HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-8-8, Page 3,
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[� tuna rho bqundarles of the land weld NEW AND STRANGE, J7iODEItN 1i'�IAL7'1 I>SOlix,
«kfF (s�I 1 SIV daflned, noC aimnly tahat wo tangly as
Parents Should Be Careful Ili • •r X10 Canaan, buy tronz l gypC Co the Eu- S
�y _ Between_Production
CropsGrowth wth ofChace.
Naming Their ghlldxen, t aua zsi nal ntvlaie anther Fhailll l�avo for
nispovpries. vgnt2ans elf xha 7�oalthzast I'eopin iu EziP'lfkzlc#
When parents are exercising their INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AU4t 1. .11
Iturned to their otvn lazed from aid Sllaq tains a Are the Oonroiate,
oino o e I'.atest In
ingenuity in choosing names. for the nations where ,%n aro moll novelty, but they al's
t fleece are % It says push for the sanitary and
(� their hopeful offspring It rarely .qc- Text Of thO Lesson, Cieq, xv„ 1.10. R•Idoa_ scattergrl, for Choy aro to dWgll. iii German .near o c meats of British prig -
o be seen in other arrange
ours to them to inaltq sure that the 'Fax Gen. K,«,,::, their laud, a united paoplc under o They y Some copper wort s, ons to know that the healthiest in -
initials do not form some eombtna- 1, "Afton those'tbiirgs the word of I{in one y live In the dust and fumes, and dividuals prof bly in that country
Linn far which their cI111itren will g, never to be scattered or pallod drink hater contarnjnatod by topper. are the convicts confined within the
scarcely ",•#so up and call diem s{o#iZ+or Amae"ntlpase things" s'1' must) 22' out oGchit anfj{malc�o �Eielc. xxxvii, b A waterproof paper that has just greet Gaveraiznont prisons. Indeed,
blessed in later years, g + P ] 0, Amos ix, pan bought out ur Manchester )s it has bewz found that Fgrltoa#yillo
x'or instance, the bo who . was be intsluded tiro Meiohisedelc story :of It, 15). I3e will yet perform the meeting with great success. It is Gaol,' situated ii
S Y the previous .,chapter which the Hol truth to Jacob and the r mad t d 1 Ilio north of Lon-
g given the not unpleasant name of Y mercy to o up of get sheets a brown pa-, don is, in MIthietaon to its iopula-
Arthur Staple 4mith nd n r] that considered of such importance Abram which h° tins sworn from the per stuck together` with a rubber ser tion the ha 1 h' st
Y y a- t e girl a t ae spot ,,in rmg-
oI who signs liar nntno Ida hfo•fq Pat that.he speaks o1 it and its relation' clays of old (Mic, vii, 20). May we lotion,. land, The railway comp anioB; how -
y tj Christ In Ps, ex and in Hob. v, be fully persuaded that what God A stingless bee has been discovered ever, do not eontamplite as yet, tho
rr Orson will scarce] be proud of their y and Vii, Let lie teacher thergfore has g
t, raspootive initials, A. S, S. and promised In a able to perform in Montserrat, in the West Indies. It running of excursion trains to this
t I M I' pass it by. Note the trees name of and Soaring no evil, walls humbly gathers lioncy, tile quality of which desirable spot for the convonionc of
Deity ' the most high God, possessor with hint in quietness and in confl- can be improved by .modern hives, It e
v Some of the combinations which heaisorsered l individuals.
Of heaven and earth," and consider Bence, will he introduced England.
