HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-7-25, Page 5Ma' 25, 1903. BUSINESS CARDS. ONPX TO LOAN ,T 0 TFR' 40131, F,a, SOQT•e, Breesele, 7 FI, NEOORAOKAN. vl+. Teener anaeyg0... nses. 01- 1100 at O000y,lurborY 00ot, Brussels. . •BARRETT••— Tenement Artist, Shop—Next door' North of the Standard Sank- i Ladies' and 0h1l41ron's hair cutting m !motile)ty, m, MUSSIsON, J$Buer of Mnerriltge MOST/ SOS, W LT A ON b Nr, MISS JEAN NPLAUCIILiN, -T20A01l 0it PIANO AND — ORGAN,. ROBERT R Gil N N' i N G AM , H nermaaNem, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. • M188SAR H LOU SP MO ORE, l ORE / L. O. M.. Aoadoinlo graduate of London Oonsorva-: tory of Musla, also Member of the Associated Mualotane of Ontario, to prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction' on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for: the Principal's Form in the Oonsorvatory of Music, Brussels, Ontario. - 1 A LEX. HUNTER— Clerk HUN .tER—Clerk of Elib Fourth Division ..Court,. Co. Huron; 0onveyapoor, Notary Public, Land,Loan 'and.Insurance Agent ; Auction. eon 'Funds hveabod endto"loan • 0o11eo- tions made, 0illee in GrahanealBlook,Brua. sola .. v AUCTIONEERS. 8. SCOTT AS AN.A.UOTION- man, will sell for betterprices, to better menu in lose time and less obargoe. `than. any other Auctioneer In Riot Huron or : he won't charge ani'th) pg. -Dates and orders' earn always be arranged at this oalee or by'. personal application. E VET..,. R01' A RY. T D. WARIV1OJ — tJ . Honer Graduate of the Ontario Vet- odnary College, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domeetioated animals iii a oompot- .cut manner. 1arti',nlar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry, bane promptly. at- tended to. Ofiloe and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turuberry eb., llrueeele, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. W M. 8I NUL Il — BaYTi tor Bolloitor 1 vog0.n oar Notary Public, dia. Office—B rawartaBlooi ' 1door Bernie! (Jan tial Hotel. ;..Solloitor for the Standard Bank. F. BLAIR, ` BARRISTER, • Solicitor,. do, 011ioe over Stand• and Bank. ' Solicitor for Village of Brussels, • Money to Loan at lowest rates, G. OAMERON— BrrlatrSloitrGdrCameron) (Formerly and Solicitor, eioti Out, Office—Hamtlten street, opposite Col- borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, . 21. D„ G. A!„ Trinity University,Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and SulCol- lege ao.'t PhysiciansLicentiate andd Licentiate f the sof 1blid- wifery, Edinburgh. to "Telophoue No.14, Beeldence—Mill street, Brussels, STOCK FOR SERVICE •IOAR FOR SEJWIOE.—THE N,1 Lot undersigned Con 8 Morris, keep im voll bredrPoland Chinabog. Tering, a.CO, to be paidat time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. 1 ry. GI00, B. BRADMAN, Proprietor. McLEODD'S 'System It TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and' Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleseneae, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gell Stones, Jaandica, Kidney and Urinary Dieeaeee,St. Vitus` Danoe, Female Irregularibiee and General De- bility. • LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MCLEOD, Prop. and Mannfaaturer. Sold by J8.8, 800x. Druggist, Brussels SHNCLES Britiislj Colnrnbia Red Cedar Shingles North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR BALE AT THE Brussels Planing JIii s Aldo Doors and elaeh of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notioe. Estimated Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ahip and Material Guaranteed. P. AIVIENT, 20,000 Harvesters Wanted Jar MiutilQpa ' and Canadian Nol'th }refit •YEARN IA803E11S' IXCVR11014.1 Nail be rite -TO— Pro stations. WINNIPEG 1,10utorlo And all stations op atatn t,iae Banyan 1 'Toronto to and flu th.we001 Sarnia and and Bouttr^tveat to NOrtl, 000091 i'orkten Norttc of 7t,oaselaty Tomato and Cardwell NO, t AUGUST 6. es no w0iohywill tow'with Putohaeers of ne- taY 810'tlokens, easeme 4000 .will be returned atertlug point by same route ou or before Nov,10111,1901, on payment of tf0f Apply ler pamphlet glyiugfull particulars • toour nearest alt A gottbor to A. H. NOTMAN, • Assistant General Passenger Agent, /King St, Bast, Toronto, f) rz. rx .. airs. Wi0 xeter Geo, Town got a new. Nordbeimer Piano 'put into .the parlors at the Gottoa House.'