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The Brussels Post, 1901-8-8, Page 4
g toot s ; 'st, 'T1SDAI'i AUG, s, 1.96,, Perth Oouxlty. Bt. Marys oiviv holiday en Aegust 12th. Tito work on the gas well, rat 13 ie progressing. The Fail wheat in St. Karp ae net yielding ydin g 0.e largely ea wan exp Seine misoreent has stolen a n periodiaale from the St. Marys library. Mee Raohel Eirk, of Kirkto t)trewn tom her wheel recently . tainted her knee, Trooper O. R. Qthen, a St. Mar has been promoted to aha rank of Major of the Brandon 'squadron. Tho vital atatialioe for the m ably for the oily of Stratford followe ; Births 14, marriages 4, de 'The Board of Lioenee Commie for North Perth have granted a to Peter Borman, Revere House, S ville, Andrew Little, of Atwood, will the pulpit of Burne' obaroh, Morel daring the absence of Rev, D'aeid eon, B. A. County Co aaoil Y lore White, been eleoted Grand censor at the ing of the Grand Lodge of the 0 Black Knights in Toronto. Business 9 m n e OpOntario at. t Sr claim a that numbers of young inn around their store doors and nuisance by spitting toba000 on the walks. By Ilse defeat of St. Marys at B at lacrosse yesterday by 5 lo 2, teams, Stratford, Bright, and St. M are tied even, if Bright wine the die match. The movement toward a syste radial railways focussing at God will stimulate a livelier interest i application of the same idea to the 8 ford district, The Berlin News•Reoord deolaree ie a lime combine in that dietriot that the agreement entered into has vanoed lime from 15 Dente to 18 oen almost doable that. A very painful aoaident happen° ex - Warden Sanderson last week. He busily engaged sharpening the knife his binder when the knife ahpped and hie wrist very badly. A despatch to the Mail and Em contains the news that Their 11 Highnesses the Doke and Duchess Oornwall and York will visit Stratf Out., on the 000a8ion of their trip thro Ontario next Fall. John pox, a Thorndale laborer, caused a writ to be issued against Ob Lee, etorekeeper, of the same plaoe, alai ing damages for alleged malieious pro nation. Lee charged Oox with theft, did not prosecute. The Convention at which the Cone vetiver will choose their standard bear for the Doming Proviuoial eleotion in the North riding of Perth will be bald at Mil- verton on Tuesday, Aug. 27th, at 2 p. m. The fine briok house of George Kemp, in Blanchard township, aboateeven miles from St. Marys, was burned about 1.30 Thnreday morning, The fire originated in the kitchen. The building, witb con- tents, was completely destroyed, the oo• aupante only escaping with their lives. W. J. and Mre. Ferguson, of Stratford, hope to leave for the old country on or about Aug. 2L Mr. Ferguson will at- tend the Ecumenical Ooufereoae at Lon don, Eng. They pnrpoee making a tour of the old land and may possibly visit the continent. They will be away Bevan weeks. In a ile July 20 match Alex. Gant, B cA,ncnn ston on of Rev. A. Grant, of St. Marys, champion one and two mile runner of met and defeated Frank Kanalms American five mile champion in 9 minutes 49 2/5 secunda. Grant won by six yards, after one of the greatest races Been in the East for yeare. The stables of the Garnet Zonae, St. Mary's, were destroyed by flee on Ang. 1. The surrounding buildings were saved with difficulty. After the fire was sub. deed the remains of a man charred beyond recognition were found in the ruins. The body has been identified as that of Geo. Engler, eon of Christian Engler, of the townellip of Logan, a few miles from the town of Mitchell. Mende t. Marys ot'o 1n le sated, mbar of publle 0, wag and ye boy boy mo of are fie albs 8. stoners license °bring. 