The Brussels Post, 1901-9-5, Page 1Vol, 30. No. 8 BR.USSEL,S, ONTARIO TEUR. SDA•Y, SEPTEMBER b, 1901 New Advertisements. Locals—H. R. Brewer. DOaee to root—THE Fon, Steers for fat/le-4m Oober. Aro you going—D. 0, Ross. Harvest exopraion-0• P. R. Heifer for sale—Jas. Gibson. Farm for sale—D, A.. Taylor. Lambs on, shares—S. el. Cole, Egg Producer—Robs. Brown, Farm for sale—Wm. Sb New Fall styles—A: Strnahan. Brussels Woolen Mill—B. Gerry. Card—Wellington Mutual Ins. (Jo, A reoord breaker—McKinnon & Co, Fall dress goods—J, Ferguson & Co, Speotaclea straightened free—Mrs. T. Fletcher. xs trxxt , ,"deb . fall from the buggy. The hero kicked itself Iooee from the vehicle and the rig ruining off the road upset throwing the other oocopants out hut fortunetelY they were not hurt eerieualy. Mies Bryane wag parried to her uncle's, Alex. Bryane, Where she is 64111 a prisoner. The Dr. was aeon on band and the broken limb attended to and the patient ie getting Meng ae well an mold be expeoted. Mise Bryant) le 0. popular young lady and her many friende wish her a speedyrecovery. CraLn)rooh. A wedding is on the tapie for- 'Tuesday next. Rev. B. F. and Mrs. Cameron, of Shakespeare, were visitors with relatives in Cranbrook:. Mr. Robinson, formerly teacher here, has been engaged as Principal of the Hampstead eobonl. He is a saooeseful pedagogue. The new organ and Book of Praise have been installed in Knox Chubb by vote of the congregation. Mies Tillie MoRae ie the organist. A few from thio looaliy are 'away to Toronto Fair thie week. Among the number Mines Jennie and Aggie Mc Eeir and Thos. Cameron. Rev. Mr. MaoNab, of Walton, will preeoh in the Presbyterian Ohooh next Sabbath afternoon. Rev, R. Pant took the service Iaet Sunday morning. The pastor is away on a well deserved holiday for n few weeks. The Garden Party held recently at Joo. Cameron's was a decidedenoaese neatened rain prevented a although the threatened number from attending no doubt. The program consisted of music by Listowel Band ; solos by Mise Spence and W. Ritchie ; recitation by Mise Lizzie Mo - Kay and a short addrees by Rev. R. F. Cameron, of Shakespeare. Rev. D. B. Molise occupied the chair in his usual genial manner. The Endeavor Society, under when auspices the entertainment was given, realized about $80.00, quite a nine awn from it. A fine time was en. joyed by all who attended; i3l ova le. T, J. Watt and wife spent a few days, in Clinton. Mies Farrow, of Goderiop, wee vielting with Piro. Musgrove, Rev, W. Smith, of Font Hill, templed the pulpit of the Methodist oharoh Sab- bath_evening. The Miens Crowe, of Halifax, have been visiting their aunt, Mre. Swauu, at the Parsonage, Walton. Word was received by Mre. Duncan Campbell of the death of her brother, William Ritchie, of Farwell, Mich., which moaned on Friday, Aug. 21st. Demand was well known here, having resided in this )ooality until 21 years ago, when he removed to Farwell. Last Win. ter he enffered from an attack of la grippe, and from whish he never fully recovered. He was 56 years of age and leaves a grown up family, join est own. Have not heard the gong of the electric" railway at Jamestown yet. Next Sabbath evening, at 7 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Paul, of Brussels, will preach in the new Hall here. The roof of Geo. Eokmier'e residence was raised on Tuesday and the addition is being pushed ahead. Building will be sided with metallio material. Rumor says that Will. Bryane will quit teaching at the oloee of this term and begin the study of Medicine. If he makes as good a dootor es he ie a leacher he will be a "oraoker•jaok." The notion will be sorry to lose him. AooioEET.—The people of this locality were very sorry last week to hear that Mice Mand, daughter of William Bryane, of Morrie, bad the miefortnne to break her left leg at the ankle., Along with here eieter, Mre. Joe Ames, and baby the was driving hp the erd eon. of Grey when they were opposite Jae. Stealth= 'e something went wrong with one of the shafle and the horse ran away. Mise Bryane ' met with the aeeident, in her Brussels Woolen ll. A well assorted stook of Tweeds, Shirting, Sheeting (single and double), Blankete, Ladies' Skirting, Flannels and Yarns of vedette colors, 2 and 3 ply, or single is to be found at Brne• sets Woolen Mill, and will be sold for oath or in exchange for wool, Wool carded or $kobaoged for rolls. Highest market price paid for wool. B. GERRY. 