The Brussels Post, 1901-8-8, Page 8rtistaotioa LGuaranised Our guar.. ,Our means . something. (We Are not here to -day and away Ito -morrow; you know just where Ito find us,�omfortdb Comfortable vision or your mot ley back. Ne guess work. !Accurate, scientific measurements a' 'Lest,. Difficult cases a specialty. Flyi1iFiT TA , A , ' U .S A J Pta1 0 iter, Meeeeiew ; Wm, Sdatpouny, Nee fibs. p, MOMartia atld daaehter, of Wye, ; Mlae Burdelte f,1oO7aaken, l81ua Hassall, are visiting in Bromide, vale, Dettpl1iu. 11. W. Jewitt, of Cromarty, i6 enema ing park of bie vacation in town, lee re- tJltliteili. CI ti111i4, sumes 809obi08 ma the 19th lost. Poetmeeter Speen, a ' well known Rev. De. WaOdtworth, Seo7etery Of Methodist Mieetoa In tits Northwest, whg Our stock is new and fresh, Into been spending the lest two weeks in Best Fly Papers made. DoZbb1e Strength, Sure to ICGZ. le. of lOc. packages, Sticky TangZefoot Sure Fly Destroyer. Catches and holds them. DRUGGIST, Harvo BOOKSELLER, OPTICIAN, SUCCESSOR TO G. A. DEADMAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 9OETHEDN EXTENSION W. e. & D. Train awe Brnesele Station, North. and South, as follom8: 00I170 Boma. 00700 NouTH. '.,k7xpreae. 7:18 a.m.(Mall ............2a0 p.m noted......... 9:46 a.m. Expreee 8;19 p.m Turd Ntiris A ohiel'e among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith hell prent it. LIGHT frost last Bentley night. WEDNESDAY Mas Oivio Holiday. Somme Board will meet Friday evening of this week. Now wheat and barley begin to Dome to market already. Geo, Base shipped a oar of hogs on Tuesday morning from Braeaele. Thursday of this week Wm. Jewitt for- warded a car of bogs to Palmerston. CoNOERT in the Town Hall Tneeday evening of next week. Good program. ANOTHER Harvesters' Excursion to the West will be ran on Tuesday of next week, 18th inst. THE Sax mill commenced work on Monday and its friendly "toot" is now beard morning, noon and night. Leer week Councillor Henderson bad the miefortane to lose a doe "Sidneer" foal from his driver. The Dolt only lived a few days. Go. Ooannser0NER ANSLEY ma in town on Monday inspecting the new Boor, &o., put on the iron bridge. The stone abut- ments are to be pointed, THE Bowling tournament for the pos. seesion of a pair of bowie is in progress among the members of the local club but will take some days yet to decide the ownership. ODE baeineee people are figuring on a large trade this coming Fall and are lay- ing in large stooks to be ready for it. Watch the columns of THE Poor for the bargains they have to offer, Tem Ontario Grand Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., m091098 Guelph on the 14th and 1511 Mete. the Grand Assembly of the Daugh- ters of Rebekah and the Grand Encamp- ment meeting at Guelph on the 13th inst. Jno. Ament will represent Western Star I.0.0. F., Brunets. APIIIVIre pio-nto was held by some of oar reeideote at Cronbrook on Civic Holiday. A. good time was reported, Bemoans school keeps in the front rank and in, the Junior Leaving exemia. ation sustained ite record by the seved candidates ooming out eaooenstally. The pupils are deserving of hearty congratu- lation. THE Eaonreion train from'Goderioh, on Tbnreday of last weak, did not reach, Brussels on the return trip until midnight. It was very nnfair on tbe part of the G, T. R., eepeoially wben the 900078ion was so remunerative to them, to would not be a bad idea if the trestles for the seating accommodation at Viotoria Park on demonstration 00098• ions, and the ticket office could be oars• fully housed some place, even if it octet a few dimes to have it done. BRnesnts Bowlers were well planed with their outing on Wedneeday to Kin- cardine. They not only won the first prize in the tournament but gave the 2nd prize a close hustle. Their soon was 5 out of 6 games. Listowel had 4 rinks there and Kincardine 3. Fool Bann. Friday evening of this week a Foot Bali match will be played on 'Victoria Square, Brnssel9, between Wroxeter team and tbe Local olnb. Game oalled at 6 o'olook. Admission, 10 oente ; ladies tram Tbe clubs are well matobed and lively hall playing is ex- pected. GATT. STRATTON 18 putting a new plat. form and sidewalk at the property formerly called the Revere Hoose in whish be and Mre. Stretton purpose residing. He intends raising the barn and potting atone stabling under it so as to accommodate the arop from his land adjoining. FREIGHT 801011ENT8.