HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-7-25, Page 813 13,10 td l+ 1tl'U to `,I
T7 2 . 1901
l's+ %te
Malt Extract
Is a preparation high-
ly recommended as a
Stimulant, Tonic and
.Appetiser. A great Re-
storative for Convales-
cents. Especially use-
ful in oases Where a
mild Tonic is required.
Large Bottles, 26c.
Our stock is new and fresh.
Best Fly Papers made.
Double Strength,
Sure to Kill.
oc, or 10c. packages,
Stick Tariglefoot
Sure My Destroyer.
Catches and holds them.
Trains leave Brueaele Station, North
and South, as follows t
Gorge Sou,a. Gorge Norms,
Express 7:18a.m. Mail 2:10 p.m
Mined....... 9:45 a.m. Eapress 8:17 p,m
Kant .e s Deme.
A chief's among ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
BAIN is badly needed.
THURSDAY'S shower was a beauty.
APPLES will be a small Drop in this
locality this year.
HAWS yon read A. Straoban'e advt. re•
speoting bargains in Summer goods 7
Mas. (DR.) MoNAnoamo s bas a flower-
ing almond in bloom that is a beauty.
THE briok work on Druggist Foxe new
reeidenoe is well on toward completion.
A OAR of bogs was shipped for Palmer.
ton Factory on Thursday by W. Jewitt.
NEXT Thursday will be the let day of
August. The Summer is hurrying past,
R. GRAHAM and Alf. Beaker eaoh ship.
ped two care of wheat from Brnesels
daring the past week. •
THE Laoknow Sentinel says :-"Brus-
eels Fife and Drum play well." Yon are
not guessing at that brother Bryan,
BRnsenLs bowlers talk of going to 01in•
ton Thursday of next week to try con-
alueions with the sphere trnndlers of that
THE G. T. R. notion men were kept
busy for a few days putting out fires
along the traok oaaeed by sparke from
the engines.
Tan rebate proceeds from the Farmers'
Excursion on this line amounted to $242.-
85. while the G. T. R. profited to the
extent of 5940.90.
Nonni TERRACE Barrister Blair has
been appointedagent for the above
property and will be in a position to
arrange with parties desirous of renting,
Tan steer advertised in THE Pon last
week as strayed from the G. T. R. yard
was found at James Bpeir's, 11 miles
South of town. It belonged to Mr.
Hunter, of Elora.
A PLATE glass front will be put in A.
Straohan'e store, Graham blook, in the
near future. It will make quite an im-
provement and along with other recent
changes will give Mr. Btraohan an np•to-
date place of bosinee%
0. H. Conn. manager for the Royal
Artifiaial Stone 0o., who put down the
Dement walke in Brussels, hoe secured a
big contract for laying cement walks in
Exeter, and has pat a gang of men at
work there immediately.
DRIVERS should exeroiee a little more
caution in driving across the granolithio
0roeein a. Horses stumbleand fall every
day owing to the reckless manner in whioh
Clay are driven. It is not necessary to
wait until a horse breaks its neok before
a little ordinary judgment is exeraised.
CLINTON New Era truthfully remarke:-
Rather Roundabout,-Olinton is 24 miles
from Brussels, yet occasionally one has
to travel a considerable dietanoe to get
there, On Monday Inepeptor Robb, of
Brussels, who was in Clinton wanted to
go home. To go by the L. H. B. would
not bring him home until Tuesday, no
he went to Stratford, then on to Listowel
and home, (a distance of over 75 miles)
reaoiiing hie destination at about 8 p, m.
Baron Farmers' Institute, was in town
on Tuesday disonseing the question of G.
T. R. rate grievances with some of the
ehippere So es to be able to present them
to Prof. McLean when he held it 8e5Bi0n
at Beaforth on Wednesday. The nobios
of meeting in the evening was short and
but few attended. On the finding of Prof.
McLean and others will largely depend
whether Parliament will appoint a Com.
mission to aoneider both Bidet' of the quo.
A. H. FI718loatox, of Birtfe, Man.,
sande us 8Dopy of the Eye•Witneee of
July 15, and in speaking of the Sommer.
Fair at Yorkton givee the following ao.
count of a base ball contest. Mr. Fitz-
patrick horde 2nd base or short atop :-
Birtle was well represented, a large
number going to encourage the bane and
football teams. Yorkton failed to minter
a bane ball nine and Birtfe and Ellice
were pitted against nob other for let
and and place, Birtle winning by 5 to 9
the more being Birtle-1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0
0, Ellice -a eerier of goose eggs. Ellice
esoond base bolder Glace was unable to
go up. Birtle's battery is now eager to
'show the Virden boys a few pointers on
the game. In football Birtfe was easily
floored by Russell 3 to 0 in fleet draw.
