HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-7-4, Page 8Stylish
ris Orson $taitzonsry.
We carry only the best Our stook; is
large,freshBn lisp rade and our pus- bright
and up-to-date,
touters can depend on get.
Ong a pure and reliable sr- Small Tablets,
lisle. Large Tablets,
ROO. I° R R'NUM, FancyPapeteries
p es
Helebore and and General
insect Powder Writing Material
Pure and Fresh. At Best Rri C. e
L. R. Harvey,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, aeiollowe:
GoXNe Baru, Goxao Nonra,
Mixedea 11:46 a.m.
Express ....•. 8:Mail 17 p.m
u dd Nekos Items.
A ahiel'a among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
THE Maitland is low.
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening.
TUESDAY'S rain was weloome.
Craniums are ripe, eo are the robins.
Mits. MoLEAN, Princess Street, le hay
ing her residence veneered with white
LrBTOw8L Football team is expected
here this (Thursday) evening to play a
match with the home Club.
Dn. TOOLE'S office and reeidenoe is in
the house recently vaunted by W. Blue•
hill, corner of Mill and John streets.
DOMINION Day was a very quiet day in
Brunets. A good many of oar towns•
people took in the eporta at Wroxeter.
A CEMENT walk has been put down by
P. Watson from the eidewalk to the front
door of his oomfortable cottage, Queen
FRIDAY of next week will be the
"glorious" 121h. The Orangemen from
this locality will go by epeoial train to
Luoknow and celebrate the day there.
Train leaves Brussels at 7.15 a. m.
A Streor, portion of thegranolithio walk
took a heave up Met Monday, sappoeed
to be oceaeioned by the intense beat and
the fact that the top cleating wax not
tight on the grout. It oau be easily re-
EXAM.—There are 21 girls and 5 boys
writing at tbe Public School Leaving ex.
amination in Brussels thin week. Iu,
specter Robb is presiding. He will spend
the next two weeks in Clinton at exam -
Box BO0IAL. Taeeday evening of next
week a Box Social will be held at tbe
residence of James Sharp, 5th line, Mor.
Fie, under the anepioes of the Ladies'
Aid of the Methodist thumb, Brussels.
A good program will be provided and a
firet.olase time is promised.
THIS week's ehipmente were as fol-
lows :—Clegg & Dames, 1 oar cattle ; W.
Jewitt, 1 car hogs ; J. McDermott, 1 car
cattle ; P. Ament, 4 oars lumber ; Bros.
eels factory, 1 oar of cheese ; R. Graham,
1 oar peas ; W. Neal, 11 oases eggs ; W.
Ondmore, 4 oars hay for Glasgow. D.
A. Lowry received a Oar of brick.
Goon BowLINo.—A. rink from Brunets
Bowling Club went to the Tournament on
Mitchell last Monday when no lees than
80 rinks had assembled. Our quartette
aoneieting of J. Hewitt, J. Irwin, p. C.
Roes and J. N. Gordon, defeated Guelph
by 29 to 9, and the "Canadas" of Tor.
onto, by 24 to 20, bat fell before Seaforth,
tbe score being 21 to 11. They say they
had a delightful time and were sorry they
could not stay longer to take a hand in
other bouts. Mitobell did their visitors
Tan Listowel Standard says ;--The
Brussels baseball team drove over to Lie•
towel and played a friendly game with
the ball touters here on Friday afternoon
of last week. The game was called at
4.80, but did not start until nearly five,
whish brought the oloee to nearly dark.
The Brueeele team had the game all
their own way at the start, and not nutil
the fourth innings did Listowel more a
Single run, the game standing 8.1 in
favor of Br0e88e at the end of the fourth.
At this stage the game changed, Lido.
wel batted Thompson hard and often,
and at the end of the fifth Listowel add-
ed 8 rine to their favor. The game
from this point to the finish wee a well
contested one, only one run being scored,
and that by the visiting team, making 9.4
in favor of Brunets. The Listowel bat.
-tory was strong but their field support
was poor, W. Grewar, of Brussels, offi.
oiated as umpire and gave fairly ostia.
factory decisions.
PnAaTxOn SOLD.—Last week the people.
of Brussels were surprised to learn that
Dr. Twaddle had disposed of hie Dental
praottoe to Dr. P. Feild, of Listowel, and
given over the business to hie eaoaeeeor.
Dr. Tweddle hae made many friends
since Doming to Brunets 1 year ago and
they will be sorry to see he and Mre.
Twaddle removing from town. The change
is made in the hope of bettering Dr.
Tweddle'e health. Hie stemma ie a
clever young gentleman who bad Dr.