• in pound solace were fosome uput found on the street, id prohibited bun, A. Paulin ha" added a new dray to hie livery equipment whioh makes freight hauling, more convenient. Some nli0oreaut abused a young calf belonging to John Galton, breaking its jaw and ribs so that it had to: be killed. A. A. Eity •ie having the floors in the Walker House re -painted and intends putting a partition across the present bar room and making to h „ of er improvements.. h is r o used p to, Pget upas Daoo re ion of all the Sabbath eabo0ls in the Town- ship of Howiok and Wroxeter, at an early date, to Toronto or some other point fixed Dar. • BIvtea. A lawn social was held on Trinity aburmb grounds on Friday evening, Over 700 baskets of cherries have been °hipped to outside points by Blyth grocers last week.. Miss Arny Elder is home 'from the Preebyteriau oollege Toronto, for the Summer month§; R. D. and Mrs. e D at nub , , of Dallas Text°, are visiting the tatter's parents Hugh 'and Mrs'. MaQuarrie. The annual anion pioni0 of the Meth diet 'and 'Presbyterian Sunday eohool was held Wednesdaybf loot week in Conn Sloan'a bath, A football match between' Blyth and Erneeets teams was played on the Agri. cultural park, Blyth, on Friday evening of hist week. The score was 1 to '0 in favor of the visitors. Mrs, James Makrurehte is enjoying the invigorating breezes of Georgian Bay at the Hotel Peneta0g0ishene, the big Sum - met hotel at Penetanguiahene. Mrs'. Brydone, of Clinton, is also a, guest at the same hotel. i i3J U8SE1' S 3 $ 0' a eeleetion from so len a a number. After eortieg out until (bout at deem retneleeel, the /Weird toe a vele, 0. W, Slapgllter, of Flieiber.ton, being the leaky men, A 1jro, wbieb there 2e every remain to believe wag start° 1 b yy epatit0neoue corn- bust2on, ocourredin Wm, Speer°' store On Monday evening of ledtweek, About tweet o'olook, before the gas had been lighted, and, whoa the proprietor, Werke and several oUetomere Were in the story, a large lot of oottpn batting, whioh wee piled along the top of the ahelviee, was nottood to auddeoly buret into flmmo, and in an inoredibly short time the store was filled with smoke, A retell wa0 made for the burning 17K batting, and with the aid of n few male of water the dame° were got ands. oontrol, .and the batt° were pulled down and oerrted oateido as quickly as possible, The tire, however, lied got auob a hold 0n the batting that it kept smog!. daring until most of the three or four OMEN of It that had been stared elope the ehelvipg was destroyed, the water that was put on apparently aiding In 'sae of sting' P tc nc 11i e n he e fire g 4 Atwood. • Wm. G. Inglis is home from' his Scotland. ,J, and Mrs. Ward, of `Mildmay `sending the holidays with Mrs, :parents, J,. W, and Mrs, MoBain. Melvyn Geeham left on Tnaod last week for Trout Oreels, near Bay, where he hug obtiiaed a Iu position as olerk in a general store. Robert Roo'e driving shed, which 'emoted on trestle work, preparotor underbuilding, wee blown to piece thestrong r n wind Ind g on aeeda T y of last The Elena Cheese Oo'y. ehippe last half of June`oheese to T. Balla de Sone, Stretford. ' The price to %Me Edo , a very good' pride indeed. ehlpment comprised 452 boxes, The following new otliaers were in ed at th'e regular meeting'of the Od owe :--N. G., D. G Anderson ; V D. Angie i.Reeording Bea., Roger ; Financial Sep,, Jno. Ea Treasurer, Dr. Kidd. d, G