L- have collie under the writer's obser- g nd. Disordered livers generally pomO
its use elsewhere, Th° blessing of -#---- A new kind of sealing
r wax has persons who have spent It vagina aro, to. say the ]east, amus- HIM who owns all things enables us FAMOUS W; bean produced o he 6 e upon theca p
i- Ing. There is, for instance, a corp S S -ORDS. P n L Continent. It lazy and inactive livor, and nothing
Tt ta!n well-known temperance advo- to rise above the temptation to. look is contained in a glass tube, and would prove so beneficial to this
EL cate Whose initials are X U. M. at °r long for the things or the help Weapons of Britain's Great Fight- when roquerecl for use is sufficient class of people es a short t t,m f
to warur the c in o
I but who very weseiy drops the serr cf, this worlds All believers, an ars at Auction, cylinder in order to imprisonment. Clearly they cannot 11
children of Abram, must not fail to make the wax flow. be lazy i p
and letter and is Content with ono It Is but seldom that Life swords y n xisoz, for they must un-,,,
e Christian initial; while a man who give at least the tithes to our X.01- of Great Britain's A new idea in connection with sol- dergo the various physical exerci e
chisedek. Note the suggestiveness of t famous fighters dor will doubtless be a P i s s
is colstatltly appearing in the Ant- And their way Into a rub]'c auctlolr FPreciatod by sat convicts, and their food, if not
the broad and wine, ti10 have in our 1 those, who wish to make a ale of the most luxutlous description Is
arlCair po]ieeegtrrts, charged with room, but it fete have been thus dis-
vein drunk and disorderly, ought, lesson aseto-day a good many wards joint readily, It is sold In sticks wbolesomp and nourishin
as g 6 and phrases used for the first time, posed of, Among the items of more with a core of rosin, so that you Where ever other rem s
according to his initials, drink noth that ori{new• interestl- put u a year Y e y has fail-
1- ing stronger than T. E, A., for his such as "the word of the Lord' or two ago b a Well-I(Pilntan London have the whole thing complete in one ed rheumatism Inas been, cured salary
° name is Titus Exeter Alexander. "boar not," "shield," "reward,' g Y article. by the sufferer beingc
o, "belles the "riglltoous,ness," etc., auctioneer was the sword supposed The sth'mi o compelled to rle
�A gentleman Who not long ago fig- to have been used b the lion -heart- g Power of a volcano sport the rules of prison life, while
P and as the first ileo of a word helps Y tans shown in the last eruPtion of an number of drunkards )lave, it,
ttired as defendant in a breach of cd Earl of Cardigan at ,the Battle of Y
promise ease lead, the singularly ap }tnvoonundorsand its Significance. wO Balaclava. It changed hands at Vesuvius, when a mass of rock the soma way, lest their craving for
most important lesson. "The Weighing thirty tons was projected drink. The
Propriate initials of W. O. O,; while Light and a half guineas. Y are unable to obtain 'I
a the Plaintiff's name teas Susan, and in of the Lord" may r°far to the A better result attended a sale of high above the crater. To do this, it, no matter how great their crav
d message which Caine to Abram or it according to an Italian professor, ings may be at first, and what is
r she had, with unconscious previa'on, may refer to the messenger, the some still more famous swords at the volcano exerted a force of nearly more th
d been addressed by Icer lover In scores the rooms of Messrs, Christie, On er aro forced to undergo re-
d Himself (John i, 1; Rev, xix, 7,000 horse -power, pular exercise. In short, fm
n of amorous letters as "my darling 18.) When wo read the worst of Cod that occasion the sword used Coffee Is the latest disinfectant. met prison-
Suo." by Nelson, when a mate, called n • )f of -a sufficient duration„cur
n we xuust accept the messages as. ape The merest pinch, thrown on a hot as drunkenness.
an Iii another breach of phlmiso case, Cially for us. This first "feel, not” forth some spirited bidding, Al- Iran so that It roasts, will cleanse a A man who was ,
f Lha: defetdnnt's. initta]s were sadly y though it was only an ordinary rag- sick roam of disagreeable actors. ° sentenced to five
tapes us to the man other similar years' penal servitude for for
Ominous of the issue of the action, ulation weapon, of no intrinsic va- .ger
s wards .ill Lhla precious book, among ] Half a pound of coffee emptied e- totie what
on the expiration of hie
for his nage was Percy Allred Y--, rue, the gni was run up to no less hat embers Will be Sufficient to de time P
' and he signed the initials "P. A. X,,, avhicit rhes° have been and ora. a than 2(30 guineas.
t e what a boon prison life had
great help, Isa, vii, 4; x17, 10, 13; g stroy not simply cover up -tire been to him. Dofore he Was sentenc-
Strangely enough, this was £33
�s TIIT BZVOROl: COURT xiiti, 1; Joel if, 31; Mark v, 38, more that was realized for a very Ing
smell arising from decompos- ed he had been a regular martyr to
records are tall of similar saran e 2 8, "And Abram said, Lord God, g matter. gout but the prison life said discip-
o g valuable and artistic sword that
°olncidences, conte of which are so what wilt thou give MO, seeing I go had belonged to another famous Ad- A brand-new state, intended a IlaIn fere had completely cured him. ady
remarkable as to seem scarce] cred- childless?" Tie reminded God that g run as a republic, a being formed in fevers from this distressing malady,
Y nrirnl, Lord Callivgtvood, sold ml the forest land that extends into lease note. g
t ible. The initials of one lad res- he was still childless and seamed top
Y the sated occasion. This had been brazil and Bolivia. A Jar
pendent were V. A. L. S. ; and Of tt'onder how and when the promised large rubber To <uotC another caro. A
Y another F. It. A. L. ; one good lad presented to him by the City of merchant has created it, and has I Young
aced would come. Itis faith was still Tallow convicted for theft, had for
t S Y. London. Its golden hilt ,cart scab -
whose conduct scarcely seemed to tweak, but growing, Faith cometh bard mounts, .which were beaViol- been elected the first president w the years suffered from bandy legs, but
Y have justifled the description had the by hearing the word of God (Isom. ly engra:vod and chased, were enrich- 0'000 inhabitants, most of who on quitting prison, these were found
initials P. R. U. D.; and the pet'- x• 17), and the more of His word we are in his employ, The name of the to be as straight as of an ordinary
boner in a caro which attracted ern- ed with diamonds and enamel. bow Tee
hear anal receive the more faith wo public is 'Arc," parson, Semple treadmill practice
k Tito gold pillow -formed grip had The st,•an
siderable attention a few Will have, In the New Testament Bost farm of decoration was responsible for this desirable
_ years ago oat one side the arms of the City in has been introduced in Franca. It
was Stephen Oliver Lionel D—, record the failings are omitted, and change, bo explained.
