HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-8-8, Page 5Alm a,
• leper of Marriage Licenses, Of.
lice at Grocery, Turnherry street, Brussels,
Toneorlal Aetist, Shop—Next door
North of the Standard Bank. Ladiesand
Children% hair Dating a specialty.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Wal -Tont, oNr.
L. O. M..
Academia graduate of Loudon Conserva-
tory of Allude, also Member of the Aesociated
Megatons of Ontario, la prepared to receive
& limited number of pupile for inetruation
on the piano. Qualified to prepare penile for
the Privalpal's Form in the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
Clerk of the Fourth Divieion Court,
Co. Huron ; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, boaroand Insurance Agent ; auetion-
eer. Punde invested and to' loon. Callao -
tions made. Oilloe in Grimatn's1Dlook, Brun -
". • gun, will sell for better prices, to
better men, in lees time and less charges
than any other Auotioneer in Bast Huron or
be won't charge anything. Date', and orders
can alwaye bo arranged at this office or by
personal application.
• Honor Gon.lu.ue of the Ontario Vet-
erhiary College, is prepared to treat all die -
eases of domeetIcatcal animals 110 a comPet-
out manner. Partioular attention raid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Ofiltle and tufirmary—Pour doors
North of bridge, Tornberry et., Brussels.
-1 ,-xT M. SINCLAIR—
v • Barrister, Solicitor, ;Conveyancer,
Notary Public, ,bc. Olfloe—S tewart's Block
1 door Ner tla of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Sank.
13.„11."6iiillitc°Ar4iOi :111rrefer-
Money to Loan at lowest rates. 8.
• (Pormerly of Cameron, Holt dc
Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor. Goderiob
Ont. Ofdae—flanniten street, opposite Col-
borne Hotel,
ltd. 01. 1111.,
Trtuity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Phyeielans and
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery, Edinburgh. tat -Telephone 110.24,
Residenee—M111 street, Brussels,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and FIrst.olass Heuer
Graduate of Toronto Uoiveroity. Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
System Etenovaitor
For Itctpure, Weak and Impoveriabed
Blood, Dyepepaia, Slesplemoess, Talons.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complain t, Nem,
algia, Lose of Memory, Broutillitis, Con.
snroption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitae' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
• Prop. and Manufacturer,
field by Jim Pox, Oruggiet, Itrussels
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North. Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Bash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notioa,
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workmen.
ebip and Material Guaranteed.
Saw Mills.
I have a geed /supply of Hemlock logs on
Ottu out out to milt oustomere.
Dr000ed moPlo, oultable for gronariee,
at 410 or M,
All ltinds of Dressed Lumber kept on
hand from tiff/ pet' 21 tip.
A large stook of culled Elm and Ault at
$7 per
Shinglee and Lath always on hand.
fa'",,4. good farm on 18th con. of Grey for
A contract of 20 stores of logging to let,
For particulars epply to
S. S. OOL.E,
10istritt Ides.
blies Girtie Brawn, of Buffalo, N.
ie epending a few weeks with her unole,
Dr. Romp, in town.
Robt. Ferguson, of Howlok last week
shipped about 40 head of primo oattle
from the 0. 1?, 1, elation here. EN will
go with the cattle fined to London, Eng.
The Wroxeter Foot Bell team drove
over to Mildmay on Wednesday of last
week, and played a friendly game with
the Bettor olab of that town, which ra.
suited in a draw by a more of one goal
John Gotton'e faithful old hound,
"Ring" met his fate on Tuesday of Met
week, He was out with other hounds to
the mareb and on his way home ran on
the B. R. track se the evening freight
mime along and was out in three or four
'Grua- ries. •
Samuel•Aehton, who has beon in the
employ of Mr. McDowell, of Alliston,
Ont,, (the barber who is reported to have
the smallpox) arrived in town, and al-
though Ashton doe not show any eymp.
toms of having contracted the dieeaee,
the board of health immediately took hie
cam into their hands and be has been
isolated at the borne of his cousin, where
be went on a visit.