P. J. A. bell, acteas installing o112aer. Daring the severe thunderstorm ueeday of last week, lightning et udrew Stevenson's silo and shatter o 'sae i a. His' hired Mali, P so Mr. r We n slightly e s hal burned o K n the arm 0.'b by leotrio fluid. A bolt also struck a n Geo. Graham's farm, 8th pan. Earl Switzer, eon of Fred. Switzer, re gravel road, met with a severe ant one day recently. He Ma ral field when the horse became frigh and bolted, and one of -the linea br arl wise thrown from the rake and the prongs ran through the fleshy p his arm. He also received save her painful injuries. The wheels a rake were broken. One of those pleasant events whioh soften the asperities of life, took p thePresbyterian ohuroh at he t a the prayer meeting. This was in ren of a presentation. of a well fi see of m•,ney and an appreciative ase to Mrs. Andrew Little (nee llie. Hoar) as a alight recognition many years of faithful service to arch. The address was read by D. dereon and the presentation made se BeaErioe Diokson. A very pleasant and interesting eve k place oust the manse .on Saturd ruing 18th inet„ when Ellen (Nell zabetb Hoar, only daughter of 142 dia Haar, Atwood, wee married drew M. Little, of Donegal. The bri 8 beautifully attired in white law mmed with real lace whioh had gad to her grandmother in Englan parried a boquet of white lilie e oeremony was performed by Rev. McLeod, B. D., Blanche McLeod eat maid-ofhonor. After the weddin akfaet, the newly wedded couple drov he railway station, where they boar he 8 o'olook train for a bridal to amil1on, Niagara Falls, and otbe te. May all bappinese attend them trip to t are fVard'a I ay of Norbhr p a082100 w u 200.01 y bo •00 e by in week, H d' the. ri otyne T alizod ap The 0 pu stall• dfel- . aA Jno.• ar me; wh Mit. In • th on rook a ed it till deK, rep the th tree pa 180 of 201 a 001• o0 (ting Mo ten. A, once. No one nee art Tre ral Fin of ry, 0 help men la os' ODO lose Coli Iled app ad- wid Mies don of T the me° G, nam by orae 010.0 nt beat aY good )e) 2.45 te. only to O en de expei 0, tare be• large d, aide t s. I'• 2,45 ug Bobby e Dutch A Wilde ar ✓ 2.28 Cron (harl ossa tlan Master d 2.15 n Prince Vale, (Martin, Stouffville) 1 1 1 Eric .R.,'Horton, Shedden) 0 8 dr a Annie C oulld i(Cah ll,14000 181) 2 2 4 Annie D, Brownridg8e, Toronto) 4 5 5 Alma, (Blaneyit,. Lncimow) 5 8 8 Time -2.10A', 2.19X,2.20. . t •mile run, Province bred. Purse $100. innpio aha the usual aheere Were the brethren diobttedod for (limier 1 again at 1,40 p, !n, The Presby Oharoh, Ward, the halter, and min Or o Orr f tbe Albion n outer d a (to to c1 w rho 1008rman and eatiseed eeerbod palled 04 them for dinner and e At the appointed time the proceeei reformed marohed to the grove, a epee for :mob gathering", Bayo, Dobson, D. Eogera and A, B, Farn exoeleent addressee and were liete by the large gathering with Osamu profit. The brethren marobed town again, when many returned to homes and some witnessed the lay) titres omen, etonee of the new Pres ha n (thumb attended the oono. the evening, •It is eixleeu years' sin last Orange eolobratiou in this vdlag tRodoriol,. We had a 4180 delloit in ooune withFair. our SErae t John Phillip °aught a six and ago pound pike the other evening, Buohanans Lawson are at wo their Government contract at rheas The members of the OenadiauOrd r'oretore will hold a garden party b middle die o f Alignst 0 The Gaiierhuh KniEt2ng Oo. is making heavy ehipmerety of hose to nue -parte of the Dominion. - B agreement P sat am n'• K o Rat a large• ortion of our town merchants their at ill oloee every Wednesday ditern (til Sept. let, at one o'clock, John Wynn landed the largest b en in town for some time, it being w an oz orG a wof five pounds ' 10 wei e hooked the Hen at the mouth of ver while fishing from a boat.' he• old cottage at the jail has d peered, the 'contraction having pul and they have aommenoad 11 down the stone wall that for Boma, re kept the jailer's residence dark and given, ()X4171)! rn(00 bgriaq e host mate of y who upper. 