The Brussels Post, 1901-8-22, Page 8Ready
Our stook is Complete with ever' aleeessary article
and want in the School line, Our goods are new and up-
our a lie in Stationery, Writing Pads and rape-
See new lines S ryr � p
tries --New Tints, New Shapes.
R 111
sod Grit; EXTENSION W. 0. & B.
Trains leave Brothels Station, North
and South, ae follow!:
Goma Sonia, 40INO:9ORT'H.
EXDre8s 4:18 a,m. I Mail 2'10 p.m
Mixed 9:45 a.m, Express 017 p.m
Total Pimgteihr*
A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
in 308.4' WILL 11QL11»Alf NEXT WRIER.
FpliawlpR 909 oauai ceetom Tate Pear
will take tta annual Itollday next weak
agd oonaeqquentl' Our next iaene will be
en Sept, Glu, 'Ihee oflioe will be epee to
reooive job work', advertlelne or oubeorip•
Bone, .Ong stall of eorreseendente wait
LAson Day, which name on Monday,
Sept. 2nd, will be the next Publio holiday.
Mus. Roches is having her millinery
More renovated and with paint, kaleomine
and paper quite an improvement baa
been made.
EAST REIMS Tall Fair will ont•do tbem;
all this, year. Splendid prize liet ; inter•
attractions and 'speeding 00018808.,
Oot. 8 and 4 are the dates.
Tam Bowling green is a ranoh enaght,
location these days, Braseele ehonld
have sent a rink to Niagara this week al
they Dan play as good a game as the best
of them.
A snnsOnimm� says the continued story
jaet oonoluded in Tam Pose, entitled'
"The White Rose," is the beet story he
ever read, He's e. good judge too. Bee
the new otory just started entitled "Tbe
Red Witch, or the Wooing of Conetau.
89008AL IIZET(NG.-Thnreday evening
of last week a special meeting of the
Village Council was held to consider a
letter from Barrister Dickineon, of
Wingham, demanding 375.00 for medical
attendance to Alex. Forsyth and family
last year by Dr. McNaughton. After
dimming the matter the Board decided
to take no action. Cocnoil then adjourn-
RETURN tickets will be issued at single
fare to Toronto Fair from Aug. 27th to
Sept. 8111, good to return on or before
Sept. 9th. Special osonrsion days,
Thursday, Aug. 29th, and Sept. 8 and 5
when the return fare will be 32.60 from
Brussels. Train for spatial exoureion
leaves Brussels at 0.28 a, m. and ie billed
to reach Toronto at 10.40 o'olook, It will
leave the Queen city at 7 p. m. arriving
at Brunets at 11,28 p. m. Single fare
tiokete post 38 50.
RoNAWAY.-Thnreday evening of last
week as James Parr, who lives 2d miles
North of Brussels, was driving to town,
the bit broke in the bridle allowing the
bridle to pull off the horse's head and
away it went on the run. Mr. Parr was
jolted down to the bottom ot the buggy
and hie weight orowded the dealt board
over and in this predicament the outfit
came to town and in turning into the
American Hotel yard the horse ran
against the wall of the driveway and was
stopped. No serious damage was done
but had the equine kicked very 8881008
800alts might have been the outcome.
Mignon AND VERY UNPAm,-Defeat is
herd medioine to take and the Wroxeter
Star is among bhe number who tries to
squirm out of a knook-oat by publishing
i h 18 not in
°foram lit who 1
the foilowin s
harmony with the faots nor yet with the
decisions of their own referee :-On Wed.
Tan Pose will holiday next week.
Towel schools resume work on Tuesday,
Sept. 3rd.
Sones eay a third Millinery store may
be opened next Fall in town.
Loos after your wells. This le the sea.
eon of the year to guard against fever.
P. WATSON has improved the appearance
of Nie property, Queen street, by painting
the fence.
BROsSELo Public school re -opens on
Tuesday, Sept. 8rd. No change In the
teaching staff.
AGBnEMENT forme between Trustees
and school teachers always on hand ab
TEE Pose Publishing Hone.
A wow °Sloe will be built at the Fair
ground for the 8eoretary, the old one be-
ing too small and not suitable for the
T. P. Surra, the eye epeeialiet, will
pay his regular visit to Brussels on Wed-
nesday, Sept. 11th, when he may be non.
stilted at Fox's Dreg store, Keep the
dale in mind.
