HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-8-8, Page 1Vol, 80. „No, 4 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1901 VV. .}1.1,ERR , Prop, New Advertisements. I'itae- Jae, FoX. Local—Alta. !Kirk. Shoop strayed--.li;, Bewley. Our gasses—Moto. Fletcher. Can tract-Whitfield'e church, Examined free—L, R, Harvey. A clean eweep—McKinnon & 00. Notice to Creditors—G, Is, Blair, Huron Model SOhoole—Geo, Baled. x# ZC VV at,.t ton. W. G. Neal is away holidaying at Toronto. Misses Maggie and Ethel Wiloon, of Seaforth, are visiting friende in Iowa. A few of our villagers took in the S. S. Eurasian to I9peerdine on Wednesday. Mise Minnie MoDonald returned on Monday from a visit to friends in Strat• ford. Mies Mabel Hayoroft, of Braseele, spent a few days at R $, Ferguson's thio week. Among those who went West on the Harvest Exonreion , from Walton were Geo. and Mrs, Muldoon, Jae. and Afro. McMillan, Milton Wray, Jos. Carter and Alex, Ohriotopher. ' Tc'1kIt U1. S. S.Cole has a job of cleaning up land to 1st. Hie advt. may be read on another page. Oar Manitoba contingent got off last Tuesday. There -may be a few more go West next week, Harold Walker, son of Rev. James Walker who resided here a few years ago, has a good sit as commeraiai traveller, The Qaarterly Communion will be held in the Methodist thumb next Sabbath instead of last as wee Btated last week. A number from tide locality spent Wednesday at Kincardine going with the Exonreion. They lay they bad a fine time. We ate eorry to report that hire. Joseph Engler wae seriously injured while egoist- ing in mowing away grain in the barn the other day. A pulley slipped off and let the sheaf carrier fall doming in con. tact •with Mrs, Engler's face and head. Her injuries are very 0911045 but we hope ebe may speedilyre0over. The little son of F. lfIood, who was in. jared by aaoident some weeks ago, took a bad spell last week caused by the rupture of a blood weasel in the disabled leg. J. M. Moore, of Trowbridge was passing and waa; called- in rendering valuable moist. once in stopping the flow of blood until the attending physician was obtained. We hope the little lad will anon be better. The little girl who was bunt at the came time as ber brother, is making favorable progress. Mics Mina Elliott, who makes her. home at J. P. MoKay'e, West of there, hsd her arm broken on Treeday. She is about 10 years of age. A speedy conval. enema is hoped for. The horses which were attached to the hay' fork rope started for the etable and increasing to a run the•rope caught Mr. and Mrs. Mo - Kay and Mies Mina, throwing them down and the latter in falling struck some atones oaaeing the injury as well a0 some. what braising her. Leadbnry. Robt. Bell has now got his new drilling machine in•good running order and ie making, things bum. Frank Haokwell got an ugly gaeh on his hand a few days ago while fixing a separator when running, bub we are pleased to say is getting better. A, and Mrs. Morrison, of -Brandon, Man., ate at present visiting friends and aequaintanoee around here. Mr. Morri. eon hes a Government oitnation in Bran. don. Edgerton Roe has purchased an entire horde from a well known boree breeder, near Seaforth. We trust .Mr. Roe will have good theses in this new line- of laminate. Harveeting is fast drawing to a close in this section. Oats are nearly all out and only an odd field of late peas to lift. A. lot of Fall wheat has been threshed but the sample in every case is not near- ly ap to the mark. Quite a large number from here Left for the Weet. Tuesday morning. Among those from this part we might mention George and Mrs. Muldoon, . John Ida - Pherson, Miss Emma Jade Forbes, Noble Forbes, Donnan MaNab, Wm, McCallum' and Wm. Berrowe. Our Glasses satisfy' because they are right. Spectacle lttind Is no p&gee work with us. rum drLlq; nileen, do- recta. We guarantee yetis. faction. Hrs.'ll.