- The following was the outgoing freight from Brussels elation daring the past week: -4 oars wheat, R. Graham ; ear cattle, A. 0. Dames ; oar hogs, W. Jewitt ; ear wheat, A. Backer ; oar cheese, W. W. Hanle ; 33 ogees eggs, W. Neal ; oar heading, P. Ament ; Jersey now to Owen Sound by G. A. )madman. PAe0ED.-In the list of those who pass. ed their Junior year examination at 011• 0aeo College ofDental Surgeons the name of Fred. Gilpin, of Brussels, appears. He took 88% 1n a plass of 120. Report of Examiners was delayed owing to tbe ab. armee of Dean Brophy and four of the Professore in Europe attending and batwing at a Dental Society Convention, We wieh Fred. continued sunrise. Tam Blyth Standard says ;-Shea Bab - kirk, who bag been bead milliner with Megers. Anderson & Elden for several semen, has porobased the millinery baldness of Mies Roddiak in Brussels and takes poeee88ion this week. Tbe ladies of Brosaele will find Mies Habkirk to be an expert in the millinery art and one who i0 always willing to please. Mre. Habkirk and family will move to Erne - eels in three weeke. Femme' INerornro.-A meeting of the Directors of Eaet Huron Farmers' In. ablate will be held in Brussels Town Hall on Monday, of next week, at 1.30 p, m., that evidence of transportationgriev. ances map be collected and laid before the Commissioner appointed to reoeive the same. THE Kincardine Reporter under Mr. Gadd, the new proprietor, has made very notioeable improvement. Tbe old blan- ket form has beau dropped for the more modern 8 page etyle and tbe melee -up of the paper greatly improved thereby. No doubt the baeineee men and the pablio generally will appreoiate the move np. Bert. Jobnetoo, who bee been sales- man at J. Fergoeon & Goss store for the peat four years, leaves for Berlin next Monday where he baa accepted a posi- tion. Mies Strong, of Milverton, will assume the poet of book keeper in Mr. Fergnson'e store and aeeiat as saleslady. The beat wieheeof the town will a000m- pany Mr. Johnston. A Holmeeville correspondent gays .- "Pare. Holmes, of this village, (mother of the County Treasurer), passed her 95813 birthday on July 6th and her wide circle of aogoaintanaea will be glad to know that she still enjoys most excellent health. She is able to be oat and around oan sit out doors and enjoy fresh air while the membere of her family are arena, and has the fair ase of her facul- ties as well. Providence has been good to her and no one appreoiatee it more than she." Bow/aim-Following ie the report of the Braeeele-Goderich match in the Co. town on Thursday of last week 003)ERIa0. eRuooELe. H. P. Moore H. L. Jackson 3'. B. Holmes J. T. Ross D. Holmes R. Leatherdale Dr. Hunter, sldp-28. A. Cousley, skip -11 Jas. Robinson L. S. Danford R. McLean T. Farrow J. D. O'Connell G.F. Blair W. Campbell, strip -10 D. C. Ross, skip -15 F. J. T. Mattel J. Ferguson W. Lno J. ell A. MoD. Allan F. Downing Jno. Galt skip -80 J. Hewitt, skip -11 Galt, Total --87, BASE BALL.-Brnesele Base Ball team 'drove over to Gorrie on Tneeday after. noon and played a match with the slab of that village. The game was a good one throughout and was warmly contest- ed. Score was as follows: BRIIestra R O Gomm R 0 Ontario, baa Obtained a number of men to return to the Northwest fields' with nim, MY. MoGormiok preached two well pre- pared dispourees bat 'Sabbath in the Methodist oharoh, Ho pa7poBoa enter. ing the ministry of the Methodist oburail and will Metre a 0070900, we Lave no doubt. The proposition to pay Sunday 9ohool workers is to re0eiv0 a trial in a Detroit obu7011, The Unitarian church innt week voted a salary of $200 for the oom- ing year for the euperlotendent of 1110 reboot, Last Sabbath Revile. Fre, Corcoran and Nortbgravee 000400ted eervioe in the 11. 