HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-8-15, Page 6rI I QV WAU n i a a` ` 'IMI IltAILWAY A Qx=17,B11, =*. '9res'tor :� JlL,i; 74 WCPIW ��w gar MX79pa . Q and a Ti-�CUo Uu f ➢l ANY INDIA t lulatad and lira TJutt@d Statoe Taaah@e Natio.@s in Africa to Work M Will Staudt fox #Ponce.,` Jlnd lNrar GlgthDa' LUDE¢ • "�'" �" Justice i) ,id J. Iliawor OR the.; RRM. NATURAL LEAF [l 1@ soaraoly nacgsoarY to pointLA "Ii J a av s� out leave lila UkaildA rallwny will United States supreme Court' says F.a fit "� °' cOlnplotoly royclutioniao. the tvastorn-OMI.or3c.onr �.;m a. Ll•y 1p atonc9 andyoa will find ttuno&ooltod Eos' P14107; `. the day is near whoa there will be no �r'bb 6� y v i � � 91 Strength and lrinvnr. toatNPa9k as raOr@ war and all d1S.nato& bCLSYggll - part of Africa, al}a 1110 011agt t110 U iii- r'6rdOr r3er BO and PP .99ntg. '. r ilia- C Ot)D WATER. !roll horse will have on ills many f -- -- - -_-.___.m - - t nations will be settled by a b Is free front An Particle of Coloring Matter; is I)alnty' and InVig,or, tribes living along the route, Sir ''ii' lt'OU WSG n � hasErt nit.t7f7tlt.a ymir *� , Sot}. In a recent !!fires! Ito Solid; y s e o r J o 0 1TOUTT90, COOP,'POULTRY, APP1.115. 9tber ntIaST9 and PFIOOgOO, to t ,,,: ,An absolute necessity 011 Llle fAl'm• at111 1S tl}V° OI}l tea thflt 6nitS iaStldlPL1S (}alates' and is wbole ora for Ilon y Johnstone, hnst ne, HI9 A..a,i°sty'.S spe' � Lir¢i19d Ucr. TYout lt'1ark9t and i I desire most particularly to }e- g, y Tial commissioner, grnphliially rollers Dawson Commission�'iC1y OolburnsSt„Toronto, whethor Ili, sufailtor or winter, is all the most delicate di estion$. let• t0 ani aOorLst as ii nation, in the g _�__._.___ _.•..-,-_..:_:.,-. - "^ direction of international uh•bitra- abundant source of pul•o cool water, x to true when •ho says ;-'"The railwvay-------•-•-'--------�•-^—^-^• tion, r the liastona at that (lay During those excessively riot days, �. IS ���' � ' � �������� � ����� has taught the nogro the value of gooeo®a®ogaGamt2peoopoeogii o(D000@eeo®o®o�oP�ra®©�e+l� Oz , aid g �- .- W - l it has saved thousands ea when peace shall roign, and wars and s ill }}lore drink coxae, loot' }nun- honest ash and boast Will drink lavialxly of ntti -..- -- ' .. r• froiu death by famine., To the lion- �9 ', ..� ','z � shall be no more. I want to rotor ture's wholesome beverage, and their v Ceylon Tens ;are sold lit Sealed Lead . to the ofl'orts which this nation and ,Packets only, , Black, I l )[ed, fJneolot'ed gry people of 17ast, Africa, flying ® o ltyaical wdrltaro will depend largely Y from the result of three years' I the mother country havo boon mak- yixoit its quality. P' t . Ceylon Qirean, Free samjTles sen4, drought, the railway has broul;Ilt °� .. ® t ° , � � Ing Co bring about' rho blessings of Chore [tie mrhtt s as rrian, kinds arbitration, and I am proToulldly 1 P v I 1 Aadxe55 rrSALADA," Toronto, food acid shoitor and.rio sign of the et 'i _. ,.,:., of wat0i its there aro icaPlo why - trines Was to me lisle en0out+aging' arbitration, that no time is ins'q op- 1 `��� ��+ ”— clrliilc 'it. Asti: nearly any farmer, if — T than t0 see ATasai-actual Xt"Wli- o . 011 e 0 0 0 0 e a a d pertuue to imPr ess :lite �viselolii and Y " dila Ills drinking water is good and 'he and it there is nihy Part of it troll Ia LITTLE BURDENED HEARTS. who a yarn' ago wanirl have sc°rued t t e ID I. blessings of arbitration :LllalI toil! toll you, "It's the best iu the I not working, it is so much CaPlta1 any other avoaatiou than cattle 1 ] 1 !. Its • "Y present time, whoa the wok d oars upon tho. war and carnage Ili South !aunty.'` Isis neighbor is equally;'lying idle, so much wasted. I VOP- raittablo cattle Is anotlio[' Sad Story of the Lives of Some Lending, cattle raising and the dribs!, a EASY ►p e fur Oulu upon!. complimontary in 'Peaking of Nis i in un g » loss. A herd of Cit Children, y slaughter of other negro }work ti iiia, (g Mdd ¢ L1,9.d��,1rint I Y1. 