HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-7-18, Page 6LOSING 420, 000 I;INOT,F,I 00105 0I+` THE 1 OST '• GiSAS TRPIT it SRZCULATx0NS., Great Records in T1 ortttne-Losing ._-“Oornerinj?,” Wiieat is Az' Expensive Luxury, . If it !e one of the hardest thing$ fn life to "make a :million,' certainly one of the easiest to lone it; and the celerity with which the feat has been performed is almost in- er edible, Rrone the day, .half a century or more ago, when Itutlsea's railway babble burst nand involved his"foilow- ers in a lose C. $300,000,000; within a single mouth, to the recent disas- trous boom in Wall Street, the Lon- don Stock Exchangehas witnessed coma amazing records 'in fortune - losing. easily But these records have been eclipsed n dozen times by men who have sought hidden riches by the modern method of "cornering," or creating a monopoly in some neces- sary commodity, and it is gratifying to know that in nearly every case their efforts have resulted in their own disaster. The most calamitous of these los- ses have fallen to men who tried to estabscale hon which h a corner they have and t e wheat; operated has been almost beyond belief. When, for example, a well-known firm in the late seventies tried to get the wheat market into their own hands, the quantity of wheat dealt in in a single day was nearly twice as much as the United Kingdom PRODUCES IN A YEAR. Its weight was 2,800,000 tons, and a train long enough to transport it would easily reach from London to Constantinople; while its value was over $140,000,000. The attempt failed, however, and thespeculationis said to have re- sulted in a loss of over £2,000,000. Even T1r, Mackay, the well-known millionaire and one of the shrewdest of business men, burnt his Seegers badly when he touched wheat eleven years ago. Although his operations were on a comparatively erodes t scale, involving less than 10,000,- 000 0,000;000 bushels, he lust $2,500,000 more quickly than he ever made it, even hi his palmiest days of moneymalc- g. tnI]]Ir. Joseph Leiter's sensational deals in wheat three years ago are still comparatively fresh in the mem- ory. Buying quickly, he soon found himself the owner of 10,000,000 bushels, while the price was mount- ing higher and higher every day. Fast as he bought the wheat poured in by millions of tons. until els re- sources were exhausted long before he had paid for all tete wheat pur- chased. At this stage his father came to his assistance with his mil- lions, and young Leiter's stock of wheat grew to nearly 30,000,000 bushels, and his father even began to bo alarmed at the magnitude of his son's daring. Still the supplies 'of purchased wheat came in unceasingly, with daily demands for payment of enor- mous sums, until, his father desert- ing him, he was compelled to aban- don the effort and throw some of his wheat ON TEE MARKET. b'lYjepfr.11'A,f'om'Lddwo4 UN TSE FARC. BIIATIMAS ON TWO FARM., Where a combinaiion of egge and poultry for market is the end sought Bralunas will serve the ptu'Pose quito well, writes Mr. Gee. linty. There aresome breeds that I would not recommend for the farm for the rea- son that they aro not well adapted foy' such a plan, For example, Pol- ish wotild fall an easy victlm to the hawk that they cannot see .clearly enough to readily protect themselves e e anise esease se.si asa seer_; EVER HUSBAND WAS A DRUNKARD A Lady Who Cures iier husband of His Drinking habits Writes of Her Struggle to Save Bier Biome. A PATHETIC LETTER, • "I had for long time been think ing of trying the Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment an my hus- band for his drinking habits, but I was afraid he would discover that I was giving him medicine, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a week, but one day when he came home very much intoxicated and his week's salary nearly -a11 spent, I threw off all fear and deter- mined to make an effort to save our home from the ruin I saw coming, at all hazards. I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Prescription, and put it in his coffee as directed next' morning and watched and prayed for the result. At noon I gave him more and also at supper. He never suspected a thing, and I then boldly kept right on giving it regularly, as I had discovered something that set every nerve in my body tingling with hope and happiness, and I could see a bright future spread out before me —a peaceful, happy home, a share in the good things of life, an attentive, laving husband, comforts, and every- thing else dear fie a