The Brussels Post, 1901-8-22, Page 1Vol. O. No, 6
New Advertisement
Coming --T. P, Sntitb,
T.00ale—W, J, Kearaaken,
Eye expecte—Mrs. Fletcher,
Farm ter sale--Rjalter Ipnea,
eohool opening—L.. R. Ifcovey,
Servant — ,.
w d s. Twaddle,
Clearing sale-14ro1Jinnon la Co. '
Special vahae—H. F. MoAllister,
ulnae valet,
Alberti]. West, of Blylb, visited friende
in Monet, this week,
Mario Coning, of 112oleeworth, 'pent
Sunday with hie parents here.
Mise Bell Powell, of Tarnberry, ie Vieit•
leg her aunt, Mrs. Geo, MacDonald.
Mise Aggie Herbert vieited ber friend,
Mies Fannie Tbomeori, at Brussels, this
week. -
Mr. anti Mre. 112aaboaald, of lrlo;ee:.
worth, visited their on, George, at River..
side term this week,
Wm. Jewitt, .of Brueeeis; shipped e
carload of hogs from thin 'station to
Palmerston onThereday,
A Toronto paper; Hays ofa gentleman
known to a number here 1-J. bi.
frey, the barrister and member of the
Publio School Board, has just returned'
from a boat unitein which he went
from Montreal to New York in company
with hie wife. Mr. and Mre, Godfrey
travelled in e twelve•foot diugy, taking
with them a tent and all things necessary
for an enjoyable time, and going by way
of the tinaLewrenoeand Richelieu Rivers,
Laker Cbamplaln and George, the Chem.
plain Canal and theHudeonRlver. They
000aeionallytook 'advantage of paeeing
canal barges and eo were helped on their
way to their deetination, where they ar.
rived after enjoying a moat delightful
Cr tun brook.
Garden party at W. Cameron's Thurs.
day evening of this week.
Next Sabbath Mr. Taylor will preaoh
inthe•Methodfet obaroh in the abeenoe
of tbe pastor.
A week from next Sabbath morning
Rev, R. Paul, of Brunetti, will preaoh in
Knox ohuroh as Rev. Mr. McRae will be
absent for a brief holiday.
Bev. D. B. MoRae officiated in the
Presbyterian ohuroh -at Molesworth on
the two pari Sabbath alternoone. Rev.
Mr. Ballantyne ie away for hie holidays.
Three or four footbailere went from here
to Brneeele on Taeeday evening to play
with Atwood agaigat Bruseele. Oar boas
were McNair, MoRae, Steles and Runts.
Calder also took a foot in the game.
We extend congratulations to Tom Mo -
Rae and Dave McNair Io their enoaees
in passing their recent exams. They
will pursue their studies again on the
openiug of robool, We with them somas.
kat keel.
Postmaster Spence le improving.
H. F. MoAllieter ie away on a holiday
trip to the "Soo."
Mies Lizzie Menndere, of Morrie, has
been visiting Mrs. Geo. Dobson and
other old friende in Ethel.
Save money by readingevery line of
H.F. MoAlliator'e advt. in hhia iaeue.
He is running a 10 Days' Sale,
We are sorry to hear that Rob*. atm
Ray, West of Ethel, bag been on the sink
list but hope he will soon be better.
At the Offioist Board meeting of the
Methodist ohuroh Robert ,Molloy wae
eteoted as the lay repreeentative for Ethel
°tronit ab the Dietriat meeting, to be held
in Wingham on-Tneedey, Sept. lOtb.
Rev. Mr. and Mre. (lorry and daughter
left last Monday on a holiday visit with
relativee and friends at Walkerton.
Next Sabbath evening Robb. Pearson will
take Mr. Curia's plaoe inoonneation with
the servioe in tbe Metbodiet church in
Peon Fztrofxe.—In the abeenoe of R.
H: Ologe, who has gone to Manitoba, hie
father will complete ail orders now in
and attend to othere desiring work done.
Address Robert Close, Ethel P. 0, Mr.
Close hae the agenoy for Grey and a part
of Morrie townships.
Mies Ella Lamont has gone to Hiila•
1 burg, where she baa engaged as towhee.
She wae very fortunate Mbar ber applications
as she was accepted by no lees than nine.
Mise Lamont wae a good student and
has developed into an excellent teacher'
We are
We succeed In restbro
ing perfect s0ght and
removing eYegtroln;
because we have,
equipped ourselves
with the best modern
appli With s h ourexpert.
knowledd and p ea.
'perlence. r,sures'euea
coma. -
la Bleacher
°Solosateaart areal
Grratinpe a °Pan:li ,
end her many blonde in this looality
with bar oontlnned preeparlly,
SOS 0s TeerPnlunon .Pao roto. '.t- On
Labor Day, Monday, Sept, 2nd, alba(
Division Sone 01 Temperance, No, 149,
will hold a free pio•nite In Rabt. Dot,
wortb'e grove hero, known as Maitland
Park, 413 partiofpapte are asked to
bring their lunch along. There will bo a
refreshment booth on tbe grounds, A.
good program of Musical'and Literary
eeteetione ie being prepared for the 90-
olieion. J. 0.i Lamont is the Worthy
Patriarolt and Mies Laara Spence the
Seoretary. A good time 30 eoanied 09
by the 8, of P, and all who go will he
made weloome.