The reaular monthly meeting of the
Howioli Fire Ins. Co. was held at Gotrie
on Saturday, 27 alt. Considerable busi-
ness of importance was trannoted. One
hundred and twentynina applications for
insurance ware received and coneidereci,
footing up to about $190,000 of rinks.
The bosinese of the Co. is gradually ex-
tending. So far this Sommer the looses
have been very small.
Mensal -1.
Stook threshing ie all the go in this
Preparations are under way for the S.
S. pionio on Aug. 15th, to Grand Band.
Alf. Soraten and others me looking op
Winter apples for the Mnglish market.
The Home (Neale of this place will
bald apionio to Grand Bend on Aug. 7.
The Centennial hotel is undergoing
oonsiderable painting and repairing. The
barn ie also being improved.
J. W. Ormolu has remodelled the store
he recently porohmed from the Marshall
estate and it now hag a citified appear.
W. Oudmore, of Eippan, the "bay
King" has reported from Liverpool and
otateo that prospeote are good for bud.
nem with the Old Country this year.
The I. 0. 0. F. lodge of this plaoe have
p0110 handaome electric light fixturea
and lamps which adds greatly to the
comfort and appearance of the One lodge
Mr. Walper had a portion of a field of
wheat which was iu shook burned, also
some fenoe. The fire is supposed to have
originated from a spark from a passing
engine. Sixty stooks were destroyed
before the fire was put out.
The improvement in the minatory is
being vigorously pushed along.
Handford & Elliott shipped two oar -
loads of horses from here to Winnipeg.
Farmers are already deolaring they
will sow moth less wheat nixt season,
because of the Magian dy.
A. Q. and Mrs. Bobier and two child-
ren lett on a two month's' vialt to differ.
eot parts in the Old Country,
The raspberry mason is over, being
very short lived owing to the dry weather
at the early part of the festoon.
Pater Gardiner, tearther, left last week
on a trip across the Atlantic to visit
Scotland and other European countries,
James Murray has pnrobased the re-
mains of the machinery destroyed in
Dyer & Howard's planing factory and
will remodel it.
Chas. Snell, ar., met with a painful
amident. He was milking the cow when
the animal, crowding over, stepped on
his leg, bruiaing the limb considerably
and wrenching the foot badly, He is
now compelled to walk by the aid ot
s tick.
The first load of new wheat for this
seaport was delivered at Cobbledioltai mill
on ably 30111, by M. Thomson, of Elim•
villa, and eold at 70e per bushel. The
variety was Turkey Red and tested 62 lbs.
M the bushel, The wheat ie a better
sample then the seed imported from Kan.
sae laet Fall. Yield wao 25 bushels to
the Bore,
The hophy offered by the President of
the Bowling club, J. Itaneford, in the
Moons, woe won be H. B. (Moshe, from
J. Tayfor, the eoore being 18 to 2,
Newton Orioh, formerly employed at
the etation, but now of Holley, MIA., io
visiting his Mende here, accompanied by
his wife. He hat charge of the freight
department at that plaoe.
While shopping the other day, a lady
met with an unusual and psouliar sod -
dent. .A vein in one of her lege buret,
the blood pouring out in a Fltrearn. It
neoeasary to oall in a doctor to cheek the
Orders keep corning in to the Organ
faotory end is intended to make the Llioko
output 300 a month. Workmen are baby ofterno
preparing the 50 organs whioh will de. street.
ligbt oasts of geed instrumento at the i soma w
catkin of troubles+, inning hem a But Meth ie life, Ito listened enjoymonte
The 0070 meeting of Boron Presbytery heavy gold, 4. goyim attach of r
will be held at Grecs dd, ou Ost, 8111, atties affeoted his heart end rendered fatal
10.90 a. ns. terminetion of hie llineas alnlOst eer•
The new creamery (reeled here hy. the Minty. Alr, Lawrenoe Wea bora 90 Yettr0
J. 111 OrealY Dairy Go , has been doing.4 ago in Lneknow, being the floe oilthoonse
ruebing trade this fiefteen, the 'argil* so Lawrence, wail -known hardware naar-
the bietory of their bueineee chant of that place,
A women giving the Demo of MeDoriald oompany is formed and will be ,in•
and oleiming Goderifth township as her •gorporated for the Perncoe establiehtng
home, netted to be looked np on Tenthly a new cemetery for DooknoW arid ear.