•. Yr1ateher iriiarxtidlc tateal Gvrarl0.tate Ct7adicionA. k9S U 3XI:1LS Towgenrr Oooitoon -- Council met in Amer Hall, Leadbnry, .on Monday;' Aug, G. Members of Council all precept. Ao. °onnts were • presented and pall for gravelling, repairing bridgee and oulverto amonpting' bo 8828 01, Jae. Campbell presented a petition for the Reeve to sign to complete a ditch by report of 11'. W. Farncomb, 0. E„ to have it made narrower than directed by !engineer. Council authorized Reeve to sign it if others intereeted do the same. Ooun. oil pouted By-law for County, Township and Pablio Bohool rates and the different sohool motion rates. One motion did not send their request until meeting as the amassment of eaob sohool motion .was not there it could not bo passed. The total tax for county rate, township rate and to raise §150 00 for each public sohool is 4 35/100 mills on the dollar. The publioschool eeotion rates varies from 05/100 to 1 05/100 mills on the donor. The. R. 0. separate sohool rate is 2 mills on the dollar. Ail parties having town- ehip scrapers in their poesession and not returning them to Olerk'a residence be. fore the first of September will be obstu. ed ben cents a day for use until returned, to be added to taxes this year. Connoil adjourned to meet in, Huron Hotel, Dub- lin, on Monday, Sept. 16, at 11 o'clock.. Joint Q. Monarion, Clerk. 131 F th. Hasnxr WEL°otic..-Blyth'a weloome to Sergeant A. MoL. MoQuarrie on Monday evening was a most brilliant affair. Blyth never does things by halves, Sergeant MoQuarrie is the son of License Inspector Hugh MoQuarrie. He left home some ten years ago, moat of which time he has been in Winnipeg, Mani. lobe, but about 18 months ago he went to the war . with the Winnipeg artillery and wee in 8 or 9 engagemante, While he caw several of his oompaninno fall he was more fortunate and gob through with. out a scratch. After being with the Winnipeg artillery for some menthe be joined the forma of the noted Gatling Gan Howard and assisted at the relief of Mateking, and a number of other engage menta. He obtained his dieohargeand returned home on Thursday' of last week when he was met at the station by an enormous gathering of people and moon- ed to his father's residence by the Blyth Band and a torah light procession, On Monday night a monster demonstration woe held in the Park which was brilliant- ly illuminated for the occasion. Reeve Sims presided and a long program of epeechee by loos! clergy and others - Was rendered. The following officers of the 83rd Huron Batallion were present and delivered eddressesin honor of Sergeant MoQuarrie :—Lieut. Col. Vareoe, of Carlow ; Major Jos. Beck, of Goderiob ; Major Wm. Young, of Carlow ; Capt. H. T. Rance, Blyth ; and Sergeant Morgan Jones, of Dungannon. There wao also a splendid mnerioal'program rendered by the beet local talent. T. W. Scott, village Clerk, read an addreee from the, oilizens of Blyth, and presented Sergeant MoQuarrie with a beautiful 18k signet ring suitably engraved, accompanied by a puree containing about: 650. The ring was parobaeed from our -local jeweller, Frank Metoalf. Everything passed off well and our former resident will be more assured than ever that the Blyth people fnlly appreciate hie valor and patriotism. 1Bluevesle. Fred. Warman spent a few days in Mitchel[ this week. Mies Lento Mitchell, of Wingham ie felting at R. Summerville's. A oar of hogs wae shipped from Blue. o ale by Wm. Jewitt last Monday. a Mies Mabel Scanlon, of Jervis, Ont„ is Jolting her grandmother, Kra. Wm. mitt. Gib. Gillespie, of Brandon, Man., is fl ieiting relatives and friende in Wroxeter p nd Bluevale. 1 Miss Annie Oliver, of Toronto, ie speed - ng her holidays with her grandparents, B r. and Mrs. John Bnrgeee. 7 Wilbur Leech, son of Rev. W. W. p eeoh, is taking a wheeling trip and is a topping over with friends here. 1 George Scott, of Toledo, Ohio, and r threw Scott, of Seafortb, visited their a rother, F. 13. Soobt, one day last week. Thomae Blathers, of Michigan,' and Jno. M ethers, of Belleville, are attending a air father, Robert Mathere, who is very w Joseph and Edward Lesoh were in M orotate last week attending the wedding e their niece, daughter of Rev. George M eeoh. g Among the exoursioniete to Manitoba o ho left from here on Tuesday morning ere :—Robt. Musgrove, John Munn, at. eo an. Mann and'Jas. Moffatt. re Mr. Musgrove and Olyme Maguire went fl ay on Tuesday to Manitoba on the at arveet Eatontown. Mr. Musgrove owns oa farm in bbe Turtle Mountain Dietriet. tb Tbo S. S. Exoursion to Goderioh on an ureday was notvery well patronised a re. A number from Wroxeter and ba olesworth left trom Blnovale station and in gilled the lisle oonelderably. Rev. Mr. Fairbairn, of Dungannon, to eaohed in the Presbyterian church on m ndey both morning and evening. He et k a report of the Sunday School whiob in will ppresent to the Presbytery. 