e whose initials, h. O. I„ 1)., must only the mighty faith is seen. So brill!colored era d oil surrounded with n medal for .rlsou; t who !rave alto It is a well-known gawn fact that rison-
brilliants, nerd on the other side Lire P
have strangely described his expert when our story is finished it shall be great State ] rison; these medals are ars who enter gaol e i weak condi
r seen that the ai•hus of the recipient, with similar the work of one of tits
a- ences of matrimony. precious blood has put precious surroundings. On the greatest of tint invariably leave hale and hear,
A ver modest, hard-working rain- away all that was of us, and there modern medallists. Money earned by ty. How aro Wo to account for this?
1 Y g knuckle bots, set in brilliants in blue a convict for work and inter of the Gospel, goes through 'fore sinful, and only that which Was good behav- Solely because of the strict discip-
r S enamel, was the for is useful to enable him to Brake line that prevails in all the prisons
]'fe branded with Lite curiously lane- wrought in us by God shall be seen.
° propriate initials of V. O. P. , an- Note ITob. xi, 810; Rom. iv, 18-21. FAMOUS INSCRIPTION, a start, but no one would care to and the wholesomeness of the food
other, whose eloquence is perhaps a 4-6. "And he believed Ili the Lord, "England expects every man to do show a decoration of this kind. provided.
? little flora and vaporish, boasts the and FIe counted it to him for rig) hes duty," together with the magic Duilet-proof mjllboard is one of the A well-known surgeon tells of a
l not unsuitable letters G. A. S., ini- taousness," Abram.js assured that word "Trafalgar." This beautiful latest uuveltios, and it comes iaom man who, when he first entered his
r tials borne by the late Mr. Sala. A his heir shall not be any one merely weapon was bought on behalf of Sweden, A bullet from a carbine, cell. to serve a term of two years for
n third clergyman is known by the ini- born fn Ills house, but shall be his Lady Meux for £340. capable of going through five inches a misdemeanor, was very slightly
tints S. I. N.; and a fourth goes a very own child, whom heaven shall Her ladyship also secured the of wood, could not pierce the mill- and weakly built, possessing very
?step farther, and when lie signs It's in due time give Ihirrl. How sugges- sword presented to Lord Calling- board. A projectile from a machine little strength. When lie left on the
full initials, which 'he rarely -does, Live the words, "Look now toward wood by the Corporation of Liver- gun went through it, but the in- expiration of his term Iie was obvi-
one may be sure, Writes himself heaven l" This should be the atti- pool in recognition of the same venter is confident of making his ously much stronger and *clgheb
° down S. A. T. N. tudo of every believer at all titres, stirring victory. It was a very now substance even more resisting, some fifty pounds more than when
S never relying upon an arm of flesh handsome weapon, gold-hiltod and so that a succession of layers would he entered.
One of the hanged of this can nor upon any human device, but up- mounted with engraved bands. The g wall for fortifica- It is a fact that stout Individuals
e � farm a protecting
n fury's brides eivwlged her initials' on the Lord alone. The record of Price realized. tuns £160. tions, lose much of their superfluous fat _
f W. E. an to W, ri to a singularly the next chapter had never been if The sword of Admiral 711leneuve, A compressed air fire escape has under prison diet and discipline,
° happy and appropriate change; while Abram had persisted in 16b1t'n been patented in Chicago, which its whereas slim and spare men invar-
d a well -,known society young, lady, ghea•�.'Commander-in-Cltfef of the conibened b
a who teas married two years ago, be- voilward' In last lesson we noticed fleets of France and Spain in that inventor, declares offers a quick and 'ably -add to their weight consider-
Came, in tier new character of wile, the promise that his seed should be fight, brought sixty guineas. That safe metho of carrying f time to ably,
M. A. I. liar
The wife a one of Lon, 11s the stars and its probable sig- of Don Daltazar Hidalgo Cisneros, the upper stories of a burning build -
don's 1. D. Th a lady of singular nifleaulce• Abram received the word. Rear -Admiral of the Spanish fleet, ings with their ]rose, and which is a o
d sweetness of preachers,
disposition, has the larini- Literally he amend God or said commanded only twenty-five guineas, great improvement on ladders for ;
amen to God. Tho Holy Spirit has which was, however, two guineas taking persons from upper rooms,
tints S. H. It. E. W.; While, such is Y MOUSE FOILED A PLOT. ?
