HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-8-1, Page 1Vol. 80. No. 3
New Advertisements,
Exouraions—C, P. R.
Strayed --Ohne. Seejtaver,
Cut priors --J, Fergusop tt Ga.
More new goods- adoKinuoa $r Co,
The InviotueSbos—I, 0, Rioharde,
Glasses that beautify—Mre, Fletcher,
7 «1"tix ewer
'CV alEotn.
A few of our villagers ereoin to Bay.
field to oamp during vaaatieu. g y
Walton cheese wee shipped from Brom
sale on Monday of filo week,
Rev. Mr. Marsh, of Hamilton, promote.
ad in Dnfre ohnroh last Sabbath.
Mies Ethel Wilson, of Seafortb, ie heli,
daying with Mrs. W. H, Sholdioe.
W. Niohol, wife and coo, of Stratford,
were visitors at W. H. Sholdiae'e last
Mies Annie Ferguson left on Wednes•
day for an extended visit to friends in
Quite a number are talking of going en
the S. S. exouroton to Kincardine next
Wednesday from Brussels.
Interest in football is being revived by
the prospect of a matnh with Blyth.
Praoli a every night on the park.
Sabbath the regular Quarterly
Communion gerviee will be held in the
Methodist ohnroh bare, to be ponduoted
by the paetor, Rev. A. W. Dever.
A number of our young men are going
Wert on the Harvest Exoureion. Many
others say they would go also if they
could get a man—so would some of our
lei :itbl.
Council meeting Aug. 12th,
H. F. McAllister is doing quite a flour
shipping fetidness.
Mee. D. Eokmier was visiting atJames-
town during the past week.
Some of the farmers who have threshed,
report very good yield of Fall wheat.
Mre. Patton was visiting Mrs. Henry
Keys, an old friend in Morris towoehip.
A shipment of top bnggiee was made
from the Cober Factory during the past
Mies Hannah Baseman, of New York,
le home on a vieit to her parents, 'Neat of
Quarterly sooramental nervine will be
held in the Methodist Churob. next Sab-
bath morning, the pastor preaching.
520.00 and poets was paid lest week by
Ethel hotel keeper for violation of the
law. Inepeotor Miller was here last week
looking after the matter,
Ethel and locality are talking up the
Excareion to Kincardine next Wedneeda"y.'
A return tioket 95 for a men or woman
and 50 oents fora ohiid. The train leaves
our station at 7.45 o'olook a. m. It will
snake a nice outing.
Glasses that
Eres`ratn produce;
that • orn,worried
discontented appear.,
otherwise beautiful/
We remove erestrai
and'. the else/meins.
wrinkles disapttear.
Mrs. T. Fletcher -
Scientific and
Graduate Opiiciara.
W.1 . KE RR, Prop,
A oar of settle was shipped from Ethel
on Thursday by Jno. McDermott, of
R. Me=elvey and wife ; Mre. Dilworth,
Mrs, S. S. Cole and A, Sharp expect to
leave for the West en Tuesday's Exoor.
elon. We wieh them an enjoyable time.
The anomie Finanolei statement of the
Methodist Churoh Ethel olrouit has been
issued. It shows that the total amount
raised for all purposed was 61151.56, a'
very creditable showing indeed. Quer.
y oard applied 5710.80; Missionary,
$106 25 t Counexional Funds, 656 60 ;
Epworth League, 580.00; Sabbath Soboole
575,00, and Trustee Boarde, 6115,00,
Rev, H. E• Carry le the peter and Jno.
Colter Recording Steward,
The flax mill will ebortiy start at
threshing the new crop.
Mise Lib, MaLaohlan, milliner, is
home from Sault Ste. Marie for her holi.
The pump works are running at full
blast, A, Reymann having added another
Cranbrook will be represented at thldt
Sauday School Exoureion to; Klnoardine
next Wednesday.
The addition to A. Raymann'e reai-
-denbe is about completed excepting the
briok veneering which will come later.
A. little bird says a wedding is not far
distant in this locality and it's wonder.
fel how these little birds often bit the
There will be no service in the Metho-
diet oburab here next Sabbath owing to
the Quarterly meeting at Ethel. A.
number from here will attend.
Word was reoeived this week that Jno.
Harbottle and wife, formerly of Oran -
brook, but more recently of Southern
Manitoba, are both dead. Mrs. Harbottle
died on June Loth after a comparatively
short illneee and Mr. Harbottle passed
away on June 17th. He had been ailing
for some time.