woman's heart; for my husband had told mo that whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike to it. It was only too true, for before 1 had given him the full coarse he had stopped drink- ing altogether, but I kept giving him the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on hand if he should relapse, as he had done from promises before. He never las and I am writing you this letter to tell you how thankful I am. I honestly believe it will cure the worst cases." SentFree to AR—A sample pack- age ackage of Tasteless Samaria Prescrip- tion gladly sent free with full par- ticulars in plain, sealed envelope. All letters considered sacredly confi- dential. Address, enclosing stamp for reply, The Samaria Remedy Co., 26 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. RAG ,NT fox tae �iD�QO®,JT Ll . TgTh , and BREATH H@sv n LIQUID o �ix� 2I- 1€ NEW Patent Box SOZODONT POWDER. , ■ 2tio Largo LIQUID end POWDER , . e 760 Stores orb Mail, postpaid, for the Prlee. At the y $ elai0 ' Opinion: : " As an antiseptic and y ,.1 Dentist's i3h and A. lL1®x1. and for the care and preservation of the teeth mouthwash, and recommend Sozodont. I Consider it the ideal gums, ][ cordially dentifrice for children's use.." Value ofi Writer upon appliSitiOn,2 MALL a& FLI:IGtKF.L.. Mcrntrea by y a timel flight to the safety ,of the house or farm buildings. Ham - burgs and ',whores are rather 5011111 and pure Indian Games not good enough layers to prove'a success, al- though an admirable table fowl. Briilnnas can be well recommended for the average farm, and as a man remarked the other day, a "good flock of them are as profitable as a herd of cattle." This man had been dressing his well grown Brahmas and selling them at 12 to 14 cents per pound. His hens well all winters and. eggs d also ewe lay- ing commanding a high price, Brahmas can stand a good deal of cold weather and still do pretty well. Of course they respond to goof treatment and show it in the increased yield of eggs or more rap- id growth of flesh, and it will pay to take good care of them, but if it is necessary they can stand their share of hard usage. I like a 'farm for Brahmas on ac- count of the variety of available food and the good scratching facili- ties, there usually being plenty of straw about the barns and sheds in which the hens scratch and hunt all day. This keeps them out of the mud and dirt and their legs and feet stay in much better condition. The heavy leg -feathered breeds cannot stnd as much dirt as the clean -leg- ged breeds. This will not show only In winter. In summer, when they are running in the fields and grass lands they are all right, and there are few prettier sights than a flock of Brahmas half and two-thirds grown in an orchard, or woodland. Brahmas lay well on the farm. They generally exercise enough to keep down fat and the various grains they get are conductive to health and a goodly yield of eggs. They are not afraid to lay in winter eith- er, when eggs are eggs. They also know what eggs were laid for and can hatch and raise chickens with the best of thele. Of the two varieties of Brah- mar, the light and the dark, the for - neer are kept by many people, while but a few, comparatively speaking, of the latter variety are kept. There is no good reason for this, as there is no difference in economic quali- ties between the varieties, and if there is any odds it should be in fa• von of the darks, as they do not soil readily in cities or places where fowls are apt to get dirty. A well- bred Dark Brahma is certainly a fine fowl and it is a pity thaw could not take the place of a Minion or so dunghill fowls scattered over this state. If you want a good fowl to help make the farm pay you should give Brahmas a trial. This, of course, was a signal for the collapse of prices, and within half an hour he had lost 51,000,000, and in two hours half a million pounds had vanished. Fortunately at this stage some wealthy financiers came to his rescue and stemmed the tide of ruin that was overwhelming him. But before he was free from the entanglement he and his friends had lost within a measurable dis- tance of 510,000,000. Occasionally, but very rarely, these efforts to corner wheat have succeed- ed for a time; but the money so made has almost invariably been lost on a later venture of the same kind. E. P. Hutchinson, a. Chicago speculator, was one of the few men who have made a fortune out of a corner in wheat. Thirteen years ago he accumulated nearly 30,000,000 bushels and was able to unload most of it at