000npy ngton, Ander- et, has meat. range atford gather create aide- right three arye pitted m of erioh o the brate there and ad• is t0 d to Wee of out pire oyal of ord, agh has 0e. B- ee• but ev- er Thomas Bugg. of Chesley, a former resident of Blanchard township, was kicked by a horse in hie barn and died half an hour later of his injuries, The deceased man was a brother of James ect Hill. He fomerland lyy lived on the 8th eacock of aconcession of of Oarheeleyabout 7 yearbut s ago,to the where vicinity he bought a farm. He leaves a wife and family of several ohildren. R. H. Moir, formerly of St. Mary's now of the Onatoms Department, Ottawa wan married at Thorndale on Wednesday morning of Mss Ant Annie EBTolton, daughter of bride Mr. and Mrs. Talon, Thorndale. The wed- ding took plasm at the residence of the residence of the bride's parents at 6 o'olook in the morning. Only a few near relatives of the young couple were present. Mr. Moir has rearntly returned from Son h Africa, where he served with honor and distinction as tergennt in the Strath. an a Hor,e. The bride f rmerly [alight in the Ottawa N mei school. Mr. and Mt e. Voir left on tip 7.80 morning train on their wedding t ur. They will reside in Ottawa. A victor to Strath d hoe been Pro,. R. Obalmers, of the Dominion Geologio11 Survey, 0 taWa, Ile is rep tiding the Sommer in We•ttern ()mail , having been detailed to make a epeclal report up. on the depoatte of ail, gas, salt, pent, eta, 'My principal objeot in owning berg," said the visitor, "was to examine the de- po9it of prat at Huckleberry marsh in Ellioe township. There ie certainly," be said "a tine depoelt at lbat point and that it will prove a very valuable asset to the distriot there a shadow of donbt. The peat worke ere not in operate n at present, and owing to the building being olosed, the visitor was unable to Pee the maabinery used or to get the views of men who have bad ex- perience in the work here. He saw enough, 'hiwever, to convi000 him that peat Ellinif that n anyOtherpartsf Ontario is exIleta standard as that produced in abs hogs of Ireland or In Germany, Iu older e0un• trine peat in put to a variety of usages, bat te likely to become valuable here ohlelly es fuel," y St JSY yet las thea ro u aboua ore in al. Meet a failure, The new Where sell at thirty 000118 0 peek. has been at tnt he front In South1aAfricator over two ,caro, being wonaded And .taken prisoner by the Baer on one remaslun, Ilea arrived home, George Sutherland, chief of Highland Mary Comp, St, Marys, has banded to Mrs. Irving a abeque for one thousand dollars, being the i0euranee Parried by Dr, Irving in the society, 1r A s. U t 1' who was on her way toSt. fMarys,tOni., toot Wok in ()hivego, end died in a few days, Mrs, Conklin le a sister of Mre. Dodds, of the Indian Mission, Moose Mountain, and they expeoled to meet this Summer at St. Marys, at the reanion of the family. A number of little girls narrowly es. oaped injury at Hiokeon recently. Itep. pears they were riding along the highway sitting upon the buena of tank wagon eoapled behind a threshing engine sed were suddenly jostled off. They were run over and bruised badly but no serious results are anticipated, James Switzer, of New Zealand, who has been visiting at hie old home in Blen. shard for several weeks, left on August 6, on hie return journey, He will visit a brother in Manitoba and will sail from Vancouver about the end of August, Mr. Switzer made the trip over in about five weeks, a distauoe of nearly 12,000 miles. He will the same boatatonnwbich hethe noameaover�n Tbe gentleman n Pro m the other aide of the earth lives about two hundred miles North of Auckland. He thlnke the all. mate of New Zealand nearly perfection. In the 85 yeare he has spat there he has never Been e fan of avow and is only formed on very rare occasions. Agrioul- ture le mukiug rapid strides there as in Canada, Farmers' Institutes and ex. perimental farina are doing great Work. There is a great lumber trade in his sec tion besides agrioulture and mining. Ao enormone export trade le done in Baud gam. There are still Kanrf forests, but these are rapidlybeing depleted for lumber, The gum mentioned ie a product of the Kanri tree, and is found on the branches or at the roots. Strange to Pay the gem is being mined for. It bas been anima. Iating for ages and on the sites of former forests mining for the gum is carried on as well ae about the standing heat. Pieoee