0 `'Nineteen centuries ago the first by Owtt supply, 1'hq #act is trial' in, fruitful soullce of hundreds of. cases, "the best lvlttor' say, tell dais cot's, way yield a y Ono of the saddest things about ing ns naeviea On thG'raiiwvny decently clad Por the first time in ti Rd 49 p,p••e•,....,.o ,.- q son sun b' angels and hoard ` g g y B f the bumall men fell upon rho oars a I In the county' is a very inferior, fair nverugr profit yoariY, but the poverty is tho burden it days upon their lives. Gn •°-°w,o..onc,.o 9•o..oq ole o..o.,o.m.,o,...or.qn..o„e..e.,o.,a,.o..o.,u...,,a..o„o A Shepherds, It was that gl011OUS article, but it has been used until farmer who does not keep Fm .indi- fa victual recyrd of itis hard Is not in aidowrn rile heart of childhood, pressing Often upon the tender, seitei- _ � =`en �••-ffiu ® 3 @n'3 $. u - o ons of: On earth Once, good will song » the users learn to like ft, or, other words; IiavO the souse of tastBj position to say whether all or only Live life with a; weight and terror _ ai�aa�'RFaIa� p One Pour Rol ler Cam, bell Press front delivery, bed 43X56, $120® ® centuries toward moil. gone Since have coma and gone suiee that snug ' some of the cows are furnishin him so perverted that; it falls to retest g » p with a profit, Tile individual rr against Impurities. { unknown and undreamed of by hearts grown herd olid callous velli Q p e 0 One Four Roller Campbell Press, bed 37x52, . , . $11100 It of angels floated through Judea, and ford has, in many caws, resulted In burden-bearixi ” • • $ y .®-� still the war drums are heard beat- the tiuu Gds calling men to Ing dna t P g arias, and it would sacro ns though The best water conics from til¢ bos O tl ¢ t h•1 of le am f l Garth, [tad l while s t r springs Sean' water unpleasant to furnishing proof t]ruL while pail of I Paying uOu- t'i'e herd is yielding a pay q I ti iti one OE tihD parties Of child all p . taken to tic Ixesh Air Cottage last �' dib 89 0 ®' 1Xrm93. a� da9 �.'�”' � f the prophetic day is still far off. the taste it generally is trite that this i o lily of mills the others do not pay sumnlor were two sistora, who sol- for their keep, and that it would - dom the others in their foul- ' tl C Two 7 -col, quarto 'Brown Folding Machines, each 5400 -4 "But it wilt came as surely as a water is chent[cully purer tltui 1 ,joined be much more profitable to kill them ; Lv. SiLtiug apart by themselves, E3 �ifG$C�g9 gfBjlSf� doll4ifrin for the w ®b.�>��o®. � ,ate, — Supremo Being 'oras over lila fico- tinias of nations, and all honor to instrumental in cau'be found in shallow wells and cisLerns. Unpleasant, mineral flay- in be ill 0, than than t0 coitlnuo them as dairy cattle, The profit on one cow is they would look on wistfully, their little solorm faces and wide-open Sona �p{ppI�`� Mouth �� --- 40 ��o�� irvLi.%sr ��� �� ' tato nation that is bringing about this blessed result, ars water cannot compared harnifuLugss with the mild slickness o#[en needed to couuterbnlanco Lhe c} os se¢ming'ly haunted writh some t{555 �R �t{dkl ® Two Roger's Typographs,,in first-class order, each eyroli0 e The record of ottr own iuttiotl is not given well rxnd cistern wn1D.r by tie- loss on another. In that aria the other should be sent to the ~)aught- uulrnown terror, i•:vcry fitly they would inquiry timidly if there was Now SizeSOZ000flTLIQUID, 25c of a o altogether or absolutely clean, but ,. this nation has done more than any composed animal and vogetable nmt- ter. This latter Is veritable slop j t u west°, nano `es. A w tense keep wtinstD, to keep unprofitable co ally letter." Near. stone, but as .Large the e+�igttictos of !two -weeks' p QN UID at H pOVIDEiii, 25c Large LSQUi[fdadPOWl3$R,75d LcrB ® n2achinG Stones, Stands, Body and Display Type. 0 tg Also Cutting , other in the direction of arbitrator! and the and of war, of which Gun. and is productive sf numerous iris orders of those or *ane in the Inumut b I leer milker is just as eXPOusivr to .out- Ing did not scent to. damtuna much At all Stores, or byHfall for rho pilo! i All thin H2aehinery is in First -Class Order, Easy Terms will be Giren, W f.lherman said. it .was simply hell. ,machine which tutive to da with thy. keep id a good milker, i when the it a xn the way of correspondence, iyonderice, nosh- HALL Fs 6iUi.KE'L , Montreal. m' 8pscinl' Disconntfor Cash. On il.