A Newman of Braeeelites will visit Tor.
onto Exhibition next week and take in the
Pan.Ameriaan as a aide trip, going by boat
trop the Queen city to Lewiston and
thence by electric car.
Hones GROWN. -David Relate, Albert
street, has a peaab tree in his garden
that has borne a crop of excellent Trait
this season as the Editor can testify from
sampling them. Many imported peaobee
will not equal them for size.
RoOERT MENEMEe has disposed of bis
bones and lot, William street, advertised
in Tam Pon, to Peter Ritchie, of Grey
townebip, for the sum of 3300. Tbe pur-
chaser will take poeeeesion in a few weeks.
Mr. Menzies will probably make a visit
to Scotland next year.
TEE Moose Mountain Star, a new paper
published at Arcola, Aeeiniboia, N. W. T.
Dame to our sanctum, lest week. It is a
very tidy sheet and if the initial number
is a criterion for the time to come Editor needay of last week our foot ball olablwent
McLeod and the people of that locality
0.,eMre. Spllora,geeerettaly treat.
os Tap Pon stuff to a epppiy of oholo9
harvaot apple') thio week accompanied icy
set elegant bequet.. Her kindueaa tees
,;Iy eppreoluted,
]lfolfeeet9 Meth, who we °begged
with forging a note on Dr. Teeth, Bruo.
kindly melee nota of the livlitlay cele, and in whose 9a9e judgment was re,
t,aoreed by Judge Hoyle. Wee eequitted
MONR4o'6 rain woea grand ono end WO Ble Honor ooneldered the
will prove a great bleeping tp the oountry oorroborati4e ovidenae not snfnelent.
at ),laeturee, the root crop, walla, lawns,
&o., were badly in Hoed of the drenching,
A oblate LL, with four, !ahead, eon.
veyed a jelly company of young people
for au eeeniag'a drive on Friday of leaf
week, with the oreem, deo, oil the arrival
back to town.
Tea 33rd Regilnoot, to whet Remota
Oompeny belougs, ie mentioned as aprob•
able ogntingent, along with others, for
military parade in Toronto on the occasion
of the Duke's visit.
Gponont Bate mad asoiste.nta'lavebeen
busy thio week drilling the well at the
Central Hotel with the steam drill, It
attracted 0000iderable attention. Water
was found M 17 feet,
Pam lista for Brussels Fell Fein will
be mailed next week. The dates of Fair
are Thursday and Friday, Oot. 8 and 4,
If you are not a member call and get a
list and prepare em exhibit,
Beaune Accinzem,-Edna dooper one
of the twine, while using the 801Beore got
them in her eye injuring the eight and is
now under the dootor's dere. We hope
she will be soon all rigbt again.
Hes. Comm, sop of John Causley,
Bra8aels, is pitching for a Baso Ball
team at Winnipeg and doing it well top.
Harris Hamilton and D. G. 14011001,
formerly of Brussels, are the catobero of
the Standard Bank Base bell nine, 'Tor-
A Rrocenni E Bowling rink, with Robb.
Rose, formerlyof Brussels, as ekip, paee-
ed through town on isfonday morning's
train for Niagara where they took part in
the tournament. They beat Brampton
but got the worst of it with the "Can-
ada's," of Toronto.
may well be proud of their newspaper.
Tan POST wishes the Star nooses and
hopes it will prove a fixed star brightening
up `ail tbe dark planes.
Waxm n:oaos OaziameY Bunsen. -
Whiteoharoh creamery was totally des•
troyed by fire Friday night. The fire 10
thought to have originated in the furnace
room. Boma 210 boxes of batter were
saved, which have been stored in the
cold storage at Wingham. The building,
machinery and contents are valued at
$3,800. The lose ie partly covered by in.
earanoe, amounting to 31,500. The tote).
, loss is estimated at 32,000. There are
105 ehareholdere and about 400 patrons.
3. H. Sperling, formerly of this looality,
was the manager.
Pactowm Aoomn om.-Mieeee Pearl and
Laura Leatherdale were visiting with
their uncle and aunt, Jno, and Mrs.
Landeeboro', Seaforth. A party waa
given in their honor and to amuse the
youngsters Mrs. Lendeeboro' had a
ti aoramble for some nuts and confectionery.
A not struck Pearl Leatherdale on the
face causing partial facial paralysis.