a profit of 7s. a bushel, a deal which brought hint a profit of many millions of pounds. Within a few years, however, he lost every penny of his fortune and clled a poor Man. And a similar fate overtook a once famous speculator called Handy, who made an immense fortune out of a corner in wheat in one year, only to loseit and more by a similar ven- ture in the year following. EXPRESSION "HE'S A BRICH" Quite a Venerable Representative of Slang Literature. with the appearance of the orchard. The earlier they are looked after the easier will be the work. If, any of the trees in the orchard have grown forked it will be a good plan to do the forks together in such a way as to afford mutual sup- port. lied with an Strong soapsuds app old broom or a whitewash brush makes one of the best washes for fruit trees and will aid materially in destroying lice. In order to get the 'full benefit of heeling in trees in the fall advantage enlist be taken of the first favorable opportunity to set them out in the spring. If the orchard has been in cultiva- tion long enough to, make it advis- able to seed down to grass or clover see that it is prepared in a good. tilth, so that the seeding can be done early. Many orchards are seriously injur- ed by allowing too heavy a growth. of grass around the stem of the tree. Generally better health:andthrift can be secured by keeping the soil for two or three feet around the tree loose and mellow. S71,GAR11 FOS APPEARANCES. The hind ladies of the church had helped their poor sister through a long Mamie, They had Called in a doctor to her, had seen that hie pre- scriptions were dile-, had brought her broth and jollies, had cleaned her house, and, llnaily, when silo was 00 the road to health again, bad made up a purse for her. A Couple of weeks later one of them happened to call to see liow their protegee was getting along. She discovered the erstwhile invalid very low in mind and also in her larder. Why, Mrs. Thompson, else exclaim- ed, we surely left you enough money to keep you comfortable foi' a While, Have you spent the whole twenty 1 tiolrs? a Yes, sighed the beneficiary. ]Flow, demanded' the inquisitor. Well, bein' 111 solong that time taught me a•lesson about not ha n e decent—i1eSligce, they call them, I think—to my name, When I Was just ablate sit up I thought how, fine 'twould bo to have soingthin' more tasty -like than an old shawl to put over my shouldcre• So the first day I was out I bought me, a pink cashmerewrapper—just in case.I should be ill again, you know, WINTER WORK. Mr. Collingwood says that ono trouble on many farms is the fact that the labor which produces actual money is crowded into a few months. The rest of the year is occupied with chores or odd jobs which produce lit- tle cash. Cold weather freezes the hired man out of his job, and sends him to town—too often to join the :auks of the idle or half employed. If ifoman's Christian Tenperaace Onion ADOPT THE SAMARIA PP;tESORIPTID " FOR the CURE of DRUNKENNESS Letter from Mrs. George Grant, of Paisley, Ont., giving particulars of a cure effected by "Samaria Prescrip- tion,” resulting in its use and adop- tion by the Paisley Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union. (copy) Paisley, Ont., Dec. 11, 1900. The Samaria Remedy Co., 30 Jordan Street, Toronto, Ont, Dear Sirs,—I penned a few lines to you some time ago,—as a member of the temperance cause, I wrote for information; at tlfatl,time I had in my mind friends whose son was a great cause of anxiety and trouble on account of his drunken habits. I strongly urged the friends to try the remedy I saw advertised in the To- ronto Globe. They did so. It was the Samaria , Remedy that was ad- ministered and I am pleased to in- form the company the medicine was helpful; the young man has not drank a drop since, breaking off from oltl companions; and special prayers on his behalf, all aided in breaking the chains. At the last meeting of the W. C. T. U. here, I introduced your made• cine for the euro of the liquor habit, and a resolution was passed, "That inasmuch as it 10 the aim of this or. ganization to help the poor inebriate we should recommend this remedy in home where persons are addicted to the use of intoxicating lkiuora."" Now, sirs, wishing you a successful career in your noble work, and feel, mg that assistaneo can bo given in the preeindts of home by the hand of mother or wife, trusting God may open up useful avoniees for your la hors, Yours very respectfully, )Sighed) Mrs: cteorge Grant, (Signed) Mrs, George Grant, 1 