The Brussels Post, 1901-8-22, Page 7INE NEW8IN 1118
atcresting Items Abollt Our Own
Couqtry, Groat Britain, the United
States, aud Ail Parte of the qiebe,
condensed end A,aserted yor nosy
Coal deposits have boon, foetid in
Shefford County, Que,,!
The Minister 'of Justice has been
asked to appoint.a. judge ler tho Oar-
lboo district, D, 0.
Art ex rt omeidere linprovements
to the amount of $75,000 aro renuie_
ad tm, Prevent floods on. 'Igie Rideau
Au Ottawa Alderman is opposed to
spending ,any •raoria than 82;500 on
Obe reception to the Duke- and. Duch-
ess of York„.
The fund raised for educating and
suPPorting Louis Riot's children has
disappeared, and there are, tigiy am=
ors afloat exi,Meatreel.
The laboa- unions.° of Montreal are
opposed to 'the donation Of aablie
library to the city by, Andrew
The pt'esent strength of "AP Bat-
ter, at Kingston, is 108, or 51.un--
dee 'ate -0;101e, 02,
metietab eindereeerengthe
The Department ofeAgrityltetee at
Ottekiett. ,has just fillecl„.aa' order 'for
the .War .Office of 1,500 tons:of Oat,
which will be 'shipped to South
rice in September. • „
Lord Strathcona and Mount. Royal
and LA,dy Stratheona will sail by the
Campania do the' 24th init., and ere
exnectod,th arrive 'be Mentreal about
the ffirst of September. ,
The headless body cif tL, Japanese,
one of the,missing,fishermen, suppos-
ed to hove been 'murdered by the
white strikers ,011 the Feaser River,
has been found in Vancouver harbor,
The Regina Board of Tecede has
opened ,an employment bureau,where
farmers requiring harvest hands may
enter their names, and every effort
will bo made to meet their demands,
Mr, W. L. Groat, classical master
at •Upper Canada. College, son of
Principal Grant, Queen's University,
ha S accepted a fellowship: in elessies,
at the Johns Hopkins University,
13a1timore, •
The shipment of grain from Quebec
by the Great Northern Railway has
been so eucceseful as to. induce the
Leyland Steamship lane to put . on
four steamers this incinth instead qf
Great, Braille's grain crop, thollgh
of goodequality, will 'be in. yield be-
low the average.
Major ICarii Davis, n hero of Mate-
king-,. has -declined a decoration, ask-
ing that he be permitted to serve his
Majesty ,without apy ,reward.
It is said Lord Salisbury had
agreed to remain peemier until after
the coronation only at the request
of Ring Edward.
The dangerous conclilion of St.
Paul's cathedral_ is:shown hi the tact
that 40 nmeons are kept constantly
employed. the year'round in the work
ofreneivation' and veneers:
There is a movement in London to
raise funds for the establishueent of
a chair of temperance in. London Un-
iversity, as an off -set to brewing pro-
fessorship at Birmifighain Unitoraltya
Joseph Ferndale, who was chief
constable of Birminghaina Eng., -at
the Limo of the Fenian movement in
which Egan, Daly and 0 allagher
*ere concerned, is dead. It was al-
leged at the ' time that Feradale
hatched the oonspirney.
A quaint eolebratioa took place at
Corttwall, Eng., -Sunday, when
the memory of John Mille formerly
collector of customs and attorney,
who died in London in 1811, was
ated by dancing and sing-
ing around his mausoleum.
A. despatch from Tipperary, !re-
lated, says the harvest women ma)
parading throughthe gown headed
by a boll -man, 10 a riot against the
use 6f harvestieg machinery, end de-
mandiug fixed wages. Requisitions
have been seat out for extra Police.
and Vairbanka halm Many W41,1111,sup-
rertere 1n,00ngroSia
A. farm hand near Ilochealair AM on
a' fieythe, the polet etitting the jug -
elite vein A passing Wheelman open-
ed hie 'tire•kle Ewe with glue And tire
Paine eireeeed the wetted till the in -
hired man reaelied Rochester.
'NEM Londoffie'Oenn, will beeenie
en export staMen, wi'th a 3500,000
P11110 elevator, with a eapacitY ol
obe and A half 111111100. luahliJs, or
500 earS 1e•e111er, .aad it ifi exPeeteel
that tee Oranci Tennk r IIWIIIP Will
co-operate in the euterprise,
Paris despatch to tlie "Ohicago
ReeeedeiNeralce qllotes.l%r eed Leroy
Beaulieu, the famoue French econo-
mist, afj sayinge-'"It is imeeitabl&aa
trade war upou America by allied
Europe. It may leet come inuneclie
atelY, bet it will come in a few
The young Ring of Spaio may go
into the naVy.
The powers will prehibit ioffierta-
tion of ovine and arainunitioa by
China for two yeaas,
• The Newfoundland Governmeat will
instal the wireless telegraphy'system
On the coast of Labrador, .
