HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-8-15, Page 5Ai7G. 15, 1001 • BUSINESS CARDS. Air ONET '1'O LOAN AT PL cent, L',8.800 7r J,'a a " Br cacia, Ii. Mo ORAOn N-- VV a Ieeuar of uberrr s eet, Il us Of. rico et (lr000l')5 1 nru) orry street, Jlrussols, , N, B RRT;t I — • Toneorlal Artiert, 8124, -.Next door North of the Standard eaul1. Leaks' and Children% hair vltbtin,; a specialty. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. WALTON. ONT, MSS JEAN, M'LAUCHLiN, T10AOH70R OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, artres3ET.,S, o o z, ROBERT OUNNINQHAM• zuenaauaa, FiRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. 0. M., Academie graduate of London Conserva- tory of'Mual°, also Member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, la prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the krinoipai'e Form in the Conservatory of Music. Bnteeele, Ontario, A LEX. HUNTER- Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,' Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loen-'and Insurance Agent ; Auction - Ger, . Funds invested and to'loan. Collec- tions made. Chloe in Graham'elBlook,Brus- sols. AUCTIONEERS. FS. SOOTT AS AN AUOTION• • men, will sell for bettor prises, to better mon in loss time and lose charges than any other Anotinneor 14 East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at [hie °flioe or by personal application. VETERINARY. T• • D. WARIVICK— • Honor Osmiu to of the Ontario Vet- °rinary Oollego, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals fin at compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. salla promptly at- tended to. Oflioe and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Ternbery et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. WM. SINOLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, l0onveyanoer, Notary Public, deo. 081°6—Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. ▪ Solioitor for the Standard Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solioitor, dc, 011ioe over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Bruaeale. Money to Loan at lowest rates. '1//F• G. CAMERON — (Formerly of Cameron, Holt k. Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh Ont. O16oe—Hamilton street, opposite Col. borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. IVF' NAUGHTON, Trinity tlnivereityy, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Burgeons Ont. Lioeutlate of the Royal 001. lee of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery Edinburgh. la -Telephone No.14, Reaidence-Mill Street, Brands, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEiLD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeoneof Ontario and P11810lass Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Otaoo noxi to Brower'%Photogreph Gallery, BRUSSELS. McLEOD'S System. Renovator —AND 0201111— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeenese, Pulpits. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer. algia, Loes of Memory, Bronchitis, Oen. eampbion, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Iidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitae' Dance, Female a e sial Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MGLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer, Sold by Jia; Fox, Druggist Brussels SHINOLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT MN Brussels is Plalliin lolls S8 1 g Akio Doors and Seth of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notice, Estimates Verniebed fob all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ehip and Material Quarantoed. AME .LII .Fall Term Open lei . 