HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-8-15, Page 8DAWNED FREE Sattstaotiou 4uaxauteK Our guar - #lutea "leans something. :We are not here to -day and' away 'to -morrow; you know just where Ito find us, 'L( C,omfortable vision or your money 'pack. N@ guess work. . iAccurate, seientiilc measurements ane Tests, biffeult cases a specialty. A Eli Papers Oar stook is new and fresh, 13est Fly Papers made, Double Stremgth, Sure to Kill, 6c. or 10e. packages. Stielty TrrngIefoot Sure Fly Destroyer. (latches and holds them. Lb. R. Starve DRUGGIST, I300K8ELLER, . OPTICIAN, SOOOBSSOR TO G. A. DEALMAN, m SottE o1 the 4uelana mon o0ulplain of the duet and think there is not aqua para tr t on es. 1 as o the s op n 1p rite RBpoan. Tn the racspt Feat 33all what enigma in theta -01 that they 'XKt A GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ALF. BARKER shipped a oar of wheat and a oar of peas during the past weak. A oea of Boge was shipped to Oohing. wood by George Beat and a oar. of sheep to Toronto. Doa'r forget the base ball match on Victoria Park on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Good game expected. LABOR Day siogle fare tiokets will be isson Auged 31, Sethe t.1 & 2 sad returninood g on Sept Aug p 3. A oAa of aahee wea shipped to North- ampton, Mase., this week by Mr, Joynt. This is a produot that should be kept at home. LAST week Jos. Beattie was in town re- pairing some plans in the granolithia 50t508RN EX smilloN. w. Tralne heave Brunie and Rontb, asfollowe: Game 90050. GDING 0051800. Express 708 min.! Mail ono p,m Mixed......... 0:45 a.m. Express 807 P.m a. &a. Station, North goad Retas rms. A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes, An faith he'll it. . u h 13 Beet, enoore "A little girl's address to a dead pussy oat" ; aaio, "Beyond the o gaga et Paradise," Abse Lyda Cr olio ; reolte,0190, "Sally Ann'1t Adelman)," Wee I I Central, ve me Tioaven," Aire, W. 11. i 1 ,ST4XD,dR - . 3t ,�v'.lr 07 014X4D4, HEAD pFF14El ., TORONTO Q . the Brussels Loam xo0vrd ie salvo, Laura 131r'.V3 , sola, Flal o Willie CAPITAL PAID 112 (Ona Million Dollen) •81,000 their np onente in there last six nlatobee, piano solo, Mise Bosvlegt�ireoltaattican, e n REST a7litaba vatted stat6� d~ Fttpland. ape e, BI th, 8-0 i rnesel8 vs. the Children's lI •p , in " Mr. el0enaisa to nit priatciy,nl pol2lte in gawk, Qlte6ea, Al a Bikes i v y Lintawsl, 0-Q ; Brussel@ ve, Blytb, 1-0; Beet ; so1p,,,Itls Alp�sety the � g, Brneeele vas, Iiipoardine, 6-0 ; Brussels Wt 1 piano solo "8'411400e impromptu. V3, Atwood, 2-0 ; and P neseke ya. Wrox. aster, 3-0. Not a bad showing in goals, viz,. 20 to 0, Brueeelehae not beenbeaten, this season aatside of Aesoolatioa 2 oon• taste with Seatortb. Naw Flatn.--W. F,' Stewart, of the tenonnhis�son. With Flour mill, Brancato, and the new Arin will be known De W. F. Stewart & Scam The junior member of the firm is a motion' miller es well as bia father tend as be bas been in the mill here for several yeare is well known to the, publio, During the gaming month they intend makingia number of improvements in the way of putting in new machines so es to put the most modern methods into use, Ws wish the new firmauoona. TUE Beane AFouttOS 138Ue5er,ree —The at the marrMiage ot�Mias derriews of e,adaughter' eels :— of Geo. A. Bear, formerly of Bras A marriage eervioe of mach locatiaterest was performed last evening ab the first Presbyterian obnrab, Victoria, when the Rev. Dr. Campbell united in the bonds of matrimony Stanley Craig, proprietor 01 the Nanaimo Steam Carriage Works, neatly ;000 8700,000 A lint 'C. A. Tiawkina ; solo, "'.like , ,"X$it?, °serzQ1 4�:ai7>I r ,wr A General Banking Buelueaa Traneaoted, Farmers' Notes Dleo0untea. Dratt3 Issued and Colleptlont made on all points,. SAVINGS [TANK DEPARTMENT. Intense allowed on depoeite 01 81.00 and npward5 and compounded ball yearly. EAST Hotton Fall Fair, Oot. 8 and 4, Toaonro Fair opens a week from next Monday, 26th inst. TaRRE was no meeting of Brnesel8 School Board last Friday evening. Monona wbo are just now dieoneaing the apple orop have a juicy snbjeot. Massae, Wii.TON & TVBNB0LL have sold over 4 ton of binding twine this season. BUSINESS is quiet but will soon begin to improve ae the harveeb rush slackens. W. F. Soma and Samuel Beattie at- tended the borne renes at Port Heron this Week. POLITENE96 le a rope which draws the water of kindness lying deep in