HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-7-4, Page 6LITTLE OF NviRIYTRuNGI
flee and There the World Over -
Interesting T.tems About Al-
a -swat Everything.,
The City of Pekin has only one
ptreet tetra?.
Only one man in 203 is over Gft,, in
rinds of the matter on
• forty-eight 1 n 111 iuv stfrated the a atLo
r areoughly C
Thereg 6
house -fly. the spot, the information 1 give is
The latest fad in sooiety is Pgrfum probably more .recent and corleot
ed butter. than anything at present written,
Cotton of twelve different colours It is useless in shinning poultry to
grows in Poru, tido]: of shipping anything,' .under a
car load, that
Green garnets are more valuable uis tot tuns, for loss
than that cannot possibly be expoot-
thall diamonds, ed to pay. The expense of shipping
The Swedish ratio 1s the longest fnsuraoce, qtr., will more than eat
mile in the World. up the profits, To make this clear
The screw of an Atlantic steamer I may state, what anyone who Juts
coats about $20,000. shipped anything knows to be the
There aro several varietiesles
of fish
case, namely,
that the mere
' )OY•^
9theexpense in x of
t lessp
n to
it Is u
possible for any single farmer to etr
port chickens. 11, however, o. num-
ber of farmers wish to co-operate
and try their luck, good or batt, this
is my advice. I''irst decide where
you will ship, then to whom, and
Sheep are used as beasts of burden then how,
in -India and .Persia. In this article. I wish to speak of
the first of these, namely, what
People who live with their mouths port? Now let me take the largest
shut live longest. and wealthiest in the world,
Thirty-five railway companies have LONDON.
depots in Chicago. First hero you will get the best price
There aro more than 6,000 known for really first grade poultry in
languages and dialects. prime condition, done up exactly as
Honey will turn to wax if left un- the market wants, but the consumer
touched for some time. and merchauts are a cranky lot, and
Fully 100,000 inhabitants of Lon- hard to please, with many senseless
don are night -workers. fads and prejudices on trifling points
Of seven Presidents of France only so that some slight variation in the
one has served a full term. packing of your poultry may turn
The price of medicine in Prussia is them entirely against you and bring
regulated by the State. You a bad Price. But above all
London is the worst market in the
It takes £35 a year to keep a rail- world to roach. It has two ports -
way carriage in working order. Tilbury and the Royal Albert docks
It is against the rules to carry both of them many miles from Lon -
matches on board a man-of-war. don markets, and at either of them
A caterpillar can eat 600 times its your shipment may be dumped on
•f food fn a month. ,llo hc.11arf and remain there from one
It'raKIifEB STI'.
London the Iligiest-Priced - Man-
chester or Liverpool Safest-
To Whom to Ship.
It has occurred to me that Initeh
trouble and 10511 to the Canadian
farmer might bti avoided if the par-
ticulars of this subject were bet-
ter understood, and as I have thorn
that cannot swim.
There .aro seventeenmetals more
Valuable than gold.
Each British soldier costs his coup-
try $400 every year.
The giant bees of India build
combs ten Leet in height.
looks out for the family health and the family poolcetbooit.
If she uses Ceylon India Machine -Made Tea she gens
the purest and most economical tea to be bad.
Ceylon Teas are sold in Sealed Lead
nIy. Black,ek,nixed,
Ceylon Green. - Free samples sent.
Address 'ISALADA," Toronto.
an exempt°. Now tete other port, I
Southampton, is probably the best
Nay to rends London, hut. inxfortit I A Table of the Flour Reckonings
*lately, large American companies of AU Nations.
have recognized this and buy up all
the space to that Port early in the 1 The difficulty of appreciating the
year, so the small shippers finds bo ()Marone,
time that prevails be
obtain space that way. i tweets different countries is very gets,
The remaining great a
mts in Eng- oral,1 and the following
list 1s a
land aro Liverpool and Manchester, for the purpose of a ready r•efercnce
and 'h 'L11110
' I t � the lirua
'1 o a
c as twhich t
• s alioguide byt
the o are 0 1
eluded under one description, The f anoccu'lence in another coun-
1111CC9 hero art not so good by at try, All nations, except Spain, Port -
least one cent per pound, but both ugal and Russia, calculate their time
aro more easily pleased than London) from the tneridiae. of Greenwich, ac -
int fact, will talcs anything if whole- cepting as standard .some even. hour
some and eatable. But, above. all,meridian, east or. west of Greenwich,
both ports are very easily l'enchod ,For instance :-
shipment, and excellentlines run to'the
and have no second handling or re -'Western European time, or that of
meridian of Greenwich, is legal
each direct from Canadian ports, in England, Belgium, 'Holland and
with low rates and very good cold Luxemburg.