011 wag n Idsal A, B, ey gave nod to ro and down 0 011821 n of bytes. ort hn sine the e, Mon atter wee on mory. er of anent now var. pro- oree oon ase ith- tght. he lled to 0y nd Misses Bootle, daughters of the Mission• y Rev. Mr, Scott, of Tokio, Japan, and o have been attending the Collegiate atit nes at London the peat year, are e guests g e e oYMiae Rayne, Bt. David's St. Mho A, ;Winaifrede Ball has obtained professional flret.alase teao2ere' per. cats, having s0o0esefally palmed the ant Normal m Dolle e examination g f or at rade. Miss Ball all ' and Mime Eva rliog, of Exeter, were the only oolleg- e from Heron and both were mesa-. u Tuesday morning of Iast weak T. Grattan, W. R. Treleaven, and Wm. Finnigan, of Dungannon, left for the rth Welt by the 0. 1', R , the first mad going to Swan River, Mao., Mr, leaven to Calgary, Alberta, and nigan to MoLeod, in the same Territo, hiof Justine Meredith has given judg- e ordering the handing over the 485, - estate the a late - Hon. Malcolm n Camero 0 n f Godes; oh, to the Tor• General Trusts Corporation, recently orated trustees in the place of the ow and Dr. John D. Wilson, of Lan - he first day's events of the annual t of .the Goderieh Turf Aseooiation e off Wednesday of last weals in the once of about 1,200 people. The day warm, but a 000l breeze made the bearable, and exoitiog beats and mn0io made a red-letter one. In the olaee the winner is said to be the three•year-old that has won e, rape oh time, and the heats through were lent. There ;were over fifty trot. and runners on the grounds, the at number ever attending a meet ont- he ulnae in Ontario, mess, DAY. pace or. trot. Purse 4280. my Mack (Johnston Bluevale).,,,,,5 dia. Mack, (McBride, Toronto) 8 2 2 Mowbre (Gay, Windsor) 1 1 1 B., (Buxton, Goderioh) 2 8 g Briar (Benson, Toronto) 4 4 4 )Time -2,22X, 2,22X, 2,27X, trot end 2.80 pane. . Purse 4800. e, (tRichardson, Stratford) 5 4 4 ie P (Bradley Aylmer) 2 2 8 'a Barron, (Goebel Mitchell 4 5 2 Line, (Buxton, Go`derioll) 8 8 5 Roy. (Peters, Dresden) 1 1 1 Time -2.24X, 2,22X, 2.28X. trot and 210 pane.. Purse 2800. 1 W T A w e 0 01 d in ed P of of of th • in of fo u o- lir e Ne .' her oh An MI too mo Eli 1 3' An tea bri lou ' and Tb 4.e bre to t Ad t of H polo Gorrie. Amos Willie finished brfoking W. H, Gregg's hoose. Mies Josie Doupe is at present the guest of friends in Toronto. Thos. Vitale has the oontraot of the stonework of Jed. Harris' new homes on the old Baptist ohuroh property, H. W. Darter hue bought the entire thee44.otMrs.Mrs. 0 A. Chends moving rate to the' city, A gang of 0. P. 11. workmen were busy, last week repairing, the railway bridge opposite the farm of Amos Willis, just 1Eeot of the village. Trefers to Rhein a of Wm Russell, following ho has been s nbionedn at MoLdoa, N. W. T,i for the past six menthe :—"Mr. Remelt, the' genial and popular station agent at this point has been trans- ferred to Michkel, B. 0„ and left for his new field of labor," Before leaving here the station staff presented Mr. Russell with :° handsome locket and a kindly ;worded address. • LYSltowel. At the last regular meeting of Oou Listowel, I. 0. F„ B. Witter an A. Ztlliax were appointed repreeentativ to the High Court, which meete at Ha ilton in August. 