberhart, who has been assistant in S. Roberta drug storeforsome ears, g y left on Teasley of last week: for Torontonal, where he will atbeud the School of Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. Lightowler are berejast now visiting Mrs. Lightowler's parents, W•and Mrs, Copp. Mr. Lighbowler, or as lie was m0retamiluriy known, "Happy Jaok," has been engaged in Salvation Army work for 20 genre, and kae visited moo alines. He is now, and has been Y D. WARWICK- J. Boner Graduate of the ontaxto vet esinaryCollege, ie prepared to treat all die- eases of domesticated ,animals lin a compel• ent moaner. Partiiutnx attention paid to' 'Veterinary omoelauaioe�mary Four doors North of bridge, Millbury at., Breasts. Alien and a smoker and parlor cloak to will also made Mrs. Allen, accompanied by the follow- oarry off all waste water through large ing address, whisk apelike for itself :- drain pipes -conveniences that aainot be To ,lir, and liars, Allen. . over estimated. The rental will be nowi- thus sneering permaoeot 0ooapatioo. louse, n ainsunmarried neffriends and lab the os- We are already in receipt of a number of easiou of your marriage pass without show- et (pities reepeating them. Our new ing you.,bye small token of the esteem In premises will be one of the largest, hand. which wehavealways held you. While re-[onset and beet a ai ed newspaper q pP- i Dolls Carriages 1 CRADLE ! gg,, �+C• f -"" - --"- • LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. - - -AT M. BINULAIR- • Barrister, 8nlieiter, r0000ayancer, Notary Norbbo, &o. ralHoteltewart'e Block 1Noor Nin ab of Control Hotel. 1 Solicitor iorthe Standard Bank. gretting but congratulate ranks offices inOutnrio,end certainly none bat• event. Willyou, Mr. Allen, accept this easyter in Perth county. We believe our chair and you, Mrs. Allen, this rocker and efforts and large expenditure will be ap• chairsome° remiated bythe public bya largely in- by or clock. rWhen id we a on you esewill bl Your cosy man we Kant on will ehave P P e 9 times think of man pleasant times we have. creased bneieesa. We hope to get into had to ether and The earnest wick of your onr naw home on or about Nov. 151b. manyfriendaisthatthisclockmaytickaway 1l ' 0 �� � �VV7000ddd ,,,��l111,,. G • F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solioitor, roe.Vilaoleos over Stand! and Bank. Solicitor for 9IlieSe of Brussels, Mouoy.to Loan at lowest rates. • IIenwalll J. W. Miller bas been making ship. moots of wood nk London. Nelson's Bank have placed a very h rodeome, new, gilt sign on the front of the bank. Rev. J. S. H Henderson was at Toronto attending the meeting of the Assemblies Committees on Sabbath sohoole and Young Peoples e00 istace. • The Salvation Army Band from Clin• ton gave concert in the opera hoose the other night. The inrn out was email but the band fu+niebed an interesting program, John Wood went to Toronto Eshibi• tion with hie fine dolt bred from Bel, mkezzar wbtoh is just 4 months old and for some time, a leading officer in the American contingent of the army. WEDDED, -A quiet wedding wassolemn• wiled at Ingleside Marg r Tueeday s last week when Miss Margaret, daughter of D. D. Wilson, was united in marriage to Geo. R. Anderson, demonstrator in Toronto University. The ceremony was perform- ed et noon by Rev. Colin Fletober, of Thames Road, assisted by Rev. F. H. Larkin, of the Presbyterian oburoh. After the oeremony luncheon waa servedw and olio r, train. Mrs. Onlythe mn lel[ on fainil8 y were preaentat the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson wiil make their home in Toronto. Their many friends here ex- tend to them their beet wishes. many,years of united happiness for MEDICAL CARDS. BRE BAOHE0OIt9 OF WROSETEn. il Wroseter, Sept. Eta, 1001. Mr. Allen on behalf of himself and Mrs. Allen made a very apt and suitable reply. Their friends in p 't �''T t� E[ave .tL-{Y t(11L Just E[a V e JCA i7 V B e c eA V e y CA! .1 Ton J. A. M'NAUGHTON. AL D., C. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical oollege,Member College 01 Physlalane and Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal 001-. togary,mpdhysici He and Licentiate1mia Residence -Mill street,.Brueeels, many unite wishing them a happy and prosperous future. Q�„ The undersigned is prepared WinaYaa.m. gp p A carload of flex was shipped to Elora. to purchase any quantity of Fall Harold H failed to came up in time to and Winter Apples, for which he win at the race in Providence.., John W. Dodd was attending the an. will pay the highest market price. naal meeting of the Grand lodge of the Before you gall be Sure and see Royal True Sine Aeeoaiation at Toronto jnnoEion. him.It will payyou. 