01 N' IPI; Sp ectacles fes" Straightened Free MIsshaPonSpectacle, aalee aro not onl a fndurement, but fie Qeontly destroy the beneficial effects of �3 the lenses - We and pleasure In straightening specie- cies. Wer make no charge. e.. 4 • fir Mrs. T. Fletcher aoienllflo and Graritattte Optiuiaat J311V 2SI.1GS t/7 Pearson & Gorealitz and Fogel & Fogel ; needle and thread tape, J. C, Lamont, a, Welsh, E. Turnbull ; ladies' race, Mee Harris, Miss Weleb end Mise Laird ; boys' raoe, Join Buttery, 0. Rothwell end A. Hoary ; girle' raoe, Mand' BadgieY, x,ily Simpeon and Ella Han.. sold, With lamp light and moonlight the oompany diepereed with one thought uppermoet, "Happy to meet, sorry to part, hoeing to meet again on Labor Day in Ethel The Division will net to handsome surplue out of the proceeds Of the refreshment etand. While attending the Industrial Fair at Toronto this week Robert Niobol, 6th line, purohaoed a Yorkshire hog. Mise Annie Oantelon went to Blyth on Monday Morning, of this week, to learn the myeteriee of dreeemakiug. We wisp' her ea0o0as. Richard, eon of M. M. Cardiff, 10 taking a mane ab the Busineee College, Stratford, thie Fell. We wish him a pleasant time. Everything eeemn to be on the move while the pea crop (e being threshed. The bug is boas in some barns. Farmers Wilt have to grow barley and leave the pea orop alone for two years at least. Toronto Shoes ie on in. full swing. London will soon begin and then will follow all the wee ones which will seem like side the fir to earnedthe buoket . Two Two would be plenty for 9 n. Huron every year, We are pleased to hear that Mies Julia Sharp, who hoe been ill with typhoid fever at St. Thome Hospital, is re- covering nioely, and is expeoted home ehortly on a 'visit before resuming her course in training for a nurse. Mise Tillie Wilkinson, of Belgritve, has arrived home after an absence of 9 weeks at Escanaba and Grand Rapide, Mioh., visiting her brothers and other relatives. She had a fine time and found the boys enjoying a large abate of prosperity. Mies Eliza Proctor, Joseph Wilkinson, Walter Boots and David Sproat are all back from their trip acmes the briny. They were 12 weeks away and enjoyed themselves immensely. Mr. Wilkinson visited in New York State on the home journey. It be 16 years since be wee in the Old Lead but we 'don't believe he would exobange life in Canada for Eng. land yet. George Wilkiuson, formerly a resident of this locality, is reporred in good health we are pleased to state. House BORNEO. Thursday of last week, between 10 and 11 o'clock, fire was disoovered in the Inpetaire of the dwelling of R. B. Al000k, lot 15, con. 6. The alarm was given and the threshing bends•wbo were at work at Jno. Cook's made all haste and euooeedei in saving the furniture, &o., downstairs but were too late to get upstairs, ae the fire was too far advanced. The house was to frame one, 18x24 feet, with lean-to kitchen. There was only au inenranoe of $50 on the house and a like sum on the contents in the Howick Mutual. The fire may have been started by the ohildren as they were playing npetairs. Mr. Alocok was at Mr. Cook's madding in the threshing at the time. The fain. ily ie now living in a house on the Blair farm. It will be moved to Mr. Aleook's ae he hasparohased the building. Mr. and Mre. Al000k wieb to thank the neighbors for their assistance and kind. ueee. 1YJo rr i six.' Will. A.. T'grvey, 2nd line, was on the sick Int. • A good many ate' having sheep killed by dogs. Mre. Nail Taylor, 7th line, le improv ing nioely. - -' Morrie township Commit on Monday, 16th inst. James Nichol now epeake of ?'my daughter." - Pasture fields are nice and green after the late rains. Missee Godfrey, of Toronto, were gueete at Jno. Roe's, 2nd line. Ed. Bryane was away on a wheeling tour to Buffalo and other points. W. H. Cloakey, formerly of the 6th' line, hoe moved from Brandon to Wind - peg. Mise Mettle Bielby hoe gone to Clin- ton, where she will attend the Model school. Mies Minnie Bewley left this week for Toronto where she will probably stay for a while. We are sorry to report that Mr. Wheeler's oondition does not improve materially_ After enjoying a holiday vieit at home George Bieiby returned to TIverton to resume teaohing.' A. number of BroWntown young people attended the social held on the lawn of Ed. Bosnian,Wingham. Gavin Bewley left last .Monday for Chatham to attend the Business College there. Success to him. Mr. and Mre. Patterson, of Kaneae, ware visiting at ano. Roe's.