4 professional rope•walker entertained large armada on a couple of evenings by performing Ion a high wire e0retched from the top of the Grand Central hotel aoroae Main etreet. Main street bridge has been put in u safe condition by a number of new cedar etriugere being pat in and a portion of the bridge recovered with cedar planks. The Wallace street bridge is also being completed, Worshipful Master W. E. Binning and Past Masters D, D. Campbell, B. P. Brook and F. R, Blewett, of Bernard Lodge A. F. de A. M., attended the 40th manual ootumunioation of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Moeda, whioh was fn session at Hamilton on Wedneeday and Thursday last week, During Tuesday's etarm last week the residence of St..Olah. Wilson in Bielmarak ward wee drools by lightning, the eleo0r0o current teeming down into the interior, where it smashed pastors off a bed, tore the carpet and did other slight damage. It made its way out by knocking a hole through the stonework of tbe foundation. Fortunately the inmates were uninjured. Gordon Burt, son ofJ, O. Burt of this town, fell off the long pier at Southamp- ton, where be is sojourning at present, and but for the timely assistance of 0. Tabberner and a eon of John Thompson, who are also holidaying at the lake, would have been drowned. They eneeeedod M pulling bine out of the water and landing him safely on the pier again. The Public Bohool Board met on Tao - day of last week to aoneider the ap, plioatione for the poeibion of Principal of the Listowel Public School, whioh bad become %meant through Mr. Beckett's resignation to take up other work, There Were (Mont ninety applioationo in all, and the board had no ploy task in making 1 rt es' m. Fo rd wf eh, The Reoord is holidaying thio week. Allan Basohert has seoured a goo eitnation at the blaokemibbing trade i Galt. Joseph Johnston, 6th 0000esoion bad fine yearling dolt killed by the 7 BO e press train. Thomas Gibson, the salesman for Ole Fordwiah uheeee faotory, sold the las half of the June make of cheese for 94 00008, Mrs. William Castel! went to Preston, to be present at the funeral of her brother, Thomas Joiapeton, who was aooideotally killed'io 8 furniture factory' two da Lady Laurier, (Crain Guelph) 4 ' 5 Maggie May, (Piokoti: Guelph) 5 8 Intrf uer, (Stirling, R{oodstook) 1 2 1 Puselima, (Smith, Go1erieb) 8 4 Bridal Tour, (Swards,, Gederiah) c 1 2 , Time -1.0030, 1,0!)X,1.0430. before. _ ye miner ex.. The attendance on Thareday was near - While Joseph Wade was going out to ly double that of the first, the difference hie father's, one night recently on his being caused by the _greater number of wheel, a :beep ran soros the road and agriculturists present. The races were they oollided, throwing him off the wheel well contested ass rale, thought here were and epraieing hie wrist badly. one or two straggling heats. Poole on Dr, and Mrs. Spenoe and son Clarence, the different events sold freely, but the left on the Tuesday morning train last money invested would not ruin anybody, week for Muskoka, where they intend as ten oent and quarter peels were the taking a week's bolidaye. While the beets : doctor leeway his preo0ine will be attend. ed to by Dr. W, R. Cook, of the village, sitcom) DAY. William Chapman, of Newbrid a tn. 21211trotand (244 Gopace. Purse MO, P Newbridge, Nellie Wickes (Goodall,Anoaster) ....,,5 5 e tend: leaving for England re at the let Darkly Boy, ('Benin-, Guelph) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,g. g 7 of August, where be will remain .for a Blank porno, (Dewar, Toronto) 1 1 1 short time. While there be will Visit hie Enary , tB 00 (Hid a Toronto) 7 2 8 parents and relatives and birthplace. It Little Tim, Wilkes, (oleeef rd. Ohathainjval)"'0 7 5 is three years ago last Spring shape be Supetier Liip. (Proctor, Aurora) 4 4 4 visited the Old Country. Time 2,21X, 2,28X, 22tW or n pace or trot. Purse 4400. During the eleo0rioal storm which pre' Freef 1t ' veiled on Tuesday afternoon of last week, Mi o Stri e'1((Swaartsbeodderic j11j'"a 1 8 21,1 Charles Roadhouse 2nd oeneeesion, had Hal Forest (Hume,Markdale) • 2 21 1 2 2 two valuable borne killed by lightning, Labile P.,(Paley, Goderioh) 4 4 2 dist and Robert Jamison, 411 aonoeseion, bad Time -2,20X, 2.10,2.28X, 2,22X, 2,22X. 11 sheep killed, The dwelling house of bile half mile ran, open. • Puree $150. Sinton Hiek, lith ooneesejon, wee also Abeneta (Campbell, Hamilton) 1 5 2 considerably damaged, Wilfrid Laurier, (Little, Toronto) Tim Gnontoue PWe:ne n.