The Brussels Post, 1901-8-1, Page 5uG. 1, 1901 BUSINESS CARDS. IVI"ON4Y TO LOAN M .PER vent, F.fl,o0 s 1P, ifrusgvla, (�] H, IVIoQB/,CXXBN•-- 1 • Issuer of Marriage /dilemma, ol• t1o9 et Grocery 7,'urnberry.l'trent, Brpeools. fp N. DA;I RE'.1'T- +. v • Wonaorial A1'tlat, Allo r—Nex North 91 the Htanclard 1}arrk, l7.udtoodoor ohtldrelt'e hair euttlt6 a specialty, M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage r+10811OBS) WAL.TON, pfvr, * MISS JEAN WLAUCIiLINy —TBaCte E10 0E— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 743MT.Ttsigi=1.43, 01‘7T. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMi itleng8Rtalt, FIRE AND MARINE,. GUELPH, MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O, M„ Academie alma Member London the Conserva- torys Muiolane of Ontario, 10 prepared to receive a limited number bt pupils for instruction on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for the Prinelpars Form in the Conservatory of Music, • Brussels, Ontario, ALEX, HUNTER— (nark ofthe Fourth Division Court, Co. Hurou; Oonveyanoer, Notary Public, Land,Los and Insurance Agouti; Auction, eor.. Fonds invested and to^loan. 'Collec- 'tlonemade. ODloo in Grabam'slBlook,Brua- AUCTIONEERS. r{'1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- ` • nun, w111 sell for butter prices, to better men in lose time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in Enst Huron or he won't obarge anything. Dates and orders eau elven be arranged at this ()Aloe or g by personal application. VETERINARY. T D. WARW1OX 03 • sonar gradnato of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals tin a oompet- •entmanner. .Particular attention poid to ,Veterinary Dentistry. Onla promptly at- tended to. 01Bco and rnflrmary—Four doors North of bridge, Teruberry et„ Brueeele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR-- Barrister, Bolioitar, c0onveyancer, Notary Public, &a, C1$oc—B tewart'e Blook 1 door tier tb of Central Rota, Solioltor for the Standard: Bank. CI F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • 17�• Solicitor, deo. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brueeelo. Money to Loan at lowest rates. M• G.' CAMERON • (formerly of Cameron, Bolt & Cameron) Barrister and Bohoitor, Goderlob Ont. 0011ae—Hamilton street, opposite 0o1 - borne Hotel. . MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. 0., C. Al., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity - Medical College, Member College of Pbyeiolane and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery Rdinburgh, ISTelepboue 14o,14, Residence—Mill 0treat, Brussels. STOCK FOR SERVICE BOAR FOR SERVIOE.-THE nndoroigned will keep for service at 11 t Lot 19,'Oou. e, Morrie, a wall bred Poland China bog. Terme, $i.CO, to be paid at time at .service with privilege of returning if necessary. � ry. CEO. A. RBADOXAN, Proprietor. McLEOD'S • System neztontor —Ann 'oxia%— . TESTED 'REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For .Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, Con. enmpption, Gall Stumm, Jaundice, Kidney and UrinaryDieeaeee, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bilit . LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MCLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold by Jae, Fax, Uru8Clse. Brnetels SHINGLES British Coll mbia Red Cedar Shingles Asn - North Shore Pine and . Cedar FOR SALE AT: 'TIM Brussels Planing Ills Aino Deere and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order' at Short Notice. Estimates Fureiehed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman., fillip and Material Gutranteed, P. AIV E J.,`t .L, , the1. Saw Mille.. 1 have a good supply of Hernloelt loge oil band, van out oat to suit paatomera, Dressed Maple, imitable for granaries, at 1010 pet kf, All kinds of Droned bomber ltept on hand from $10 per M up, A large stook of pulled .Fina and Ash at 07 per M. Shingles and Latin always on band. t5rA good farm on 13413 con, of Grey for sale,, COLE, a s. COL , Pit0P1t1ET0ii, =BET., W h(Jtr4tt ° .eb3s GOP rite. Mrs. S. Greer went to Toronto to visit her daughter, Mre, A. Welch, wbo . ie on . the sick list. P. H. Christman has eeoured a site - alien with the Stimpson Computing Scale Co;, of Elkhart, Indiana. Mil. Keine, principal. of the "Sod' public school, is (pending hie vaoetlon with hie parehte in town. 1131vtie. John 