of the gum am often found many feet under the surface, it is a rough country and often riots pockets of the valuable deposit are found in hollows and bottoms, The sluff looks like amber and is transparent.. Frequently quite large pieces weighing Peverel pounds are found. Some of it is exported to Europe, but the United States gets the bulk of the trade. The gum is used in the manufacture of varnish. Mr. Swit, zer has had a pleasant visit among hie friends in this section whom he had not seen for 35 years. His father, Reuben Swe is one of 6eltzer, who pioneers of a 88years sbannergtownship of Blnehard. SSecs.ltur•tli. The Grippe hotel, at the station has been veueored witb briok. It is expected that there will be a union Sabbath eokool excursion to Goderiob about the 16th of August. The Collegiate s0ooeeded in completing Institute the t aoh ng staff for the coming term. R. W. .Brown, of Petrolea, has been engaged for modern inguagea and Eoglieb ; G. F, Coiling, of Caledonia, nd Miss LionieM. Baratoh, ofmathematics, ington for commercial department, Mr. Brown receives $900 ; Mr. polling 9800 and Miss Scratch $750, About ten o'alook Sunday evening of last week a 'serious smash up 0000rred at the electric light station. While running at full speed a break occurred in one of the large engines. Apparently something got between the piston and the cylinder head, which wan emaehed out ; then the arose head broke and pieces of metal went flying generally. Alex. McKay, the enne at the time and a deavwag oredato get tr the o to ghat off the steam, but it was coming out in hvolumes wsnots in. tense beat thathe had to retreat. h reat He then made for the boiler room, but was unable, on 00co0nt of the darkness and the steam, to find the door. After grop- ing around on hie hands and knees for a while he found the wall and followed that till be oame to a door. It was :ben oeoes• eary for him to climb to the top of the boiler, and in That way stint off the steam. Fortunately Mr. McNay wag the only person around the building at the time, or some person would have un• doabtedly been setionely injured. Tbe engine was pretty badly damaged, but the company, fortunately, have a second engine, wbioh was pressed into service, mod the night. The report was eflthe swath and en in nee e °aping steam were plainly heard in dff• ferent parte of the town. [.%:'.natal ei Ne♦ttel, Mee, Dewier, of 1{ingtviJla h thigh by a fall. The Winnipeg lndnetriel Ex opened Monday of Net week. A n of ROA of Demmer, ewaadrowpe old ed n Ston ofHon,the Britleb EmplradLeafing n cheater. OlegI dnettre laplraire apte�tded l Thum last week, Alex. Remy, of Parry Sound, was the bead by a p4eee of wcod throw a saw and killed, '- It is learned that the canons b giving the population totals will be net later than Aug. 15 George Towne, the man who wil Gaudette for the championship o world, has arrived • at Quebec; The forest fires that have been r in the timber limite of the IGppew trip: have all been extinguished. The reports of exoeesive dama the wheat °rope of the 1Veet are em Melly contradicted at Wip°ipeg, The automobile service of the To leotions of allostoffioe malls inthe vnrieues been Mended 10 tbe offices in the oily. The appointment of Police Magic Daes o n e of the time-honored of Winnipeg, o l peg, hes been cancelled, an W. Baker, a lawyer, assumes the dB The earnings of the London S Railway t waY for the week ending July Y $ ,3018 own increase of $606, or per censhow over the same period of last y Mrs, Thomas Thomeon, Beverley, attacked and nearly killed by a he Mies Thomeoa, who went to her moth aesietance, was also attacked but eeoa Alfred R. H. Little, a rancher u Medicine Hat, Man., was killed last w by a fall from a pony. His body dragged around for several honre by animal, His wrist was fast to the brf The Canadian Underwriters' Assoc tion has leaned a new tariff for the taws and Hull lumber yards, and of specially hazardous ride, which is go to prove a heavy tax on those interee The land sale at Winnipeg for Jnly the 0. P. It department amounts to 4 089 98 acres for 9154,848 84. This in °ales an iecreaso of 925,183 48 over t same month last year, wheu the ea amounted to 40,715 48 aures for 9129,48 42. The Manatee in acreage Wee 8,374.