An American eyndicate is seeking
- to buy feel*, ghtss faetories in Bel-
giuin, In erder to destroy competi-
tion, •
I X: big geld strike has been made On
lihe Rand, cet a depth to prove thot
the gold industry is established for at
'beet seventy years.
; The harvest prospectsein southwest
districts -ox the Province 'of Chi' Li
and ie. the Province of- Tiro Nan are
'A finaneial and inthistrial crisis in
O Germany is spreading, A. Cologne
bank is insolvent and a direttor im-
, dor arrest,
The manufacture of war meterial
Is said to be very active iu China,
and the attitude of the Chinese is
sullen and Eleflant,'
Story proPoSes to conveet Venice
into 0 first-class naval harbor, and
that in carrying out this ,plan, she
will dredge the.seenals and tortify the
• The coalenued deought has extend-
ed, the area pf,crop demage, which
ineludee the Ba-ltie provinces, In the
West Siberia. and Volga provinces an
almost total crop failure is expected.
A recent order issued by the muna.
cipality of Budapest regulates that
no barmaids under' forty years, shall
be employed in saloons, and hun-
dreds of young women have been
thrown out of work as a result.
While the Russian battleship Em-
peror Alexander III, was being
latioched during a, gale, a flagstaff in
the cloCkyard WOO blown down, kil-
ling an officer and a cadet, and in-
juring the commander of the battle-
ship and three cadets.
Turks, ineensed at the resistance of
eight Bulgarians who had raided
Turkish territory and killed an offi-
cer and who had taken refege in a
peasant's house,' fired the building,
burning to death the Bulgarians and
the 'peaseeit arid his family,
Naples, N. Yee has a grasshopper
Cleveland and Detroit are to be
connected by an electric road. ,
ITetchet Carrie Nation has started
on a lecturing toue.
Chicago is to have an all-night de -
Pertinent store. Capital $500,000.
Professor Zueblin, of Chicago Uni-
versity, in a class lecture declared
colleges caused class distinction.
Glen Gardner, 'aged 17, of liferher-
son, itan,, has confessed -notate beat
his friend, George Smalley, to death
',with a club to secure $7.50.
While his daughter eves begging
him not to commit 8111Ci00, Charles
Illssett, of Orate, 111., shot himself in
the head mid died withal an hoar,
A dying actress at Omaha confes-
sed that the child with lice Is a long
sought daughter of a rich merchant
of Brazil, Did.
An application from Sen Fraecisco
to allow Chinamen employed on
ships to uaload them leas been edits-
edett 1Vaubington,
Sanilavy official& on -Simian Island
near New York have begun the treat-
ment of •neighboring pateds to clee
stroy the breeding placas of mosqui-
An i nten t d i ell of stn rvation 111
Judge Horton's 00arli 100111 at CM -
cep) while legel steps Were ender
way to peavide for its cern. Neglect-
ed by parentee
A. inatch ciacl a load of bay formea
,a a Powerful temptation to a River
Forest , I1 I ., man 1 L boy. Ne• y lot dad ,
, Tho driver of the wagon was rraccd
1 lump to save his life.
O Republican politicians, in studYing
,She field of candidates for 1119 Presi-
dency 1LI 1901, consider Itnann, 141 the
cad at present, a1thomz.1 Roosevelt
Emperor Willi:on, reciprocating the
recent courasy of the Sultan of Mor-
roco, has presented to Abdul-lele
ace°, has presented . Abdul -E1 -
at Fez, a lion, a Beogal tiger, leo-
pards, , bears, stags, and Indian and
Japanese cranea and parrots, all pur-
chased through' re German dealer.
A bill will be -iiitroducedinto. the
Australian parliament to peohibit the
the entrance `of any immigrant who
cannot write fifty words in English,
who suffered hem a Contagious dis-
ease, who is an imbecile', is likely to
become a burden, aed who has been
a. eoevict within three years.
Many Perish in a Burning Orib at
.A. despatch from Cleveland, Ohio,
says: -Fire early on Wednesday de-
stroyed a temporary water works
crib two 'utiles- out in the hike, re-
sulting in the death of at least ton
men, while two others were probably
tatally •-iejored, In addition to a
large .number of workmen who were
la the cella eleven others *ere -at
PriCeS or Cattle, Ohms, Grata, 81e.
hi the Leading ige.rixots.
Toronto,. Alig. 20, --Wheat - riVatie
Was fair to -day, and Priam oteadY.
No, 2 old. white Midi red winter sold
40 intilere in car tote at 68 to 68+0
low freights. No. 2 /10l14 Whits is
zold at 07c low freight.S. No, 1
apring i firm, seIIll1g at 700 on the
Midland, teed ,No. 2 goose quoted at
660 middle freight, Manitoba wheat
IS steady, With No. i hard selling
at 87-0, grindlog in transit, 0414 No.
e hard at 800, ga.t. Foe Toronto
hnd weet ile'ldtver.
eilllfecal-Tee, tecieket Is firm, with
little offering.. , Bran eeld 44 515
west. Shorts scarce cuid quoted at
5'10 middle freight.