qryyOTn7 behalf of Paisley W. 0. T. Tl., }:'I $VytiE SAMPLE fifoingaCeli in° The expression of "He's a brick," which is now a, family byword, is found in Plutarch. The whole phrase is expressive of every form of admiration. The Spartane, quick- witted and noted for their repartee, were early trained in both schools. • They were men of few words, and fewer laws, and embodied in short phrases their admiration, dislike, or appreciation. Lyeuegus was not only a man of few words, but quick action. On being asked, "Should Sparta he enclosed?" an invasion of the enemy being expected during the time of war, he replied: "A city is well fortified which has a wall of men instead of brick." A very clever story is told of the diplomatic mission from the Court of Epirus. The ambassador, being shown over the city by the king, ex- pressed surprise that no walls Were around Sparta for its defence. .'Walls ?" cried the king. "Thou cant' not have looked carefully 1 Wo -morrow WO will go together and I will show you the walls of Sparta." Ga the following day the king led his guest to where his entire army trey drawn up, Pointing with great Bride to the magnificent body of Men, he exclaimed, "There thou be- holtvsst the walls of Sparta, and Ivor' man a brielct" Judge -And your wife aimed at and struck your head with acup? Witness—Yes, sir. Judge—Well, all 1 have to say is, that you ought to bo very proud of her. HEARTY PRAISE FROM QUEBEC. 151��tery con piseeeeu � ii fully approelfinest Lewd Pam 10r the qq Oil had eo senno t@ 11? You Wan �U wetSUTTQLSI+ 5508,Y505Lfljy Co,�PtEQ, other name Cull Pededlnl it? The Dawson Coirrawlti58icr11-0thnhQ ]bo eItt,,'g`o ontoon. 26,182 Triple emigrants landed fly 1\row York last year,. They had £67,000 between them, /i b8ARVELLOV$ DISCOV,T'7R'X. Diseases of the Throat, Lungs and Nasal Paseages now quickly cured. Thousands of grateful people in every part of Oanada and United States ,testify to the marvellous power of this new discovery. A free trial new offered. Seldom,in the history of medicine Seldoin the history of medieino has so great a sensation been ex- cited • among medical mon as has been provoked by the marvellous curds so speedily and pleasantly ef- fected by Catarrhozone. Catarrh with • the attendant danger of Consumption, Bronchitis, and Bronchitic Asthma, which imposes such fearful suffering upon their vic- tims, Asthma, with its sleepless nights and hours of torture, yield as if by magic to the marvellous curative Properties of CaLarrhozone. The air you breathe carries it to every air-cell of the lungs, carries it to every inch of mucous surface in- flamed and diseased within the throat, lungs, nasal passages and middle ears. Snuffs, washes, oint- ments are useless as well as disgust- ing. They never get beyond the door to enter into the innermost cham- bers of the body whore these, diseases are stated would simply mean in- flammation, perhaps death. •Ca- tarrhozone goes wherever air goes and carries healing on its wings. Sufferers don't delay. Your drug- gist sells Catarrhozone. If he has not got it he eon got it or Inc will send you the complete treatment prepaid for $1.00. If you would prefer to test it absolutely free We will send you a 250 outilt. Send us your address and enclose 10ets to pay for cost of boxing, postage, etc. Tho Pelson Chemical Co., Kingston, Ontario and Hartford, Conn. A RACINE MAN EXPRESSES HIMSELF M DODD'S KIDNEYrLY PILLS.R His Letter is Typical of Hundreds. Lately Received from Lower Province—Same Work Being Done A11 Over the sDominion— Pills Stand Aloneinith the Conquest of Kid- ney Disease. Racine, Que., July 8.-(Special).— It is a very strange thing, but lately all through this province, the people t have been talking in a straight, downright 'way about the medicine, Dodd's Kidney Pills. Never before has a remedy made so many warm, outspoken friends for itself. What- ever part of Quebec one chances to be in, the mentioning of Dodd's 11,id- ney Pills is always enough to h-ing forth the grateful story of en expel - The effect on theoda farmer's own fam fence with this most remarkable re- ify is often bad. They are over - reedy from one of the listeners. worked during the busy winter and These experiences include nearly all do not always use the wintier to the the fatal non -contagious diseases best advantage. It is usually hard- Bri ht's Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, est for the women, as they when few Rheumatism, Bladder and Urinary lofa the none they need when the Disorders, Female Trouble, Heart farm income is small. Trouble, Blood Diseases, Nervous We feel sure that personally most Complaints are all emphatically de - large country families would be bet - dared to have been entirely cured by ter off for some attractive winter Dodd's Kidney Pills. But more than job that would pay fair wages. 