HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-7-18, Page 5Jim" , x 1901.
1 ,►N .al, M' .lir .hr
pent, V. & BOOi'T, Brussels,
v T r Issuer of Marriage r,iaoneee, 01.
Ileo at Orem y,7'urneerrY. btreet, Brneaale.
-'[y N. 13ADRETT.•—
N• Toneoria Artist, tllt0}7-•Notitdoor
North of the Standard If auk, LIRIIO, and
( t1
a special
(Bsi er Of Marriage L10e11seS,
rN naA tl
e Nib
L, O. M..
Academic graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Music, also Member of the Associated
Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to reoelva
a limited number of pupils for inetruotion
on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Porto iu the Conservatory of
Brussels Ontario,
O t ,
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cowl,
00. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
• Land, Loan laud Insurance.Agent ; Auotion-
eo0. 3'undeinveeted and to^loan. 001100,
done mad'e.. QBics in Graham'alBlook, Bras,
JL' • EBB, Will Boll for butter prices, to
better men in lose time and I0011 obargee
than any other Anctlnneor In East Huron or
he won't °barge anything. Dates and orders
oan always be arranged at this oMoe or by
personal application.
• Honor Craduau) of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared t0 treat all die -
eases of dometicated animals tin a oompot-
ent manner. Particular attention pard to
Veterinary Dentlatog. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Pour doors
North, of bridge, Toruberry at., Brussels.
v •. Barrister,. Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. 011loe—Stewart's Block
3 door North of Central Hotel.'
Solioitor for the. Standard Bank, • -
• Solicitor, &o. Omoe over Stand-
ard Bank. Soltoitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to L"oan at lowest rates.
Air G. CAM +'RON—
(I'ormerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh
Ont. O21ce—Hamrltcn street, opposite. 0o1.
borne Hotel..
Trinity'Uoiverelty Peflow Trinity Medical
Oollege,Member College of Physicians ' and
Surgeons, Out. Liemitfate of the Royal Col-
lege sof Phyaiclans and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery,Edinburgh. r Tolephooe No.14,
Resionoe-101111 street, Brussels.
undersigned will keep for eerviee at
N t
Lot 19, Oon,e,Morris, a well broil Poland
China bog, Terms, $1.00, to be paid at time
of soviet' with privilege of returning if
necessary, OHC. E. HEADMAN,
80 4 ,MProprletor.
Sy toma, nenovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita•
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near.
Rigid Lose of Memory, Brouohitie, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, fiidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
bil3t .
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by ,lua, Boz. Druggist,. Brussels -
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planinb dills
Also Dome and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order ..
at Short No4ioe.
Estimates Fernished for all
kinds of Bulidingo. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed,
I'm girth' alone Wid Me pulpa lc) my gob,
It'o hot 1
10an alway f9ind peace lu mo piM00 IV -perp
Though We hot
An' I ewelteran' cit in a Hort le Brame,
Wid Ih' ahwew rgnniq'jaff apo fn 0Ooay a
An' I long fur edish uv fro30q 0100 Oracle,
C"ago it's bot I
In 111' whither we what it wee Stlmm0r
0an00 more.
'C'ape We could;
An' we ShWearat th' men who laves open
1)1' door,
Cage it's oould.
An' often we Wish es we 0b8ver an' 0010,
For th' trapina! brazes iv June or Juloy,
An' now that W0'Vo got them we say,•—.
"MoY, oh, moy I
• Ain't it hot 7"
"Ie iG hot enough fur yea?” eay Olney to
(.1t Was 1101,)
As'I lay in me hammick in under a three,
Very hat.
Says I, "Glancy, whey do you oonvuree
t'roggh yet bat ?
If ye had as much eine as yet onld
Ye wudders% be mai' a question loike that,
Whin it's bot.
Ir' h4t
p y , my neat an' me Viet,
'C'ase it's hot.
I'M not over partioolar bowI am dressed,
When it's hot.
Au' I a t "Mary"
4 gays o me Wolfe, Ellen,"
says I,
"Lave that rebber•neok beef ehteak to.
sputter an' troy,
We oan live an baaaneys an' ()Quid limon
Whin it's hot I"
I've a lawn, tin be twilve,'tis surrounded
by tbreee,
That's th' shpot t
An' I loy in my bamnliok an' take in th'
Whin it's bot,
Whore's til' siese to be wearin' a oollar
and toy,
An, a big leather belt in th' mom' iv Juloy,
Who n '
not t drtea to ike th
Zulus, Ilei
loike to
know whey, '
Whin it's bot 7
Seaforth. G11.013MN.