0. Ohuroh in this plane. The eervioe was in 70nne0tibn with the Jubilee eerfee olosing t11i0 week. The latter gentleman is the Editor of the Catholic Record pith. liahed in London. Rev. Mr. Tbynne was the preacher in Melville Church last Sabbath. His text in the morning wan Isaiah 58 5 and in the evening the toplo was.. Obriet'e Oon• straining Love. Mr. Thynne is a good preacher. He is a brother to a former Prinoipal of Brussels Pablio School, Next Sabbath the quarterly Saarement, al eervioe will be held,ip the Metbodist Church at the oonotasion of the sermon in the morning. Rev. D. Rogers, Chair- man of the Distriat, will maps' the put. pit in the abeenoe of the pastor. Tbe Offioial Board will meet on Monday even. fag at 8 O'oiook. On the eve of their departure from Thomasville Oiroait to Teeewater„ Rev. G. J. Kerr and wife were made the re- oipiente of two very fine Mena of eiiver- ware, accompanied by an addrees expres- sive of appreoiation of nevf:ee rendered daring the past four years, On a previous evening tbe choir, of whish Mre. Kerr wall a member, preeeoted her with on addreee and a very handsome present. Rev. G. W. Henderson left St, Marys on Tuesday morning of last week visiting first the Pan.AmerlOan exhibition. After that be spent a few days with hie brother in New York oity. He sailed on Satur- day morning by the Cunard steamship Etruria. It is Mr. Henderson's intention to spend a little time sight ening in the Old Country before going to the Boumen. Iasi Conference. As goon ae the sittings of Unit body are over be leaves for home, People We Talk Abollt. - Boy Ainley is visiting at Ingersoll. Joo. Forbee has gone to the West. A. C. Dames 10 "doing" Buffalo this week. Mre. Crone is visiting friends in Sea- torth. Mise Jeanie Forbes is visiting f0 Si. Marys. Mies Bessie Bone is visiting relatives at Toronto. Geo. Howe was at Hespeler on Civic holiday. Mies Josie Buchanan is visiting at Laokuow. Conoofllor Donaldson spent a few days in Detroit. Mre. Thee. Maxwell is visiting her eie- ter in Toronto. Ivan Crooke is home on a holiday out. Mg from Wingbam. Fred. Bayorolt, of Seaforth, is enjoying a holiday in town. Mre. R. K. Roes and Austin visitbd at Listowel this week. Oounoinor Wilton is away to the Pan- American this week. Geo. and Mre. Thomson were in Sea. forth an Wednesday. Mise May Spading, of Beaforth, is visiting Mies Elia Ainlay. Deno. MaLanohlin was home from Seaforth for a day or so. Miss Lizzie McRae, of 0ranbrook, was visiting Mre, J. 11. Kerney.l Jame Cooper, wife and children, spent Civic Holiday fn Wingbam. J. J. Ball and H. Hall, of Wingham were in town last Sunday. Rev. Jno. Rose and family are minima. log at Elora for tbeir holidays. Miss Hallie Oedemata, of Hamilton, ie visiting Mies Jean McLaughlin. Mies Lizzie and Gregg McLennan, of Seaforth, are holidaying in town. Mrs. J. L. Herr and Mies Kerr were in Guelph for a few days this week. Robert Thomson is away to Montreal on pleaaare and business combined. Mies Ethel Oreightoo and Mre. Varooe were visitors in Wingbam this week. Barrister Binelair was away to W iarton this week combining liminess and pleas- ure. Rabt. McAlpine, of Toronto, was re- newing old frlendehipe in Bramble this w9ak. Miesee Lena Grille, of Listowel, and Jennie Lamont, of Galt, ere visiting at R. Leatherdale'e, Aaron Lindsay will try bie fort one in. the Prairie Province. He left town Tuohy m070iO3..: W. F. Soott ie back from Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, where he Saw the turf world beaters. IN speaking of a Soots] reoeutly bald in that village the Atwood Bee says :-The lawn social on the Methodist parsonage lawn Friday evening was as euooeeefnl as its predeo90eor, the reoeipte netting about $20.00. Reepberriee and oream and oake were served during the evening. The program wee varied and interesting. In addition to looal contributors, Mise Lizzie Sample, of Brueeels, sang several Bolos with good effect, in whish ebe gave evideooe of possessing vocal talent of a big, order. Rev. Mr. Garry, of Ethel, gave as address which was also well re. waived, The proceeds of imolai will be applied to parsonage repair fund. CoNOEmm.