Corn -The market 18 4443101 mut er-
ratic, Sales of No, 2 Canadian yel-
low reported at 53 to 54e west,
Rye-Themarket ie quiet, with'
ioeeele‘litgrositirni'. It, is quoted at 4,9 to
Buckwhoca=-Market dull, with
prices purely nomirell.
Peas --Trade quiet, with prices no-
minally unchanged.
13arley-Therc is a Bette trade,
with sales of No. 8 extra at 48d
middle freight, and. of No.8 at 43e.
Oats-Offeringe aro increasing, and
1,101r t8 0si9, p
1,a 4.goanw
. 2 seo0.
ld 1.0
(meted at. 38.`to 330 middle freigne
aeleure-The market As fine, hIllietY
pee cent. sold in barrels at. 52.95,
alld at 52,65 in buyers' bags, mid-
dle freight, for export. • Straight
rollers in bbls for Lower Provinees,
58.25 to 83.20. Manitoba patents,
84 to $4.10, and strong bakers',
58.75 to 88,85. '
Oatmeal-lefarket is 156 higher.
Car lots at $3.90 in bags, alecl 54 ill
wood. 131e1ee11 lots, 'Toronto, 30c
per bet extra.
O Butter -There is a fair demand for
choiee qualities, with receipts mod-
erato. A cable reports higher prices
in Liverpool. We quote ae follows;
Selected 'dairy, tubs, 17c ; choice 1-
11) rolls, 17 to .1Se; 080004111 grealeS,
in rolls, tuba, and palls, 15c to 16c;
bakers', 11c ; creamery prints firm,
21* to 22c ; solids, 204e.
Eggs-Marleets steady for strietly
freah gathered eggs, which sell for
12e ; inferior qualities, 7 to Se,
Cheese-aThe market' is.firm, with
choice qualities jobbing at 10 to
Dressed hogs unchanged at 59.50
to 59.75. II0g products continue
firm. We 14uote:--13010011, long clear,
ten and case lots, 11 to 114c; pork,
mess, 510.50; doe short cat, $21.
Smoked meats -Hams, 14 to 144-e;
breakfast beacon, 15 to 16c ; rolls,
12c ; backs, 15 to 154-c; and shoul-
ders, 11 to 114-e„ •
Lard -Market is firm. Guaranteed
gime, in 50-14) tuba, 1.14-c/ .20-11) pails
114-c; tierces, 11c.
The street nuirkee was quiet to-
day. Oats in fair offer; and. sold to
the extent of 700 bush. at 87* to
38e for no*, and at 40 to 4040 for
old. Rye sold at 19+c for one load.
Hay continues Tina, 20 loads of new
selliug at 510,50 to 512 a ton, and
three of old at 518.50. Straw nona.
Following is the range of quota-
tions :-
Wheat; white:- ....... .... 50.70* 50.71
Wheat, . ..... 0.70 0.71
Wheat, goose... 0.69 0.70
Wheat, spring....., 0.70 0.00
Oats, old 0.40 0.4.04-
00.4.8, new 0.87+ 0.88
.., 0.66. 0.00
Rye 0,49* 0.00
0.48 0.45
, per ton... 18.50 0.00
243r, 11010, per ton- -10.50 12.00
traw, per ton 10,00 0.00
ressed hogs.. . 9.50 9.75
utter, in tb rolls.... 0.17 0.22
utter, creamery.... 0.21 0,26
hickeii, per Pal......... 0.50 :0.75
uelts, Per pair... ...... 0.65 1.00
urkeys, per M.... 0.12 0.15
ggs, new laid... .. 0.14 0.15
dos 0.12 0.18
o 1.15
omatoos, basket, 0.50 0160
eof, foreqUarters.., a.50 5.50
of, hindquarters... 8.00 9.25
eef, medium, carcase5.50(3.00
eef, choice.. 7.00 7.50
limb, ... 6.50 7.00
unb, spring,. 8.00 9.00
Litton, , 5.50 6.50
eel, choice... 7.50 8,50
work ia the tentiel leading from it H•
two hundred feet,beloW the bottom E
of the lake. Tlw air, which was p
pi:loved from the Ceib to supply the
men Working in the tunnel, was Mit B
off as a result of Its destruction, B
and it was at0 first supposed that B
these men had all perished., ' 11
Subsequeatly, however, nine of the L
me13 in the tunnel W14r0 rescued. Fire Li
and harbor tugs with rescuing Par- BE
1158 on board reeched the crib soon V
after the flames broke out, but when
they arrived the structure 311045 Et.
seething mass of names, and all hope
of saviag it was abandoeied, '
Men could he cliseinguished .swim- co
ming and floating in the water, GI
shouting for help. Others. were cling- eal
11>4.140 rapes, which they had hitched do
tied,to the, raft:ere, but the flames Mt
were burning the ropee away and the 2
men, who were naked, were falling an
one by one bito tho lake. •
-After an 11012115 111110 meek the flames la
were dierliniehed enough so thee, the pa
firemen 50.11d -climb' up the charred. to
steps end fight the lire from the in- 51
'teethe. Thin the horror of the ea- 51
lenity was 'nest ' realized, Every -.1111
thing was a. total Wreck. 110
Atter two 'beers' Work live charred., bet
hubeaa bodies WM' found blamed he- 81,
yond ,recognition. TWo 070130 114 the -1
attieucle of prayer. . poi
Montreal, Aug, 20, -The markets
11111100 quiet, with values steady.