night, of last week, cus ehe hod no plaoo rounding infantry. The o ompany has
to eleop. She eeemed to be ft reepectable purohaeed a very deeirable plot of lard
women, and was accommodated With a from Jaunts and Beaty Webeter, West of
night's; lodging. She wisher to seoure the gravel road, a little South of the oil-
ndmielsion to tba Rouse of Befog°. lege. The grounds, proconed are well
mined for the purpoee ; Cho land rine
lionfrvu. with a gradual slope from the front until
Mrs, Gam, Trece.stle, ie visiting her it remain a conapionons elevation, when
sou, Joseph Gass, who is ill. 111 )0 quite level. The Reif ooneiste of
Mrs. Gaynor anti daughter Alice were Band' very dos gravel Ana n light (AM'
attending the Fan-Amerioan last Week, loam. The oompany purpose sparing no
hdr, and Mrs, Stevenson have gone to P100 planting tree°, making ''°°vn'Y's
Toronto to visit friends for a few weeks, and beautity!ng the groando and will no
James Gass, who be been teaching doubt make it One of the prettiest oensa.
Bowel 10 mos0008.10 73, 8, behome at. terme in the country. They intend be•
tending his father, josePh 4ass, who Is ginning operation at onto and will have
dangerously ill, the premises surveyed into lots and norn•
John Fraser, who has boon away 10 bored ready for tole in very abort time.
Kentucky and other Southern States, is
Emending a few weelcs hotne, He ode rie .
thloke there is no plum like Canada, Hon. J, T. Gamow is spending a few
Although it rained on Monday even. days Ashbury Park,N. Y.
Ing, the garden social bald at Jas. Long. The County Board of Examiners for
rnire% woe fairly well attended. The Huron will meet On Logout 24,th in Gods'.
proceeds netted 918.50, which will be rioh.
applied to pay off the debt of the new Gaoler Griffin has sold his farm of one
organ, hundred acres on Use Lake Shore Rows,
Ashfiald township,to Florence McCarthy,
of Kinosbridga, the price being 94,600.
The excursion on Thursday of last
week from Winghans, Listowel, Brussels
and other Northwest menicipalities
brought into Goderioh over 1,500 people.
The first load of wheat on the Glade.
rich market was delivered to William
Burrows by E. Correll, of Port Albert.
16 tested 60 lbs., to the bushel and was
bought at 59 cents.
On ammuut of Rev. Jasper Wilson re-
fusing to aoorp.t the tioket to the Pao.
Amerman won in the guessing contest, at
St. Geo. PrioaM shoe store, Miss Minnie
Stokes, who woe mond has been award.
ed the prize and accepted it.
The oommeroial look along the side of
the G. T. R. brat* is in a filthy audition
piles of broken bricks, splinters and
manure dumped from the Oo's oars,
forming a 000tinone line of filth, from the
Big Elevator to the atone warehonee.
G6O. Emerson, who has been in the
bicycle and moan business in Goderioh
for some years, will disoontinna abort
September. Ele has accepted a lucrative
and responsible position with the Nord.
heimer Piano Company and hie head.
quarters will be at London.
The Brat move towards taking clown
the fenoe around the Square was made
when the the turnstiles and posts sup-
porting them were dug op and carried
away. It is urged that the fenoe clan also
be safely removed and a double row of
wire stretched around the Square on the
outer row of oheetnnt trees would be all
the protection neoessary.