Quarterly meeting next Sabbathin
connection with the Methodist Ohurob.
Jno, Gibson was injured in the mill
last Monday by a board flying from the
saw, but we hope he will soon be o. k.
A few from Wroxeter attended the open.
Ing of the new public Hall at Jamestown
teat Monday evening and report a good
time. -
It is said our woolen factory is in finite.
alai diffioulty and that the Sheriff ie at
present in charge. We Lope Mr. MOW.
vie will soon be able to take hold once
GOOD OATTL$.—The following ie taken
from the market reports of the Toronto
World of July 19 : "The three beat loads
of export heifers that have been Been here
for a long time (and in fast some dealers
said they never saw better) were brought
in by J. Hamilton, of Wroxeter. Fifty
one of these cattle were fed by one far-
mer, Geo. Mardi°,' ofBeeforth. The bulk
of them were dehorned, which, no doubt,
.Woe one pause of their doing eo well. All
hornless cattle coming to this market as a
rule dome in better shape and do not get
damaged as others."
D. and Mrs. Hall, of Blyth, spent Sun-
day at J. Hama.
Mrs. Robert King, of Goderioh, is visit.
ing friends here.
Wm. Jewitt shipped a oar of hogs from
here last Thursday.
Mre, (Dr) Toole, of Brussels, is visit.
ing friends in Blaevale.
The yield of raspberries in thio part of
the country is very poor.
Alex. Messer has bis threshing machine
on the road for another season' work.
Rev. Robert Thynne preached in the
Methodist obnrah on Sunday evening.
Mies Mina Doan, of Enda, Ile the
guest of her friend, Miee Aggie Smillie.
Mies Jessie Cassie, of Ayr, ie staying
with !Bier Kit Fowler, of the Bluevale
The Mieees Roberteon, of Ottawa, have
returned home after a few week's visit at
Robb, Smillie's. - -
. F. B. and Biro. Scott attended- a re-
of the Scott family whioh was held
in Seaforth last Saturday.
Last Monday evening Rev. Mr. Swan
was at Jamestown giving an addreee et
the opening of the new Hall.
We have been blessed with a number
of good rains during the last week. They
should do a lot of good throughout the
a- GGReaacaRas)
,1➢nCI�S ShVC
Made by.. k At Slater Montreal
These Shoes are made on any width of last to suit
your foot -let it be wide of narrow. Theyare all made
out of Imported Stock which for durability and appear-
ance cannot be surpassed. They are made on any style
of toe and are all Goodyear welted, so there are no nails
or stitches in the sole to come in contact with the foot
to hurt it. We have secured sole agency ens for Brussels
for these shoes and can guarantee the prises right) and
for neatness and comfort we think they will please.
1 See our Bargain Table this week, there maybe
somethingto suit in Women's and Misses' e
you Shoes.
Odd sizes going. at 50o, per pair.
e�gwg,g �a� _ C R _
'uiec :J•+t..J"4J"s.✓•T :J•'t. re deer's..✓•^:.P'1.;J•bee'E..Jrt.!'ti✓ e
Wee Lillie Oliver, of Goderiob, is
spending a short time visiting friends in
Bluevale, -
'Nattier and ielra, Ard, of Philadelphia,
are visiting Mr, Awe mother, Mrs.
Albert Hughes,
10. and Mre. Thynne, of .Chicago, are
visiting relatives and friends in Bluevale
and other points in Buren.
The eeoond of the bioyole rases for the
Sliver Cup wag run last Saturday night.
There were five entries. Haney same in
first, Smith second, then ()puttee, Bric-
ker and Stewart. There are two racer
yet to be ran.
Excursion to Kinoardine on Wednes-
day of next week. A opeoial trate will
run leaving Bluevale at 8,14 a. m„ and
arriving at Kincardine at 9.30 a. m.
Fare for adults from this station only
80 Dente and children .under 12 years 40
ea uta,
W. H. Stewart, priooipel of New Ham-
amburg public eobool, has attempted a peel.
tion on the etaff of the Liman High
Sohool and will assume Isis new duties at
the beginning ot the Fall term. -,Mr.
Stewart is one of Bluevale'° old boys,
and pis many friends here will be pleased
to hear of his advancement.
—x ex,
Township Donnell on Monday `Aug.