•-- Tuesday evening of next week a Convert will be given in the Towb Hall, Brussels, ander the auspioee of the Methodist choir. The program will on. aid of vocal and instrumental music, recitations, &o„ and the following talent is expeoted 90 take part :-'Mica Bowles, of Mango ; Mae Mowat, of London ; W. H. and ILre. Willie and Mies Lela Beet, of Seafortb I Mini Ethel bampbeil, of London 1 Mise Lyda Croaks, T. A. Hawking, Mies Jean illoLanohlin and the choir. Admiration, 25 Dente wbieh will give reeorvad Beate to all who Involuted tickets prior to date of Context, Plan of Hall at Mr. Fox's Drag Store. See the program, fthelite, lute been on the Eifel( list title 1901 ST, XZ4.W. 4X. o. 04X011)4, HmT.F9-aaa1,Z0X'aWa1P 0.072., HEAD OFFICE,' - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Miiliion Dalian) • 81,000,004 • REST week but we }mycelia will eeou boo 1. 878Q,000 Mica Wleier,of Ayton, and Miee Ayencie;fnat/ prft1oipalpoitlteinOntario, gtiebeo,Manitoba, Drifted StatercC10nptand, IPss: s A C". Grant, of Blt7riaton, wbtte on a wbeehng toter to Bayfield, rattled en friends in Bennie, Will. Halpenny bee gone tp Nortel Dakota on a prospecting tour. He may marry and settle down oat there if he. #04 what mate him. A, letter 70001094 from Rev. J'no. HMMMea etatee 8110 he has improved in bealth oousiderably. of late and hopes to 7050000 bie work by the let of September. Mrs, James Humphrey and da0ghte7, of Toronto, are visiting at Jas. Jones', Mr, Humphrey was also here for a few days returning to bis home on O'ueeday, P,13. Soott is taking in the Delimitate and horse rapes at Buffalo. Mies Mil• dred and Finlay a000mpanied their fathek AM far as Hamilton, where they will visit 70lativee, De Witt Holmes bee gone' to the West witb the exoareloniete. He will visit hie uncle, Hon, Thea. Greenway, at Crystal City, and may strike something tbat suite him and stay there for a white, Mrs. W. A Molllwen'end daughters, of Theesalon, Algoma, who have been vieit- ing in Brussels and locality for some weeks, leave too their home on Friday. We wish them a pleasant journey, Mies Kinney,. of Lendbnry, and piaster Willie and Mies Eva Jewitt, of Remail, are visitors at Wm, Jewitt's.' 11ev. Geo. and Mrs. anent tt were also. here last' week. and went to Buffalo to see the Expooi. Son. TSE PoeT oongratnlates Hoary Dan- ford, of Langdon, Dakota, formerly of Bennie, on his attaining- the honorable dietinotion of grandpa, We don't expect his head is muob mailed either and prob- ably he own wear the same sized hat a8 formerly. J. A. Palooner and son, of Ohioago, and Mies Edith Inman, of Guelph, are visi- tors at hire. Jae. Wilson's, Elizabeth street. Mies Inman spent a week in Ohiango before arming to the carpet town. The Methodist Pareooage at Perk Hill has anew comer and Rev. G, H. and Mrs. Oobblediok, formerly of Brunetti, are no. doubt oorreepoudingly happy. THE Pon extends the compliments of the Beason to Master Cobblediok. Wesley Beattie, wife and children, of Seaforth, were visiting at A. Forsyth'e, Mill street, on Snuday. Mies Susan Forsyth returned with them for a visit. She will also go to Bayfield and other places before returning home. Thomson, 21:, 2 Mose, es 0 5 82 af ,..,,,,1 Doan, 88 2 Robinson, 2b 1. 2 4 Paulin, 8b...,,2 2 4 Arden, p 0 8 2 Sharpin, of 1 8 4 Donaghy,o 0 2 727 527 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 0 Brussels -1 8 0 .1 .0 0. 