Crown Attorney Lewis' return of mem
tried at the Comity Judge's Criminal
Court for the first halt year of 1901,
show that nine prisoners were tried, of
whom all but one were oonvioted. The
crimes were shooting with intent, house-
breaking, aggravated assault, theft and
false pretences. One was sent to the
penitentiary at Kingston, the balsm's to
the Central prison and common jail, with
the exoeption of one whose aantenoe was
saspended. The sentenme ranged from
three years in the.panitentiary and two
years, lam a day, in the Central prison,
down to three months in the oornmon
jail (all at bard labor).
bootee, • p n ,y eappointonnOr 1 ""-'"""'""".'"""'"'"' -
(10 Inigliteet tints' Ain loppiest afemola- • .•%42F:45e:F-1901C9,---•929-- '
Gone are s••.1 toned end tempered with
oyrpQ 011
101015 1)0
that It le not all ef life to live hi itecilinnon's sToRE
b qtrbelia07 trAnote, it anti el rot °ASH
Wins:vitt aria
mold H. was again a matter at
Cleveland, he won in throe etraight heats;
time 2 08. He did the earns trials at
• Columbus.
A gentleman named Thomas bas leased
the store in the Batton Blook, and intends
opening sort of Departmental store or
Pair, there in a couple of weeks.
The residence of the late Jas. Millman
on Leopold street has bean purchased by
Mr. Roe, prosperous farmer of Pdorris,
who intends retiring from the farm.
Jas. Olive laid lois new furniture fao•
tory proposition before the Council. It
woe in substanee as follows :—He pro-
posed to form a Joint Stook Limited
Liability Go, with an authorized capital
of 990,000. They would ereot faotory
and equip it, to the value 01 935,000 or
940,000. The site would be 4 acres of land
and inolading McLean & Son's sawmill
anci be was prepared to agree to employ
at least fifty men. The assistance asked
of the town was :—let—Endorsement of
the Company's bonds to the amount of
915,000 for a term of leu years : terms of
repayment to be deoided later; the Go.
would meet the interest OP these bonds aa
it fell due. 2o4—Exeinption of taxation
for ten years. 3rd—Right of way on
Albert street for a minis to connect with
the C. 11. 11, near the Waterworks ; also
perbape a short distance on Sinner street
to connect with G. T. R. Ae security to
the Towo, the oompany would give a
first mortage on its plant and buildings to
the amount of the guaranteed bonds.
The proposition was dismissed and favor.
ably received by the Couttoil.
List -owe].
A. stalk of corn ten feet in length was
grown on J. Livingstone's' lot, Elma et.
R, A. Otimie has invested in a hand•
soon delivery van for hie grooary busi-
The Morris, Peild, Rogers Co. of this
town shipped fonr of their pianos to Cape
Town, South Afrioa.
In conformity with resolution of the
Counoil, Mayor Watsoh has proclaimed
Monday, 12th August, as civics holiday.
The Canadian Bent Chair Go. of Lie.
towel, are advertising for tendere for the
erection of a three•atory brick factory Aotovvooti.
and boiler house, also dry kiln. D. G. Anderson spent a few daps in
Geo. F. Campbell, who bolds a good Buffalo, at the Pan.
position in a leading drug bowie in James Newbigging, 6th con., owns a
Boston, blase., has been spending the brood sow which gave birth to 21 porkers,
past week with bis parents at Argyle G. T. R. agent Moore ticketed 55 ex•
Place. oursioniets to Goderioh Thursday of last
Henry Martinson has been appointed week,
overseer of granoiithic swim, at ealary Mr. Zingg, who leased the Elma House,
of 2+ mins per moans foot, he to look having failed to get a lioenee, gold out so
after all plank, tile, eto., under the Chair. Mr. Dietrich, of Berlin, to whom the
man of the Board of Works. Commiseioners have promised a license.
The Baptist °bomb will ba 010e0a for John Howe, 12th oon., mat with a
the next two Sundays, as the interior of 8001000 mishap while hauling milk to the
the Miami ondergoing repairs. It will Newry oheese factory. While putting a
be opened on Sunday, Aag. 25th, Rev, can of milk on the wagon at Mr. Dan.
Mr. Surname is taking his holidays in can's stand, the horses moved forward
the interval. and threw Mr. Honze with the oan be.
S. McKee, of the firm of Canon & hind the horses, when the wheel passed
Mae°, accompanied by his daughter, over hie arm, fraoturing it.
