HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-7-18, Page 8114 ,'.'tUd,sere ' in''::v:
L. Harve
Toon Sus shipped a oar of baled hay
Opaw week,
lash The bat,
as Orme sial ktad
Tan 00. Treasurer tatteree •Jou 1 ewr
that 9., IlfoDenald, Orembrools, and VI,
d, Me0reellee, Drusaola, bay() taken oat
Pedlar's lieeneee,
TeX fete Iiludald rif1w and several
thaueaad roende of outage have been
of eba1 opal Aide�Aeaoo a tiara. ie t . the
rifle reap will be the next and most
difficult edienet to obtain.
Ilan Wtheal took erenela leave Prem
the Reese of Refuge last week :and is
now Semmering in ficKillop, The
manager would like to have retained
Edward until the harvest was over so a0
to repay the Co. for the Mem of taking
him there and keeping him for several
woke but Ned forgot all about that we
pees, when he deolded to dig oub,
SANT Tie Foe Trier..—IU answer to it
warrant, Rested several menthe ago by
W. H. herr J, P., in oomplianoe with In.
formation ewero out by Dr, Topic of
Brussels, against 1rioEenzie Mills, of
Dandies, charging him with the forgery
of a promissory note for $15 00 Iasi
November, Mille was arrested last Fri-
day and Ooantable F. S. Scott brought
him to Bru0Bels en. Moudoy wbere.he
reooived a preliminary boating before
Janine Kerr, Hunter, Miller and Ross.
Three witnesses were examined and Mills
i�statement denying
intent to trap grass the law. Three of
the bench decided that the evidence was
euftioleat to warrant them in sending
Milts up for trial and he was therefore
token to Goderioh on Taensiey Ile
says he is the representative
e and part.
Der in d Oolleoting ivg y
headquarters at Hamilton, Dr. Toole
ewearo that the note he gave, es a mem
berehip fee, was for $10 with a condition
on back that payment bemade out of
oolleotioae ; payable at-Bruseele. Tbe
note Mille got cashed at Wroxeter is for
.$15 without any oonditions as afureeeid.
Mille will eek fortrial before Judge Doyle.
At the last Division Court here there was
a suit over another note sold by tbe same
man to whioh Dr. Armetrong'a name, of
Walton, was attached. The latter denied
ever giving a note and the Henan firm
who held the paper lost the base,
The Minn Biggs, of Galt, are the
gents of Min Fanny Thomson, William
Mr. cross, of Maryboro', was visiting
Alex. Ellie, Queen street, for a couple of
R. Butler and wile, of Ingersoll, were
manta at the Methodist Parsonage last
Mrs. S. H. Jackson and Arthur have
returned from a visit to relatives at Pal-
Biro. W. F. Vanetone and Mise Fannie,
of Wingham, were visitors in Brussels
this week.
J. D. Berne, of Wingbam, was visiting
his Ooesine, the Misner Douglas, Eliza.
beth street.
The Aliases Brown, of Grey, are holi•
daying at their grandfather Howard's,
John street.
Barrister Sinclair is away to Sault Ste,
Marie this week. He took the boat at
Mrs. Howell, who has been visiting her
daughter, Bits. S. T. Plum, has returned
to her home.
Robt. AiaMartin, wife and eon, of Hen -
sell, were visiting relatives and friende
in Brussels and locality.
Charlie and Harold Bioharde are at
Bayfield for an outing. They wheeled
over Thursday of last week.
Fred. Gilpin returned to Ohinago this
week after au enjoyable holiday at home.
He went by boat from Owen Snead.
Aire, Steinman left last Friday for a
holiday visit with relatives in Algoma,
Sbe will be away for a month or two.
Mies Ethel Oreighton 10 home from
Grand Valley. Aire. Fergueon, of
Arthur, accompanied her and will visit
Geo. Brown, teacher at Ottawa, who is
visiting his mother, Mrs, (Rev.) Brown,
of Wroxeter, called ort Draggiet Fox last
Geo. Oliver, ,john street, has been laid
off work owing town attains of erysipelas.