T. and Mrs, Bielby, of Morrie, were
renewing old' friendships in Grey town-
Mies Bessie-- Livingston has returned
to Detroit after a short holiday -in this
Locality. '
The addition to Jas. Btraoban'e barn
will make a big improvement to hie farm
Farmers say the Fall wheat sample is -
not ae large in the grain ea some year°
bat the kernels are bard.
Mies Laura Smith, who has been living
at Aylmer for the past year, bar gone on
a trip to her father who resides in Mani•
A .weloome visitor to the iooality was
Jerry Curtis, the well known pedagogue,
who' inetraote the youth in Blma town-
W. H. Stewart, who taught in S. S.
No. 1 kr a time, has been engaged to
teach in Luoan Iigh-Sohool and will go
tbere after the holidays.
McNabb Bros.l4th son., have invest.
ed in a new engine in connection with
their threshing outdb and are hard at
work in Fall wheat threshing.
Mrs. David Jefferson, of Wingham, is
visiting at Angus Shaw's, 5th coo. She
i° an aunt to Mr. Shaw. Mrs. Jefferson
is 82 years of age and remarkably smart
for her years.
Mier Gushy Smith is home from
Grand Rapids Sanitarium, and le eon-
eiderably improved in health we are
pleased to state, and hope she will soon
be as well as ever. - P. Stewart and wife, of North Hastings,
were visiting at A. Stewart's, 8th son.
Mre. Stewart is a ooriefn and they had
not met for about 40 years. It ie hardly
necessary to say the meetingwaea mute.
ally enjoyable one.
Thursday of this week J. B. Stewart
and wife, of Ohapleau, arrived here and
will visit W. Woods and wife, 16th- con•,
and other relatives and friends for a few
weeks. They are welcome visitors. Mr,
Stewart le a school teaoher.
There will be quite a rally on Wednes.
day of next week on the exonrsion to
Kincardine. Fare from Brunetti is 85
and 45 cents for adults and children,- re-
spectively. Special train teem Brueeele
at 8 o'olook a. m., and'retarning leaves
Kincardine at 6.81 p. m.
The trustees of S. S. No. 8, have en.
gaged the eervioee of S. Moak Eastman,
of Meaford, ae euooeeeor to E, D. 'Mo.
Iutosh. !lir. Eastman bolds a let stars
oertifl°ate and hie testimonials are of a
highly oomplimentary character coming,
from gentlemen who are in a position to
judge correctly. Bohoolre opens on the
19th inst.
On Saturday evening, July 20th, as
William Taylor, 10th son., was driving
into his barn on a load of grain he etraok-
hie head on a oroes beam and for a time
it wag feared paralysis was likely to en.
ane. His ar
mearticnlarl have been
p y
very sore, the right ode atilt being almost
useless. His many friends hope he will
soon be all right once more.
Township Connell next Monday.
Mre. Bayne and daughter, of Hamilton,
are visiting Mre. Donald Currie, 4th line.
Mre. E. W. Sellers and her eieter Mies
Pepper, are visiting in Tnekeremith this
week. '
Wm. Hodder and wife, of Ohioago,
visited for a week with relatives on the
2nd line.'
Many of the Morrie boys intend taking
in the Harvesters Excursion to Manitoba
next Tuesday. -
Mabel Pepper, of Toronto, and
Mre. Pepper, of O r' '
p O ilha are visitingtela•
tives-on the and.
Sunday Bahool Excursion to Kinner.
dine next Wednesday by spooled train
over tbe W. G. &B.
William Jackson, 8th line, has been on
the poorly aide for a few weeks but we
hope he will soon be himself again. -
Arthur Jaokeon has bought Mr. Bailey's
property at Bodman, 4th line, foe $125.
Mr. Baileyintendsto Detroit.
Miro Rebeaoa anthem fa enjoying a
Willey with relatives and Mende. She
holds a position in the Mimiao Indnetrial
Michael Niobol, 4th line, has been
dangerously ill with inflammation of the
bowels during the part week and bare
were entertained for his reoovery.
Hen. McKenzie. who hoe been at Port.
age.la-Prairie, Man., has taken a position
at Carberry. Whoever employe him will
have a steady traetworthy helper.
Thor, Mathere, of Michigan,. and John
Mathers, of Belleville, are visiting their
father, R. Mothers, let non, who has
been very ill but be somewhat improved,
we are pleased to state.
Our congratulations are extended to
Milton Watson and bride, Miss Stewart,
of Blnevale, on the event of their mar.