.ain-aTo. 1 Ontario spring wheel,
oat May, 74 to 750; pens, 70.4.0
; 1 outs, 400; No. 2 do, 30.0;
111013310331,58e; rye, 574e, and No,
barley. 51a, Flour--Mitnitobe. pa-
te, $4.20; strong bolters', $3.90 to
eteaight eellers, $3,35 to
bag's, 31,50 to $1.65; Ontario
10411>4', 8:3.75 to 54. Feed -Mani -
ha, bran quoted at 810 shorts,
8; Ontario brae, in bulk; 515 to
ii; aborts, in bulk, 517 to 518
ddliags, ill bulk, 817.50 to $18.
llocl oats -Miners' priceS 1,O, job..
's, 3,1 to 54-10 per berm), and
90 to 52,05 1M bags. Provisions
-Navy Canadian short cut 111.088
la, 520 to 320.50; selected heavy
wt Oat 111088 pork, boneless, $21
$21,50; family short mit clear
$1.9.50 to 520 ; pure Cana -
11 lord, in 875-l43 tierces, 1140 ;
'clinical: lined pails, 201bs, 12e ;
aliment linocl 'palls,,20-lbs, 12c ;
313115, 1111c; tins, 13, 5 and 10
12 to 124c ; compound refined
d, in 575-113 tierces, 741c; parch-
nt lined wood pails, 20 lbs,;
pails, 20 ths, sc ; 18i to
e; and bacon, 14 -to 1.5c per lb.
tor -Choice ere:tailors, firm at 204
20.1c; soemicis, 18 to 19e; dein>,
Lo 164c. Cheese -Ontario, DI to
; Quebec, 9 to 9 4c; legg,s,-Goorl-
d lots of No. 2, 11* to 12e, sub -
to insptirtion ; No. 2, 8+ to
Atople products --New syrup at
not lb is Wood ; tO to /00 Per I
Alt AecoMmodation on HomeWard10.4
)30und Steaniers Booked,
A despatell from London says; --/t tat,
is stated that, ninny Americans aro me
Unable to seeure passage on home- tin
ward -bound steniners and will be 144
compelled ta wale several weeks be- But
fore they 'co 11 ob i n sporta ton. to
'Oho manager of one of the lilies soya 16
that all the aCcon»notlaf Ion on eheir pee
stenniees is booked up to ()Nobel. 1. size
Ile' ascribes tho forge trans-Atlantic ject
travel to the prosperity in the United 94c
tin; auger, • 9 tO 190 per ID• Pato-
100flaajobbere' orieefa 4,5 to ,50a
Moriey-400 per ID seetioin Strained,
to Pa
Buffalta Aug. 20,-Viour-,Virm.,
Wheat -Spring, aulet ; No. 3. l'Ioltil-
orm 814c, Winter rffiefebeeLowie
701610No,,0021.11,,,r3)edu,117.0blej 1111;o113,
efle ; No. 8 de., Ne.
2 corn, 050; No. /3 do., 620. Oats -
Steady; No, 2 white, old, 430 L4cie
new, 410; No. mixed, 3914+0;
ad000,,, 3538114.011,01y, ee-Stroeg o• oid,
Toledo,Aug. 20.---Wheat-No, 14
cash, 74,ac; SepteMber, '75e ; Docent.
ber, 77*c. Corn -.Lower ; September
584.a, 11ye-Ole, May, 08e, Oats -
September, 360; December, asee,
leye-01e, Cloversood-Pritne, Get(/'
bei, • bAic14.g.0i1-20TI.Leeklellagt_ed •tim.
ett 000ta zecier;,, ; Ne70113,0 us .0 4, 117 001 ljeorrt.;1717e1 IN; , os7:et::
5941c, Barley--wirmov ; 1, 63 to
64o; eample, 40 to 01eO ,
Duluth, Aug. 20.--010sed :-Wheat
e -Cash, No, 1 haril, 75+e; No, 2
Northern, e7a.c; No, 1, Northern, 72
to 720; December, No 2, 78*o. Corn
Ofttsa-Not quoted.
Detroit, Aug. 20.--Wheat-Closed-
No. 1 white, cosh, 76-}a; No. 2 rod,
cash and August, 75c; September,
St, Louis, Aug. 20, --Wheat closed
-Cash, 72c; September, ; De-
cember, 754c.
Toronto, Ang. 20.-Bustriess et the
western cattle market to -day was
net of a very satisfactory character.