CC 2±t .ChD,
Miss Lalia Berry left fm Port. Arthur
for an extended visit.
Miss Bertha Grundy, of Lnoknow, sang
a solo at a piano reoltal et Roobeeter, N.
James Switzer, of Auokland, New
Zealand, spent a few days as the guest of
his brother-in-law, Wm. Barr.
Tbe ladies of the Methodist Chnroh
served dinner in the building next door to
the Sentinel office on July 12th.
T. Sell, who has been running a store
for the last two years, ie now travelling
tor Thos. May & Go., of Montreal.
Master. Graham Elliott, eon of John
Elliott, bad his arm badly hurt by falling
out of the delivery wagon in front of the
4000817 store.
A game of foot ball was played on the
Agrioalinral Perk between Luoknow and
Wingbam teams, and resulted in a victory
for Wingham by a soore of'4 to 0.
Jae. Dick, hotel keeper of this town,
had hie leg broken near the ankle in a
eontHe with a young fellow who bad been
attending a rade boree on the second day
of the races. It might have ended more
seriously bat for the appearance of Wm.
Doig, J. P., who came np and promptly
stopped the row.
The following is the report of the 000.
ond day races held in Beaforth last
week :-
2.27 pace and 2.22 trot; purse 0800-
Harry Wltkee 1 1 1
The defence O3ai0Od iilat the quaotlty of
10111rer 03larged for W40 002 delivered, and
put in a sweeter ohvnl for bed sawing;
213e Honor 0300 judgn:ant diem3setag 131e
not on with .costs. oa $garnet 1PullOhail,
and giving judgment for plaintiff for 0105
Ono with coat:Of action, nod judgment
far defendant Thompson in hie 0oanter
claim for 071..05 with mete pertaining
xot tar.
Mee Jennie'1'sylor has accepted a coal•
tlen with John Grigg et the poet p81ee.
Mise May Shaw, milliner, with the 11,
f?icytllardh, Go„ Its: POO to her home in
The Pre:bytartau choir picnicked at
Bayfield on Monday of last week and re.
porta pleasant ontlag.
W. 11. Lovett dleposed of hie pretty
little thoroughbred cooker -spaniel to a
Berlin gentleman for 0100,
Albert Ford bee disposed of hie two
note plot of ground on Pluton street, past
of Main, to William Balkwill er, for the
mum of $260, '
Milne Coatte de Co„ of New Breeeiiok,
and n t lar est reducers ofgranite in
g p Silver
Canada, were awarded the Silver Medal
at Perla, The main feature was a moan.
meat representing Canada, the dealgn of
twhiroiohplawne,se 'W
made by W. D. Weakoe, of
A • pnblio meeting of the ratepayers of
own was held in the Town Hall the
object being to disouso ways and means to
Make a loan of $6,000 to Dyer & Howard
to replace n
ep oa the plants„ mill reoegtly de
etroyed by .fire. The meetingwas not a
re reeeutative one but all
i? present were
quite in sympathy with the move. After
mattere were discussed at some length the,
meeting was adjourned but in the mean
tame a teohnioalty in the law stayed any
Whet prooe0dinge, berme nothingforahar
has been accomplished. Tbe Advocate
understands that Dyer & Boward have
refused to accept the loan for reasons
better known to themeelvee.
Isaac Wade is at present at Kincardine
Betting np binders for the MaeeeyHarrie
Monday evening of last week the officers
of the Royal al Tem !
are were installed in
their respective oflieee.
Tbe brickwork of George Jobnetou'e
new residence has been completed and
the oarpentero have the roof on,
B. S. Cook bee greatly improved the
dwelling just West of the Albion Hotel by
re.r0ofing, painting, papering, oto.
• Alfred Rogers had the miefortene to
have the little finger of his befit hand
badly out on the shingle edger at Mr.
Strome's mill, near Belmore.
Orlando Wade has bad the foundation
for his new house completed and will
commence the brickwork as soon as the
briok is ready. He bas levelled up the
ground in front and bad a nice iron fenoe
James Sanderson, of Cake. Hill has just
disposed of the last of hie Winter fed
cattle, 21 in number, for which he ramie.
ed $1,150. He aleo Bold over 31200 worth
of bogs during the Winter and Spring.