3 rr ppnISJ s E1LL, a„M Weyer before In Pie hlebory of out College' hove our grladuates been so remarkably aie- aeesfel,u armoring ex0ellenb situations im mediately on, leaving College '110 during the present year, A bualneee :education 000b ae eau be obtained in our sehpo) is the substan- tial foundation of a sa0oesefullife. May we Baud you a catalogue 7 W..7. ELLIOTT, Prtnoipal. Mo r -r t te,' A NEW 810000M100,—,The Winnipeg Free Press says of Weyburn, the nation of the'oeuntry to whiohex-Reeve Mooney. moved to from Morrie township ;—Wey- burn,.whiohls situated on the 0. P. R. Soo flue between North Portal and Moose. jaw, is of oomparetively reoent growth but ie making such rapid program; that the peeeengere on the Soo line Maine will notioe very ladiesl' improvemente in this town and vioinity in the next year. There are about 10,000 aoree under clop, mostly by settlers who were formerly, oitizene of the United States. - The farmers here expect 30 bushels of wheat per acre, ex- empt on the stobb'e which will run 17 to 20 bushels. Of oonrae as the dietriot le only two years old, no lend ie in Summer fellow. This Spring there was plenty of moisture from the aoow to start the growth and in April there was a rainfall of one and a half ioohee, in May half an inob, June five inches and three quarters, July about two inohee. There wee a alight bail storm during the past month in the Southern part of the dietriot but it did very little . damage. The proepeote are so good that if nothing happens the crop it will repay the farmers far beyond the time they have spent in the dietriot. Clinton. Tax rate this year 22 mills on the dol. lar. P. B Crewe le overhauling the late Biddleoombe property which be bought. Smith ]silty, Of Senile° Centre, Alia., woe in town last week. He baa charge of an Anglioan Mission in that town. A largely signed petition wee presented to Mayor Jackson asking that Wednes- day, August 14111, be declared Civic Boli•. day. It wee granted. The name of Qantelon"Bros. as fruit dealers, is widely known ; tbey reoeived a letter from Bombay, India, the other day for a fruit shipment. A telegram was reoeived from Ubioago on Tuesday of last week, stating that 3. W. Cook had died that day in a hospital for oonenmptivee in that city. Mre. Armstrong, of.Goderioh, who has been an inmate of the Hoose of Refuge far some time, went to Snowflake, Man„ on Tuesday of Iset week, to live with her son. The familar fignre of G. D. Gilchrist will be seen upon oar streets no more, he having "crossed the bar" on Monday of Met week after an illness of several weeks aeration. The pacing mare, Florence G., once a queen of the Canadian turf, gave birth to a fine colt by Texas Jack. The know- ing ones have looked it over and deolare it ought to be a whirlwind. Florenoe G. isowned by W. W. Ferran. Mre. K. Mackenzie, who bae made her home in Clinton for a few years, left last week foryiotor, Colorado, where one or more members of the family live. From there ebe will go on to Oregon and visit her brother William at Sumpter. W, Doherty writes from the Old Conn• try that they had a very plearant passage aurone the ocean, notwithstanding the faot that Mre. Doherty was .111 during moat of the voyage. He stood the trip un- usually well, being eiok only part of a day. At present, they are in Germany, and purpose visiting other parts of the continent, At the meeting of the Council, the resignation of Mr. Reynolde, caretaker of the cemetery, and of Mr. Lowe, night. watchman, were both accepted. Mr. Reynolds finds the work more than he can do, and ioteuda moving to London, wbere other members of the family re- eide. Mr. Howe bas aoaepted a better situation with the Queen City Oil Com. patty. On Tuesday, R. and Mrs. Holmes left for Montreal, where they joined .the excur- sion of the Canadian Press Aseooiation, on Thursday. The trip this year ie to the leading planes in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, and is looked upon as the fioeet ever taken by the Association. It will occupy 15 days from the time the party leaves Montreal until their return. Goderioh. The salary of Stewart was raised to $75'per annn. Wm. Waruook'hen jest completed his chicken bones, for whioh he has about 100 inhabitants %trendy, Mre. Cooper, having sold out her