Maga on Wednesday of dila Week. They
will make their borne on Mr, : Watson's
farm at Sunshine,
Rioltard Code and daughter, Klee
Angeline, of Alvineton, and Mies Mary
Coda, of Carleton Plaoe, were vieitore at
the residence of Conn, Code..
Onto.—There died at Maneewood, Hal.
ton Co,, on 'Thursday, Jdly 18, Mies
Elizabeth Laidlaw, aged 69 years. She
wee a sietee to R, B. Laidlaw and Mre.
Robt. Shortreed and an aunt to Mre. Geo,
Jackson, of 'Morrie, all of whom attend.
ed the funeral.
Mne. STIMApo range AWA'. --Last Sab-
batb morning Janet Ferguson, relict of
the late Alexapder Stewart, parsed that
bourne from whence no traveller returns,
aged 80 years and 8 menthe. She had
been making herebone for some time
with her dausltte, Mre. Char, Ritchie.
ire, Stewed was born at Blair Athol,
Perthshire, Scotland, where she was aloe
married to her late husband who pre•de-
oeased her 39 years ago after it brief ill.
nese. They game to Canada in 1847,
living at Harpurbey before locating in
Grey township in 1853. Mr. and Mre,
Stewart were well known to the travelling
public as they built and kept a hotel 35
miles South of Brunie for a number of
years. They also had a farm on the 14th
con., of Grey. The eubjeot of this notice
wee generous in her diepoeltion, hospita-
ble to a merited degree and never lost an
ardent love for the land of her birth,
For a woman of her age she was remark.
ably amort up to a short period of her
death. Two eons, (John F„ of Toronto,
and Dan•, of Minnesota,) and one daugh-
ter, (Mrs. C. Ritchie) survive. On Tues-
day afternoon the remains of this well
known old settler were laid away in
Brussels cemetery, in the presence of a
large number of old friends. Rev. Jno.
Ross, B.A., of Brueeele, oonduoted an
appropriate service on the occasion.
VocaoaiA HALL OPDNDD.—Leat Sabbath
afternoon the first service was held in the
new Hall viz., the union Sabbath school
transferred from the usual meeting place
at the residence of Jam Strachan, tbe
fattbful Superintendent. Despite the
heavy rain during the early part of the
afternoon there was a large attendance
and to add to the beauty of the thane was
a handsome display of hoose plants.
Rev. Jno. Rhee, B. A., of Braeeett, pre•
aided and afterthe opening examine ex.
°ellent addressee were given by the fol-
lowing gentlemen :—Thos. Straohan, who
gave a short historical Dement of the
Sabbath eohool from its organization 41
years ago with Alex. Cowan as the first
Superintendent, who wee succeeded by
the speaker. G. F. Blair, of Breesele,
took Re his eubjeot "Man's place in Ore-
ation." Rev. Mr. Rose addressed the
ohildren and parents and Jae. Strachan
briefly spoke of the work being done in
the eohool. Good singing was rendered,
a ohoir, with Mies Ina Bryans off eiating
ae organist, leading. The service was
thoroughly enjoyed by all. More pros.
tenons days then yet attained are
propheeied for the S. S. now that it is so
nioely Battled in its new home and a oor.
dial invitation ie extended to both the
young and older people in the neighbor.
Vooroaro Este ENTDRTAINBmNT.—Mon.
day evening was the date set for the for -
mel opening of the new Viotoria Hall
located at Jamestown and great prepar-
ations were being made for serving the
supper on the lawn at Geo. Eokmier'o
but the good old adage says, "The beet
laid plane of mice and men gang aft aglee"
and eo it was at Jamestown for the Clerk
of the Weather turned on the waterworks
eo that rain fell almost continuously dam
ing the day. Things did not look pro.
piticue and many . a oommunity would
have called off the whole business bat not
eo the people in and around Jamestown.
They hung out their big banner with
"Welcome" emblazoned; the Union Jack
whioh has been so often oredited with
Standing "the battle and the breeze"
floated, not perhaps as proudly as usual
for the soft water rather made the red
white and blue limp, bat there it was
nevertheless. Tables were set in the new
horse sheds and ae darkness oame on the
place was well lighted with lamps and
lanterns. The 000kery was all any
n cr woman n o 1
g mild d wish and when
well made ice Dream was added to it.
anybody who grumbled Should be put in
a bakeshop for 6 months with a muzzle
on then!.. Fair maidens waited on the
targe crowd of people who assembled,
assisted by the young men of the neigh,
borhood bat in some inetaness it is said
the aforesaid fair maidens received an
mesh attention from the assistants as
the guests themselves. But who could
blame them ? The wants of the inner -
man being thoroughly satisfied an ad-
journment was made to the Hall where
an entertaining and well rendered pro.
gram wee presented. Thos. Straohan
MIA the chair and after it hymn and
prayer the magical and literary bill of
fare wasge iven as follow :—Chorus,
" n
"Victoria Hall an original contribution
by Jamestown Glee Club ; chairman's
addreee ; quartette, "Keep Rank,' L., G.