¢cohnt of adding a more up-to-date Type will be disposed of at a Sacrifice. "This country has thug fur spoken water drank. t shows individual reb01<i is ]sept her. iktg was thought of it. One night, �a [� 0 Plant rho above 3Tachfnery and o 0 every time for these measures verticil will make war less burdensome and The fnrruee• who regards as import- ant the health of his famii and litm_FROM Y large bttiire° antes i There trig wastes innumerable an, every farm, and tiger¢ Is only! after the other Children f were fast asleep, these two were tonna softly drying with their each THE TRAINS. m 0 10 ^� 0 The Wilson Publishing ��. ®� Toronto, � ^� less of what Sherman declared it toh know dint the wvnter ur' almost them, that arms about m S 1 Lnnitod be. And it is to the credit of this Self shout! ed I., Pure and wholesome. 1'o know due way of atscovering y proper system of Look -keep- is b a other. 1Vhen nslcod rho cause, Choy said the "wanted to y go Iloilo." Passengers Gat Glimpses o£ the g p & ® m 1'3�r FL%rfix• nation that she stood side by side with Great Britain far Peace at the that it possesses these qualities is to i Icuad that the source from which it!book-]cooping In It is not necessary that the g• A simple Supposing it was a case of simple g homesickness, lciudl Pan-American Exposition. P o @do®e®®t�3o®et�9Fo♦➢a®©®®�1oQ3®0©®®,®®i%Jo®off®(°J®fie s i�®0 Hague. Peace will surely come, not- is driven is clean and free from be alaboiate. dcUit and credit account silawin th0 Lilo deaconvess y urge! ttr¢lu to rualce uP their Salads People travelling fromthe oast and g _- __-__ withstanding that conference has been laughed at by in""y, sneered at tko), ,! f;hastly things elle tiail7CtimCC is all that is cost and There to stale and enjoy themselves as the west will come within LhG zone of the direct influence dna spirit of rho Tit°''° are fu trio United Bing `� y. ratE7 ����� 1 / by some and colied a Miss Nanev To mind, this sae.', t'lken L•om wc•tls and cisterns- demi rats, rabbits, mice, chickens, Ithe squired. There can be a record of c mills yield each cow, and at others did. But each succeeding day g found them more anxious 'and dis- Pau -American Exposition miles away from the spectacle sell over 133,752 locos licensed to sell intoxicating liquor. q y _ �+ ffttp+ p � i ���`� IL aflatir by others. my Hague conference forms tine turning Suung goslings, ducks, turkeys, pigs the end of the sattson each individual u tressed, last the younger sister telt and glorious S ` g itself. Surrounding rho setting of --`�- c��f3�d16 1.» in arbitration and it will has- setts, Pumpkins, etc. We have seen] Fill the 11Ci•d Cori b0 CCCaitGa with lice the one of the the trouble Lho exposition there aro numerous The for MOWERS, RERPERa, TNfir9HIt10 td.M10111NE9, Cto„ I I11111 point ten the blessed day. "These are the two nations. the !bill things fished Out of wells from which the water was used by tine eu-' with her mills product, and determine whether; board. The results detcrmfne °ended g tort a io see, though of against the pro- of trio older, who insisted th tait features that will rival the attr ac- l tions of the great show for public ea �®40�� �6 �� . � E R LE S I LrniLed States and Great Ilritain, lite clllaga• r illtile it will be best to continttc her in the that it was a "family matter," rind i w 1 Y attention, and especially is this true �®�'� that have been more conspicuous in It behooves the birmer frequently, dairy herd or fatten her for the:.Ought of Niagara Falls. There is no groat- �g� S -f eD4•" leravorna room-gv°r0o ; Y7 veru• than any Other, rnel it is nolo'- to examine ills wn tar stm us and con -;butcher. toren b Ceratin fields, par Liculal- NOT TO BE REPEATED. or or more wonderful eye -feast in the Troia of the Northern Pacific re tentarlec. before the Public. Boo tent you Hardware, Or and Module. remost in 11 Iai ihnt Uhey should ba foIC at and I believe vince himself of their nese. Iii' the