Wal Con.
Rey. A. MoNab le holidaying at Am.
Mies Maggie Jobneton visited friends
in town an Wednesday,
This week Rev. and Mrs. Dever are
taking in the Pan-American.
Mies Minnie Beirnes epent a few days
last week visiting triode in London,
Mre.Rapford.and Mtge Robipeon, . of
'e eegeeete of Mre, bleat last
Miee prase Milliken; of Toronto, is
visiting ber eosin, Mae Minnie Wil-
We congratulate Miee Beasie, Morton-
aid on passing the Junior; Leaving exam..
She wrote ea Seaferth. "
John and Mrs. Sberritt,'IV1. P., 01
North Middlesex, were vieitinghie sister,
Mre. Wm, Neal, this week.
Rev, A. W. Dever preaohee in Seaforth
next Sabbatb. His pulpit will be filled
by Mr. Young of that tows,
Mrs, T. G. Wagharn, who has _. been
Melting friende in Kirkbon for the last
two weeks, returned home on Monday.
At the Official Quarterly Board of the
Methodist ohuroh Mr. Pollard wae oboe.
en as lay representative to the Dietriat
era/netst°wee .
The rain this week renewed the wells
and will do great things for the pastnree
and root orop.
Fred. Bryans wae teaching last weak
for his brother Will. E., ae the latter
bad not yet returned from hie trip to
Rev. R. Peal and A. M. Malley, of
Brneeele, will give addressee at the Bab
bath school in Victoria HMI here next
Sunday afternoon.
Leet Suturday Mies Lizzie Straohan
left for' Zorra where ebe commenced
work as teaoher on Monday morning.
We wish her eneoeee.
Servide wae held by the:, Brethren ;Iasi
Sabbath evening in Victoria Halland
will also be oondnoted next Sunday eveu-
bngPrayer meeting every Friday even-
aterial is beingotten read for the
enlargement and improvement of George
Banner's residence. He will add
another story to it. Jamestownis no
bank number.
A meeting of all intereeted in .Viotoria
Hall will be held Saturday evening of
this week at 8 p. m. to elect a Commit-
tee to arrange a plan of Sabbath services
for Jamestown.
The Teeewater News says of a former
resident of this tonality': — Principal'
Coombee has reason to be gratified at the
results of the exams. this year as fifteen
oat of sixteen of hie entrance pupile and
ten out of fourteen of hie junior leaving
pupils were euooeaeful.
l orreee.
Dirty threehings tbie year.
Some are plowing for wheat.
Mre. Agin le on the sick liet.
13eantifnl rains have oame at last and
the duet is well laid.
Mre. Thos. Maunders to back from e.
Matt with relatives at Berlin.
Elijah Pease hes got a new throebing
engine made at New Hamburg.
Next meeting of the township Connatl
will be held on Monday, Sept. 16.
Alex. Rneeell has returned home from
Buffalo, whets be spent the Summer,
Malcolm Black is teaching in the town•
ship Hall until the school house le ready
for ooedpation.
We are eorryto bear of the illness of
Chea. Wheeler, er., 4th line. Dropsy and
other ailments are the **gee.
John Mooney has beenre•appointed tax
collector for 1901 at a gaiety of $85.00 be
to furnish satisfactory security.
Last Friday David Smith, 61h line, left
Brussels for Manitoba with a oar of
horses. We wieh him good look in hie
At the leat Conon meeting rates were
atruek for the year as foiiowec—County
purposes, 1 1/10 mills ; township rate
11/10 mills.
Mr. Shoebottom, of Wawanosh, has a
good tbreebing outfit and i0 at work on
the 4th line. The job will be a short one
at threshing this Fall.
The eohool masters and school marme
got down to work last Monday morning
bet iu some ooboole the attendance is very
email and will be for another month,
Mies Maggie Bielby, who has been at.
teadiog SeafortbCollegiate hae eneoeen.
fully paned the Junior Leaving examina.
tion. She is oongratulated upon her
I. Ward, wife and two children, of
llingeton,7 were visitors at Jae. Dunoan'e,
4th' line, Mrs, Ward is a outdo to 141x,
Duncan. Mr. Ward is a High Moot'
Jae., sonofFrank MoGraoken, who
has 100 one of wheat Jo en hie farm
near Madera, Manitoba, baa a fine crop,
aid to be so heavy that there 'wag dial.
atter in nutting it. H. Mooney, formerly
of this townebip, hag a big orop this year
suing 200 antes in wheat. Some say it
will go 80 bnaheh to the aore. We are
leased to hear these good tidings.
Eumnaan INTO Reae.—An old andmoat
ighty esteemed resident of the 10
on„ parsed away to ber reward lest
umedey in the person 01 Mre, Geo.' H,
utten, aged 79 yeare, 4 menthe and 14
aye. Her maiden name wae Matilda
atmer and het birthplate was in Heat.
nge Co., Ontario, She wag married 10
er now bereft partner, about 00 yeare
W. A 1C
taking up the form an which they have
oouttuucaely melded from the Cretan,
Men a bush lot, By Indoetry, Pewterer'
*900 404 eoonomy ,they tr*netormed it
from etending timber to well tilled *0100,
The cense of death eves heart trouble
witty whieb deoe*ted wet ailing for a taw
nloethe. She had been a remarkebiy
healthy woman, . 'Tile subject of this
notice'wee a true wife, se affeotlonate
mother and one of the beet of neighbore,
many an bour she apart in relieving the
nines of othere and old neighbors lament
her demise, Mrs, Rattan wae a member
of the Mebhodist Oharoh and her family
have been zealous workere in gonneotlon
with the time denomination, In add,•'
tion to Mr, Hutton, who hag passed ' big
85th birthday but ie remarkably hearty
for hie years, one daughter,- leire. Bush,
of Frankfort, Ont„ and two sone, Bennett
E , of Lakelet, and Leonard W,, on the
homestead, are left to bold in loving
memory reoollootlona of days gone by.