milli- nery business, hae returned to Port Hope wbere elle will reside with her parents. Wm. Morrish, of Colborne, is suffering from a broken hand, the result of a fell. while climbing over a fence during a rain storm. The authorities are repairing the Gov. ernment dook on the North side of the harbor, quite a number of men being employed oe the job. A bull pop, owned by P. Thompson, woe caught by a G. T. R. engine near the lumber mill and was out in two, Btrauge to relate, the forepart, rhea on the two fore lege and travelled at least ten garde before falling down dead, A number of boys bad a quantity of gunpowder loose in a piper and got Clifford Webb, aged 11, to set fire to 1t. The boy did the firing " bat did not get away quiok enough, the result being a badly burned wrist and face. John Debtor, a sou of the late Samuel Detlor, of thietown, is visiting his aunt, Hire. Ohrietopber. Mr. Dotter, a0 a United Steles soldier duriug the last few yearn, has done service in the Philippines and also visited variouspoints on the mainland of Aeia and hae had Borne vetoonIl interesting alacha r ed from has the hoetel alter n prolonged and eerf0ne Silicas, and le not Yet Rlrang. Hie sister, Mise Mary Defter, ie a10o here. .sitAtbanounitoora, The Knitting Corneae), lo still making l largo o4temente of lhi•ir mallnfaotpree, Tho North street Al1thgdlet S. 0. Ate. 1110 at 131aok'e Point 0180 n doolded bun• 89 0 0, G. 1 h. as ._ b a b erge Wa 0 Was o d before Judge Doyle with assaulting a tavern peeper in Sealorth, and hie honor, after hearing l es i xnee, a1]ndgsd b4malitnand remanded him till Phureda for Bet@n, The defendant, wilo is quite young, woe again before the court, and after a very etrgng lesson from hie honer wag allowed to go on suspended sentence, Giarpie. Mrs, T. le Gilpin, of Orillle, was the guest of bur parents in town this week. A large contingent left Gerrie for the West where they will partiojpate in the harvest, Mre. (Rev,) Varney and children are away for a five weeks' visit with friende in Everett and Elmvale, Luelino w. Wednesday was Civic Holiday. The Sentinel is holidaying this week, R. Oaten, of Toronto, ie at the 4sb1e1d Parsonage, the guest of hie eon, Rev, V. J. Oaten, 37 passengers left the Luoknow station on 'Tuesday of last week on the barvee. tare' exoureion to Manitoba. The new granolithie wants are being laid on the street to the station and on the North aide of the main street this week, Rey. Ewan MoKenzfe, of Montreal, who w 1 been seriously ill at the Romaof hie father joet North of the village, ie improving. The three pupils of the Luaknow,pub. lie eohool who wrote for the leaving ex. amination succeeded in passing in alleles required eabjeote. They were De Forest Patmore, Robt. Douglas end T,ilia North- cutt. Atwood. J. A. MoBein, oommeroial traveller, is home for a few weeks' holidays. The Eima township rate ie one.half mill, 00 the dollar lees than last year. Mr. Dietrich, of Berlin, took control of the Elena House on Monday of last week. The Methodist anniversary services will be held on the second Sabbath in September, Jae. Struthers got one of his hands badly crushed by a atone eub•eill falling upon it at one of the henna he was work.' ing at. • T. G. Tennant, merchant, Newry, hae sold out to Mr. Common, of Newbridge, Mr. Tennant baa left for Toronto where he has seoured a lucrative position ae travelling Baleeman for the welhknown wholesale firm of W. R. Brook, The Bee gays•:—Mr. Currie, divin- ity student of the University of Rochester, N. Y., preaohed a thoughtful and earnest dieeouree in the Methodist pulpit Sunday evening, from the `text, "I em the tree vine, eto." Mr. Currie, who ie a brother of Geo. Carrie, Atwood, and of Rev. H. E. Currie, Ethel, has put in two years at Varsity, and has three more to put in. He is a young mon of good ability and energetic and ought to succeed. DIED.