- 50. Charles to dent of theeOregon forestry: exhit bitatthe Pan.Amerioan, was relieved of hie pocketbook, containing 910 in money, a ticket, baggage aheok, eto., on the G. T. toR. r from Friday, byManman'whovhadat Toren boarded the train at Montreal and forced an ao. quaintanoe with kir, Malutoeh. The man, who was arrested, gave hie name as Amble W. Tice, Coventry, 71. Mite her bibitan lllylee, y Lake, meeting t Mou• e Win day of hit on u Prom ulletin issued 1 row f the aging a die. pto kat mato °cob ancb trate orale d 0, oe, treet 27, 107 ear. was ifer. er'e ped. ear eek waa the die, la. 01• her ing ta, by d i- ite les TN TBE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. In the matter of the estate of Jobn Albert A Blenheim farmer realized 9002 fro two aoree of atsawberries lido year. 'toru g1e0000 0 fight between elootr gllig! and aoetyleno gee, and the mutt of tk epeoial Ovation to 1114 a vacanoy in 11 town 00nnoll broke the deadlock and d terminad the whiner in the meted, D, Wigle was the eoetylene man's 0004 date, and defeated tele opponent by 10 majority. Simon Pkeoer, the .a1100t c the Acetylene Afauufaeturtug O0ttlpliily will now a Y ' t e lee g m i n to e pipe p ! ti sh'sote for the 3,600 light plant.Pittelep p d a leader inBIrielt Nationalveteran omovetet m eats; :vee found dead in bed Thursday morning of iaet week at hie residence, Toronto. Mr, Boyle had been in failing health for conte time, and owing to his udyenoedyears he had not been able to attend closely to business. He rose at 7 o'o'ock Thursday morning, looked at the clock, and after spanking to hie daughter, an hoar back afterwarrbed. d Death baddresulted' from heart failure. Mr, Boyle founded the Irish Canadian in 1862, shortly after coming to Canada from Ireland. The paper was amalgamated with the Oatholio Register a few year ago, but revived last year by Mr. Boyle. M. Boyle was a leader in the Catholic, League movement, whiob proved a disturbing feature in Outsrlo politics 20 years ago. Three daughters e urvly chi B m. 1n 1 11 111 le le D. 8 f 0 VOTERS' LIST —1901. llfuuicipality of the Township of llfolrfe, °may of H•at.olt. Notice Is hereby given that l have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mention- ed in Sootlone 8 and 0 of tee Oatarto Voters' List Aet.1890, the copies required by -Bahl Sealers to be so transmitted or deliered ,' of the list made, pursuant to said Aot, of all persons appearing by the last 1levised As- sessment Rall of said Municipality to be en- titled to vote in said Municipality at elec- tions for members of the Legislative Ae. amble, and. at Afunielpal Eleabfoas,and that wad List was first posted up iu my °Sloe in Morrie on the lith day of A.uguet,1901, and re- mains nailed upon to for eethe said List, and if any omission or any other errors are fond therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the avid errors oorrooted aaoordiug to law. WM. CLAIM, Clerk. Dated the 8111 day of August, 2001... It's Your Nerves. It's the Condition of Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round of Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To many women life is one round of aioknesa, weakness and ill health. To attempt even the lighteet hoaeebold duties fatigues them. Many of the symptoms accompanying this state of decline are ; a feeling of tiredness on waking, faint°eee, dizziness, oinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, ehortneoe of breath, lose of appetite, cold hands and feet, headache, dark ciroles under the eyes, pain in the beak and aide and all the other accom- paniments of a run-down and weakened oonstitation, All these symptoms and conditions are simply the result of a poor quality and defective oironlation of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forces. By feeding the system with DR, WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the root of the disease and lay a solid foundation on whiob to build. Soon the weight increases, the sunken cheeks and flattened busts fill out, the eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed health and etrengtb vibretee through the system. 