3E3�' evaiummet t , DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FE/LD, DENTIST Surgeons of Ontario Hovel ioYirab olaas Honor Graduate or Toronto University. (Moe next to Brower's Photograph Gallery, BRIISSmLB. weighs 678 pounds, He will also exhibit it M she P old andriaan. Mre. Harold and little daughter have arrived home from Winnipeg. She had Veen absent six weeke which she spent with her slater, Mrs. Wren, who, with her husband, J. Wren, ,[salsa in the ally. The band have been given the fres use of Coxworth's Hall for practice sinoe its organization and theboys concluded to go up to Mr. of gigeth a residence on a recent night and give him and his family some mesio es a recognition of their kindness, They played several times after whisk Eke were invited into Eke house and served with a most sumptuous34, repeat. After some songs and oomph• mentary remarks the boyo joined in singing "For Re's adolly. Good Fellow" and departed home. fdluevalo. oilTmeetiug: held mina Blnevale -ton August 31. Members of Council all premed. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed. Communioationswerereadfrom the Clerk of Culross, re grant for Bonn. the dory, filed, also from Gaderiok Electric Co y, re right of way, filed, also from Reeve of Morris, re wire fence on Bonn• dory. Reports : The Reeve reported, that he bad let a job of gravelling on 25th aids line to John McKinnon, at 38 eta. per rod, 1i yds. gravel to rod, also let a job of gravelling on 8th eon. to John, Ma. Kinnon at 40 eta. per rod, 1} yds. gravel to rod, also let ajob of gravelling 60 yards on Morris,Boundar to John MoIifnnon, y at 46 ate. per yd. also 80 yds. on same road at 68 ate. per yard. Mr. Coapland John Kelly, tad mma., Culross, brought in a reoord•breaking load of flax. When yI M. 11 EWI TT nearrly 4i tone. the eoalee 8,847 pounds, f v! J. E. Swede has bought the Beattie BRUSSELS. stable o° Victoria street. He will move From. the Factory. hie buggies up there and hie horses to the new ebables being 'erocted at hie "Econom brines Wealth" hones. g g gy a Ata ocn re ationat meeting of the 7,, Cultolusts Call be sup - Spectacles Presbyterian church it was decided to • dispense with the lamps and put in EGG G electric) lights at once. The lamps will G• plied while it lasts, ---"-•-••..,, • } ! +° `, e'en'- ,cv -OF ALL BINDS- Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latent Optiosl methods at Division COU["[ Office t ' BRUSSELS• be offered for sale. Work has begun on the brink boiler house at the rear' of the PRODUCER sharoh. The present boiler house, in basement, will be fitted ap as a vestry. Many will be sorry to hear of the ao. With this mixture hens lay more otdent that befell George H. Awde, now eggs and it can be obtniied at a very of Uxbridge, but tormerl clerk in Smith low poet within the renoh of all. g y ! ����� t '- ITurn,bii ' Tbie has been Jc Patinae. a hardware store. He was proven to be one of the bustling around the end of the counter bast egg producers ever put on the in the store where he'works when he ran market by the largest poultry dealers. into a broken piece of glass, whiob enter- If mixed in their food twice a week BucciEs 1 BUGGIES i i Luciano -vv. . R. D. Cameron to having a grsnolithio walk laid to his handeome residence on Havelock street. The oonnal Treleaven pio•nio wee held at Port Albert on Labor Day. A :load from town attended. In the fres-for-all trot at Chesle on Labor DayP. McDevitt's horeeg, "Alma r „ Y 1' and "Amelia," took god and 8rd places. The general rate of lakation for Look- now was streak at 22 mills on the dollar, being the lame amount As than of last year. John Barker had the misfortune to tall some 12 feet from a ladder on which he was Writhing. He sustained some bad bruises and ss 11 consequence is off work. At the Connell meeting on Tuesday evening of last week the neoeseary by- law giving the proposed decade railway the privilege of passing through the streets of Luoknow was paned. Jas. Bryan, editor of the Luoknow Sentinel, was presented with a beautiful gold -headed oats from the Luoknow lire brigade, ae a sign of the men's n regi• g g pp alien of kin t (forts in their behalf. Thos. Woods, sr., departed this lite, having lived to the good old age of about 91 years. The cause of dermas was old age and natural decay.: Hie re. mains wore interred in Dungannon monetary on Monday, Ang. 26th. The total population of the County of Brace is 69,015, ,Iu the flgnros published by the daily prase 'some time ago West Brace was givens as 16,925 but this hag °lose base augmented by the addition of tbo Iediana. Every division of Week reported having lab a job of filling ap pewees to Jobb's bridge to John McKim hon at $30 job completed and recommend- ed payment. Mr. Mibobell reported hay. Ing let a job of repairing culvert on Howiak bonodary to Robt. Hapfer at $4, Flowiok to pay ball cost. Thoe. Gilmour, applied o Council payment o action;s ta broken at g t road work, no action also applied to have out. Moved by Gov. drain cleaned M Copeland, Mitchell, that the Clerk notify Wm. Gray to clean oat hie portion of the Municipal drain to ate original depth on or before the 10th day of Sept. and if not done on that date the Ouunoil will employ men to do the work at hie expense. Cd. The Clerk was also instructed to notify Jamas Ballagh