2 0 0-7 Gerrie -0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0-5 N. F, Gerry, of Brunetti, umpired the game. A return match will be played be. fore long. Fon ram WEST. -The following pas. gangers were ticketed by T. Farrow, O. P. R. agent, for last Tuesday's excur- sion :-Mies Hialop, Archie, Aeea. ; Sam'l McNeil, Oakville, Man. ; Robb. Musgrove, Boioeevain ; Jae. Molten, Es- tevan, Ana. ; Mr. McGettle, Eetevan, Asoo., Wm. Bailers, Ninga, Man. ; Rebt. Bonet Portage.la.Preirie, Man. ; Mr. McMillan and wife, Lauder, Man. ; Mrs, S, S. Cole, Ethel, Estevan, Ana. ; De Witt Holmes, Crystal City, Man, ; Reuben Garnier, Eetevan, Asea. ; Sem'1 Mo0raakoa, Eetevan, Ana, ; Jae. Miller, Estevan, Asea. ; Jas. Kearney, Uneven, Asan. ; Wm. J. MoMorray, Whitewater; Geo. Muldoon end wits, Lander, Man. ; Wm. Devidenn, Arnie, Agee; W. it. Mooney, Mooaejaw ; Robt. Smith, Snow- flake • Edw. Bryane, Snowflake; Geo. MoNiohoi, Eatevan ; Alex. Mckenzie, Esteem ; Aaron Lindeay, Netevao ; Jno, F. Rothe, p Herr, Ob Cr. Ardell, ea Lowry, of W.Roche, lb Wright c 7. Arden, if Hayorof 0, rf A General Banking Beeinese Tran9aoted, Fannon' Notes. Diagrti44ed, Drafts Teamed and Colleotione made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed oh deposits of 81,00 and upwards and oonlpeunded half yearly, i3PE0fAL ATTENTION atWEN To earn Commix.; or Fennfsne Safes Norms. Every faoillty afforded Oustomore living ata dietanoe, y payable ea any bank issued Under $10.... 80. $20 to 330,,..120 OK lawn at the following rates t-'- $10 to $20,, „100. 80 to 40....144 J. N, GORDON, Anew. The High Opurt of Ancient Order of Foresters will be held in Aseooietion Boli Hamilton, on Tuesday, Aug. 27, and following days. In reply to a delegation at Halifax, Premier Murray said the Provincial Government would grant aseietaooe to the establishment of steel ehipbuilding plant in the Province, The nature of 780010tanoe will be announced later. At Halifax on ,August 2nd, Eliza Mn dge, a widow, her three daughters and her niece were poisoned by eating panned meat. All are on the way, to reoovery with the exception of the 707050et obild, whose condition is considered oritioal. The oonviot Ripe undergoing a twenty years' sentence in the Kingston Peniten. tiary lot burglary, and who ie accused of shooting Constable Boyd, of Toronto, has been placed in the insanity department, not bemuse he is suspected of ineani8y, bat because the confinement is more eolitary and he cannot come into contact with any of the 000viets. New officers of the Brotherhood. of Canada are :-Pres., N, Ferrar'Davidson, St. Lake's church, Toronto ; 1st -Gine- Pres., A, B. Wieweil; St..Lake's oburoh, Halifax, N. S, ; 2nd Vioe.Pree., H: J. Webber, Bt. George's, Montreal' These officers and the following men compose the Canadian aoaooil 1-W. G. Smith, St. Joho'e, Truro, N, Ea; H. G. Tilley, St. Mark's, St. John, N. B.; Dr. J. A. Scam- mei, Trinity, St. John, N. B. ; A. P. Tip- pet, Oharoh of Advent, Montreal ; John 10.Orde, Ohrist'e church, Ottawa ; J. F. Rattan, Mary Magdalene, Renames ; J. A. Catto, St. Luke's, Toronto; 13. R. Toting, 58. Mary's, Toronto ; W. H. Smith, 08. Thomas',- Toronto ; J. Mony- penny, St. Thomas', Toronto ; Hubert Carleton, St. Simon's, Toronto, W. H. Paget, St. John's, Norway ; E. H, Tay. lor, Winnipeg. The semi-annual meeting of the On- tario Council of Pharmacy wag. opened Monday, with W. A. Kern, President, of Woodstock, in the chair. The eora- tineers of the elections to the council held on July 3 reported the following re- turned by aoolamation :-No. 1 district, Henry Watters, Ottawa ; No. 2, E. W. Claes, Piston ; No. 4, G. E. Gibberd, Tor- onto ; No. 5, John Hargreaves, Toronto ; No. 6, G. A. Hunter, Sault Ste. Marie ; No. 7, H. Turner, Orangeville ; No. 9, R. A. Harrison, Dunnville ; No. 10, W. A. Kern, Woodstock ; No. 11, J. F. Roberta, Parkhill ; No. 13, W. B. Gra- ham, Ridgetowh. By eleotion on vote : No. 3, J. H. H. Jury, Bowmanville ; No. 8, T. Sweet, St. Oatberinee ; No. 12, J. M. Hargreaves, Paisley. The following officers were eleoted :-Proeident, 3, F. Roberts, Parkhill ; Vice Preeident, H. Taroer, Orangeville ; Regietrar-Treaa., 1. T. Lewis, Toronto, reappointed ; Auditors, J. H. Mackenzie and James Watt, Toronto ; Sarntineere, T. W. Flett and G. A. Bingham, Toronto, A strange BtOry come from Prinoe Ed. ward Island. Ott Saturday last, about the time a hailstorm was raging at Union Road, George W. Ritchie, of