01kW.M. l7, Blaok while pinking berries one re y last week became prostrated with at e heat and hes not yet recovered from 1 effoots. J. Ma0raoken is another 28 darer from the higb temperature. wt Mise Mireue Stewart, of Bluevale, and M lion S. Watson, Postmaster at Sun. 'oh ne, were united in marriage by the aft v. R. Paul at Brasoels on Wodneeday of wi t week. Their friende in Bluevale 18 end 0ongratdlatioue. do Me. R. and e. Paul, of Brussele, eel re visitors with Joseph Pugh and la roily and other old friends this week. eh e reverend gentleman knew the local- in many yaareago and be very kindly p embeted by the old seniors. In he flret Quarterly service of the Con. Mr nos year wag held in the Methodist an rob last Sunday morning and wae re ely attended by members from the m 0e appointmenES, The text taken wao wh awake be unto God for Dia unspeak- Lo gift," and the whole gervie° was the and piritual power and interest. to v v v S a M a A b M 1h fl of T L w 11 acv H Th he hi sw Pe Su too he da 1h the 011 !tit 9hi las ext �R e ta Th iby rem T fere ohn long for "21 able of The third of the'oup races wao run on Saturday night and paused some excite. wont, Ed. Btyano, of Morrie, one et the hest elders of this district, entered and took fleet place. John Coulter wae seoond Brinker third, Hants, fourth, and Smith last. Stewart entered but 818 not finish Coultas bas noiv the highest number of pointe, Next Saturday night will decide who is the winner, The Willing Workers of the Methodist ohnroh Were "At Home" to a number of friends last B'riday evening in the leobure room of the church, which Was prettily decorated with rage and flowers, Tea Was served by the ladies and the'tables looked very inviting. After tea a abort program of eoloe, duets, recitations and music by the O'ohestra wag rendered, and the pastor, Rev. F, Swann, gave e short address, A social time was enjoy- ed by all throughout the evening. 1M1 Orriw. Light toaah of frost IaetSunday nig Threshing has commenced and it wo be a long job this year. Harvest will be fairly well over in t course of another week. David Smith, 6th line, intedde—lei West with a oar load of horses. Morrie township voters' lints are in, halide of the Clerk, being first posted on Monday. Bird Bros. are out threshing. The run a White engine and Peerless machin of Hamilton. MUM Perim got hie arm nut at Joh Mooney's, when feeding the maohjne, b the band natter. Last Monday Win. Jaakeon, 8th lin lost a valuable mare from a brain troubl It will be quite a lose, W. Jackson was kinked in the thigh his driving horse last Saturday and w laid up for a few days. Owing to the Quarterly Meeting bein held at Belgrave last Sabbath there we no service in Sunshine Methodist Mauro Miss Rebecca Jackson returned to he position at Mimioo on Tuesday after a enjoyable holiday with relatives an friende. The aeual Sabbath afternoon [larvae 1 the Jaokeon oburoh last Sunday was with drawn owing to the Quarterly Oommanlo at Blyth. Wa Milton Aeon and bride have go nicely settled down on the 5th line. W wall them many years of happiness an prosperity. D. Meiklejohn wag visiting:his broths at Molesworth and his sister, Annie, ha gone' to Clearwater, Man., to visit he eater, Jamee Miller. Stone masons are building the basemen wails under the Miller cahoot house, at line, The briok has also arrived fo veneering the building. TTownship Commit met last Monday The usual batch of accounts were pre stinted, a goodly number of them bein for gravel and gravelling. The briok work at the Clegg eohoo bodge ie' about completed. With the new atone basement and veneered buildin solid oomfort should now be enjoyed. Harvesting is all the go and many field of grain falls before the binder ever day. Two weeks more, with good wrath er, will see the most of the harvest in the barna James Bolger and wife expect to leave on Tuesday of next week for a holiday visit with relatives and friends in Mani. tuba. We with them a very ,enjoyable time and a safe return. We are pleased to bear that Gavin Bewley has passed the 3rd grade examin. Oa ation-in connotation with hie mane in topography taking 96j%. He will likely ttend the Chatham Beams College next Fell. E. E. Bryaos entered the cap race in Blnevaleleet Saturday evening and took ret