Miss Lillian, left nova Mouday of last Two LATIt Man, Pinkea.—The Bee says
week for London, where they will make —It is our sad duty to chronicle the
their home. The Liatowel etore will be death of Mrs, Robert Parker, which oo.
oontioned for a time, under the manage. warred Sunday noon, 28th ult., atter a
meat of F. Sherviood, head clerk. protracted Moms. She was ,very patient
The annual financial report of Listowel and forbearing under Isar &Midis)°, Bap.°burin is highly oreditable to the energy ported by true Chriatims fortitude. It
sod liberality of Lisbowel Ildethodism. It was not until Sunday morning that she
shows a total of about $4,000 mind for loot eonestionenees, when she gradually
all purposes. The total indebtedness of slept away in the arms of her Saviour,
the oburoli has been redacted to 92,000, Damaged, whose maiden name was
with 9250 in the bank to further reduce Martha Coon, was born at Albany, New
this in Oatober. York state, in 1828. When a little girl
Rev. A. P. Moore returned borne from the family removed to St. David's, year
Buffalo on July 27th, On Saturday St. Catherines, Ont., and subsequently
evening he wan taken with neuralgia of to Woodetook, Oxford Co., where she was
the heart, which oonfined biro to big bed married to Mr. Parker in 1840. They
for two or three days. He ,is able to be resided in East Zorn' till 1887, when
out again and has gone to Myth to visit they moved to Illma, purohaaing lot 15,
his parents and take a few days' rest. in the 16111 con., which has sine's con-
tinued to be the family residence. The
farm is one of the best in this exception.
ally Ithe fanning dietriot, and Mei been
considerably improved ethos its acquire.
moot by Mr. Parker. Providence blessed
their union with 8 ohildren, 0 of whom
survive, namely 1, lin A., of Port
Huron, Mich. ; Mrs. T1108. Curry, Brus-
sels ; Ida, et home ; Charles, of Atwood ;
Mre. Wm. Vipond, of Elmo, and Thoe,
at home. Deceased was a consistent
member of the Atwood Methodist ehorch
and attended ohuroh regularly when her
health would permit, Of the family
frona distance present at the funeral
were the following: H. Coon, of But.
Palo, N. Y. ; Thos. H. Parker, R. E.
Parker mid Mre. Hay, of Woodstook ; J.
G. A. and Mrs. Bidden have left for an
extended visit to the sea side in New
Brnnawlok, for the benefit of Mr. Bidders
Days Jr Berry, druggists, of this oil -
large, have diseolved partnerehip and in
future the business+ will be curried on by
7. F. E. Berry.
Profeasor Dryden, of the United States
Agrioultural College, Logan, Utah, and
Mrs, Dryden, are the guests of R. D.
Cameron, 01 11115
The Band of the Looknow Masioal
Society fornithea the moan at the open-
ing of the National Iron Works in W ing-
ham on Tuesday of last Week, A. Parker and 8011 J. H„ of Pt, Huron,
D. D. Yale, Who hag been principal of and Thos. Curry and fatally, of Brossele,
the Loaknow Pnblio Moot for the past The funeral was one of tha largest wit.
17 yeare, has notapted a lucrative poet. melted in this looality, testifying to the
tion with the Canadian Order of Form. widespread respect and eateeno entertain.