3, Habkirk,.of Galt, is visiting at the home of hie mother here. Mre. Watson, *ite of the Hon. Senator Watson, of Portage la Prairie, is the guest of Mre. Alex. McKellar, Rev. Wm, Panhall preached atAnburn, Westfield and St. Agggetine on 'Sunday. Rev. John Kennedy, B. D., took charge of Mr. Penhall'a work on the Blyth 91r- A number of Blyth's yonng baobelore met at the home of Jae. and Mre.i S W. and tendered a farewell. banquet to WW. W. Taman prior to his departure for Eire. ter, wbere leY is starting in boeinese for himself. John and David Denholm left Blyth station with two oars of borne for Nee. pawn, Manitoba, and on Taeedey of last week, John and Robert Brown left with a oar load for the same place. Fred. and Wm. Toll alto took a load for Carman, Manitoba. Lireito w el. J. W. Scott has sold the 60 acre farm, part of lot 4 in the 13th 0000e08ion 01 Wellesley, to Donald Thorp, who owns the adjoining farm, for $2,100. Jos. Laird, who returned home a. few months ago after serving three years in the U. S. navy in the East, has gone to New York, having decided to reenter the naval Berme. Mies Annie Bolton, until recently organist in the Congregational ohnrob, was presented with a handsome secretary and en'appreoiative address by the mem. bare of the congregation. Tbe Listowel Furniture Co., received two more large 'orders for their goods, whioh with the other orders on hand will keep them bustling for some lime. The Company have now about fifty hands employed, Mr. Davie, D. L. S., of Bet/in, wbo has been appointed referee in oonneotion with the appeal of Wallace township against the Stewart drain aesesement, spent a..week in town and neighborhood, taking levels, eta., preparatory to making bio report. Wm. Frank, an employee at the piano factory, had a nasty gash ont in his fore- head wbile operating a Raw at the piano factory. Apiece of the board which he was cutting flew up and struck him over the eye, laying open the bone almost two inches in length, A doctor dressed the out, which required several stitches. Dr. 0.0. Tatham, eon of Wm. Tatham, of this town, who has been engaged in profeeelonal work at Manitowaning, Mani. toalin Island, left there on Wednesday morning, July 17tb, for Port Elgin, in a sailing skiff, and landed on Saturday fol- lowing, after a somewhat risky trip. The distance ie about 150 miles. He exper. ionised a rough passage in oro0eing the gap from Manitonlfa to the mainland. Wroxeter. Wroxeter has had a lady Treaouror for over a year and a very setiefaotory one at that, Somerville Hamilton hes secured a position as junior oferk in the Dominion Bank at Seaforth• We with him eco. 0000. The friande. of Erie MoLeugblin, who is now at Manitowaning, Man. Ie:, will be pleased to heat of his athletic per. formalities on the 12th of July at that town. Ile won' the running bop, step and jump, 42 ft.10,a in. end the running broad jump 20 ft. A PaooaEetiVE I00080ar,—The Star gives thefollowing interesting notice :— Some weeks ago it g was announced that Robt. Bleak, of the Greenlaw Roller Mill beret was going to make, tome changes and improvements in hie mill; The flret indication of a move was the tearing out of the old woodwork of the interior and a 'pile of lumber as high as the third story was thrown out. The work went steadily on under the Able guidance of Geo. Hunt,. Of theGoldie & MoCulloogh Works, Galt, from whom the new were pur• abased, until last weak when the water was turned on. Everything went off like a charm, much to the credit of the work. men. This week we took a run thtough the mill and in the basement found a new main (theft direct from the head of the large wheel pet in last Summer which greatly eimplflee the driving of the mill. On this floor are else a new brush maohine for (laming the 'wbeat, and several other improvements. On the main floor the rolls have also been tent and put in shape as good as new. A very large chopper ban also lately been put in, nod everything arranged to make .more room. On the ted floor much new maohinety has been itttroduoed the Meet mproved Gyrator with a oapaoity of 60 Male. per day, being the obief machine, It ie a very oompaot affair not vary large to look at brat this roubles takes the plaoe of an immense amount of old fashioned oumbereome m&ohi0eryrand entirely °bangee the system of daunting the flour, Next in implartanee 00 the