plea°. He was not allowed any oints on the'oup on account of being a ittle fast for hie opponents. Last Monday Wm. Jaoklin and Geo. isbop, of Grey, drove to Wm. Bird's, tb line, and got to work at 9 a. m. They tilled 10 aures of peas with a 6 foot mower nd drew in three three of oats, the last, odd being on at o'clock. Talk about aching in the harvest, we think the bove fa hustling work all right. Manitoba will see quite a number of orriailes this season. Among the first ontingent, who took train on Tuesday, ere 1—W. R. Mooney, Wm. Sellers, Robt. Bone, Lew. Rutledge, Jas. Moffatt, . MoVittie,•R. Garneeo, Sam. MoOrack- n, Jae, Miller, Jas. Kearney, W. J. °Murray, Robt. Smith and Ed. Bryane. oma of them will visit Dakota and there will go on into the Territories. Laet Tuesday night abo41 11 o'olook me person palled at Chas. Ritobie'e sidenoe. He name across one of the aide and on the dog advanoing to the took the visitor threw a stone at the nine. Ibmieaed the dog but struck e hone. Mico Ritahie wae aroused d called her father wbo sallied out with revolver. Mr. Night Prowler beat a sty retreat to the road where he jumped to a baggy and drove off. Courant.— The following notice refire the decease of Mrs. Chao. Ritohie's other, Mrs. Alex. Stewart :—Again the ern meeoeoger of death !tae visited our idet, and we now mourn the lose of an d, well known and highly ,esteemed eident in the person. of Mre, Alex, Stew. 1, who died at the home of her gamin. mw, Charles Ritchie, on Sunday morning, th ult. M'rs. Stewart'o. maiden name e Janet Fergus°n. She was born in onlio, in the pariah of Pitchers', Perth. ire, Soottand, in the year 1820, where in er years she attended the day wheel th the late Alexander Mackenzie. In 45, she braved the hardships and priva. 00 of an ocean voyage on a selling veg. end atter a long and tedious passage, 'dad at Wbitby, York county, where ortly nater her arrival she wae united marriage to, Alexander Stewart, who r°deoeaeed ber thirty-nine years ago. the year 1851, she, a000mpanied by' Stewart, removed to Huron county, d sealed in Harpnrhey, where they mined for three years, when they owed to lot 1, oouoeeeion' 16, Grey, ere Mr. Stewart died in the year 1862. ft early a widow, she had to fano the nous duties of bringing tip a lenge natty end fight tbo battle of lite alone. ht. n't he ng t f he np 7 e, n y 0, a. by 6 g 0 h. 8 n a r r b r 2 1 w 0 • Of their eight children, only three enrolee John, of Toronto ; D. D, Stowart, of Wyoming. Minpoeota, and Mre. Marin Ritchie, of Morrie. Mre. Stewart wao Well and favorably known, and her many friends and neighbors will long cherish a loving memory of her many good and kind qualities of head and heart, every ready to lend a helping hand to those in oiokneso and distress, Of her it may be truly eaid abs lied many friende and no enemies. The funeral took place from the residence of Mr. Bitable, with whom she had resided for the past year, on Tumi- dity aftera000, the burial servioe being oondnoted by Rev. Mr, Roee, and the re. mains were laid to rest in the Brunets cemetery, fo'lowed by a large concourse of frieudo. The' pall bearere were : Almeria James Bolger, Janne MoDonald, Robert Calder, McGregor, Patton and MoLangb lin, Among those who attended the !boatel of the late Mrs. Stewart last week were :—Dnnoan and Mies Minnie McGregor, Mr. and Mre. Patton and Mrs. Donald McGregor, of Seaforth ; Jno, Stewart, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Calder, of MtoKillop, and Mrs. Alex. Stewart, of Harparbey,, Got' ... Township Council will meet next 'Mon- day, Wm. Smith, of Toronto, ie visiting et the old homestead,16th con, Mies Merits McArthur, of Dutton, Elgin Co., is vieitiog her friend, Miss Sarah MaLanablin. Miasee L. Strong, R. Ranter, L. Fergu- eon,and N. Rogers, of Brunie, were visiting friends in Grey on Wednesday. Jam. and Mrs. Berry lett for Manitoba on Tuesday to visit their daughter, Mrs. J. Y. Campbell, of Cypress River. They will be gone about three months. Among Greyites who went Wean last Tuesday were Mies Hislop, 15th don., to Arcola ; Wm. Davidson, 'llth non., to Arcola ; Geo. McNichol, 9th don., to Estevan ; Robb. Oliver, 9th. to Moose. jaw. Wm. Taylor, lath eon., wbo got eaoh a severe shake up in driving a load of grain into hie barn, is improving slowly, He was able to go to Brneeels on Tuesday, Elis right