Russell then captured the prize from
Yorkton 4 to 0 playing an almost fanitleee
game. Those who on epeak by the book
say that the base ball match wail equal
to any in the professional leagues and
that the Ellice boye thongh losers need
feel no way blue and that Russell kickers
should not fear to play any 11 in the
West." A. H. should know something
about the game AS he was a ebifty youth
on the Bedesels diamond years ago,
Exonn8ION Aug. 7th.
Or course you saw the new hats.
A erOCSAL stook trate, of 13 care, ran
over the W. G. be B. on Tneeday.
J. MCDERaMOTT sent a oar of sheep to
the Eastern markets on Tuesday.
THE local blacksmiths smile as the
warm dry weather oontivaee. It is their
tire setting innings.
A NEAT new sign has been plaoed at the
front of L. H. Harvey's drug etore, G. A.
Deadmsn's old stand.
Ton flax gang have been palling out
near Leadbary this week, The mill will
start threshing shortly.
TUESDAY morning a epeeist freight
train was up this line clearing up the
freight aooumalations.
TEE new atone foundation under the
Williams livery barn is about unison.
A cement floor will be put in where the
carriages stand.
MRS. ANDREW ODRRIE has a display of
flowering and foliage plants in the
butober ebop window that attraots a good
share of deserved attention.
EVERY Saturday Excursion tickets are
issued to Gcderiob and Kincardine at
single fare, viz 51.45 and 51.20, good to
return by any train on the following
Tbn Inepeotor of the Guardian Fire
Insurance Co. was here last week and
adjusted the claim of Mies Roddick in
oonneotion with millinery goods deetroy-
ed by fire and water.
A Naw plank oovering was pat on the
bridge this week. Traffic was diverted
through the river while the work was be.
ing done se some new joists were also
necessary. D. McNaughton had the con•
tract. A new sidewalk will also be pot
SOLD On. -Mies Roddiok, who has
been engaged in the millinery bueiness
for a number of years doing a large trade,
sold out to Miesee Habkirk, of Blyth,
on Monday of this week. The new pro-
prietresses will move the stock into the
adjoining Stratton block, in the
premises one time occupied by the
Standard Bank. THE Poe, extends a
cordial weloome to Misses Habkirk and
with them 0000050.
soup orohard green was pulled on the
farm el Jampe Shaw last week that
meaenred over 7 foot.
from Brussels tbie week,
82 oases 91egg Were am0qg W. Neal's
ehipments from Waltoe on the G. T, R.
D. A, Lowry and noir are fineiting the
erection of Jobn Leoltie'e beese, It will
be modern in ell its arreegemente.
A on of neon wee eblpped by W. W.
Barrie to cold storage at Stratford for.
bfeesre.13allantyne .8 Son tbie week,
Buy. IBL Biose ie hitting the weather
prophecy in great style. If he could give
it to us a notch cooler we would be man
A eon coating of gravel hos been put
on Tarnberry street North Shirt men.
It woo badly heeded as the traffic is heavy
over thatseotion of the street.
Do00 forget to see pontere in OOhneo.
tion with Ugioo Sunday School Enure.
ion to Goderioh on Thuredey, August 1,
A good time may be expeoted.
BRu55RLs Court of Independent For.
estate will send Lorne Danford to the
High Clout ae their representative. It
meete at Hamilton next month.
BARLEY and oat harvest is on the pro.
ram and both are ver ti
g very nthe straw
owing to want of rain.Peas are said to
befoomparatively free from bugs.
Ton first new grain of the season was
brought to R. K, Ross' mill On Wednes-
day, It was barley and was grown on
Robt. Yaill's farm, Morris township.
Minns. Ewan & Co. sold a finely gotten
up carry -all to Ab. Paulin, the well known
liveryman of Wroxeter, Mr, Paulin'
evidently knows a good thing wben he
sees it.
Rios, Ramos left on Thursday with his
ening of fest horses for the Michigan
circuit. In Harry Wilkes and Bessie K.
Ise bas something that should win the
BRUSSELS Votere' lief for this year is
out and was first posted up on Wedues.
day of this week. There are 405 names
on the list in all, being divided Re follows;
Part I, 253, Part 1I, 126, and Part III,
96. 113 are qualified to serve as jury.
scriber in remitbiug bis annual oubearip-
tion to Tan Pos, is kind enough to say:
-"THE PosT is keeping right up to date ;
is always full of newsy news abont the
good people in and around the town and
I am pleased to receive it every week."
NEW WaEAT,-Thnreday of Chia week
W, 5'. Stewart received the first new
wheat of the season. It was a red variety
and weighed 62 pounds to the bushel,
good sample and was es hard as any
Manitoba No. 1. It was grown by Mr.
Armstrong, near Blyth, Morrie township.
ToosoAr Dr. Holmes was at the Central
Hotel falling on a patient. His terrier
accompanied him and after a perambula-
tion around the baloony in front of the
Hotel took a leap to the granolithio side-
walk below. The animal gave a yell at
the sudden landing and made off home.