Charlotte- town, observed a phenomenon. Mr. Rit. ohie wne driving from. St. Peter's to Mount Stewart, and nobiued ahead of bim two dark columns extending dowu- ward from the clouds. These oolamns resembled smoke ascending from eohim. ney on a oalm day. Mr. Ritobie thoagbt little about the matter until be neared Mount Stewart, wben bie attention was attraoted by seeing inethe road and along both sides of it -a great number of young frogs. Tbey were green in color, and, averaged about one and one -halt inches in length. The plane wag dry, and not the sort of locality where frogs are usually found, About three hundred yarde away was a. mill -pond where frogs congregate, and it ie thought that the waterspout, passing over the pleoe euoked up the frogs and (tarried them where they were found by Mr. Ritobie, Business Locals. MONEY toloan on farm security. Apply at TEM Poor. Yam -Fall assortment Listowel yarn jest to band. Moe. Sines. House and lot for We, good oellar, stable. Corner lot. Apply at THE POST. UPnro=T piano for sale. Beet United States make, little need and nearly new. Also good cooking stove with large copper reservoir. J. D. RONALD. TED BUTTER.- Farmers having tub butter to sell pall at my Prodaoe Em- porium and I will pay you the higbeet oaeh price for good tube. Roar. THMISON. NORTON TERRACE. -Barrister Blair has been appointed agent for the above property and will be 1n aposition to ar- range with parties deeirione oe renting, &o. GARDEN PLANTS. -Mise Kelly has any quantity of garden plaate for Sale includ- ing :-Tomato, cabbage oanliflower and oelery. Also a large and fine oolleotion of iloweriog planta. Floral designs made to order and at reasonable prices. BRUSSELS GavasnoEe00. Frank Royale, one of the obliging mein. ants at Brunets postoflioe, is taking his holidays this week. John Barnhill and wife, of Heotryn, were renewing ofd friendships in Brussels during the past week. Mise Oora Ferguson, who was visiting relatives in town, returned to her home in Teeewater on Tuesday. Mrs, Richard Hiagnton, Mill street, bee been on the stick list but we hope she will soon be quite restored. George Baohanan has gone to Neepawa for a trip, He went Inet Tuesday and will be abeent for about a month. 00110 McArthur is back from a visit to hie slater atKinloae. He nye tbe orope are =oh the Bann there as here, Miseee Jennie and Mina Norton, of Listowel, are spending a part of their vacation with old friends in Bruosele. J. G. Skene wee a visitor at Eeaex this week, He niche so oloee to home that his outing ebonld be chronicled twice. Misses Alice Bone and her ormein, Mies Olive Smith, have returned to London, after a few weeks' sojourn in Bruoeele, Eldridge and Mrs, Rogerson, of James- town, Penn., visited Mre. F. Baines, Tarnberry street, Braeaette thin week, Principal and Mre. Cameron are home from Toronto and Buffalo. They greatly enjoyed their visit to the Exposition. Mre. B. Gerry was on the Bich list der. ing the past week with an lataplc of quinsy, but is better again wo are p;oased Rosa Forbin, Portage-la•P7airie; ltebt, to State, Canadian N ews. Old Boys' reunions ware bald et Bow- menville, Orangeville and Oobo0rg. The infant ohild of Arthur Rosenthal, of Ottawa, was drowned near Pembroke. Manitoba will soon have a keen rival in the Rainy River District in the wheat growing line. The Ontario Farmers' Institutes have an aggregated memberehip of 20,877, com- pared with 19,058 last year. George Sall, of St. Jooephbarg, Ana, bee been arrested, charged with attempt- ing to poison Peal Wagner. A report from Port Arthur says three men were killed and seven injured by an exploeion on the Comedian Northero non- struation near Sturgeon Fails. The by-law to grant 0. loan of $7,000 to Mr. McGregor to establish a carpet fac- tory at Forest, Ont., was carried on Fri- day by a vote al 284 for and 14 against. Jas. Everett, of East Oxford, hoed tur- nips with a 88.oalibre revolver in bie pocket. He wee "prepared" for his em. ptoyer, who, he alleges, watt orael to him. Everett will answer to a charge