the well of the heart, eo gives it to the thirsty Soule about as, Trios. CURRY, Queen street, treated THE Poem too line assortment of celery. Be makes quite a saooees of growing this toothsome vegetable. BBUBSELe cheese factory made an extra good sale of chinos for the arab half of July, viz., 9� cents. Moore. Ballantyne & Son, Stratford, ware tbe buyers. APPLE bnyere are on the look -out for Fall and Winter fruit. A5 the crop is scarps high prices will be paid and a good orohard will prove a bonanza this year. APPLES—William Jew -tit, of Brussels, ie in the field in the baying of Fall and Winter applee for shipment and is pre. pared to pay the highest weakish pride. See bim before you sell. APEw Braeselites took stook in the National Portland Clement Co., whose works are to be constructed at )nrbam. Those likely to inset were °Rnvaesed last week by a representative of the Com - sidewalk and street amnion to manners. tion with walk laid two years ago. THERE will be a speeding oontest for 2 and 3 year old roadster colts at Bruesele Fall Fair with 158 prize of 35 and 2nd $8. No entrance fee. Now le the tints to get your comics goers in shape. D. Ewen is away to Buffalo looking up the latest designs in buggies and cutters and taking in the Pau -American. Be will go and see his uncle, Wm. Ewan, of State Line Mille, Penn., before he re- turns. WE have boiled the hydrant water, We have sterilized the milk, We have strained the prowling miorobe Through the iineet kind ot silk ; We have bought and we have borrowed Every patent health device, And et Inst the doctor tells ae That we've got to boil the ice. pauy. In the Bowling Competition for owner- weekof pair of and D, 0. Rosa Wwas as finished the hwinner. His opponent was H. L. Jaokeon. A looal tournament, in donblee, is on the program now for another pair of bowie. GoaaIn vs. BB09550s.—Friday after- noon of this week, on Viotoria Park, Brnesela, Gorrie Base Ball team will play the return game with the home ball tossers. These teams are well match- ed and in the boot last week in Gerrie the snore card showed 7 to 5 favorable to our boyo. Tam Lietowel Business College is to be ran in affiliation with the Northern Business College of Owen Sound and wi 1 open on Sept. 2nd. A. L. McIntyre, of Owen Sound, will have the management in band and is bighly recommended asa gentleman of experience. See the oard in We issue. New MAN AT TRH WagEL—Robert Brown has enooeeded Jao. Tait, who has for a number of years rn0 a batter and eggs emporinm in tbe Meoaaghey blook, Brussels, and willoontione the business taking all the butter and eggs to be offer- ed at the best market price. He is a steady going, agreeable young man and will do well we export He is opening a competition for butter that the boon - wives should enquire about. His advt. refers to it ou page 4 of this ieeae. BASE BALL—Referring to the Base Ball match of last week the Gorrie Vidette remarks :—On Taaeday afternoon the Brussels base ball team Dame over to try oonolusions with our boys and at first ib looked as it they were going to trim Dur boys to s finish but the good fielding and headwork of oar team kept them from getting a big lead. The game was with. out doubt the best ever played on the Gorrie park and tbat is saying a good deal as Gorrie has seen some vety good games. The audience was nob as 'ergo aslthe boys would like to have seen oonsideting the kind of ball that was played. From etart to finish both teams played lint - elates ball as the 'Dore will show. Miss Gerrie E. laser, mail r milliner for D. Spencer's store in imo. The ceremony was a very one, only the immediate friends dseiof igb contracting parties being p t. bride was attended by her sister, Edythe Beer, Miss Person and Sowroy. The groomsman's duties ably performed by Alex. Semple, an Mme friend of Mr. Oreig'e. After the ing supper bad been partaken of the y couple took the steamer from Vic. to Vanoo0ver, en route to Harriston Springe, where the boneymoon will ant. Mr. and Mrs. Oraig expeet to and head Nana quiet the b The Miss Mies were old t word happ torte Hot be ep return to Manama in about a week, an go. at canoe to housekeeping at the reei dente on the corner of Wentworth an Kennedy streets. The Herald Gordian joins the many friends of Mr. and Mr Craig in wishing them long life, with bob happiness and prosperity. 8 To O.