—The funeral took place Aug. 6th of James Ballengee, of Downie town- ship, brother of Hon. Thos. Ballantyne, .end a relative of the Ballentynee and Diokeoua of Elms, aged 78 years. It was largely attended, Rev. Mr. Graham officiating. Though the deceased had not been in the best of health for the past year it was not thought that death was so near. On Sunday morning he bad been been oat fore walk. On re- turning be eat down in an easy ohair, and was deed in a few minutes, death be. ing due to heart disease. Ur. Ballantyne was a native of Peebleehire, Scotland. In 1842, when 19 years of age, he in com• pany with hie brother Robert, emigrated to Canada, Doming direct to the farm on which he died. By his many good traite of character he won for himself and tam. ily universal respect. In politics he was a staunch Liberal and in religion a de. vont Presbyterian. His trend of mind was snob es always to prompt him to take an active intermit. in the welfare of his community, although lee did not enter into municipal lite. Hie death makes the first break in a family of five. He -leaves, beeidee hi0 aged widow, ten children. They are :—James, of Oe• borne; Robe, Wm. and Augne, of Downie ; Thou., of Atwood ; Mre. T. Diokeon, of F,Ima ; Mre. McKee, of Bel - more ; Mre. Holmes, of Downie, and Mt 6. White, of Dakota. Three brothere survive—Hon. Thos. and Robt„ of Strat. ford, and Wm„ of Washington, and one sister, Mrs. Gourley, of Stratford. Lin -towel. Monday was civic] holiday in town. J. 1I. Brinker has bought the Boot and Shoe stook of J. A. Zinn. Flax is coming in briskly at the Living- stone flax mills. The crop is a very good one in this vicinity, H. Maloney, A. Zilliax and B. Witter, of Court Listowel I. 0, F., were at Remit - ton attending High Court of Western Ontario, The nein et the station have been re. moved from the hotel property to the G. T. R. yards, and will in future be under tho control of the town, having been purohaeed by the Council. Misses J. el, Green and Mabel Arm. strong, milliners, of Brandon, Man„ re- turned home ou Wednesday evening of last' week and are spending their vacation with theft parents in town. The Ingersoll Stone 0o, have a gang of men at work laying a granolithio walk on Dina street, Thie Company has the oontraot for about 40,000 equare feet of walk, to be laid down in town thie Beason. Anolherllot of nearly 200 boreee was ex- amined here on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, by Major Roe and Capt. lefaudeley of the British army, for service in South Africa. 01 the lot about 130 were accepted. Rev. Ma0Robbie,Presbyterian minister of Kemble, Ont., preached a epe0ial ear. mon to the C. S. F. in the Presbyterian Church, Listowel, on Sunday, 11th inet. The Rev. gentleman le past High Chief of the 0. 0. F„ and also past High Chap. lain. The first general meeting of The Cana- dian Bent Chair Company of Listowel, was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening of last week, when the bylaws paned by the provisional board were eon. firmed, and a permanent board of diree- lore was °bonen'; A. W. Featherstone, D. H. Marshall, 3, 13. Meyers, T. H. Balls and Mayor Watson. The Standard of Inst week enye:—Font' Helm of the Leven Bowling Olub went to 2inoardfoe on Wedeeeday and took 'part n. the bowling tournament there. Alto• TUE RBElSS'J Wither the (peat rinite earns off fairly enc• 08 0ful, and beeught hopes the eeeend prize with thane, Beeidee the four rfnka Irani io019I, three rtr a frgnl Btu+sale And three Kt oard're rieke entereO the @ eonteotoIn 4b fraikon d @p Aile 'a rink lot 10 De, MoNaugbton'o Bruasele ; G. Zlltiax's rink downed the femoue r. to pby rink of Kincardine by7 shote ; M. McGlillivray's rink was beaten by one of the Brusaelo Tieka by 10 ebote, and another Bennie rink defeated It, TSinoar, dine rink by about 16 shote, A, Yule's rink was beaten by Bmlth'e Kioaardine rink by 8 Obote, In the seoond round Smith's look fell to Jae. Roes' rink, Brussels, and G, Z(Ilfax'e risk won by 2 Shote from D, Rose' rink, Brussels. Dr. Mo0aughton'e rink baving