7'1•u aril Dodd's complaint, Backache farmer would be able to hasp n. gm counts oftener. man through the entire year. His Emile Couatre, of this town, says own family would be happier and they cured him of Backache and f ro- ablelabor isthegroat hopeful, a'orattractive andsweet her other Kidney Troubles, and writes a of human life. Discontent is bred by letter for publication in this paper to that effect. heavy, under Paid drudgery or un- I am going to say a word non- profitable idleness. Ia a public way, corning Dodd's KidneyPills," he too, a good solution of the farm writes. "I can not do otherwise winter -job question would benefit the than praise this wonderful medicine country. It would help spread in- heartily, for i am now, owing to dustry and population, taking them Dodd's Kidney Pills, in perfect away from the crowded towns. where health. For some time i have not they are as great an evil as an over- charge of blood in certain organs of My kidneys are working properly.' are human body. There are goodittle When 1 go to bed I find rest, whereas teguments in favorlof to be said the form win- before using Dodd's Kidney Pills I for -job and but ls- got up more fatigued than the night $ before. I had pain in my back and headache which broke my sleep. "I have taken only three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and cannot help but credit them with my euro. I have been free from my trouble since taking Dodd's Kidne+ �y Pills." 9,000 tons al Giro are made into screws yearly inGreat I31'itain• ask for 1}Iinard'a and take no other DETECTION OF PEACH YELLOWS I against it. The prematm•e ripening of peaches is an unfailing symptom of yellows, and is considered the first stage. To master this inspectors andfruit growers should be thoroughly posted about the time of ripening of each variety. The time of ripening will vary with location and weather con - PHOTOGRAPHIC BISCUITS. The very latest things in the way of biscuits are photographic biscuits. They are very plain and ordinary biscuits, but rest their claim to dis- tinction upon the fact that on each of them is stuck a tiny photograph ditions. When peaches are found which looks as though it had come ripening two or three weeks ahead from a packet of cigarettes. Tho of time it is a pretty sure indica- biscuits most in demand are said to tion of yellows. Do not let a peach be those crowned with likenesses of prematurely ripened by a worm or the icing and Queen and Baden- Powell. some ether cause fool you. Tho characteristic mottling or dappling of e. yellows peach is a good guide. The second and third stages of yel- lows are easily detected at any time. The development of dormant buds' into broom -like bunches i5 character- Istic. Iicre again there is chance for error, as the bunching may be caus- ed, in some cases, by other factors. Be on guard at all times, as yellows inspectors often got into trouble. Yellows is a peculiar disease and many men are found in any neigh- borhood who know all about it; while scientists are still groping in the 1 Sc N STILL IN HIS POCKET. William, she said gently, and yet in accents of reproof, you remember that I gave you several letters to post last week, don't you? Y—es,.I remember it. But this is the first time you have remembered it since I gave them to you, isn't it? I-1 must confess that it is. How do you know? I put a postcard addressed to my- self among the lot and it has dark. In the nursery look out for reached me. It costs only a strings around the bud that have not I and I find that it is a very effective been cut. The trees will yellow and way of keeping a check on the rest shoot out buds resembling second of my correspondence. Now, .dear, stage yellows below the tie. Watch if you will hand me the letters I'll for aphis on roots and the Peach- run out and post then, myself, mite on the terminal growth. T, fore VARIABLE LAMP. are many other points wltich experi- A VARIABLE euro along will make clear, but by Among recent novelties in electric all means he cautious in dealing with this mysterious disease. Get rid lighting isaifc nt lTats,nep he 0 of. it as soon as possible by grubbing Ing tindependent and burning the trees. giving 16 and the other only one candle-power, The