—While three figures would i dicete very one sided play in the Fo Ball install between Wroxeter and Bru eels, 00Viotoria Park, in this villa(' Wedneelay evening, snob was not t case. The first half time was passed wi oat any scoring, this part of the gam being well !might oat and the visite putting up good ball bat the latter WAS not so well contested and the h pa team hustled in 3 goals before the whist blew. Wroxeter looked In oombinati and kioked the ball into the air too mac Brussels goal was about deserted in last half, play very largely oenteri around Wroxeter goal and despite t elegant defenoe and bard work of t goal keeper the pigskin would go betwe the posts. J. Hayworth, of Wroset was the Referee and his decisions w received without comment. Followi was the line up BWUBOBL3 WROxBTHB Kerr ) Goal Hemp Gerry -..-, S Backs Wheeler Ferguson Books Beaker Nsugbton 1 Roche Good Forwards LnmtEow BE585158 .—Ooehrane & John- ston have finished and placed in position to the memorof the late Mre. J hnnt McLean. It is of tr., best Seearoopb edish gas design, the ranitedark-grey cp in handsomely nerved. It stands nearly seven fest bigb, and weigbe nearly five tone. This firm turns out exaellent work. A FAmoaa Scuoon.—The Central Busi. nese College, of Stratford, is one of the. beat commercial schools of Canada to- day. Over a dozen Bneiness Colleges hays lately applied to this College for commercial teachers, and ae many as three snob applioetiun5 bale been receiv- ed in one day. W. J. Elliott, the Princi. pal of the College, has reason to be proud of the excellent reputation hie sobool en- joys. .3. beautiful catalogue is mailed free to all interested in getting a business education. vaau enjoyable private lawn party was held by about 40 of Brussels young people last Monday evening at G. A. Deadman's. Vocal and instrumental music wee rendered and a gramophone had also a good deal to say. Supper was served on the lawn and in cream sad cake later in the evening, the young ladies being responsible for the supper and the young gentlemen looking after the lighter refreshments. A tip-top time was enjoyed. The young folk are grate. fat to Mr. and Mrs. Deadman for the nee of their lawn, &o. 1n old garden,,, Aline I3tbel Cainpbe,l, en. core uneem ase" i anthem, "Ticar us 0 I Felber;' their 1 reoltation, "Qaleb's Ooarteblp," Mae Laura Budges I sole, "Better than gold," Airs. Willie, encore, "Beside the camp ii:ro idlyBdrreamii oar eolp and thorns, "A greeting fling," Mies Maggie Beattie • and aboir I National Anthem. Klee Ideate Sample was unable to tiling her solo, "Mona," owing to a, bad cold. The financial re: suite amounted to 886,00 at a reserved seat admission fee of 25o and loo for children, The platform wee ilecorated with fipwers ape plants, i'EitSD 1 I PAitabllta PBS. George hose is holidaying at Seaforth. Alien Footsie Mitobell is vieiting at re, 13°MV• Mrs. Batas, of goderiah, has been aleft- in in Brussele. 3. IL and Mrs. Cameron were holiday' ing ab Laoknow. R. Maiaprizs and wife are visiting rela- tives at Laoknow: T. A. Hawkins was sailing 0n Wingbam friends on Monday. Mise Amy Taylpr bas gone 10 London for a holiday visit. B. W. Matheson, of Laoknow, was in town On Wedaeeday. Wm. 0. Smith ie taking in the eights at Buffett this week. Miss Clara McCracken is home from Paris on aveoation. Ti, R and Mre. Brewer were visiting in Beaiorth on Monday. Rabt.Liman , of Stratford, is vieiting at Mre. Jas. Wilson's. Mies r'1o. Fluety, ot Wingbam, is visit- ing the Misses Sample. y e. n - at a- a, ha th e re art Ie on h. the ng he he en er, ere 0g hill Robinson Gillen ie Calder ..... Sanderson MOEwen Miller Rae Young Smith Harris THE WINOHA7I ADVANCE $I•AE•DP.—ArOh, Hislop, M. P. P. for BoaAt, wLas ha town on Friday. A prominent al stated that lir. Hislop Wee in town on political business. As Ent Huron is a hive and a Liberal candidate is tolerably sure of election by a large majority, it would appear soaroely ne0e8sary to 0bOW DMA aotivity very long before an elec. tion. Some regard Mr. Hislop a presence here on "political baeinees" ae an indi- oation that a general eleotion ie nearer at hand than Hon. G. W. Roes, gave the eleotorate to believe, That there will be opposition to the present M. L, A. for Bast Huron, there is no doubt. B. R. Cook, of Fordwieh, Mo. Bowman, of Morris, and Mr, Goveniook, of Mo'S.illop, have been mentioned as probable Candi. dates, bub 00 0boioS hos been made yet. M. H, states that there will be a bye• election for West Huron this Fall, and the general election next June. I'oox Beau—Brussels Foot Bali team bad the credit of trimming the whiskers of tbe Atwood Footballers, at Atwood, on Monday evening. This was their first defeat and as they are in practice and strengthened by 3 Oranbrook kickere they put up a strong game. Oar boys won by 2 goals to 0. Peter Ferguson was the Referee. A return match will be played on Friday evening. The teams were composed of the following :— ATWcOD BnUssBLt Stewart Goal Beattie Banks Petrie Struthers McNair Steiss Robertson Peebles Brown McRae Switzer Robertson A WESTERN ETODa9.