The funeral Wednesday alterpoon watt
largely attended, Rev. Is, Swann, of
Bluevele,conducting a very appropriate
servioe at the borne. Old neighbors in
the persons of W. 3, and, Geo. Johnston,
Geo. Peacock, A. Rameay, M. Moeee and
Alex. Forrest were the pall bearers.
Interment wag made at Brneeele Ceme-
tery, f3inoere sympathy i0 felt for the
bereaved especially Mr, Rattan who baa
loot the: partner of so many yeare.
Mre. L. Stark, of Seafortb, is visiting
her mother, Mre. Marsden Smith.
Mre. 'James, of Seafortb, is visiting
Mrs. Wm, Bateman, The Mello ere'
Mies Nellie MoCalla, of Jackson Go.,
Wiaoonaln, ie visiting old friende in Grey
township. -
Sabbath morning next Robt. Pearson.
will take charge of the servioe at Roe's
Mrs, W. G. Blank and- Master Wilfrid,
of Palmerston, were visitors at J. B.
MoLauablin'e,- "Blair Athol."
We would like to see the proposed elem.
trio road built as tt would give ue easy
aeons to the Co. town and the lakeside.
The various rates for tbie township for
the current year will be as follows :-00,
rate 1 8/10 mills ; township rate 2 mills ;
general (wheel aeseeement, 1 8/10 mills.
Typhoid fever is an unwelcome visits;
on ,the 9th oon., and John Dark and
Louie Hollinger are laid up with it. We
hope their illness will be of brief dura.
Our oongratutatione are extended to
John S.Orerar and Sam. Lamont in
peeving the Junior Leaving examinatione.
They wrote at Stratford and Seaforth re.
The next meeting of Grey townebip
Council will be bald at Long's Hall, Gram
brook,,Mooday, Sept. 16, at wbioh meeting
tenders will be opened for the 14th oon.
drain and Clark's drain in tbie township,
At the last meeting of the township
Oonnoil a olaim was presented by John
MoDermott for $86 to pay for iojary re.
oeived by his driving bores in going
through a piank one. 9th oon. bridge.
The Council voted 450.
Some talk of starting a Sabbath eohool
in the eohool bones in Union 8. 13. No. 12
Grey and MoKillop. The teaoher is
Maes Jennie Howe, of Bruseele, who bee
had ooneiderabie and successful taper.
isnot in Sabbath school work.
Reeve Tarnbull and Committer Tare -
bull attended a meeting in Brussels on
Wednesday evening at which the plan of
the proposed Eleotrio Belt line railway
wae outlined by a delegation from Gode.
rich. The Bret mentioned gentleman
oaoapied the chair.
Mies Young, the new teaoherin Shine's
eohool house, aommenoed work lant Moo.
day. We wieb her moos in her new lo..
oatioa and believe she will find the peo-'
ple of the aeotion all that ebe would de.
eire them to be. Canfield, B:aldimand
Co., is her home.
Morris Council Meeting.
The Council met according to adjourn-
ment. Members all present, the Reeve
in the chair. Minutes of last meeting
read and passed. Moved by Shaw, em-
ended by Code, that ratepayers wishing
the use of grader forprivate purposes
may have the same, services of operator
inoluded, at the rate of $3 per day and
parties elatedethe Township at $4 per
day.—Carried. The Treasurer's half
yearly report was read and on motion of
Clods and Jackson, the same was ao•
opted ae satisfactory. On motion of
Shaw and Code, John Mooney was ap.
pointed colleotor for the current year at
a salary of $85.00 on giving eatiefaotory
seonrity. On motion of Code and Sea-
son, the Reeve and Treasurer were author.
ized to borrow 0500.00 to meet current
expenses, By-laws No. 5 and 6, were
duly read and passed. Ammon to were
ordered to be paid as follows D. W.
Campbell, gravel, 86.50 ; D. W. Camp.
hell, repairing bridge, $2.00 ; 0. Camp.
bell, gravel, 77 ate. ; Geo. Jaokton,.gravel,
42,00 ; E. Irvine, gravel, 02.45 ; R. Skel.
bon, gravel, $4.80 ; Jno. Ma3fillan, gravel,
$2.52 ; Duff d: Stewart, lumber,
$11.85 Geo, Pocock, gravel and damage,
$10.00 ; Wm. Mines, gravel, $1.88 ; A.
B. Jaokson, 85.18 ; D. Walker, 86.85 ;
MoLean41 Son, lumber, $17.20 ; Jae, H.
Brandon, spikes and repairing bridge,
$3.00 ; 'fine. Skelton, grevel, 04.45 B.