rolling and wooded lauds, with those fn which experiments,paticair, appeared tli at the da before being tried can be treated in Lite, y three left home their father had been world titan lino L`alls of Niagara, tits beautiful gorge, and the dashing tu•- which created Buell furter during is got i got It. i7 stares esti It. Heide it cold Module. rile efforts peace, their effort s will b° crowned with the their hills aper valleys numerous, S living streams of water already Borne way, and so the profit or loss crops wv111 be ascertained. Itil for compile city Rapids, }eaters of the Whirlpool Hapias, If they alert, long be-, t again Its first scnson, lit ];000, shooting biers aiut forth acres! the •tom �v ft 1W(0HiRSf'L 6 f° �"�`1s"a u LR SERa•PR¢s.TORON)0. d that thov will. glary of success, ancit bring about settleurent by arbiLra- pure Ion exist or may be. found if diligently cortain There is scarcely a farmer in the in in a labor trouble, n.tul at the ort utile, an o lire left home the examination aro fore, their train stops at Niagara continent in all the glory of its.torm USE MiGA AXLE GREASE, tion, and that the Hague conference sought. province whose woxltiug capital is I had not been held, and they did not I'atta, passengers over tit° Grana or stays. This Crack Train of Lite Nortll- to an advaruser iaii him that will rove an epoch in the great 1? And we should not forget the farm' largo Of •water. l less than n thousand dollars, while fartner's capital• far el the result: Their mother had Trunk Railway will coma in sight of y g the mighty tower il'Oln west, almost entirely nolo for 1001, .you y,ban youwrite advertisement eatable F ks are [tato Fri- are treated gnGStiOri Of arbitration." live stock na g users W0 believe farm animals aro entitled lila average ' cords that amount, dna it would be prOn719C<l t0 write as a00n ns it Ob9ePYa$lOn which searchlight signals will be is the epitomo of modern passenger Car so, so our cur interoattodo ea, as our tt oaeally and served with the boat -`" ` o to, and at the bunds of the good most unreasonable to expect that! I should ba known. but hall not done SO, and the little ones were sure flashed to the Electric Tower of the train constructioll. The' Dining with its a la carte breakfast and __ v C 1L0g� BOON rOP Sk30PPER5. farmer will recrive, wirer that is goad enough for human use. Let 1 this business could be economically run at haphazard without books orli their father roust be in prison, Just Exposition. In fancy one can plc- Lure trio beam -of the powerful pro- dinner for 41.00 and table eco. •�� __ I Pickpockets who. have been in th. habit of making a living by stealing us so perfect ttfs important mattat { accounts. The merchant: who, with { to how it would help platters for then] to be at home they could not say, jcctor extending way oIT toward Hamilton, Ont., to glue glad wng ledd*bTourist 51.00 ; rho 10 Sec io ,room lava- Ing car of 1G sections, roomy lava- �a �i �q p^e�•� GAL `V E Ink i 'S rem women on the streets or from purses f aro likely to fimil Of water on the farm for both man and boast that each luny get all ho } half the captLal, would undertake p alio! his business in the slig lint their little hearts were Itching at the thought of their father's die- come and greeting to lire incomiu humanity torics and electric lights ; Llte first -S� class Drawing Boom Pullu)an with A e -r, �q, �' p•� B I. crowded stores their occupation gone in the near fu- { wants of Eliot inclisiheusablc product all which nature intended that all i mamier in which nine -tenths of our' d farms are conducted would have his grace and their mother's sorrow, they had a vague but natural trains laden with anxious Co eco the falls dna ,the exposition. two electric lights in each !cellon the Observallon car �jjj 6� OINTMENT. ture since a cunning device has been,sllould will render it impos- have -pure, satisfying on inside i yes.'