—It was thought when the Harvesters' Exonrsion of the 0113 Met took away about 30 people from this looality that the rush tor this season was over, but it seems it was only the drops before the shower, se Tuesday morning ot this week nearly 50 took train from Brussels to various pointe in Mani. tuba and the Northwest, The ece0e at the depot was like a Fair for orowd. T. Farrow's list included the following :— Jas. H. Wllliamaon, Birtle Kate Smith, Rapid City ; las. R. Hamilton, Neepawa ; Jae, and Mrs. Bolger, Belmont ; Donald Strath, Jas, MoOali, Riob. Bielby, Frank Armstrong, Jas. A. MoLaohlan, Riob. Bewley, Moosejew ; Geo. Robb, George Hondereon, Wm. Work, Mrs. Jas. Bow. man, Orystal City ; Fred Cardiff, Gretna Lina MoArter, Mary MOArter, Medore ; Wm. Watson, Weyburn ; Carrie Hinge. ton, Oak River ; Debt. Lowe, Wm. Wil. son, Neil Bleak, Wm. Armstrong, Wm. Knox, Chris. Qnerrin, Wilbur Lindsay, Hugh Fulton, Jae, Douglas's, Wm. Man. cry, Hugh Hanna, Jno. Donglana, Riob. Cardiff, Allan Lamont, Hugh Lamont, Roy Jaokeon, Bert Jackson, Sam'l Dunn, John Another, Wm, Jaoklin, Tbos. Turn. ball, Harry B. Stewart, Oliver H. Smith Thee. Whitfield, Eatsven. The fareonr T was 310 and on producing a oertifieate that they worked 30 days a return ticket is supplied for 318, good to mane home up to the middle of November. Several of the sxoursioniete will spend a portion of their time visiting in Dakota. %Backs 1' Forwards McDonald Cameron J. Hayworth, Wroxeter, Referee. AOOmZNT.—The Seaforth Exposi says :"J. P. Brine bad a narrow no from very serious injury on Mon afternoon. He was driving from S forth to hie home in Harpurbey, when opposite the reeidenoe of L. L. Faul, on Goderiah street, hie bngg BOMB way collided with another be going in the opposite direction. Brine was thrown from his buggy an on the ground on the opposite aide of sidewalk, He was rendered un000so by the fall, and was conveyed to residence of Mrs. Kemp .oloee by, medical aid was sent for. Dr. Soott promptly on band and soon restored patient to ooneoioneoees, and, es no b were broken or no serious injuries oaeioned, be was eutieiently recover half an hour to be taken to his h The many friends of Mr. Brine wit pleased to learn that no aarioue or manent injury is likely to result his aonident,and that so 5000 as covers from the shook he will b right again. Considering the totes which he fell and his advanced y being over 80, it is almost marvellous be escaped as well a5 he did. buggies were somewhat broken, bu neither of the horses got away, no fu damage was done." Mr. Brine i father of Mrs. P. Scott, of Brussels his old time friends here will be plea bear of hie complete restoration to h Guam OONOERT.—A0 entertaining, en. joyable and well tendered program was presented on Tuesday evening at the ooneert given in the Town Hall under the auspices of Brussel° Methodist choir. The outside talent consisted of Miss Bowies, of Chicago, who is a very pro. Itoient pianist and pipe organist ; W. H. and Mrs. Willie, of Seaforth, former members of the Brussels choir, who were heartily welcomed back ; young Mies Lelia, daughter of Barrister Best, See, - forth, who captured the audience with ber very natural and cleverly rendered recitations, and Mies Laura Brydgee, of Goderioh, s one time reeident of this town, who bas acquired toot and ability in the elooutionary art. For the home talent Miss Lyda Crooks ably sustained her good name ne a vocalist and sang in excellent voice ; Mies Ethel Oampbell,'who now makes iter home in London, iron a well deserved enoore for her fine solo and if anything was more at horns in her re- peat. She bids fare to 511 a well deserved Mena among the coming soloists ; T. A. Hawkins gave his solo in a style that de. monstrated his acquaintance with the piano ; the