THE C. P. R. train on whioh Mre. W.
H. Kerr was en route to Winnipeg last
Friday was blooked 30 miles West of
Rat Portage owing to the wreoking of a
freight train, for 24 hours. It is said
both switches were open and the Sema.
pbore down. The passenger train did
not reach Winnipeg until Saturday
morning. A fairly good time was made
out by the large contingent of travellers.
Nobody was hurt in the mash.
TenoNTo Star of Friday, July 19, (mu-
table the following sad note :-"My girl,
here is 53,50. Now, getout and scramble
for yourself." This is what Mary.
Smith's father said to her in Brueaele
not so very long ago, and Mary got ant
and scrambled. Bubit was bard work,
this sorambling, and life in Toronto was
muoh different to that little Western
town. She fell, and this =ruing the
police rounded her up as a vagrant and
Magistrate Denison Bent her to all for 30
days. And when she went down you
could see the bloom of the country air on
ber cheek and ner tears didn't wash it
sway either." We fanny the geographi-
cal position is slightly astray as we know
of no eaoh Daae belonging to Brussels.
Fool BALL.-Broseele and Blyth play.
ed foot ball at the latter village on Fri-
day evening of last week and after a close
mutest when time was called the score
stood 1 to 0 in favor of Brussels. George
Irwin was the Refree. The teams were
composed of the following players:-
B00e500S. BLYTH.
Goal MoArbor
MRs. OREECH DEAD. -Thursday of lest
week Mrs. Creech, of Exeter, formerly
Mise Walla, sister to Mre. George Baeker,
of Brussels, passed sway to the Great
Beyond. A baby was born on the morn•
fag of the above mentioned day bat before
evening both it and the mother were
Went in death. Her husband and one
eon are left to mourn ber sudden demise.
The funeral took plane on Setarday after-
noon. Mre. Baeker and Mise Dolly at-
tended. A number in town will re.
member Mrs. Creech ae ebe spent some
months in Brussels before her marriage.
WESTERN STAR LODGE. -The following
is the new list of officers in connection
with Western Star Lodge, Brussels, No,
149, L 0. 0. F.: -
J. P. G., Frank Lambie ;
N. G., Wm. Thomson ;
V. G., Jae. Jones
Rea••Iso.McCracken W. H.
Fin,•Seo., Snot. Wilton ;
Treas., F. S. Scott ;
Warden, R. Henderson ;
Con., W. 0. Smith ;
0. G., Wm. Martin ;
I. G., A. Hewitt 1
R. S. N. G., Jas. Humphries ;
L. S. N. G., W. Grewar ;
R. S. V. G., 1. Thomson ;
L. S. V. G., H. R. Elliott ;
R. S. S., G. Mooney ;
L. S. S., J. Pugh ;
Chaplain, R. Leatherdale ;
D. D. G. M., A. McGuire.
Jno. Ament is the delegate to Grand
Lodge, which will meet next month at
Guelph from Western Star.
Toronto, soya of our townsman, Wm,
Martin :-The I. 0. bad a pleasant visit
last week from Bro. W. Martin, of Bros.
eels, who was in the oily attending the
Grand Lodge of the Sons of Scotland.
Bro, Martin was aaoompanied by Mre.
Martin, and after the Grand Lodge closed
took a run over to Buffalo where they
spent a day or two at the Pan.Ameriaan.
Bro. Martin baa been 22 years a member
of Western Star lodge and daring that
time bas been one of ite most active work -
ere in everything for its progress and pros-
perity, much of its present nooses being
no doubt due to hie persistent energy and
watchful oare, He is an enthnsiastio
Oddfellow and Bays the L 0. sboald be
plaoed in the bands of every member by
the Grand Lodge. He thinks the caplta•
Mon tax for snob a purpose should be
cheerfully supported, when the immense
benefits sore to result to the Order are
ooneidered. Speaking of the increase
made of 51.00 per member in the B. 0. B.
for organization purposes, be told n5 8,
good story of the effeot the Scotch pipes
bad in carrying reoommendation of the
Committee, and thought it would be a
good thing if a similiar bee could be put
in the bonnets of the delegates to our
Grand Ledge in support of the I, 0, We
are now looking for a good piper to take
to Guelph with tie when Grand Lodge
meets. We dint tell Bro, Martin we had
heard Of his absence from Brussels, nor
of the letter from Western Star pabliebed
in another column, although be outvoted
we kosw considerable about what bad
lately transpired 09 in the Ooanty of
iRae Crawford
Beaker Somers
Brown ollitelcs
5. Nan We Hanes
Lowry Roche ........... .BA@yn0n
W. Good Forwards I Carter
W. Roche Thom sn
W. Cameron...
4, HawxT'V will ship 17 beret's to Noe•.
pwa, Men„ oa Friday of bhie week. Be
will a000mpany the ear to the West.