storage. I Central European time, or one
To sum up, I believe the easiest, hour east of Greenwich, is legal in
simplest and safest markets aro Liv- Germany, AustrinelIungary, Bosnia
011)001 and Manchester. To the. be -..and . ,Herzegovina, - the Congo Free
ginner I would certainly advise eith- State, Denmark, Italy, Servia, Swe-
et- of these until they have had con- den, NOrsvay and Switzerland.
siderablo experience in shipping, for, 1 Eastern European time, or two
if they cannot mance quite as much, hours east of Greexwieh, is adopted
they certainly cannot lose as much by Bulgaria, Roumania, Natal and
as with London. Turkey in Europe.
GET THE RIGHT MAN. I Eight hours east of Greenwich ap-
plies to the Philippines.
We will now suppose you nave de- Nine hours east of Greenwich is
cidedonwhich port you will ship to 'adopted by Central Australia and
you next want your 01021. We need Japan.
not advise you es to this, almost : Teri )tours east of Greenwich ;F of -
any trade journal will give you their ficial in Victoria, Queensland, and
names Write to a good many of Tasmania.
them asking what tiles' will do and ; Eleven and a half hours east has
T11t 0 to ten days ts for its turn to go up o
in t
The most costly leather in thethe meantiulr make every enquiryliven adopted by New Zealand.
world is known as piano leather. London, by which time it. will be vast eau about their standing ban The United States, Canada and
s work- well thawed, and fit for pigs only.tsty:, and if passible learn 11 they Mexico have adopted the fifth, sixth
In New Zealand two persoctor Such was the actual experience of have dealt with any Canadian house seventh and eighth ]tours west of
ing together constitute n fu Y thousands of pounds of Australian 1(1111 1100. rte will .ttppOse you have Greenwich.
Backwoodsmen of China still use ra.bhits this year, when its turn done so. and are satisfied , you will ' 1 The Hawaiian Islands adopt the
bow and arrow as a weapon. conies it usually goes up to Landau hear front MOST of those you wrotemeridian of ten and a half hours
It is estimated that one crow will by barges, which are filthy, and are to ; they will write you 0 most rosy west;
destroy 700,000 insects every year. I floated up with the tide, which take letter in all probability, promise your In Spain, the meridian of llfadrid,
clays fn alta journey; this will finish ail val want and where, including 14g fourteen minutes, forty-five seconds
The length of life of a tradesman
is only two-thirds that of a farmer. anything not already spoilt. You prices, and asking yet to send a west of Greenwich, is legal; in Portu-
About 300 organ -grinders arrive in cat avoid this by Paving 53.00 per trial shipment on commission. 10 you gal, that. of Lisbon, or thirty-six, We open a book and a fold of rote
t have it sent u by train, but do so try one that promises you o minutes, thirty-nine or s y -s ,1 a er at the left side. That i1
'resort to Doanestio Employment
to Gaifa a Living,
In many of the smaller hotels of
the Latin Quarter in Faris _it is no
uncommon oecurrenco for guests to
be waited upon by young zuen who
are actually graduates of the Drench
Universities, and who resort to such
do*nes tie employment in oe'4er to
gain a living, Unlike our own 'Var-
sity students, French undergraduates
are oftentheeons of exceedingly
poor people, who deny themselves the
necessities of life that their sops'
may enjoy, a University training. The
r wit: -
is oftq t w
extraordinary n
110550d therefore of a classical schol-
arand scrubbing
olenning boots ah g
Some years ago the writer chanc-
ed to be travelling in N0Y•mandY,and
encountered at a small inn in that
province a young "Metotum" who
entered 'Vito an elaborate conversa-
tion with him concerning the relative
merits of Greek and Latin poetry.
Further chat proved that rho serv-
ant in question had taken high hon-
of Fran t t
at tx
ri t
O b
endeavoring 3 ° was c
that x v g
t a
sincin alone from, his "tips"and
tPl e t Y
saran;/ to complete his odueatIou and
become a barrister.