—The 211th Brass (Leo, Guelp k2) 8 18 1 Lavine, (Nelson, Vassar), g Florio (Ponnecamp, Oinoinatti) 5 2 Purohbma, (Smith, Goderioh) 4 4 Time -51, 51X, 51X. anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne woe celebrated by the Orangemen of the District of Howiok on Friday July 12th, in this village in grand style. The local Orangemen and their friends, had decor. ated the village with evergreens, flags, eto, Appropriate mottoes, euoh are "God Save the Ring," "Our Canadian Homes," "•'Welcome Brethren," were hung in tbe several arches and at other pointe. The village thee presented It beautiful appear- ance in its gay attire when the eau rose bright and °leer on the glorious twelfth. Early in the morning the otowd began to. arrive and fully 2,500 people were in the village on that der. At 10 is, m, the three 0. Y. B. and seven L. 0, L. of the die• trial was formed in prooeesion at Bro. Cooke; corner by Bro. Mulvey, the Die. trfat Marshal, asaisted by Bro. William Thompson, of Wingham. The brethren Deeded by the Listened Band marched to V(Tfnglhnoneit. Arraagemente are being completed for the excursion to Sarnia, G. T• R. agent Sutton 00ld 486 tiokete for Laoknow on July 1201a. :The Otopoouk blew out of the boiler et Bell'° factory, and nodded the fireman, Geo, Allen, slightly. Wen, Armour lute hod hie egg were. house planed on a ettbotantial foundation, and veneered with brink. Wingham Junior Baseball teem jour- neyed to Gerrie bat met a heavier team and °pored' 20 to Gorrie's 22. Re». D. Petrie and family left t11ie week for Presque Isle, Grey bounty, at whioh pleat' they will spend pix weaker holiday,, Daring Mr, Paula's :thee to agrionitural grounds and through IMr. Tait, a oollege student, of Se. Tllomae, several etreete to the Albion Hotel. After f will oonduot the eervioe in the Presby. the Band lead rendered s seo to ti on of tartan 0 lamb. itersevarsemessarectseser Sunday, Rev, A. L. Deowp, M, k„ B. D, of Whir.nhurolr, 000npied the pulpit of Wingbatni Methodist' cherub, moruiug acid ova. a .. Mn) p+ ., gt bas, upon receipt '0f a largely 0ignee, petition, prooleimorl There. day Augaet let, are Wingharn'e (Ovid hgiiday, Toe annual fall fair of the Tnrnberry dgriooltural souloty will be held 'ih. Wingham, on Thursday and Friday, September 20th and 27th. Of the 80 oondidatee who reoolved hon. ors at theEo0ranpo examinetlop 16 were mile of Wipgbam aohool, Oar eabool set a 29 o(pdidates, all of whom were suooesefnl. Mies Ella Comm of Hamilton, 0 visiting at her borne in town, Miss Oornyn reoeutly posed her examination at Hamilton hospital and 20 now a fully mended and competent nurse. • ni e i a numb , @ e1 of termer° and others ori ns' r aged the 0 dad omoh I le mo war of the Doering Co. out grave, The motive power is gasoline, whioh le ignited by aro electric! spark. The machine seems to be well under the {gentled of the driver, Rev. Mr. Patterson, late of Bohomberg, is the new pastor of the Baptist ohuroh, and begins e hi e pastorate K P 8 -pre next Sun. day, preaching morning and evening. He is a young man and is said to 2)0 a good ohoipe for thie oo0gregation• He .win) reside aide in the hones now being.. erected opposite tbe (March. Oo Monday evening 802 inst., the members of the W. F. 11I, Society of the Presbyterian ohuroh presented Mrs. Jap. Diokson with a handsome book prior to nor departure actor e for P the Northwest. rthwee t. A smite' evening was also *ant with Mrs. D1okeoo, when refreebmente were served. Those present also had the pleasure of bearing an address from Mies Irvine, of Morrie, a returned missionary from China. Exeter. Mise B. Rusk bee resigned her posit as teaoher in the Exeter pabjio