. It is .Vel is and feeling .that they ought to be Speeding across the Wonderful gorge the train• will carry Its passengers in unit palatial with two smoking rooms, buffet, bar - . Invented which ter. Line that far many fe there there." This idea was so deep -scat- full view of the Falls of Niagara and ber shop, bath, - librar of .140 vol - y �Or all shin ailments. 11 Clean out your cisterns, wells, sprfugs. Protect them against con- Spin Snore. necessity fol• a ulhtutc system of neaount kcenfng in the 'lie, 1 ed tbat'it was malting them mfser- able, and id was decided to take the Whirlpool Rapids, while the re- ruarkable will stretch out on urnes, current magazines, ladies' par - for and observation, Platform, all to- i. J. C. Calvert a a0,y Il9anoheater, England Lamination. I 'make business, but the I'min 1r wbo wrould ihc)tt Koine the next day. It was OP Ilia fnrin, Ills gorge either' side Of the greatest railway gethor form n train of unusual Coln- E•NOINEERe' �� t110 meet when the hour came for leav- 1 flocks and his hards must be in a steel arch bridge in the world. This g fort, excellence, and eyed luxurious- . luxtuias, at- vi OUPPLSE3. + e _ tmiW w aebeatoe rondo, - WASTES ON THI•^ FARHT. position from actual knowledge tel Ing the cottage that the deaconesses [position realized what it had nneaat to thein, bridge of the Grand Trunk Railway B y Niagara Faris is one of she won- aces even in this day of Of course, broad vestibules, steam pee""�? 9'D it v ripe covering, �• Unlearn one, It would be intere,ting, although j discord Lite unprofitable lilies, add to I in spite of their unhappiness, for hisdors de of the and resting, as Beat steel platforms arc there, (trounce, etc .w (trounce, oto. perhaps fiat very pleasant to Snake; the paying ones and so increase tun estimate of rile amount of money business. This knowledge can be now the Loa's flowed down their cheeks at lite thought of going end I it does, one end ilg the domain of one Icing Edward, the other in lac and there are nearly 800 electric her lights of Ul¢ train, the baggage car f'r"'"` art^, tVM, ouTTofl a Catapouhe oo., i, f / ' r� I wasted oil the farms fn our Prov-! face chi lug to single ye;nr. It iy safe I obtained only by using a system of bock -keeping. Ther¢ are number- away, though they still insisted that do United States, it forms a portion of in the Angio- ,aid day coaches being thus lightarl`0+0„' , Limited' roRUN'r0 v sty -without the estimate -that •; Itoi the amount would represent a very less looks through which the Profits farm may easit,v be wasted. they must so. Reaching, home they found their the industrial bond Saxon union _that forces a realize- also. I The train runs from St. Paul to p}110��1 tb®t'It�� Ct ROOFERS i of the considerable part of our revenue. { To stop these is one of the problems father had been ac witted, Safi was i tion that matter on which side of i g i Portland, Oregon, passing through Forgo, Ilozeman, Butte, 121Ad.enro,,• METAL 17 To Auto, 091,1 'ranorra, oxr. 1 to snatch tiie coveted - sfb]a for them 1Vhfle the careful, intetliGent farmer 1 that every successful farmev ttnust' ) at work as usual, the mother, forgetting her proniis¢ t° write, had the Niagara we reside, we are alt >? ar Americans -Pan -Americans, I HTinnenpolis, Missoula, Spokane, Seattle and ' p This device, ' wlio bas ]its business Ill hand and This device, which can be attached under Its strict n Supervision as the to cen:;istsofasmalll, solve for himself. o tarsen Lho opportunity afforded by the children's absence to go away --o A flotttin bottle droppedin thel Tacoma. Connections from Dttlutlt andu:erchant Band �t auy pars°. has itis, allows but little band, ono end of which is a ring . on soma expedition of her own, ig- g Gulf Stream will cross the Atlantic !Superior and for IIelona are ma[So (i at to go minAcounted for, there are > tr 7 p L4 lite and at the other encs a clasp. Tile a ; p , p{;� CAS LE norant or heedless of the burden.” of in about 18O days. on route. In5!1'umonCD, Drama, Uni rmo, Ete, � � ring is intended to be worn loosely those through whose hands result �) L SJiI , U the lady's finger, and by means of Of their labors are constantly leak -I sorrow, and anxiety she had inflicted upon the sensitive hearts