- Mrs. Pat- terson is a daughter of Mr. Roe's. Mrs. Teuton and slater, Mise Galla- gher, of Toronto, were viaiting relatives and friends on the 2nd and 3rd line. S. Paul, 2nd, was kicked by a horse. Mr. Paul has been quite untortnnate this Summer, as this ie hie second accident. R. B. Laidlaw, of Morris, left on Tues. day morning of last week for Halton County where he will visit with friends and relatives. - The three horses Samuel Burke, 5th line, had killed by lightningreoently were valued at $176. They were insured in the Howick Mutual. PEAOHEe.—Parties wishing to get good peaohee, at wholesale prioee, should plane their ordere at with the undersigned. Sone Wmeoo, Harrow, Essex Co. Thuredayoflast week Peter Jaokeou, 8th line, sold 7 pigs, 7 months old, that averaged about 211 pounds. He received 6108.60 for hire and Tamworth'Iarose. h There must ascer- tainly be money in hogs. Edna May, the baby daughter pf A. G. and Mrs. .Eason, died on Tuesday of last weak, aged 2 menthe and 19 days. The little girl was only ill a short time. Funeral took plaoe on Thursday after- noon to Sunshine cemetery. Rev. Mr. Brown took the eervioe. A telegram was received by Mre. Thos. Maunders this week from Hemiota, Man., apprising her of . the fact of Mrs. Dobson's serious illness with typhoid fever. Ernest Maunder! left for the West to see hie sister on Thursday morning. It ie to be hoped the patient will soon take a turn for the better. Mrs. Dobson was home.laet Winter. Mre. Chas. Ritohie took a trip .to Michigan last week where she will visit relatives and friends in the Counties of Sanitise and Huron. She will be quite near the lake all the time and as the main object of the visit is, that it may benefit her health we trust her highest hopes may be more than realized. Mre. Ritchie expecte to be absent a month. OBIT.—On Saturday, Aug. 24th, Mary, eldest daughter of Jno. Pratt, 8th line, passed away after an Ulnae of about a year from that fell disease consumption. She was 88 yeare of age and was a bright active young woman. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to Brussels cemetery, the service being oonduoted by Bev. Mr. Penhall, Pall bearers were A. end D. Laidlaw, Jae. Scott, A. White, W. Wallace and Jae. Strath. Don. Moltenzie was successful in pave- ing his senior matriouletipn and will at- tend the University at Toronto 111a Fall - in the atudy of medicine. Mies Marion MoKenzie had the aetiefaotion of being in the flet of those who passed the first part of the let class teaohere' exam. and will attend at Lietowel for this term in se. ti n of completing the poor x ante o the e g p P We congratulate both of them on their enoaeae and wish them the prosperity they desire. Ethel. Rev. Mr. Wileon was vieting at Post. matter Spence's. Mrs. J. M. Davies and Mise Alice were visiting at Brantford. Mr. Yeo is having a new hoose built on the Ratcliffe lot in our village. Poetmaeler Spence is away on a trip oombining business and pleasure. The Flood ohildren have reoovered euf. fioiently to enable them to attend (thumb, David Milne, Dr. Ferguson, Norman °ober and othere took in the Toronto Fair this week. The Cober Faotory has disposed of over 90 buggies this Sommer. They are busy now on matters. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of Molesworth, preaohed in the Presbyterian oharoh last Sunday afternoon. 25e in advance nannies Tug Pon for the balance of 1901. If you want the newe you ehoold enbegibe. The next towashipM6aeail meeting will not be held in Ethel but will be nonvened at Cranbrook on Monday, 16th inet. A oar of cattle was shipped from Ethel Iaet Monday morning by Jno. MoDer- mott. He handles a lot of good stook. • An interesting letter from Mrs. S. 13. Cole, who is with Mr. Cole dolling at Rolla, Dakota, may be read on page 5. The Sone of Temperance lodge take pert in the program of the R. T. of T. at Trowbridge on Wednesday evening of next week. Mr. Mc0ormiok, of Trowbridge, preaoh- ed in the Methodist ahnroh last Sabbath evening. Rev. Mr. Bristol, of the same village, melded in the eervioe. Rev. Mr. Curry was at Trowbridge and Molesworth. We regret to be called upon to report the death of Mre. Chas. Hodson, 4th 000.1 who passed away on Friday of tact week. The funeral took plaoe to Trowbridge oil Sunday. Rev. H. E. Curry, of this plane took charge of the service. Punt FENonso —In the absence of B. H. Closewho bas gone to Manitoba, hie tether will complete all orders now in and attend to othere desiring work done. Address Robert Close, Ethel P. O._ Mr. Close hae the agenoy for Grey and a part of Morrie townehipe. A. M. McKay & Co:, Brussels, will sell laws fence, gates and Page wire fence for Mr. Close. CALLED Honm.