Besides the above he wintered a number
of young oattle, sold eome bay and oats.
Ie tide not pretty good from a 100 core
George Newton, who hae been working
for Horne & Calder, of Liatowel, for some
time and who had the misfortune to run
a rasty nail in the palm of his right band,
from which blood poisoning set in and it
was feared that he would lose his band,
bet now the danger is passed and it is
hoped he will soon be able to commence
work again.
On Monday, July 8, Kenneth, youngest
eon of Jno. L. and Mre. Wilson of the 9111
con., passed away. He was one year and
fourteen days of age and bad always
been a fleshy and healthy ohild. Kenneth
was taken with a fit at about o'olook on
Monday morning, followed by convulsions
until 2.30 when life fled. The funeral
took plaoe on Tuesday afternoon to the
'Fordwioh Presbyterian Cemetery.
Go de rio it.
9 2 2 Horse races Wednesday and Thursday
of thio weak.
The river Maitland has been exceeding-
ly low this Spring,
Mise Strang hae been appinted to a
position as teacher in the Grimsby high
00110o1. •
The Kensington Furniture factory close
down Saturday afternoons during July
and Aag081. '
During 1901 up to June 28th the Gode-
rlah Elevator and Transit Go. received
951,820 bushels of grain.
The old boiler 1011m at the harbor flour
mill hae been demolished and a new and
larger one ie being built.
Architect Fowler hae received imbrue•
tions from Councillor Murney to prepare.
plane for solid briok residence.
Jailer Griffin started the ball rolling by
commencing pulling down his cottage
residence on Wednesday 01 last week.
Police Magistrate Seeger ie moving one
door Weet of hie present location, where
he will fit np a room as a polioe court, that
will not interfere with hie offioe work.
A large motion of the staff for the Point
Farm arrived on. Monday nda of laste
trona Toronto, consisting of the 000k and
a number of experienced waiters.
The tour hand bags won at bowling by
Sheriff Reynolds and J. D, O'Oonnetl, D.
Holmes and H, F. Mooers, are of first
quality; and will be travelling memorials
of their Mitchell visit.
Chief Justin Faloonbridge will hold a
jury session of the High Court of Justice,
oommenoigg Monday, Sept. 9011, 1901, and
Mr. Justine Meredith will hold a non.
jury sitting on Monday, Nov. 4411.
Summer visitors have been arriving
freely. More than an average number of
pereono from a dietanoehave visited their
residenoee in Goderioh, and an unusually
large number of one time residents have
been in the old town the past two menthe.
Miss Grace Johnston left last week
for London, to join Berlin party of
Epwarte Leaguere per 0. P. R. to Chioago
en route to San Franoisoo. Afterwards
Mies Johnston will Visit Mre. Sidney
Maloolmeon in B. C., and retern home
by the 0. P. R, all Canadian route,
At the lest regular meeting of Huron
Loege, No. 62, 1, 0.0. F., bald in June,
the following members were elected to
office for the term ending hist December,
1901 ; N. G., James Raid ; V. G., H. T.
Edwards ; Reo..Seoy., Joseph Realer ;
Per, Soy., Dr, Clarke ; Treae,, O. A.
The alterations at the Town Hall have
been completed, and the municipal ofiioae
are now situated on the ground floor,
The oouneil chamber is where No. 1
oompany formoriy had its armory,and
the room formerly need by the members
Master Roy 2 8 4
Three year olds, pace tin, trot, it miles
heats; purse 0100—
Dutch Mowbray 1 1 1
Joe Stanton 9 2' 2
Laobabor 9 2 3
Time, 1.11, 3.11,110.1.
210 patio and trot; purse 0800 --
Mist Uelmaroh' 1 3 2 1
• Hal Forest
Maggie Heller g 8: 3 3
(Time not given,)
smile run, heatt,0 In 3 ; purse 9100—
Benita 12 1 1
Wilfrid Laurier -
Tim' 1 31,1,00,1.00.
Lirtto vv el.
Upwards of 60 applibationa are in for
the p003480n ofPrinoipal of the Public
Mise Draper, teoher, lo spending the
Summer vacation with her'eieters in Til.