A Russian servant engaged in a
large private house its Moscow re-
cently 'composed a Greek ode after
the style of Anacreon. The verses
celebrated the,. dignities•and virtues
of the family by whom he was ens-
ployed, and was said, to be a mas-
terpiece of style, composition, and
• Perfect Liquid Dentifrice for the
Teeth and Breath
Both forms of Sozodont at tbe. Stores or by
Mad; ),rice. 25e. each; Large Sizes, together, 70o
HALL & RUCKEL,.Montreal.
LA Y E R TH 1 N Q 7011 would 0;011001 to flair in a ten 0 e Keptle np Y re11n•
e 1? A 1 ed folks to 00015101111 In tl)g dye 411,11(501 arade5 o;ELLA
a loI r.0 y' : '.fly r Lead Pno}aSes, .70, 30, 40, 00 00°6005 ••
er n . o. e. e ,`,Il,'j' ,6 e..rl� e•7r. e)•Q'/l" 'e ,•1,�. a *° it.44K'e°7tf. a li+ *00,�R•piiS *441
y� �r and she likes geod paint i a paintt
,��/�y/� V�// - that stays) OU when pot 01, t
c . r/ v `S/ looks bright and clean throughout
the life of pure paint ; a paint that
is hardy. -ready far the brush ; that
is better than white lead or any
A ill N T other handmade paint.
We wind a watch and turn a
screw from left to right, and We
think we do it because it is the only
right and proper way. We read from
left to right, and when we sit down
to indite an epistle to our friends
our pen goes in the same dirae'.ion
be -
1 th d t `
1 tot to P paper London every June from ltaly, that means a good slice. off your pro -least; he is the nearest to being hon- and in Russia that of Sar. Petersburg' c¢tlse wo read in the same direction
A silver coin is usually in ens- fit, In fact, your goods must be est. Now, 10 you ship him but a or two hours, (010 minut0 and thfr- as the sun moves, and, of course,werectio
rency for about twenty seven yel•a• met by some one especially intrd very small quantity, and Dither tell teen seconds east. of Greenwich. most Write in the corresponding way,
have he will do one of two things :
A six months' cruise will decrease 0stetd in them, such as a specie
the speed of a'ship 15 Per cent. j ager s or your buyer, who will see
The Paris theatres give awry an that they ale rushed up to London
average of 3,500 free tickets daily. without
byay. shipping to Southdon can so be
ramp -
ton, Liverpool or Manchester, end
thence by rail, but front Liverpool
or Manchester to London the freight
is $ri to awls): per ton according to
him you have more or he thinks you
Telefon-Hismondo the Most Sin-
gular in the World.
The world's strangest journal is
located in Budapest. it is called
the Telefon-Ilismondo, or Telephone
News, and enjoys a splendid reputa-
For eight years this venture has
been in working order, and it is a
great financial success. There are
6,200 subscribers, who at regular
stated intervals receive the news of
the day, "1101” from all over the
world, while sitting comfortably at.
home. The subscribers take up at a
certain time of day their telephone' BY THE CASE OF MRS. HARRI-
,ecivers and listen new
the s
which is spoken to Risen all sfmul-
taneously by a "teller" in the news-
paper office. Advertisements are
heard in the sante way. You can-
not skip the advertisements in the
same way. You cannot skip the
advertisements in the telephone
newspaper, for they are artfully
sandwiched by the teller between ex -
quantity, which is
Unfortunately, also. all_t11e railways
are careless and slow, greatly adding
to risk of total loss by delay, our
own experience of a shipment taking
four days from Manchester to Lon-
don, a distance of 225 miles, being
She Was Completely Run Down -
Racked With Pains in the Back,
Head and Limbs -Again Rejoic-
ing in Good Health.
From ti:e Sun, Orangeville, Ont.
]dant' cases are constantly being
will either ayou : "Complete
success, ship allll you can, will remit
at once," so as to get the rest be-
fore he makes returns' he will re- AGAIN TEIS TI1IE.