Bruoe, of Listowel, as hie preceptor, and
will no doubt do well here. Ti o PosT
bide him weloome and wishes him sac.
oeae. The Listowel Standard in speak.
ing of this eubjeat last week remarks:—
Dr. Percy Feild of this town, who recent.
ly passed hie final examination at the
Ontario Dental College, Toronto, has
bought oat a dental'praotioe in lemmata,
and left Thursday to take it over. We
wish our young friend every success, and
feel euro that the people of Bruesele will
find Dr. Fafld an obliging and progreeeive'
proteeeiopal man and an estimable oflizon,
Sonoox, Board Friday evening of next
THE cement driveway to the Brueeele
Flax mill le completed.
J. D. RONALD has amid a 011emio4l fire
engine to a town in the Province of
STONE for 088 in the Cranbrook Lime
Works is being hauled from the river bed
in this place.
THE chalk artist who takes the trouble
to ornament windows and store fronte
with ()rayon had better give the job a rest.
JNo. BEATTIE drives a light road wagon
with pneumatio tyred wheels that ap.
pears to provide solid contort, It was
bought from Ewan & Co.
FRIDAY evening of this week a meeting
of the Committees in commotion with
last Friday's Celebration will be held in
the Council Chamber. Any person bay-
ing an unsettled moment ie asked to pre.
sent it.
Co. COUNCIL met in epeoial session at
Goderioh on Wednesday toeqreceive plane,
accept and award tendorein connection
with the new stone residence for Jailer
Griffin. Go. Oonnoillore Bowman and
Kerr were in attendance, the latter going
on Tneeday to attend a Committee meet.
ing relative to above work.
NOT OREDITAIILE,—Somebody with very
little regard for themselves vieited the
garden of Fletcher Sparling, Chnroh
street, and out down the strawberry vines
with a sickle or knife, leaving them and
the unripe berries on the ground. It was
a miserably small piece of bneineee and
more bartfal to the perpetrator than any-
body else.
Ir some of the "night hawks" were
cooled off in the '•cooler" it might do
them good. The language said to be aged
by a certain youth on Thursday night
was worse than might be expected from
any Indian. Surely 20th oentory,aivili•
zation should do more for people than
that exhibition. If young men have no
respect for their own manhood they should
have for their relatives and the town.
I0 should not be permitted.
CONDOLENCE.—The following is a oopy
of a resolution of sympathy Bent by the
Ohm/en Friends Ooaooi! to Hugh R.
Elliott in the decease of hie wife:—
To Friend Hugh R. Elliott :
DEAR SIR AND FRIEND,—Whereas it has
pleased Almighty God in His infinite
wisdom, goodneee and mercy to call from
thio life your beloved wife, we, the offia•
ere and members of Brnesele Oonncit,
No. 862, C. 0. O. F., desire to moves, to
yon our heartfelt sympathy at the great
lose yon have sustained. Itis but a sad
aoneoletion to say to you that we feel
your Borrow. That is, however, all that
we can do and when we do more we
meet torn to God and oak Him to give
you the necessary strength to bear up
under your terrible logs. May His
strength be with yon and the other
members of your family. We know of
your partner's good deeds though the
world may not, and we feel that ebe is
far better off in that world beyond the
grave. She bee gone there before you
and your children to prepare for your
homecoming. There will be no eepara•
tion, nothing but peaoe, joy and happiness.
Signed on behalf'of the Donnell.
8. T. PLUM, Recorder.
Dated June 4th, 1901.
ton New Era man ie evidently off his
base during the heated spell. Here is
bis latest :—"That usually suave and
good natured chap wbo edits THE Bane.
SELO Poe end is also a member of the
County Council, le chewing the rag be-
cause Mr. Raneford and the New Era
rapped hie knneklee over the smallness
of the County Connell's action 0000900.
ing the Huron Old Boys' reception. The
member of the County Connoil are not
beyond oritimem, even if they are "wise
heads," and altogether oateide of the foot
that the Huron Old Boys are coming to
Clinton next week, we believe the refusal
therant i an notion not
the electorate.Compared ewith aotber
transactions of the same Oonnoil, it wee
an illustration of the old adage "strain-
ing at a gnat and swallowing 6 camel."