R. E. Hemphill, hae returned to town
after a five weeks' trip in the -Eastern.
The family of W. Godfrey,G. T. R.
agent, are sojourning at the lakeside at
W. Olimte, editor of the Banner, left
lost week on a trip to California where,
hie mother and waters aro residing.
Duncan IliRennie, an employee of the
Liatowol Furniture Co., had cue of hie
fingers badly out while operating the re.
Listowel band was engaged .to go to
Fordwioh for the 12th,. where Howiok
Dietriet L, 0. L. celebrated the Boyne
Two additional aro 'lights have been
placed, eine at the corner of Elma and
Reserve street in Gladotone ward, and
the other West of the station.
The Junior Scholarship of the New
York Normal School of Pbysioal Culture
bast been won thio year by Mise Mande
Edmonds, formerly of Lietowol.
The Lietowet Fnrniture Go. is 'very'
busy at present, and has large orders
ahead. It bag shipped two tiara of fnrni-
tura during the past week, one to Mon•
treal and one to Winnipeg.
Thos. Blaokmore, eeotion foreman on
the (G, T. R, here, and Mre. Blaokamore,
left loot week for Montreal, wbero they
bad eeoured bertha on the Australaolan
for Liverpool. They will be away about
two months.
Keno vs, Tnolrraex.—Judgment hae
been given by hie honor Judge Barron in
the suit of Fees° vs. Thompaou, tried at
the Cate 0300inge of the County Court.
The snit arose over a lumber•eawing dual.
between John Remo and D, H. Marshall,.
of this town, who wits =agent for Thomp.
sou, Remo sued for 31160 for sawing.
pf the Ore brigade an a meeting room has I the nuptial 08rem0ny all present eat down
been fitted ne es the Clerks ofiiee With
3, lavatory adjoining provided with all
neoeaeary oopven(@pods. The firemen
spiv have the former Oiork'o018ee upstairs
and the olti Council Chamber la relegated
to the use of the band, but will be avail.
able for nomination and other publio
meetings, The new .Council Chamber is
a cosy room,
GOr rift,
Mies Mabel Oampkoll, who lute • been
toadlling at Niagara, le ab present :pend.
lag bar holidays at home here. She
visited the Pan•Amerioan and has rgauy
Ictoreoting eight: 4o relate.
Wm. Dalmage, of. the Albion, was
atfiicted with a dizzy spell on Sunday
afternoon of last week oaueed by a bit.
8002: attack. Ile fell to the floor and at
Fret eaneed considerable anXiety to the
family, bat medioal aid 0900 gave him
relief and ho i0 now around as usual,
Rev. R, J. Garbutt, of Gorrie, left on
Moeda. of la0t week forIwo o tl '
y a m n 1m
trip to California to attend the Great 33p.
worth League Convention et Sae Fran.
ei000 and also to vial i0 4
. t his brother w o
resides in that part of the world. Mr.
Garbutt hae Much closely to his duties
for three years and well deserve a few
S90B A
ke variation. Rev. Mr. CareaaUen,
B. A„ will supply the pulpit during his
The mi•
. e se gn0n
al meeting
of the Howlett
Agriaaltaral Society was held in the
Township Hall, Gorrie. The minutes of
a nal meetingwere read and
adopted. It was dcided to hold the
Show t11i3 year on Saturday, Oot. 12th in
Victoria Park, Gerrie. Some changes
were made in the prize Het. The prizes
for :wine were inerease11 to $1.50 and
$1.09.. The Tamworth breed woo added
to the list, The prizes for fowl were in-
oreaped to 40 and 25 Dente. Some . minor
obangee were made. In the ohildron'e
department the prizes for penman:hip
will be 60 and 25 Dente.
Wi1n araa.
Geo. Hugbee is suffering severely from
that painful disease, canoer,
M. H. and Mrs. Molndoo mourn the
lose of their little gen, Carter, aged five
Mrs. Pedlow, daughter of Mrs. Boott of
Edward street, has been very ill with
typhoid fever,
Balaton Bros. of Blyth are negotiating
for the purchase of the Gilchrist building,
North of the G. T. R. track, for the pur-
pose of establishing a tannery.
Elmer Moore carries his lett hand in a
sling, the result of an accident. The.
piece of wood ha was cutting in the fac-
tory Blipped, throwing hie hand againet
kha eaw, ripping the tbnmbright down.