0. Stokes, 45.71 ; Thos. Straohan, gravel,
$2.17 ; Wm, 'Purvey, 02.74 ; Jae, Golley,
gravel and damage, $24,50 ; McKinnon
Bro., gravelling on Wed Boundary,
$89.02 ; John Bennett, crushing atone,
$18.00 ; Jas. Nicholson, drawing tile, and
putting in culvert, $8,00 ; Geo. James,
work on West Boundary, $2,50 ; S. H.
Brandon,inepaobfng on Weeb Boundary,
06,00 ; Geo. W. Prootoe, genet, $1.26 ;
3, Brackenridge, gravel, $8,80 ;
Geo. W. Prato, repairing bridges, $5.00;
Jae. Nicholson; gravel, 500. ; W. J. Sonob,
gravel, $4.68 ; W. Youill, gravel, 85 de. I
d. H. Sellars, gravel, 96.80 ; P. J. Kelly,
gravel, $17.57 Thos. Healy, tile ditch,
$5,00 ; Geo. Pierce, gravel, $8.22 ; Joint
King, gravel, $1,82 ; W. C. Wilson, gravel,
70 ata. t M. Watson, gravel, $6.15 ; B.
Laundy, gravel, $8,70 ;. C: McClelland,
ago and in the 3'ear 1860 they oame Wed Vent, 02.45 ; Gee, Kirkby, gravel, 91,20 ;
&t,Ml xwell, grant, $1,08 ; C. Poltava,
ge , 40,81; W, 0. Stratton, gravel,
$4,70 ; La. McDonald, lumber, $5.82; J,
13011, repairing oulvert, $1,50 ; W. A.
MoO0,11, culvert and grading, $25.00 ; D,
MoOullooh, grading and Iilhog in ravine,
$24.00 ; B., Al000k, cleaning road, $10.00 ;
R. MoMnrrey, gravel, $2 70 ; R. Proctor,
pot/400M bile drain, 05.50 ;; W R. Ifeart
nay, eervrcee operating grader, $32 50 ; J,
Smith, material and putting in culvert:,
$10.0.0; D. Walker, gravel, 86 oto. ; J.
Smith, gravel, $8.20 ; 0. Pollard, gravel.
ling on Rot Boundary, 060 00 ; Jae,
Bolger, inepeoting on East Boundary,
$8 00 ; W, H, Kerr, printing, $15,00,
On motion 0% Shaw and Taylor, a rate of
1 1/10 mille me the $ was levied for Coun-
ty parpoeee and 1 1/10 nettle on the 0 for
Township purpo0ee, Counoll then ad.
journed to meet again on the 16th day of
September next. W.Oiienx, Clerk,
Junior Leaving.
The following ie the list of successful
candidatee3n Huron and Perth Counties
in oonneobion with the Junior Leaving
examinations :—
W S Baird, R J Blake, G Campbell, W
N Oourtioe, M A Ellis, J J Jeffrey, E J
Jenkins, M Kerr, K M MoCourt, Edith
E T MoEwen, A McLeod, H 0 MaMordie,
0 Rogers, B Shepherd, J W Todd, J A
Wiseman, W H Ball, L L Bentley, W A
Cowan, H Dalton, E J Eaorett, F W
Edward, 5 13 Elliott, E E Farrow, F B
Graham, E E Guest, J R Miller, E A
Martill, Glenn McDonald, T S McFarlane,
L L MOMath, Charles L E Newton, May
Logan Newton, J Mand Spence, 3 M
Stirling, M Troy, 0 M Turner, L E Yeo,
M Rielly, L Blatohford, H Brownell, X
Buchanan, R Carter, H I Eberbart, W
Gillespie, G J Hamilton, M L Hartry,
A Hillen, M Keys, T Lamb, S Lamont,
L S Lawrenoe, E A Murdie, E W Mur.
ray, B McDonald, G G Pybus, T J Ryan,
F Sanders, R A Scott, 0 Sille, 15 35 Smf1.
lie, R A Smith, B A Thompson, W Bert
Van Egmond, A Waugh, 0 S White. '
0 Fraser, P E Jackson, H Koch, G
Lavery, E B MacEachern, J Overend, J
Rae, G A Smith, Florence J Smith, W
L Torrance; M It Armstrong, J T .Balk.
will, J F Barthel, E L Eisler, H M
Elliott, M Jordan, D M Larkworthy, A
Moblaught, L 0 McRoberts, G Wills, W.
S Elliott, J Hodgson, Ethel G Armstrong,
B J Hamilton, M I Hanson, W Hutehine,
M J Jamieson, G E Maxwell, J A Mo.
Craokon, H F Jamieson,
A M MoIn-
tosh, Melissa B Riobarde, O F Riley, M
D Russell, I K Shendeaven, 0 A Steele,
P S Tofte, M 0 Walsh,30 J Wiglesworth,
A Bell, J S Orerer, O A Dawe, L J Ed-
munds, W G Hepburn, L V Kerr, E
Large, W Long, A 13 Manson, L G Ma-
son, Charlie MoKay, J A Maokay, L
Nesmith, M Niohol, Primmer, 0 Riddell,
H A Rose, F G Sutherland, F B Ed -
Grey Council Meeting.
The Municipal Council ofthe township
of Grey met at the township Hall Aug.