You are mistaken, dearly beloved, about
Tan Pose editor "chewing the rag," en
you Oliutoniane were the fellows wbo
were doing the fireworks. When yon
asked for a grant and were refused you
flyto the newspapers to get rid of the
nasty taste in your month. A majority
of the Co. Council thought you were nob
entitled to a grant and surely they have
a right to their opinion inion
press it, whether it suite the Salk bnese of
it few of the Clintonians or not. We could
give Mr, Ransford or the New Era man
the names of some of their own towns.
man who say the Go. Connell did right,
Dir. Holmes suite himself in his votes in
the Commons whether it pleases other
people or not and we pregame the Co,
Connoil will go on and do business at the
old stand even if their 'Motion is not en.
domed by the electorate" according to
the Era. THE Pose is not lying awake
at nights over "rapped knnaklee," but
merely used its nolumne to defend the
action of men wbo are as generous and
fair minded ea their critics. We were
not the aggressor in the dismission of this
"patty" bneineee, nor do we propose to
have the 0o. Oonnoiilore eat upon in on,
neetion with it foe nothing.
,BE ,0 fiS ,.LO 'Q$I"
''no extreme het weather ahartoied np
th$Bvar erJuniog F et Vall tear aid
Wroxeter played a tie game at the latter
Plan on Monday, afternoon. Neither
club scored.
SEv994e gantoo of bowie ware played en
the Olub lawn on Monday, Tbey 9019089
being represented at tho Bowling tour.
namelst at Seaforth next week,
Joule Ropplox le baving the bonne,
on 1110 property on Thomas eteet, over.
hauled, and considerable improvement
will be made when work to completed.
'PNn1E Brnseelitee atrenethened 0the
Wingham Basle ball roam with Goderioh
0n Tuesday afternoon, They were R,
Downing, lr, Roahe and Fred. Gilpin,
ON July 12th there will be a train leave
for Luoknow at 7,16 a. m, for all those
wbo wieli to take in the Po, Orange
Walk, Returning the train will leave
Luoknow at 6 p, me arriving in Brussels
about 8,
"Mrse DELttenon„ ' Gus, Goebel's feet
mare, of Kitchell, won let money at Strat.
ford on Tuesday in the 2.10 trot. Beet
time 2,1.1*. Therewere tour equines
started but Gan. took the pane in three
HYt1ENNAL.— Last Saturday's evening
London Advertiser says :—"At the Dan.
dee street 1Nethodiet change it very quiet
wedding was eolmenized at 8 O'°look this
afternoon, when Rev. H, le. Kellington,
B. A., pastor of the Hill Street pliesioe
and assistant pastor of the Dundee Oen.
ter oburoh, was united in .marriage to
Miss Emma Rioharde, of Horton street,
The ceremony was performed by Rev. 0.
T.130018, B. A., pastor of the Dundee
Center Methodist church. The bride,
who is a very popular young lady, was
handsomely gowned in white organdie,,
and wore a blaok bat. Both bride and
groom were unattended. Mr. and Mrs.
Kellington are wall•known and popular,
WHIM/mg a easter of the late Joseph Rioh•
ards who died in 0isoinnati this Spring.
They leave ab 6 o'ulook for Listowel and
from thence to Fargo, the headquarters
of Rev. Mr. Kellington'e Harwioh circuit,
The wedding gine were ooetly and
numerous." Rev, Mr. Kellington ie a
brother to Mrs. Fred. Adams, of Brueeels,
and is well and favorably known to a
goodly number in this Iooality who will
heartily with him and Mrs. Kellington
THE WEeTanN FAS°, --The first Western
Fair of the 20th century promisee to be a
record -breaker in all the eseential features
that go to make up a varied exhibition of
the products of the soil, the skill of dairy.
men, the judgment and knowledge of our
breeders of thoroughbred stook, the skill
of the artisan, and the general perfection
to which agrarian operation and all that
pertains thereto may be brought. It is
only when moll are concentrated and
brought within the oompaee of a day or
two of pleasurable eight•eeeing that one
is enabled to realize at a glance the rich -
nese of the section from whish the
Western drawe its patronage and the
vast possibilities of the land we inherit,
At the Fair grounds all conveniences
have been improved, and exkibitors will
be pleased to know of such additions and
alterations in the Prize List as are eal-
onleted to give the greateet amount of
satisfaction to the exhibitors. The
speeding in the ring, always a feature of
the Western Fair, will this year, with
enlarged purees, be more attractive than
ever, while the inoidental attraotione are
the higheet•pri°ed that could be secured.
The gymnasts are all of the firet•olase in
the vaudeville world to -day, and not the
least interesting feature is a fall troupe
of performing elephants. Prize Lists
may be had on application to J. A.
Nelles, Secretary; London.
THE Manitoba Free Press eaye. A
quite but beautiful ceremony' took place
et Crystal City Tuesday Jane 18th at the
home of the Hon. Thos. Greenway. The
000aeion was the marriage of his third
daughter, Lillian M., to H. L. Mont-
gomery, a prominent merchant of Delo•
raine, and brother to Dire, W. F. Van.
etone, of Wingham, formerly of Brussels.