got the bye, entered the final with G, ZIIUax's rink, and after a closely oonteeted game won out by 7 spots, the first prize going to Brussels and the second to Listowel. Pete al or th. Regia Wilson, eon of Alex, Wilson, has taken a position in the Bank of Com- mer0e. McEwen do Geiger, of the Eternal! flax mills paid off their Bealorth gang of pullers on Tuesday of last week. They paid out $826. While climbing out of a tree a young eon of Wm. Haney fell, alighting on hie hands, with the result that both wriate were broken. A union Sunday eohool exanreion will be run from Seaforth to Goderiuh on Friday, August 16. The exeursion train will leave 8o f t station a or h s anon about 9.30 and returning will leave Goderioh at 7 o'otoek. The fare for tbe round trip will heobild65ren. Dente for adults and 85 Bente for Robert Hawthorne, of Egmondville, cradled one acre and a half. of oats on Friday, 2nd inst., and Mre. Hugh Strop, son, of Egmondville, bound the same. Wheu it ie understood that Mr. Baw- thorne hae only one arm, the other hay ing been taken off some years ago by a threshing machine, and that Mre. Simp. eon's age is 66 years, the feat ie some- what remarkable, but Mrs. Simpson says ebehalf. could have bound another acre and a 1131vtit. E. Livingston is on a business trip to the Soo. Blyth Fall Fair will be held on Tues- day and Wednesday, October 8 and 0. Blyth will raise for eohool purposes $1315, including manioipal equivalent of $115. George King left last week on a bnei• nese trip to the Soo and other Algoma points. At the last Council meeting it was moved by Coon. Milne, and seconded by Coen. Sloan, that the Reeve and treasur- er be inetrooted'to assign the woollen millmortgage to Mrs. Jean S. Forsyth, of Toronto,. and hand over all papers in oonneotion with said mill. ---Carried. CARD or Manse—The following ape peered in last week's Standard :—Sir,— Permit Sir,—Permit me through the- columna of your valuable paper to return my esteem and gratitude to the people of Blyth and vicinity for the magnificent reception they gave me on Thursday evening last and also for the beautifully worded ad- dress, ring and puree presented to me on Monday evening. Such kindneee I will never forget, I would like to have told the audience on Monday evening 00015 of my experiences while in South Africa but I wee too overcome with emotion to do eo. I sinoaely regret my inability in this respect and hope that I disappointed no one. Again I thank the people of Blyth and vicinity for their kindness and aonrteay to me. Axoaxu. MoQaeanla, Wingham. Talk of organizing a lawn bowling club in town. Thos. Deane is able to be out again after hie confinement with a broken leg. Lester W. Davie, formerly of Dundalk, is the new reporter for the Wingham Times. The Button blook hoe been leased by a Mr. Thomas, who will open out a depart. mental store. Fall Fair preparations are now ander full headway for the Exhibition here on Sept. 26 and 27. J. A. and Mra. Cline and Miens Nellie and Ada Cline have gone to Muskoka to spend a portion of the Summer. A. E. Smith is taking ten days for the Maokioaw trip. W. T. Fyfe, of Listowel, hae charge of the bank in his abeenoe. A.11. Sebastian's tonsorial room hae undergone quite a change. The metallic ceiling and repointing have made quite an improvement. Peter Mitchell, of this town, reoeived the deed for 160 acres of land, presented by the Government, in acknowledgment for his services in 1866. W. H. Green is working at hie tall obimney at the electric light works. The foundation omelets of twenty cordo of atone. The chimney is 16 feet square at the base and when completed will be 100 feet high. Bylaw No. 444 to strike the rate for the year was read the first, seoond and third time andn fi ally passed at the last meeting of the Connell, making the rate twenty mills, divided as followe : County rate one mill ; town rate 7 mills ; eohool rate 6 mills ; debentures and coupons 6 mills. Wroxeter. D. Mylee