—The gad ' intelligence received by D. Milne and family that their second daughter, Addie, the wife of Zaab. MoKee, had died at her home iu Stonewall, Manitoba, name like a thun- derbolt opt of a clear sky. A baby had been born and ite birth was followed by inflammation and inside of a week. Mre. McKee paidNatare'e debt, passing away on Monday, Aug. 26th, leaving her hue. bend, a eon and 2 daughters with most tender recollections of a true wife and loving mother. The baby only lived a taw boors. Deceased was married 12 yeare ago and they had resided in Mani- toba for the past 5 yeare. A year ago Mrs. McKee visited here. She was a consistent member of the Methodist oharoh and her many lovable traite of ohmmeter will not goon be forgotten. The writer remembers her from obildhood up and wondered not that ehe made friends wherever she went ae she was bright and cheery, of a kindly dispoei. Hon end ever willing and ready to play the part of peacemaker. Her many old friends inthis seotion will eympathise sincerely with the bereaved in their tor. row. The casket MRS covered with a beautiful arrangement of flowers and many a tear was dropped over bet' in.' torment. Sete or TniPEHANOE Pia sto.—Labor Doy wae gala day in Ethel. The pia -nip in Dilworth's grove, under The auspices Tem eranoe was the lane the Sone of P at of attraotion. Hotly is the afternoon the crowd began to ensemble and oontinned to do so until evening when the grove wag alimoet overflowing with a gay,. laughing, pleasareeeeking oompany, About 5 p. m. the program .00mmenoed with R. McKay in the abate' and the fel, fowing excellent masted and literary bill of fare was preseuted t—Ohores by the Glee Club ; Ohairman'e address ; inetra• mental, by oroheetra 1 recitation) Miss Ida dole ; solo, A. Lamont ; inetrn. mental, by orchestra ; solo, Mr. Code careens, Glee Clab ; solo, Mise Spence address, Rev. H. E. Curry ; "God Save the King," by oompany. After the pro- gram an ample lunch was earned, to. which all willingly did justice, In the evening a program of sports was called which afforded no little amusement to the spectators. Following were the events and winners in each :—Sank rape, let, B. Wilson, 2nd, A. Yaill,,8rd, A. Liviogeton ; tIree legged rood, Wilsou & Livingston, i'i ogal 4b Fogel and Lamont & Yuill ; jockey rade. Wil0on 4 Livingatog, To Ineao.—With a view of building up hie health and taking a onange of work Will. Maunders, 7th line, has decided to try his hand at ranching in Idaho and will leave about Nov. let. He will die- poeeof hie farm steak and implements and his farm will be looked after by his brotiree Doted. Mre. Maunders will not go West with her huebabd but will follow If he is suited with bis work. He ex. paste to be in the employ of Geo, Coatre, formerly of Grey, at the start. Mr. Maunders' sale w'Il be held on Tuesday,, Cot. 29nd, A sad event occurred at the residence of John Richmond in 'Morrie on Satur- day morning, Aug. 24th, when the 10 months' old daughter of Mrs. Wm. J. Scott, of MoViIIe, Michigan,' died of Summer complaint. Mrs. Scott and het five ohildren had only arrived at Mr. Riohmood's the previous Friday with the intention of having a pleasant and lengthy visit et her old' home, Mach sympathy le extended to the mother and relatives over the loos of the little one. The funeral took plane Sunday after - non to the Union cemetery' end was very iargely attended. The Royal Template pt Temperer 0e of Trowbridge will bold a Box Soots( in the baeoment of the Methodist obureb on Wednesday evening of next weok, A good program wilt be pre,Ino. ntat MPNad• A short time ago as bb was moving hie threshing machine one ;o1 his horses got its leg through a bad culvert between lots 20 and 21, non, 16 injuring, the animal. It will•pay better to keep bridges and oulverte m repair than put up damages for injured horses.. A welcome visitor Is T, A, Ferguson, of Cbaosdyb,W8yoyneainrginU. WSy, omHiengie ana d soanssonJameergusonthis con.Mr. Ferguso elated with a Mr, Fulton is ranohiog with 6,000 sheep. This year they had 80,000 pounds of wool. It sold from 8 to 16 oente,- the marketing being oddly done at . Billings, 75 miles from Cody,. tenon 16 million poande will probably be handled. He says the change in ranch. ing legislation and the large number of people in the business i0 materially ef• fasting the pp oflts. It