school The masons commenced 00 the bri work of " 1, Fittou'e cornerstore, lst w e the Central hotel; Tuesday of last we P118 Board of Health, in view of t prevalence of small pox, ie being ask to enforce the net respecting vaeoloati before the re openingof the (taboo'. o. Mies Eva Carling, ,dna attar of oar ur e teemed merchant, 1'. B. Carling, w recently wrote on the Normal oollege e amination, has passel very euoaesefoll D. Dyer, who has for a number years been a resident of. Exeter, move with his family to Yale, Utah., where has purchased a newspaper plant, "T Hustler," L. H. Diokson, who has been confine to the house from the effeote of a dist anted ankle, made hie first trip dove town Tuesday of last week by the aid ern Lobes. ' Jas, Grieve, who has for a number o ears ono Dees uIi Y t o0nd noted Y a mesoh tailoring baeioess here, has disposedao tae same to W. W. Taman, of Blyth and will move into the building North o Dr. Browning's drug store, Little Blanch Shore narrowly escape being seriously injured ou Seuday. I appears she was standing underneath a tree in whioh her father was pinking oherriee and the limb on whioh he stood breaking allowed him to fall to the en ' ground d;tn the descent struck littfa Blanch. It was thought at first that she had sustained a broken leg but luckily it proved otherwise on examination. Joe. Bawden, an old resident of town, made an attempt to end hie life There• day morning of last weak by first taking strychnine and then cutting his throat with a knife. He has been in a rather despondent mood for some throe and hue on different omissions threatened to take his life, but it was never thought he would parry it into effect, However, he got up early in the morning and after doing the chores walked to Wililam street where he swallowed two fair sized doses of poison. Be then walked to the rear of W. G. Bieeett's livery barn and threw himself down on some bay in 0218 of the out braidings. The deadly drug not operating as readily as he desired and fearing, as he afterwards expressed, that it would not have the desired a ffeut, he took oat his knife and out a large gash ia,11is throat to expediate his purpose. Both, however, have failed and he 0 now on a fair way to recovery, although in a very weakened condition. The affair is a sad one, ion ok- ite ek. he ed on e. ho x• of a he he d 0 - of f d • The Montreal Harbor Commissioners will )alta steps to recover $60,000 whioh We J. Conners of Buffalo deposited two years ago as a guarantee of good faith in the projectfor which he obtained a con. oeeion. WOOL! All the Wool in the Country wanted at the BRUSSELS WOOLEN MILL. Where aha highest price will be paid in Cash or Trade, I have in stools a good line of Blau• keting, Sheeting, Faroe .,(single and double), Tweedo, eta. All pure wool and no shoddy. You can have your own wool made into rolls Or exobabged, Don't sell your Wool or have it manofaotared till you oall at the Brussels Mill and get prioee. S. GERRY. Spectacles —OP ALL HINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes Meted FRET] by latest Optioal methods at Division Court Office, BRIIBSELS, 3f'a tiSC' 52ai' 53,<•`: cs-•rr451ata Dui? Bid Shoe De .4r Perhaps no emotion of thio store ea truly roflepts the remarkable to growth of thio bueiuess as our shoe department, Ae a shoe r . o store ta p e omfnent is the tbonghts of Huron County boyars. Hare 'thane and I women, ohildren and little Polka of every olreum8tanoe find he end lk able foot wear', Only ohoee of known merit and work from the mak ro l pan gain entrance to our stook, and. we Dee to it that they have et y le, fottial) wearing quality end oomfort. After these desirable features are a0eurea and ge08r008 quantitie0 provided so as to 0.00E every possible demand, we Menet on making our pewee lower than 02001 qualitioo usually Dell it. Be. low we quote a few prices