new purifier Wetting through sieves by air titration. On the top flat are new ma. IE J USf8.Er s POST ebipee IPO various porpous, and through• out the speeting h to boon 1•e.arrartgod in nompeot 8hapo. In feet everything is now 00 peally arranged that it gives the Mill n rather empty appoaranoo ha nom, pterison 09 the maze of epoete, shafts, etc„ wlifoh laevo been ref/Need, and whlah anti Wenn with math less power. Mr, Black has now, at an outlay of nearly 02,0(10, Oo transformed his rolil that he lute one of the very beat in the .country, and deeeevos the hearty support of the village and country foe bit path and en, terpriee in providing everything in ma. ()binary to turn out the highest grader' of flour, and to do all other work in a prompt and up to•date way, Exeter. . The flex crop in this notion' 00 very good. Perey,.00n of H, Hooper, while pulling flax was overcome by a minstroke. MiGs Eva Carling has been engaged to teach on the Exeter publio eohool staff, filling the vaoaneyoaueed by Miss Rusk resigning The Contrail Board has given thg by. mw, Axing a lieenee fee of 060 for the privilege of gelling oigarettee, its simnel and third reading, thus making it a village law. James Stewart, Huron street, who bas bean an invalid for the pent three or four yea,a with a very nnfortenate &O. s t, e had just got out of bed and being very weak and almost helpless felt over and in the fall fractured one of his ribs, Being an all men and oa0eidering hie very enfeebled condition it may reelt teriooely, 0X°Wa11op. Ortwell Todd, of Goderiab, is spending his holidays at J, Grieve'e. John Govenloolt has had the mister. tune to have hie barn buroed, Mies Mary Irvine, of Blenehard,is visiting relatives in this seotion at present. Pigeon and hie gang are again at work at the big ditoh on the Canada Oompany's lands. N. and Mre Lovett, of Summerhill, were Viebting the former's sister, Mre. John Soarlett. Mies Sarah Kenney has ret orad ho m efrom Constance atter a pleasant visit with friends there. The fall wheat so the farmere say hag an abundance of straw but the yield of grain will be disappointing, The oar`pentere are beey at Mr. Davidson's new hones. It is a two story building with a mansard roof. John Scarlett was away to Toronto to attend the Grand L. 0. L. meeting which was held there instead of in Winnipeg. Women both young and old, as well as children, are Frequently teen wending their way from the berry patches with well filled pails. The sale of farm stook and implements of the estate of the late J. J. MoLaughlin was quite a success. The farm, was also disposed of, W. Hogg being the purchaser for the sum of $3200. Mr. Hogg now can laciest of having one of the beet ffty gore farms in MoK111op. Liucicnow. At a largely attended joint meeting of the Luoknow Caledonian Sooiety and local Sone of Scotland it was decided to withdraw the bolding of games this year. While out at the baro, Mre. Peter Mason, of East Wawanoth, noticed a large wild oat sitting on the barn floor. Itis impeded that there is a young family of wild oats not far off. The oandidates in Brace for the doming eleotion will be as follows, North Riding, C. M. Bowman and D. M, German ; Centre Riding, Dr. Stewart and Hugh Clark ; South Riding, B. Oanuon and probably Mr. Truax, thought the latter has not been nominated. Wesley Joynt, eon of John Joynt, of this village, met with a very painful ac- cident. He. was sitting on the railing of the bridge at the carding mill dam, and when the timber gave way be fell head. Brat to the slide below, breaking hie arm in two places and was otherwise badly out and bruised. Jake Miller, James Burne and J. Mo• Kinnon had a close call from (writhe if not fatal accident in the gravel pit on Rose street, The whole face of the bank, about 16 feet in height, suddenly gave way and the three men were buried an. der its weight, but fortunately none of ]hem were seriously hurt. The County Assessment, of the towns and villages in Bruce is as follows : Wal- kerton, $605,5001 Wiarton, $487,085 ; Kincardine, $419,250 t Oheeley,0325,445; Southampton, 0312,728 ; Port Elgin, $285,579 ; Paieley, $234,110 ; Luoknow, $227,060 ; Teeaweter, $222,810 ; Tara, $164,820 ; Tiverton, $91,160. Atwood. Elm, Council meets on Aug. 5th. The Baptiet anniversary will be held on Sunday, Sept. let. Rev. J. W. Cameron, of North Morn. inglon, preached