The ailment precluded the action of one
eyelid unless closed by the band but we
are pleased to say that noticeable im-
provement is in program and we hope
Pearl will goon be as well as ever.
to Brussels and met their first defeat of
the season by a soore of 3 to 0. Odr boye
complain that they did not get a egnsee
°how and that the game was rough and
dleorderly throughout. After Wroxeter
bad waited over an hour on the grounds
the Brueaels team got in line after 7
o'clock and for a time neither side scored
but when it got too dark to play Brussels
put up a backwoods game and by a few
disorderly rushee got three goals. Off
the field our boye met good treatment
and same home a little sore hat quite
2 To 0.-- Wednesday was Milverton'°
via holiday and one of the attraotione
ae a Foot Ball match between the local
am and Brunetti alub. The game was
hot one throughout, both as to weather
d play and resulted in a win for the
me team of 2 to 0, both of the goals
ing eaored in the first 20 minutes of
s le hour's play. The Milverton team
cup a great game especially on the
feriae. Our boys were well used. Fol.
wing was the line up
IY1nerneTON Bnnea8L8
Pheffer Goal IterGerry
Backe Sample
ee Backs 1 ffiol.auohha
1111 Seeker
Forwards MMcDoonald
T. ?heifer
L. Smith
W. Smith...,
P. Ferguson, of Brussels, Referee,
Goon WORK ATrnm0r0TED, The Dray-
rayon Advocate has the following with
eferenae to the good work done by the
nelph) Royal Go. in that village. -"O.
Conary, of Guelph, who had the eon•
rant for patting down granolithio side.
ante in thie viliage, completed his work,
or this year, the latter part of last week,
od sent all hie man to Aoton; where be
as a similar one on band. Mr. Canary
td hie work well, and we believe there
e no better walk made then the one he
made here. Drayton was alwayea hard
laoe to keep supplied with anything like
decent sidewalk, and on that aaooant
he oement walk was a much larger tin-
ertaking than is the ogee in a majority
f towns ; the filling and levelling coating
bout twenty per oent. of the total. poet.
However, we have nearly two miles ot oe•
meat eidewalk with all the other work in
ooneotion,for abont 35,000, or a trifle
over. Several other sections will be done
bat on aaooant of buildings to be erected
t the
and the foo
onxactor was
t thato
neatens to get away will be left over for
another season. Mr. Dryden, of Guelph,
inspeoted the work from start to finish,
and looked well after the interest of the
village, but, on s000uet of Mr. Cheery
having an exoellent gang of men, the
duties in this respect were light, and the
oontreat wee oarried out in 0. very setts.
factory mau¢er,"
CANADA'S GREAT Fein. -Matters never
looked more promising for Toronto Ex-
hibition, to be held from Aug. 26 to Sept,
7, than they do this year. Entries in all
FM Mo. Arreagemente have babe
1nad0 to hold a Monster Re.enicn Plo•nio
in lttr, 001etnan'a grow, adjOiliing the
rhea course, Seaferth, on Leber Day,
September 2nd, 1901. An exoellent
program of games and 090818, pommene,
ing at a o'clock a. m„ Will be carried put.
Don't mise it.
Examinee, under emplace of Wioghare
Orangemen, to Sarnia, ie billed for Sat.
erday of thio week. Train will leave
Wingham et 6.45 a.m., Belgravia at 7,01.
and 63
tramtthe Aret twormehe ntioned fareeturn and 31.50
from Blyth, Return train leaves Sarnia
at 10 o'olook Monday nigbt, The boat
trip from carnia to Detroit and return hi
60o. Some from this looality talk of
G. T. R, Noyme„-•Dietriot Snperin:
tendent Dewey met some of oar grain
dealers on Saturday of lent week. -Geo.
Beet shipped a ear of cattle on Writings.
day; -A freight car was off the mwitoh
for a few hours one day reoeutly.-The
small gate at the entrance of the station
yard from Prinoeee street should be put
opposite the cement weak. in hour or
lees would make the neoeseery change,-
Peeeenger traffic is lively. -Shipments
of new grain have already been made
from Brneoele. A. 0. Damao forwarded
a oar of cattle on Thursday ; P. Hogg
shipped a oar of flax end ; Clement &
Co„ of Guelph, loaded a oar of lumber at
Brussels: Alf. Beaker Bent a oar of pees
Eastward and Dave Smith, of Morrie,
forwarded a oar of horses Westward ; W.
Jewitt loaded a oar of hogs for Palmer.
°ton Pecking House.