turn you a fair price for what you
sent, hoping to get the rest by that
means. But remember what we warn
the second lot sure. This is what Two Letters Which Prove the
you will ]tear, "Sorry, we couldn't
return you higher price, but some or -
rived in poor condition, quality waS
not up to standard and large ship-
ments made the price how; we hope tamDerrochers Cur ad of Diabetes in
it won't mean a 105e to you." Alt 1008—gad it for over five Years—Hie
poulterer wants to let himself down
this meatus nothing except that the Recent Letter Proves that His Cure
easy. Your poultry may have been Still Holder Good
the best, iu the world, arrived in fine Quebec, June 24. -(Special) -Sam
condition and brought the best price; Derrochers, of the Fortress City was
still you will hear the same. The, cured of Diabetes by Dodd's Sidney
poulterer asks himself only, "What ;Pills in 1.398. His case is wel
will he stand," and pays you ac -I known here, it having been published
cordingly. You will see we have but ; in the papers at the time, , and a
a poor opinion of the English poul-;great deal of attention was drawn
try merchant, but such was the ex- � to Dodd's Kidney Pills on its ex-
perience. My visit to England count.
brought to light. I Oiabetes, however, is known to be
THE ACTUAL PACTS ii an incurable disease, and many of
the more sceptical of Quebec Citi-
es above stated. Our advice is,tzen5 expressed doubt as to the per -
trust no one and never ship en corn- 1 manency of the cure. These doubts
you, they will ge ahead o co
t l 1 f u on
Permanency of Bares by
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
citing Pieces of news, and you aro, brought to light of persons being
bound to listen for Fear of missing cured by that wonderful remedy -Dr.
anything. Williams' ''ink Pills -after doctors
One editor, four assistant editors, have failed to be of benefit, Among
Wino reporters, and a number of l them may1 e noted the case of Mrs,'
"tellers" compose the staff of the'
Benjalltin Harrison, a well known
parer. News is collected in the us-
ual way, and is written out by the
assistant editors, and finally initial -
led by the editor. Then it is hand-
ed to the "teller," who speaks it
over the wires.
The telephone newspaper does not
escape libel actions. It has had four
and w01 them all.
There are two Sunday "issues," as
well as many "editions" during the
seenlar days of the week.
Aggrieved subscribers dissatisfied
with the editorial policy of the Pa-
per sometimes Niall to stop their
connection wit11 it, 1101 this is not
done easily. In the first Place, in-
struments have been installed in the
Ramsay's Paints
are just that kind -ready for use,
acknowledged the best, known as
�a Va Ifll the leader for sixty years, 'economi-
r��a cul, brilliant, pure., Send for our
7 t / 7.11 . v BOOP{LET' K FREE
•• ' ,y about paint, homes and painting. .
U_�t• „
:✓,. � PAINT
•� -1
}. wa iiinimilnl 4 '�YJ/>� - '�" -eet'a 1842.
T' '.o. .e .a.',e,. e.t ••,'�'``,. (••*: i�Ne e' t'.ie •*0i'�.'o'*h" ' 'i
,r: s i't�'e int :I: ,`tC" 7rtC ,tC ,r.
If You VVant roost IIIJTIER, E ail ypdr
hU1(10 5 1008, POULTRY, APPLES, other FRUIT. and PRO.Ue., to
Ltmited Cor. Wase Market and
The Dawson Commission Co. Colborne St„Toronto.
for the custom- of doing everything
from left to right is a. relic of the
practices of soma ancient religion of
our worship. On many farms there is
a popular notion that if the 011010 be
turned only once from right to left
all the work previously done la the
manufacture of butter will be nulli-
fied, and the butter be no nearer
than it was at the beginning.
mission if you can avoid it, or on!may now be set at rest. 1.1r. Der --
joint account, or on a guarantee,for1terroche•s himself attests that in
in. each case you will come out at ` tluee years he has had
no sign 0f
the small end of the horn, but sell i Diabetes' return.
out for cash if possible. This is very In May 28, 1893, Mr. Sam Der-
difficult, for there is a strong de- rocherss published the following let -
termination, in the mind of every 'ter in the Quebec papers' "I have
dealer to sell on commission fort been a victim to Diabetes for over
that means he gets your produce at ,live years with terrible pains around
is own price, paying what he likes" my kidneys. My feet were always
and no more, the real price your pro cold, and my thirst could not be
duce brings, having nothing wllat•
cver to do with it. If you are in -II quenched., no matter what I drank.
duced to ship on joint account or I I tried, remedy after remedy but re-
witIt a guarantee of 5 or 6 penes per ceived no help. I purchased one box
ound, and you draw on the firm to of Dodd's Kidney Pills ar n d found
w finish -
pound, immediate relief. I have no
that amount, rest assured you will 1ed five boxes, and can say I am per -
get no more, rather will you be very i fectly cured."
likely to receive an account for what Now to clear away all possible
you have overdrawn. You have ono
u doubt that Mr. Derrochers was alt
help or protection; in every01000 0490 you, cured, to show beyond question that
are, entirely at the mercy of the Dodd's Kidney Pills did not„ merely
poultry merchant and iso has no mer -
is relieve him for the time, but ac-
ec. In conclusion always, ff possible: luau cured him of Diabetes, and
sell for cash only ; remember it is Y
better to soil for cash at 5 or G' cured Hint to stay cured, we publish
pence, than on commission with pro- his letter of April 4th, 1901.