Rev. G. F. MoOallagh, Methodist minister
officiated. The bride was exgaieitely
attired in cream satin with an over dress
of sequin trimmings. Mies Annie Green•
way, sister of the bride, and Blies Ida
Montgomery, sister of the groom acted as
bridesmaids, and were beaomiogly attired
in pale blue cashmere trimmed with
white applique and eatin and shell pink
oaebmere trimmed with pink silk and
guipure laoe reepeotively, Mies Diva,
the bride's niece, was maid of honor.
The floral decorations and the superb bo•
quota of carnations carried by the bride
and bridesmaids were magnificent, W.
Woke Greenway aeeieted the groom.
The bride was the recipient of many
ooetly and useful presents. Prof. A,
Vernon Milward, pianist of Deloraine,
rendered beautiful music oommenoing
with "Mendeleseohn'e Wedding Marob"
and oonoluding the ceremony by flooding
the salon with the quaint, rioh strains of
"Griegg'e Norwegian Bridal Procession,"
After a eumptuous repast Mr. and Mrs.
Montgomery left for a three weeks' trip
up Lake Winnipeg, carrying with them
the beet wishes of their many friends.
Emmen roe Jurs.—Rev. Irl Hicks in
his fors/oasts for Jaly eaye ;—It must be
kept in mind that we are still near the
centre of the Jupiter equinox, and that a
regular Vulcan storm period extends from
the let to the 6th of July. We predict
that tbe world's oorreot record will show
a state of cosmic and metrolgical unreel
daring the closing daye of Jooe and well
into Jnly. Let it be positively under.
stood that we do not predict anything
out of Nature's regular order and that we
counsel gaietnees and peace of mind,
even in the exercise of that caution, fore.
thought and watchfulness whioh should
always be exercised in the face of
Nature's vicissitudes and phenomena,
The storm period oentral on July 8rd,
will bring a series of very motive storms,
during which the frequent and marked
s of the barometer will both
be an admonition and constitute a etude'.
The oncoming of storm areas may be at.
tended with very high temperature in
scattered eeotione of this and other con.
tinente ; bat we prediot that phenomenally
low temperature will be realized geoer.
ally. Ordinarily we would name the Brd,
4th and 6th as days of greatest storm
danger, but under the menthol conditions
om the 1et they
thea 16th. The any
storm period for July falls from the 18th
to the 18th. The oriels of this period
will fall from Sunday, the 14th, to Wed.
needay, the 18th, Thunder gusto are al.
ways probable when the moon passes the
celestial equator in Summer, the 19th of
July being nob a date. More or lase
rain, with probable aloudbarete, hail ad
dangerous winds/ need not surprise any
ono daring the storm paled which' fe
oentrel on the 26th. One of the warm
eat terms oe the Bummer may be en•
peoted in aenaaotlon with thin paled,
and merry 5tortn (Mende with severe 81100.
den goats will be natural about Thurs•
day, the 26011, to Sunday 28111, Destr.na.
tine hall etormo aro more than probable
ne that peeled, as well as et ethererioda
Within the Vienna' braao, The great heat
probable at the time will break up at
the meeluelon of the etorMe, and very
enol nightie for the ammo will fallow hi
moat parte of the opgutry, oopeoially in
the Northwest. If rains de not aPPear
during the last ten days in Jul
the at•
look for rain in the great Western and
Northwestern grain regions le not en.
ooua'agiog for tbe rent of the Summer
and early Autumn, Our readers moat
remember that in a season of great drontb
the regular and reactionary storm periodo
will be plainly apparent—the barometer
will fall, and black, blgeteting storm
clouds will arise on and about the storm
daye. But what promisee to be an
abundant rain will too often end in
a4 goats of wind, t nn
Snob clouds may minter about a narrow
area, and let fall •a deetroying amid
buret extremely local in extent,; but the.
very iatenaity of malletormo prevents a
normal diffueion of what moisture there
may be in the atmosphere and oloude.
Hence, we often hear of death and dna•
traction in local floods 'when the country
0, whole is suffering frpm extreme dry
Business' Locals.
um= to loan on farm security.
WonN190 borne fora elle .ttChleepPosT.
JonN LoNo, J3ruseele.
HOOSE and lot for sale, good cellar,
stable. Corner lot. Apply at THE POET.
Simone piano for sale, Beet United
States make, little used and uearly new.
J. D. Rearm.
Tun BUTTER.—Farmers having tub
batter to eell °all at my Frothiest Em-
porium and 180111 pay you the highest
oaeh pride for good tubs.