TOA ROPEREE {vee A "DINRiE,”-Tues.
day evening Atwood football team Dame
to town to play the 881118n match with
Bruesele. We say Atwood,. bat it was
that only in name, ae a goodly portion.
of the: team are not reeidente ot that
burg ae for inotanoe, Menne McRae, Mo -
Nair, ltl1nie and Steles, of Oraubrook,
the two former having played with Strut.
ford in the Association meshes, but we
are not kicking about that., The game
oommeneed shortly before 7,00 late with
the olondy evening, it was decided to
only play 20minutes eaoh way. Brussels
took the ball and Rept it well in the
looality of the visitor's goal and gave the
backs a good °bare of work and they
certainly played% defence elegantly.
Shortly before half time Atwood carried
the sphere down toward Brussels flege
and tutored by a well aimed shot. Then
the funny part of the bheineee, that bad
been showing iteelf a little, began, viz
the! Referee Hamilton evidently deoided
Stab bis team should win and to aoaomp-
lieh it gave the rankest kindtof deoisione,
blockading the game and killing time.
In the latter half the Eastern ktokere
ably supported him by kioking the ball
out of the Park when en opportunity
offered. Brussels worked hard to even
up tbeoaore and would no doubt have
more than done so lead juetioe been done
by the Referee, but ee it was time was
called, in advano0 too some say, with the
some 1 to 0 favorable to Atwood.,We
are not caring about the loos of a ame
even if it ie the first this season in local
matches, but for the sake of manly sport
and the continuation of friendly rivalry
a man who undertakes to give deoieioue
in a match ehonld know the rales, deal
honorably with the opposing, team and
give his opinion on whet he really sees
not gnesees et or takes the word of some-
body else for. The game was quite remelt
at times and ae some of our boys are
light weights they often went to grass
and Russell Wheeler and R. Brown had
to replaae Backer and MoNanghton, two
of the regular team who suffered. Two
of the Atwood players also bad to take a
rest being eubetituted by Messrs. McNair
and Oalder. No leas than 5 Cranbrook-
1100 were playing for Atwood at one time
in the game. There is very little doubt
as to wbioh team playa the better ball
bat the rulings of the Referee even dis-
gusted some of the supporters of the
Atwood nlnb, Tbe; teams were compos-
ed of the following players :-
Aimee)) Banners ""'
Stewart Goal
TEE ATwooD Ben's OPxNION.-In speak.
ing of the recent Foot Ball match be-
tween Atwood and Brussels the "Bee"
says :-Atwood football team met their
first defeat of the season at the henna of
the Brussels team on Monday evening of
last week by the soore of 2 to O. Bruseelo
certainly has a swift team, their forward
line ie light and combine very quickly
and neatly. It was thie feature of their
playiug that wan them the game. At.
wood wag short two of their beet defense
players, Petrie and Montane. Tbie
weakened the team, but it mn8t be said
that our forward line did' not play up to
their maul style. They can do better.
We ben not teat faith in them yet, and
hope' to see a good etrong team gent to
Brunie to try and win bank the lost
laurels. 3obneon Stewart in goal deserves
eepeoial mention for hie steady head
work, He saved the goal time and again
keeping the soore from being mnoh, more
one sided. We certainly feel inolined to
dispute the first goal Booted by Brussels
se it wee certainly offside, the player who
eaored it being noted for his o#feide play,
but as the referee deolared it a goal, we
bow to hie deoieion. Allowance meet' be.
plaque who Dame
tong t
some b
for p Y
direst from the hard work of the farm,
eaoh ae thr0811iug and etooking grain,
Hoye can not be expected to play a swift
game after a day's work. There wag a
record breolting loosed, and everything
Wee lovely except the soore.
Ben Berm.- Friday evening Gerrie,
plus three players from Wroxeter, drove
over for a return game of base ball with
oar team. Brunets lost their two catch.
era in the removal .of Herds Hamilton
and Wm. Wright but not to be outdone
they got the consent of Angy Kerr, who
was one of the nine, and "Nipper" did so
well he may expect his salary to go up
any day. Brnaeele went to bat first and
never quit until they piled lip 13 rune.
13 is amid to be en anlnoky number but it
did not prove a Jonah to oar lade for
while the soore was kept down until the
6th innings 10 rune were hustled out in
it and et the oloee of tbe 7th the match
ended with a record of 28 to 5. The
visitors were blanked in 4 inninge. W.