"Dear Sirs, -My cure of Diabetes
mise of 8 pence. And when you sell
Pills has been
Kidney Pi s
) 1 C
name your price to include cost, de, by
I odd. s y
surnnce, freight, or sell at ship siclr., I permanent. I 11000 not been trouhl-
which is the same thing; avoid all in ed with a sign of Diabetes since my
land freight, dock, and town dues, cure three years ago."
and many other etceteras Modd's Kidney Pills cure all Ws-
orterage Iu
that the shipping companies and mer -1 eases of the kidneys, and the tro-
chants like to tack on to your ex- les arising from weals action of the
pensee and which soon amounts .to 1Zidneys, They are used throughout
considerable. lf, however, you fill `0 the world.;
sell try an.d rind a good agent 0 ser
in England who will handle your WHERE WAS u173 A'r.
stuff for you for n. consideration,
making sure ho understands She -There are some people I like
poultry, but is not in the business • and some 1 don't like.
or connected with any poultry Ife-What about me?
house. In fact., I would rather trust 131,0 - Oh, present company is
a slherp honest man, who knows but always excepted.
little about poultry than a poultry ---
commission merchant. Of course 11 Victoria, Australia, has 1,051,241
you can send some one Over from
11010 Vit11 it that is the 1:)1,81 Nay of acres of gold -bearing land.
•, tart the Chamart o
all, and if it is rxpr.n8ivr, itis Per- You say, pursued 19
leaps the che101(15t way in. the, end, the investigating committee, that he
Failing everything, you muss, sell on resorted to no bribery 'whatever dut•-
comnlission, but be prepared for die- ing the election, so far as you know?
appoinMen L. Yes, sir, repliers the witness, that's.
11Ii. ALFRED BOULT111:L1. what I said, Did he not circulate
----.•--st--..-- several boxes of 'cigars? Yee, sir,
There. urn 40,000 ill end bedridden but them cigars tva.etl't bribes.
112015. You can tfy
' , lee 0!
I sh workhouses.1 't
1rY its 1',Il
t1t e
paupers ship's 114111 Is 9(1 1101. 00111, it.
An iron
iighte than :one of the some, 81r.built
^r" 1 tib:
built of woad, and a steel ship 15 5 ni$i�1011T.fmr rile a ��11 6Ud
per, cent. lighter than one of iron.
lady who resides in the near vicinity
of Orangeville, Ont. A reporter
the Sun hearing of 7,1r8. Harrison's
wonderful cure called at her 'tome to
inquire into the facts of the case.
Mrs. Harrison said she was pleased
to be able to testify to the great
curative powers of these pills. She
said: "For some years I have been a
constant sufferer. Just what to call
my disease I do not know; even the
doctors were unable to diagnose it. I
was completely run d00011, T had
racking pains in my head, back and
limbs. I was unable. to secure sound
Mean, and oa arising in the morning
would feel as tired as before going to
bed. 'try stomach wee in a bad con-
and security given far a Year's' dition and the least movement caus-
subscription, and some time musts cd my ]ream to Palpitate violently,
elapse before the receivers can be re -.1 Doctors' treatment failed to bo of
The -subscriber lisle 1'
moved Pharsutracrihcr may dee benefit to axe and I was in a very
discouraged state when a. friend ad-
vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. Thinking that they might re-
lieve 1/10 11. little I procured a supply
and began taking them according to
directions. From the tars( I could
see that they were helping axe, and
by the time 1 had taken half a dozen
boxes I was free from the ailments
that had made my life miserable. It
is now several yours since 1 took tits
pills and not L1,o least sign of my
old trouble has since shown itself.
I Would strongly urge the use of lir.