the irony of initials, a woman who noticed this three times in the New more than the highest bid for the especially women and children, _-
was charged at a Scotch police Testament (Rom. iv, 3, 21, n2; sword of the captain of the Santa smothered by smoke. The apparatus
a few weeks ago with a brutal Gal. iii, 6 ; Jas. if, 28) and strong- Anna. These three weapons were all stands on a truck, which may be Upset Young Woman's Scheme t4Z
assault on an invalid 7nrsband, lY emphasizes this great truth, that captured by Lord Collingwood. propelled by electric or horse -power. Defraud at Last )Moment. f
the righteousness which God re uir- At the sante time a ver Interest- Compressed air, according to the in -
boasted the letters P. L. T. g q y ventor, is the safest and quickest A leading oculist of Montreal,
_ A and i tutor in t.h° Nand of °th can Hover become o ours fa any ing and tewasremarkable submitted
of n Whose practice extends far outside
England is Mr. J. A. Cass; and a works of cora, but only by faith in Indian agate was submitted to pub- expedient for handling malarial in the boundaries of the cit relates Jesus Christ (Rola, IV, 5 ; Eph, if, lie competition. It had formerly factories and warehouses. One Chi- y,
Loautai official, who is vary fur ca o Arm of car builders alone has teat °Ile day °Young woman came
9, 9 ; Titus, fit, 5), been the property of the notorious S
from answering to the tlescriptlon, en air hoists lrn udders service, into his office apparently
t 1•y an
has to write himself down a II. A. 7. "I am the Lord." That should Tippoo Sahib, and teas inlaid with y older Woinatt, apparently the moth -
S, S," Settle everything and dispel every flue Ane large, cert Oriental brilliants• �'—"-" er. The young woman wore Color -
fear. Notice how it begins and It realized Ole substantial stmt of FORTUNE TOLD BY FEATURES. cd glasses, which one might have as-
�—"- ends tine seven great "I wells" of x:300, sawed to be superfluous, as it wits
STRIKE CAUSED BY A GHOST. Exodus vi, 8-8, Notice it as a sub The market value of relics of Brit- How Character Can be Read in a claimed that the. girl was Qa:ily
orient reason for aal that God re- ain's great naval and military he blind, What was wanted of the
— `
quires of them 2 ; rocs seems to fluctuate in a real! Person's Countenance.
q (Ex, xa Lev, y doctor Was a certificate autlrenti-
Old Miners Have Some Strange xxi{, 81-33 ; xxiii, 48) and an all extraordinary fashiol. In the mond Teeth that are ions and not ani- eating this claim of blindness, put -
Experience to Relate. aulliclent assurance to them that a of July, 1898, there was offered by row denote large, liberal views, tins it beyond dispute ; and it was
Will do what He sa s PLzek, xxxv', public auction in a London sale- strong passions and heroic virtues
Anyone who has been 9n a coal- Y ( frankly stated that the object in
23, 38, 33, 86), and the great truth Nom t1rR sword worn by gallant if they aro long and narrow, n Weak reciting this ,Was to obtain Curtain
mine Where the darkness is but facet- that all nations have et to ]earn Nelson hen he first went to .ea, character is denoted. Evenly grow- aids and advantages of a bilan-
lym'spa'stledl ea the fight m n safety (xxxviii, 23), y No adequate bid forthcoming it had Ing teeth allow a better disposition thropie nature, impossible of 4ccoss
lamp, rears the mysterious 8_11. "Lord God, whereby shall I to .tae w{tn(lrattn, a circumstance and better developed mind ttau otherwise. The standing of tto
sounds that abound, Will not easilyS
assure himself that they are due tknow. that I shall inherit it T" winch contrasts strangely With Lha those that crowd :aid Overlap. Long oculist was such that a statem+rat
Strong and weals, steadfast and spirited contest for the intrinsicaDy noses are cautious and prudent ; from him would carr full wei • 3
purely natural causes s1ct1 as rte Y . weight
dripping g wavering, up and -down, seems to Worthless weapon mentioned 'above, short ones impulsive ; and, tip -tilted wherever resonted.
pe, a df water, the slippin Of have been the way with him as lie '--- 0 ones hopeful, impulsive antl joyous, On examination the surface of the
abate, olid the groaning and creaking grew en grace and in the knowledge A REFUGE FOR ROGUES. ]iCeP colored eyes, with well -arched S y
of props and timber under the enol• eyes ave n° ind'catiun of ial de
MOUS weight of earth they susta'n, of God. Therefore be not discour- his, both upper and ]ower, show a feet ; but that might .be so, and
aged, ;;oak and trembling one, for i truthful and affectionate nature. An blindness still exist. Applying tests
and they will be more ready to lend the Lord will perfect al] that con- Outlaws From Every Country Ga- eyebrow slightly curling at the outer of tha strongest light, the girl pro -
a sympathetic car to the strange, Certs you for lies name's sake. The ther in Honduras. edge indicates a jealous nature. fessed herself to be absolutely un -
uncanny stor"es that miners tell. There is a whole world of tell-tale
Many a Collier can tell of mysteti_ creatures that he took at God's There is one corner of Central Anl_ able r distinguish bests W light
command and prepared as a sacri_ indications in the apex of the ens. and darkness, Other tests ware re.