Ardell, pitcher for Gorrie, bud his finger
in the 6111 innings end Art. Robineon
took hie place bat Art. wag it trifle out of
praotioe and the ball did not atwaye go
over the plate. Tbe eters of the home
team were Prank Bookie in the box and
"Watty" Roche on let base, The latter
is not very big but he is "all wool and a
yard. wide" playing the position. The
balance of the nine showed annals of
good ball playing.. The annexed some
will enppiy additional particulars :-
$nnea380B R 0 G001130 R 0
Thomson, 2b 4 2 Ardell,p 8 2
F. Roche p 6 0 Sbarpin se • 1 1
G. Arden, es 4 1 Found,ib 0 8
A, Herr, o 6 2 Robinson, 2b 1 2
L. Kerr, 813 2 8 Paulin, 81) 0 4
W. Rcohe, ib 8 8 Calder, rf0 1
.7. Ardell, 1f 8 2 Taylor, If 0 2
$parling,rl 1 5 'Donaghy,o. 0 8
Lowry, of 2 8 Horton, of 0 0
28 21 6 21
1 2 8 4 6 0 7
Brussels -18 2 0 2 1 10 0-28
Gorrie - 0 0 1 0 0 8 1- 5
Drnggiet Neleon MaLaughlio, of Gorrie,
the old time pitcher of the somewhat
oelebrated "-inions" was the Umpire and
hie rulings were aoeepted by ale The
very beet of good feeling prevailed and
although the game wag very
the visitors did nob do any crying about
it and left for home after supper, with
the expectation that the sun would tier
joot the same on Saturday morning as it
they had waliopped Brttegele by 28 to 6
In Bevan inning8.
departments ere good, while in live °too
and maoufaotareo they are well in axons
of previous yearn. The ahoy; of cattle is
bound to be superior to anything ever
number of
"n p
animals having been mported eepeoially
for exhibition at Toronto. Th -e Right
Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Premier of
the Dominion, on Tuesday, Aug. 27, will
andoebtedly have the gratification of
opening the best of the twenty-three suc-
cessive annual exbibitione that will have
been held at the capital of the Province.
It will be thoroughly representative of
the induetrial arta, agrioaltural and her -
bicultural produote and general resoareee
of this great country, and will abound in
entertaining as well as in018001 v0 fea-
tures. As beaomee these warlike times
the military will be muoh in evidence,
arrangements having been made by per.
reinter) of the General Officer Command-
ing and the Minister of Militia for daily
prootioe with elexim8 and other guns by
the Royal Canadian Artillery, and for
8011000 cavalry evolution° by the Royal
Dragoons. There will be the usual trot-
ting, pacing and running melee, balloon
asoonts by a man who escapes from a
bomb that explode° a thousand fent in
the air, an entertainment of great variety
in front of the grand Maud, athletio
sports, butter -making oonteete, judging
own petitione,experimenta in photography
by wire, an international military tattoo
on the opening night, the beet dog show
in America, lectures cal the oaltivation of
the sugar beet, music by a soon of the
finest bands fn America, and in fact mote
attrnetion0 and novelties than weld be
enumerated in it column of this paper,
the whole being nigbtly Drowned by a
repreeeotetion of tbe Bombardment of
the Take Forte by the Allied Forme in
Ohina, oonoluding with a brilliant die -
play of fireworks. While every day will
be a great day from Aug. 26 to Bept. 7,
the days of days will be Tuesday, Sept.
3, when a re-nnion of Canadian Old Boys
and etudente of all the colloges and
scboole in Canada will be bald. Tbe fol.
lowing day will be Farmer°' Day, but the
rfull proven)
with a i
rethatw 8
;Sties a p
Query day and favorable 'else on the yell•
ways the ground° will always be thronged Hymn
by deliebted erowde. Canada's Great Hymn
Exposition will play goeond fiddle to no Hymn
other, Bolo, "Saved by a Ohlid,".,,,Jae, Jame.
r2 ✓,RX04,LlrD 214X41. C .C' 04JY4D4r
eesOMeeleMX.,OPOc=Xe 0.8"72..
iUipn Doliara)
9enefeaitl aliprinoipntpafnte its Ontario, Q4ie64a,4anftoba, Unite
dbO SWAS DeM'egt.
10400 000
+State; o3 Eti9latid,
moral " Betaking Bueineoo Tranaaoted, Farmers' Notee
Oratte Toned anti 091189tiene meds 00 All points.
on deroaito of 31,00 and upwards and compounded helfyeeriy,
SrBothe ATTENTION 017080 80
faoillty afforded Ouetomore living at
On payable at any bank issued
rden et the following rates
or Fagan'
a dietanoe,
Under $10..., 80.