Williams' Pink Dills for (0215' person
who has a weak or run down system
and I am sura they will not f1LIl to
he beneficial,"
To those who are weals, easily
tired, 00(110110, 00 Whose blood is out,
of condition, Dr, Witlinlns' Pink I1111s
come ns a blessing, curing when all
other Medicines fail and restoring
those who give them, it f0ir trial to a
r II.T
end d strep th.
fall nmastn•e of h,a 1 g
Sold by all dealers in tt
1/•(11 ef.(113 or
sent by mail, post. paid n1. 50 cents
a box, or six boxes for 32.50, by ad-
dressing the .lir, WilliEuns' i\fedleine
Co,, ilrockville, Ont.
to listen to the nnctvs, hut the mad-
dening bell will nevertheless continue
to ring him up at the customary' in-
penny -in -res -slot system is be-
im; tried in oannccton with the
newspaper, so that soon anyone in
Budapest will IM able to have "pen -
north's" of news doled out to them.
I'llis .novel and interesting enter-
prise was started about eight years
ego by Theodore lluschgasch, who
had been interested in electricity and
had patented 001110 inventions. Air.
Duschgasch cited. March 16, 1893,
and the present efficiency of the pa-
lthat into
nique is largely duetol0Tr. Emil
von Szveties, Who is known on the
stall as technical director. His skill
and energy love produced great re-
sults, The 00ncern is award by a
stock enmpany with it capital of
abaft .E )0,006.
At Stein, some diiliculty tuns exper-
ienced in hearing the nes clearlyti
over the telephone a. difficulty which
telephone subscribers iv. >,he• eaun
tf les experience in ordinary convOr-
Ern ions -abut 0 eieinie invention :won
disposed of (1,''! a%wtacl0.
The United Kingdom gots on an
average, 83 in. of rain in a year,
EAuropemerica g4000010in. iu11y 26 in., d North
liiiaard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
British rivers and canals carry 35
million tons of merchandise a year,
those of France 25 million, and of
Germany 9 million.
Por Over Pltty Years
tins. WTnoLOW'o eoosnnro 5rnur bas been need by
millions of mothers for their children while teething,
lLsoothes the child, roftene the gums, alleys poli mares
wind Bello regulates the stomach and bowels,and le the
bent remedy for Diarrhea. Twentydve cens a bottle.
Since the year 1000 England has
suffered from 57 famines, Ireland
from 34. Scotland has had 12,
France 10, and Italy 36,
.ek for" M10. W,5sr o,Ws 500tn150 001(00," ra and
Franco holds the record as a user
of gold. She has coined 2,800 tons
in the last 40 years, against 1,400
used by the English Mint.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etb.
Within the past 70 years the death
rata of soldiers on garrison duty in
English towns had fallen from 16
per 1,000 n year to 6 per 1;000.
Cheap Round Trip Rate Between
.t. Paul, Minn., and the Pa-
cific Coast.
On July 6th the Northern Pacific
Ry. will place in effect a low first-
class round trip rate of $45.00 from
eastern terminals to Seattle, To..-
acoma and Portland, Dates of sale
Yesterday was sweet pea day out
at our house.
In bloom all ready?
No, my wife stood over me while
I weeded them.
Minard's Liniment sold everywhere,
There aro only 18 stars of the first
magnitude. The light from tbeso
takes about three years to roach the
earth, There aro 55 of second mag-.
at eastern terminals will• be from
July 6th to July 13th inclusive, and
the sinal limit for return will be Aug.
31st, 1901. Destination nest be
reached not later than July 18th,
stopovers being allowed IN EITHER
--a — I DIRECTION within the transit
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh limits,
that contain Mercury
as mor0ury will surely deelroy the scale oil
smell and complotolyderango the whole system
when entering it through the mucous surfacoi.
Such articles should never bo used azimut on
prescriptions from reputable physicians, as tbo
damage they will do is ten fold 10 the good Sou
can possibly derive from them. Ha't's Catarrh
Oma, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co.. To-
t taken in• -
u radmtn o
O. contains ins nr mere r
Ledo y
meetly u fagc dof tlybbs usyst thebuying ing
mutons surfaces c o e system. In bu gems.
Cure be Ince you gob the gado,
Ina. Itis taken internally,and made in Toledo,
?Ohio, by F. J. Cheney k Co. Testimonials
ll'¢ yFam11i' Pills are the boat bottle.
This offers an unsurpassed oppor-
tunity for those desiring to hunt
new )tomes and farms to go into the
northwest and look over the coun-
try, or for those wishing to visit
relatives or friends or to slake plea-
sure trips, to do so.
eat million people use London's
swimming -baths yearly.