H, and 0, W. Rotten and G. Eokmier ;
addreee by Rev. F. Swann, of Bluevale,
on "Suooese" ; instrumental, D. Taylor,
le and Mise T
a lor'
"The Inventor's wife,"
!tiles Robertson l
instrumental, L, Frain, A. Brown, L.
Frain and Miss Miller ; talk on leesone
from the life of the late Queen Viotoria,
W. H. Herr ; trio, "Softly now the light
of day," Miosee l[oArter and Rose and
A. Straohaninetrumental, 16. Bryane
and M. 'MOVIEtio : solo, J. T. Curtis ;
Sootob recitation (humorous) G. le.
Blair ; duet, "Abide with me," Miner'
?Meister and Rose ; addreee, 1. Strechan ;
duet, "Travelling Home," Meaere. Rat.
tan and Eakmier; colo, "The Holy City,"
Miss Lyda Crooks ;speech from W Innee,
chairman of the Building Committee ;
votes of thanks and the National
Anthem. Mies Taylor, Mise Straohan,
Mrs. Rattan and Mrs. Leppard ofhoiated
proficiently as a000mpaniets. The
financial prooeeds amounted to a trifle
over $70.00 whiohwas most satisfactory
considering the weather. Ise ararm wag
Served at the oloee.
le 26x36 feet, with porob in front, bag
colored glace in windowe and ie a nowt,
nioely iiniabed, oomfortablo ett'poture.
It Wee originally a Congregational ohuroh
looated between Wroxeter and Bellmore
and was purchased last Winter by the
people in Jamestown oommunity, taken
down and rebuilt here; A good, bargain
was seoured sed ae a large share of the
work was done voluntarily the building
will bo oompletely out of debt as soon ae
the eubaeriptione are paid, Peter Me -
Dropped was in charge of the oonetraotion
and did hie' part well. The painting and
papering was done by Fred, McCracken,
of Brueeele. An energetic Building
Committee oarrled the work through,
coneieting of W. Innee, Jae. Cuts, A.
Pollock, Samuel Snell and R. T. Dili ler.
A Board 01 Trustees will manage the
affaire of the' new Hall, the following
gentlemen being on it; Alex. Bryaus,
George Ooonebee, Geo. Balmier, D. M.
Miller and John Oatt. M. Bokmier is
the Treasurer. The land on which the
Hall stands wee leaked from 0. Stokes
and ie en eligible site. Horse sheds,
18e70 feet were seoured with the ohnrob
and are in their plane at the rear of the
Hall. They will a000mmodate 11 teams.
The people of tbie emotion are deservedly
proud of their new Hall and are certain•
ly entitled to no small oredit for their en.
terpriee and the animas attending it.
A long felt want has now been supplied
and the wonder will be how they got
along without enoh a Hall in the past,
The men did their part in oonneotion
with the Hall and were only outdone by
the ladies in the departments they took
charge of and in either oomposingohorue•
es, baking or waiting on the pablia they
did everything moot exoetlently.
(Tune—Marching Through Georgia.)
The Jamestown Hall's complete at last,
They've nailed it tight and fast,
We call thopinoe "Victoria"
Forth° Sovereign who reigned last,
The name we never !mew to fear
.And one we all hold dear.
Now we are cheering for Jamestown.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Victoria Hall's complete,
Hurrah! Hurrah) they've nailed it tight
and neat,
Here we have our Sunday School
And meetings every week,
Now we are oheermg for Jamestown.
The builders and the managers
No doubt are feeling gay
To see their work at last complete
In such n pleasing way,
We give them honor one and all
And now unite to en
Now we are cheering for Jamestown.
The ladies too, no doubt you know,
Responded to the call,
They said- they'd do the best they oould
To feed the people all,
They baked and roasted, toast and basted
Enough to do to Fall
Now we are sheering for Jamestown.