310 to 320. ,10o.
Bete Neeme,
320 to 380..,,128
80 10 40.,,.14o
Rev, 5. F. Knight, a'tleiveroity etudent
will Preno
1n the
next Sabbath, moraingend evening, Re'e
a good speaker.
"The Happineeo of Heaven," Rev. 21:3
and 0, was the intereating eubjoot of
Rev, Mr. Thynne'e 419000ree last Beb.
bath morning in Melville oburoh, Amos
4:12, "Prepare to meat thy God" wee the
Platten admonition dwelt upon in the
Sabbath last J. MoCormiok, B. A., of
Trowbridge, oaoapied the pulpit of the
Methodist church and preached two good
termone. "Tbe Christian Way" and "The
Bleseedneoe of Giving" were bis themes.
A- Male Quartette wee sung at the even-
ing eervios entitieb "Tbe Altogether
Business Locals.
Peebles Peebles
X, Backs
Toolo2a7 seed ab McCracken's.
MONET to loan on farm security.
Apply at Tim POST.
SERVANT wanted. Apply to
MRS. TWEDDLE, Brunetti.
Stamm wanted, apply at ono to
bins. G. F. Bean, Braseele.
WANTED 200 buehele good plume for
which a good price will be paid in trade
at Mo0raoken'e.
Oen beet Beaver Gement to hand.
Every seek guaranteed. Lowest price.
Molise & Co„ Braseele.
NonToN TEanAOE.-Barrister Blair has
been appointed agent for the above
property and will be in apoeition to are
range wlth parties 489101one :of renting,
Gen0EN.•PLANT0. Mise Kelly has any
quantity of garden planta for sale looted.
ing :-Tomato, cabbage cauliflower and,
celery. Aleo a large and fine ooileotion
of flowering planta. Floral designs made
to order and at reasonable priori.
... MoNaughton.
Dungannon, Oot, See.
Blyth & Morrie Blyth, Oat.
8 9:
Pninoular, Ohetham,
Oot. 8-10.
Howiok, Gorrie, Oot,.12.
Norfolk, Simooe, Qol, 15-17,
=me '..'0E?1T..0 2a;A. V.T.:: 17't'S,
Feil Wheat 60 64
liaxloy .... 87 40
Peas 80 01
Oats 80 81
Blither, titbo end roi18 ..- 14 15.
'Eggs per 'dozen 9 10
Flour per owt, 4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per buo)' • 1 20 1 20
Applee (per bbl,) 2 00 2 00
Sheep ekine,each 26 26
Lamb skins each 25 80
Balt per 11b1., retail 1 00 70
Hay per ton 6 00 6 00
Hides trimmed 6 8}
Hides rough 6' 6
Hogs, Live 7"00 710
Wool 12 18
Colin Ralston, aged 40, dropped dead
at Oriliia.
A new canning factory is to be estab-
lished at Hamilton.
A new oable hoe been laid beeween
Prime Edward Island and the mainland.
The oitizena of Sudbury presented an
address to Mr. Edison, the famous in-
John Clara, of Soarboro', died from in-
juries received in an aooident on the G.
T. R.
Lieut. -Col Gordon, of Kingston, now in
oommand of a military diotriot in Cape
Colony, is seriously ill.
Woodotoek City Council 10 considering
the advisability of installing the septic
tank system of sewage disposal.
J. N. Graham, Secretary of the Strut.
ford Y. M. 0. A., hag attempted the Seo-
retaryohip of the Asaooiation at Venoou-
Owen McGinty, a laborer, fell from
the third story of the new Rouse of
Providence at Dandae and was instantly
CHURCH 01813188.
Rev. and Mrs. Holmes expect to arrive
home on Thursday of next week from
Mttokoka. The reverend gentlemen's
health is aoneiderably improved we are
pleased to state.
Rev. John T. Kerrie, rentor of Trinity
oburoh, Mitchell, Oot., has 'tempted the
reotorebip of 8t. Luke's church, J0.p00.
town, N. Y., and will asthma hie new
chitin on Sept. 8.
The R. C. Church at Seaforth are ar-
ranging for a big pio.nia on Labor Day,
to be held in Coleman's grove. An in.
vitetion was extended to Brueoele emigre.
gatioo by Rev. 11'r. Corcoran teat Sabbath
Rev. S, J. Allis, of London, a former
pastor, is expected to preaoh in the Brus.
sell Metbodiet church a week from next
Sabbath, Sept. let. Hie old pariebionere
will be well pleeeed to have an opportun•
icy of bearing biro onoa more.