Iinard's Liniment Cares handrail.
Dear Sirs, -I cannot speak too
strongly of the excellence of MSN-
ARD'S LINIMENT. 1.1 is THE rem-
emedy in my household for burns,`
sprains, etc., and we would not bo
without it.
It is truly n wonderful medicine.
Publisher ArnPrior Chronicle.,
Builders strike more often than any The Trinidad Pitch Lake is leased
other workmen, Next come colliers, to an American company.'v1io dig
and then cotton and wool spinners.
On July 5th to 12th, the Wabash
allroad will sell round trip tickets
San Francisco, California, at sin-
e Itrstclffss fare, good to return
y time up to August 8151, 1901.
iagram of through sleepers now
eady. Stop over en route west, of
rst Colorado point. Everything
ill bo firstclass and up-to-date.
his will be by far the most com-
rehensive trip ever offered to visit
this golden land of sunshine and
ewers. Free reclining chairs on all
Full particulars at Wabash office,
orth-east corner King and Yong°
treats, Torontc•.
J. A. Richardson,
Dist. Pass. Agt,
A. -Did you about Watson's
whiskers? B. -No; what was it? A.
-Wily they looked so ugly' that all
the neighbors signed a petition ask-
ing Watson, as a matter of public
Polley, to shave thetn off. D. -Well
did he do it? 11... -Yes, he did. B,
-Well, what then? A. -Why, the
very next day the neighbors signed
a petition asking Watson, as a mat-
ter of public policy to let them grow
96,000 tons of pitch a year from it,
yet its surface never falls.
For Canadian delegates and all.
others .going- to the rlpwol th League
Convention, via Chicago and North-
Western Railway, to leave Chicago
Tuesday: July 83.11, 11.59 p. m.
Stops will be made at Denver, Col-
orado Springs, Glenwood Springs
and Salt Lake, passing en route the
finest ' scenery in the Rocky and
Sierra. Nevada Mountains. Through
Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleep-
ing Cars. Order berths early, ns
party will be limited in number.
Fere only 350 round trip,
choice of routes returning. Send
stamp for illustrated itinerary and
map of San Francisco to B. FI. Ben-
nett, Gen'I Agent, 2 King St. East,
Toronto, Ont.
Blobbs-Why did she jilt you?
Slobbs-She detected the odor of
beer on my breath.
Blobbs-A prude, ch? -
Slobbs-Not at all, but therm was
another fellow whose breath smelled,
of cihumpagne.
The ruby is the heaviest of preci-
ous stones. Next comes the garnet,
topaz, and diamond, in the order
named. Tho diamond is 8S- times
heavier than water.
®UC kGIl-an0AAenu
rates $1.50 per
When you write to an ddv.rttser tali him that
you sate bre advertisement lis this paper. It Is to
your interest to do so, as Our Police are treated
honestly and served with the best
P C 1082
For all akin aliments.
J. C. Calvert & Co, Manchester, England
rass and
instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc.
Lowest prices ever qquoted. Nice catalogue
500111nutral tons, mailed free. Write us for any'
thing in \Susie or linslenl Instruments.
Whaley Royce &fl TWnntop, eOran
64 -p'/✓/t , /ate %'✓K/
Metallic SKYLIGHTS0000100
°00T'0i00 0001,
Dyeing 1 Cleaning!
Nor the very bestsend your work to the
Look for agent to your town, or send ding.
Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
Dominion Line Steamships
Montreal to Livo,poot 808100 Lo Liver.
pool. Portland to Liverpool. 0(0 Queens.
Largo and )fast Stemnahrpa Superior accommodation
for all dames of paseen1100. Saloons and Stateroom*
tre amidships. Spousal attention has beeniven. to the
gerund Saloon and Thlyd.Ciao. ncoommodetion. For
setae etraoNge end 611 particulars, apply to any agent
01 the Company, or
illetatds 01111. k Co, D. Torrance ado.,
77 !;tato ab., Boston. Montreal nod Portland,
)-REMagg irk
Paid-up Capital
J I 1 O08I'V9 Fund
Itecoivos oumn rt 1100 nae my
wnrdg on wldelr intsr'nt na OUi1
paid hall 100015,ltfoi• which into•
toga haveCho most
Full parlionlars on application,
Toronto :Arcot, Tbr L1nre,