in the Presbyterian ohurohlaet Sabbath. Geo. Loohhead left laat week for Okotoka, N. W. T., to visit hie sitter, Mrs. Jae. Lineham, who is poorly. The last half of June mke of the Nawry-oheeee factory hag be nsold for cents alb. � ate The Ingersoll Packing Co, were the boyars. Min. -A very Gudden and unexpected death occurred bn Friday, J4ly19,' when Jamie Brook, lob 20, cop. 2, Elma, de- parted this life, aged 46' pare, 5 mos. and 28 days. Jae. Brook and hie brother William were etooking wheat in a field on the iormer'e farm when about four o'clock in the afternoon James told his brother that he had a severe pnin over hie heart and that he wan losing the power of hie lett Bide and complained especially about hie left arm. He looked very bad at the time, but laid down for a short time aid seemed to Almost recover arid would have started work again but hie brother told him he had better go to the house and rest, On the way to the house be likely felt bad again and seemed to realize that hs had not very long to live, for, meeting hie wife, he told her he wan done for. William was dent for and at once wait for a doctor, who was out on the farm in abort 20 minutes' time but Was too late to be of any aid in prolong. ing life. The deoeasad never spoke after laaving the bougie, hie death being Very quiet and pothole) afteronly about one half bonr'e' 540003, the oanae .of death wag heart failure. Mr, $rook's father dropped dead at'lfeyer's 'mill, Listowel,, about 11 years ago. The funeral look plane on Monday to, Elma Centre dame. tory and was largely attended. Mr. Brook ie one of the 1)1000000 of Elora, having lived near the present homeeteed ever einoe ho was a emali boy of about 4 yearn, He wag born in Shaws, Seetlarld, in 1565, and earth to Canada when about 3 yeare old, On arriving in Canada he and hie pereute stayed is Kitteelon fok ,bent a year and then oaiaae to l$Ima, where they lived ever ethos, Mr. Break was a Itefarmer in politica and e, Presby- terian in religion. Shortly befere big matrriage to Mitre Sophia Tennant in 1878, he moved to the dad of l]lma where be bat olnoe lived, lie ie survived by his wile, and hie mother, Mre, Jae, Breok, lila brother William, and two staters, Mre, Geo. Grey, blind line, llllnea, and Mre. Geo, Nichol, 8th line, Elma. Muoh sympathy ie felt for the relatives in their sudden agitation, C leraton. 22 Clinton pupils wrote et t1LeEptrance exemigation and every one not only pees. ed, bat secured honors, R, di J. Itaneford, Balt m1nnf000902re, will remove their office t0 the first ,store West in the Perrin blook and will oeogpy. it by Auguet 1st. The following are the number of births, marriages and dlathe in Clinton for the first afx months) ending June 80, 1901;— births, 14 l marriages, 9 ; deaths, 14. Rev, W.44. Hamm, ie away on a boli, day trip, which will be spent in the conn. ty 9f Simone. Hie pulpit will be ngpplied in the meantime by Rev. W. A, Gifford, Andrew Taylor, who had the mfefor. tune to lose both of his feet a short time ago at the railway crossing known me Johne, has given an order to Mr. Boyd, of Lnaknow, for a set of artifioial feet. Tbe ether day Malcolm Taylor got very badly jammed, while on a load hauling a mower. The axle of the wagon broke, and the mover fell on Malcolm, bruising im eeverely, but fortunately breaking no ones. Robin 0: Maephereoa, eon of D. F. Macpherson, bee left for Ottawa, where e takes a position in the Oenege Depart., ent. He is a bright, clever youth, and. specialty proHgient ie figures, with which e will have to do. J. W. Irwin, has again taken over his ate grocery bnsineae, having re•bongbt from his nephew, Jae. McCabe, who wing to ill health was obliged tomilt and ill take atript of e Old d Count 0 Country,y' the d of hi ` e birth, for hie health. Mr. Hughill, Kiaburn, who bad the 1sfortnae to gat hie eye oat with a piece a rivet, and came to the hospital here, ent home recently, is fully recovered, nd expeote to have the nee of hie eye, ongh the doctors had to remone a por- on of the iris. Mr. Taylor, an architect from the Pub. Works Department, war in town look. g over the proposed sites for the new et offioe. The places inepeoted were ineley's corner, Oombe'ecorner, Smith's oak, theWiltee corner, and the Fair °party, which is the present site. . The telephone line men are here repair. g and improving the eyetem. Last