arm is very little nae yet and he complains of a priekly sensation in tbe fingero of hie right band something similar to an electric shook but the left armis becoming more workable. He will be laid aside for some time yet as fttr as farming operations are concerned. Thomas Johnston met with an exciting and unoomtortable experience, which he will not soon forget, and by which, in some miraculous 'manner, an accident, which might have been attended with more serious results, was averted. Hewaa en. gaged drawing in wheat on the farm of Thomas MoFadzean. The wheat was very dry and [slippy, and while driving over a piece of uneven ground, the sheaves on the fore part of the load, on which Mr. Johnston was standing, auddenly slipped forward and he wee thrown on the wagon tongue. The horses becoming frightened, ran away, and although he still retained'bie bold on the lines, owing to tbe position in which he wag placed, with one foot over the nook yoke, be wee too far forward to have control over the homes in their mad gallop, and in this position be was carried for over 80 rode, when the horses were stopped in their mad career by T. MoFadzean, jr., and he wae reamed from hie perilous position, not much the worse. Brussels Connoil. The regular meeting of Brussels porn. oil was held last Monday evening, the Reeve in the chair and Councillor Don- aldson, Henderson and Wilton present. Minutes of last meeting read and pegg- ed. Following amounts were presented R, Denbow, 239 loader of gravel. ,$119 60 R. Rendereoo, street imp. 1 00 G. T. R. weigh goatee......., .... 50 D. 0. Rose, pants & [shirt N. Wilson 1 25 A. MoLanoblin, salary 25 00 Moved by R. Henderson, emended by Jno. Donaldson, that the above accounts be paid.—parried. Atteotion wae called to an open ditch on T4rnberry street that should be filled in and acme necessary repairs to Dement sidewalk and orooeinge. The Street Committee was authorized to sae to the drat and the Clerk inetruoted to write 0, H. Conary aa to the latter. Connoil then adjourned. StratfordConnellfixed the tax at 23 mills on the dollar. The store and poetoffioe of Tuscarora were destroyed by fire at an early hour Sunday morning. Peal Johnston, of the Fort Garry Gan Club, won the Western Canada trap shooting championship. It is said the Bulimia Rifles, of Brant. ford, will go into camp at Port Dover for a few doye this month. H. M. Moir has been appointed super- intendent of agencies for Perth Co. for the Central Life Aeeuranoe 00. The ladies of Ottawa have determined to present the Duchess of Cornwall and York with an otter oape with ermine trimmings in a box of maple lined with. order. W. L. Grant, olaesioal master at Upper Canada College, eon of Principal Grant, lelieen'e University, has accepted a fellow- ship ellow•e ip in olassios at the John Hopkins Uni. vereiby, Baltimore. On a wreak on the Central Ontario Railway, near Springband, Engineer Charles Lough wag killed. Emmet Mc- Clellan (fireman)) probably fatally scalded and Brakeman Stales, also badly scalded. Hugh McKee and Mies Maokie fell oat Of a boat at Deeeronto while plashing it out from the dook. The young lady Was reooned by a companion in the boat, bit the young man wag drowned. The International Limited, the Grand Truak's.speeial fast train from Montreal met with a mishap on Saturday at Ilea pantie. It ran into the rear eta freight train, and knooked the mimosa from the troth into the ditch a oonelderable dia. team away. No one was eelfo0sly injur- ed, but the dyer wae detained two hours Mad it halt. (civic Holiday at .Kincardine, Delightful gay,-1110.11rowd and a anion. dill Tlnle Enieyed by Everybody,-- Klneardhwlies x5000 110ep/titble 111 their Entertainment. Wednesday of this week wag the en- nnal Civic Holiday for Brneeels and w enjoyed by a large number from tow and locality as well as by many along W, G. & B. from Palmerston at the lak side in' Kincardine. The 'flay open moot beautifully as to the weather, 000 clear and bracing, Sharp at 8 a, m. cam the excursion train of 10 coaches and baggage car. Engineer Farley pulled th lever ;Fireman Woodford saw that alae waa kept up •, Conductor Benders° smiled on everybody as he collected tl pasteboards ; and Brakesmen Hayes an Cox did their part in adding to the oom fort of ail concerned. The run wae mad in good time getting to Kincardine abo 9 30 and