at Wood- Btook police court. While riding on a shunting freight train on the O. P. R. Saturday night, a 18.year-old boy, Archie MoTaggart, of Tbameeford, fell under the oars. The wheels passed over both lege and it was found ne0esaary to amputate them. Hopes are entertained for hie reoovery. There ie a possibility of a Boer oolony being eetabliehed in Manitoba. Aprom. inent Dutoh Burgher in the parson of F. Hot Von Synreght, of Amsterdam, is in Winnipeg. He cannot speak maoh Engiioh, but gave a reporter to under etand that he was there to see Manitoba at her beat and make a report to certain Holland intercede in the settlement of the Boar farmers after the war, He will remain fn Manitoba about two months, and if bie report is favorable, a Boer colony will likely be established next year. After being reported as dead, after be. ing mourned' for by hie parents, and after his funeral eervioe had been prm01184904 reported in the 7000.8 mere, Gooil Gun, formerly oe Derham who was supposed to have been drowned ie dieoovered to be very much alive, Some time ago Gan left Liverpool on the Steamer Virginian tot Boston, Owing to bie not having alerted the nea0esary mere in LiVerpool he teas not allowed to land in Boston harbor, and jumped overboard to swim aebore. He was reported drowned. Then the mourning oommeaoed, and Rev. Mr. lo'argnhareon preaohed tho memorial german on Sunday Jaly 26, Siubethie ward hag been reaoivod from relativee at Portland, Oregon, that the young man in this - time ie prob- ably endt alive and wen, yp ably at an again unaware of the s000a. lion and anxiety he late oreeted. Pre-ar -5:3o30103 1:Yr.fti.TalCM:I- "1:'$, Fa•11 Wlleat 00 el Barley 37 88 68 Peas Oats 30• 31, Butter, tube and rope v14 15 Eggs per dozen 9 10 Flour per owl. 4 00 6 00 Potatoes (per bee) , 1 20 1 20 Apples (per bbl4 .... 2 00 Sheep ekine,ea011 25 Lamb skins eaoh 25 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 Hay per ton ... 5 00 Hides trimmed 0 Hides rough.. 5 Hoge, Live 7 00 Wool 12 2 00 26 80 70 6 00 6k, 5 7 00 18 THE PEOPLE'S. COLUMN. • e Flies I Inches Long. ' If you doubt it you van see them in our window.. They are dead of course be- cause even, ilius that size can- not live where our '17 Polon. is. SITE .TEEM AT.— Fox's Drug Store V0.00D YEAR OLD STEERS I Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes. Apply to 0E0. 008T, Bru05ele. Huron Model Schools, The Model Schools at Clinton and Gude- xleh will open on Tuesday, Sept. Ord, at 0. o'eioolc a, m, The Beard of Examiners will meet et Goderich on Saturday, August 24W. Thoee wishing to'attend the Model Sohoole are re• quested to notify the Pnblie School Inepec• tore before the date of meeting. Applicants should state which school they prefer at- tending. GEO. BA1110, georetary. SHEEP STRAYED FROM LOT 22,Con.I 7, Morris, on or aboutIuly Met. There were 11 Leicester sheep and 12 iambs in the number. Any information leading to their reoovery wOthankfully BusselP 0, PER HANGING, JACOB - I -amnio and Howie Painting done in Workmanlike manner and on 05078 notice. Have had three Smart' experienee in alta work. Terme reaeopable. Give me a call. 20 W. a. JOHNSTON', Walton. STRAYED INTO T130 PREM— kJ ices of the subscriber, one light bay mare. about 14 peace 01d, with small star on forehead. The owner is requested to come and prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she • will be sold to pay for the same, CHAS. OEEHAVER, Molesworth. Contract for Stone Foundation The contract will be let by Pnhlfo Auction on Monday. Anir ult 1911i, 1901, at p.m., at the of area, for building a atone founda- tion ander Whitfield's Church, Lot 31, Oon. 12, Grey, 80x40. feet, andfor excavatingearth, hauling sand stone and lime for said work. Jobs will be let separately or otherwise. • H. Ri0HM0ND, H. 8PEIRAN, }Committee. D. MAOHAN, 1 IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURUN. In the matter of the estate of Walter Oliver, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Heron, farmer, deceased. Notion ie beroby given