ring the company converted the line in London to Clinton into a doable etaliio eyetem and they are now extend- g it from here to Wingbam thus having hrough line from London to Wiegman. e local office will Lave a new switch and and other improvements put in ortly. Robert Porter, postmaster, was oat for morning walk on Saturday as usual, d when below the G. T. R. track on the yfiald road, directly in front of W. okson'a residence, he dropped dead. was found a few minutes afterwards. ceased was O7e y are of age. Mr. Porter e one time member of the Commons West Huron, being a Conservative. defeated the late Hon. M. 0.Cameron 1887, and woe himself defeated by that tleman in 1891. t a meeting of the Building Commit. burliness in oonneotion with the im- vemente and extensions of the Ontario eat Methodist ohnroh was transacted, S. S. Cooper was awarded the con. t dor the rebuilding necessary at 800 ; this will not include any of the ()gee to the interior. The workmen s out away a number of trees; and are ing the ground in front ready. The s will be re -arranged and a gallery add. so when completed the (thumb will be ommodioue and up.to-date a0 any in midst. h b h DI h it 0 w la of th ti lie in Po bl pr in Sp fro m in at Th bo eh his an Ba Ja He De wa for He in gen A tee, pro and tray o2 hs hav gent eerie ed, an 0 0110 • Godericir. Charles Walsh, the man amused of an aeeaelt upon Mr. Dick, hotelkeeper, of Seaforth, was before Judge Doyle and was remanded for ten days. Dick had hie leg broken in the affair and wee not Able to be here. Mien Laura Acheson, the well-known violinist of tbie town, has made an en- gagement to travel next season with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. This ie a mneioa! organization:of the dretclaee, and Mies Aobeaon's selection as one of its membere is an honor to herself and to the town. John Maxwell was hied by Judge Doyle on theoharge of horse -stealing. Evldenoe was produced to show that the amused had had some dickering with Pareone, one of the owners of the horse, and Hie Honor apparently took the view that Maxwell bought the horse but failed to pay for it, and the prisoner was acquitted, W. Prondfoob acted in hie defence. We learn that Pd.Cameron has re- centlyb offered been aoeition Upon th editorial staff of one E the of et law publishing oompaniee in America, with headggarters in New York. The offer is 'a tempting cue, both in its recognition of Mr. Oameron'e well-known abilities and in respect of the remuneration involved, but after aooeideration he has deoided not to swept it, preferring to remain in Canada. John F. Robinson was drowned on F,i. day evening July 19th off the South pier at the harbor. Just how the fatal event took plane no one knows, bub he it ap- pears' the unfortunate man had on (leveret aooasions threatened to make away with himself it ba supposed he deliberately threw himself into the water, He P00 at the harbor for an hoar or two that after- noon and Was talking to a number of per0one during that time, and about 6,30 he was seen walking out on the South pier. Shortly after this the dredge tug was go. Mg out to the lake with the 000W when Captain Maodooald noticed something floating in the water, He thought noth- ing of it at the time, but on the reborn trip, a few, minutes &Ener six, hie attention was drawn to 10 by 000 of the men on the tug, stud on going over to it it wee found" to be the body of a man floating fade downward. The oorpae was lifted on to the 000w end brought in to the harbor. Dr. Holmes was lIoti$ed and Wae quickly on the sone, but after making enquiries in hie capacity ae coroner be deotded that ceased 0 Wee a Very aboutttlan, end this ie held 10 explain the feat that he wee found iroaremonomootargommate fleeting, The thereat bad (tarried the body. ever 'e the neigbborhpod of the in. talto drib, The remain woretaken charge 91 by the 0delfellews, and on Sunda).. afternoon ileo interment Gook piece in Maitland pemetery. The funeral wee bold from the reeidepee of d0aeased's beethor•in.law, J, J, Boyle, Colborne street. and as the doomed wee well known the attepdaooe was large. A large number of employees of the organ factory, where lepeaepd worked and a large repreoepta• bion of Huron Lodge I, 0, 0, F„ marohod in the proaesalon and members of the A, 0, F, else, W. H.. Gundry lett on the 7.15 train Wednesday of last week