Next Bentley the anneal Harvest
Home 00rvio08 will be held le St. John's
church in this plane. Rev. Mr. Abase'
inoumbent, will be the preacher. Tbe
oh0r9h will be appropriately decorated
with grain, fruit, flowers, &o, The muei•
oak 0ervio00 will be as follow°
Opening hymn No, 61
Venite (Chant) Nares
Gloria(Ottani) Trootbeok
Te Deem Woodward and Crotch
Benedictus Jacobs
Hymn No. 872
Hymn No. 50
Bolo, "Just for today"..Mise V. Oardiff.
Opening hymn No, 870
Gloria Psalms (Chant) Beethoven
Cantata Domino((Thant) Robineonn
Dene Mkeeatesr Langdon
y0. 485
No. 9.8
No. 22
Turnberry street, Bruesole,fox sale at
a bargain. Apply to
THOS. BALLANTYN70, Brnepe18.,
►�J 28,00n. 7, Morris, on or about Ju19 2101.
There ware 11 Leioeeter eboep land lelambe
in the number. Any information leading to
their recovery wilt be thankfully received.
R. BBW LEY, Brunets P. 0.
ATING and House Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and on short notiao.
Have had three years' experience in city
work. Terms reasonable, Give me a call.
2e y7.5. JOHNSTON, Walton.
Bnenwx t. -In Blyth, on August 12111, to
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bradwin, a
DmxNisox.-I¢ MoRillop, on Ang. 18, to
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Dennison, a
Bowater. -In Walton, on Aug. 9, to Mr.
and Mrs. John Rowland, a son.
Setherec.-In Whiteobnrah, on Ang. 12,
to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sperling,, a.
Wmio'oNG.-Id Listowel, on Ang. 11, to
Mr. and Mrs. M. Willfong, a son.
be residence of
MeiNe-LmxsauAN. At t
the bride'° parents, East Wawanoeh,
on August lSth, by Rev. George Mc-
Qulllin, Mr. Joseph W. Maine, of
Moose Mountain, Asainiboia, to Mies
Sarah L. Leishman.
RAE-DAnamit.-In Thorold, Augnet 14th,
by Bev. J. Kay, Mr. R. B. Rae of
Wingham to Mise Maggie Darker of
Cuba bar
ori offers his valuable -100 Coro
farm for sale, being N 8 Lot 24, eon. 0, Mor-
rie, About75 acres under Drop, the rest
witbs. There is a cellar, furnace, &o., comfortable withe etoue
etabling, 40x00 feet and straw abeon stone
wall, 24x40 feet. There ie also a stone hog
pen and hen house, and a frame sheep house
on don a foundation. 100 more convenient
building° in the township. Farm in good
shape An Sore of Orchard. Poeeeeeion
could be given on Nov. 1st. For price,
tame and conditions apply to the Proprie-
tor, WALTER, 1NNS, Jamestown,
or F. S. SCOTT, Bruesele. .It not 0014 11
will be, rented. 0-
T. P� Smith,
DDX axi„
BnoADPooT.-At Talmage, Kansas, on
August 2nd, Janet Morrison, relict
of the late James Broadfoot, of Brig
End, Taokeromith, egad 84 yearn
and 6 months.
ROTTAN,-In102orrill, on Ang. 20, Matilda
Palmer, beloved wife of George H.
Rattan, aged 79 years, 4 months and
14 days.
Warn. -In Turnberry, August 13th, Jane,
beloved wife of Robert Weir aged 66
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia end
Toronto Opti°al Colleges, will be al
Fox's Drug Store
Wednesday, Sept. 11th
Call early and avail yourself of
hie valuable 80871080.
E1.te11NATIUT( num,
.1..). undersign ed will 11001p1 for service en
Lot 24, Oon, 0, Grey, the Tamworth Hoar
"King George„' No. -26a6- Pedigree may be
seen on applioution. Terms 70itoot to be paid
inn if necessary. ice 30013T. MollONALD,
G 4* y • Proprietor,.
und0reigned will keep for eervloe, on
Lot 80, 0112 line, Morrie, a there' bred young
Yorkehlre boar, purchased from the well
of Burford,.nd tot 002 prize whSaun-
sleek. Pedigree may be- seen on applica-
tion. Terme. 51.00 to be paid at time Of
service with privilege et returning if nen-
emery. 3A0. WHIR,
0.40 Proprietor. ,.
!. 2128 undersigned often his 100
pore farm, being Lot 25, eon, 10 Grey, for
Bale. 50 awes cleared balance bush, Oom-
fortablehouse, barn 86x00 feet and stable
20x40 orchard do. Possession given on
Manch let next with option of doing Fall
plowing. Por father particulars 00 to pride,
terms and oonditioes apply to
441, Oranbrook P. 0,
Tenders for Drains.