W. H. Green is taking down the old
eleotrio light poles that have been replaoed
by new ones ; in future 30 toot poles will
be seed. An aro light now illuminates
the 0. P. R. station yard. Ball Bros.
are having thirty lights put in their place
of business. .
Byron E. Trevett, alias George Trevett,
24 years (formerly of Wingham) was in-
dicted for bigamy. The police claim
that he married Mary M. Butler in Bos•
ton on May 1 laet,,at the same time hav-
ing a wife in Owen Sound, Canada. The
Butler girl is 20 years of age, and is re-
markably pretty. Bhe was employed in
a Pleasant Street. restaurant.
The 35th annual report of Wingbam .
Methodist church is ready for diatribe.
tion, and allows' the °hutch to be dna pros -
perm condition, ander the pastorate of
Rev. R. Hobbs. The report coven the
year ending May 31. During the year
there were three deaths in the member-
ship, 83 additions, 89 removals, leaving
the present membership 430. The Sun-
day Soboolreports 30offioera and teachers
and 22 olaeaes,and an average attendance
of 216. The Senior Epworth League bas.
110 members, and the Junior. League
80 members.
Ile wood.
The Lawn Tennis Club have started
praotioe on John Graham's flee lawn.
J. A. Jlnmp is putting in ,a new 0110
drain from•his engine house and kitchen.
A number of new bootie have been
catalogued and placed on the shelves of
the Public Library.
Of the 27 pupils who wrote at the re-
cent county promotion exams. from At-
wood Publio school, 25 were successful.
The new watering cart no arrived. It
is 9 feet 8 inobee long and has a diameter
of 35 inobee. It has a oapaoity of 400
Mra, J. A. Mitobell • and children left
on Tuesday morning of last week iter
Meaford where they will spend a couple
of months.
George Gordon had a barn raising on
Saturday, 6th inst. He split his barn
and put an addition to it, inoreaoing
materially the apace within.
The grading of our Main street and the
granolithic walk in front of our Morn
hae been the means of improving the
appearance of our little town to a con-
siderable extent.
Mise Mabel Kidd left on Tuesday of
last week for a month's holldaye with
American relatives. She intends spend.
ing a few da s
Buffalo,andwill 1
Yw t the
go to New York to visit her nnole, Dr.
John Sanders had the miefortnne to
break the blade of his grading maobine.
He etraok a atone of 01010 than ordinary
size while going through a .heavy gravel
road. He hae had the blade repaired and
a new one ordered. He will then be pre.
pared to continue the good work of im.
proving the eoun0ry rondo.
Of the 5 pupile who wrote from the At.
wood Public eohool at the resent High
noel Entrance eaam0. at Listowel, all
were euooeastal. Marks required to
ase, 860; tnaximnm morn, 1100. Annie
witzer, 849 ; Emma Boyd, 846 ; Albert
hompeon, 818 ; John Puglia, 708 ;
P 'Wm,
Porter, 081. •
he. Mahoney' appeared before P. M.
erhune to answer to the oharge of a8.
ault upon Rioherd' Murray. A number
t witnesses were Galled, the majority of
nom gave evidence against: Mahoney.
be Polioe Magistrate 000te0eed Mahoney
o 9 menthe in Central prison, Toronto.
. B. Morphy appeared for defendant,
be people of this community feel that
ahoney got hie just reward and trust
hat he may never ebow hie lane in this
303034y again.
On Wednesday eve, July 8rd, kb 7 p.
, Rev. Mr, Abrey, of Monkten, securely
ed the knot that hound in holy bonds of
airlock, Allan Petrie, of Donegal, and
in Maggie A. Henry, daughter of arra:
Henry, of lt[onktou. The oerem0ny
piton ab the home of the bride's
other, and. was witnessed bya large
unbar of relatives and friends, After'
to a bonuteoue repast after which the
company enjoyed th0m0elvee heartily
with daloing, games and mneie,
Virr0,40ter .
The Shooting Gallery, valet; bas been
run hero by 112r, Rutland for a week or
two, was taken away to Fordwioll.
ripe ttomatoea by Jer uly let this y@ar,o ook
a '
wl hs ndln t
t y e
b bagkward Sprfng.