no time was lost in uuloodin the stirring, merry contingent of oom 700 excursionists who were bent on ha Bona ing a good time. Mayor MoKendriok headed the Recap tion Committee, which consisted of Counoiliore Temple, Arnold and Quin and Lieut. Col. Scott, Editor Clark an E. Miller, and greetings were soon ex changed, the freedom of the town proffer ed and the general pproolamation issue "Kincardine is yours for the day," Dray man Cook hauled the baskets to th pavilion on the fine Perk where Jame Shoobottom was put in charge and by °heoking prorates nobody was bothers with their belongings unless at thei pleasure. A military camp stove roars and crackled while three large boiler filled with water were heated for tea an coffee ; ice was supplied for the drinkin water from the Park fountain and ;th citizens vied in friendly rivalry in mak ing the visitors feel at borne, Flags float ed from varione flagstaffs and a holida aspect was given to the nicely situate and well kept town with its oomfortabl residences and beautiful lawns. Th business places were closed from 2 to o'olook. A Bowling tournament commenced a once on the arrival of the excursion o the fine lawn of Mr. Murray with foo rinks from Listowel, 3 from Brussels and 3 belonging to Kincardine. in the oontest and e' most pleasant time was spent with a number of close finishes. Draw- ing for places brought Brussels, Dr. Mo. Naughton, skip, against Listowel, J, Ainlay,'skip, snore 15 to 12 in favor of former. Brussels, D. 0. Roes, skip, vs, Kincardine, R. Roes, skip, score 21 to 7, favorable to Brussels. Brussels, J. T. Rose, skip, vs. Listowel, McGillivray, skip, Brussels winning once more by 20 o 10. Listowel with the star bowler Geo. Zillion as skip, and Kincardine, skipped by the well known Dr. Brune, met and he former was victor. Alex. Yaiil aptained the 4th Listowel rink and their contestants were Kinoerdineites with kip Smith as director, Smith won. In he second round J. T. Ross' rink beat mith'e by 17 to 5 1 Zillisx' pulled out hat looked like a certain defeat with D. . Ross' bowl trundlero by 1 shot. Dr, oNaughton had the bye. Thirdly and wetly to shorten up the match J. T. 000, Brussels, defaulted to Dr. Mo- augbbon, Brussels, and the the Drs. nk trounced Mn. Zilliax and his three ble assistants by 14 to 8, thereby winning at place. Dr.MoOrimmon, awell known ardent of the lake town, in a brief, well aut address reported the proceedings and ked Mrs. MaOrimmon to present a out ass waterpitoher, with silver trimmings Dr. MoNanghton and a fine silver Mt dish to Mr. Zilliax as 2nd prize. rnsselo players who were :—R. Leather. le, A. Cooley, J. H. Cameron and Dr. oNaughton, skip ; J. Hewitt, J. Irwin, N. Gordon, and D. 0. Roes, skip ; and e 'bolts" 3, Ferguson, J. Arden, R. owning and J. T. Rose skip, thoroughly joyed the tournament thinking it oat• d some of those of morepretention._ ae the e• ed 1, a • n le d e ut g • a a e a d a e d • g s e 5 r 0 S w 0 1 R N xi a 1 re 01 fr B ds M J. th D en di While the bowlers were revelling on the green a hustling Football oontest Was entertaining the large orowd of apeotators on the Park. The opposing teetns were Kincardine and Brussels. The latter proved too expert for their lase praatioed oompetitoro and won quite handily by 6 to 0. A number of the home team play. ed a strong game bat they lacked in oom• bioation work. Following wae the line op ii soannINn BnIIesnr.e Matheson Goal Kerr Peterson 1 t Becks J m, Bathe i Gerry Sample Cit. Gloss 1 ..MONanghton )} Baeker McLeod Pecgueon J. Matheson McInnes F. Roche McKenzie Forwards Lowry Miller W.Roohe McLeod deuteron A lively game of Base ball between the well known Palmerston nine and the Kincardine olab oame next and at the start looked like a walk -over for the Easterners but before the match was over the Kincardine boys got down to better work although citable to overcome the long had of their opponents. Dr. Bruce, of Kincardine, an old timer on the diamond, meted oat the law tie nm- pire and bore the good natured jokes he received without turning a hair. The eoote Was ad ander t— PAT,MilieTON It 0 Kmo, unnTI R 0 Walden, lb 8 2 McInnes ss 8 1 Brooke p r .,., 4 2 Hunter, le ,,,,, 1 4 Daum, 2b. ,,,..• 4 2 Swann, 26 0 4 Thomas, 0 4 2 Matheson o 1 4 Shea, 813 3 8 McKenzie, 8b ,,, 0 2 B. Cox, of 2 4 Fife, p 1 4 Allan, re 1 8 Ross, ib .,....... „, 1 4 D. Cox, 11 0 4 Miller, of .,., 2 1 Dothan, es 0 5 McQueen re ..... 