tars and will snot in hie new position on ad for the family. Rev, Mr. Pear 000 -
the first of Janttary. .5.6 a meeting of duoted the wake, which wee very im•
the Trustee Board, Joseph Stalker, of missive. Iciterment was made in the
Whiteohnroh, Wits chosen es kir. Yelea Blum cemetery, Thus lived and pained
eamemor, and mita gumming% of Wing. away an earnest Christian, a faithful
ham, was appointed to fill the vaeanoy In wife and a loving and indulgent mother,
the third department of our sobool, oana. whose virtues were appreciated by thrum
ed by the resignation of Miss Stewart. who Dame within the circle of her Win -
After nu Ultimo of four months], Lind. ante, curetting for her daughter /de,
say T. Lawrenoe, of the &In of Cairn- whose loving dotty it was to norm and
oroes & Lawrenoe, Londoo, formerly Of oare for her mother during the /atlfer'a
ow, died at 6 &cloak on Thursday long illneee. Our eyrnpathy is extended
hie residence, 178 Albert to the bereaved family, espeoially to the
Hie death bad been expected for aged partner in life of the deceased Who
eeka. The oaose of death Wan a will feel moat keenly the eeparation,
loading exhibitiOnai eompli
Shirin 096 Yet &If Of death to die 10 ite
elunlow. These effiletioes are but the
swaddling olothes of Mortality, 50011 to
be put 011 for the more glorious raiment •
. 000-• -
of immortality by those who aooept the A OLEAN SWEEP!
Lord aeons ()brig ao their Inmost
gat 1 a' tits .
0. C. Sheriff, of Toronto, was violtie
W.' W. 8101112,
Mre. Joseph Combs has gone to Mee
autos, where she will spend two or thre
weeks rusticating.
John J. Elabkirk left for Exeter, whey
he has aeourect a position in W. W
Tornio% clothing etore,
Rey. D, MaoVioar, B. A., B. D., o
Montreal, °coupled the pulpit of St
Andrew's church last Sabbath,
For the present the Blyth flour roilb
will not be rebuilt owing to a hitoll hay.
ing occurred betweeo Mr. Pinneraoro and
the owner of the property.
W. H. Finnemore and family left on
Tuesday of last week for Cohawa, where
•Mr. Finnemore bas secured a position se
manager of a large flour mill.
J. E. lifoaer left for Buffalo on Wednes.
day morning of last week, to visit the
Pan-Amerioan exposition. From Buffalo
he goes to Winnipeg where be has snout-
ed a situation.
Capt. wed Mra. Rance have returned
from their trip to England and Sootland.
They bad a delightful outing and enjoy-
ed the acmes of the old land immensely.
Dr. and Mrs. Tait, who spent several
months in 4nrope, returned with them
and are,now visiting with friends at St.
Thomae and Muuoey.
John Potland, who has been thief olerk
at the Commendsl hotel here for soma
tiros paet, has resigned his position and
purchased the Royal hotel at Ripley,
which he will take poeseseion of August
19, Mr. Finland is an exoellent hotel-
man, being courteous, obliging and popn•
lar. We are sorry to loge Mr, and Mrs.
Pattern and family from our village, but
unite with their many friends in wishing
them the best of gumless in their new
W. J. MoKinnon visited hie cousin,
Postmaster MoKinnon, for a couple of
days. Mr. Mckinnon is connected with
the oommissioner's branch of the Ontario
department of agrioal tore and is making
a tour of the chief fruit growing and ship-
ping tonnes of Western Ontario, inalud•
ing London, Ingersoll and Lake Huron
and Georgian Bay distriut, in connection
with the enforcement of tha Fruit Marks
Aat, which was passed hot seasion, with
a view to prevent the fraudulent marking
and packing of Canadian trait both for
local and foreign markets. Ile says the
sot will be striotly enforced in future.
Planing for Fall businese means clearing out and cleaning up the
balances of Summer goods, obsoletely withoot reserve. Very many stoma
o insist on holding all goods to sell at it profit, but we plan differently.
4 Goods of every Bort Are allowed to remain in otoek only so long. We insist
e on Palling at a loge rather than carry goods over from ons mann to another
4 and the more you analyse that faot the more you'll appreoiate the oopetanb-
e ly:i enlarging „Mee of this boeinese, Below we quote a few prime, but
• 11,1 evvvieteryn dyeoptiavritsmitetar Mammoth Cash Store you will lind prioea reduced In
25o Fancy Dress Goods, 40 1.1101108 wide, small patterns], light and dark
colors, reduoeci to 15o,
• 750 Bleak (trepan, 42 inches wide, small patterne, reduced to 55o,
50o Plain Vigoreaux Dress Goods, 42 inothee wide, this season's favor.