aboir, composed of 20 mem- bers, ware credited witb doing well. Miseee Lizzie Sample, Belie Smith, Dolly Backer and Rile Ainley took the solos and obligatos in the anthems. The ma oompaniets were Miss L. Wilson and Mr. Daly, of Santorth, and Mies lean Mo. Lauoblin, Mrs. Gilpin and Aar. Hawkine, who left nothing to be desired in the par. formanoe of their reepeotive parte. Pro. gram wee as tallowy :--Piano solo, Mise in Druggist the 8b8tlt anniversary of the Hnggen0 Bowles ; anthem,' "Falba most motetohtiroh. This ohnrob was - ful " choir ; solo, "It's not what you Pharmacy, Toronto, where he will 'pend . Evangdion 1b60 under charter by Edward d h t two terms Boa a popular i founds Brown's al'tor's wedding," Airs Lelia of himself, Mayor y Garry Same e Backer MoNaughton Ferguson F. Bootie W. Rookie Cameron for aper day ea - sad Mo. y in M e d lit the ions the and W R5 the 0059 co- ed in om5. 1 be per. from he re• e alt with ears, that Both t, as rtber 5 the , and sed to ealth. Mies Eva Carter, of Blyth, to visiting her grandparents in town. Mies Dunbar, of Guelph, is - renewing old friendships in. Brussels. Mies Vera Hogarth, • of Ethel, is visit. ing at Ronald MoNanghton's. Leslie Tarnball is holidaying on the farm of Reeve Turnbull, Grey. . Mies Campbell, of Paris, is the guest of her aonein, Mrs. G. F. Blair. H. L. Jaokson is taking in Hamilton, Toronto and Buffalo this week. Misses Jennie and MaggieMoArber are enjoying a bonder at Hannan. Messrs. Feild, Morris and BUNt, of Listowel, spent Sunday fn town. Mies Allis Curry is visiting at her grandfather Parker's, at Atwood. Oo. Councillor MoLean was a caller on Tax Pon on Tneeday of this week. Miss Saean Mohair, of Cranbrook, is holidaying with Mite Mabel Zimmer. Mre. Hardy and children, of Teeewater, were visiting Mre. M. G. Richardson. Fred. 'Hayoroft has taken'a saltation, in the National Iron Worke at Wingham. Miss Nellie MoGlilliouddy, of Toronto, is visiting her aonein, Mies May Dead. Marl. Mrs. T, Fletcher was on the sink list bat we hope the will Loon be se smart as ever. Mise Laura Chaff, of Strathroy,is visiting her grandparents, J. D. and Mrs, Ronald. Mite Muriel Brothers is vieiting at Belleville. She went with Miss Sate Wilson. 3115555 Teenfe Smith and Casale Harris, of Wroxeter, are vieiting friends In town. Mies Annie Lowry is home from Lon- don. She is recovering from an attaok of appendioitie. Mies Daisy, daughter of 0. R. Van - stone, of Southampton, is visiting at Mre. A. Good's. Misses Eva Duff and Cora Messer, of. Bluevale, were visiting Mre, (Dr.) Toole for a few days. MEM Laura Brydgee, of Goderioh, was renewing old friendships in Brunetti dur. ing the past week. Mrs. W. W. Harris and children ar. rived home this week from a visit witb relatives at Rothsay. Mise Sate Wilson left for the East last Monday, visiting en route. Her sohool reopens on Monday. Miss Campbell, of Lietowel, and Mr. Williame, of Toronto, were the guests of Mrs. Leokie on Tuesday. James Kelly and family talk of'remov- ing to Maxinoba and will sell their prop. arty here with that intent. Mich., and Mrs. Ludwiok, of Bay City, Mrs. James, of Mitobell, were vieiting et Tboe. Nioboll's John street. Minas Bessie and Minnie Moore urs vieiting at Toronto and may take a trip to Buffalo before tbey rebate. Mist Carrie'Hingeton has gone to Mani. toba ou a holiday visit with relatives. We wish her an enjoyable time. Alby Robinson, the popularrepresenba• Hos of the Richard's Soap Co.,of Wood. stook, was in town on Wednesday. Mrs. 13ayne end J. B. Horne and wife, of Lietowel, were visitors with H. and Mre. Ham, Qneen street, Brussels. Miss Lizzie Moore was at Blyth at. tending the wedding ot her aonein, Min S'Iogaarrie, and Mr. Babb, of Teeewater. Jno. Simmons end family have been at Wroxeter for the past few weeks. The former bas been negating bis .brother in the harvest. Misses Wheeler and Wilkinson, of Bel. grave, and Mies Newoomb, of Newark, N. J., were visitors with Mre. F. Baines and others in this locality. Mies Thane Gerry is borne after a visit of several weeks atB5aforbh, Exeter, Holnlesville and other plane. Elbe add. ed 6 panda to her avoirdupois, Ronorw ATTENTIGI 005BN TO Tan 0ouritl0TroN or FAtzzna' Siam Noyes, Every taoillty afforded Cuetomere living at a distance, . 1 Payable at any neon leaned Under $10., ,. So. 820 to 150,...12o Macy DNd91's at the renewing Wee 1— 310 to 020 ....100. 