1 3 2127 1027 MlGaw's tug, a three masted sohooner and some row boats gave the visitors an opportunity of having short trips on the bottom of old Lake Huron in whose limpid waters many a pair' of feet were bathed on Wednesday. The Cadet Band in their fine Highland uniform, and lad by one old townsman, H. J. Whitley, die. coursed charming mneio luting the after- noon and never let op until "Jelly flood Fellows," and "fluid Lang, Syne" were rendered as the train was pulling out for home at 6.80 o'ojook. Mayon MoKendrioit' and the ooarteotos and obliging :ltooeptlon Commutes reeeiv ed many well deoerved oomplimsotsatfor 1110 way they provided Por the oonl art and entertainment of the.hundrede of visitors and all were unanimous that Kinoardinde ie an Ideal spot for an outing of Ellie kind ora longer stay during the Summer months and thorn will be no urging required to have the visit repeated another season. A good run 288 made on the homeward trip and ab 8.26, p. m. Brusselltes alight. ed at their deetination well pleased with the holiday, The following is the copy of a .oard, of thanks forwarded to Mayor McKendrick. en Tbnreday, which speak for itself- and. chows the oppreoiation of thooe moat In. tereeted in the management of the Ex• oureioo :— To the Mayor and Council of Kincardine: GagonoueN,—We, the Committee bav• ing to charge the Bxoaroian of the 7th Inst., desire to express our appreoiatioo of the royal welcome your town and its hospitable people gave us on that mos, - elan. • When you add to the oharm of Kincardine and its pick.ntoking grounds the kindly thoughtfulness of its public and private oitizeno yo0 have in it an Ideal spot for exoureiootete. That that was the verdiob of the excursion as e whole, and of the Bowling olubo, Foot Bali club and Base Bali olob was very much in evidence in the general oonver- eabion of the home trip, We hope, if spared to next year, to take an Exonreion of double the size bo spend another of those days in your town that lives in the memory as au ever enduring delight. Thanking you again, on bebalf of the Excareioniate, we are, yours truly, JAB. IRWm, J. H. OAbuERON, r Committee. W.1H90. .1Kerr, ) August 8th, POST SCRIPS. The Grand Truck supplied a tiptop aervioe both as to coaches and running time.—It wae a very proper thing to have Mayor Roes skip the "Colt'o" rink. He did it all right too.—No accident oo• onrred to mar the day's pleasure.—Revde. Ahey, of Braeae's, and Moore, of Lista• wel, were the only parsons who favored us with their oompaay,—A few more row boats and an additioeal bathing house with suits would prove very acceptable to inlanders while arrangements with an excursion steamboat would be par exoel- lenoe. The park is well located, easy of access to the depot, town and lake, and with its pavilions, ewioge, elevated mats, waterworke, ie the very handiest plane imaginable for pic•niekers.—We found Rebt. W. and Mire. Rots, H. Whitley, Miss Daniels, Rev. W. S. Rigsby and other old time friende with whom a -pleasant time was enjoyed.—The basket checking system introdooed for the drat time worked admirably.—A number have already expreoeed a wish that Wednes. day's eating be made an annual affair as now that they know what Kincardine ie like they want to go bank and take their friende with them —The 9 hours at the lake was a real treat to thous whoeo home is distant from the water.—H, 3. Whit. lay's -"Highlanders" do their older bretb. ren, the 48th, no dieoredit and should out quite a swath in outside towns.—The Olergue steamer, "Oseifrage," called at Kincardine on ber downward trip on Wednesday and gave the visitors an op• portanity of walking her deoke.