12, 1901 pursuant to adjournment. Mem.
bete were all present ; Reeve in the chair ;
minutes of laet meeting were read and
passed. In the abeenoe of the Clerk
through illneee it wae moved by Adam
Turnbull, seconded by Win. Fraser that
James Turnbull be aleck pro tem.—
Carried. Moved by Robert Livingston,
seconded by James McDonald, that the
adjourned Court of Revision on the Olark
drain be now opened.—Oarried. All the
parties interested in the Clark drain were
present exoept Mr. Sbiele and it was
moved by Robert Livingston, seconded
by James McDonald, that the aeeeeement
of Dongald McTaggart be redooed 816
and the aeeesement of Geo. Dunlop be
reduced $8 and that the assessment of
Mre. J. Fulton and Atex. Barron be in•
°reseed $8 each, and that the sum of $8
be manned against the roads of tbe mot.
oipality.—Carried. Moved by W. Fraser,
seconded by Adam. Turnbull, that the
Court of Revision on the Clark drain be
now olosed.—Oarried. Connell then met
for general busioese. Frank Oollins made
applroetion to bave the Connell's portion
of the Flood award drain cleaned ant,
Mr. Fraser to attend to it. John Mo.
Dermott made application for the sum of
$86 ee oompeneation for injnry suetained
to his horse by going through a defective
plank in the floor of the bridge at lot 20,
oon. 9. Moved by Adam Turnbull,
eeaonded by Robert Livingston, that Mr.
MoDermott be paid the sum of 450.—
Carrie Moved by Robert Livingston,
seconded by Jamie McDonald, that By.
Law No. 170, known as tbe 14th oon.
drain Bylaw, be read a third tiros and
finally. paned.— Carried. Bylaw No.
73ltxing the rates for the entrant year
at 13/10 mills for Doanty rate ; 2 milia
ownehip rate ; and 18/10milia general
ohool aeeeeement wae read three several
Imes and finally passed. Also Bylaw
No. 174, to levy and raise the amounts
ent in by the Trueteee of the several
ohool notions in the township, was read
ted paned. Moved by Robt. Livingston,
eaonded by James MoDonald, that the
lerk be authorized to notify the engineer
n charge of the oonetrnation of Govern.
went Drain. No. 2 and Extension to bave
Ehe extebsion completed at once *cooed.
ng to conned.--conned.--Carried. Moved by
m. Fraser, seconded by Adam Turn.
all, that Bylaw No. 172, known ae the
lark Drain Bylaw be read a third time
nd iittally paeeed.—Carried. Moved by.
emu McDonald, seconded by W. Fraser,
hat the Reeve and Mr. Livingston ed.
ertiee for tenders forthe contention
f the 14th non. drain end the Clark
rain, tenders to be received up to 10
alook a. m. Sept. 16, 1901, and that the
leek also advertise in the Stratford
noon.— Carried, The following
were presented and paid :—.Rohl.
ell, work on grader $2 ,• Enoch Clark,
ravelling at lot 16, con. 17,'07.50 ; Gee.
leek, gravel, $18.48 ; Geo. Spero,
ave(, $14.80; Wellington Fogal, repair.
g Gill's bridge, $8.50 J. R..Oliver,
awing tile, $1.50 ; Robt. Boll, topay
r grading on eideroad 1, oon, 9,$7,87 ;
u Hansald, mein to greder and
spikes for advert, 93 ; W, J, Sharp,
gravelling on sideroad 5, oon. 8, 828.50 ;
John Ililtobell,repairing bridges on
boundary Grey .and Wattage, $70 ; Righ,
,Armstrong, repairing bridge on etleroad
4, on. 2, $2.50 ; Arno Kipoaid, drawing
the for ditch boundary Qrey and Walt
lane, $3 75 ; John Savage, nutting hill
etderoad 5, oon. 1 and removing stone,
018 45; Robert Lang,' repairingbridgee
and platform. at Halt, 945,00 ; Thomas
Williemsob, nnderdrain on McKillop
boundary, $4 ; S. S. Cole, lumber' for
beidgte, 061 ; Robert Close, gravel, 06441
Wm.. Bateman, gravel, 04.56 ; Obae, P01.
lard, 012 60 ; John MoDermott, injnry to
horse going through bole be bridge et lot
20, oon, 9, $50 ; Guar d; Foga) part pay-
ment on Hall drain ooptraot, 9200, Coo.
oil then adjourned to meet agala at
Long's Hall, Oraobrook, Sept. 10,
Wtr. Smith, Clerk,
15111141. Pit90EE111eet,
The initial start off in bbepromotion of
the proposed Radial Electric Railway
starting at Goderioh and running to Dun.
gannon, Luoknow, Wingham, Wroxeter,
Brussels, Seafortb, Varna, Bayfield, d:o.,
a oiroult of about 85 miles, was made in
this locality on Wednesday evening when
a meeting wee held in the Council Cham-
ber, Brussels, to hear what a contingent
oomposed of well ko'own gentlemen in
the persons of :—J. T. Goidtjlorpe, Mayor
Wilson, Barrister M. G. Cameron and A.
MoD. Allan, of Goderich ; Major Beek, of
Saltford ; and Thos. Davies, of Detroit,
had to say as promotere of the new line.