for England, ea route to Wont Afrioa, to take hie position go lieutenant in the Frontier Police. The. Marine Band, of which he had been a fattbfgi member,, paraded to the station,. and there were many °there there to: bid him farewell, An the train pulled out three °beers and a tiger were given and the strains of "The lklapel Leaf Forever" followed the Goderioh boy who is going to uphold the honor of hie Canadian home on the satiny plains of West Africa. On the evening prior to bis departure lie was the guest of his tallow ofiioere of the ' Bard regiment at a banquet held an Cral u.'e hotel, and was presented by Lt. Oil, Varooe, on behalf of the odloere of the regiment, with a handsome' wristwatch. Y?Pii1 g3i trn. T,nto h, CivicheTiBo(iedaiey Tbnreolidayingday of thio weak, Rev. R. Hobbs will be home for next Sunday from Muskoka. Kabala' Strong, of St, Marge, will be foreman in Wioghem Flax mill tide 000000. 101r, Bullock has secured the °entrant for supplying the hydrants and valves for the Betrayer Waterworks, Wingham and Palmerston base bail olabe play teethe game on the Wing - ham pant, on Thursday, Aug. 8111. Before1eeving ;for his holidays, Rev. Wm. Lowe received a kindly worded let. ter, containing a tangible token of es- teem. The new landlord, Jae. Broadway, late of Toropt 0 has changed the name of the w well known g Exoh a an a Hotel to the Broad. Way Hoots. The Convention of St. Andrewe' Brotherhood was in eeseion last week in Detroit. Rev. Wm,'Lowe wag in attend. anoe, and. Albert Moss a delegate for the Brotherhood connected with St. Paul's ohurob. ' Some time ago R, J, MaoMath invented a ne0kyoke oentra and made application for a patent. Lent week he reoeived word that a patent had been granted for Canada. He has made appliaabion for a patent in the United States, As Mre. John Glenn was going down cellar with a glass jar of fruit, she slipped and fell. She wee considerably ebaken up, and the broken gime caused a very severe oat across one hand, severing the artery, and requiring attendance from her phyeioiao. When Mre. Joseph Gulley with her in. fent son lett Treberne Man., a few weeks ago, to yieit Ontario friends, she little thought that the would lay her child to rest in Wingbam cemetery before etre re- turned. At the age of nine months and ten Jaye, the little one passed away on Sunday of last week. The funeral took place on Tuesday. Harold H. won first money in three etraih t heats g e to in the 2.11 paging race at Detroit on Friday, July 10th. The Globe says of the rime "The fastest time of the day wise made by the Canadian pacer, Harold H., theta an impressive wiener et Windsor. He bad little to beet although Balmy B. chased him in -the second beat in 2.08. Nothing else in the race could live with him, and it will be interesting to witness the duel when he first hooks up with Dan Patch down the line. Harold H. wan a hot favorite, sell- ing at $100 against $40." Julius Georgie, the prospector who "jumped" the Helen iron mine, Pas th- roated at Miohipiooton on a charge of damaging a tree on the property. Quebec Crown timber agents estimate that the recent Ares in the Temiskaming dietriot moat have caused a loss of at leaet two million dollars. CANADIAN " A:C i F 1-G;.: 20,000 Harvesters Wanted In eiauitoha and Canadian North-west ( FARM Lamar MEM( ( W111 be run —10— From stations) WINNIPEG in Ontario on stain LJlne Toronto to Banda the North, anent North of Toronto and Cardwell Juno. AUGUST 6 & 13. And all stations North-west,West and South-west to Tnrltten Mensa,, Y F;atovnu FOIL 10 On complying ;with conditions of martin - oaten which will be given purchasers of one- way $10 tickets, passengers will be returned to etartiugpolnt by sarueroute on or before Nov,10th,1001, on payment of !(t18, Apply for pamphlet giving full particulars to your nearest Agent or to A. H. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 1 Ring St..Bast, Toronto. WOOL A11 the Wool in the Country wanted at the BRUSSELS WOOLEN MILL Where the bighest price will be paid ?§ Oaeh or Trade. 