There was a. fair demand for choice
• cattle, but there was very little
inovementein the common to medium
gradee. „The offerings as a whole
wore not of a very high order, and
'trade was somewhat sluggish.
There was a little activity -in bulls.
and a few cows were placed. Trade
in small stuff was brisk, end no
trouble was exporionced in effecting
a clearance. • Hogs were unchanged.
The run totalled 72 loads, 00111-
priSiOg 1,088 cattle, 1,045 ,shoop and
lambs, 36 Calves, and 1,000 hogs.
Expert cattle were quiet,. with no
change in prices. Space at Montreal
has been pre-empted by western deal-
ers, and Ontario shippers find it
comparatively easy to secure cattle
to 1111 the space they have at their
disposal. Choice lots sold around
$5 to 55.15; while the medium grad-
es aro weak at 54.10 to 54.60.
O In butchers' cattle the offering was
largo and the demand light, a condi-
tion not conducive to activity. Buy-
ers are after choice offerings, but the
half finished cattle seems to be a
drug on: the market. PriCOS for
picked 404.8 fire firm at 51 to $4.40,'
In export Mils thero was some
trading' at priees rangilig from 53,75
to 54.25 for,heavy.
Feeders and stockers rethained un-
changed, the demand being fairly
Export owes wore firmer at 53.40
to 58.60 per cwt., and other sheen
held steady. Lambs and calves re-
mained unchanged.
The run. of hogs Was coMparatively
heavy. Prices remain firm at 5725
per cwt. for selects,' 57 for eora-fed,
and $6.75 for lights and fats.
Following is the range of quota-
tions: -
Shippers, per cwt 54.60
54.60 55.15
Butchers, ord. to good 3.50 4.00
Buirckeirighethoice 4.25 4.60
4.40 1.75
Butchers, 2.75 3.25
• Sheep and Lambs,
Choice ONVOS, Per cwt8.40 8.60
Culled sheep, each... 2.00 3.00
Lambs, &toll 2.50 8.50
Bucks, per cwt.. 2,50 • 8.00
Milkers and Calves.
Cows, each...... .. 30.00 50.00
Calves each... 2.00 10.00
Choice hogs. DU Cwt0.00 7.25
Light hogs, per cwt0.00 7.00
Heavy hogs, per cwt.,0.50 6.75
Stags, per ewt 0.00 2.00
Decisive Engagement in the Next
Few Days.
A despatch from Durban says: -A
decisive engagement is exPected on
the Zululand border, where Gen.
Botba, with 1,000 Boers, has been
located, Enuno t's coanuaudo of
1300 num has reinforced the 330ors 1114
Babango. The Boers 'appear to bo
hemmed in. •
Sixty burghers on Saturday at-
Itveeng treed", utIo40 dr ysh a British post, but
G'ounnandant Potgicr has issued a
warning' that British soldiers cros-
sing tho border will, uot be allowed
to return without molestation.
The country from Ladybrand to
Bloemfoetein. is quiet. A post cart
Is 1101V running betweea those towels
throe times weekly.
• Cases of riaderpest have lately oc-
curred in the districts near Lady -
betted and Thaba lerChu. Large
quantities of grain have been taken
from these places by ox NV11.50115 to
Sanna's Post, and thence by mule
Wagons to Bloemfontein.
The sweeplag moVeinents in all
parts of the' Orange River Colony
have resulted the British columns
eapturieg lerge humber of nelson -
ors mid quantities of stock and wag-
ons. The columns are bringing in
large numbers of refugees, including
many natives. The Boors continue
their sniping tactics,
The erection of block -houses in all
Porta of the coontry by the British
Burghers in the Orange River Cole
ony aro surrendoriag in small num,
bets daily.
Conferenoe Pavors RemoVal of Re-
.11 , .
despatch from London says: -.-A
conforeace WW1 held at Glasgow on
q'ttesday to consider Whether stops
should be taken or not for the re-
moval of tho restrictions affecting
Canadian cattle, it Was ithanimous-
ly agreed that the restrictions were
no longer necessary, and ought to be
News. ef Other Ontexio Gl'OPS .N9t
The Ontario Department of Agri.
oulture has issued its annual •OrOP
statement. The returns deal with
eonditions up to August 1.
roll `wheat la the Lake Erie groat)
of eountieu lute boon' irtjareci so seri-
ouely by the Hessian fly that In
many inetaneea tin: yield of fan
wheat P00 0.000 le 8,8 1015 Its Only
live bushels pet' acie, although' in the
same 100111111es large yields per acre
have also been returned., There has
been more or lesti rust coMPloin, e,d
of, the hat, damp weather prokailing
at tbees beitig favorable for. its, de.
velopaneat. the reports as to the
quality of the grain frequent Mea -
tion macle of the kernel being
shrunken, at 1(4 expeoted that re,
turns will range from 5 to 40 bush-
oecitsuppe.r aere,. Nen. rly seven Pea cant.
of the origiaal urea isown. was ploW-
'• 14iFe3PcrialsIgtoi7n114a11;iojisf gerwt1101T10.013YYlnoion,
The yield is a variable one, although
a. large ntnnber of .correspoudeate
speak of good .returns, The erop
euffereci coneiderebly from rust, and
from an lusect which .dici a good
deal of injury by cutting' the stalk.
at the joint. Some also complained
of the Itesslan fly.