Reeve Turnbull, of Grey township, was
voted to the chair and lucid, concise
speeches were given by Meeere. Allan,
Cameron, Wilson and Davies relative to
preliminary partioulare ; the experience
of other electric roads ; the various steps
to be taken ; cost of eonetruotion and the
welding of the outlying municipalities in
the Co. by the completion of the belt.
$10,000 a mile is estimated es the sum
neoeesary to build and equip the road
Short reroarke were made by Moat
residents in the following order :—W. H.
Kerr, A. 0. Dames, J. Irwin, J, Leckie,
R. Graham, Reeve Roes and Reeve Turn-
bull, all expressing themselves heartily
in accord with the movement.
Bruseele Council paeeed a resolution
favorable to franohiee for 50 yeare and
exemption from taxes for 21 yeare. Road
has to be aommenoed inside of a year
from date of charter.
Already Ashfield, Hallett and Colborne
townships and Goderioh, Bayfield, Blyth
and Brussels have expressed their good.
will and the deputation went from here
to Wroxeter where they also expected to
meet Howfok township representatives,
and from thence to Wingham.
The plan is all right and will prove a
good paying investment and will be a mat-
ter of greet convenience and comfort when-
ever completed. In addition to passenger
traffic a large freight bueineee would be
done without any doubt.
No better location could be found in any
County than the proposed oironit and the
wonder is that 11 was not built years ago.
The delegation were very free and frank
in answering questions and bave apparent.
ly no selfish ends in the promulgation of
the road outside of the general wellbeing
of the Go. town. Tan Porn wishes the
work a speedy and enoceoefal proteoution
and expecte ail the Gonncile interested
will heartily lend their oo•operation to a
20th century improvement of great valve
to the County at large.
Perth County.
The barn of Wm. Hale, farmer, living
about; five miles from Earristoo, wae
struck by lightning during the heavy
thunderstorm Monday afternoon. All
the season's crop wae barnt, Insurance,
$1,000, which only pattially oven lose.
Fire broke out Tuesday in a building,
Stretford, 0000pied by George Dob.
eon to Go., as a shoe' store and par.
Malty destroyed it. The building was an
old wooden etrnoture, and this is the
third fire it has survived in ten yeare. It
is owned by S. R. Heeeon. There was
no Moreno on the bnilding, bat the
contents are fully covered.
It is more than probable that new
freight sheds, so long talked of and so
long needed, will be built this year by the
G. T. R. at Stratford,
Nelson Haye, son of T. E. Hays, of
Seaforth, who has been employed in a
large book establiebment in Ohioago for
some yeare, has been appointed chief
manager of this bneioeee at a salary of
$2,500 a,year.
It is the intention of the friende o1 the
late Patrick Boyle to continue to inane
the Irish Canadian, It will be oarried
on in the interests of Canadian 0atholios
irreepeotive of party politics, wbioh will
be eeabewed in future.
The late United States Senator, Wm.
M. Evarte, of New York, left, beeidee
real estate, personal estate valued at
0315,275, He wae the bead of the law
firm of Everts, Choate dr Beaman, and
hie eon-in•law, Charles O. Beaman, has
left'aa estate valued at $374,740.
Jno. Manning, of Exeter, met with a
painful aooidontin bis butcher shop the
other day. It appears that he had out a
piece of meet and going to plane the
knife on a outting block, the point of it
stuck therein, and with tbe force of him
moving towarde it hie hand Blipped over
the handle onto the sharp knife, nutting a
severe garb in the first and second fingers
on his right band. It required several
etitohee to close the wound on the index
W. W. Buobanao, who has been am.
pioyed for three months as lecturer in
Ontario by the Royal Tempters, baa de.
oided to retire from the position and re-
turn to the Northwest. The mieeionary
board of the organization hes decided to
commence an aggressive temperance
campaign, To Mile end, it is proposed
to employ two et three first clave men ae
organizers and lettnrere, several names
being now under ooaeideration,
H. M. Sohaefer hag increased the
enpeoity 0f hie elevator at Wearier, by
*boat 4,000 kaslaela by adding eight feet
toiteheight, Wm, feartwiar wag the
cant Meter.
August Ellison, of Logan, bee purabae•
0d the Shipley property in the North
Ward, Mitohell, paying therefor 0525,
He will shortly give up farming and move
into that town,
People We Know.
A.11, Bather to Matting the Pan -Arnett.
Mre. Philip Ament ie visiting in Be*.
R. Malnpriae wae in Wingbam o
ltfiltou MgArter is enjoyigg a holid
this week,
Mies Lizzie Roes le visiting relative
in Kincardine,
Mre. Jaoketn, of Trowbridge, was Meiing Mre, Jae. Irwin.
Mies Gerrie Zilliax wae holidaying wit
friends ab Wingham,
Mies Olara Crawford is visiting rela
tine in Rutter Monty.
Telke Hamilton, of Blyth, ie th
guest of Mies Lizzie Moore.
Mise Luella Holntee, is visiting et be
pole's, Dr. Rollins, Exeter.
Mise Ardell, of Gerrie, wae visiting th
Plisses Baeker for a few days,
Geo. Laokie, of Wroxeter, was a oalle
on Bruseelitee Met Tuesday.
Lorne Dunlord visited at Syreonee an
Buffalo during the past week.
Mies Stella Webster, of Stratford, i
holidaying with Mies May Skene,
Mn.rW. M, Sinclair has gone to
Ohioage on a visit with relatives.