Mrs. Oliver was visiting at Belmore last
to w
a 101
seriousMinnv. o. ho
ome for
gitereNiarra owes.
e un Biles rd day.
els, of Brodbagen, are visiting thio
Forteeter's rink, of Clinton,. defeulting to It at Philip A.ment'e.
them and Brussels winning from Pith. ohn Robb will go to Dakota next
BA's rink, Seefeetb. Braeeele bowlers sk where be will enjoy a ramble for a
were G. F. Blair, A Conley, J. N. Gor- menthe. Be will 01011 friends In
den and D. C. Bose, skip ; and the other itoba before returning.
rink, T. Farrow, J. Hewitt, J. Irwin and ev. H. Irvine, 01 Listowel, wee a call.
Dr. MUNattghtoe, skip, Oar repreeenta or on Tat Poem
mhono fTun ay, it
former , flowonal and the interepiersed a nwith oat emblem °,
tines any they were well treated and put wheeling through i
to a good tiros. The presort were well charge of his, where he and AYire, Irvine ; —Rev, George MoBay preached a very ,
dietribnted, overt' lawn getting a share. will viatt kr a abort time, oommendahlo and inetrtOtiVO sermon to
MAM,SHR xfaxp,
MtitnEN—MCTArIsn.---In the R. (lateral
Stratford, on July 10, by Rev, Fr.
Welsh, Mr. Dennie Mullen, formerly
of Grey, to Mise' Maggie, eldest
daughter of Air, Alex. MoTavieh, of
Woo Joh 'se oTTY.-00 July rhuroh, Varna, by Rt Rev. Mr.
Varna, o Mr, Wm.s, Mies oWoods, of Li
DR. R. P. FE L.D.
inme18T •
Graduate of .the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Eiret•elaee Honor
Graduate of Toronto 'University. 01110
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
eox na-
Smaige.—IU Cranbrook, on , Joly 14th.
Louisa, beloved -wife .of Valentine
Stein, aged 62 yeare and 7 menthe,
'x,. aaxsxs.
Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 20 -Sept. 7,
Western Fair, London, Sept. 5-14,.
Kingetoo, Kipgaton, Sept. 9-13.
Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept. 17-19.
WeettJl�iifddleeex, Strathroy, Sep. 17-19.
NortPSrant, Parie, Sept. 36-27,
Great Northweet'n, Goderioh, Oot, 1-2,
N. R. of Oxford, -Woodstock, 00. 1-2.
North Grey, Owen Sound, Oot. 2-4.
East Huron, Brunetti, Oot. 8-4.
Peninsular, Chatham, Oot. 8-10.
lowiok, Gerrie, Oat. 12.
Norfolk, Strange Oat,16-17.
for 0. 8, No, 8, Grey township, dntlee
to oommeaoo after Summer vacation. Ap-
pliennteto enclose teetimonials and state
salary for balance of year.. Appplloatio0e re-
elnYed up to July 10th, A. STEIWART,
BBrussels, Buren Go.
NOT1010 ie hereby given that ally -Law
pained by the Municipal Gummi' or the
Township or Grey, on the 17111 day of lune,
este.providiOg for the teams of debentures.
to the amount o182,704.00 for the purpose 01
Municipal Drainage fox a certain„ dralh
known ae the MoTaggart Drain, and that
euoh By -Law was registered in the RegJotrY
(Mee for the county of Huron, on the End
day of July.1001. Any motion to gnash or
set aside the same or any part thereof must
be made within three months from the date
of registration and cannot be made there-
after. WAt: SPBNCE,
52.8 Clerk Tp. of Grey.
Dated the 8th day of July,10.D,1501.
Brrnieipallitp of the Township of Gray,
County of 1a6r011.
Neave Is hereby given that I have trans-
witted or delivered to the persons mention•
ed in Sootione 0 and 0 of the Ontario voters'
List Aot,1803, the eopfeo required 00 05111
Sections to be so transmitted or delivered
of the list neade,pnraua0t to said dot, o1' all
portions appearing by the last Devised An-
sossment Roll of said Municipality to be en-
lona orvmealtim0 of ttttoo1ogi lntivte As-
said List and
Bret pested up in ms aloe in
Ethel on the 17th day of July, 1001, and re.
mains there for inspection. Electors are
°ailed upon to examine the said List, and, if
guy omission or any other curare are Sound
therein, to take Immediate proceedings to
have the 0414 errors corrected according to
law. - WM. 8P0NOE, Clerk.
Dated the 18th day of lay, 1001.