WANTED,—We offer 20e for the beet and
190 for seamed beet tub of ,butter during
July. Dire. Jae. Kelly, Wawanoeh, gets
first prize and Mrs. Geo. McDonald, Grey,
second prize for June. Eggs 12o.
G. E. Keno, Wingham,
Garman Purim—Mies Kelly has any
quantity of garden planta for Bale ioolnd.
ing :—Tomato, cabbage cauliflower and
celery. Also a large and line oolleotioo
of flowering plants. Floral designs made
to order and at reasonable prices.
BRUSSELS Getemmo0059,
People We Know.
Geo. Roberton, of Clinton, was here
R. Ross, of Kincardine, 8p
Friday in town.
Mies Lyla Bartliff is visiting in Go
rich this week.
Will. Ainlay, of Listowel, wee here
Dominion Day.
W. 0. Matthews, of Durham, is visit
friends in Brussels.
Fred. Hayaroft was in town for a f
daye from Seaforth.
Harry Ainley spent a few days
Kinoardine this week.
Miss Fannie Rogers ie home from T
onto for her holidays.
Mies Eva Gilpin was visiting relati
in MoKillop township.
Mise Kate Wilson, teaoher, is home
her venation Irene Belleville.
Mies Addie Zilliax, of Elmira, is vie
ing her amain, Mies Ida Zllliax.
Mies L. Zilliax and the Misses Smit
of Listowel, epeet Dominion Day in tow
Mies Thema Gerry ie holidaying wi
her sister, Mre. W.H. Willie, at Seafort
Dire, (Dr.) Rollins, of Exeter, is t
guest of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Holme
Mise Elsie, daughter of John Chia
is holidaying with her aunt at Hamilto
Misses Pearl and Laura Leatherda
are enjoying a holiday visit with relativ
at Elora,
Rev, R. and Dire. Paul spent a few day
visiting old friends at Paisley an
W. Grower and R. N. Barrett aseiete
the Wingham Band at Wroxeter o
Mre, Ed. Spackman, of Exeter, was
visitor at the Methodist Parsonage for
few daye.
Thos, W. Norton, teaoher, of Lietowe
was renewing old friendebips in tow
last Friday.
Dire, Samuel Wilton is visiting friend
at Sarnia and will go on to Oadillao, b
fore returning,
Wni. Wilton got a shake up whil
assisting in planing a well drilling ma
chine this week,
Mise Norah Holmes ie home from
Toronto where she has been attendin
Ladies' College.
Mr, and Mrs. Ronald contemplate
trip to Denver in hope of benefltling Mra
Ronald's health.
D. and Dire. Ferguson, of Teeswater
were visitors with relaelvea in Brussel
and Iooality last week.
T. A. Hawkine and P. Hogg have re
turned from a few daye' visit with friende
at Milverton and Welleoley.
E. C. Danford, R. Williams and W. F.
Scott were among Bruns/Wee who at-
Stratford rause this week.
•Mre. Little and eon, of Ingersoll, were
here for a few demvisiting Wm. and
Mre. Ellie, parents of the former.
Mise Lizzie Sample aseieted in a recital
given in London last week in both solo
and duet. She oan do bar part well,
Mre, H, Allan and Mies Crisp ofJameLondeeboro' and Miss Jae of Detroit,
were visitors at the Welles Halliday,
King street,
John Fair and wife, of Holstein, were
visitors ab Station agent HAIR'S over Sun.
day, Dir. Ham made bis home in Hol.
one time,
Mrs, Leppard and obildren, of Toronto,
Mrs. H. E. Maddock and eon and Mies
Elsie jettison, of Newmarket, are visiting
relatives and friends in Brueeels,
Dire. Parker, mother to Mre, Thos.
Curry, Queen etroet, hes been dangerous.
ly ill. She liven at Atwood. We hope a
change for the better will soon Set in.
Mre, W. A. MOEwan and children, of
Thesealon, Algoma, have arrived in town
and will spend a month or so holidaying.
Mre. MoEwan is a daughter of Jas. and
Dire. Oliver and a slater to Mrs, J.
Mies Lizzie Sample arrived home from
the Conservatory of Music, London, on
Wednesday of this week. She parposee
opening a class in vocal mode and voice
(nature and will no doubt do well as she
is a natural neneiolan and has taken a
course with London's beet,
or -
it -
ST'4X..DA .1,D .B✓ XE 0 F .C4,71e4D4r
CAPITAL PAID TIP (One Million Dollars
REST • • ) 01700,000
' 0700,000
8anof 09
4A 'R l
t principal paints qn Ontario, 2tka4e0,41anitoba, flatted 6tatee 0RnyiR7td,
o.. v..,e iirAtj°. `eirsoV Finita er.