3, J. Denman, braveller, made (tie remular visit to Brunie on Tuesday.
Mrs. Bell, of 91. Marye, le visiting ber
daughter, Mre. Fletcher Sperling.
Paige Maggie Beaker is visiting at
Stratford, Sebringville and Berlin.
Dr. McDowell, of Listowel, wan Dr, Fetid Thursday of laeb week,
Mies Mabel Adame, of Stratford, was
holidaying with her cousins in town,
Mre. A. E. Treleaven, of Dungannon,
was renewing old friendships in town,
Minn. Lida and Blom McLean, of
Lnoknow, are visiting at Druggiet Fox's.
Miss Inmane
hag to ber poei.
tion at Guelph after a holiday visit here.
R. S. Laing, of Exeter, was in town
this week. He is interested in the apple_
Mtge Bella MoDonald, of Toronto, is
vieiting Mre. James Turnbull, John
Mina Laura Nicholls and Florenoe
Baohanen will attend the Seafortb Col-
Dire. G. A. Deadman and Mies Edith,
are holidaying at London, Delaware and
Albert Paulin, wile and children, of
Wroxeter, were visitors et Geo. BarkIey's
on Tuesday,
Duncan Stewart and Master Wilson
Mo Bain, of Toronto, are enjoying a vaca-
tion in town,
Mies Mary McKinnon, of Oannington,
is the gaeet of ber sister, Mre. Orone,
Queen street.
Mimeo Mona Weatherall, of Goderioh,
and Ida Tiernan, of Seafortb, are vieiting
Miss Lyle Bartliff.
Ira and Mre. Barkley, of Ypsilanti,
Mieb., were renewing old friendships in
Brunetti this week.
Leslie herr will take a term at the
Stratford Business College whioh opens
on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd,
Mies McMillan, of Tioneeta,Penneylve-
leia, is vieiting her Meter, Mrs. John
onaldeon, Flora street.
J. M. Moore has gone to Oollingwood,
here be will praotioe the healing art
eeooiated with a looal medico for a time.
Miss Myrtle Wilson went to Toronto
ith Mier Aggie Bannerman, who hag
eau holidaying in Brussels for several
tithe,MieoeeDollyBeaker and Mamie Sample
elk of leaving for Manitoba on Tneeday
f next week. They will tske the lake
rip if they go.
Mies May Skene will attend Lietowel
ollegiate along with Miseee Georgia Ross
ad Mabel Zimmer who have been there
r the part term.
Mre, Leckie and Mise Eliza Oliver will
to Toronto next week for a vieit. They
i11 also take a trip to Buffalo and see
e Pan -Americas.
Miee Ethel Creighton left on Saturday
at for Montreal, taking the boat at Tor -
to, for a visit with old friende prior, to
e Millinery Openings.
Editor Felton, of the Atwood Bee, was
town last Sunday. , He hes been on the
ok list but is bracing up as of old ono
oreare pleased to state.
Art. MtNanghton sprained one of bie
kin on Taeeday evening on Viotoria
ark while playing football against At.
od and i0 off duty for a while.
Tao Poem aongratalatee Mies Hattie
wring on ber noose in passing the
et exam. for her let olase teachers'
rttfleate. She is a great student.
Will. Brydges, formerly of Brussels,
o is now a Lieut. in the Goderioh
Innteer Co., has oomplated a short
mat the Military School at Loodon.
Paul annoy arrived home last week on
from Memphis, Tennessee, He
tike Memphis is not a white man's
radios altogether. Mrs. Milloy is also
Wm. Millet is in obargo of the G, T. Ie,
tion ab Atwood in the meantime,
a son George to filling hie p1000 on
uetele section. Mr. Miller to an old
Jag, (,Kelly and family l'emeee to Sate
Ste, Marie neat; week.
Bliss, R. WilliamsDane and . S, Oar,
ter were vieitingg,, their noise, Mrs. Jamie•
eon, Egmondville,
J. N. Gordon of the Standard Bank, is
away, to Muskoka for his bolidaya, J,
Stewart, of Toronto formerly Agent here
le taking charge nodaring his abeenoe. '
J. Gabon, of Wroxeter, end bis dan•
ghter, Mre. Thomson, were vielbote in
town on TuOaday, The old gentleman is
considerably over 80 yeare of age yet gets(
about more lively than many a. man half
hie age. He belongs to theoldstook.
Poetmaeter and Mrs. Barrow intend
taking s trip to the West next Tuesday
and will be absent from 4 to 6 weeks in
n all probability. Mr, Farrow's first trip to
the Prairie Province wae 21 years ago
ay when Brandon site was covered with
tents. He was also West 13 yeare ago,
a We wish them a pleasant stay.
t. Ottnrct,clfan rjewvo.
h Ontario lumbermen have agreed to
restrict the output in order that the
• market may not be forged. '
The elteratione'in the grouping of the
e figures on the pedestal of the Queen's
statue et Ottawa have been completed:
r The Royal Canadian. Humane Sooiety
have awarded medals to several residents
e of Onberio for bravery in reselling drown-
ing persons.
r Oapt, Foots of the ,steamer Islander,
and who was drowned in the wreak :of
d that vessel, was formerly a navigator on
the Muskoka lakes.
s The bodies of Jas. H. Whitney, Chas.