Barley - As in the ease of other
camels, correspondents are net near-
ly agreed regarding' the yield and
quality of barley, although it is like-
ly that it will be a better crop re-
latively than either fall or spring
Oats -This' crop suffered from the
abnormal heat of July, which host -
oiled ripening, and in many 00909
preveated the heads from filling Mit
thoroughly. The straw io. many
cases reported is not as Wog
Eye -Comparatively little ryo 18
raized for the grata in 4.1118 p1'01311108,
the crop" being used largely for soil-
ing and other purposee, IVItere al-
1141v1r,c1 to mature, it has turned out
' Peas were more or less injured by
the "weevii.'' 'Yields will range
from 10 to 30 bushels an acre.
•Beans, which are largely conned
to 1Cent, are in good condition.
Hay and clover yielded much
above the average, particularly in
St. Lawrence and• Ottawa comities.
Clover did better than timothy, and
ti.e second crop is looking well.
Coro promises well, unless injured
by early frosts.
Tobacco is little grown outside of
Essex, Kent, and Prescott.
"Worms" and "trenching" aye com-
plained of, but some corresPondents
speak of.the crop as doing" well. ,
in4uutrved I
improved the outlook for the crop.
Turnips in; some. aectiorin are al-
most a. complete failure, owing to 11
the non -germination of the seed and
the attacks of tho fly. In other sec14
'Worts the outlook is favorable. Man -
gels are doing bettor, aud carrots xi
and •sugar beets no looking, well. 3.
]fruit --Reports regarding apples a
are far from satisfactory. There is
not likely ' to be half an average
yield. Pears may be ranked as fair
in quality, and about cox average in
yield. PeacheS udli be a fair . crop
in the Western Lake Eric section,
but will hardly do so well in the
Niagara dietrict. P111MS range in
yield from en. average to failure, ac-
cording to /ocality and care. • Cher-
ries have also suffered •from rotting
on the tree, and ccunplaints of bleak -
knot axe also made, but in some of
the western couaties this fruit did
very well. Grapes promise a, good
yield. Small fruits as a class did
Pastures were la prime condition
in the early part of this season, but
fell off about the second week in
July. However, heavy rains were
falling, as correspondents wrote,
and the prospects were that pas-
tures would soon pick up.. again,
Prices for botli cheese and butter
have been inest encouraging to dai-
rymen, and the bulk of correspond-
ents are cbeerful as to the. outloolc
for fall and winter supplies.
Bees and Honey -The. average yield
will oat go over 50 pounds per hive.
infested WW1 .0.43nieftla'Alld.D012 titt
ed Pollee,
4. despatch Irma •-Louden saystr,
The last mail from ((apo Town do,.
tails the terrible Condition Of' that
city, which ie infested with crintinale
and denuded of pollee, The lattor
have largely become combatants.
Desperadoes, recently robbod a bank
manager in the suburbs in broad
daylight. Men front the front who
are paid off at Cape Town, are rob.
bed in ealoona daily, 114141 the thieves
go unpunished. Barglaries aro Of
nightly ocearrence la the beart of the
eity. The Clovernment has decided
to Import Imadreds 01 Britieli police.
Innovation Startles 14110 518111 People
Of Great Britain.
14. despateli Irmo Landau says: -
Three motor oars *draped with black
were nand at the funeral of an em-
ploye of a motor company at Coy-,
entry on Thursday, One had. been
made specially to convey the coffin,
Great erowde watched this peculiar
Proeefolon. This is the fleet thew
the moter piers We've been used in
thie country at a funeral, a
Ngval Works Bill Passep the British
A despatch from London says: -
The Naval Works Bill, appropriating
5187,500;000 was read a second
time in the Rouse of Commons on
Wednesday, after amendments to
strike out a large sum had boon de -
fantod by a voto of 178 to 82,
Two Passengers Were Killed and
Many Injured.
A. despatch from Winnipeg' says :-
A. railway accident occurred throe
miles east of Ineolt 012 WOdllatday
ovoning, and the following offielal
etoteraent was Issued from tlio 0.11,
ofncoa : - " BX1.411 100 0.10 West
with haavesters, from the Maritime
Proviaces, left the treck three mines
east of Ingolf at 0.0lock, q.'he
cause is said to be the broaking of a
rail under the engine while the train
Was pessing over it. The engine and
.five copehes woro derailed and the
following passengere aro reported
killed and Injured ;-
The dead -Daniel White Kensilt. r).
11,i Donald McICegan, Gape Breton.