oils lights, knockings and Warnings, erica that is at present n parfOct If it lies close to the (lead the owner
which few care to disregard, know- Ace comprised all ever used As types paradise for men who have commit- sorted to, trying 3m their netiwoy
Ing the dangerous nature of their of the great sacriftce of the Son of toil any crime. It is a place where possesses n refined nature. Bu
if and some of them very painful, and
God. If you ask, "Row shall I the top starts away from the haaA these were all borne with patience tl•acic, A short time ago a colliery the outcasts of the world's society 1 s puz-
]tnoty?" the answer is, "Ilalhokl the at a well-defined di ,cage° that person and courage, The doctor W,13'
Was stopped for over a week b , rule the land o[ their adoption, and S ' Paz-
Y Lamb of God,' Seo the ]ole of God has nit uneven disposition and is not zled and baflted. A. t
such causes. The men refused to go where the officials a the Government to be relied upon. If a i Apparently the
Ili the gift of )•Iia dear Sot rued b� g 11 s thumb. girl Was steno blind, but he Was un-
dawn the shaft one morning, ns protect all thieves that coma to
strange lights and other omens, 1"ave Rom, viii, 8 them and mnka it dangerous far any )fes slat, or drops a little, marital able to solve the problem 'of Chase
Which they took as warnings, had 12-16. Tho shadow of coning detective to uzolast thaiu, strbruissiOlti to tlte "'aster mind is in- eves, to discover the cause of !.hat
Bleated. . f the thumb has a tendon blindness, or say just Where the de
been socia fn the pit; while only that events casts itself upon him, and the This is the Republic of honduras' cy to stand at right angles to the feet la
morrtinS, on winding up the cage to Lord tells him of the coming centur- one of the least advanced of the y
take the Arst lot of mail down, a fes, of n great bondage and a groat States of South or Central America. h°ltd' the damsel owning it is head- The dOCtOh' WAS n1ar0 than hali-
figure dressed in men's clothes lead doliveranco at nn appointed time. Honduras, indeed, is a curiona miY strong, A person of weal, ch11a•act-cr disposed to grant the desired Corti -
Anel so it cam to pass. He declares tare of jun to and has n pendant thumb : the strong hitlte, When, as a last er adient, e
P � ,,
stepped out and Walled across to fl g gigantic forest, of c1ia1•actar has a strong, erect t)lwnb• hat upol n novel experiment, He
an old lamp room Which had besn the end from the beginning and front cocoa and of rubber trees, of bugs. Fingers which band backward mean dismissed Ills patient with instaue-
used as a ntortilat•y at the last ac- anciant times the things that are not vampires, snakes, and crocodiles --of powerful determination, It they are tions that silo should
Ciclent in Lite frit, and elttered it. yet done, saying, "Aty counsel shall all manner of things that creep andrount t o ,htuld Como again tut
stand, rued I will do all my plea.- crawl and stip Lotti bite; a region Ment 'strength, both physical and a -Certain hover the ulist !ng (It o
1Vh o they had nand east tip sour- g S meatal, is indicated. Stubby fill- to fallow him and axansino rho stare" (Isa. xIvi, 10). Compare Ex, tvhmc lite in the daytime is a mock- Y and this gave the oculist Lints, to
room, they found the place locked all• 40, 41, and note how all carne cry, and at night one feels as though gars are grasping fingers. l'ing°r arrange for the cgirl ca out of Ills
to pass just as the Lord said, Seo nails that are rounded chew refine+ plan, e d the girl calm the next
and no one in it, Fully expecting j aTCelring in rad pepper,
from this occurrence that there also I Icings xil, 2, and It Itings Acre, in ever hamlet olid city, are tthent; {f )Ong and rather square , at day the doctor had her sera rrly
xxiii, 10, 17, as all illustvatton of to be found me from different lords the top, firmness ar3cl energy are do blindfolded with a. heavy bantinge
world be an accident of some sort noted. over her eyCs, Ila then tank (t ten
in the pit, note of the men would the literal and exact fulfillment of mostly outlaws from their own coon- Y
colklmonce work, and the colliery, as prophecy, Neither Abram torr his try. Chicago, Boston, Now York, S -� ABI XT , Blouse which lie had procured itud
seed could inherit the lnncl just than and Philadelphia ail furnish their BlII7L_II CA111I7LT MAGES. held the lovely little Laing by 11.9
N colse[jumlca, stead idle far sovaral
clays. Arcot old miners havo soma because tine iniquity of the inhebi- quota, England, France, Italy, and The annual I gas bill" of the tail before the girl's face. though I ?