is quite intereot. ing and inattentive 'to chat with Mr, Ferguson as he is thoroughly posted in renobing. Aro rdwieli.. Richmond Faille and wife left lent week for a trip to Cartwright and Peterboro'. Stephen Edwards, of Mitchell, visited his brother here on Friday and Saturday last. Rev. J. W. Mahood, of Iowa, spout a few days under the parental roof last week. Cecil Sbrathy, atter an absence of sev- eral yeare, ie visiting Ilia mother, Mrs. S. A. Sbrathy. Jas. Saodereonreturned from Manitoba last Friday. He states the average wages to be $1,25 and $1.60 per day. Mre. T. J. Michela, who spent 8 weeks in and about Hamilton for her health, returned considerably improved. A very large concourse of people were present at Myles Scott's funeral. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. Blake, son of our esteemed townsman, B. S. Cook, underwent an operation in Listowel on Thursday of last week for appendi"rtis which, we are pleased to say, was o( •'afuh An interesting servioe was held in the Methodist church last Sunday morning. The choir of the Sabbath Sohool occupied the orchestra and the ohildren the centre pews. Dr. Spence, the Superintendent, took part, and the pastor preaohed to the ohildren. Grey. Mise Kate Bezel' has gone on a visit to Detroit. Fall wheat sowing is well through by the majority of Grey farmers. Township Council will meat at Long's Hall, Cranbrook, on Monday 16th inst. Sam. Lamont baa gone to Clinton where he will attend the Model Sobool. Grain is turning out better than many expeoted. A big acreage of Fall wheat i8 being put in. Trueman Smith was away to Oil Springs, Lambton Co., to visit hie eon, W. A. Smith and wife. Mr. and Mre. Pepper and . baby, of Tuokersmitb, were vieitore at Thomas Pepper's, 9th con., last week. Several roadster colts are being handled in this township with the intention cf !bowing them at Brussels Fair. Mies Alberta MoNaught ie • attending the Model school at Mitchell. She will make a famous towhee we have no doubt. Thursday evening of this week Miss Belle Smith is to sing at an entertain- ment ab Salem, an appoinment on Wrox. !ter oirauit. Miss Maggie Hielop it, here from, Chicago for a holiday visit with relatives. and friends. She holds a lucrative posi- tion in Chicago. Jno. S. Crater, 9111 non., has returned to Stratford to eahool. Be ie beading for a let ohne certificate although only 15 years of age. Thos. Yuill and wife, of Vanderbilt, Minh., were viaiting relatives in Grey and Morris. Mr. Ygill ie a brother to Alex. and Walter Tail'. Mre, Thos. Stanley, of Morrie, Mich., wee visiting her brother, Angors Shaw, 5th line. It was 18 years singe Mrs. Stanley was here before. Wm. Riley, 8th eon., bas been filling.a gravelling contract on the gravel road in what is known as the Fraliek swamp, Over $100 is being expended. PeaonEa; Parties wishing to get good peaohee at wholesale prices, should place their orders at once with thenndereigoed, JOHN WorsoN, Harrow, Essex Co. Mr. Eastman is the new teacher in S. S. No. 8. He ie a eon of the Presby - has e t at M rd. He a o minister Brian t made a very favorable impreseion in the eeotion. Piro. Barn gg Samuel Ho and was away to Buh'alo to see the Pan.American and she also visited relatives at Hamilton and Galt. MTs. Londesboro, her sister, of e trip. elan took th Seaforth,P Rev. Mr. Wtlaon, who is visiting at Ethel, preaohed a fine sermon in Roe's ohurob last Sabbath morning. The pastor was attending the funeral of Mrs. Hadeon on soother part of the oirauit. L. McNeil and wife are away to Mani- toba for a trip. They intend to visit their abildren resident there and no doubt will put in a couple of mouths very en• joyably. Mr. McNeil bag been in the West several times before. T 6 The 0' ante farm of John R. Oliver, Lien lot 11, non. 9, was purobeaed Ghi week by Hugh W. McKay, of the same line. Price paid is said to be $2,700. Mr. Oliver gives up posses/Ion On March let, He has not yet decided 'where he will locate. The exbensione to the Beauchamp drain are to be pushed by Oantraotor Oliver. He is now at work with men and name. The good natured veteran teamster, Andrew Dougall, is one of the number, It will take a couple of weeks to finish Wroxeter. Oliffie White while playing on the wheat car in Blaok's mill got his foot badly bruised. John Bray went to Otterville to visit bis brother-in•law, Rev. Mr. Sabine, who lies in a helpless state ae the result of paralysis. Joseph Knutson, of Philadelphia, and wife were visiting for a few days with the former's parents, Joo. and Mrs. Knutson in town. At the Junior Epworth League which was organized in the Methodist Church, the following officers were elected Sup., Rev. I. A. McKelvey ; Aee't Sup., Miss S. Bray ; Pres., Ada Morrison ; lst Vice Pres., Mable Patterson ; 2nd Vice Pres., Ada Goodfellow ; Seo'y, Ernest Bray ; Treat:, Bert. Townsend ; Organ- ist, Lulu Hemphill ; Convenor of the Flower Com., Kate Hazlewood. League will meat every Wednesday afternoon at 4.15. AooIDENT.