We are glad to see you here to -night
We hope you'll find things right,
The entertainment is complete -
We'll give you all a treat,
The grounds are large there's room for all
We hope you'll And a seat
Put up by the people of Jamestown.
Tern name of Hon. Thos. Ballaantyne,
of Stratford, is mentioned for the vacancy
in the Canadian Senate caused by the
death of Senator Allan. He would make
a good man do doubt brit if the Senate
is not a necessity why perpetuate it ? If
not abolished it certainly should be reoon•
struoted to make it render some service
for the large expenditure for ite main.
Qmin a newspaper fad ie being devel-
oped along the line of the reproduotion
from old fyles of what oaonrred some 25
or 50 years ago. It is juet probable that
many readers would just as soon peruse
something of a freeher date. Review is
all right of comae but there's a danger
of people souring on it day in and day
out. It is not our funeral so we will
proffer no more free advice
on the subject.
Loiw RommIos io«about to be presented
with 5500,000 by the House of Lords as
a token of the high esteem in whioh life
valued and valuable services in South
Africa are regarded. The other portion
of the stereotyped addreee about "its in-
trineio value, &o." will have to be left
out as $600,000 is not bad to take, even
in one dose. You're a fortunate fellow,
aint yer Bobs ? The most of us are fair-
ly well satisfied if we get 55 after we work
for it.
HARVkeT has already commenced in
many seotione of Manitoba and the
Northwest so that there will be au aband•
anon of labor for the Ontario harvesters
who purpose leaving for that locality on
next Tuesday's exoursion. The crop
promisee well and for the next three or
four months binders and threshing
machines will have their innings. We
look for a large number of Westerners to
spend the Winter in Ontario following a
good harvest and oorreopondingly fat
pooket hooka.
Past'. Kona affirms that people may
drink the milk and est the butter made
from the oream from deemed oowe, with.
out being in any danger of tuberculosis.
This may be true and the Prof. may know
all about ft, but we would just as soon
have our Dnp filled with the lacteal fluid
from a "hooey" that was enjoying the
highest degree of health, There are ail.
menta enough lying around loose ready to
aortal viotime without courting disease
by indulging in any Helve for the ealte of
experiment, Prof: ' Hooh'0 testimony
may Provo a relief to rrlauy, however, ae
some veterinaries go go far as to say that
few °owe are in perfect health. Better.
milk should still be all right,
Trite Pose very heartily approves of the
agitation to banish foreign languages Prom
the bills of faro at hotels, dining cars,
ebsamboats and banquets, The English
language is good enough and oomprohen.
sive enough for mend if the article of diet
oannot be named in the good old Anglo.
Saxon tongue people should refuse it and
let it ego bad" on their hands, In this
age of hustle a traveller does not desire
to carry it lexicon or "Wobeter on it
bridge" to study out the bill of fare be.
fore he can order what he really wanee.
Cateroro appear to oin more in the soup
department and the firs works at the
conclusion of the menu than elsewhere,
but why not stall it by the plain name of
soup and porn starch and be done with it,
Perth County.
Duncan Ferguson, Stratford, is expect-
ed home about August 6.
J. Niobol, of Stratford, baa been ap-
pointed freight thanker at the Waterloo
G. T. R. station.
Rev. M. L, Leitch, of Knox ohnrob,
Stratford, and family will epeud their
holidays at Williamstown, Que„ and
other Eastern points.
While conducting the services et the
Strafford Waterloo street Methodist
ohnroh Sunday evening, Rev. Mr. Pom-
eroy, of Harmony, was taken suddenly
i11. He to reported better.
The Atwood football team, in the re-
turn match with Milverton, succeeded in
again defeating them one to nothing.
The Abwood team have bad a very sae.
easeful year, winning every game they
played and having only one goal scored
on them during the entire season, thus
proving themselves to be one of the fast-
est teams in Western Ontario.
Thom Weise, of Shakespeare, one of
the beet known and moat progressive
farmers of North Eaethope, has just 0e.
turned from a mooth'e visit to Temic
naming district, New Ontario, about 150
miles Northwest of Mattawa. He left
about June 20th and arrived home the
other day. Speaking to a reporterMr.
Weise said ; "It's not a heaven up there,
but for a man who wants a good farm
and is willing to do the clearing, it is ae
good as North Eaethope any day."