80 to 40, •.,145 J. DT,. GORDON, A5BNT. Mrs. Linton, of Whitby, ie visiting Mrs. Ban, Min Wray, ot Tilsonburg, is visiting Mende in Brnosele, Dr. Twaddle was relieving a brother o was holidaying. doutiaG in Wingham wh Wm. Service, of London, is visiting at F. S. Scott's, He in a brother to . Mre. Scott, Rev. W. W. (Muff, of Sbrethroy, and 11. J. 011e, of Clinton, are visitorewith rela- tives In town. - Lorne Danford ie attending the Forel. tern' High (kart at Hamilton as the dela. gate from Brussels Court. Thee. and Mre. March, of Clinton, were visitors at Thos. Moore's, William street, for a few days. Mies Mabel Hayorotb left for London on Monday where she will attend. the Fall Millinery Openings. T. A. Hawkins was, need up for a par• • tion of last week by a "ariok' in bis back canoed by a long ride on hie bike, We are nary10 bear of the illness of Vera, daughter of Walter Wiibee, but hope she will soon be oonvalesoeot. . Milton, son pf Arthur and'Mre. Mo- Guire, left on Tuesday of teat. week_ for Manitoba where he will spend a few months at least, He's a bright youth and should do well. George Robb has gone on a trip to Dakota. Mrs. Robb and daughter Went a few weeks ago. It appears to be a one of "Where your treasure as there will your heart b� oleo. Mrs. W2 H. Willis and sons, of Seafcrth are visiting at B. Gerry's. Mrs. Willis will ecoompany.Mrs. Gerry,ber mother, to Chicago on a visit to relatives iu the coarse of a few weeks. amine of office, end by the magistrate and oonnoilipre I and the crypt will en. pommodale orowde of three to five thousand, The present minister of the church is a Canadian,. A5 Dr. Carman 1 be will not be goingto the Ecumenicist, wil will, of; ocarte, be enable to aooepG. The other Canadian who hap been honored by this ancient cburoh 1s Rev. W. I. Shaw, D. D., of Montreal, Dr. Bbaw will preaob the sermon on the Reformation anniber- eery, Which is oelabrated during the month of September. Mre. A. Donnies, Elizabeth street, bag gone to Elora to visit her sister, Mre. Gibbon. Miss Preston, who has been visiting the Minn Dangles for the past six weeks,"a0oompanied Mrs. Douglas. Thos. and Owen, sons of Thos. Mc- Gillicuddy, Toronto, and D. MoGilli• °eddy, of Goderioh, respectively, wheeled from the Go. town to Brussels Last Sat- urday and spent a ooaple of days in town. Monday of this week A. J. Moaenzi°, traveller for a wholesale Drug firm, wee in town. He'e an old Braeselite. and 18 working bis way to the front all right and hie old friende here wish him nonose in attaining the goal. Mrs. F. DeWolfe has been eerionely ill with a heart trouble for aeveral weeks. Her daughters. Mrs. Clark, of Clande- boye, and "Mre. Allan, of Kineardioe, are visiting her. Mrs. DeWolfe is peat. 70 years of age so no longer possesses the vitality of her more youthful days. We hope she may rally. Business Locals. MONEY to loan on farm eeonrity. Apply at Ta$ Poso. SEnvAnr wanted, apply at once to MRs. G. F. BLAIR, Brussels. Yeas --Fall assortment Lietowel yarn just to band. Moe. Klan, Boum and lot for sale, good sellar, stable. Corner lot. Apply at Tag Pon. Oen : beat Beaver Cement to band Every amok guaranteed. Lowest price. MoRex & Co., Brussels. Umtata piano for sale, Beet United States make, little need and nearly new. Also good cooking stove with large copper reservoir. J. D. RONALD. Taa BUmmnn:—Farmers having tub butter to sell pall at my Prodaoe Em- porium and I will pay you the highest each price for good tube. Roar. THosssooe, NORTON TERRAOH.-Barrister Blair bas been appointed agent for the above property and will be in a position to ar.. range with parties desirions of renting, GARDEN PLANTS. -'-'Mies Helly ban any quantity of garden plants for sale inolud. ins :—Tomato, cabbage cauliflower and celery. Also a large and fine collection of flowering planta. Floral designs made to order and at reasonable prioee. . Bowgsenn GREENROOM. AUG, 16: 1.901, FUes II Inches Long. If you doubt it you can see thein ill, our window. They are dead of course be, cause even flies that size can- not live where our 3°I1yr Poison $S. SEE THEM AT Fox's Drug Store CHURCH MIMES. The regular monthly service will be held in tbe R. O. rhumb next, Sunday. The young people of Trinity{ church, Galt, raised $1,000 to pay off the oburob debt. The Bible is to be translated into ten languages of the Philippine Islands der. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. CLOUD HOUSE AND LOT ON lJr Tmmberry street, Brussels, for sale at a bargain. iBALLANTYNS, Brussels. • QHE73P STRAYED FROM LOT' h J 35, Com} 7, Morris. on or about July Met. There were 11 Leicester sheep land 18 lambs to the number. Any information leading to their rooevory will be thankfully received. 4-. R. B'E W L17Y, Brussels 0.0, Muisg.—In Blytb, on August 1st, to Dr. and Mrs. Milne, a daughter. PomD.—In Wroxeter, on August 6th, to Mr. and Mre. Don. 0, Pope, a dung's. ,tsr. Ross.—In Brgeaele, on August 10, to Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Ross, a daughter. • -PAPER HANGING, DECOR - Au and House Painting done in Have had i thi three ye and experience in Cityy work. Terms reasonable. Give me a ea1l. 25 W. J. TOHN300P0, Walton. �Ot1.R FOR SDRVTUE.—THE ..LJ nndsrelgn ed will keep fox eervioe on Lot 24, Oop, 9, Grey, the Tamworth Boar "Ring George„' No. -2868- 'Pedigree may be Seca on application. Perms 70e to be paid at time of service with privilege of return- ing if neoeesary. 11OBT. MODONALD, 0.40. Proprietor, L. OAR FOR SERVICE,—THE undersigned will keen for'"'60rvlee, on Lot 80, eth lino, Morris. a thorn' bred yowls Yorkshire boar, payd'aas5d from She well known breeders, Messrs. Brethour & `Sams- ders.of Burford, and is from prize wiuniop' • .;.., Stook. Pedigree may be 00011 on applloa- Hon. Terms 31.00 to be paid at time of serviee with. privilege of returning if nee- eseery. JAS. SPAM, 3.40 Proprietor. 76.6RRIS,n. Bens--MOQu0BRIE.—At the residence of the bride's parente, Blyth, on Aug. 14, by Rev. A. MoLean, Mr. A. Babb, of Teamster, to Miss Annie, daughter. of Mr. and Mre. H. Mo. Quarrie, of Blytb. B12'b•sSf3m+S MA.RTCzron. Fall Wheat 61. 63 Barley 88 Pease Oats Butter, tabs and rolls .. anga Eggs per dozen ing the next ten years. Flour per cwt. The tFallw liDistrict 10 1 of-Wingbam Potatoes (per Diatriot will •be held in the Methodist (p bus) oharah, Wingham, on Tuesday, Sept. Apples (per bbl.) 10th. Sheep skins,saoh Cincinnati is a stronghold of Presby- Lamb skins each terianism. 64 churches are inoladed in the Presbytery, 28 of these being- within the limits of the city. Rev. M. N. Bethune, who reoently re signed the oharge of the Presbyterian rhumb, et Aylmer, will enter evangelis- tic work, after taking a course at the Moody Sibilant Institute at Chio5go. Rev. G. J. Abey preached two good sermons in64. John's obnroh last Sunday. ,The morning text was "All things work together for good to them that love God.” Rbm. 8 28, and at bbe evening eervioe the subject Was "The Wedding garment." Leet Oabbabh Rev. Mr. Tbynne took "Felix, the almost persuaded," as hie morning subjeob and very praotioally demonstrated the truth. Zech. 14: 6 and 7 was the text in the evening. Next Sab- bath evening a dieaonrea will be preached to "The oereleseand indifferent." Tneeday, 'Wednesday and Thursday, Ootober, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, is the time eeleoted for the Ontario Christian En- deavor Union's annual convention in 1301. The oonvention will be held ab Brookville and special reduced rates will be offered by the railroad end steamship companies. Rev, D. Rogers, of Fordwiob, oaaupied the pulpit of the Methodist oburohin this plane last Sabbath and preaobed two excellent' disooaredo. They were clear, well pointed and inspiring and were en• joyed by the large oongregatione. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed at the ooablusionof the follow. ship meeting following the morning ear- , At the Alfioiel Board meeting'.of Bros. sets Methodist ohuroh, last Monday even- ing, the pastor's salary was fixed at $760 tot the yesr. W. H. Kerr was elected fay representative to the Dietri01 meeting. It was agreed to extend Rev Mrs Holmes' vaoation to the end of August tbab be may exceed his stay in Muskoka as his health is' improving in that invigorating olimate, Bev. Mr, Rogers, Chairman of the Dia. triot, presided, in the absenoo of the pastor. Coigne honor sae been bestowed upon two of the Canadian Methodist ministers in oonneation ,with the meeting of the. Eonmenioai conference in London, lIng., in September, On the presumption, that be was to attend the eonferanoo, Rev, Dr. Carman bee been invited to preach in the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral on Ed. Garrow, of Webbwood, Algoma, was visiting for e few days with his brother is.law, Jno, rankle. He is the Crown Land Timber agent in that seta Mon. 9:. Sample