of her , I Send to,Chas. S. Fee, Cencral Pas- stinger Agent, St. Paul, six cants for &VEFII` 60iYN CAN HAVE A <6A11d •� on the clasp she can fasten the purse Ing and whose loseslare such that ��p,]; qg �� je�Tpy7 �1133:lS � children. They had lost tie last Wonderland 1901, a royal boor: hav- I Lowest prices evor quoted. Fire catalogue writauaforany to hex• arm that it cannot be r� ' pl•ugress is impos,iL e Everythinglll t,/P lAPlit is a wast¢ that is pal put to its i Hive days of their outing, but their father in and that I was cured of painful Goitre by fug a chapter on this loyal train. - thing 5g0illuetrntfvns,mailedfree. In music or auhneal Instrunten'ts. - moved without her knowledge. i 1 best and highest use. It is soxpD-; — writs not prison, them. ►LSA ARD'S LINIMENT. On nn average 1,700,000 of LJto g p, Co.,Toronto; Ont. anti Whaley PI,oyee W CYYxnnil Alan, o tunes a waste to devol:o too much land to same crop JOHN TLETCHER, A FAR)W-E'R, consolod — -s BYARD hest' ULLIN., Chatham, Out. I world's population are constantly ., T and particular - ROYAL V'JINN_PIGS. when the uncertaintie of the marls-! CURED OF L'UMEAGO BY � THE KAISER'S COUNTRY. afloat. I was cured. of Inflammation by — Qoll,ni 1I01'I Line `SJ'�®eA,f37Fa�'llps I Qt are such as to leave room for DODD'S IDNEY PILLS. _ hUNARD'S LINIMUNT. Montreal to trerpool, n°stan w nNli'- pool. Portland to LirorpooL Vi. Quuen.• ' Bing Edward o£ England as a Logs- One of fire greit.est wastes: — Sportsman. conics from failure to spend money Thins You Illusn't Do if You are g I MRS. W. W. JOHNSON.: Miaaffi Lialmaal Ceras Gargal la Cows. Walsh, Ont. I �_ tor.il cove. Large sadFati9toem.h,pa 9uperlor aacommod.tlon_' °loos•! of pateengcn, Italians and atatoromnl Xing,' oa needed improveawnts. It is a One of the Thousand Similar Cas- fzi Common Trou-t a Resident. I was cured of racial Neuralgia by The present' growth, of London's t,reamldshtpe. I 8pevi.l.ttentiauh.. h.en giron to tba Third•olo...ce.mm°dMilan. iia, .� It is forte cora since the Ontario 5 g" deckled waste to spend time in work- es stationed at tine Curragh C'anip, ble Among Farmers-lh odd's There are many things you must pTINARD'S LINIIITLN7 . n r 8000nd J N BAiLnY 3 Population is . ,.rUU a month, or °yet' s.ioou ..it retie o[ aco.Rh�od all purtioui.re, apply to any ogaui �rydrre Pills Invariably Cure It not do if you live under the Emper- successfully piloted his own hors!,' ing with machinery that is con­: out of repair, when y y 80 a day. Parkadale, Ont. �- ntthed'omp°.r•or Rloh.rd. Min. k �. D. Tornio. kOo.. sLautly getting Rupee, first past the Post at the : or IVilliam. Following are some of a new substitute could be purchased CYesloy, Oltt., Aug. 5. -Harvesting - the restrictions in Berlin, enumerat- For over f=ifty wears p7 st.t. SL, Raton MantrvW and rortlend _ 4 military meeting. I This success probably acted ns a with the proceeds of the time lost in is in full swing and the farmers Of; ed in the late G. Il'. Steeven's book looking tip repairs and haying; Lhe section are hard at it early and: "Glimpses tens, wiNALOW'a 80artr,Fa 9YI n1" has been used by �- millions at mother. for their children oldietoothinc, ' e Dyeing cleaning I lust published, dntitled of Dort of incentive for our future mon- I P l It "= Y : Thr P Nations"' i°ccs to rai h r broken encs. 1Vhen lel •. For two stead« !tenths lite Three One lnundr°d and fifty-four out of , wi a oil lir y- of th utnin till and 1 owni.rim� iiho Por the very bostaoudyaur to arch, ns sine! then lin has blossomed r •lien [torsos d the soil is a certain field is not to will be working ha.der than any 1 "you must not hang beds or Into one of the loading p ar every 10,000 convicts are constantly beat r.meli• for a)i.rrhmo. Tw iowyo l Denis a bottta, in hospital. 