50 cents per box at all druggists', or DR. WARD Co., Toronto, Ont. For gale by el, A.. Beadsman, Brussels. Burgess, late of the village of Lander, in the Provinoe of Manitoba, farmer, deoeaeed. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.,8. 0, 1807 Obap. 120Seo.88 that all creditors having any claims againsttthe estate of John Albert Burgess, late of the Village of Lauder lin died on or about thee6th day of April,' A D 1001, at the Pillage of Lauder in the Prov- ince of Manitoba, are hereby re- quested ad by Margaret oornieb, of the Town of Mitchell in the County of Perth, Adminia- tratrix of this estate, or to G. F. Blair, of the Village of Brnseels, her Solicitor, on or before the lith day of August, A. D., 1901, nrtlfull rtclsofdheirnclisad heullpaivarstam (verified by aildavit) and the nature of the sceurities (if any) hold by them. And notice is further given that atter the said last mentioned date the Adminfetratrix will damagedtamong the persons entitledh there to, having regard only to the claims of wabove required, shall nd havehsaid oAdminietrae :rix will not be responsible for the assets, or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of distribution. Solicitor for the Admiule Brussels, Dated at Brneeels, July 28, 1001. Roadster Stallions for Service. "COSTUMER" ,and "ma" The undersigned are proprietors of the two above mentioned well bred Roadster Stallions that stand at their own stable, Brussels. prov- en t ellf,, y'i theerallt Fair exhibits cin Enron Co., to be the best producer of Bond• ster colts in this section. KAPLAN is an extra well bred borse; has size and looks and judging by the form he flame from—the Allen Stook Farm, Pitts- field, Mase. -he should be an A 1 producer. All his dams are ptoduoere of speed. Hie grand dam on the dam aide ie a full Pieter to Dexter" and his grand sire on the sire side le a full brother to"Wand S." Eaplan's" sire took the World's stallion record in 1892. Por pedigree, toms and other 1partioulers apply to Scott & Warwick, PROPRIETORS, BRUSSELS, II� li I l ;,.,,r ,..,, � ����111111Pt1U11 IIII UIII hili I yh'1111111iIIII f VIE,14NORTI~IWEST FROM F©Fit~ COum-r mom PNo-roGtg q F+ ,q MGAt..3Gl.,soo AUG. 8 1901 Strictly One Price foo The Lowest; Ter for Cut PrIccslA We have now reached the season on our Spring of theyearwhen prices 1 ing and Summer Goods, We have we always cut the nt convert the balance of the , ave xlo, excuse to offer. We simply Low Prices Seasons stock into cash togetSd Y want to ces will certainly move them readyStock.Falland FRIDAY we begin to cut regularprices to do it and these straight, We do it S Out prices offeryoubecause for business the best kind of a business reason for buying no w. Wash Goods. Every yard of Waeh Goode and bloating must be cleared0ut during the next 10 days. This is how we will do it ; AT (lo - 300 yards of Wash Goode, Muslin,, Zepyre, oto., sold at 100 and 12*e, while they last, your choice a0 Go. AT 1 60 r 150 yards e Bla ok 'and make, regular price 25o` sale pri a 1�5o Muslin, French AT 18e- 200 yards of our finest Waeh Goode, elegant goode, Fou. lard Silk effects, Muslin's, etc., sold at 25a and 300, to clear at 180. TABLE LINEN. Fine Quality Bleached Table Linen, 72 inch wide,re ular price 908, Bale price 09o.g Extra Fine Quality HalfHleaelted<Table Linen, 70 inch wide, regular 60o quality, este prior 46o. Shirt Waists. The next 10 days Will see the last of onr Shirt Webb 15 you • realize just bow good these bargains aro AT 650— All our Colored Shirt waists Bold at 850 and 91,00, to Maar during the next 10 days at 868 AT $1,10— A few very Fine White Shirt Waists, all we have left of lines that were $1,40 and $1.50, Bale price $1 10 PARASOL One quarter of the price of all Paraeote for the nest 10 da