was at Blyth on Wednesday attendi ng•the Babb—MoQaarrie wedding, and taking note of bow the ceremony goes BO as to be ready when his date ar- rives. D. A, Lowry was taken eerionely i11 on Tuesday with inflammation of the boweis but f' considerably batter now. 1115 a busy season to be off work but COB Of this ohmmeter bavo to be aooepted. We hope he will non be ae woll as ever. Fred. Wilson, who has been assistant Fox's store for several years, will leave next month for the College of 87 60 61 80 31 14 15 9 10 4 00 6 00 1 20 1 20 2 00 2 00 26 25 25 30 70 6 00 66 700 18 100 I.ORFj FARM FOR SAL]+;. Tba undersigned offers lie 100 sore farm,betggLot 80, Oen. 10, Grey, for sale, 50 soros cleared, balance bush, Oom- fortable house, barn Bex59 last and stable 10x40, orchard, &a. Possession giyeu ou March 1st next with option of doing Fall plo wing. For Luther particulars as to pries, terms and conditions apply to GBG, SWABBING. 441. Oranbrook P. 0,, Salt per bbl., rebafh.... 11 00 00'. Hay per ton 6 Hides trimmed ........ 6 Hides rough Hogs, Live 7 00 12 Wool trete, ifs L Willis are ,to day' an en• the vex oors,'FV.H.. Willis.; remtation, "Stormy young man and will give a good asaoant � VL Tot, Oantorburl inhielabethe l And Tenders for Drains. Tenders for Elie 14th Con. Drain and Clark's Drain will be received by the under- signed up to 10 o'olook, Sept, 10, 1901, at the Bali, Oraubrooll, Plans, specidoations, &o., may be seen at, myo0ioe. A depositw111be- required with each tender, also enffiozent eeonrity for 0501pletion of the work. WM. SPEN031, Olerk, Ethel P. 0. Contract for Stone Foundation' The contract will no letby Publio Auction on lilo.sdaY. August 19th, 1001, tit 7 p. m., TAM 5tnreh,for building a -atone founds - Lion under Whitfield's Church, { Lot 31, Con. 12, Grey, 00x40 feet, and for excavating earth, hauling: sand stone and lime fpr isaid work. Jobs will be lot separately or otherwise. ... H. RICHMOND, D...: CHAN, 1.Oommtttae. Huron Model Schools. M'A.31100. Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 26 -Sept, 7. Western Fair, London, Sept_ 5-14. Singeton, Kingston, Sept. 9 18. Maley, Sept. 16-17. Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 18-19. Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept. 17-19. West Middlesex, Strathroy, Sep. 17-19. Ripley, Sept. 24-25. Teeewater, Sept. 24-26. Palmerston, Sept. 24-25. Wellesley, Bept.24-25. South Huron, Beaforth, Sept. 24-25. Centre Brnoe, Paisley, Sept. 24-26. Lima at Atwood, Sept. 24-25. Tarnbnry, Wingbam, Sept. 26-27. Mornington, Milverton, Sept. 26-27. Fullerton, Mitchel , Sept. 26-27. North Brant, Paris, Sept. 26-27. East Wawanosb, Belgrave, Oot. 1-2. South Perth, St. Marys, Oot. 1-2. Great Nortbweeb'n, Goderioh, Oot. 1-2. N. B. of 0xfprd, Woodstock, Oot, 1-2. Lietowel, Oot. 1-2. North Grey, Owen Sound, Oot, 2-4. East Huron, Brussels, Oat. 8-4. North Perth, Stratford, Oot 8-9, Dungannon, Oot, 8-9. Blyth & Norrie, Blyth, Oct. 8-9. Penineular, Chatham ,.Oot ;8-10. Hayrick, Gerrie; Oat. 12. Norfolk, Bimooe,•0ob. 15-17.. The Model Schools at Clinton Band' Gode- rlohwill open on Tuesday, Sept. 8rd, at 9 o'eloek The Board of Examiners will meet at Goderiah on Saturday, August 04th. Those wishing to attend the Model Schools are r0• quested to notify the Public School Inspec- tors before the ,late of meeting. :Applicants should state which school they prefer at- tending. GEO. BAIRD,Secretary, Every youngperson should take a course in. Lietowel Business (lollop) . which re- opens, under a new management, 011 Mon- day, Sept.2,1901. 18'0iroularfres on application. 0. A. FLRhilleG, A. L. AiolN7'YItE, President, Sooretary. Apples pp The undersigned is prepared toailany uantity of Fall p and Winter Apples, for Which he will pay the highest market price, Before you sell be sure and see him. It will pay you. W114, JEWITT, BRUSSELS. erre WESTERN FAIR, LONDON, Sept. 5th to 14th, 1901. Entries Close Sept. 4th, Ahome exposition genuine merit—New exhibits and leading attractions-- on of g Lookbart's performing Elephants—Tile Three Grimes and "'I'Oln Tomo the baby elephantand man other specialties of a high order—Grand fireworks display, y including representation of "Fall of Ohina" and "Taking of Pekin," �Speoial trains over all lines eaob evening after. fireworks. For prize lists, programa, eta., apply to ('e'.0 ,. 'N. 1l. GA'tITSIIORED, J. A. NELI,MtS.' • dU!'dp0ltilTAllY, x1tIDaTDANl', ,