A General Biasing Baeingee Tranaoted• FarmersNotes Das
gA 0a
,DneteLamed and gollpotaona
made on 911 points,
Interest alluwod on deposits of 91,00 and epwarde and compounded bait yearly,
Smut ATTENTION 81089 TO THE 00LLNaTION OF Emanate' Sean Norm,
Every fapility afforded Oustomere living ata dietanoe,
payable at any bank ieened Under 010.,.,, 80. 920 to 980..,,120
cI1 Mon at the Following rates:— 910 to 920.,,•100. 80 to 40....14e
J. N. GORDON, Aaiun.
Misses Luella and Goethe Ram are
visiting their ilnole and aunt at Charley.
renewinolOliver dfrriendsh friendships 10 BeneeSmith, of els won
Master Roy Kingwood, of St. Thomas,
ie vtalting hie grandparents, Jae, Sharp
and wife, in Morrie, and hie aunt, Mrs.
Alf, Lowry, in town.
Wm. Jewitt had a alma oall at the
depot the other day in getting on a mov.
ing train. We don't want him carved
up by the G. T, R. yet a while.
Rev. Jno. 5 00
health ae quiioHkllyeairecrui
yehe hoped fort bat
trust the rest will soon restore him.
St. John's S. S. of Brussels and
George's of Walton will hold e u
pion10 Tuesday afternoon `next at W
Sholdiae'e grove me the gravel road.
During the month of July the pa
of the Methodist oburoh will be oaeop
by Rev. 0. J, Winton, who has been in
ministry for 2 or 8 years and will art
Victoria University, Toronto, next F
He ie said to be a fine preacher fo
young man.
Leet Sabbalb Rev. Mr, Coulter prea
ed two well thought outeermone in
Methodist oharah, The morning te
was Romana 1 and 16 "I am not asbam
of the Gospel of Christ, &o." In
evening the Soripture chosen was
Luke 16 and 4, "Iam resolved what to d
after describing the soene represented
the narrative the speaker went on to e
that every sinner should make the te
their own and resolve to Beek the Savin
(1) Became of the security offered ;
To save and build character ; (8) Beath
it is an unprinoipled thing not to ser
God in view of all his blessings. Rev.
Mr. Coulter left tbie week for London
where ho 98ellln68 oharge next Sabbath
as pastor of King street Charch. His
few weeks ante, in Brussels made him a
large circle of friends who will watch hie
course with interest, . We wish him a
bright and prosperous future,
The Annual Flower Service was ob-
served in oonneotion with the Methodist
Sabbath School last Sunday afternoon,
An interesting program was presented as
follows :—Choruses by eohool; reading by
Miss Minnie McNaughton ; Ohildrene'
Day Energies aoneieting of recitation,
song and Scriptural quotation, by Ella
Funeton, Eva Cantlon, Pearl Baeker,
Carrie MoOraoken, Kate Harbottle, Vine.
Edwards, Frank Homans Russell Lowry ;
solo, Mise Carrie Hingston ; address by
B. Gerry ;Floral Exeroiee, Edith Adams,
Beatrice Howe, Myrtle Thompson, Annie
MoQaarrie, Addie Lott, Ruby Plum,
Tillie Zimmer and 011ie Mooney 1 address,
Rev. Mr. Coulter. The floral offerings
were numerous and beautiful one in tbe
form of cross a being very pretty. They
were left in their planes for the evening
annual Convention of Sunday school
teaehare and Lay Workers was held in
Trinity ohurab, Bayfield, on Thursday of
last week and was a very suooeaeful and
enjoyable gathering. Delegates were in
attendanoe from the various Sunday
goboole in the Deanery, among them be•
Mg representatives from Exeter, Heneall,
Clinton, Staffs, Seaforth, Goderioh,
Blyth Land Gerrie,
rich hto ashDungannon,A
11.30 a. m. Holy Communion was ad-
ministered by Rural Dean Hodgins after
whiah all repaired to the Rectory lawn
where dinner was served beneath the
shade of the trees. Convention opened
at 130 p. m., the Rural Dean presiding.
After the opening address by the Presi-
dent reports from thevakione eoheels in
the deanery were received and a very
gratifying feature was the marked in.
armee in attendance of pupils. Papers
were then read fly those appointed, the
first being by Dir. Mose, of Gerrie. Ib
was ably discussed by the olergymen and
laymen. Theaeoond paper was prepared
by Mr. Boat, of Blyth, but as be was
unable to be present it was read by Mre.
James. Mies Le Tonzel, of Heiman,
came next with a most commendable
paper which was freely oommented upon
as was that of Mies Irwin's, of Exeter.