Strange experlence to relate if they tants was not yet full. Ono reason even fill, awny Rtiasin have their British Cabinat' ;711110 light sunt -at »°t touching her, while Ile ordarod
can be induced to talk about them, why our Lord does not conte and above. They make no attempt at Present it nearly reaches £109,000 ; the bandago to be removed. "TO 11
but knowing the scepticism with judge the nations is because their Concealment, bear the varves they o•, to be exact, it amounts• io.£93. sooner was the bandage off than her
Which such things are regarded now- Iniquity has not yet come to a head. Ware born to bear, incl go along 550. Of the Cabinet as at present screams rang through the place .and
allays, they will but rarely open Ther° is it proper time to lance a about their own business as it the constituted the boat -paid is the Lora )ler cf3?s vera wide with terror
tbeil• mouths oil tiro subject. boil, Our Lord will not be too late iaivs of their own country had not LI°utatant of Ireland, who receives at the harmless little rodent t+:hi•h
In attending to the gathering. made then) outcasts. ,020,000 a year the Lord Chancel- had thrown boll so conPlotmly off
O 17. The smoIiing furnace and the o )or COmes next with £10,000, and )ter gnnrcl and expo."(1 the imPOn-
burning lamp describe the way of the PROTECTING IIEER-D the I1• ith Lord Chancellor's salary Lure. Of comwe she saw it or also
W]:I>N TI -11D It1NG IS OItO\VNE:O, people of Cod as Choy journey to rho Is £8,000. Seven Afinisters-rap sit° would not have screamed, Neecl-
kingdom, There will be the furnace, Beer-drialmr3 in Alunich arc con- � s e°tiiol stationed tit the. Forei less to .say tine applicant did not got
One of the most curious perquisites but Ills word will prove an unfailing gratulating thpmselvvs because of a Colonial. War India Treasury, gtn� that certificate, .
connection With the Coronation. inane, In the world We shall have hots law. It 3inpOses upon salon- ]Iowa Offices, anti the Chancellor of
3s the right of one of the peers t0 tribulation. We must 'through ]m101 keepers a line Of Z0-5, With two the l+',xchec uar-are aid d:5 00O e # .
°lain) the bet) raid bedding nsod by tribulation enter the )tin don weeks' inI rfsOrllu tit If h s ) P each,
rho Heir -Apparent on the night re S but P e a t cy serve a which is the state ; w salary lot- a
Oiling g p the need not be trouble<l (John xiv, patrob tv3t]l a glass at beer which seeretnty at Rtnta ; wh71a rho First CONCZ RN.ING SAVANTS
ee fag Liie Coronation, In olden ], 37; -vii 83• Acts xiv 23• AI'aih, has too deer n 01l t•• -tin r
times this was a Perquisite of c - I C a . tt is; too Loct of Lha Adnnfvaliy has £4„rGO. Polly-tVisdom {s enernlly cl 1i
q qn xxiv, 6), for nothing earl c tut to much froth, About an !nail of irotli he rein inin* eight r S qt et,
1 a 6 C g t nlentl.crs Of the ad as a loan with it long. Acitvin
sideaable value, as the "b°dding” us that will not rove to ).)a the best is considered th0 kA nl u t t n a
P S q alt ty, but. Cabinet arc each given x.,,(700 per beard,
tonally Consisted of richly-embrold- fo• us in the light of the. lcn• , and it Is to be observed that )
Bred coverlids of velvet or silk with g Y tto glnsaes Chiron, lha attires of the 7tOr- Dally -Yew; but v id°a of tIgIl
IIis prestnee will always sustain Ila in tvhialt Lho beer is srtwc[i aro sown Chief ;rrretnvy and of Postulaster- is m m
)1'ieel0aa haligiingB Df C10LII,. Of'�a11w0,' lam. -v' i 2A• - tL man fled 11x.4 ers- Clean 'h t0
(I i . Tsn, -)ail, !, 3), What ]Luger' than Lha are in a li r: f3
Y t e (;quern) t2 respectivcIy rated at 4w tvcar trilnnled whiskers -o, rlana at
a#irti gold. 18 21, Iloie we hauo. for the fit*st .parts of the tcoltT.2, ,cart L«,:i00: all,
A dospatell freta Washington says; on the top diene shall bo,a flowerin
fo -nav, Dr. `i'almage preached froth millennium atter• a While. All fro)
Lilo following text: -'•Aly father is ono melt seed of doctrine. Ivor
ar il.•A husbandin,n.1."-John xv. 1. word that parent o• Sabbath seho
ri)' 11411 It not bo appropriate if I Preach teacher, or city inlssionaary, c
a a harvost sermon? We were Nearly Christian woker speaks `for Claris
all of us bora fn the country, 'Pym comes up with compound inte,vo
n dropped corn in the hill, four grains You, saving' ono Soul, that one fa
to the hill; and event oil Saturday Ing tan, the ten a hundred, the hu
to the #Hill, tying the grist fn tile tired a thousand, the thousand to
] contro of the sacks, so that the con- thousand, tile ten thousand a hur
A Ulita on either side the horso bal- dred thousand -,on, an forever.