LAWN Soceue—The Listowel Band was
in attendance at the lawn social held at
Trowbridge on Wednesday evening of
last week. There were about 400 people
present and a very enjoyable evening was
spent, Dr. Moore, ot Toronto, Reeve
Donaldson and Rev. Mr. Fear, of Atwood,
delivered addressee, and is good musical
and literary program was provided, in
which Mies McCormick, Miss Robinson,
Mies Mabel and B. Tughen, Mr. Corey,
of Atwood, G. Butt, of Listowel, and
others took part. The music of the
Listowel Band was thoroughly e.ppreoiat.
ad, About 560.00 was realized.
C7anadiatn Neta r.
John Orewford, of St, Thomas dropped
Alfred Hitohen, Brant County, jailer,
is dead.
Mr. McDowell, an Alliston barber, is
down with the smallpox.
Wheat cutting has commenced at
Sonde and Greeuridge, Man,
The body of Frank Marsh was found
in the water at Hamilton Beach.
Lieutenant -Governor McMillan form-
ally opened the Winnipeg Exhibition.
Winnipeg carpenters are asking for a
nine -hoar day and 40 Dente 8,0 hour.
Forest fires in Cnmberland, N. S., have
destroyed a thousand three of timber.
The Canada Paper Company's mill at
Windsor Mills, was burned. Lose, 3200,-
A majority of theOttawa cline ca•
miesionerehas m
deoided to reinstate Chief
The extension of the Hamilton Radial
Railway to Oakville will be oommenoed
at once.
Elizabeth Ma000rmiok, a refined, hand-
some girl, of Montreal, starved to death
in New York.
Mre. James Pirie of Winterbourne
committed suicide by outting her throat
with a razor.
It is reported at Kingston that the 0.
P. R. is about to mime control of the
K. & P. Railway.
A herd of Nova Scotia cattle will be
shown at the Industrial Exhibition this
year the first time.
The fret day's business of the Van-
couver ansa office resulted in 510 ,000
Y 5
in gold being assayed.
Thomas Bugg and George Patterson,
farmer.;, near Cbesley, were kicked by
t heir horses and killed.
N. J. Peterson, mealier, near Medicine
Hat, committedsuicide by patting his
throatith a
wpenknife.'' .
Hon. A. G. Blair and Hon, W. S.
Fielding Bailed from England for Can-
ada in the Allan Liner Auetralaeian on
Angnet 1,
The Department of Agrieuitnre has been
compelled in order to meet the oouetant
demand for the work, to keno a eeoond
edition of the volame upon "Birds of
The wheat yield of Manitoba, end the
N orthweet Territories is estimated at
56,000,000 to 65,000,000 bushels. Grave
fears are entertained that enough laborers
oannot be obtained to harvest it.
The Ottawa City (toenail favorably
ooneidered the request of the Royal Re-
oep'tion'committee to make the grant to-
warde defraying the expenses of enter -
taking the Dake of Cornwell and York
Judge Rioharde, of Winnipeg, will go
to Norway House to try Ellen Fregg, an
Indian woman, charged with the murder
of her huebend at Dunk Lake, from
whioh point 29 witneesee are being
brought by the Indtttn agent.
The prise of ooai in Obtawa has dropped
!rem 57 to 55.25 per ton, .
Mies Mina Dongan has been appointed
Town Treasurer of Theroid.
Hen, George B. Foster has been offered
the Conservative notnination for Linger,
Edward Perry, e Q. T, R, eectiountan,
was eti nok by a train et Cornwell and
Ron• Geo. W, Ruse' was the principal
speaker at the British Empire Leugne
meeting at London,
Live stook entries for the Wormlike
Exposition, whioh closes neat Saturday
are coming in freely.
James Bordon slipped off a roof that
be was shingling near Ripley and war
fatally injured in the fall.
The cornerstone of the new Roman
Catholic ohnroh on Lyle street, London,
Ont., was laid by Bishop Molvay.
Five oases of emallpox were dieoovered
at 15 Pape avenge, Toronto, among
members of a family named Hogge.
H. 0. Bennett, a pioneer farmer of
Gladstone diatriot, Man., died from in-
juries reoeived in the resent ayolone,
Sir Wilfred Laurier hoe definitely con-
sented to preeide at the opening of Tor.
onto Exhibition on Tuesday, Aug. 270b.
The Hamilton IPoliee Magistrate de.
sided in a dog.poieoning Daae that a man
had a right to place poison on his own -
John Robertson, of St. Thomas, ran it
rusty nail into hie foot at a Port Stanley
bathing house and is in a bad way in
The L, E. and D. R. R. are putting in
a new telegraph wire between Windsor
and Sb. Thomas, and are arranging for
oouneotione on all intervening Lake Erie
Winnipeg's Finanoe Committee hag
recommended the aceeptanoo of Mr.