Injurod-john 'Rood, Newfoundland,
Almon, Cape Breton, head iiijured ;
cutely eat' on hea"d; Thos. Conan:11;
roman of engine, leg badly Injured,
"A• wrecking train with three dec-
ors/ on board loft Winnipeg for the
cone immediately on receipt of the
131115. Another wrocking train, with
wo doctors, has gone to Rat. Port -
Very Severe Damage on the Gulf
A despatch front New Orleans says;
--The storm whic11 has boon sweep-
ing the gulf coast from Pensacola
and moving westward during the
past two days has prostrated tele-
graph and telephone wires to such
an extent: that 1101145 from the wetly -
log sections is hard to get. The
house of a man named Gobden, at
Fort Ends, half a mile above the
quarantine station, was swept away
by a, tidal wave, and the 15 mem-
bers of the family, including nine
children, wore drowned. The tug-
boat Velem) went down to Pass
L'Outre, which is the western mouth
of the river, with two barges. When
last soca ho had her decks awash,
and is believed to have gone down.
If this boat and her barges have
been lost Db more people have been
There are numerous reports of in-
dividual casualties all along the
river from Buras down to the paesee.
All the steamerwhich started for
the sem Taesday renatehted inside the
passes until Wedeesday evening, and
then. went out safely, Not a single
vessel has passed up the river since
Ole storm began, aad great fears aro
entertained for the many ships ex-
pected. There is a, serioos opprehenr
skin concerning tho. Chouire, Gamin -
oda, and Grand Isle sections on the
Louisiana coast west of the
River'where 200,000 lives were
lost in 1898 by the tidal wave. No
word has been received from that sec-
tion,• 'width is largely inhabited by
flehernien, mostly Chineee and Ma-
lays. There hns been 1)11 111 deninge
done at Shelbach, a 801110)110>143 on
Lake Bormic, 5111117130 45 southeast of
the 1117, rind connects with Lake
Poach:tiara All the buildings there
Meet been swept nway, and there aro
reports of toss of lite oblong the fish-
ermen. A tidal wave swept over the
land there as it did nino years ego.
B, 0, Government Will Use °face
at Victoria.
.A. despatch from Ottawa says : -
The Provincial Government of Bri
ish Ocamnbia has accepted the offe
ot the Doininiou authorities and d
aided to utilize thelocal assay of
flee at 'Victoria for the handling o
gold from the Yukon. Linder thi
arrangement after the miners' clear
up him beea easayed, he will bo paid
tho' 1811 estimate value of it by the
O Provincial Treasurer, and will, as
in the case of the Dominion Assay
Office in Voncouver, be allowed a re-
bate of ono per cent, on the royalty
he has' paicl to the Government in
tho Yukon.
OZSABING, 0.41Ai431
The DitlloUlt Task Before Ge0.e24
A, despatch from Cape ;Pm) says;
Gen. Fronoh, the one man in the
a9'407svo40ud1413301' 1in Ceeo1911y,vn0aiiit?o11,ort
oa onerous and =Walt ono It 'ha
Sir Ecitrard Brabant, WhO w111 maw
probably retire, failed to grapple
with the situation. AO the leeder of'
a -colonial brigade '.01' even a division
130 luts few equale, but the conduet
of campaign eoyering an immense
114'011 15 (11:14te beyarld him. A. fighter.,
was badly wonted in Cape golony.
Too mueb, however, must not be ex-
pecLed of General French. Ire bee a
herd 5OW leo 11041, awl to ,feertielpate
the end within three or oven Mx
menthe would be. as tiawise as it
would be manifestly unfair, -
Already he. lute changed the staff
of three of the seyeral so-calied,,mo.
bile celuines scouring this Colony,
eed .11014 there is no guarautSe that
a, force marching- out oft ear Beata- ,
fort West, Is of necessity going to
take the main read to Ilichmond.
Officially, it. is stated that, he has
86,000 'men under his conunand, but
those figure's are misleading:" 11,
has at the present moment 10,000
men -available for Boer hunting It is
as many as lie can possibly have, •
Of these 14,000 are Mounted., and
until they have at least two horses
each Messrs. Kritzinger, VoudiulaNIca-
laa, Scheepor, and. Oompliny'WilI
continue their game of iiide-and-
That General French will be se- .
vere on horseflesh there cam be 'no
doubt, as he has asked tlio COlonial ,
Government to supply him with as
many serviceable animals as they'
C11,11 scrape together.
The plan of the Doers is undoubt-
edly to make their final stand south
of the Orange River, a,nd unless the
Government as well as their people
wake up and assist to Clear the coun-
try of the' invaders now seettered
over its entire area, there will in
all probability be fighting going on
south of the Orange River long af-
ter the territory of the ex -republics
Is tranquil and on the road to final
One practical result already achiev-
ed since General French took com-
mand in Cape Colony is that the
enemy instead of being free to roam
entireb, at their will, land themselves
restricted to a Malted area and gen-
erally have to take the directioa.
they are meant to take.The only..I
difficulty is that the nature of the
counery and the support everywhere
received enable the Boers to elude
the troops so persistently.