Wiens!, in fawn and gray, redacted to MM.
4 105 Printed Muoline, fast colors, rearmed to flao.
124° 81set°ot°„lireekdiunogehrl to88cfa. n" °Ilegka' the myna thing for shirt wenn,
Ls•diefs' Bona, in blaok patent leather and sills, in all the neweet de.
gigue, just received at 20o, 25o, 350, 405 end 50o.
15o Ladies' Black Ribbed Hose, rednoed to 10o.
In Ladies' Bluth Plain Hose, reclined to 20.
25a Ladies' Blaok Cashmere Hose, reduced to 15o, or 2 pairs for 26o.
92.50 Ladle's' Dress Skirts, in all wool serge, lined throughout, reclin-
ed to $1.25.
A Wise Mother.
Efolyrood, Ont., June 19th, 1901.
MaoLeod's Laboratory,
Goderiob, Ont.
Dear Sir,—With the grea test of pleas.
ore I write to testify the merits'of your
System Renovator and Speoffic Core.
Notwithstanding good nursing and all
that could be done for my boy, he oar -
Minty would have died only for your
remedies. He is now in perfeot health,
My boy was at death's door with Bright's
disease and some symptoms of diabetes,
his feet and hands swelled at times. The
local doctors failed to help him. We bad
to apply hot salt oontionally over all the
joints of hie body to relieve the path, bis
joints often turned black. At ibis time
he bad a false appetite, a craving for
food all the time and for cold water as
well. We heard of you from a friend
who bad taken your mediaine for the
mune trouble and CM cured. Then my
eldest son went to Goderioh for the meal -
eine last October and as 1:05, sick boy be.
gau taking them, improvement followed
every dose. He te now well, stout and
active as ever he was, and is going to
sohool every day. I am euro you will
hada our best wishes as long as you live.
I am, yours Moly,
Mas. M. Ponutho
Sold by Jas. Fox, Brussels.
In Manitoba
IMAM LII' Inuman
Will be run —70—
And all stations R
Prom stations WINNIPEG
North of
North, exeept
itorrooinatonutoa and South-weat to
1 0
M Ontario
on Main Line North-west,West
1 °route 00 ,1
Jana. AUGUST 6 & 13.
On complying 'with conditions of aortill-
antes which will be elven purchasers of „a-
way 010 tithets, passengers will be returned
to startiug point by same route on or before
Nov. 10111, 1901, on payment of 808.
Apply for pamphlet giving full particulars
to yom nearest Agent or to
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
1 Hien St, Bast, Toronto.
—02.41.1 RINDS—
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyetsight,
and your Eyes tested FBNIIII by
Janet Optical taetboda at
Division Court Office,
dersigned offers his 100 acre farm for
sale, being Lot 11, Con, 17, Grey. There are
AO sores cleared and 10 aoree bush. Good
house ; bank barn, 50050 feet, With stone
etabling ; good orchard; farm well feimed
and drained. Artesian well with wind mill
and tank. Convenient to school, church
and market. 10 aoree of Fall wheat and 13
Acres plowed, balance seeded to grass. 4.p.
ply on the premises or Walton P. 0.
08-tI 1011.4,15 OR/Cw, Walton,
A- Pelmet.= eiTere tor sale his due 100
acre farm, being El 4100 17, Con. 4. Morris,
Tilers is 0. helm, 2 ood barna, OM feet
611011,t good welle ; orchard ; well fenced ;
iteresaleared,balazioe gOod bush. Possee-
sion given to suit purchaser, Pram is lo
good locality, 4 miles from Belgrave and 5
to Brussels. WM also sell a Waterloo
Steam Engine and a Clinton ',Monarch"
eecalator, two grain grinders aria a crugher.
Per piffle and terms apply on the premises
or if by letter to JAMBS OLOAREY,
50.8 Proprietor,
Brussels 11.0.
DansioNED has Hovered goad. Farina f or
sale ttod to 0001,66,8y terms, in Tot-meld/7e
of Morris and. Grey. P S. SCOTT 'Brussels
lighted and convenient rooms to let in
the Leekle blook over G. A. Dead m an's and
Mrs. Rogers' stoma. Apply 10 7, 5, SCOTT.
x...A /or sale, being Lot 28, 001. 7, Grey.