Carnegie's offer of 5100,000 for it free
public library.
John Boonevilie, of Williametown,
Que., wbile digging a well, oame tierces
the remains of is pre.hioborio animal im•
bedded in thirty feet of otay. The ani.
mal ie shaped like an elephant,
Rev. Fr, Corcoranof Seaforth, was in
Brunets and locality last Wednesday
calling on some of hie parishioners.
Lord Moontetephen has given £40,000
to augment the stipends of the oharah of
Sootlaod minietere in Aberdeenshire and
Rev. Robert Thyme will preach in
Melville thumb during the month of
August, Rev. John Roes being away for
his vaeation,j
Miss Ethel Uampbetl, who is home
from London for her holidays, sang a
fine solo last Sunday evening in St.
John's oharah, eutitled "Bow down thine
ear." She has developed into an excellent
Next Sabbath Mr. MoOormiok, B. A ,
of Trowbridge, will 000apy the pulpit of
the Methodist ohnroh and the following
Sabbath Rev. D. Rogers, of Fordwiuh,
will conduct the quarterly eaoramentat
"Follow me and I will make you fishers
of men" was the text chosen by Mr. Wil•
son at the Methodist church heat Sunday
morning, from whioh numerous practical
lessons were adduced. The' evening
eubjeot was "Servaute of Ohriet," Gal. 1
and 10. Mr. Wilson is a fluent, agree-
able speaker and will make his mark in
the Methodist ministry, we have no
doubt. He supplies at Chatham until
College opene.
"FoRuosa" MAOMAY'o MIAOW. — The
Stratford Herald published the following
particulars oonoeruing the decease of Rev.
Mr. MoHay :—During their resent fur-
lough Rev. and Mre. William Gould, the
Presbyterian missionaries in Formosa,
were the gaesta for a week of Mr. and
Mrs. Damian Stewart, St. Vinoent et. It
was during this visit that Mr. Gauld
gave a fine missionary addreee to a large
congregation at Knox ohnroh, Since the
death of the late Rev. R, P. "Formosa"
Mackay, Mr. Gauld has had the entire
°barge of the mission station. The fol.
lowing letter from Mrs, Gauld, dated
June 10, and recently reoeived by Mr, and
Mrs. Stewart, should prove ve of interest as
it deeoribes the (toeing scenes in the life
of the great Canadian missionary. Mrs.
Gauld writes :—"Since our return we
have been kept very busy. Long before
this reaohee you you will know of Dr.
Maokay'e death. The news of bis death
will be a greatshook to the Canadian
church and to his many friends' in Gan.
ada. When we reached Hong Song, we
had to wait some days for a steamer and
Grata and I came on to Amoy and
waited there for Will. (Mr. Gisela.)
When we got to Swalow we went on shore
to °all on some missionary friends, and
there Captain a o '
O p o II spans, of the S. S.
Formosa, who was there on his way to
Hong Hong. He told me that Dr. Mao•
key was on board on his way to Hong
Kong for treatment
of his throat.
immediately went off to see him and wee
sorely grieved to find be could not speak.
He remained there for two mouths and
the dootor told him he was almost well,
one vooal cord quite healed and the othee
nearly so. We were delighted with the
good to O to
p r ,bet when he oame home we
were ehookei with hie appearance, and to
hear his labored breathing was most
painful. He wrote on paper that he had
naught cold on the way np, bat Dr. Mo•
Clore thinksit wee a froth start of the
disease whioh finally oarrled him off,
owner. He suffered little pain but his
mind became affected. Sometimes he
wonld write clearly and at other times
very confused. On Sunday, June 9, at 6
in the morning they oame over for Dr.
McClure. He and Will. went over at
once and found him as they thought near
the end, but he lived until 4 o'olook in
the afternoon. How he struggled' for the
breath of life, all that day. He wag
nnooneoiouu and peeved away in that
Mate. We oan scarcely yet realize that
he is gone. wilt. is now overcrowded
with work, as in thepastmonths many
things have been left waiting, hoping that
Dr. MacKay would be able as of old to
take the lead, to advise, etc. He is gone
to his reward, Would we Mi may have
ae many gems in, out',Grown of rojoioing
when we too are Walled away.