It is naturally imposeible, wbile
operations are lasting, to give any
outline of Gencyal Fronch's plan of
b4.ear33311L11m colony. All that can be.
done is to - r' th 414a4.i2l131
successes of the various ccatunns me -
der his command.
. .
AERIAL Y.A.c7,111I.
Invention that Rivals that of M.
Santos -Dumont.•
A despatch from London •says : -
English aeronauts aro preparing to
make an ambitious experiment ill
.the direction of aerial namigatien.
Mr. Percival Spencer, the noted
t_ balloonist, stated on 'Wednesday that
1. Mr. F. Buchanan, of Oarrywood,
near Portsmouth, as the result of
_. the work of 20 years, has perfetted
an airship destined to eclipse"' the
a emotion of M. Santos -Dumont. 'Mr.
Buchanan s machine le an aerial
yacht, with two propellers, and is
said to possess ten times the power
of the South Ameriesen's meter.
is so rigidly constructed that -a -ea=
lapse in mid-air is impossible. Thor-
oughgoing tests will be mode- soon
if sufficient Sunda can be collected,
for the trial.
"1 da not wish," said Mr. Spenc-
er, "to belittle the achievement of AL
!Santos -Dumont, whose balloon, in
my opinion, is altogether superioa
to Count Von Zepnelin's constellation
That was too intricate and weighed
ten times too much. English aero-
nauts fully appreciate the import -
0.1105 Of the problem of navigating,
the air, and desire to show what
they can clo. So ,far, after all, aero-
nautics have not advanced beyond
Ole stage; defined in, 1875 by
ailla Renard and Krebs, the
French balloonists, who sail-
ed from. Paris to Meudon, elareon -
miles, and successfully descended, 111.,
Santos -Dumont has as yet gone only
SIX or seven_ miles,"
The assay -certificates at Victoria
Will be honored also at any of. the
beaks-. The gold thus becomes the
property of the Provincial Govern-
ment, but until the establishment ot
the Dominion 113.1111 nt Ottawa it will
bo resold to the United States mint
in San Franciseo,
3,000 Men. Out at joliet, and
111a1114 Idlo
A despatch from .Ioliet, Ills., says:
-The four lodgee of the Arnalgeruat-
ed Aseociation employees; of the
Illinois Steel Company at the Joliet
mills by a, unanimous vote decided
to -night to obey the strike order of
President. Shaffer. The conference
was' 18 session from 8 o'elock this
afternoon until 9 o'clock to -night
before the ciecisiem 170S r00.11104.1.
The action will close the crittre
plant here, throwileg ont ,of employ-
ment nearly 5,001) 111011. rime will
be drawn to -night.
'rho aollet num bad the same con-.
traet with the Illinola Steel Com-
pany as the South Chicago workera
who Mat night refused to listen to
the arguments of Secretary Tighe,
Air.. Tighe will leave for Milwaukee
to -night.
Whet is probabily the moat oat re-
ordinaay plant over diacovered has
now been. • found 1.1, A. lio.
verkrop, of Philadelphia, in 'South
_America. It is an orchia that takee,
a drink weenover it feels thirety
lotting (loam a tube into the water,
the tube, when not in use, laang
coiled. Alp on top of the plena Me.
Stiverkrop came neross the plant by
the side tf 01 1050021 on th: 113 dc
la Plata.
In Nagasaki, Japan, there is a
nreWorkainalcor who Manufactures
pyvotechnic birds, of great size that
when exploded, sail fa e
111/1411101i 1.11100511 1,110 all. and per-
toem many movements exactly like
those of living birds. Tho secret of
making those wonderful things lien
loco 111 poaseasion of the eldest child
of the family of each generation for
More than 4.00 years.
An Armored Train Arrived in
the Nick of 'Time,
A despatch from Pretoria, says :-
An attack on the railway at Ne.boom
Soria resulted In tea Beets beteg
killed. An armored train arrived in
the Melt of time.
Commandant Do Villiors, of -the
leaterberg commando, who retiently
surrendered, was General. Beyerst
second in command, Boyers attempt,
ea to stop him, but without sactess.
Other burghers tire expected. 140 Coins
in within a few dnys, Thit edironart-
do is melting rapidlyO ,
Frederick 1Volmarans, lately a
member of the Executive Cowmen,
1000 raptured in the Magallosbarg.,
Myharg, a. commandant of the Deers
south of the Orange River,' has been
killed, •
11.14,1100451 SYSTEM,
Government to Establish Station
near Victoria., 13. c.
A despatch from Ottawa says 1-
11 1e understood that the Dominion
Government will shortly be asked to
install a wirelesa telegraph elation
near Victoria, 11.0., for the purpose
of sigealling incoming steamers:1. 'The
Canadian l'acifie Railway ()Metals
have made nu offer install the
Marconi- system o11 earl) of thole
three Empress steamers if tho Gov.,
element will erect, a, shore staled
for communication.,