Rev, Mr, Gray, white leaning back in
1rratuasrsuett 003hie
had Afaw fell
1201 again.
Mre. D, Poreytk and daughter, Mrs.
Willie left Monday morning of last week,
for Prince Albert, N. W. T., where they
expect to reside lir the future.
James Collins, who has wandered over
Most porta of Coterie and several of the
United Statee, arrived in town from Bar-
riston and ie employed with Wm. La0kie
in the tannery here,
Methodist h t Sabbath Seb9o1 here, in
appreciation of Afro. Henry Allan's ser,
vices in coi neotion with the eobocl passed
a d t ud ad
e r her
@ a unanimous yoke of
thanks, 002 the eve of her leaving to reside
at Wingham.
A new piece of sidewalk bas been built
and a wood crowning put in over to D.
Mule a house. Another neer piece ie be.
fn laid aid o bt
q eo
g w waythe station a
Neil .hire's
W oho North to the
old one whioh was getting very shaky
Mr, Tipling, D. D, Grand Master, of
the Independent
Order p r er o [ Odd i'ellowe,
visite Montana tan
a od
ge on
Monday even.
lug of last week, and metalled the follow.
ing otfloera :—N. G., Geo. Paulin ; V. G.,
Robt. Farrell Seoy., John Douglas ;
Treas., Geo, Barnerd ; Warden. Wm.
Adair ; I. G., Geo. Leckie ; 0. G„ Jae.
Paulin ; B. S. N. G., Allan Rae. -
The Home Oirole Lodge le coutemplat.
ing a pionio in the near Ware.
The many friends of Victor Elder will
be sorry to hear that while jumping he
fell and broke hie right arm. The above
is a' eon of W. Elder formerly of this
place but now of Barrie.
In oomplianoe with a petition signed by
nearly ar
all the laminas men en of Heneall the
Reeve proolaimed, Wednesday July 17tb,
a civic holiday for the village. Masonic
Exooaion to Brantford the attraction,
J. W. Miller is getting ready to erect
his new shop, which will be built of solid
Portland (lenient, both floor and walls.
The building will be 24 feet high, and 70
feet long by about 60 feet wide, when
completed it wilt be fire proof.
Mies Elaine, of the Brantford Institute
for the blind, hes been the guest of Mrs.
Wm. Lammie for eome days. Though
totally blind this lady oan do all kinds of
fine fancy work, never making a mistake,
even in the most complicated etitehes.
The congregations of Oarmel and the
Methodist churches held a 00100 service
on Sunday morning and evening of laet
week. At the morning service Carmel
church was well filled and in the even•
ing the Methodist ohoroh was packed to
The shoddy peddlers have struck this
notion and are doing quite a business.
They pave the way by telling their vie.
Urns that they intend running a produce
train from Hensen to Exeter as the case
may be, and will pay big cash prides for
butter and eggs.
Joeeph Irving, of Guelph, has secured
the contract for the new masenm and
laboratories et the Agricultural College,
Saw Mills.
I have a good supply of Hemlook loge on
hand. Carr out out t0 suit 0n840mere.
Dressed Maple, suitable for granaries,
at 3110 per M.
All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on
hand from .010 per M up.
A large stook of Dulled Elm and Ash at
$7 per M.
Shingles and Lath always on band.
IM"A good farm on 18th con. of Grey for
A13 the Wool in the Country
wanted at the
Where the highest prioe will be paid
in Cash or Trade.
I have in stook a good line of Blew
keting, Sheeting, Yarns (mingle and
double), Tweede, ate. All pure wool and
no shoddy.
You can have your own wool made
into roils or exchanged. Don't ee11 your
wool' or have it inanufaotured till yon
Dell at the Brnseels Mill and get prices.
—07 AL1.mos—
Fitted to Cornet all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyee'tested FREE by
latest Optioal methods at
Division Court Office,
liticKinnon'sS TG7R
Leet week we made a great strike in baying a trttvoller'g somplp8
of Ladioe' White underwear, Wrappers and fine wool .Dress Skirts, at tt
great reduction in prices, and on Thursday morning 000 0001010000to sell
off at prices like these
—CorsetCovere, made of fine oambrio, nook and front trimmed
with embroidery, worth 852, for 250,
—Corset Covera, Of fine cambric), Marguerite style, finished with
flue embroidery, regular 450, for 880.