9o"l by drug6'Lt. Uvcughont rho vorid Rn aura end pork Gho rt BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO.", : con to produce a certain crop other class of men in the corntty. , clothes out of windows so that they the sport of kings. ' » nek for' H11ta.wtSstuw'a Sooralr;a Srntrr,^ Look for agent in your town; or send dlract. Even princes, however, cannot' to the h 911(vst Perf X ti011, it is time, , Probably obably no period of the year is can be seen from the street. You labor alit lona wp;ted if sown with'so trying on the farmer as the her- must not fee! horses i,n streets $1 0. $100 Reward, 0 o ---- Germany owns 7+13,040 acres iu Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. Q �t command success c the 4W,rf, and lleir to the Thmil.0 halt to w'ai't pa- i that pat titular swot It is here that i vest r.Dason. The mtutusemont of a, where there is not room for two ve- his farm, light task, becomes The roaders of this 1,apor will be pleased to Central America, with 20 million Clv^"'Q p P''v i tl for mane veers ere his roc -I L 011 y Turf history. the furrier acids foresight and never a hides to puss, Hurl i11 others only '. ilia FiCr Ila.I nLII7C0 Wlth the conditions trebly heavy. Ivnrrles increase. The i I t with the consent of the occupier op- aarnihattheroisatleaston¢drgadad'dientiao hat aoianoo has been able to in allita.f Hall's cote¢ Ll'Caa. _� e ers made env mark on ma volt leis ih•st Pry. In 1800 lila King Of tile soil. Ifo should know what actual manual labor from dawn to posfte whOSO P]CeC of pavemend you bardi ns caarrii, Cu%ie rho Ilial; swirl ( p Liniment (!tires Cg1dS,-Atli I 1 i •ii1 t _N portant event -viz., the Xcntptonl each of his fields is Lest adapted for, 'Salle and solnetiln¢s after, is as he Ina , man call :rtunl, tire: you const watch the horse, and I ! tbomonal trea e, ro ireA ahbelat;a eons• Ututioaal disease, rnquirea a aonstitul[oaal Mlnard s W Y _ oust knowing this will be ns a undo the traces while he is eating, Park Jubilee Stokes, with the hop. } g I writer s!Lion to mince the best use of each. I It is not surprfsi.ng that farmersi anti when' It¢ is done the occupier in it letter written to the wwi to i troutment, Hall'e0atarrhCureistakenInter• Wally, noting directyUpon thethereh dos —r The Aleuts Carlo gambling Casino ®�����+ and SfihN�io(ott Metal Ydorka Block BLAUIil30Alt TSL' I , , , 7• • • i which n Often break down utter the threshing from the Xingselere trailer, the fol-: tilere ua uuxitticus Ways n ]tics I• inrist clear up toe spilt shall. If ]owing passage Occurs: "The dam 'tho farmer's money may be wasted, .Is over. "Plum tuckered out." the, yott accidentally break a bottle or mucous surfaces of the y y troying the foundation of the disease, and stron6Ehby bulldtng up rho iTtade $4,500,000 last year•, Of which $2,500,000 was clear profit, Rad or Or.oiL 9LATk SYe Puhliaandiiigh Sohonls '!ionto RooengTalt Yash Coal Tar, oto osseine TiLtt{seexow ""nuhW Oor• -,q i 1 wens is a of th syat n} is aft to be in n low, weak-' Parana. IT. was prii'C31naCd by ilio EUrI To aVU d the Les one C, ! highest attainments of agricultural COIl[liL1Ui1 which i5 easily L11rON11I lug ill the street you must carefully take them g6lvlcattlepaWont nenstirLfon'and assidtal; naturo in dolng its Tha-praprlatorahayeso' much felt in _•—_ Ingo, Toronto, deo° byaur firm). Met.l ' Iile:" ulcea, alae letimntce h,rnighod fonu•ork °omDlot. or for Lho 1a9 the Prince of Pr's reel and tla pile°I sci nee, Wealth fa not so much tile's paid was LOUO. The purchase of I ° out of ordor. The kidneys will show CI si n of 't first Backache will gather u the pieces and g away, If you stand on Lli¢ pave- work, Its curative power!, that they offer ono Hun- dred Dollars for any ease that lr fails to cure, L Niinnrd s Liniment Cures nistomper matariala chi pad to ans p.et of °nuoEr,l°hon61 O.Ou "T �soNs,ndaiaide &Yrlamer rte„ Temno _,_.-.. , .q , this more was the foundation of Ills result of accumulation its of econ- 1° a i ment you must leave room for other Bond46Vkid- o the first sign of tile ]c probably bD th TOLEDO g Y&0o. T 1 urns I OFI1➢;1ID o It not tile ultra wile a F. J. , only. I t people to ass. Alter this it is ra- - OU 0 4t f tt lido 1 p n _Turf and tile o t • ss o the i success n accom anierl b a brick Sate 76a. • ,nae tronbit b • drug C • at P Sold g railway, � !nice f Great .