whioh will be found interesting reading : i. Men's Plow Boots, in laced and buokled, a strong everyday boot, your ohoioe for 75o. Men's Plow Bootee, made of oeteeted stook, extension setae, a good solid boot, regular 41.80, for $1.35. Williame' Patent Adjustable Plow Bootie, waterproof, the beet b on the market for the price, 41.75. pot Mon'e Fine Dongole Boots, ki t d o extension sole, the e new t t style f r o e e a alar Y 1. , K 76f $ or f. 16 f . Men's Fine Box Calf Boote, Goodyear welt Mote special, $2,26, y sewn, very Women's Fine Grove Grain Lome B ore. wort Boots, 1.2 6 a$ f• II Women's Fine DoOgola Boots, kid to 01 41, a Women's Pine Box Calf Boots, laced orapbuttoned, Ga ver stylish oboe, with latest style of toe, worth 41.76, for 41.50. 9 Yheh Ladles' rpoonrgate Oxfords at 41, 41,25, 41 50 42 and 42;50, 7 3 I Flo h:ir h:. Wish to call the attention of Farmers and Threshers to their bglim ft:• Bmilor Twin We don't claim that we are the only people Who sell Machine Oils in Brussels but we do claim we have a little the best Oil in the market for the money in our "Wilton & Turnbull's Special." Try a half gallon and see for yourself. We have also XXX Lardine 011, Cylinder lind er Oil, Cas- tor Oil,F181 Oil 011 for flies on cattle,Need's Foot Oil,&e. Also see Ours Binder Twine Before you buy your Supply. We think we hall Salt y011. Wilton fa Ready F011 BUSINESS! Now that the Buggy season is at band and we are ready for it we would like to inform our enmeroae friends and auatomer0 that we have the finest lot of Buggies on hand at the Old Reliable Carriage Factory; that eau be found anywhere. Should you thinkeof buying a Baggy or Buegies (as we supply wholesale es well as retaii) lay all memos call ()aldose our stook before purobasing AS we know we can snit you with a first -claim artiole and the'prioe is rigbt, We aleo keep Wagons, Truck Wagons and Field Rollers; on hand or made on short notice. ETHEL. ALLAN LINE Montreal & Liverpool VIA Quebec 84, Moville 1901 SAILINGS 1901 Thar, 25 Apri1 Corinthian Sat. 11 Army .94111 Steamers which sail from Montreal 0,9 it. ni..weit the arrival of morning trains from Toronto and other points est and passengers go on board the piaci us even- ing between 8 and 10 ceoleck, When Stitam- en eon at 9 a. m. passengers have the op- tion of going on board either Friday night or Saturday morning. For further particulars apply to, • Agent, Brussels.' BUGGIES!' IN ALL STYLES. BUGGIES EWAN & 00 BRUSSELS CARRIAGE WORKS,. Are ready to supply the demand of the public for (mg kind of wheeled rig as they. have a, FINE, LARGE Stook from Sae BEST Manufacturers in Caneda, addition to their own make, all «old at CLOSE) PRICES, Rubber Tyred Wheels. We make a specialty of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being put on gone own buggy wheels while you wait, or we een supply both wheels and tyre at very low prioes. Every owner of a good buggy should have the Dunlop put on by Ewan ta 00, Work guaranteed all tight as we keep nothing but first alarm workmen, D. Ewan will devote a good share of hie time in attending to the eale rooms:as the Co. has (wonted a iiret.olass Home Sheer for the blooketilith (Mope All wood work in our line and general blaoksmithing done on our promises and at as low figures ea oan be obtained anywhere. our own make of Baggiee thia year are all 34 inoliee longer in the body than other Reggio and for STYLI] mud 00AlleaRT cannot be beaten. We uee the long diatenoe, 1,000 mile axle, one or two pilings ill a season le all they It Will pay anybody who wante fiest.olase rig to oome 25 mike) to aeo our Show Rooms this season before baying tte our assortment is large and good and we are alwage well pleamed to have people dell and examine oue etook which is the largeet twee (Mown in Brusaele, memo basinese. Suggtee, Wagons, oarts and wheelbarrows always on hand. If