low pewcr light IIOBTIOUIlTWRE. ie intended for burning in a sick roam, or wherever' a faint illumine, It is not a bad plan to Plant a tion is desired, The current is chang- tree in every neglected corner about ed from ono filament to the other the farm, by turning the lamp in a screw sock - Coal ashes dumped around the es,. fruit trees will act as a mulch and In Renfrew, Scotland, labourers earn on an average 21s. Od a week„' In Mayo, Ireland, the average wages ere 85 7d. SPECIAL TRAIN TO SANFRAN- 84 summits in the highlands of otland exceed 1,100 feet, Ben evis.being the highest. CISCO. For Canadian delegates and all others going to the Epworth League Convention, via Chicago and North- Western Railway,to leave ChicagoTuesday, ' July' 9th, 11,59 p, ns.j Stops will be made at Denver, Col. orado Springs, Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake, passing en route the finest 0050019 in the Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains. Through, Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleep ing Cars, Order berths early, as party will bo limited in numbers! , Fare only 550 round trip, with choice of routes returning, Send stamp for illustrated itinerary and, map of San Francisco to B. H, Den. nett, GaulAgent, 2 Icing St. East,; Toronto, Ont; • The first proposal to federate the Australian Colonies was in 1852: The first meeting of the Federal. Council was in 1886. �innrd's llulmenlls users by Physicians. A branch of the Royal Mint was opened at Melbourne, Australia, in June, 1872. It coins only gold,, binurd's l►nhncnt lumherinan's Friend, It cost 63 millions sterling to free the Russian serfs, of which sum the freed, surfs paid 10* millions. CALIFORNIA AND RETURN., On July 5th to 12th, the Wabash Railroad will sell round trip tickets to San Francisco, California, at sin- gle firstclass 'fare, good to return any timeupto August 31st, 1901. Diagram of through sleepers now ready. Stop over en route west of first Colorado point. Everything will be firstclass and vp-to-date This ,will be by far the most com- prehensive trip ever offered to visit this golden .land of sunshine and flowers. Free reclining chairs on all trains. Full particulars at Wabash office, North-east corner King and Yongo streets, Toronto,. 3. A. Richardson, Dist. Pass. Agt, A VERY WARM FRIEND. Press me closer, all my own; Warm's my heart for thee alone! Every nerve responsive thrills, Each caress my being fills. I the servant, thou the master— Roaring, red-hot mustard-Piaste.'I Cheap round trip rate between St. Paul. Minn., and the Pacific coast. On July Gth the Northern Pacific Ry. will place in effect a low first- class round trip rate of $45:00 from eastern terminals to Seattle, Ta-' coma and Portland. Dates of sale help p to keep insects away. INSURANCE AGAINST STRIKES, Do not be afraid to manure pear, A Syet0m of insurance against trees. You cannot produce large, strikes prevails in Austria,Toltl- Or luscious pears on starved trees. s rho pnlieles ttindemnitind if, The objection to the plan of mulch- etrlkdfppll Oc0ur In theirro ootablishients ing continually, year after y0ar, is Whether voluntary, forced, or sym- that it tondo to biting the roots too pathetic, The 0004 of a policy is 8 near the aur£actl. Or 4 per - dent, of the annual pay- Shrubs that hoar flowers early in roll,The indemnity is 50 per cent, the sena( should haV0 the Wood of of ho magas paid for the woelr 911- Ih tt's,eoplanting plants of every 08116 01" 'TIT+) VIII'I''UES, k(nct, whether' largo or small, care mat be taken to keep the raot8 liar that, lazy nu: (Ponos n. single moist or the Manta will d injured, good trait in his character? In all tranplantln1 care enlist be Yes, one. He's patient, Ice can taken to ace that the r0040 &Citi8 in sit and fish all day although ho close contact with the soil, A fail- don't got a single bite and'1 don't until linohwotild r the Mint nay haolr at eastern terminals will bo from July 6th to July 13th inclusive, and the final limit for return will be Aug. 31st, 1901. Destination must be reached not later than Jul 18111, stopovers being allowed IN EITHER DIRECTION within the transit limits. This offers an unsurpassed oppor- tunity for those desiring to hunt new homes and farms to go into the northwest and look over the coun- try, or for those wishing to visit relatives or friends or to make plea sure trips, to do so., BERLIN'S 'GARDENS. ]est tar d growth ppruned a ore coding thio suspension of work, they uttu't td g'l'ow (n file spring, i t tfnionials nand price tent in Vail ere to do thiff causes 1000, format on, oa oalotl envelope, Sue ee 2e. etatn . Ad rose ( A wall-shaload tfbo half Melt to d1s. FITC S AMARIA REMEDY Cg Jordan Std., Ii "NFO Omer Rubber Company. I was cured of Bronchitis and As. thma by MINARD'S LINIdtENT. 