Mn.. Hewitt handles a lot of good borne
in a year.
Thx puree advertised in laetweeke Poem
Wae claimed by its owner, Mr. Atkins
Who le working on the Hall drain, Grey,
It was found by Robert Oen, 8rd:eon. of
the name townie,
Ticsaor use• -T. Farrow ticketed the
following paeeengers to the 1Voob last
tlesdoy 1•-b?re. Jno. Blnolair to Bine-
earth ; Kn. McKelvey and daughter to
Brandon ; Jno, Robb and Mrn, Gee. Rob1
to Manitou ; Tamps Smillie and Mu
Smillie to Areola ; and Mr. floss, 1120•
Xiltop, to Binseartb.
Cone HoranAx,-In response to a large.
ly signed petition Reeve Rose has pro.
claimed Wednesday, August 7th, Re Civic
Holiday for Brunets thin year, Aepeoial
train bas been enured for a holiday ex.
minion to Kincardine that day, It will
leave bars about 8 a, in, so as to give a
good long day at the lakeside. Bills giv•
ing rates and time will be out in a few
Tomlin of Male week William Forrest
took the morning train for Montreal
from whish port be Bails per Allan Lige
steamship "Tunisian" for the Old Conn.
try, London being the-objeotive point.
He will also visit at Glasgow, taking in
the Exhibition, and will be absent for
several months. Mr. Forrest was
ticketed by W, H. Herr, of Tan Poem,
Allan Line agent. We wish the traveller
a safe voyage and a pleasant visit.
Ho I Fon Len Honon,-Applioatioii
has been made by the three Sunday
Schools of Brussels for an excursion to
Kincardine on Wednesday, August 7bh.
A special train will run and the return
fare will be 85 cents for adults and 45
oente for ohildren up to 12 years. The
Reeve has proolaimed that date
Brussel,' Oivio Holiday so that parents
maty be able to a000mpany their obildren
and business people get away to enjoy
the lake breezes for a day. It is proba•
ble several rinks of on bowlers will play
with Kincardine on that day and other
eporbs may be added. The train will run
from Palmerston and take on passengers
at all stations. Bills will be out in a few
People We Talk About.
Reg. Fletcher took a trip to Oheeley,
John Beattie ie holidaying at Bayfield.
Miss Thurso, Gerry is visiting at Exe-
Lorne Danford was in Luaknow on
Fred. Ainlay, of Listowel, ie visiting
in town.
Mrs. Baines was visiting at Blyth on
Rich. Roche was home from Listowel
for Sanday.
Mies Walker is holidaying with rela-
tives at Galt.
Dr. J. M. Moore was in town for a few
days this week.
Charlie and Willie Zilliax are holiday
ing at Listowel.
Will. Leatberdale, of Seafortb, was in
town on Wednesday.
Min Maggie Beattie was visiting at
Seaforth and Clinton.
Mies Minnie Moore is home for a holi-
day from St. Thomas.
Dr. Graham, of Clinton, was in town
on Friday of last week.
Mise Chisholm, of Hamilton, is visit•
ing at Neil MaLauohlin's.
Mies Alice Boos, who bas spent several
months in London, is home.
Mrs. Forbes, of Wingham, was visiting
at Thos. Maxwell's, John street.
Mies Nellie Black, of Wroxeter, bas
been visiting Miss Lizzie Sample in town.
Mrs. Wsgborn and son and Mrs. Mur-
ray, of Walton, were in town on Friday.
Mise Amy Brett, of Seaforth, ie holi-
daying with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Mo.
Naughton, Brussels.
Mrs. Fanstan and Miss Ella have gone
to Pine River where they will holiday
with relatives for a few weeks.
Jas. Thomsou and George Irwin are
away on a wheeling tour to Stratbroy,
London, Luoan and other poinbe.
Thos. MaOrae is visiting at Inc.. Mo-
Orae's. He ie in poor health but we
hope the change of air will aid. him.
Mrs. J. H. Cameron has gone to Toros•
to to join her husband and from there
they will take some holiday Side trips.
Mies Fannie Rogers returned to ber
Bcel y
tion in Toronto on Saturday after
spending three weeks at her home here.
Mrs, Harry Dennis, of Chatham, is
renewing old friendehips in Brunets.
She will visit at Goderioh before return.
ing home.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Port Huron,
Mich., and Mies Love, of Taokeremith,
were visitors at Jae. Shaw's and T.
Nioholl's during the past week.
Mre. (Rev.) Holmes went to Exeter
last Saturday to visit her =later, Mre,
(Dr.) Rollins, and left on Thursday for
Muskoka where Rev. Mr. Holmee is.
G. T. R. Agent Ham ooutemplates tak•
ing a well deserved holiday trip to the
West next month and will go ae far ae
Regina, with side tripe from main line.