—Ladies' Night Dresses, in fine oambrio, three oluelere of Woke,
regular 75o, for 50o,
—NightDreeaee, made of line oambrio, trimmed with fine em•
broidery, regular 95o, for 70a.
ees , extra Dna oambrio, trimmed with tine tor.
ohon lane and insertion, worth $1.75, for $145.
---Ladies' Night Dreams, made of fine LondedaleeambriO, Wrim.
w Gh embroidery and insertion, worth $2,60 .for 01.75.
—Also a full range of White Skirts, Ohimeses and D7rawers at
Wrappers,ode of fine percale, with black and color-
ed all-over
yokes and Laney trimming. mg, at 75o, $i 1,810 and
$1.76, worth one•third more,, $
—Ladies' fine wool Dress Skirts, in the newesb etyle of geode, in
different colors no t
w0 alike, ike, regular prion $3.50, for $1,76.
iln I .,i urn,bull
Wish to call the attention of Farmers and
Threshers to their
iVEaGllllle OIIS 8 f BIV!
er Twee
We don't claim that we are the only people who sell
RIaehine Oils in Brussels but we do claim we have a little
the best Oil in the market for the money in our
"Wilton & Turnbull's Special"
Try a half gallon and see for yourself,
We have also XXX Lardine Oil, Cylinder 011, Cas-
tor Oil, Fish Oil for flies on cattle, Need's Foot Oil, &o.
Also see Our Binder Twine
Before you buy your Supply. We think we can snit
Now that the Baggy season is et
hand and we are ready for it we would
like to inform one =morons friends and
customers that we have the finest lot of
Baggies on hand at the
Old Reliable
Carriage Factory,
that can be found anywhere. Should
you think of buying a Buggy or Buggies
(as we supply wholesale as well as retail)
by all means oall and see oar stook before
purchasing as the know we can unit you
with a first-class article and the price is
right, We also keep Wagons, Truck
Wagons and Field Rollers on hand or
made on short notice.
J210. Collor & SO=
Montreal & .Liverpool
Quebec & Moville
1901 SAILINGS 1901
70011 STEAMER PawLrvanPOOv Merman AL
Tkar, 2S April CNumrinothianidian.... Sat." 11 May 9 am
10 "' Parlsiau ...... " 1 Janet'
202 " Pretorlan, 8 I!1
90 " Corinthian 19 "' ,9
2 Sana Tunisian 22.
12 " Nun:adieu ' 20 " 0
41 20 " Parisian " 0 Jn1yt8
27 " Praetorian 19
' 4 July Corinthian" 20 " t8
the which eon
01 norningm roatrains
from Toronto and other points West and
South. When Steamers sail before 8 a, m.
g betty en 8 end board0 look previous Ste m-
ere Bail at 9 a.m. passengers have the op-
tion of going on board either Friday night
03, Saturday morning.
For further particulars apply to,
Agent, Brussels.
E WA i1 '1F& 00.,
Are ready to supply the demand of the 7011100f01 any kind of wheeled rig as they
have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Manufacturers in Canada, iu
addition to their own make, all told at 0L0SE PRICES.
Rubber Tyred Wheels.
We make a epeoialty of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being pot
on your own buggy wheals while you wait, or we oan supply both wheels and
tyre at very low prices. Every owner of a good buggy ehoald have the Dunlop
put on by Ewan & Go. Work guaranteed all right ae we keep nothing but
firet.olaea workmen.
D. Ewan will devote a good share of his time in attending to the sale roomejae the
Go. has aeourad a first -claw Horse Sheer for the blacksmith shop:
All wood work in our Iine and general bleokamithing done on our premien and at ae
low figures as con be obtained anywhere.
Oar own maks of Baggies this year are all 31 inobee longer in the body than other
Baggies and for STYLE and COMFORT oanno4 be beaten.
We use the long dietanoe, 1,000 mile axle, one or two °hinge in a seae0n i0 all they
It will pay anybody who wants a lirot,olaes rig to orate 26 miles to see our Show -
Rooms this season before baying ae our assortment is large and good and we are
alwayo well pleased to have people call and examine one 'stook which is the
largest ever shown in Braeseie. rz "We mean business,
%j 7 & / y Carriage Makers, &o.,
vv .+, 1 tfoe Braeeele,
Baggies, Wagons, 0arte and Wheelbarrows always on band,