House suitable for two families if required.
School house, (Morel, and mutat the Village
of Ethel on part of the lot. Apply to 701114
CORER, Ethel Carriage Works, 28-
Lot 8. Con, 12, Grey, containing 100
aores. Good stook or mato farm. Good
frame house and bank barn ; two good wellS;
eight acres 00 Fail wheat and iand all in a
good state of cultivation. For particulars
apply to JOHN mararnsulf,
20-tf 131m58018P. 0,
va..–$3000.00 will buy the McCau-
ghey Block in the Village of Brussels. These
two fine stores must be sold to close out the
MoCaughey Estate. Intending purchasers
should investigate at one& Apply to F. S.
SCOTT or G. F, BLAIR, Brussels, Ont.
Sora.—tot 17, con. 0, Township of
Grey. 100 acres more or lase. Situate 45
miles from,Biuseele and 9 miles from village
of Ethel. All cleared excepting 0 Darin of
hardwood bush. Buildings and fences in
good repair. Good welle. All Fall plowing
done. Price and terms of 'payment on ap-
vlioation to W. M. SMUT%
20-11 Barriater, iro„ Brussels.
TICS.—In the matter of the estate
of William Buttoo, deoeaaed.
As the ReseryedBid was nob reached en
the day of sale herein, tenders in writing
aulne received for the purchase of the
lands and premises, namely f—The South
Ball of Lab 20, Concession 8, Morris, 100
neme, thineet to the approval of tha under -
Mimed Local Master of this Court. Parties
desirous of making au offer for this vale -
able property ratty do so through the auc-
tioneer, 0, S. Scott, or the olaintifre solici-
tor, and if accepted will be subject to the
Sam e terms and conditions ex settled by the
said Local Master, and announoed at the
time of the sale hereto,
Dated tide 5012 day of Horeb, A.11.1001.
Local Master at Goderioh.
W. M. SINGLAnt,PliPe Solicitor, 8416
Wilton & Turnbull
Wish to call the attention of Fanners and
Threshers to their
We don't claim that we are the only people who sell
Machine Oils in Brussels but we do claim we bane a little
the best Oil in the market for the money in our
"Wilton & Turnbull's Special."
Try a half gallon and see for yourself.
We have also XXX Laraine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Cas-
tor Oil, Fish Oil for flies on cattle, Need's Foot Oil, &e.
Also sea Our Binder Twine
Before you buy your Supply. We think we can suit
Wilton & Turnbull
EWAN & 000,
4.15 ready to supply the demand of the publio for any kind of wheeled rig as they
have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Manufacturers th Canada, in
addition to their own make, all sold at CLOSE PRICES.
Rubber Tyred Wheels.
We make a speoialty of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being put
on your own buggy wheels while you wait, or we oan (Ripply both wheels and
tyre at vary low prima. Every owner of a good baggy should have the Dunlop
put on by Ewan & Go. Work guaranteed all right as We keep nothing but
first class workmen.
D. Ewan will devote a good than of hie time in attending to the sale roomalso the
Co. has moored a &05. -Masa Horse Moor for the blacksmith shop'
All wood work in our line and general bleokeinithing done on out premiem and at AO
low Agnes as otos be obtained anywhere.
Oar own make of Boggles this year are all 84 inohes longer in the body than other
Boggiest and for STYLE and COMFORT oannot be beaten.
We tine the long distance, 1,000 mile axle, one or two oilings in a mason is all they
It will pay anybody who wants a liret.class rig to come 25 miles to see our Show
Boomthis swoon before buying ao our assortment is large and good and we are
always well pleased to have people call and examine our stools which le the
largest ever ohoWn in ammo% R.S'Ve mem boainess,
EN/VAN &arriage Makere, &o,,. Co.,- n —rem .
Duggioe, Wagons, Garbs and Vilheelbarrowe alwaye on hand.