Mrs, T. Thomeon and blaster Muir, of
Listowel, are vieitore at John Tait's,
Queen street, Brussels. They are former
residents of town and known to many.
J. W. Blashill, writing from Ypsilanti,
Mich., nye We have bought a very
pleasant place here eo have bromine per-
manent: residents. We like it here Very
R, Brewer took in the Methodist
church choir Conoert at Blyth on Wed-
nesday evening and pronounced the pro.
gram exoellenb. He's a great lover rf
goad maeic.
Mr. and Mise Pringle, of Nobelton, are
visiting their angle and aunt, T. and
Mrs. Maxwell, Brussels, The visitors
are brother and sister to Lorne Pringle
now in Toronto,
Mrs. R. Leatberdale was oD the sick
list during the past week and under the
doctor's care from an attack of oongeetion
of the longs but is quite_ improved now
we are pleased to state.
J. H. and Mre. Kerney spent Sunday
and Monday et Bayfield. They affirm
that Brussels holidayere are putting in a
good time and they were sorry they could
not tarry longer with them.
GordoulMooney was off for a visit of a
week among the Bones of his boyhood in
Grey County. He oelebrated the 19th of
July at Grand Valley, walking with hie
old time lodge and put in a floe time
It. W. Matheson, of Laoknow, wan in
Brussels for a part of Iwo days last week.
He, presumably, came here on Forester
business bat we believe he is trying to
get away from being an odd fellow. Who
ever gets him will find him a good fel.
IoW, we kava rte doubt.
A number of Bruseelitie saw the game.
Our boys were hospitably treated and
found some difficulty getting home before
morning between football and garden
SOLD., -J. D. Ronald, of Brussels, was
away last week to Quebec city tooting a
chemical fire engine he had Bold that
oily at 51,750. The result was so Beale.
factory that he also sold a Ronald steam
engine to be delivered at anoe, prioe 58,-
000. The Daily Telegram of the 17th
int., contains the following, relative to
the test of the chemical : - Yesterday
afternoon about one thousand people as -
enabled on the avenue of the Sacred
Heart Hoepital, St. Sauveur, to witness
the teat given to the Ronald cbemical
engine, the purchase of whioh the city
hail now under consideration. A build-
ing Boma twelve feet square and proper.
tionately high had been previously eon•
strnoted of exceptionally dry wood. On
the floor was strewn shaving° to the
depth ;of about eighteen incline, all of
whioh ae well as the building itself was
saturated with ten gallons of coal oil, At
a given moment a match vane thrown in-
to the inflammable ebruoture and a
minute or two later the flames had al•
moat entirely enveloped the building.
The orowd whioh had approached in
close proximity to none a better view'
of the experiment, gniokly recoiled so'
heated was the atmosphere. It was
only when the entire structure 788.5 a mase
of flames that the command was given to
test the obemical aontente of the double
oylidder. A email mechanioally arraoged
shaft was lifted, and pressure of a
hundred and eighty pounds insbantan•
eonely given. The liquid took immed•
late effeot oa the flames and in about a
minute all was over, as the etruoture al•
though abarred and burnt in appearanoe
was perfectly void of fire or smoke, The
experiment proved more enc eehat than
was generally imagined, and a meeting
of the Fire Oommittes has been oailed
for to.night to consider the advisability
of 9010ha5ing two of the engines.
ST%%ND✓.i.RD B4.7 ".E OF G4X4.D4,
ons a
CAPITAL PAID Ul' (Ono Million Pollan) $1,000,000
REST . , , • $700,000
Agencies in all priveipel pointe fa Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United dialer et Ragland.
4 General Bankings Bueineneined Tranaaoted, Farmers' .Notes Dieoonnbed.
and Oolleotlons made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards and oompoanded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
payable at any bank issued Under 510.... 80. 590 to 580....12o
MOM Wr 11 at the following rates :- $10 to 520 ....10e. 80 to 40, , . ,140
3, N. GORDON, AnnN,,
Delbert Constable, of Seaforth, is visit.
ing Elmer Ewan.
Mies Olive Mainprize is visiting at T.
Ennio', Oranbrook,
Mise Ida Zilliax is holidaying with
relatives at Elmira.
Mies Eva Reid, of.Luoknow, is visiting
Miss bele Baobanan.
Mise Livingston, milliner, is holiday•
ing at her home in Blybh.
Mies Orma Gerry was in Bluevale for a
few days at J. J. Denman's.
Robert and Mrs. Mainprize and Mies
Florence Sondayedin Wingham.
Miss Stella Stubbs, of Morris, hs visit•
ing her grandmother, Mrs. '5i'. Jewitt,
Mill street.
Mrs. Johnston, of Wingham, and her
sister, Miss Bowles, of Chicago, are visit.
ing in town.
Mrs. (Dr.) MoKelvey went to Brandon,
Manitoba, this week for a visit with Feta•
tine and old friends.