finished the metal aliening of hie house, lilies Sarah Bray bae returned fromlan extended stay at Tilbury. The Wroxeter Photograph Gallery bae been reopened by Mr. Sablenter. Minn Elide and Annie Alien have re. turned from their trip to Cleveland and other Amerioan pointe. Henry Smith got one of hie fingers rather severely eat with a saw while working in the Planing Mill here. Mr, Vail, Dep. Inspector of Ingenues, was in town Wedaeeday of last week, inspecting the books, eto., of the Howiok Ins. Co. The Board of Directors wore preeent and everything found sabisfaetory and the hooks pronounced to be kept in very praiseworthy manner. Re.UNros.-The Wroxeter Star nye: —Oa Wedoeaday afternoon the menlbere. of the Gibeonfamily had a 00 00100 at Maitland Terrace, when some 60 relatives and friende young aid old gathered and spent a pleasant afternoon, with various ranee and games for the young folks and and even Dome of the older ones felt young again and bad a little foot rage, in whioh John Gibson, notwithetending hie ban- dagea bead, got in first with the tat man from Toronto bringing np the rear. A group pieta(' ivae taken by our photo. S POST geepeer of the wbglo party, a boat 00 facto appearing on the . proof, W. W, Gibeon and family, 01 PPoropto ; 13'00. 1ibeo 1 q a .D,.1. !s W k r and family,f 0 Nialara AP , e,Jae,fi or sYth and fa ' ly, el Toroute ; W,13, MoKeroher and fami, ly; Adre, Mabepd, oe Leede City, Beeth Dake tR; obi Glb0on anda 0n e , Alex. eA pd John, and their Esmiliee; F. V, Dickson, wife and Family ; Robb. end Mrs; Miller and family ; Mrs, Brown, John Gibson, Mre, G. Frenoh and family, Mrs, A Giboon, besides a few.other friends were piesent. Fixe ter. Czar leonine attended, the Photograph ern Convention at Detroit. The town Connell ban deoided to have Dement oroeeings put down on Main street after the sidewalk has beep Hniohod, Rev. S, J. Ailin, of London, well known in this community, 000upied the pulpit in the James street Metbodiet ohureh on Sendoy. Jae, Bontborn, who resides with liie daughter, Mn, R. H. Collins, oelebrated the 88th annivereary of his birthday on Thursday of last week. Mre, (Rev.) Brown and Mre. (Or.) Anderson entertained the League of the James street Methodist oherch to ice cream and other ohoioe edibles reoentdy. Jobe Sweitzer, who bee been aresident of town 11r eeveral years, hoe decided to move with his family to Crediton, where be bee purchased an iutereet in the Crediton flax mill. Wm. Andereon, late proprietor of the Metropolitan House, bas leased the Arlington Hotel in Stratford and mom. ed the managership of that splendid hostelry on Auguetlet, Ata meeting of the Quarterly Board of James street obnroh on motion of T. B. Carling, seconded by Dr. Auderson, a unanimous invitation wen extended to the pastor, Rev. C. W. Brown, B D., to remain for a fourth conference year from next June. Mr. Brown heartily thanked the Board for this expression of their oonfidenoe and promised to give the matter careful consideration. To the officers and members of Royal Tempters of Temperance, Exeter. D0AR Fnmsne,—I desire to acknowledge my sincere thanks for the promptness with whioh the endowment of 81,000 on the life of my late wife has been paid, only five days having elapsed after application was made till the obeque was received. No better evidence maid be desired to prove that your Order ie a good one. Yours einoerely, Jas. W. Oilman. Two pigs lived for a month at the bot- tom of a 45.foot well into which they on the Fox farm near Olinda. Tbey were taken out alive. A lot of Indians from the Walpole Island reserve employed on the sugar beet farms actress the river in Michigan were reported by the alien labor inspector, William Glasneur of Janesville was arrested, charged on tbe information of hie wife with attempting to burn their house in which a family of young oiild• ren were Bleeping. The new sorew steel steamer Hnronio, to ran from Windsor or Sarnia to Du. loth, via