The Oonvention closed after the following
officers were appointed for the inoomisg
year :—Hon. Pres., Rural Dean Hodgins,
of Seaforth ; Pres., Rev. Mr. Turnbull,
of Goderioh ; Vice Pres„ Miee Irwin, of
Exeter ; Cor, -Sea,, Miss Le Tiniest,
Goderioh ; Reo,.See,, F, Shore, Wing.
ham. An invitation to hold the next
Convention at Goderioh was ananimonely
aooepted. After the afternoon eeeeiou of
the Convention had cent/laded Rev. Mr.
Jennibge,the rector, thoughtfully invited
the delegates to a sail on Lake Huron,
which was readily complied with and
heartily enjoyed by all. The evening
service was held in the oharah, Rev. Mr.
of Blyth, Q b r
Y oaohin an
oellent sermon and the olergymen prat.
eat assisting in the eervioe, Although
the heat wee oppreeeive the varione sea•
cions were thoroughly enjoyed and Bay.
field people most be congratulated on its
lumen as it was the largest ever held in
the Deanery.
Wm, Gray, of Dunnville, visited bis
father this week.
Quite a number from Blaevale spent
the 1st in Wroxeter.
S eon, of Toronto, visited
friends here this week.
of Toronto, yieitedhiePareata here this
Mise Jennie Greenway, of Toronto, is
visiting her parents here.
Mrs. John Collie is vielting friends/ et
lefemilteh end other plooee,
Ulm Fanny Patterson, of Wingham,
vleired•relative0 her this week,
Frank Scott, of Tarda, Iowa, ie visiting
big parents here after an absentia of about
three years.
Mimeo Annie and Nettie Riohardeon, of
Toronto, are visiting' their aunt, Dire.
John Burgess.
Misses Mary and 011ie and Frank
Scott were holidaying with relatives in
Seaforth this week,
Mre, Fred, Davey and child, of Listen
wet, vieited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gannett, the week,.
The sawmill finished the season's run
lei week.
Milt. Wray and H. Haines, of Blyth,
epent Snoday in Welton.
Miss Tena McKenzie had her shoulder
blade broken by a fall lost Saturday.
Mrs. A. Waters, of Detroit, is vieitisg
at the home of her father, John Berry.
Mise Maud James, of Detroit, paid a
flying vteit to relativee in Walton on
Mre U. Hodgins, of Luaan, is spend.
ing a few days vieiting friends in Walton
and vioinfty,
St. George'd 3. 13. will unite with St.
John's S. B. of Brussels, and will hold
their annual pio•nia in Wni. Sholdioe's
grove, on Tuesday afternoon of next week.
Rev. A. MaoNab, M. A, intends deliver.
ing a course of expository lectures on the
first Epistle of John at the forenoon
servioes, beginning on Sabbath Jnly 7th
members of Walton L. 0. li in the Meth
°dist obnrob nest Sabbath at 2,80.
Walton Lodge goes to Stratford to Dale•
brace the glorioue Twelfth.
Brussels Council.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Brneeele Council was held on T psday
evening of this week. Reeve m the
chair ; Councillors Henderson and Don.
aldeon present ; minotee of last regular
meeting read and adopted.
Amounts were presented ae follows
and on motion of Henderson and Don.,
aldeon were ordered to be paid :—
F. S. Sootty, salary 9 40 00
Alex.MoLaaohiin, ealary 25 00
Electric Light Co, 101 25
Chas. Seager, Fire Dept. 4 00
A. Lindsay, oaring for E. Wilson 1 60
Robt. Denbow, gravel 69 50
of Dr.
thton was read.
Moved byHe Henderson, eeoonded by Don.
aldeon, that no action be taken nail full
Connell is present.
Council then adjourned.
Dilator, .—In Morrie, on Tuesday,' July 2,
to Dir. and Mrs. Mlobael Nichol a eon.
TJ stressoxx=ez,
KELLIN0TON—BrondeD5,—On June 29th,
by Rev. 0. T. Soott, B. A„ in Dundee
Centre Church, London, Rev. II.
E. Kellington, of Hare/lob, to Mies
Emma Richards, of London.
StLITH—Moca..—On Thursday, June 20,
at Douglas Methodist ohuroh, Mont.
real, by Rev. Principal Shaw, D. D.
L., D: D., assisted by Rev. A. Philip
Brace, B. D„ Rev. W. A. Smith, 33.
D., of Oil Springs, to Mies Lilian
Blanobe, eldest daughter of Mr.
Ohne. Mook, of 60 St. Matthew 011,
DAs11.—In Toronto Hospital, on Tuesday,
July 2, Katie Hollinger, beloved wife
of Benjamin Derlr, in her 34th year.