White and Roe Lena, who were drowned
in Galopo Rapids on Monday, were in.
tarred together at Prescott.
Andrew Oarnegie, has offered $50,000
to 8t, John, N, B., for a public library,
stipulating that the city provide a free
Elite and maintain the inetitntion,
Pater Stevens, fireman of tbe Inter.
colonial train whioh oollided with a freight
at Aseametquaghan, in dead, making the
second death as a result of the wreck.
John Hall, of the Gore of Downie, wae
moving a pomp in a'well Friday when it
fell on one of hie fiugere, partly ornebing
it. Dr. Monteith ampatated the injured
commotionIn commotion with the proposed pur.
ohne by the oily of the gee and electric
planta at Kingetou, the arbitrators have
ordered that the oily have free aeoee0 to
the books of the company.
Montreal ehipping men believe that
the proposed sbeamebip line from Bere•
haven to Halifax, which in expeoted to
make the journey in four and a half days,
is quite feasible,
The Department of Agrionttnre re-
ceived the prooeeda of a penalty imposed
at Ottawa on Edmond Miles, a barber,
who was fined $20 for keeping hie bather
shop open on Sunday and his assistants
at work. The proeaontion wae laid
under the provisions of the shops act.
W. W. Hilborn, who has been forward.
ing trait from the Leamington disbriot to
tbe Ontario fruit exhibib at the Pan.
American Exposition, bee sent in to the
Exposition a beautiful violin, made by a
young man at Leamington, )nos Harris
by name, who has been a cripple for
many yeare. This instrument is con-
otruoted of 83 Menet kinds of wood,
comprising 5,105 separate pisses.
Manitoba's wheat Drop this year prom.
iees to be about the largest in the history
of that Province. In some sections,
especially in the violaity of Brandon, J.
W. Wheaton of the Farming World, pre•
diote a yield of about 40 buohala to the
aore. Throughout the country Mr.
Wheaton thinks there will be an average
of 25 bushels to the aerie. The great,
problem to be faced is thetl,atmeating told
threshing of this vaet amount of grain.
Speaking of the hog situation W. 0.
Shearer, the well known Bright farmer,
who has given the matter ninth careful
study and who has addreeeed larmere'
institutes in variant( parte of the province,,
said that he antioipe.ted a drop from the
present high pride in about qs�.�month or
six weeks. The Euglieh market begin&.
to weaken about that time on account of
the increased demand for poultry and
the ooneequent deorenee in the demand
lar pork prodnote.
Tho Brooe Minae and Algoma Railway ,
was organized at the Canadian Soo.
These Mame were oleoted :—President, '
John MoKay, Soo, Ont, ; Moe -president,
Sol Skeet, of Oleveland ; general mana-
ger, Arthur S. Burrows, of Brno Mines,
Ont. ; treasurer, Hermann Wile, ,Elf ,...,
Buffalo ,•aeoretary, L. 0. Holden, goat
Miele, The contract for track construe,.',�f
lion was awarded to Bgrmfngbam
MoMartin, The road will extend front.
the Bruce Mines to Rook Lake.
We are pleased to natibe the name of
Harvey Buohanan in the lint of enooeee.
fn1 for the JuninnLeaving. Eels a clever
youth and will make a good leather if he
decides to enter that profession.
We regret to hear that Garf. Venatone,
of Wingbam, is i11 with typboid levet.
Mies Lollie Forbes, of the same town,
ban the fever Mao. Their Braesele friende
wish them a speedy oonvelesoenoe.
Clark end Arthnr Allin, of London,
formerly of Brneeele, were ;in the ranks
of the sucoeesfat Junior Matrioutation
oandidatee thio Summer. The boye are
gettingalong well and we are glad to beat
of ther none9,
St. James' obaroh in Stratford wae the
scene of a fashionable event Tuesday ,.
afternoon of (net week when Min Mary
Berry Buckingham, second dangbter of
Wm. Bnokingham, bonnie the bride of
John Archibald Marquis, 114. D., of
Brantford. Rev. David Wiliiame, M.
A., was the oifioiating clergyman. Miss
Rata Heath, of Brantford, anted ae maid
of honor. The bridesmaids were Mies '
1"Oate Marquis, of Brantford, sister of the.
groom, and Mae E. Beatrix Bunking.
ham, of Stratford, slater of the bride.
The groom wee attended by hie brother,
Dr, Arnold Margolis, of Brantford. Rose -
Clark, of London, wee one of the ushers
on the woolen.
One of the moat severe storm in many'
years passed over Fergue section between
o and 7 o'olook Monday afternoon. The
lightning was terriffio end very close, the
ram came down in a heavy pour, but did
little or no damage, most of the grain in
this neighborhood baying been (lately
harvested, The lightning bowever,entitle
the barn of Wm, Richardson, of Gera.
fraxa, about three miles East of Fargo.
The oontente, whioh consisted of abode
belf of this year's orop and a large quan-
tity of last season's grain, along with the
building were completely deetroyed. A
team of borne belonging to Mr. Brennan,
to dairymen, had been driven into Mr.
Rioherdeon'e shed 30 escape the storm.
The homes were killed while the drivet
and another man, about oda teat away,
escaped untonobed, 111x. Richardeon'e
loos will be about 98,000 ; ineuraneeaboub