Mackinac), Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Part William will be launched about Aug. 20 at tbe yards' of the Oollingwood Shipbuilding Company. A farmer near Bridgeport has a cow that has raised a Iamb tbie Sommer. The lamb's mother disowned it, the oow adopted it and Mr. Lambkin le eujoyiog life immensely. Some of Berlin's kodak• late have snapehote of the lamb taking its breakfast. The Paisley oow.poieoning ease develop. ed a oew phase Friday of last week when the Proviooial Board of Health annonoo- ed that areenio had been found iu the stomach submitted to them foranalyeie. The physiological examination revealed no traces of any disease from whioh the animal could have died. Ethel Saw Mills. I have a good supply of Hemlock loge on hand. Can out out to suit customers Dressed Maple, suitable for granaries, at $10 per M. All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on hand from $10 per 111 ap. A large stook of Dulled Elm and Ash at $7 per M. Shingles and Lath always on hand. ta"A good farm on 13th con. of Grey for sale. A oontraot of 20 aoree of logging to let, For partioolere apply to S. S. COLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL, Ready FOR— w BUSINESS! Now that the Buggy season 19 at band and we are ready for it we would like to inform our numerous friends and enstomere that we have • the finest lot of Buggies on hand at the Old Reliable Carriage Factory, ETHEL, tbatoan be found anywhere. Should you think of buying a Boggy or Baggies (as we supply wholesale as well ae retail) by all moans call and see our stook before purchasing as eve know we 0100 e0it you with a firet•olaee artiole and the price ie right. We also keep Wagons, Truck Wagons and Field Rollers on hand or made on abort notice. J' .o Gobor 8& $ons ETHEL.. Mc"9CASH STORE, A CLEAN SWEEP Planing for Nall business inane otearing cut and aleaniug up the belanoe of Summer goodie absolutely without reserve, Very many stores insist on holding all goode to sell at a profit, but we, plan differently. Goode of every eortare allowed to mimeo in stook only so long. We 400181 on Felling at a lose rather than oarrygeode over from one season to another and the mors you analyse that fact the more you'll appreciate the constant, ly enlarging e000800 of 11110 180810 ee, Below we quote a few pries, but When you visit our Mammoth Oaeh Store you will; and prizes reduced in every department. 25o Fancy Dress Goode, 40 inches wide, email patterne, light and dark eolore, reduced to 15e. 75o Black Crayon, 42 inohee wide, ewall patterns, reduced to 55o, 50o Plain Vigoreaux Draoe Goode, 42 inches wide, this a0asou'e impor- tations, in. fawn and. gray, reduced to 80q, p 10a Printed Meeting, fast colors, reduced to 6;Io. 327 c Scotch Gingbame, fanny °beaks, the 0010001 thing for shirt waists, etc., rednoed to 80. Ladiee' Belte, in black patent leather and sill[, in all the newest de. signs, just received at 20e, 25o, 35o, 40o and 500. 15a Ladies' Black Ribbed Hoee, reduced to 10e. 8o Ladies' Bleck Plain Hose, rednoed to 5o. 25o Ladiee' Black Cashmere Hose, rednoed to 15e, or 2 pairs for .25o. 82.50 Ladiee Drees Skirts, in all wool serge, Hued throughout, rodeo - ed to $L25. g REAL ESTATE. puma FOR SALE THE UN- nZB8IONDD has eeveral good Farms for 001e and to rent, ea0y terms, in Townships of Morrie and Grey. B S. 30CTT,Bruesele COMFORTABLE, WELL lighted and oonyenlentroome to let in the Leckie block over G. A. Deadman'e and Mre, Rogers' stores. Apply to F. S. SCOTT. '1OOD FARM OF 142+ ACRES for sale, being Lot 29, Oon. 7, Grey. Rouse suitable for two families if required. 8ehool house, church and panto/ the Village of Ethel on part of the lot. Apply to JOHN COBRA, Ethel Carriage Works. 24- 1 ARM FOR BALE.—BEING Lot 3, Con, 12, Grey, containing 100 acres. Good stook or grain farm. Good frame house and bank barn ; two good Pelle; eight scree of Fall wheat and land all in a good state of cultivation. Fox pparticulars apply to JOHN M°FADDEN, 20.11 Brussels P. 0, ASACRIFICE IN REAL ES— TAME.