—On Sunday of last week Mies Alice Hamilton and her sister Elan - or, daughters of John Hamilton, were in town and after driving round Mies H. stop- ped on the bridge to take the little girl in when the horse shied a little and cramped the wheel against the ohild, - severely in- juring her face and arm. The out on the head required several atitohee to close it, and Miro Hamilton also bad her arm hurt in try to save her little sister. The little girl, was taken to R. Black's resi- dence near by for treatment, and after- wards driven home. Mies E. Hazlewood, who was also in the buggy at the time, jumped out and sprained here ankle. The injured ones are all recovering nioely. Cfa.iaadiai,n Ne wre. The Grand Trunk station and freight abed at Tara were destroyed by fire. C. P. R. traftio earnings last week were just $1,000 short of the round million, Hamilton public school teaohen have been granted an Moreau, of $10 a year au toned. Sir Wilfrid. Laurier will accompany the royal couple on their trip aoroee the continent and back. T10 Legislature of Nova Sootia has been dissolved and the general elections take plane on Ootober 2. A bylaw authorizing the borrowing of 65,000 for extensions to the waterworks system w a was carried at Waterloo. Liberate of South Brune will mast in oonvention at Formosa on Sept. 10, to nominate a oandidate for the Legislative Assembly. Mies Elizabeth Maokeozie, daughter of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie, died in Chicago on Sunday and wag buried in Toronto on Wednesday.' The Montreal City Council has given the lighting oontraot to the Royal Elee. trio Company for five yeare, at $60 per light per annum. Threes how they announce each things in Charlottetown, P. E. I.: On Augnst 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hearty, of Sonde East, a eon, weight, 11 itis. 8 oz. J. C. Brown, M. P. P., of New West. minster, hag been sworn in as a member of the Danemnir Cabinet, and Mr. him Bride, Patentee of Mines, who opposed B Mr, rown's selection, has resigned. About 150 bane went to South Atrioa from Listowel on Sept. 2nd. Tbay were purchased in that vicinity by Russell Hay, of Listowel,' and passed by Col. Dent, the British Government aeon. Sane MoDongali, of Stanley township, oaks the clouts to award her 310,000 as a balm for the laoerationo her feelings suffered- as a result of several. things Donald end Mre. Graeae, neiglibore, said about hoe, W. H. KERR, Prop, eiatso AG l'Afz.IAti1(A1'ils. Mre. A, Renter was visiting et Mount Parent, Jgo, Ferguson spent Labor Day in Stratford, Q Riohard Williams was in the neon oily this weals. Mre, H. Ham and ohildren were visit log at Holstein, Ern, Oriob, of Seaforth, agent Saler' day in Brneealn, a fan.MinCarrie Edwards bas tok n a rotten at Toronto. ' Mies Hattie Downing hae returned to eobonl at Goderioh. Mien Imlaob, of Pule, is visiting the Misses M00raolren. 0. and Mrs, Zlltiax were at Buffalo for ' few days this week, Dan. Ewan was in Toronto this week attending the Exhibition. - Mies Hattie Murray, of Seaforth, was visiting Mies Teenie Semple. Mrs, H. L. Jaokeou and Lloyd were visiting relatives at Granton, Mies Lizzie Bird hes returned from Detroit after a two moth's visit. Co. Coanoillor Hays, of Seaforth, gave THE POST a pall one day last week. R. W. Matheson, of Luoknow, was in town thie week visiting old friends. Mre. 5, J. Gilpin and Mise Eva spent Labor Day at Editor Felton's, Atwood.. Mise Eva Coleman, of Detroit, is viait- isngelsMiea Lizzie Bird, Queen street, Brus- . Mardy McLennan was in town on Thursday and the boys now have the latest stories. Mies Gladys Cardiff, of ' Toronto, is holidaying with relatives in Brunets, Grey and Morris. Miss Margaret Fagan, of Stratford, was visiting her cousin, Miss Jessie Mo Nichol, Queen street. Miss Betlelrwin le home from an ex- tended visit to friends in Toronto, St. Marys and London Mre. A. E. Treleaven, of Dungannon, and Mies Kettle, of Stirbon, are spending a week or so in town. Mies Lizzie Ferguson leaves on Friday for a holiday visit with friends at St. Thomas and London. Mrs. Mnttiee, of Chicago, is the guest of Mrs. J. B. Stratton at the "Qaeen'o. The ladies are cousins. daughter of Parr do and a 9l • R. F. Blair g Sound, were visitors at G. F. of for a weak. The gentleman are brothers. Misses Florence Bacbenan and Laura Nioholle left on Monday for Seaforth where they will attend the Collegiate. Mre. D. MoTavieh hae returned to her home in Stretford after spending a few months with her daughter, Mre. A. Mo. N iobol, Miss Livingston is bank from the Fall Millinery displays and is now at work preparing for Mrs. Rogers' Millinery openingA. Rev. . 