pursuant toll, S. 0, .1607 Oiap. 120 Seo, 88 that all creditors having any ola me against the estate of Walter Oliver, late of the Township of Grey, in tbe Oounty of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 25th day of January, A. requested to a tend Township malGrey,paid, oro to deliver to G. P, Blair, of the Village of Brus- sels, in the County Of Huron, Solleitor for Hannah Oliver, of the Township of Grey, solo surviving Exeeuttix, 00 or before the 29rd day of August, A. D., 1001, their full names, addreeees and doaoripttons and the .full particulars of their claims (verified by atHdavit) and the nature of the enmities (it any) held by them. And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the Exeoutrlx will proceed to distribute the assets of the said. deoeaeed among the Dereo00 entitled there. to, having regard only to the olalme of, which notice shallhave been given as above required, and the said Exeon- trL•r will Dot be responsible for the assets, Or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose claim node(' shall not have been received at the time of distribution. el, P. Beam, Brussels, Solicitor for the Haeeutt's. Dated atBraseele, Auguet 2, 1001. 4-8 Mad -Summer Clearing Sale! 70030Se - OODDLEDIOx: At the Methodist pe re00ag0, Parkhill, en Ja1y 20th, to Rev. G. H. and Mre. Oobblediok, formerly of Braeaele, a Bon. Baru.-InBlytb, on July 2441, to Mr. and Mre. Fred. Rath, a son. S¢.6.R,RZFJZJ. BEA-RmLEY.-At the rbsidenoe of the bride's father, Mr. John Ridley, on July Bleb, by Rev. C. W. Bristol, of Trowbridge, Mr, Wm. 0. Rea, of Harrieton, to Mies Nellie Ridley, of Grey. Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 26 -Sept, 7. Western Fair, Londbn, Sept. 5-14. Kingeton, Kingeton, Sept. 9-18. Oheeley, Sept. 16-17. Northern, Walkerton, Sept, 18-19. Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept. 17-19, West Middlesex, Stratbroy, Sep. 17-19, Ripley, Sept, 24-25. Teeewater, Sept, 24-25. Pahnoteton, Sept. 24-25, Wellesley, 8091.24-25. South Huron, Beodartb, Sept, 24-26. Centre Bruce, Paisley, Sept, 24-26. Tarnbnry, Wingham, Sept, 26-27. Mornington, Mi1,07t00, Sept. 26-27. Fullerton, Mitchell, Sept. 26-27, North Brant, Paris, Sept, 26-27. East Wawanoeh, Belgrave, Oot. 1-2, South Perth, Bt. Marys, Oot. 1-2. Great Northweat'D, Goderiob, Oot,1-2, N. R. of Oxford, W oodetook, Oct. 1-2, North Grey, Owen Sound, Oot. 2-4, East Baron, Brussels, Oot. 0.4. North Perth, Stratford, Oat, 8-9. Dungannon, Oot. 8-0. Peninsular, Chatham, Oat, 8-10. Howiok, Gorrie, 001. 12, Norfolk, Simuoe, sol, 16-17. ✓1Z1 Summer Goods are song at Greatly Redzbced. Prices. .None wiZZ be carried over if Low Prices will make thein go, For Summer Dresses. Repine 10a Moeline to clear at..,. .08 Rapier 12ao and 160 Mneling, Ginghams, Pegaes, Merlawoe and Pante, all going at one pride .10 Regular' 12ao, 180 and 20o Humins, Ginghnmf and Dimities, your oboioe for .124 Regular 26e Dlmitiea, Merlawne and Poniards for .19 Shirt Waists Regular $2 00 Shirt Waists for....31 60 „ 1 60 " .,.. 1 25 " 150 " ..,. 1'15 " 1 85 „ .... 1 00 Regular 31 26 Shirt, Waists for.... 95 80 55 38 " "1 00 " ... „ 75 60 " ... All-over Laces Regular $1 00 Allover Lace for.... 75 Regular 50o All-over Laos for 38 75 t' ..,. 55 Regular 60o Tanked Lawn for45 Parasols Regular $2 76 Parasol, Pearl handle silk mixtnro $2 85 Regular 52 00 Para801, gem metal handle, silk mixture 1 70 Regular $160 Parasol, fauoy bundle, silk mixture 1 20 Regular $1 25 Parasol, homy handle, eilk mixture 95 Regular, $100 Parasol, fano hendle, good cloth 80 All other lines at correspondingly Low Prices. Head Gear Regular 26a Sailor Hate only 190 Regular 60e Children's White Deck ", 26o Ohildren'e Hate only,, 19 Tame, bine band 38e " 50o Ohitdron a Hats tar., .. 88 Regular 50a Ohildren'e White Duck " 25o Children's White Duok Napoleon' Cape .., 88 Tame 19 fbON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS. t Patterns, Desi ns and No Fane Prices. August, .g y Fashion Sheets now in stock. Everything Cheap. A. STIUCIIAN.