—Sin. cardiae town Park, in the centre of the town, is a beauty spot with its green award, walks, flowers, seats, etc. Chief Huffman deserves ersiit for the way be keeps it. Many a town might take pat- tern by it,—The two Local Legislative candidates for Centre Brace, viz Editor Clark, of the Kiooardioe Review, and Dr. Stewart, of Paisley, were both on duty on Wednesday. Junior Leaving Examinations. The report of the Board of Examiners for the Part I, junior Leaving or Publio School Leaving examination bas been leaned by the Department of Education midis given below. The remits of the examinotiona at all examination centres in any County will be found under that County. The figttre five (5) indicates that the candidate has passed in the five subjeots of the examination ; the figure (8) indicates that the candidates who are exempted from the composition rind geo- graphy have missed in the remaining three subjects of the examination. Tbe (certi- ficates of anocessful oandidetes will he forwarded within three weeks to the high sobool Prithipale, and in the case of centres other than high sohools to the Publio School Impactors concerned. Under no condition will candidates ob- tain mirth:hates or aopiee of marks ati the Education Department. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble and expense, unthooeseful oandidetes are recommended to obtain the advice of the Prinoiptil after receiving their marke before malting an appeal. The results of the other July examinations will be issued in about ten dart Elsie Clark, AI 111 Eiugland, William an, G A Webster. J Robinson. (31-2 B Baird. Materiels (5)--Floronoe Isabelle Artn• strong, Annie L Armstrong, Wesley Artnetrong, Barr, Flora I Buchanan, Marion Smith. Clinton (5)—P Bice N W Boles, J Z Master (5)-0 X Brenta, A. Donne, S Mooley, .A, Robinson, A- Webb, Rttie Auguot Taylor, William J Taylor. Kintall'(5)--Mary A Hamilton, Mary Best, 33 A Bright, J Dickson, G Mina Murals. Rental Merdie, Um Laughlin, Wingham (5)—A. Cl Anderson, W G Park, M A. Powell, 311 Troy, H Wilson,' P Wynn. (3)—A Howson, T King. Wroxeter (5)-111 Bell, A S Elliott, Et Campbell, I X Danbrook, 11 Dickson, A. Mitchell (5)—Wea Allen Allen, W W R. Feller, W Horton, A. X Hodgson, Swan, G Woodger. (3)-31 IC Arm- strong, J M Walker. Milverton (5)—P Farrell, Id Farrell, Bowen, 1,3 R Brown, ad Brown, F (Nepali, J Clyde, L Darling, M A Ed - G Marshall, 51 Macdonald, F Mills, X Stratford (5)—J Bain, J S Burnett, L Small, M Wood. Canadian _Me NV N. The Carve Syndicate is negotiating for an extension of the Minitoulin & North Shore Railway through Brum and Huron Counties to Kinoardine. Jemes Flaherty knooked his brother. in-law, William Blair, down with a stone and then shot him dead, ea:wording to despatch from Morin's Flat, Quebec. "The orop of 1901 is remarkable for its uniform qaality. There is scarcely a poor field in the provinoe and the orop is Bedford, of the Brandon Experimental The Montreal Star says ;—"The law - emit between a women in blaiden againet her htilf•brothers, for her share of her mother's Goats, has revealed a °mane oomplioation. A mem named James Dunn, jr., died, and his widow, who had aome children, was married by the father of the husband deemed, James Dann, sr., anti further children were born. The thane mod community acre all tied up in knots figuring oat the relationghip the mimics misname of the family are to each other. The old gentleman boa= the brother-imaw of hia sons and grandfather of own children. Hig children by his second wife are their own tholes, and brothers-in-law to their mother. The relationship grows bewilderhag when it is found that the smith Mts. Dunn is her obildren's aunt, mother and grandmother and her own motheran-law. Captain Walter Johnston, of New York, announces that he propene to nevi - gate the whirlpool rapids and whirlpool in a boat of fire, below Niagara Fella. Captain Johnston arrived ea the Falls recently, and immediately set about making arrangementa to oarcy out the preliminary details of the atheme. He has already interested the Mayor and prominent men on both sides, aiad there le no doubt but that the attempt will be made shortly. Captain Johnston said he was born at gett, forty.five yeare ago, 'abotird the ship Minerva then in the Indian Oman, His early 'life woe epent in England, where he developed a taste ed with Capteari Webb, with whom he often enjoyed swims on the Thermal. One of Ottptain Johnetortas trate ie the swimming of the rapids of the Salaam° River near Wooden, Quebec:. For some yearg 'he wag employed by the fire depart. will be slaty feet long, thirty feet beam and will dretv Oates or four feet of water. It will be schooner rigged, end in place saila will have a net work of tisbestog, which will be oonverted into a mething Mase of flautee, forming a brilliant speo. Mole, The &et three tripe will be Made au fat se the Centilovet britige and the fourth and last one will be eontinued throtigh the repids and Whirlpool.