0. Tiffin, wife and obildrea, of Romney, Kent Oo., were in Brussels loot week while en route to Walton for a short visit. Mrs. Henry Rogers and Mies May Rogers, of Fullerton village, were visitors at Thos. Moore's. Mre. Rogers is e sister to Mrs. Moore. - Mrs. Sohn Wynn is away to Toronto on a visit to her daughter, Mre. F. J. Sobeak. The ladies are taking in the Pan-Amerioan thio week. Thos. Norton, of Listowel, formerly of Brussels, will attend Toronto University this Fall. He is a olever young man • and is working his way to the top. THE POST regrets to hear of the poor health of Mrs. Black, nee Mies Kate Oormaok, who lives in Labrador. We hope a ohange for the better will aeon 80000• Will. James, of Seaforth, was palling on old friends in Brunets on Wednesday. He was on a short wheeling tour while holidaying. Mre, James and son were also here. Mrs, Agnea Oriel, of Seaforth, is visit- ing at her eon's, Mill street. She was at Harriston for a few days. Chester and Miss Gertie Orioh were also here. The latter is a teaoher at Listowel. Ohne. Beam, Wilbur Baker, Jno. Ballantyne, R. Leatherdale, A. Coosiey, Rev. G. J. Abey, Harry Bartliff, R. Downing and Alf. Backer were vieitore at Buffalo during the past week. Dan. Stewart, of Rat Portage, eon of Daniel Stewart, formerly of Brussels. was a visitor in town for a few days. He baa quite a bueinese turn with him and ie no doubt a veined employee of the Hudson Bay Co. Mre. E. R4 Grundy and eon, Dudley, of Cleveland, are visiting in town. Mrs. Grundy 15 a daughter of Mre. Hayoroft, Queen street, and a sister to Mre. R. T. Hingston, Mill street, and was a former resident of Bruseele. Jno. Danford and wife, of Uthoff, Sim. ooe Co., and Piro. Foster, of Detroit, are vieitore at E. 0. and Mrs. Thos. Dun - ford's, Mr. Danford is a brother to the late Thos. Danford. He is greatly taken up with our doe waike and well kept streets. Quite a perceptible change is notice. able inthe health of our old townsman, Robert Borne. His heads nfeet well n and he is troubled with waketalbees. Mr. and Mrs. Burne may go to Blyth so as to be near their daughter. Mr. Borne is about 77 yeare of age and has been a remarkably hearty man. Mina Mary Beattie was visiting et Bay field. oda in Mise Lillie Cooper spent Benda), Clinton. Joe Auld! 10 "doing" Toronto and 13uaslo, n W. H. Stewart spent Labor Day in Woodstook, G. A. Deadmau pnrpoaos taking a trip to Manitoba., Miss Ada Mainprire visited at Gode- riots last week. Mre, Harry James, of Blyth, was in town 00 Tuesday. - Dano. MoLeuohlin, of Seaforth, was, borne for a few days. Mn. Ronald and Repaid Sinclair were visiting at Stnatbroy. Mre. F. DeWolf, William street, has been very ill this week. Mme. Walker and Miss Verne, have re. turned from a visit at Berlin. Ivan Johnston, of Wingham, was visit. ing in town part of lest week. Druggist Harvey epeot a few days with retativea at Watford this week. Mies Maggie MaLauohlin is viaiting relatives and friends at Chealey. Mre. (Rev.) R. Paul has been visiting in Toronto daring the past week. A. Cooeley has been on the eiok list. He took ill in Toronto last Saturday. Miss Stuart, of Arthur, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Sae. Fox. Miss Hazel Johnston and Mies Ross, of Wingham, are visiting in Brussels. Druggist. A. I. Mo0a11, of Chatham, oalled on friends in Brussels and Morris. Mre. Harris and Willie and Cora Bell were visiting at Milverton for s few days. Miss Minnle Moore has returned to St. Thomas after an enjoyable holiday here, Mise Roddick and Mies P. Sample are attending the Fall Millinery Openiage et Toronto. Mies Eva Degge, of Chatham, is visit- ing relatives and friends in Brussels and locality. Mies Helen Bowers, of Clinton, was visiting Mise Mildred Scott during the past week. Mies Habkirk attended the Millinery Openings at Toronto