Retinae—In Morrie, on July 8, Margaret
Alioe Jane McGregor, beloved wife of
Michael Nichol, aged 80 genre.
Suxrixu T.—In Blyth, on June 24, Mrs.
John Sherrill, aged 77 years, 3
months and 7 days.
Jun.?' 4..i Q1
We guarantee to be
the Best that can
be bought.
25c, per pound
Ar i.
Fox's Drug Store
HER crss=li,m sx.agxi_ax,:a,
Pal1' Wheet.... . ..... GO 00
Barley . 87 38
Peas...................50.....• • . 60
Obs 28 29
Butter, tube and rolls .. 14 15'
Eggs per dozen ... 9 10
Flour per cwt. 4.00 5 00
Potatoea(per bag) 25 • 25
Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 2 00
Sheep skins,eaoh 76 1 00
Lamb thins each 25 25
Salt per bbl., retail..... 1 00 70
Hay per ton 6 00 6 50
Hides trimmed ., 6 6a•
Hides rough 5 5
Hogs, Live 7 00 7 00
Wool 12 13
SECOND hand baby buggy for sale at a
bargain. Apply at THE POST.
ROPE loot, 4th line, Morrie. About 60
A Norman of aeeond.hand organs for
sale or rent. Good ea new.
Jimmy heifer malt for sale. Apply to
NORMAN SMITH, at McKay & Oo'e Hard.
ware Store, Brussels,
COLLIE dor, 6 months old, brown in
color, loot, He Masa bob tail. Any inform•
Mien leading to its recovery may be loft
with M: H, M00RE, V. 8„ Brueeee,
Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes,
Apply to GEO. BEST, Rruaeele.
On William street. For particulars
apply to ROST. MENZLE5, Brueeele. 44.0
ATING and House Painting done iu
Workmanlike manner and onebort notice.
Have had throe years' experience in pity
Work. Terme reasonable. Give me a call.
W.J. JOHNSTON, Walton.
undersigned will !keep for service at
55 Lot19, Oou.e, Monle, a well bred Poland
China 1305. Terms, 51.00, to be paid at time
bf service with privilege of returning if
necesssary, GEO. E. BEADMAN,
ME oat Wawanoeh, one rod steer two
years old Any information leading to his
reeovoOy will be fully rewarded.
WM. BRYANT, Blyth P.O.
2098 of tbo undersigned Lot 0, Con. 12,
Grey, on or about 3Iay 27th, a &year-old
steer, red andwhile, with etarou face. The
owner is reguoetod to prove property, pay'
expenses and take him away.
DANIEL SHINE, Brussels P. 0,
for S. S•No. 9, Grey township, duties
to commence atter Summer vacation. Ap-
plicnnteto enclose testimonials and hate
salary for balance of year. Applioatione re-
ceived up to July 10th, A. STE WART,
Box 074 Secretary,
50.0. Brussels, Huron 0o.
Tenders for Drain,
Tenders for the McTaggart Drain will be
received by the undersigned up to 2 o'clock,
July 0812, 1001, at the Township Hall, Ethel,
Plane, epeelfleations, 8o„ may be seen at my
Mlles. A deposit of 650,00 will be required
with oaeh tender, also sufficient security for
oompletlon 05 the work,
WM, 8PENOE, Clerk.
Ethel P. 0.
'e st s @fi 5i' -=v_n5i' SriJ 5
We are oloeing our Millinery department for this eeaeon and we
take this opportunity of returning our sincere thanks to our numeroile
ouetomere and the public generally for the very liberal patronage extended
to us. This has been the beet Millinery season we have ever had in the
history of our business and during the next 10 daye we will offer startling
bargains in Trimmed and Unt—everd iMillinerygt to clear, as we will carry
nothing over to another math—everything must go.
Ladies' Sailors, in plain white and oolored straw, silk band, regular
prise 40e, for 26a.
Ladies' Sailors, in Mackinaw Straw, worth 50o, for 80o,
Girls' Bailors, in white and fanny straw; worth 860 for 20e,
for 140.
Ladies' Trimmed Hain ts, very etylieb,, worth e and blackworth 25o.
1.000, for 980.
Ladies' Hate, trimmed with ohiffon, ;flowers and foliage, regular pries
98.95, for 92,25.
Ladies' Pasoan Hate, trimmed with veiled roses, foliage and blank
velvet ribbon, worth 08.25, for 91.65.
Ribbons at greatly redacedprioee to clear.
A large °oileotion of Flowers and Foliage, regular prieee 16a, 20o and
25o eaob, your choiae for 100,
Men's k'lannelette Night Shirts, regular price 75o, for 60o.
Men'u Duke of York Neckties, eomething new, 260.