arced each other, and drove the rat- seems very insignificant to see
11j tie a -hold, our bare foot wet with the mother teaching liar child, "Now
,t' dot; and rode the horses with the lay me clown to sleop,"
Ir halter to the brook until we fefl'olt: Again I remark, in grace as in th
ai� and hunted the mote. for nests until farm, there
a, the feathered occupants went .rack- MUST BE A REAPING.,
tan ling away, In BIWA) times the land Mail Christians s eek of rel! iqn
imp was so plptl;,fnl and the inhabitants Many h Lairs a matter of gonna
1. so few that Nottii was right when iia
gave to every Inhabitant a certain fes or of insurance, They expect t
tin- portion of land, that land, if culti- reap in the next world. Oh, n
'n-- Voted, ever after to be his own PCs_ note is the time to reap. Gather u
ntoi session, All classes of tllo o g
Lt's people were j y of the Clu•istfan reef ion thi
exPeeted to cultivate ground except morning, this afternoon, this. nigh
ministers of religion. If •you !rave not as much grace a
rp• This was the rule in regard to the You would like to have, thank Go
;rs, culture of the ground: "Then shalt for what .you have, a.n1d pray So
end more. You are no worse onslave
not plough with an ox and an .ass
as to other," illustratin the folly of than Joseph, or.worse troubled tha
rte , was David, or worse tempted the
i+ aver putting intelligent and useful teas Daniel, or worse scour ed th
and pliable men in association with g
id the stubb(wn and the unwieldy. The teas Paul, Yet amid the rattling o
ro- vast majotiity o.f trouble in the letters and the gloom of dungeon
gh churches and ill the reformatory in and amid the horror of shipwreck
be stitutions comes from the disregard Tey triumphed in the grace of God
be of this command of the Lord: "Thou he weakest Man ill this house .till
on shalt not plough with an ox and an morning has 600 acres of spiritu
ass together." There were large Joy all ripe. Why do you not g
rr, amounts of property invested do oat- and reap it ? You have been groan
a tle. The Mcabitep paid over one Ing over your infirmities for thirt
U_ hundred thousand sheep as an annual Years, Now give one ruuncl shou
at tax. Job had seven thousand sheep, over
your emancipation. You sa
In- three thousand Camels, five hundred you have it so hard. You migh
rl yoke of oxen. The time of vintage have it worse. You wonder wh
to was ushered in with mirth and music. this great cold trouble keeps revolt'
The clusters of the vine were put in- Ing through your• soil like a grind -
to the wine press and then live men stone, turning and turning with blas
would get into the press and trample hand an the crank. Ali I that trou
°3• out the juice from the grape until hie is the grindstone on which yo
11 their garments were saturated with are to sharpen your sickle. To th
A the wine, and thoj' became the stn fields 1 wake up I Take off you
Lt blems of slaughter, Christ himself green spectacles, your blue spa
'Q wounded until covered with the tacles, your black spectacles. Pill
blood of crueifiction, malting use of up the curners of your mouth as fa
a this allusion, Khan the question as you pull Vista down. To tit
t- was asked: "Wherefo•o art thou rot fields I Reap i. Reap I
4- In thine apparel and thy garments The Saviour folds a lamb fn Ili
like one who treadeth the wilie vat?" bosom. The little child, filled al
a he responded: "I have trodden the tile house with her musle, and he
wine press alone!" toys are scattered all up and dote
In the first place I remark, in the stairs just. as she left them
a grace as in the fields there What if -the hand that plucked four
ASUST DE A PLOUGHING. o'clocks out of the gardsh is still ' It will wave in the eternal, triumph
That which theologians Call con What . ff the voice that mach muss
• v'ction fs only the_ploughshw•e turn- jn the hon?e is still ? She will sin
up the sins that have been root- ,the eternal hosanna, Put a whit
ed and platted in the soul. A farm- rose in one hand, . and a red rose i
er said to his Indolent son: "There the other•: hand, and a wreath o
are a hundred dollars buried deep in orange blossoms 'on the brow-th
that field:" The son event to work white flower for the victory, the re
and ploughed the field from fence to .fiower7or the Saviour's sacrifice, th
fence, and he ploughed it very (loop, orange blossom for her Marriage day
and then complained that he had Anything ghastly about that ? Oh,
not found the money; but when the no. The sun event down and th
Crop had been gathered and sold for flower shut, The Wheat thresh°
a hundred dollars more than any out of the straw. "Dear Lord, give
Previous year, then the young roan rhe sleep," said the dying boy the
took the hint as to what• Ilia father ran of one of he elders. Deal
meant when he said there was a hur Lord, givr, a sleep," tinct . closed
dred dollars buried down in that his: cyan and awoke {n glory.