lookinga p the latest novelties. Miss Coleman, who was visiting Mies Sean MoLanohlin, has returned to her home in Hamilton. Mre. Samuel Scale, er., is home from Boffalo, N. Y., where she bas been for a good !bare of ayear. We are sorry to bear of the illness of Mies Lyle, Bartliff bat we hope aha will won be convalescent. Mho Ethel Creighton ie in town for a short visit before returning to her poai- tion at Grand Valley. Mrs. Keroagban and Min Mary, of Stratford, were renewing old friendships in Brussels and Morrie. Mrs. A. M. McKey and ohildren and Mies Mary Rose were enjoying a holiday at Robt. Roes', Kincardine. Mre, Stewart and grand•danghter, of Stratford, are visitors with Mies Teenie Sinoleir, Prinoeee street. Mrs. A. C. Ruiners and daughter, of St. Joeeph, Missouri, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Habkirk, Brussels. Will. Cameron, who ie in Dr. Feild's dental offloe, will attend the Ontario Dental College at Toronto this Fall, Wm. 0. Stratton, of5Lanoaeter, Ohio, is a visitor in Brussels. He's a brother to Capt. Stratton and owns the farm Jno. Manning is on, 5th line, Morris. Among the Brusselites who are attend- ing Listowel High eobonl are Misses Georgia Rose, Mabel Zimmer, May Skene and Lon. Holmes. Charlie Zilliax is also registered as a pupil. Mre. Montgomery and daughter, of Souris, and Mrs. Elliott, of Wingham, were ast week, N. B. Gerry, rot Blyth, i and 1and Gerry have gone to Toronto and Buffalo for a holiday. Mrs. Gerry and ohildren are visiting here. Mies Perna btoGarvey, of Theesalon, Algoma, is renewing old friendships in Brunets. Her home was here in her babyhood days. R. Hingeton, wife and sons, Mrs. E. Hayaroft and Mrs. E. R. Grundyand son were visiting at A. Hingston'e, Sea. forth, last Sunday. - Mrs. S. Slemmon arrived home last week from an enjoyable visit to Algoma. Mre. E. Garrow and daughters, of Webb - wood, a000mpanied her to Brands. G. F. Blair, wife and ohildren and Mies Campbell were visiting in Goderioh for a few days. The latter returned to Paris on Monday to resume her duties as teach. er. Mre. George Cardiff, Mrs. Mark Oar. diff and Mre. George Best left on Thurs- day morning for Buffalo where they will visit and gee the eights of the Pan-Ameri• can. Rev, Geo. and Mre. Buggin, of Avon, and Mre. Beattie, their daughter, of Sea. forth, were visitors at 'Ohae. Howlett's last week. They were on a holiday driv• ing tour. Tuesday morning Fred.. W it80n left town for Toronto where he will attend the Pharmacy College in oonneotion with e the completion of his operaease druggist, We wish him 0000000. R. K. Ross is away seeing the sights at the Pan•American, Buffalo, and the Industrial Exhibition at Toronto. His brother, Alex„ of Ottawa, is with him and will holiday for a week in Brussels. J. Thompson, of the Fergus Record, was bare visiting ander the parental roof over Sunday. Rumor says be will not always be a bachelor and if he ohanges over to a benedlot that Howiok township will supply the housewife. Mrs. McLennan and daughter, of Lon. deo, were renewing old iriendohfpe in a Brussels and Wroxeter during the put week. We are sorry to bear that Will. MoLennan le laid up with rbenmatiem at the parental home but we hope he will goon be o. k. 01d Mre. Glendenning, who has been boarding at Mrs. Dennison's, will probe'', ly go to the House of Refuge, Clinton, on Monday of next week being registered ae a paying 000npant. The old lady is well 00 toward 80 yearn of age and bas no immediate relatives. She will be well looked after. 'THE Pon is tohear of' R ussell - Fletcher's promleasee otion as one of the under- writers in connection with the Queen's Inenranee Go„ Chicago. Rag. Fletcher, of the B. Allan & Co., wholesale jewellers of the same oily, has also taken a step in advance in salary. The boys are doing well we are glad to say. They are eons of T. and Mrs. Fletcher, Brunie. The Clinton Record of Aug. 28rd says : —R.J. Clue and his brother, Baotou (Muff, of Strathroy, who has been hie a t days couple o guest for a week, spent p y in Brunie last week. The genial rooter formerly lived in that village and knew all the best trout pools for miles around. He visited one on Thursday and, just to remind him of other days, landed a dozen of es fine epeekled beauties as any one would litre to see. R. T. Mae' quite deiadastrions but he couldn't count a dozen in his own basket. Rev, W. T. Clull hes been spending a few Jaye of the past week,With his brother John on the old homestead, Bayfield Line,