• • ,. Y 3 The i s wa companies o i e ni-s wealthiest P illi. most that b.t.o y. r anti -climax to learn that S LI1C An a t L r' oda Stud. their bosh tion of the Satnd ing t e !list sediment in the urine. A`t•aui H7i11's]famltyPnlaaro rile stakes won by her produce and their j it is he who eases what he nxalces, ,you must not discharge !'¢arms in, Britain pay on an average X1,300 n who does not waste his substance, this stage it is but a short stop to -- 0-_ day in compensation for damago. value at the Bluer !oriel be less Lhe street, nor shoot Wlti crossbows who watches the little income Ind' Lutabugo, which is chronic Backache• AFTER 'IkTP ENGAGE),SIlNT 1VAS o Lhan £200,000," and blowpipes. rises it to the best advantage. Iii In this cnnncction the letter of BROKEN, 1 It will thus be seen 1haL the Icing g "If ehildron make a noise in theIinard s Liniment Oures Diphtheria madn a lucky Purchase, its from Pat- crops are useless if the, pereentage J°lin Ir,,c lrer, a farmer ricar Ches- street their parents can be punished, Ned -Slee asked me to return her dila II., when allied to thD calebrat- wasted, or not utilized which is the icy, will be found useful, showing; tn9 sumo tiling fs out of proportion it does, that Dodd's Kidncy fills and 'rambling about in droves' fa letters. ed sire St. Simon, =10 the threr, Pi' lortinn to uiuv be r¢lfed anon for cases of Lhts forbidden after dark. Dogs that an- lack-Woll, fit,. '.vol;? The Suez Canal cost $025,OOp a distinguished brothers, i^Lo•izel II., the amount: used to good advantage. i Hillykind. noy people by barking are forbidden Ned -Oh, yes, I returned them• And anile. The North Sen Canal came Persimmon, and Diamond Jubilee. The tendency to spread life operation i , es eciall after 10; if you inks your I dropped three or :our fr i., ut.. r ;next in Arica, 'coating $725;000 a The fact that these have all been over too wide an area is one, of the 1 "I have berm troubled al harvest,' » Y u•15 in with thorn. l mile., lie wriLos, with Lninbago and Kid- dog out then the nearest policeman g• sired at tho Sandringham Stud tins evils against which the successful boars clown on you and Wailes the been a source of great gratification farmer bas to guard_ nap color. ¢. AIy carted was of a very g It is better'1 streets with yaks of 'That dog to 'their Royal ovrnei, to cultivate one acre properly and red calor. I consu]trd rile br,••t Inca- must -not baric [' got all that !•s Care r out of It,and ienl doctors in tiro country but they �r'f® P r ��1 ��/r. Lima to work ten acres for what could not, heir, me, is Ili v I got En , - (� WFIER> BULLETS FL7 W. and they s rove y Dille hl C.r could AN TJNSISTE1ZLir FLING, should be got out of one. ,Scientific ' and they proved all that .I could The late General FVn:n0lxope used farming means Intensive fni°ming,'Wish. in a voile short blue. my back She is pretty, said the young woe-. Xge_r,4V to tell n story of two Gordon ITigh- utilizing every inert of ground, keep- wns ns tach as quer Hifi rho Iticluey roan, but she is so obviously made ��/ p I/ larders, one of wvhont was going in- ini the soil (it it nnl.ximulll state Oi I tllsoidar ltad completely gone " ftp•-�-nai— _%/ to battle :fol• the first tituo. The fertility and forcing It_With uece:,yal,Vfj O Yep'., answered Afiss Cayenne, 1 �/) D _ crack of rifles wits heard in front, resting intervals of coir se -to yield I can't, help wondering bow shr, got X, 1i � and the bullets began to illy. The re- to its utmost Iitn{t t'hcre sliaulc] NOW DON'T A4Tt I' 1 TITAT Af1AIN flack frorn Vali-opo witshout .ha'Ir[,' �E lf' � f Bruit, feeling tri: I :a: Imin, had not be any waste places on the farm! Hiss Wunder--iVlly do they lino. duty collected oil hor as a work of Conte, shoutecl to ills irate in the any more than there should be waste. I that deep creasn in the new Panalnl• art. on the .morch;nnt •v Shelves.Ihnts ,you mon are wea.rilag•T -- --•o-` 91 ,m>m.e fliDlanjac bob, Geotiiiel Vol !hint Alirlanrl, goad and bad !lilts con,I Illi. ]tnowvsiU 1Vhy, that represents '.iS�ftrtt�p Tooth ItOifdtlOr0 Yat stituto the farmer a invested capital the Panama angel.