Mrs, Wm. Ainlay is visiting at Bea -
forth. Her health has considerably im•
proved we are pleased to state.
Mre. Glendenning, who makes her
home with Mre. Dennison, is quite poor.
ly. She is over 80 years of age.
Mrs. Joo. Sinclair, of Princess street,
left on Tuesday for a ho'iday visit to
Manitoba. Her daughter, Mrs. MoDon•
old, lives at Binsoarth. She will be ab•
sent a couple of months.
Mies Edith Halliday, of London, is
visiting with her aunts, the Misses
Halliday, of this place. The visitor is a
daughter of John Halliday, formerly a
business man in Brueaele.
Mr. and Mrs. Ormiston, of California,
and Mrs. Bates and Miss Alice Bates, of
Goderioh, were in town last week vial ting
Mr. Bates who is here for medical treat.
ment. We hope the patient will soon be
fully restored.
Rev. John Ross, B. A„ attended the
marriage of his nephew, John Hunter, to
Miss Adeline A. Randall, at the home of
the bride's brother, "Strath Luohan,"
near Elora, on Wednesday of last week
and took part in the ceremony,
A. D. Covell, of Ron, N. Y., who bas
been in this locality for about two weeks
looking up the prospeota of the apple orop,
left for Buffalo on Wednesday en route
to hie home. He may put up an apple
evaporator in Brunetti. We believe he
would make a first -elan Oanuok.
Ino. Robb and Mrs. George Robb and
daughter were among those who took
train at Brussels on Tuesday with
Dakota and Manitoba as tbeir objective
point. They have numerous relatives
and friends in the West with whom they
have an enjoyable time no doubt.
Dan. Moran, of. Goderioh, formerly of
tbie locality, paned bis 80th birthday on
Sunday, July 14th, and although, an he
eaye, apparently dying every day from a
complioabion of troubles, he bids fair to
jog along for a few days yet. Dan. says
hie motto is, "Be ready when the Master
Among a list of 55 entrance students
all being suooesstul at Mount Forest pub-
lic school, Miss Lily Coats, daughter of
Walter Coats, of Clinton, formerly of
Brussels, phased third plane enuring 815
marks, 7 marks below the highest. The
above speaks highly of the ability of the
little girl.
Mrs. S. H. Jaokeon and Arthur have
just returned from a three weeks' visit
with ber sister, Mrs. Gibson, of Camp.
belitord. While there they visited friends
in Hastings and also joined an exoursion
hart udTrent river to Jubilee Point, a
the ea
of Woe lake, where a oonoert
was held and an enjoyable time spent.
Mie. Jackson took part in the program.
01188011 CHIMES.
Melville obnroh quartette will sing at
the opening of Victoria Hall, Jamestown
on Monday evening,
At the International Christian Endeav•
or Convention held at Cincinnati reoently,
Rev, J. Henderson, of Henson, was ap.
pointed the eapsrvisor of Outario.
A book stairway has been put in from
the school room to the auditorium of the
Methodist thorn this week for the nee
of pastor and choir. It has long been a
The usual morning and evening ser-
ving in connection with Melville oburob
will be withdrawn next Sabbath owing to
the gallery being in the painter's bands.
Sabbath Sallee' will be held as usual.
Following Sabbath Rev. Mr. Thynne will
oconpy the pulpit.
Rev. Fr. Corcoran, the new Pariah
priest of Senforbh and Broseele, is a genial
eon of Erin, ready of speech and with a
wide experience in Ohnroh work. He
aonduoted eervioe in Brussels lest Sob.
bath morning, a Targe congregation being
The 5950 asked from Melville Congrs-
gation, Brussels, to aid in the support of
a miseioaary has been promised and the
pastor, Rev. Jno, Rose, B.A., has written
to ascertain what field will be associated
with Brunie during the coming term
of 3 years.
Rev. Father West, the well known and
popular priest of Goderiob, bas been in
poor health for some time, and spent the
past few weeks in St. Joeepb'e hospital,
London. His many friends will be pleas-
ed to now that he has materially fm•
proved and was able to return last week.
Rev. In, Rose took the first six verses
of the 24th Psalm as his subject last
Sabbath morning in Melville ohnroh. The
main divisions were :-(1) The surpassing
Greatness of God ; (2) The pre•requisibee
of a worshipper of God, The same
Psalm, verses 7 to 10 was taken at the
evening service under the following heads:
(1) The royal Summons ; (2) The enquiring
Challenge; (8) The eafaient Response,
The choir sang the Psalm responsively
at the evening eervie°.
Wedneeday evening of last w
eek the
Woman'e Missionary Soeietytookok oh
r e'
of the prayer mastics in the Methodist
abnrob. In addition to the usual prayer
and praise Service Mrs. Ham and Mre. A.