field. Deep ploughing fur a crop. Z have one more nought to px
Deep ploughing for a soul. T•Ie who sent. I Have spoken of the plough
makes tlight of sin will never . amount Ing, of the sowing, of the harrow-
to anything in. the church or si the ing, of the reaping. I must now
world. If a Ulan speaks of sin as speak a moment of
though it were an ftlnccui•acy or a
mistake instead- of the loathsome, TIIE GARNERING,
abominable, consuming end damning Where is the garner? Need I tell
thing that God hates -that Man you? Ohl no, so !many have -gone
will never yield a harvest of useful- Grit from your own circle -yea, from,
The difficulty with a great many Your own family, that you have bad
( people is that they are only scratch- Your eye on that garner dor many a
ae with conviction when the sub- yoay. What a hard time some of
soil plough of God's truth ought to them had, ]n GeLt greatas of sof-
be put in up to the beam. My word blood they clonal great drops of
is to all Sabbath-sclhool teachers, to blood. They took enc trembling cup
all parents, to all Christian workers: and put ii to noir hot ] hi and
Plough deopl Plough deepl And if cried, m it ." Pursue tat Lt's cup
in your own personal experience you pass nd crush Pursued and hound -
are Apt to talte a lenient view ,of the ed and crashed, with tongues of
sinful side of your nature, put down burning agony they ericdl 0 Lo•d,
beside your soul the ten command- ' deliver my soul." But they got over
nhents which boomed from the artil_ it. They all got over it, Carner-
laried mount, and study the holiness ed- I Their tears wiped away. Their
of God, and, before you got through, battles all ended. Their burdens 11It-
the team with flaming nostrils will ad. Garnered , The Lord of the
be harnessed to the sharpened and harvest will not allow those sheaves
glittering cohiltez that will turn up tO perish in tine equinox, Garnered)
your soul to the deepest depths. Sone of ns remember on the form
Plough tip to the cross. Alin not at that the sheaves tome put on the top
either end of the horizontal piece of of the rack which surmounted the
the cross, but at the upright piece, wagon, and these sheaves were piled
at the Centre of it -the )heart of the ' higher' and higher, and after a while
Son of God who bore your sins and the horses started fox the barn, and
Made satisfaction, Crying and these Sheaves swayed to and fro in
tveaping Will not bring you tu'ougle, the wind and the old Wngon creak-
" Flim ]Lath God exalted to be a ed, and rho ho ccs gave a struggle
prince and a Saviour to give re- and pulled so hard the harness came
pelltance." Oh, plough up LO the up ill loops of leather of their back,
cross) and that when +.hr front whael
Againi I remark, in grace as in struck file elevated floor of the barn,
the field there It $coined as if the lonm would go no
MUST DID A SOWING. farther, until the workmen gave a
In rho autumnal weather ou find great shout, and then with one last
Y tremendous strain tho horses plilled
the tanner going across the field at Ili the load, Then they were unhar-
a. strida of about twenty-throo inches horsed, aand forkful nitar forkrul of
and at every strido he puts Ills hand grain fell into the MOW. O any
in the sock of grain, and he sprink- irlends, our getting into heaven may
'as it over tile field- It looks Silly be a pull, a very haxil Pull, but
to a nnml who sloes not know What these sheaves arc bound to go in,
he es [10"19, I30's doing a very ini•• "is Lord of the hae•vest bas prom-
po1•tant work. Ile is seatterirag tile ised it, I see the load at last Com -
winter groin, ant] the snow Way Ing to the door, of the heavenly gar-
cons, but the next year there toil) be neer, The sheaves of the Chi ist}a I
a great Crop, Now, that is what wO soul away to and fro in the wind of
aro doing when we are preaching the death, and the Old body croaks tnn-
-* gospel, When we at•e scattering the der tile load, alit) as the load strikes
seed. It is the foolishness of the floor of tile celestial garner it
preaching, but it is winter grain'
Basins As if it cam go no farther, It
and though the allows of worldliness Is rte last struggle until the voices
may come down upon it, it Will Yield of angels and the voice of Our do.
after a while a glorious harvest. Let parted kindred, and file welcoming
us be sure we sow the right kind of voice of God shall give a shout that
seed,, SOW Mullein stalk, ,and ui-
,. z�pi slha]I send in Lao liat•vCst rol7hlg in -
Iola stalk will come hp, Sow &11- to the eternal trimnph, while all up
ado thistles, and Canada thistles and down the slay the cry is 11ena•d :
Will Come nit. Sow Wheat, and "i-larvest home! harvest homal,,
Wheat will come up. Lot us distill. `_O
yuiah between truth and error, Let
us know tile di6•m•olee between wheat The local Carpenter had taken to
and hallabore and lienbano and colo- drink, and the minister (it happened
quintida, 'fine Lord Jestis Cihrist in a. village in Scotland) determined
uinateetl centuries ago planted one to have a Word with him on the sub-
.ret) need of doatiino. 'It sprang up, joet, I wan surprised to -day, John,
Gil one side of the stalk are all the said the minister, to ace you collie n
churches of Cluistandoll); on file out of tine public house. Wee), yo ,
»ther side of the stalk are' all the see, mConistot', retorted John; I' 1
{reo govclnnlcutlf mf the earth, `and ntaun collo not sotisdtimes,