18115. A. LIV1N(STONE. Lot 5, P. E. I, 1 was cured of a severe attack. of Rheumatism by MINAI:D'S LINE. MENT. Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER. I. was cured of a severely .sprained leg by MINARD`S L1NI1ENT. JOSHUA WYNACET., Bridgewater. Australia's output of copper is al- ready over 7,000,000 tens. England has only produced 11,500,000 in the last century,, AVENUE HOUSE Meuniog lac A enne noisily notal rates 31.50 per day, A colonel in the English Army gets on an average £x,000 a year; in the French, £280; in the Italian, £260. A new municipal budget shows that 800 streets in Berlin are plant- ed with 44,000 trees, which repre- sent a value of $200,000. The care of the municipal Parks and gardens requires 250 gardeners and 700 as- sistants, male and female, principal- ly the latter. When yea write to an advertiser tell alai that you caw his adeertl.omant In thin paper. 1 t Is tie your Intersat to do eo, no Our Folks oro treated honestly and thread with the. boat W P C 1084 OALV E RT'a CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all akin ailments. J. C. Calvert A Co., Manchester, England Keep Mlnard's liniment tis the Nouse. In the Gernn Empire there are 2,918 public bathing establishments, an average. of one to every 18,000 inhabitants. —s -- Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Merbury as mercury will surely doe:roy the acme of ,kmel1 and completely derange the whole system when entoring,it through the mucous surface$. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they 15111 do Satan fold to the good you MD possibly derivefrom them. lfa:l's Catarrh Cate, manufactured by F.J. Cheney to Co.. To - lode, 0., contains no mercury, and Is taken In. ternelly, noting direotly, upon the blood and mucous outfaces of the system. In buying liall'e Catarrh Care be aura you got the one. Ina. It is taken intornally,and made in Toledo, Ohio,' by F. J. Cheney es Co. Toetimonlalt free. Sold by Dril8slate, price 710 per bottle. Hall's 13;atnily Pills aro the bast. 0f the 16,000 islands between Mad- agascar and India, in the Indian Ocean; only 600 aro inhabited. SHEET METAL DO1UIJdee neo e„ CORNICES. Toaosro, os ., rass d instrumento, Drums, Uniforms, Etc, EVERY TOWN CAN NAVE A BANG Lowest prices ever quoted, Firocatalogue , SAO illustrations,nailed tree. Write ue for any thing in Music or Harlem Instruments. Whaley Rope WUot TWnO a Per over Fifty Yearn MRD. WONIL0W a 1100rair0 SWIM, b.o been mod by millions or mothers for their Children chile teething, L0,ostbee the child, cottons the gums, allnye pain cures sled collo` regulates the ltomaoh nod bowels nnel le the beat romoliy for Diarrheen, Twenty-five pints a bottle Sold b7 druggists throbgboet the world. Be euro mid silk for Mnawlw5Lbw'e 500711150 STROP." - 4 The amount of gold coin in circula- tion in Great Britain is 015 tons, in Germany the same, but in Aur ttia only 60 tons. ROOFING and Sheet Metal Works ROO5ll0 ' eTAA�TE, In B1µ k Rel or Green. SLATE BLAO$B0h S. Ile eft p 70tdloned Sigh Sehoole T,tconte), ItOolo 11,1y hila.. Coal Tar, eta XOOFIff11 TELE (llso N 310 - Inge, Toronto, dose by our firm). +•total Callings, ahead, oto Ii,GUmutce turnniaitcd for work const lets ale) 0100T IIE lkSOHB Agalaldo30WMmOtgie, '07 ht Dominion Line Steamships Monti cal to LlrerpooL Yodon to'Liver- pooOo . Portland to 1 ireroo01. Via Queens - Ler o sod Fast steamships. Superior ancomtoodation loo all d nes of ppaealal�attonaoao haesbeen Stateroom) en to the tree andend Salo li gaoad Saloon and 'rhlyd•oLa aellen. Foe nt.eof passage and an pstllcul.te, apply aPpb o to any agent tt the0ompan7, or D. Torrance k Ca.. tloharde,11103 t 00, 17 et.t. at„ Beetee. M0etresl and Forams, Cents' Suits me .i.nod D'od; also Ladies' Wyear of n0 Liinde, COLDOMBIhdOIBT DltEBys,desorptlen. or BRITISH AMERICAN DY1tlINO. CO'Y, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa a Quebec, We '.: ,. B0 1.: "`y6'ki"tn », ., ,. .8>S:ttl'Ol' CANADA'S PREMIER COMPANY WITH THIS Paid-up Capital �S Reserve til t° Aasets . . Recoivas sums of 8100 and v wards on which lntereet at YOUR PIM half earlq for high inveUM s - tors have the most UNQUESTIONABLE SECURITY. Full particulars on application. THE CANADA PERMANENT ANS WESTERN CANADA MORTOJICE CORPORATION Toront. Stroot,Toronte,