J. Lowry eaoh gave readings along the
line of the work of- the W. M. S, Mrs. T.
L. Kerr, President Of Brunets •Branch,
A meeting of the Epworth League Ex.
enotive of the Wingham District League
was held intbe Methodist Church, Wing.
ham, ou Monday afternoon. It was de-
cided to' hold the next Convention in
Luoknow on Friday, Oct. 11, when an
interesting and no doubt insinuative pro.
gram wilt be presented of whioh dee
notioe will be given.
"The Light of the World" was Rev,
Mr. Wilson's theme feet Sabbath morn- '
ing in the Methodist oburob. In the even.
ing he preached a fine discourse to a large
audience, notwithstanding the beat, from
the text "God with Christ." Next Sab-
bath will conclude hie term here as he
goes to Chatham for the month of August
and from there to Viotoria University,
The Birth ((Mao.) paper says :-
Lightning freaks Friday night played
havoc in town.. About ten o'clock there
was a most magnificent display of oleo
brio fireworks oulminatisg at about mid-
night in a bolt striking the Methodist
parsonage stable whioh was totally dee.
troyed with entente, including Rev. Mr.
Onsterhoat's ootter, buggy and valuable
driver. Mre. Onsterhont and Miss Van -
Fetzer in the parsonage some 60 feet
distant were considerably shaken but
maintained composure and with assist.
anoe saved all the ohnroh end parsonage
property but what was in the barn.
Under the persuasive and eloquent
exhortation of Rev. A. B. Simpson, of
New York, the founder and president of
the National Christian Alliance, 528,000
was raised Tuesday at the dietriot con-
vention at Rooky Springs, this being the
largest amount ever raised at one time in
the dietriot, comprising Pennsylvania,
New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland.
It will be devoted to foreign missions.
Various cities pledge the following
amounts : Pittsburg 510,000, Ballade].
phis 56,000, Wilmington 51,200, Balti-
more $500, Harrisburg 5500, Ooalport,
Pa., 5420. Large individual sobeoriptions
were received, and so wrought up were
some in the audience that they plaoed
jewels and valuables in the oolleotion
Business Locals.
MONEY to loan on farm security.
Apply at THE POST.
HOUSE and lot for sale, good cellar,
stable. Oorner lot. Apply at THE PORT.
UPRIGHT piano for Bale. Beet United
States make, little need and nearly new.
Also good cooking stove with large copper
reservoir. J. D. RONALD.
TDB Buono.- Farman having tub
butter to sell oall at my Produce Em-
porium and I will pay yon the highest
cash price for good tube.
GARDEN PLANTS. -Miss Rally has any
quantity of garden plants for sale inclnd•
ing :-Tomato, cabbage cauliflower and
celery. Also a large and fine oolleotion
of flowering planta. Floral designs made
to order and at reasonable prices.
Buusears GoenNHoosEo.
The Governor General and Lady Min-
to were given a very hearty reception at
Mies Mary Mitchell loot her life near
Amherst, N. S., while trying to rescue a
little girl from drowning.
A little daughter of Alex. MoKay, of
Preston avenue Toronto, loot her life by
her olotbing catching fire.
It is proposed to allow only manioipal
addresses to be read to the Duke and
Dunne of Cornwall and York.
A party of Amerioans with s boat load-
ed with whiskey were oaptured near the
Meniton Indian reserve, Rainy River.
Ottawa lumbermen will invite the Duke
and Duchess of Cornwall and York to a
trip down the Ottawa rapids on a otib of
square timber.
FA2+Tr '..Xxese.
Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 26 -Sept. 7.
Western Fair, London, Sept. 5-14.
Kingeton, Hingeton, Sept. 9-18.
Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept. 17-19.
West Middlesex, Stratbroy, Sep. 17-19.
North Brant, Paris, Sept. 26-97.
Great Nortbweet'n, Goderioh, Oat. 1-2.
N. R. of Oxford, Woodstock, Oot. 1-2.
North Grey, Owen Sound, Oot. 2-4.
East Huron, Brussels, Oot. 8-4.
Peninsular, Chatham, Oot, 8-10,
Howiok, Gerrie, Oat. 12.
Norfolk, Simooe, 001. 15-17.
BRowN-On July 19th, at Bebgrave
Methodist Parsonage, to Rev. and
bits. A. H. Brown, a, eon.
DENSTnDT,.-In Brandon, 013 JUDO 19, to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Denetndt, form-
erly of Blyth, a son.
DuNPonu. In Brussels, on July 19, to
Mr. and Mre. E. 0. Danford, a
bloom -In Morrie, on July 10, to Mr.
and Mrs, Sae. A. Moore, ason.
MalloauoL.-Io Grey, on July 171h, to
Mr. and iifrs. George MaNiohol, a
Up goes the Thermometer,
Down goes the Appetite.