3 have in e000lr a good line of Blan- keting, Sbeeting, Yarns (single and double), Tweeds, etc. All pure wool end no shoddy. Fon can have your own wool made into smile or exchanged. Don't sell your Wool or have it mannfaotnred till you call et the Bruosele Mill and get pri000, B. GERRY, c�YGASH_ i io�,�' CASI ; sTQI��r 11011B GOOIIS/ T AST week we again vielbod the wholesale markets to eott up our stoelr, �.i which was pretty badly broken up on amount of the large trade we have done thie autumn, We bought more geode than We intended, 40 Pe NUM] all the wholesale Noumea preparing for stook•taking and anxious 40 reduce their stooks even t a i , a r d b e t'o . u 1 p n g P I rices ale: T d a s mime tempting (titers for spat Dash, which we could not mist, and we bought • very largely at very low prfoee; We intend to give our madmen the benefit of our elm buying. This is how we do it. Geed Grey Cotton, 4410e even tbread, et 30 per yard, Amerioe,n Grey Cotton, 97 bathes wide, no dresein the Ontario to -day, worth 8a for 50. g' 6 greats ab value in White Cottons, fine soft Apish, regular 7a for 5a, Fine white Cottons, wide width, at 70, 8o, 10c and 12x4. New Prints, fast colors, new patterns, worth So for So. New (3inghame, fast 00(000, new patterns, worth Be for So. New Shirtinge, standard make, indigo blue, guarnnteed fast ooioro, regular 14o and 15o, for 124o. Fine Oxford Skirtings, feat colors 8o, 20o and 124o. Boyo' 'emcee, in differec t lengths, at 100, 124o and 15o, Boys' Overalls, with bib, in all eizea, just the thing for yeung flax puller,, 50e. Ladies' Vests, ribbed, very special, 50. Ladies' Vests, short sleeves fano trimming, Imes, so 8r', 100, 124o and zee, Mao a o, ooy Negliga Sbirte, eaten stripes, soft deist], iu all sizes, Worth 75o, for 600, tq Wilton Wish to call the attention of Farmers and Threshers to their 11acdille Oils auri BiurT�iue We don't claim that we aro the only people who sell Machine Oils in Brussels but we do claim we have a Little the best Oil in the market for the money in our "Wilton & Turnbull's Special." Try a half gallon and see for yourself. We have also XXX Lardine Oil, Cylinder Oil, Cas- tor oil, Fish Oil for flies on cattle, Need's Foot Oil, t&c, Mso see Oar Binder Twine Before you buy your Supply, We think we can snit you. Wilton1 & Turnbull b x,11 Deady 'Wool FOR—-zwaser BUSINESS! Now that the Buggy season is at hand and we are ready for it eve would like to inform our nnmeroas friends and enetomers that we have the finest lot 01 Buggies on hand at tba Old Reliable Carriage Factory, ETHEL, that can be found anywhere. Should you think of buying a Baggy or Buggies (aa we supply wholesale as We11 as retail) by all means call and see our stook before pnrohaeing ea we know we eau nib you with a firet.olaee artiole and the price is right, We also keep Wagons, Truck Wagons and Field Rollers on hand or made on short notice. f�10■ COber 34 Soat, ETHEL, 1 —0F ALL KKINDS-- Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at 60,000 lbs. Wanted. Highest market price paid, delivered at my Storehouse, No. 1, Brussels. Robt■ Graham. Spectacles Division Court Office, BRUSSELS, flGGGIES! BUCWEs a B1IN ALL so��5� E m, BRUSSELS CARR/AGE WORKS, Are ready to supply the demand of the publio for any (rind of wheeled rig tie they have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Menufaotnrere in Canada, in addition clition totheir own make, all Gold at CLOSE PRICES. Rubber Tyred Wheels. We make a specialty of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyrol Wheels, the tyre being put on your own buggy wheels while you wait, or we can eapply both wheels and tyre at very low prices. Every owner of a good boggy should have the Dunlop put on by Ewan & Co. Work guaranteed all right as we keep nothing hub flret.olase worlrmen, D. Ewan will devote a good there of hie time in attending *0 the sale rOome ae the Co, baa seemed a firet-olase Horse Sheer for the blacksmith shop, 1 9:11 wood wont in our line and vinare] bineksmithing done on our premises and et n0 low figures at can be obtained anywhere. Oarownmake of Boggles this year are all Si inches longer in the b uggieo and for STYLE aod COMFORT cannot be beaten.°dy than other We use the long distaioe, 1,000 mile axle, one or two oilinge a Beason i tegoire. s all they It will pay anybody who wants a first-olaee rig to come 26 mil Rooms thin season before haying miles to yea our Show alwaye well pleased to bays people aa all assortment examine 10 laotto of good and we are largest ever shown in Brussels, r' car stoop whla4 1B the We meek heathen. ' VVA ` & Co, y Brusaala. Maker(, t@0„ ' Bagglee, Wagons, Carts and Wheelbarrow4 glwayu 04 11040, '