Tenders for the 14th 000. Drain and
Clark's Drain will be reoelvod by the under-
signed up to 10 o'clock, Sept. 10, 1001, at the
Heli, Craubrook. Plano, epooilleationa, &o„
maybe seen at my oilloe. A dopoeit will be
required with eaeb tender, aleo sul$cieat
0ecurit9 for completion of the work.
WM. 8928017, Olork,
Ethel P. 0
Every young person should take a course
in Listowel Huainan College which re-
opens, under anewmanagemont, 0u 0100.
day, Sept, 2,1901.
ta'Oiroular free on applloabion.
President. Seere1ary, ..
-For Ten Days we will sell a epeoial line of all pare Linen ,Towelling worth 100,
at 7}c per yard.
-For Ten Daya we will sell a epeoial line of Flannelettes worth 9a, at 7o per yard.
-For Ten Days we will sell a special line of Grey Oaten worth 6o per yard, at 20
yards for $1.00.
For Ten Days we will pall Grey Table Linen worth 66e, for 890 per yard.
For Ten Rape we will sell Men ti Readyto•wear Saito, worth $6.00 and 35.50,
at 23.98.
Owing to the early arrival of Fall Goods we find it ne0e8eary to make
more room, therefore yon will find exoeptionel valueein lines mentioned.
o=.e xis., V.a.Xm'2.
Indnatrial, Toronto, Aug. 26 -Sept. 7.
Western Fair, London, Sept. 5-14.
Kingston, Kingston, Sept, 0-18.
Obeeley, Sept. 16-17.
Northern, Walkerton, Sept, 18-19,
Guelph Central, Guelpb, Sept, 17-19.
Wert Middlesex, $ttethroy, Sep. 17-19,
Ripley, Sept. 24-25,
Teeewater, Sept. 24-25.
Pulmoreton, Sept, 24-25.
Wellesley, Sept. 24-25.
Beetle Huron, Seaforth, Sept. 24-25.
Centre Brace, Paieley, Sept. 24-25.
Elora at Atwood, Sept. 24-25.
Tnrnbury, Wingham, Sept. 26-27.
Mornington, Milverton, Iopt. 20-27.
Fullerton, M.itobell, Sept, 26-27,
North Brant, Pada, Sept, 26-27.
East Wawanoeb, Bolgrave, Dot, 1-2.
South Perth, Be Marge, Ooe. 1-2,
Groat Nort1weat'n 4 oderich Oot. 1-2
N. R. of Oxford, Woodetook, 001, 1-2.
.Listowel, Oat, 1-2.
North Grey, Owen Bound, Oot. 2-4.
Bast Haren, Brunette Oot. 8-4.
Nartb Perth, Stratford, 001, 8-9,
We will also draw your attention to the fact that our stock
for Fall in all lines will be found more complete
than. ever,
-We will be pleased to show you oar neer range of Flannelettes in light and dark
oolore, ranging in prioe from 5o per yard to 17o.
-Also our range of Wrapperettee al 10o and 12eo per yard.
-Our stook of Oottooadoe, in light and heavy weighte, hae never been more
-We are selling our Light Colored Gingham° and Prime, good 'value at 12.0, for
10o per yard.
IN Grocery
Department >1�VE
-Salado, Tee at 26e, 80a end 400 per Ib.
- Blue Ribbon Tea at '25o, 00a, 40a and 504 per Ib.
- Molina Rolled Wheat for Porridge.
-Alen Beet quality of Rolled Oath that we oanb,ly,
-Royal Yeast Cakes in Sc paakage0.
-Grape Nuts at 15o per package.
- Postern Cereal at 15o per package,
Gall and gee our gtook of Dinner Sots containing 97 pieces, A orate of thie
magbifloent Ware has jot some to hand and we will madder it a great pleasure to
have the opportunity of showing these geode, at prides never before g31oted,
Call and be convinced of the Value
we Call give you at
H. F. McAIIisters
i T /iii LAt