—$8000.00 will buy the Mc0au. ahoy Block in the Village of Brussels, Those two fine stores must be sold to clogs out the McCaughey Estate. Intending purchasers should investigate at once. Apply to F. 3. SCOTT or G. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont, • IRST - CLASS FARNI FOR BAo.x.—Lot 17, con. 0, Township of Grey. 100 acres m010 or lees. Situate 40 miles from,Bineeels and 2 tulles from village of Ethel. All cleared excepting 5 aoree 0f hardwood bush. Buildings and fences in good repair. Good wells. All Fall plowing done. Prise and terms of payment on ap- plication to W. M. SINOLAIR 29-tf Barrieter, &.o., Brussels, TrIARM FOR SALE.—THE UN• JL derefgned &Here his 100 acre farm for safe, being Lot 11, Con. 17, Grey. There are 90 acres 01801.1 and 10 acres bush, Good house ; bank barn, 50052 fest, with stone 'stabling • good orohord; farm well fenced and drained Artesian well with wind mill. and tank. Convenient to eohool, church and market, 10 cores of Fall wheat and 10 acres plowed, balanee;seeded to grass. Ap- p1yon 04-tf0 he PlemisENE es orS t11I0H, Walton. j1ARIt FOR SALE.—THE UN - acre fame being 0 Lot 17 sale n, 4 Morris. There is a house, 2 good barna, 40x02 feet armeenleaiad wells good' boob. Posses- sion given to suit purchaser, Pawn is in aced locality, 4 miles from Belgrave end 5 to Steam Engine `and a ie 011ntona"Monarch sopatator, two gratingrindere and a °rusher. For mice and terms apply on tbe premises or if by letter to JAMES OLOAREV, 50 8 Proprietor, Brussels P, 0. TN THE HIGH COURT OF JUS- TICE,—In tbe mutter of the estate of William Button, deceased. As the .aeeervedBid was not reedited on the day of sale herein, tenders in writing will be received for the purchase of the lands and promisee, namely :—The South Halt of Lot 80, Oonoeenion 8, Morrie, 100 Dame, subject to the approval of the under- signed Local Master of this Court. Parties desirous of making an char for this valu- able property may do so through the anc- tioneer, F, S. Scott, or the plaintiff's solici- tor, and if accepted will be subject to the same terms and conditions as settled by the said Local Master, and announced at the time of the sale hereto. Dated this 5th day of Mach, A.D. 1001. B. L. DOYLE, LocMaster at W.11. SINCLAIR, Plff'ge Solicitor. Gode941f ilton & Turn 1.ull Have Just Received a Ton of... From the Factory. Customers can be sup-. plied while it lasts. Wilton 1111 i BU.�,� BUGGIES! ° IN ALL STYLES. EWAN n it BRUSSELS CARRIAGE WORKS, Are ready to enpply the demand of the public for any kind of wheeled rig as they have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Manntaoturere in Canada, in addition to their own make, all Bold at CLOSE PRICES. Rubber Tyred Wheels. We make a opeoialty of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being pat on your own buggy wheele while you wait, or we nen supply both wheels and tyre at very law prioee. Every owner of a good buggy should have the Dunlop put on by Ewan & Go. Work guaranteed all right as we keep nothing but first olase workmen, 0, Ewan will devote a good share of his time in attending to the sale roomeiae the Co, hae secured a first -oleos horse Sheer for the blacksmith shops All wood work in one line and general blaokemithing done on our premises and at as low figures en can be obtained anywhere. Our own make of Buggies this year are all 3e inohee longer in the body than other Buggies and for STYLE and COMFORT °enact be beaten, We sae the long distance, 1,000 mile axle, ono or two oilinge 10 a season is all they require. It will pay anybody who wants a first.olaoe rig to oome 25 nines to see our Show Rooms this season before buying as our ateortment is large and good and we ate always well pleased to have people earl and examine oar atook 01'1018 ie the largest ever 'Mown inBrneeele. _s We mean bueineee. E o. 9 Dr aael.V'lVttaeil2akere, due, t Bnggiee, Wagons, Carta and Wheelbarrowe aiwaye on hand,