s. There's not enough of any one kind to quote prioee so we take one quarter of the price of every Parasol in stook for the next 10 days. Dress. Goods at Bargain Prices for the .Next 10 Deese Goode stock moat be down theDayS• lowest we oan get them before passing foto stook our naw Fall Ilnee. you'll wait a long time baton you bay Dees to the west pointap as aging Black Dress Goods. Reliable makes of Blaok Drees Goode at bargain prices, be- cause we must make room for our new Fall goods. Fanoy Bleak Dress Goode, French make and pure wool. neat email deaigoe, regn'ar value 60a, sale price 39o. 88 inch all Wool Black Dress Serge, suitable for dresses or skirts, floe make, hard finial:, will wear well, regular pride 35o, sale price 25o. 42 Inch all Wool Suiting Serge, firm and strong make, good black, regular price wan 50o, sale price 88o, 40 inoh all Pure Wool, Granite Cloth makes a very band - some dress and wears wall, regular pries 50o, sale prise 35o. Colored Dress Goods at Bargain Prices Some lines of Colored Drees Goods that have got their march- ing orders, these little prices ougbt to clear the last yard of them before we close our 10 days Bale. AT 210- 10 Fieoee Plne Peewit] Serge, hard finish, all pure wool shades of cream, Royal Navy, Gray, Fawn, Brown, Green and Cardinal, real value 80a, Bale price 22u. 60o DRIISS TWEEDS FOR 290- 75 yards Fancy Dress Tweed, laet endo of, lines that sold at 50a, in shades of Fawn and ohoioe of lot at 2o. 2 please only, Fancy Dress Goode, new this a eeaoon, bought t o sell at 000, clearing at sale for 80o. Test these Prices and make your Comparisons Before Buying. J. FERGUSON & Co. Fall Term Oa„ Sept, 3 CENTRAL:oilmen JcipPla xxxxXxxxr x xXxxxxx xti Few Bones of CROQUETl=t fi e Left. . Will clear out at Low Prices. POST Bookstore. xxxaqqcxx4,xxxx x x_ x� 4� Q� THE Iu�i�fus Shoe FOR MEN, Nada by hop At Slatcrl Montreal These Shoes are made on any width of last to suit ynur,foot—let it be wide or narrow. They are all made out of Imported Stock which for durability and appear- ance cannot be surpassed. They are made on any style of toe and are all Goodyear welted, so there are no nails or stitches in the sole to come in contact with the foot to hurt it. We have secured sole agency for Brussels for these shoos and can guarantee the prices right, and for neatness and comfort we think they will please. Z08ee our Bargain Table this week, there ,may be something to suit you in Women's and Misses' Shoos. Odd sizes going at 600. per pair. Xs Qin xr �� wg;t'. DLLr tCe Shut �br4,. Ont. - Never before in the history of onr College hove our graduates been so remarkably sue - morn] fol l on 0lea cxoaiege as during tin• present year A scouring l;education during as eau be obtained in our scampi is the eubetan• Mal foundation ofa aneeessfui 1ife.1 May we send you acatalogue ? SV. 5, ELLIOTT, Prinefpal, Important to Breederetabd Horsemen. Eureka Caustic Balsam. lsAi11. A reliable and speedy remedy for (nubs, Bp lints, Spavins, Sweeney, ., eto., eto.,tn ! Borges and Lump Jaw in Cattle. TaAnu tans "See pamph- let which accompanies every bottle, giving scientific treatment in the various dimities." It can be used in every ease of veterinary bltetere are ce where rescriti dating has nno stmnaion Every bottle Field le guaranteed to give untie- faeblon. Price 700 per bottle. Sold by all draggiete and country 'storekeepers, Pre- pared by TDB EUREKA VETERINARY 00EDI01'NE COMPANY, London, Ont. Ready FOR--ummir BUSINESS! Now that 411e Buggy Beason is at hand and we aro ready for it we would like to inform our numerous friends and customer that we have the finest lot of Buggies on band at the Old Reliable Carriage Factory, ETHEL, that oan be found anywhere. Should you think of buying a Buggy or Buggies (ae we eupplywholeealo.. ae well ae retail) by all meaun call and see our stook before purohoeing ae we know we oan spit you with a firet•alass article and the prioe ie right, We also keep Wagons, Truck Bo Wado gonson short and b'ield Rellere on hand or notice, Jno. Cober & 01 15 ETHE'L.