to immediately olean out to original depth, his portion of the Branch dram through to 'the "James" drain. Murray Wilson laid a petition before the Connell of a number of ratepayers askieg the Mani(tipality fora greet of 20 ate. par rod, to build wire faeces on 25th side line, no action. Mitchell, Musgrove, that we agree to pay one third cost of 50 rode pondP of wire fence around mill on Mor- ris boundary, -0d, By low No. 10, 1901, was passed, providing lends for the our. rent expenditure of the Municipality for the entrant year by a levy of 1i mills on the dollar of the last revised gesesemeob roll of Municipality ; By.law No. 11, 1901, Was passed, providing for Nude to payMnnioipality grant to schools. By. law No. 12, 1901, was paned appointing Pani Powell, Tex Collector, at a salary of 655.00 and oats e. Securityto the satisfaction of Elia Couuail to be given. The following a000tibts Were l aased end ed his leg an inch and a kelt or more, you may depend that it will pay ® cutting an artery. He had to go around from 75 to 100 per sent. TrialDO oc Gretchen. - packages can be obtained at my Egg FATAL A¢owDE\T.-Josspb H. Ossemore Emporium, John Teit'e old stand, II IN ALL STYLES. received fatal injuries at the O. L. Co's opposite American Hotel. at Maing, Aug.que, ykfalli on Mon- on- 11OET 33E+04i N day 26, by falling against N a pidly r revolving Daevere las • ! rapidly a arm h l been foot that one arm had been severed, as well an every rib on bis right aide, he Brussels. lived until early Wednesday morning,, E/ � WA am S ae 9 BRUSSELS CARRIAGE WORKS SHINGLES Caeemore, who resided at Wingbain, Ont., had decided to return to Canada on Wednesday: With that in view he 1VTcLEOD! S quit work in the mill the previous Battle. day. On 'Monday evening ,he went to System ® OS%attOr the mill to bid the workmen good-bye. Wbile in the aatof handing a cigar to a friend he slipped on some boards or --Ann oTBEa- pieces of wet bark and fell against a bucker saw. His lett arm was severed TESTED REMEDIES above the wrist, sod the shook ceased •first him to partially turn around, 'then the k1k1 saw ant through all the ribs of his right SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE aide. The workmen immediately went For Impure, Weak and Impoverished to his assistance and Imed a compress P Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleaeneee, Palpita• on the arm. Be was then token to Dr. bion of bks Heart, Liver Complaint, Near- Patterson [ koepitul, where Dr. Patter. algin, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Com eon, assisted by Drs. Sattler andBurdiolc, gumption, Gall Stones! Jaandioe, Kidney amputated the arm and trimmed the and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dauoe, severed edges of the ribs. The operation, Female Irregularities and General De• which lasted nearly four home, must bility. have been a terrible ordeal for the via• tin, as owing to the fact that the right GDDERICHI ONT. lung had oohapned, no analttkehioe were administered, and Mr. Caaemere Rite tj. 14 MOLEOD conscious the whole time end watched their work, His Prop. anti Maon itoturer, the surgeons pattern > sabreme 00290 and vitality was the 0019 until i. -.s,..: io. .Itn.iewlet. anneals Are ready to supply the demand of the public for any kind of wheeled rig as they have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Manufacturers in Canada, in addition to their own make, all Bold at CLOSE PRICES. Rubber Tyred Wheels. We make a s eoielk of the Hard DunlopRubber Tyred Wheels the tyre being P Y y g 901 on your own baggy wheels while yon wait, or we can supply both wheels and • tyre at very low prices. Every owner of a good boggy should have the Dunlop • put on by Ewan er Co. Work guaranteed all right as we keep bathing but clues workmen, D, Ewan will devote a good share of his time in attending to the Hale rooma;ue the Co. has eeonred a flrst•olags Horse Sheer for the blacksmith shapt All wood work in our line and general blcokemitking done on our promisee and at as low flgnot' as can be obtained anywhere. Our own make of Buggies this year are all 31 inches longer in the body than other Buggies and for STYLE and COMFORT cannot be beaten. •ape ase Eke long dietanoe, 1,000 mile axle, bee 01 two bllmga in a season is all the rt •uire, y It will pay anybody who wrote a firet•alaes rig to some 25 miles tosee mar Show Rooms this season before buying as our assortment is large and good and we are always well pleased to have people call and examineoio our stook wltioh is the largest ever 'shown in Brussels. t. We mean bedtime, �`jo Carriage Makers, Rio., Lt 'WAN �`\3 tJ.� ......i.�• Bnpnios. Wagons. Carta and Wheelbarrow° always nn bai,r7. British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND-- Pinel Shore /0 iLlld VQd#ll FOR SALE AT TSH B u Bels Plana dills illeo Doors and Sash of all Pat ' terns on hand or made to order ft Short Notfoe, Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. rLABORATORY, ahfp and Mgtexlal Guaranteed, -+- i