During the hob weather too many
allow system the e e to become o weak from
Ian of sari h appetite is• the
p s mesa. No ti 0
s ease p to
Then something is needed
tone up on and for this you will find our
Beef, Wine & Iron
an excellent article, Worth double the
prioe we ask, Try it.
Fox's Drug Store
CoNLEY-BErsNEe.-In Grey, do July 17,
by Rev, H. E. Carry, Mr. Oornail
Conley, to Mee Jennie, daughter of
Mr. F, J, Saunas, all of Grey town.
Canso,. -In Exeter, on July '18, Carrie
Wells, beloved wife of Jas. Creeob,
and sister to Mre. George Baeker,
Brussels, aged 87 years and 9 months.
TAAIAN.-In Detroit, on July 6, Minnie,
daughter of Thomas and blre. Taman,
of Blyth, aged 22 years.
]322Z7'SS=7.,e S2A,OH.==Tei,
Fall Wheat 00 61.
Barley 87 97
Peas 60 61
Oats .. 30 39
Butter, tube and rolls ,. 13 14
Eggs per dozen 8 9
Flour per cwt. ,4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per bag) 25 25.
Apples (per bbl,) 2 00 2 00
Sheep ekins,each 75 1 00
Lamb skins eaoh 25 25
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hay per ton 5 00 6 00
Hides trimmed 6 6}
Hides rough 6 5
Hoge, Live 7 00 7 00
Wool 12 18
lJf Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes,
Apply to GEO. BEST, Brussels.
ATINO and House Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and ou short notion.
Have had three years' experlenee in city
work. Terms reasonable. Give me a call.
20 W.J. JOHNSTON, Walton.
DR. R. P. FE/LD,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons 01 Ontario and Ftrst•olaee Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. 09100.
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Wednesday, July 17th. He is yellow
and white, about 3 years old, and answers to
the name of Jack. Any information leading
to hie recovery will be 'thankfully received.
2-2 - W. A. ORI0H, Brussels.
NOTICE is hereby gBiven that aBy-Law
passed by the Municipal Connell of the
Township of Grey, oa the 17th day of June,
1001, providing for the issue of debentures
to the amount of 02,764,00 for the purpose of
Mnnioipal Drainage for a certain, drain
known as the MoTaggart Drain, end that
such ByLaw was registered in the Registry
Office for the County of Huron, on the 2nd
day of Juiy,1001. Any motion to quash or
set aside the Same or any part thereof must
00 made within three host 115 Dna
the date
of registration and cannot be mads thore-
atterg. WM STENO
02.8 Clerk Tp.1280;11a. rey.
Dated the 8th day of July,A. 71,
Municipality of the Pillage of Brussels,
County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have trans.
matted or delivered to the p none mention.
ed in Sections 8 and 6 of the Ou tarts Voters'
Leet Aot, 1800, the copies required by Bald
Sections to be e0 transmitted or delivered
of the list mado, pursuant to said Ao5, of all
persons appearing by the last Revised As-
sessment Roll of said Municipality to be en-
titled to vote in said Munioipallty at eleo-
tions for members of the Legislative As-
sembly and at Municipal Eleotlons, and that
said List was first posted up in my office in
Brussels on the;: 4130 day of July,1001, and re.
mains there for inspection, Eleetore are
called upon to examine the said List, and, if
any omission or any other errors are found
therein, to take immediate pr0000diugs to
have the said errors oorreoted according to
law. .
Dated the Mb day 01
F. Ju8lyS, COT1001.T, Clerk.
In the matter of the estate of John Albert
Burgess, late of the village of Lander,
in the Province of Manitoba, farmer,
Notion is hereby given pursuant to R.8.0,
1807 Ohap.120 Seo, 88 that all creditors having
any °Jaime againetlthe estate of John Albert
Burgoas, late of the Village of Lander in
the Province of Manitoba, d000aeod, who.
died on or about the ebb day of April, A, D.
1501, at the Village of Lauder in the Prov -
lase of Manitoba, aro hereby ro-
gqneete d to send by mail prepaid or to de-
liver to Margaret Cornish, of the Town of
Mitchell in the bounty of Perth, Adminis-
tratria of thin estate, or to 0. F. Blair, of
the Village of Brussels, her Soliattor, on or
before the 9th day of August, A. D„ 1001,
their full names, addreeeos and denoriptlons
and the full particulars of their claims
(Verified by affidavit) and the nature of the
securities (If any) held by -them, And
notlt 510 further given that alter the said
last mentioned date the Admioistratrax will
deceased among the p the
to, having regard only to the claims of.
whioh notice shall have boon givou as
above required. and the Said Admiulatra-
trix Will not be reet,ouslblo for the assets,
orany part thereof, no dietelbuted to any
porton of whose claire notion shall nob havo
been rosbivod at the time of distribution
G. F, BLAM,Bruesels,
Dated atBrp0iele, ny 2ehAdmilitratriX,